Max von Pettenkofer (1818-1901).
(Aus der Würzbuger Bildersammlung von Prof. Wöhlisch).
* 1818, Lichtenheim, Germany
† 1901, Munich, Germany
Two years of studies of philosophy and natural sciences at the University of Munich; apprenticeship at the court pharmacy of Ludwig I of Bavaria; assistant at Munich; abandonment of his post and taking of minor parts at the Augsburg theater under the pseudonym "Tenkof"; leave of the stage; 1841 resumption of his university studies; June 1843 state qualifying examinations for pharmacist and physician; doctoral dissertation entitled Ueber Mikania Guaco; 1843-44 at the University of Würzburg under Josef Scherer and at Giessen; Unemployment and turn to poetry which was published over forty years later as Chemische Sonette; 1845 assistant at the Royal Mint; 1847 extraordinary professor of medical chemistry at Munich; 1849 nomination to the Chief Medical Commission; 1850 part-time director of the royal pharmacy; 1852 ordinary professor of medical chemistry; 1865 ordinary professor of hygiene, university rector at Munich and foundation of the Zeitschrift für Biologie with Voit and two associates; 1878 honorary president of the second International Congress of Hygiene and Demography in Paris; 1879 first Institute of Hygiene opened under his direction; 1883 foundation of the Archiv für Hygiene with two colleagues; 1883 hereditary nobility granted; 1896 title Exzellenz; Munich and Leipzig created the Pettenkofer Foundation for his seventieth birthday and many German and foreign honors were bestowed upon him; 1894 professor emeritus; resignation of his editorial duties and retirement from the court pharmacy.
VL Library
Notiz über eine neue Reaction auf Galle und Zucker, Ann. Chem. Pharm. 52: 90-96, 1844; Ueber die Respiration, Ann. Chem. Pharm. 1862-1863, Suppl. 2, 1-52; 52-70; Ueber eine Methode die Kohlensäure in der atmosphärischen Luft zu bestimmen, J. prakt. Chem. 85: 165-184, 1862