@misc{56707, note = {{Comment Rand Evans: M70 Comment II: I agree that these two color mixers (shown in IMG30044 and IMG 30046) are Probably M 74 “Two Color Wheels with Disks by Milton Bradley Co, Springfield \$20” and not M 70. They are clearly from Milton Bradley, one shown from the back and the other from the front. http://vlp.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/library/data /lit8140/index\_html?pn=13\&ws=1.5\&mk=0.0498/0.5716\& wid=digi\_1921 http://vlp.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/libra ry/data/lit8140/index\_html?pn=11\&ws=3\&mk=0.2512/0. 7212\&wid=digi\_6467 See (under "MILTON BRADLEY TWO AXLE COLOR MIXING APPARATUS"): http://www.barnard.edu/psych/museum/b\_museum.htm and the foto: http://www.barnard.edu/psych/museum/b\_spin2.gif Drive is the same as in img30046.}}, url = {https://vlp-new.ur.de/images/img30044} }