@misc{50184, note = {{Comment Rand Evans: M81 Spectrum recombination. http://vlp.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/library/data/lit814 0/index\_html?pn=14\&ws=3\&mk=0.0554/0.1334\&wid=digi\_ 1445 http://vlp.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/library/data/l it8140/index\_html?pn=11\&ws=3\&mk=0.2761/0.6134\&wid= digi\_6467 Device not found in Kohl-catalogues (in "Optik", p.385-Ende). Label seems to show "Cambridge Scientific Instument Company" and NOT Kohl. Not found in Cambridge Catalogue 1913 (http ://www.astropa.unipa.it/biblioteca/Strumenti/strum \_list.html), neither in other Queen-Catalogues (1874, 1883, 1884). Comment II: IMG 30049 Instrument for the recombination of parts of the solar spectrum. I agree. The label on the instrument in the new, clearer photo, shows that this is made by Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company and not by max Kohl as Muensterberg’s list indicates. I have not found this item in any of Cambridge Scientific Instrument Catalogues, however. Unfortunately the catalogue in the Smithsonian collection that may have it is not yet available. Comment III: The apparatus I had had identified as Nr. 81, Apparatus for reconstituting the solar spectrum is not. It is M 91 Galton's Apparatus for testing keenness of eyesight. It is described and illustrated in Francis Galton, On the Anthropometric Laboratory at the Late International Health Exhibition. The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 14. (1885), pp. 205-221. [http://gal ton.org/bib/JournalItem.aspx\_action=view\_id=150] The device is described in Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co. 1883 [corr.: 1887] catalogue. It is the earlier form of the apparatus and not the updated version described in Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co's 1899 catalogue. [p.108- description only: http://www.sil.si.edu/digitalcollections/trade- literature/scientific- instruments/files/51682/imagepages/image116.htm und p. 6 - description only- in kajakruse/RAND\_EVA NS/catalogues/Galton-1887-anthro-apparatus.pdf . - veröffentlichen?]}}, url = {https://vlp-new.ur.de/images/img30049} }