@misc{53267, note = {{Comment Rand Evans II: This is definitely not Muensterberg’s Nr. 71, “Large Color-mixer for four disks, two upon each spindle.” I must have written down the wrong number., These are some of the 60 cm diameter discs Muensterberg lists as Nr. 72., Krille, Leipzig. I do not have a Krille Catalogue but I based the decision on the ratio of the size of these discs to the large Newton Disc (M75) which was given as 80 cm in diameter. But these discs appear to be connected to something behind them, perhaps color mixers. The following image [Related: img30045] shows more of the 60 cm. discs that are not connected to anything. Comment III (per Mail): There are three discs shown side by side in the IMG 30170 image. Two of them, shown in the attached snip [shows only the two disks on the left, img sent by mail], is the color mixer, M 71. It is a large color mixer for four disks, two large and two small ones. The third item, the one on the right of these two in the IMG30170, must be another color mixer but a separate device. http://vlp.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/l ibrary/data/lit8140/index\_html?pn=13\&ws=3\&mk=0.039 8/0.6149\&wid=digi\_4300 http://vlp.mpiwg-berlin.mpg .de/library/data/lit8140/index\_html?pn=11\&ws=1.5\&m k=0.6425/0.3656\&wid=digi\_7692 Thumbnail replaced with marked version. Comment IV (kk): There is a Large Color Mixer on top of the cupboard in Münsterberg p0004s0002, see: http://vlp.mpiwg-ber lin.mpg.de/references?id=lit8140\&page=p0004s0002\&m k=0.775/0.6514 Rothe 1893 No. 22 describes a similar apparatus and refers to Aubert - could that help? See: http://vlp.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/ref erences?id=lit13702\&page=z0011\&mk=0.4758/0.0765}}, url = {https://vlp-new.ur.de/images/img30170} }