@misc{65728, note = {{Comment Rand Evans: Colored after images Hering Comment II: I identified this device as Hering’s apparatus for color after-images. It is not. I am quite sure it is Wundt’s Negtive Afterimage shown below. (kk: link to image from Rands PDF) Source: Wilhelm Wundt, Grundzuege der physiologischen Psychologie, 4th Ed, 1902, Vol. 2, p. 204, Fig. 199 E. B. Titchener shows the same instrument in a line drawing in his A Textbook of Psychology. New York: Macmillan, 1910, p. 75. Fig. 6. The problem is that there is no listing in Muensterberg’s article for Wundt’s negative afterimage apparatus. http://vlp.mpiwg-b erlin.mpg.de/library/data/lit8140/index\_html?pn=14 \&ws=2.5\&mk=0.0675/0.2119\&wid=digi\_6166 http://vlp.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/library/data/lit814 0/index\_html?pn=11\&ws=2.0\&mk=0.2608/0.4868\&wid=dig i\_8399 Similar app.: Rothe 27? http://vlp.mpiwg-b erlin.mpg.de/library/data/lit13702/index\_html?pn=3 5\&ws=1.5 see: http://vlp.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/libr ary/data/lit13685/index\_html?pn=26\&ws=1.5 No. 12521 Konnte mit Hilfe des letzten Links jetzt identifiziert werden. Page field changed to assumed MünsterbergID}}, url = {https://vlp-new.ur.de/images/img30173} }