@misc{65771, note = {{http://vlp.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/references?id=lit81 40\&page=p0008\&mk=0.0767/0.8694 http://vlp.mpiwg-be rlin.mpg.de/references?id=lit8140\&page=p0016s0007\& mk=0.331/0.8683 This device seems to be the sonometer M59, see: http://vlp.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de /library/data/lit13687/index\_html?pn=50\&ws=1.5 No. 127 See also (photographies): http://physics.kenyo n.edu/EarlyApparatus/Acoustics/Sonometer/Sonometer .html Rand: Please confirm. Comment Rand II: It is possible that this is the differential sonometer (M59) shown from the side. The sonometer is shown clearly in one of the other photographs as shown below [Related: img30380. http://vlp.mpiwg-b erlin.mpg.de/references?id=lit8140\&page=p0004s0001 \&mk=0.5574/0.1871]. The instrument still exists and I have a color slide of it. Thumbnail replaced with marked version. Page field changed to assumed MünsterbergID}}, url = {https://vlp-new.ur.de/images/img30187} }