@misc{65788, note = {{http://vlp.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/references?id=lit81 40\&page=p0006\&mk=0.0521/0.3924 http://vlp.mpiwg-be rlin.mpg.de/references?id=lit8140\&page=p0016s0007\& mk=0.3174/0.7295 Seems to be M21. Rand: Please confirm. Comment Rand Evans II: I can only guess that this is the item identified. I do not have an Alcan catalogue. I do have some of the Italian museum catalogues and I will check them in case a simililar item is identified there. Page field changed to assumed MünsterbergID}}, url = {https://vlp-new.ur.de/images/img30189} }