1833 studies of medicine at the University of Berlin under Johannes Müller and C. G. Ehrenberg; 1838 M.D. from the University of Berlin with a dissertation entitled Observationes anatomicae et microscopicae de systematis nervosi structura; medical practice, work in Müller's laboratory and private lessons in microscopy; 1843 assistant in the laboratory of Schönlein; 1837 first Jewish lecturer at the University of Berlin; 1859 assistant professor of anatomy and embryology at the university; later private scholar.
M.D., University of Berlin, 1838
VL Library
Diagnostische und pathogenetische Untersuchungen, in der Klinik des Herrn Geh. Raths Dr. Schoenlein, Berlin 1845; Über extracellulare Entstehung thierischer Zellen und über Vermehrung derselben durch Theilung, in: A. für patholog. Anat., Physiol. u. wiss. Med. 19(1852): 47-92; Untersuchungen über die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wirbelthiere, Berlin 1855.