Studies of medicine, philosophy and psychology in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1882-83 and in Leipzig, Germany; 1885 Dr. phil. at University of Leipzig under Wilhelm Wundt with a dissertation entitled Die Lehre von der natürlichen Anpassung in ihrer Entwicklung, Anwendung und Bedeutung; 1887 M.D. in Heidelberg and habilitated in philosophy in Freiburg, Germany (Die Willenshandlung); 1887-92 professor at the University of Freiburg; 1892-95 and 1897-1916 professor of experimental psychology at Harvard University; directed William James´sPsychological Laboratory at Harvard; president of the American Psychological Association in 1898; 1904 organised a congress of science at Universal Exposition in St. Louis; 1908 established Berliner Amerika-Institut; 1910-11 director of the Amerika-Institut and exchange professor in Berlin; died lecturing in 1916.
Ph.D. in psychology, University of Leipzig, 1885; M.D., University of Heidelberg, 1887