Edouard Claparède
- Bio
- * 1873, Geneva, Switzerland
- † 1940, Geneva, Switzerland
- Career
- Studies of science and medicine, later of psychology under Théodore Flournoy; 1897 MD from the University of Geneva; 1897-98 at La Salpêtrière hospital in Paris; 1901 foundation of the Archives de psychologie with Flournoy, which he edited until his death; from 1904 onward at the University of Geneva; 1904 General Secretary at the Second International Congress of Psychology; 1909 General Secretary at the Sixth International Congress of Psychology; 1915-1940 professor of psychology at the University of Geneva in succession to Flournoy; Permanent Secretary at the International Congress of Psychology; Life President of the Comité de l'Association Internationale des Conferences de Psychotechnique; founder of the Jean Jacques Rousseau Institute (1912) and a child-research center.
- Degrees
- M.D., University of Geneva, 1897
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