Apprenticeship as an apothecary at the age of nineteen in Vaise (a suburb of Lyons); turn toward the theater and belles-lettres; in 1834 went to Paris to seek a career in literature; 1834 completed baccalaureate and entered the Faculty of Medicine in Paris; 1839 examinations for internship in the Paris municipal hospitals; work at the Charité as protégé of Pierre Rayer and as intern on the staff of François Magendie at the Hôtel Dieu; from 1841 to Dec. 1844 préparateur to Magendie at the Collège de France; 7 December 1843 M.D. from the Collège de France with a thesis entitled Du suc gastrique et de son rôle dans la nutrition; Dec. 1847 suppléant to Magendie at the Collège de France; after Magendie's retirement Bernard received his chair and his laboratory; on 17 March 1853 doctorate in zoology at the Sorbonne with the thesis Recherches sur une nouvelle fonction du foie; chair of general physiology created by the government for Bernard at the Faculty of Sciences in Paris and inaugural lecture at the Sorbonne on 1 May 1854; 1855 professor of medicine at the Collège de France (in succession to Magendie); December 1868 chair of general physiology at the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle; January 1869 resumption of courses in experimental medicine at the Collège de France.