Studies of chemistry, physics and philosophy in Vienna and Heidelberg, Germany; 1899 earned a doctorate in chemistry in Vienna; 1900 worked at the Physical Institute and the Physical-Chemical Institute of the Berlin University and started to research in the emerging field of Ethnomusicology; 1905 Carl Stumpf's assistant at the Psychological Institute; 1905-33 director of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archive, founded by Carl Stumpf in 1900; 1906 expedition to North America by invitation of the Columbian Field Museum of Chicago; 1915-18 assistant to the Artillery Examination Board; 1917 titular professor, 1923 P.D. and 1925 associate professor at the Berlin University; 1923 professorial dissertation Studien zur Form der ostasiatischen Musik; 1933 emigration to Switzerland and afterwards to America; professor at the New School of Social Research in New York; 1935 move to England because of poor health; died in 1935 before he could start lecturing at the University of Cambridge.
Hornbostel, E. M. von.
1923. Beobachtungen über ein- und zweiohriges Hören. In: Psychologische Forschung: Zeitschrift für Psychologie und ihre Grenzwissenschaften 4: 64-114.
Journal Article