1837 studies of theology, philosophy, and psychology at the University of Berlin; 1838-1839 studies of logic, metaphysics, and anthropology, in addition to botany, geology , geography, and meteorology at the University of Bonn; return to Berlin where he began to study medicine; in 1840 he worked closely with Johannes Müller; degree with a historical-literary paper on electric fishes on 10 February 1843; on 14 January 1845 foundation of the Physikalische Gesellschaft with Brücke, Dove, and others in Berlin; 6 July 1846 qualification as a university lecturer with the paper Über saure Reaktion des Muskels nach dem Tode; 1848-1853 instructor in anatomy at the Berlin Academy of Art; 1855 associate professor; 1858 professor of physiology at the Physiological Institute, University of Berlin; from 1876 permanent secretary of the Prussian Academy of Sciences.
Ph.D. in physiology, University of Berlin, 1843
VL Library
Untersuchungen über thierische Electrizität, Berlin, Bd. 1: 1848, Bd. 2: 1849 u. 1884; Über die Grenzen des Naturerkennens, Leipzig 1872 (Nachdr. als Velhagen & Klasing's deutsche Lesebogen Nr. 93, Bielefeld-Leipzig 1927); Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur allgemeinen Muskel- u. Nervenphysik, 2 Bde., Leipzig 1875-1877; Die sieben Welträtsel, in: Monatsber. Preuß. AdW Berlin 1880, (1881): 1045-1072; (hrsg. v. Estelle DuBois-Reymond) Reden, 2 Bde., Leipzig 1912; (hrsg. v. Estelle DuBois-Reymond) Jugendbriefe von E. Du Bois-Reymond an Eduard Hallmann, Berlin 1918.