Finished secondary education in 1850, studies of nature on an estate near his home followed by studies of medicine at the University of Königsberg; 1852 stay at Halle, where A. W. Volkmann turned his interest to physiology; 1854 medical studies finished in Berlin with a dissertation entitled De nervis organisque centralibus cordis, cordiumque lymphaticarum ranae (1854); 1856 return to Volkmann's laboratory in Halle; 1857 Habilitationsschrift on the determination of the blood volume in the bodies of animals and men; 1859 chair of physiology at Breslau.
Dr. med 1854; Habilitationsschrift 1857
VL Library
Untersuchungen über den Bau der Labdrüsen, in: A. mikroskop. Anat. 6(1870): 368-406; Die Vivisection, Leipzig 1884; s.a. in: Handbuch der Physiologie, hrsg. v. L. Hermann, Bd. 5, Leipzig 1883.