Open Access
{"created":"2022-01-31T16:20:03.505073+00:00","id":"lit13655","links":{},"metadata":{"contributors":[{"name":"Biddle, James G. [Including Willyoung]","role":"author"}],"detailsRefDisplay":"Philadelphia","fulltext":[{"file":"a0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"The \u201c Reichsanstalt \u201d Standard Laboratory Photometer. Prices and further particulars furnished upon request.","page":0},{"file":"a0002.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Catalogue 175.\nAbridged Catalogue of\nelectrical measuring Instruments\nand other\nScientific Apparatus\nISSUED BY\nJAMES G. BIDDLE\nDealer, Manufacturer's Agent and Importer\nDREXEL BUILDING\nOctober, 1896\nPHILADELPHIA","page":0},{"file":"a0003.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Announcement.\nIT is hoped that this illustrated pamphlet will prove of interest to all who appreciate the best types of Scientific Instruments. No attempt whatever has been made to render it complete or connected, and particular attention is desired to the list of catalogues and circulars on page 23 which should be consulted before extensive purchases are made.\nMost of the apparatus which we now describe is made by Messrs. Elmer G. Willyoung & Co., who enjoy excellent facilities for high class instrument work.\nAlso as Special Selling Agent for The Electric Storage Battery Co., Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Genevoise, Elliott Bros, and James White, brief reference is made to goods of their manufacture, for the purpose of drawing notice to our connection with them.\nOur constant aim is to establish such relations with reputable manufacturers, that we can entirely equip Scientific Laboratories, or supply particular instruments of any design and make. In this connection it will give us pleasure to name as references the considerable number of prominent colleges and schools that have been valued customers during the past year.\nWe make a particular feature of \u201cDuty Free\u201d importations from Europe and wish to submit propositions for furnishing apparatus from any Foreign Scientific Instrument FMaker.\nJAMES G. BIDDLE.\nPhiladelphia, October ist, 1896.","page":0},{"file":"p0003.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"JAMES G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\n3\nCHANGE IN PRICES.\nSince Catalogue 160 was issued in April, Messrs. Willyoung & Co. have found it possible to reduce the prices of certain instruments, while in some cases an increase has been necessary.\nThe revised prices which follow are correct (subject to change without notice), and other instruments not mentioned on this page will remain as listed in the above named Catalogue.\nBiooo.\t1=3 Micro-farad Condenser .\t..\t.\t. Grade B\t#35 00\nBiooi.\t1=2 \u201c \u201c \t\tB\t40 OO\nB1012.\tCarhart Electrometer\tB\tIOO OO\nB1013.\t\tB\t75 00\nB1028.\tKelvin (ialvanometer\t\t\"A\t75 00\nB1028.\t\u201c \u201c \t\tB\t60 OO\nB1029.\t\u201c \u201c \t\t\u201cA\t67 50\nB1029.\t\u201c \u201c \t\t\u201c B\t57 5\u00b0\nB1030.\t\u201c \u201c \t\t\u201c A\t72 50\nB1030.\t\u201c \u201c \t\t\u201c B\t60 00\nB1031.\tInterchangeable Coils .\t.\t..\t\"A\t27 50\nB1031.\t\u201c \u201c \t\t\u201c B\t18 OO\nB1032.\t\u201c \u201c \t .\t\u201cA\t20 OO\nB1032.\t\u201c \u2018 * \t\tB\t15 00\nB1033.\t\u201c \u201c \t\t\"A\t22 50\nB1033.\t\u201c \u201c \t\t\u201c\tB\t18 00\nB1034.\tBallistic Galvanometer\t\t\" A\t75 00\nB1034.\t\u201c \" \t\t\u201c B\t60 OO\nBtC92.\tImproved Meter Bridge\t\t\u201cA\t60 OO\nB1092.\t\u201c \u201c \u201c \t\t\u201c B\t50 00\nB1108.\tOne One-hundredth Ohm Standard .\t.\t\u201c B\t40 OO\nBi 116. Bi 122.\tResistance Box and Wheatstone Bridge Standard Resistance Box and Bridge .\t.\t. See page 7 . . Grade A\tI30 OO\nB1122.\t\u201c \u201c \u201c \u201c . .\t\u201c B\tno 00\nBi 130.\t50000 Ohms Resistance Coil\t\t25 00\nB1131.\t100000\t\u201c\t\u201c\t\"\t\t32 50\nHii33-\t500000 Ohms Resistance Box .\t.\t\t125 00\nB1134.\tMegohm Resistance Box\t\t\t200 OO\nB1136.\t100000 Ohms Resistance Box\t\t. . Grade A\tIOO 00\nB1136.\t\u201c \u201c \u201c \u201c\t\t\u201c B\tSo 00\nB1141.\tDouble Plug Key\t\t\t6 00\nBi 142.\tThree-Way Key\t .\t.\t\t5 50\nB1143.\tSingle Contact Key\t\t\t5 00\nB1145.\tShort Circuit Key\t\t\t6 50\nB1185.\tSecohmmeter\t\t\t60 OO\nB1201.\tElectrodynamometer\t\t. Open form\t40 OO\nB1202.\t\u201c \t\t\u2022\t40 OO\nB1203.\t\t\u2018 *\t50 OO\nB1204.\t\u201c \t\t\u25a0\t90 OO","page":3},{"file":"p0004.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"4\nJAMES G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\nRowland D\u2019Arsonval Galvanometers,\nWITH READING TELESCOPE AND SCALE.\nB104O.\nThe Rowland D\u2019Arsonval Galvanometer is the invention of Prof. Henry A. Rowland, of Johns Hopkins University, and although placed upon tire market only one year ago, it has been sold to a large number of leading colleges and technical schools of the country. A new and improved design has recently been completed, and as now made it is the most convenient, compact and reliable form of D\u2019Arsonval Galvanometer, as well as the lowest in price. It has proportional scale divisions, great deadbeatness, short period, and high sensibility ; is complete with telescope and scale, and all parts are made with standard jigs and are interchangeable. A special illustrated, descriptive circular (No. 135), mailed upon request.\nB1040. Rowland D\u2019Arsonval Galvanometer...........................$30 00\nAbout 1500 ohms resistance and 300 megohms sensibility. Deadbeat, proportional scale, interchangeable coils. Complete with telescope and\nscale.\nB1041.\tSame\tas\tB1040, but\twith low resistance coil for thermal work 32\t50\nB1042.\tSame\tas\tB1040, but\twith ballistic coil................30\t00\nB1043.\tCoil only of Bro40,\twith damper and mirror............. 5\t00\nB1044.\t\u201c\t\u201c\tB1041,\t\"\t\u201c\t\u201c spec\u2019l suspens\u2019n.\t700\nB1045.\t\u201c\t\u201c\tB1042,\twith mirror................................... 5\t00\nB1046.\tSame\tas\tB1040, but\twithout telescope and scale........22\t50\nB1047.\t\u201c\tB1041,\t\u201c\t\u201c\t\u201c\t\u201c\t........... 25 00\nB1048.\t\u201c\tB1042,\t\u201c\t\u201c\t\u201c\t\u201c\t...........22 50","page":4},{"file":"p0005.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"JAMES G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA\n5\nRowland D\u2019Arsonval Galvanometers.\nTABLE FORM.\nbio5i.\nB1051. Rowland D\u2019Arsonval Oalvanometer, table form .\t.\t.\t.\nResistance of coil [500 ohms; sensibility about 300 megohms. B1052. Same as B1051, but with low resistance coil for thermal work\nB1053. Same as B1051, but with ballistic coil.......................\nB1054. Coil only of B1051, with damper and mirror...................\nB1055.\t\u201c\t\u201c\tB1052,\t\u201c\t\u201c\t\u201c\u2022 spec'l suspens\u2019n\nBJ056.\t\u201c\t\u201c\tB1051, with mirror.............................\n$25 00\n27 50\n25 00 5 00 7 00 5 00\nspec'l suspens\u2019n","page":5},{"file":"p0006.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"6\nJAMES G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\nLaboratory Reading Telescopes.\nB1074.\nThese Telescopes have been recently designed to fill the demand for an optically good instrument, simple in its adjustment, capable of giving good results even for the most exact purposes, and at a reasonable price. The clearness and definition in every case will be found very perfect.\nB1073. Student\u2019s Reading Telescope................Grade B $15 00\nHas altitude and azimuth adjustments and lateral rack and pinion adjustments of scale; aperture 15 mm; magnifying power, 12 to 15. Reads down to 60 cms distance from galvanometer. Of metal throughout. Complete with 50 cm scale.\nB1074. \u201cUniversal\u201d Reading Telescope........................I25 00\nConstructed of brass ; lacquered throughout, except base, which is japanned. Adjustments for altitude and azimuth, vertical rise and fall of scale, rack and pinion adjustment of telescope, and independent movement of eye-piece to secure distinct focus of cross hairs. Magnifying power 20 ; aperture 25 mm. Complete with 50 cm scale.\nB1075. Same as B1074, but without rack and pinion draw, Grade B 20 00 Bio75><. Unmounted Reading Telescope........................ 6 00\nAs furnished with Rowland D\u2019Arsonval Galvanometer B1040, but without support of any kind.","page":6},{"file":"p0007.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"JAMES G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\n/\nResistance Boxes and Wheatstone Bridges.\nBllBlslIlII\nBBIBM\nB1117.\nB1116.\tResistance Box and Wheatstone Bridge\t.\t.\tGrade B.\t$5000\nFourteen coils of platinoid wire\u20140.5, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, ro, 20, 30, 40, 100, 200, 300 and 400 ohms ; total resistance hit.5 ohms. Also Bridge Arms t, io, 100 and 1000 ohms on each side, and keys for battery and galvanometer. In mahogany box with brass segments mounted on hard rubber. Accurate to within I of 1^.\nB1117.\tResistance Box and Wheatstone Bridge\t.\t.\tGrade B. 65 00\nSame as B1116, with addition of four rheostat coils\u20141000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 ohms, making eighteen coils with total resistance of j hi 1.5 ohms.\nBlI22.\nR1122. Standard Resistance Box and Bridge .... Grade A $130 00\n\u201c B no 00\nEighteen coils of platinoid wire\u20140.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 20, 30, 40, 100, 200, 300, 400, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 10000 ohms, total resistance 21110.5 ohms. Bridge arms 1, 10, too and 10, 100, 1000 ohms, with reversing device to secure same result as from eight coils. Galvanometer and battery keys, also two plug binding posts for isolating particular coils. In mahogany box with brass segments upon dull finished hard rubber top. Rheostat coils accurate to within of i % ; bridge coils accurate to within -V, of 1 %.\nFor other types of Resistance Boxes, see Circular 160.","page":7},{"file":"p0008.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"8\nJAMES G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\n3elf= I induction Apparatus.\nbii85.\nB1185. Secohmmeter...................................Grade B. $60 00\nAn improved form of the well-known instrument of Profs. Avrton and Perry, recently designed by Messrs. Willyoung & Co., with the advice of Professor H. A. Rowland. The Secohmmeter will :\t1. Compare two co-\nefficients of self-induction ; 2. Compare two capacities ; 3. Compare two co-efficients of mutual induction ; 4. Measure, absolutely, a co-efficient of self-induction ; 5. Measure the actual resistance of a polarizable electrolyte, as well as serve for a large number of other determinations. The instrument consists, essentially, of two commutators mounted upon the one shaft, with fly wheel to steady speed and allowing both battery and galvanometer of a Wheatstone\u2019s bridge arrangement to be commuted at any desired speed from 300 to 6000 per minute and at an adjustable interval as regards themselves. The apparatus may be driven by hand or motor as desired.\nB1186. Profs. Ayrton and Perry\u2019s Variable Standard of Self-Induction\nGrade B $100 00\nReading direct in Milli-Henrys ; range of variations from 3.5 to 35 M. H\u2019s. Of mahogany, built up to prevent warping.\nB1187. Standard of Self-Induction....................Grade B $3000\nOf one fixed value. Mounted in case like ordinary resistance ; any value desired from 1 to 100 M. H\u2019s.\nB1188. Standard of Self-induction....................Grade B $60 00\nWith four fixed values of 10, 20, 30 and 40 M. H\u2019s, and arranged with plugs like a resistance box. If desired, any or each of these values may be anything from 1 to too M. H\u2019s without increased cost.","page":8},{"file":"p0009.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"JAMES G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\n9\nElectro= Dynamometers.\nThe Electro-Dynamometer is generally recognized as the only actual standard for alternating current measurements. Being also applicable to direct current tests, the range of usefulness is very great. Nos. B1200 and 1200^ are of new design, built especially to measure very small currents, with high degree of accuracy. The higher ranges are constructed on the usual \u201copen form \u201d style, with silk suspension for movable coil.\nB1200. Electro=Dynamometer\t0.02 to 2 amperes, .\t\u2022\t\u2022\t$55 00\nBl200^.\t\u201c\t0.025 to 5\t\u201c\t.\t.\t60 OO\nBI20I.\t0.2 to 20\t\u201c\t.\t.\t40 OO\nBI202.\ti. to 60\t\u201c\t.\t.\t40 OO\nBI203.\t5. to 200\t\u201c\t.\t.\t50 OO\nBI204.\t10. to 500\t\u201c\t.\t.\t90 OO\nUpon request, prices quoted for Electro-dynamometers made by Messrs. Siemens Bros. & Co., of London.","page":9},{"file":"p0010.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"to\nJAMES G. I\u00ce\u00ceDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA,\nWillyoung Adjustable Condensers.\nFor Alternating Current and other experimental purposes, X-Ray Photography, etc.\nB1513.\nThese Condensers are capable of \u201c standing up \u201d continuously and w ithout injurious heat effect, on 500 volts alternating circuits. Direct currents of much greater potential can be safely used.\nCONDENSERS OF SINGLE VALUE.\nB15C0.\t1 Micro-farad Capacity......................................$10 00\nB1501. 5 Micro-farads Capacity.....................................2000\nB1502. 10 Micro-farads Capacity....................................30 00\nWILLYOUNG ADJUSTABLE CONDENSERS.\nB1510.\t\u2022 Micro-farad Capacity ; 10 sections of 1-10 M. F. each\t.\t.\t$35\tco\nB1511.\t10 Micro-farads Capacity ; 10 sections of i M. F. each\t.\t.\t42\t50\nB1512.\t100 Micro-farads Capacity ; 10 sections of 10 M. F. each\t.\t25000\nB1513.\t10 Micro-farads Capacity; 10 sections of 1-10 M. F.,\tand\n9\tsections of 1 M. F. each...............................60 co\nB1514.\t100 Micro-farads Capacity; 10 sections of 1-10 M. F., to\n10\tsections of 1 M. F., and 9 sectionsof 10 M. F. each .\t.\t350 00\nB1515.\t100 Micro-farads Capacity ; 10 sections of 1-10 M. F., and\nand 9 sections of 10 M. F. each...........................300 co","page":10},{"file":"p0011.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"J A M ES G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\nI I\nWillyoung Induction Coils.\nBr525 with B1540.\nThese Induction Coils have been designed in response to a demand for such apparatus of highest quality. They are guaranteed to give the full specified spark continuously, without danger of breakdown or other injury. The \u201csecondary \u201d in each coil is wound in many sections, insulated separately by a process original and very effective. An improved form of Apps \u201c hammerhead \u2019\u2019 permits extremely minute adjustments of the vibrator to be made. A reversing and circuit closing switch is attached to the base of each coil.\nThe Adjustable Condenser (furnished only with Willyoung coils), enables the discharge to be varied gradually and with perfect control, exactly as a\ndynamo is regulated by a rheostat.\nB1525. Willyoung Induction Coil; 2 inch spark....................$40 00\nB1526.\t\u201c\t\u201c\t\u201c\t3\t\u201c\t.............60 00\nf>t527-\t\u201c\t\u201c\t\u201c\t4\t\u201c\t.............85 00\nB1529.\t\u201c\t\u201c\t\u201c\t6\t\u201c\t\u201c\t.............100 00\nB1531.\t\u201c\t\u201c\t\"\t8\t\u201c\t.............125 00\nB1533.\t\u201c\t\u201c\t10\t\u201c\t.............j6o 00\nB1535.\t\u201c\t\u201c\t12\t\u201c\t.............200 00\nB1540. Adjustable Condenser. Extra .\t.\t................25 00","page":11},{"file":"p0012.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"12\nJAMES G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\nProf. Hwing\u2019s Magnetic Tester.\nB1600.\nB1600. Prof. Ewing\u2019s Magnetic Tester.............................^25\nThis instrument (manufactured by Elliot Bros. London), meets the want which has been felt of a means for testing magnetic quality in a simple and expeditious way. Suitable for workshop as well as laboratory use. Its special application is in testing transformer plates, or plates of dynamo armatures.\nFor a full description see Prof. Ewings\u2019s Paper in the Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (London), April 25th, 1S95.\nOne hundred and fifty page Illustrated Catalogue (E-4), of Electrical and Scientific Apparatus made by Elliott Bros., mailed free upon receipt of 15 cents to pay postage.","page":12},{"file":"p0013.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"IAMBS G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\n13\nLORD KELVIN\u2019S Standard Electric Balances.\nB 170.1-\nRi7\u00b03-\nB1700. Centi=ampere Balance; range 1 to 100 centi-amperes\t$240 00\nB1701.\tDec\u00ab \u00abamperu Balance; range 1 to 100 deci-amperes\t240 00\nB2702.\tDeka-ampere Balance; range 1 to 100 amperes\t240 00\nB1703.\tHekto-ampere Balance ; range 6 to 600 amperes\t.\t24000\nB1704.\tKilo=ampere Balance ; range 25 to 2500 amperes\t...\t40000\n151705.\tWatt Balance for 100 amperes\t24000\nB1706.\tWatt Balance for 600 amperes ....\t............ 24000\nB1707.\tWatt Balance for 2000 amperes........................280 00\nB1708. Composite Kilo=ampere Balance, for directing currents ;\ncan lie used in conjunction with Centi-ampere Balance, to measure currents from o. 1 to 5000 amperes, or as a Wattmeter..........................................280 00\nB1710. Composite Balance; can be used as Wattmeter, Voltmeter, Centi-ampere Balance and Hekto-ampere Balance, to measure from 0.2 to 500 amperes............................\nB1711. Resistances for use with Centi-ampere Balance, and\nComposite Balance when used as Voltmeters.......... 48 00\nResistances for use with Watt Balances B1712. For use on circuits up to 200 volts....... \u2022\t\u2022\t48 00\nB1713.\t\u201c\t44\t44\t2000\t\u201c........................ 112 OO\nFor Special Price List of Lord Kelvin\u2019s Instruments see Circular 145.\nSpecial \u201c Duty Free\" Prices quoted to Colleges upon request.","page":13},{"file":"p0014.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"14\nJAMES G. BIDDLE, DR EX EL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\nThe Waterman Calorimeter.\nBiSou.\nBiSoo. Waterman Calorimeter......................................$70 00\nThis improved apparatus, designed by and made under authority of Mr. F. A. Waterman, Princeton University, permits application of the \"method of mixtures,\u201d with great accuracy, in determining specific heat of solids. A little practice in manipulation of the calorimeter enables the operator to keep the cup practically at its initial temperature throughout each determination, thus obviating the use of radiation correction and \u201c water equivalent\u201d of the cup. Also, the electric heater permits the heating of the body under investigation to any temperature ordinarily desired.\nThe Calorimeter is well calculated for student use as well as for research work, for which its wide range of application makes it especially suitable.\nFor detailed description of the apparatus and method of use, see paper by Mr. Waterman: \u2018\u2018An Improved Calorimeter for the Application of the Method of Mixtures\u201d in The Philosophical Magazine, London, November, 1S95, and \u201cThe Specific Heats of the Metals\" in The Physical Review, New York, November, 1.896.","page":14},{"file":"p0015.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"JAMES G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\n15\nWeston Standard Wattmeters\nVoltmeters, Ammeters, and Ohm meters.\nPortable A and D-C Voll meter.\nPortable D-C Ammeter.\nIlluminated Dial Voltmeter.\nInterested parties are requested to send for Illustrated Catalogue \u201cX,\u201d which contains the most complete and correct list of apparatus made by the Weston Electrical Instrument Co., that has yet been published. As Setting Agent for these standard instruments we are in position to furnish them to colleges and the trade in general at regular factory prices, and shall be glad to give any further particulars that may be desired.\nOrders for IVeston Instruments are especially solicited.","page":15},{"file":"p0016.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"JAMES G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\n16\nElement in Glass Jar.\nABRIDGED PRICELIST.\nNumber of plates Type \u201c B \u201d\t.\t. Discharge in Amp. for eight hours . Price for Element and Glass |ars .\t.\t\t3- H- #1-65\t5- iX- #2.90\t7- i/s. #4-15\nNumber of plates Type \u201c C \u201d .\t.\t. Discharge in Amp. for eight hours Price for Element and Glass Jar\t\t3. I#- $2.40\t5- A/2. #3-75\t7- 33/- #5-3\u00b0\nNumber of plates Type \u201c D \u201d Discharge in Amp. for eight hours Price for Element and Glass Jar .\t.\t3- 2 X- \u25a0\t\u25a0\t13-75\t5- 5- $5-75\t7- 7'/- #7-5\u00b0\t9- 10. #9.40\nNumber of plates Type \u201c E \u201d .\t. Discharge in Amp. for eight hours Price for Element and Glass Jar\t5- .\t.\t10. .\t$9.00\t7- 15- #12.85\t9- 20. #16.20\t25- #20.00\nBolt connectors lead covered, each.........................25 cents.\nFor complete price-list of all sizes of the \u201cChloride Accumulators,\u201d see Circular 155 ; free upon request.\nThe Electric Storage Battery Co. has appointed us Special Setting Agent for Educational Institutions.","page":16},{"file":"p0017.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"JAMES G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\n17\nStudent Laboratory Spectrometers.\nMADE BY SOCI\u00c9T\u00c9 GENEVOISE, GENEVA.\nB185O.\nB1S50. Student Laboratory Spectrometer......................$75 00\nHandsomely finished in lacquered brass, except base, which is japanned. Circle 13 cm. diameter ; divided on brass to 'A\u00b0. reading by vernier to t '. Table with movement independent of circle, and support for prism adjustable by three screws. Aperture of telescope and collimator, 20 mm ; focal distance, 135 mm. ; with Hint glass prism 35 mm. across face\nB1851. Laboratory Spectro-Goniometer........................$100 00\nSame style and quality of workmanship as B1850. Circle 15 cm. diameter, divided on silver to >6\u00b0, reading by verniers and magnifiers to 20\" The circle, table and support for prism or crystal have motion independent of each other. Aperture of telescope and collimator 22 mm , the former with Zeiss mirror ocular. With Hint glass prism 35 mm. across face.\nB1S52. Support for Crystal......................................$27 50\nWhen used in conjunction with B1850 or B1851, goniometric measurements by \u201creflection \u201d can be made.\nB1853. Holder for Rowland Diffraction Grating...................8900\nFitted to B1850 or BiSst. Will hold a 1\u2019/ inch grating.\nAs Selling Agent for apparatus made by the Society Genevoise, particular attention is given to the importation of their Standard Physical Instruments ; 1S96 Descriptive Catalogue (printed in French), 172 pages, mailed free to intending buyers.\nSpecial \u201cDuty Free \u2019\u2019 Prices quoted, to Colleges and Schools.","page":17},{"file":"p0018.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"l8\tJAMES G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\nScripture\u2019s Revolving Drum.\nSi and\nSi. Scripture\u2019s Revolving Drum................................$5o uo\nA brass cylinder 12 in. long and in. diameter, is supported above a solid metal base; at one end is grooved pulley with milled rim, so that the drum may be revolved by pulley or hand. Upon the base in front of the drum are two metal ways in which slides a vertical stand arranged to take the time marker (S6). This stand is moved along the ways at any designed speed by means of a screw of 4 threads to the inch, one end of which works in a fixed bearing, while the screw itself liasses through the base of the stand as a nut. A small handle upon the end of the screw allows it to be rotated and the slide advanced at any desired rate. Records may be made either upon the drum itself by smoking its surface, or upon a sheet of glazed paper, also smoked, stretched around the drum and its ends glued together.\nSi y2. Electrical Tuning Fork.....................................$14 00\nArranged to mark directly upon the Drum of Sr ; 200 vibrations per second.","page":18},{"file":"p0019.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"JAMES G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\nScripture\u2019s\nElectric Fork, Etc.\ns5a.\nS5A. Scripture\u2019s Electric Fork ....\t.\t. 116 00\nTuning Fork of 200 vibrations per second, mounted upon wooden stand. Dry contact only. The end of one prong is polished, to render the fork available for manometric flame experiments\nS18 and S19.\nS18. Marey Tambour........................................$5 00\nNew design, very light and durable. The rubber diaphram can be quickly replaced. Handsomely finished in nickel plate.\nSi 9. Tongue Attachment for Tambour.......................$4 00\nThis consists of a device which may be held against the chin by a light band passing around the neck, and which is itself arranged to hold a tambour. The tip of the tongue rests against a light stud projecting from a tambour, so that a record of the tongue\u2019s steadiness may be obtained. Handsomely finished in nickel plate.","page":19},{"file":"p0020.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"20\nJAMES G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\nImproved Psychological Pendulum.\n572.\tImproved Psychological\nPendulum..............$1$ 00\nPendulum of ash, one meter long, swinging upon hardened steel knife edges in hardened steel bearings. Wide variations in rate of swing may be obtained by use of two adjustable lead bobs.\nA contact point is so arranged that an electrical circuit is instantaneously opened or closed at each swing.\n573.\tTuning Fork............. 2 50\nAddition to S72, converting it into a\n\u201cFork Pendulum,\u201d for the experiment of 264b \u2018 \u2018 Experimental Psychology, \u201d Part i, by Dr. Sanford.\n574.\tElectrical Maintaining\nDevice................ 7 50\nAttachment for S72, whereby the pendulum swing is automatically continued as long as desired.\nSpecial Catalogue of Psychological Apparatus free upon request. Careful attention given to \u201c Duty Free\u201d importation orders.\nS72 with S73 and S74.","page":20},{"file":"p0021.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"JAMES G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\n21\nThe Pitz Chronoscope.\nFor Reaction Times and other Time Measurements.\nThe Fitz Chronoscope is an accurate and direct reading instrument for the measurement of periods of time varying from 1-20 to 1 or 2 seconds. Several different styles are made, to all of which the following general description applies : Upon a light but rigid supporting casting swings a pendulum, P. Moving with the pendulum is a light fiat index, I, which swings over a scale, S, graduated in fractions of a second so as to show the time taken by the pendulum to swing from the zero position upon the right to the particular point on the scale. In using the chronoscope the pendulum (and index) is carried to the extreme right, where it is caught back by a detent energized by an electro-magnet in circuit with the stimulus key. When the signal is given by the key (making a sound, exposing a light, or by any other usual method) the closed circuit frees the pendulum, which with its index, swings instantly over its scale. When the re-action key is operated, it is made to open once more the chronoscope circuit ; this releases a light clamp between which and the main frame the index swings. This clamp, being normally free of the index against the tension of a powerful spring, instantly catches the index and binds it against the scale, thus giving the time of re-action directly in known fractions of a second. The pendulum itself swings on and is caught fast at the left of its arc by a special device. By then operating a mechanical key at-","page":21},{"file":"p0022.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"22\nJAMES G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\ntached to the instrument the pendulum is automatically carried a trifle further to the left and then freed, when it swings back to the right, catching up the index as it passes, to be caught fast by the detent, the instrument is then ready for a second experiment. Successive experiments may thus be made to follow one another with practically no lost intervening time.\nThe pendulum is so made as to be almost frictionless, and careful tests have shown the error in the use of this instrument to be almost inappreciable. The scales are all empirically graduated by comparison with the\nTIMES OF FALLING BODIES, AND THEIR ACCURACY IS GUARANTEED.\nFor many of the usual re-action experiments the Fitz chronoscope will be found superior to any from of chronograph method, being much simpler, more convenient, and quicker.\nThese instruments have been supplied to the laboratories of the World\u2019s Museum, Chicago, and of the Women\u2019s College, Lynchburg, Va.; also to the gymnasium of the Y. M. C. A., Chicago, 111., and to the University of Colorado, Boulder, Col., State Normal School, San Jose, Cal., etc.\nNET PRICE LIST.\nDr. Fitz\u2019s Pendulum Chronoscope\u2014Style A.\n'This is the original open form as first made by Dr. Fitz. The base and supporting frame are of neatly japanned metal, while the working parts are of lacquered brass. It is made with several different ranges as below. Each instrument is supplied in wooden carrying-case.\nDr. Fitz\u2019s Pendulum Chronoscope\u2014Style B.\nSame as above, but enclosed. A mahogany dust-proof cover, with glass front, fits down over the working parts. It may be removed by means of two fastenings.\nSingle Scale Instruments.\nTime of full swing\tFirst graduation.\t*After first division the remainder occur every\tStyle A, open\tStyle B, enclosed\nNo. i >2 second\t1-20 second\t5-1000 second.\t$60 00\t$75 \u00abO\n\u201c21\t.1-10\t\u201c\tI-IOO\t60 00\t75 00\n\u201c\t3 2\t1-5\t2-100 \u201c\t60 00\t75 00\nMultiple Scale Instruments.\t\t\t\t\nNo. 4 ; with two interchangeable pendulums as in Nos. i and 2\t\t\t\t70 OO\t85 00\n\u201c 5 ; with two interchangeable pendulums as in Nos. 3 and 4\t\t\t\t70 OO\t85 00\n\u201c 6; with three interchangeable pendulums as in Nos. i, 2 and 3\t\t\t\t80 00\t95 00","page":22},{"file":"p0023.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"JAMES G. BIDDLE, DREXEL BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA.\n23\nCatalogues and Circulars\nOF VALUE TO PURCHASERS OF SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS.\nCATALOGUE IN\nElectrical and Scientific Instruments; illustrated, 123 pages.\nIssued in 1895, by Willyoung & Co................10 cents\nCATALOGUE E-4\nElectrical and Scientific Instruments ; illustrated, 150 pages.\nIssued in 1895, by Elliott Bros..................15 cents\nCATALOGUE X\nComplete price-list of Apparatus made by Weston Electrical Instrument Co., with data for Resistance Measurements; illustrated, 32 pages. Issued October, 1895...... F'ree\nCATALOGUE A\nDescriptive Catalogue and Price-list of the \"Chloride Accumulator illustrated, 40 pages. Ninth edition, issued by the Filectric Storage Battery Co. .\t.\t...............5 cents\nCATALOGUE 104\nPsychological and Physiological Apparatus ; Illustrated, 48\npages. Issued in 1895, by Willyoung & Co.........5 cents\nCIRCULAR 110\nStorage Battery Outfits for Cautery work and Lamp Illumination ; illustrated, 8 pages. Issued in 1895...... Free\nCIRCULAR 120\nProf. Ewing\u2019s Magnetic Fester, as made by Elliott Bros.; illustrated, 4 pages. Issued in 1895............. I'ree\nCIRCULAR 135\nProf. Rowland\u2019s D\u2019Arsonval Galvanometers, made by Willyoung & Co. ; illustrated, 8 pages. Issued April, 1896.\t.\t.\tFree\nCIRCULAR 140\nDr. Fitz\u2019s Chronoscopes, made by Willyoung & Co.; illustrated, 4 pages. Issued April 1896............... F'ree\nCIRCULAR 145\nLord Kelvin\u2019s Balances and Electrostatic Instruments, as\nmade by James White ; 4 pages. Issued April, 1896. .\t.\t.\tF'ree\nCIRCULAR 155\nPrice-list of the \u201c Chloride Accumulator,\u201d made by the Electric Storage Battery Co. ; 8 pages. Issued April, 1896 .\t.\t.\tF'ree\nCATALOGUE 160\nPreliminary Catalogue of Electrical Measuring Instruments,\nmade by Willyoung & Co. ; 16 pages. Issued April, 1S96 . Free\nCATALOGUE 175\nAbridged descriptive list of Electrical Measuring Instruments and other Scientific Apparatus. Illustrated, 24 pages. Just issued........................................... Free\nCIRCULAR 180\nPrice-list of Adjustable Condensers and Induction Coils,\nmade by Willyoung & Co. Illustrated, 4 pages. Just issued Free","page":23}],"identifier":"lit13655","issued":"1896","language":"en","pages":"24","startpages":"24","title":"Abridged Catalogue of Electrical Measuring Instruments and other Scientific Apparatus: Catalogue 175","type":"Trade Catalogue"},"revision":0,"updated":"2022-01-31T16:20:03.505078+00:00"}