Open Access
{"created":"2022-01-31T14:05:27.528916+00:00","id":"lit13658","links":{},"metadata":{"contributors":[{"name":"Biddle, James G. [Including Willyoung]","role":"author"}],"detailsRefDisplay":"Philadelphia","fulltext":[{"file":"p0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"No. 31?.\nDew Apparatus at Special Prices...\nThe apparatus listed herewith was made by the late firm of Willvoung & Co., and when the business changed hands these goods became the property of Morris FT Leeds & Co., who purchased the manufacturing plant, etc., of the old firm. It is only natura! that Leeds & Co. should desire to \u201cstart fresh\u201d as far as possible, and with this in view I am authorized to quote exceedingly low prices\u2014 much less than would be possible under any other circumstances. The apparatus is perfectly new and of types which have been standard for several years, so that it is like \u201cfinding money \u201d to buy these instruments.\nThe amount of stock is limited as will be evident. ; hence any one who desires to take advantage of the opportunity should do so at once. Nearly all of the instruments are illustrated in catalogue B \u201c Electrical Measuring Instruments \u201d which should be consulted carefully bv prospective customers. Upon request a copy will be mailed to such, free. The prices which appear are those in catalogue B. The. special reorganization prices no It he quoted only upon application. We prefer not to put them in print for after the present sale is concluded there is no chance that such low figures will be continued.\nThe Psychological Apparatus which follows the lot of Electrical Instruments as described in catalogue No. 300. These instruments are likewise perfectly new and are similar to those which we have already supplied to various colleges and universities.\nJames G. Biddle\nSOLE AGENT FOR LEEDS & CO.\n1038 Drexel Building\nPHILADELPHIA\nDecember, 1809","page":1},{"file":"p0002.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Quantity.\tNo.\tDESCRIPTION.\tNo.\tPrice.\n2\tDi\tStandard Hica Condenser (Grade B).\t. .\t. X microfarad capacity. Single value. Mounted in polished hard wood case, with hard rubber top. Guaranteed accurate to within ){ of i %.\tB5055\t$45 00\n4\t1)2\tStandard flica Condenser (Grade B) .\t.\t. X microfarad capacity, subdivided in five sections. Mounted in polished hard wood case, with hard rubber top. Guaranteed accurate to within X ofi%.\tB5058\t70 OO\n2\td5\t\u201c D. P.\u201d Standard Hica Condenser (Grade Bi l microfarad capacity, subdivided in four sections. Mounted in polished hard wood case, with hard rubber top. Guaranteed accurate to within X of i%.\tB5056\t75 0\u00b0\n2\tD4\t\u201c P. P,\u201d Standard Hica Condenser (Grade B) microfarad capacity, subdivided in eight sections. Mounted in polished hard wood case, with hard rubber top. Guaranteed accurate to within X of t%.\tB5068\t130 00\n2\tDS\tKelvin (Thompson) Galvanometer .... Four coils ; total resistance ,5000 ohms. Can be joined in any combination of series or multiple ; High sensibility.\tB5096\t67 so\n.>\tD6\tBallistic Galvanometer (Grade B) .... Improved form with two coils ; total resistance 500 ohms. Period and sensibility may be varied within wide limits.\tB510.3\t65 00\n7\tD)\tTripod D\u2019Arsonva! Galvanometer Table form, with interconvertible coil. Resistance about 1200 ohms. Sensibility about 200 megohms.\tB5130\t35 OO\n2\tD8\tImproved rioter Bridge\t In certain details of construction this apparatus has been modified from the illustration in Cata togue.\tB5202\t60 00\n3\td9\tStandard International Ohm\t B. A. form. Guaranteed accurate to within j-lrn of i9\u00f4- Certificate furnished.\tB5209\t23 OO\n2\tDi<>\tReichsanstalt Type Standard Ohm ... Guaranteed accurate to within TX of t %, Certificate. furnished.\tB32T3\t20 OO\n2\tDu\tResistance Box\t tin.5 ohms, divided into fourteen coils of 0,5, i, i, 2, 3, 4, 10, 20, 30, 40, too. 200. 300, and 400 ohms. Guaranteed accurate to within ! of 1 %.\tB52JS\t3 a so\n4\tDl 2\tResistance Box\t Same as B5225, witli addition of tooo, 20013, 3000 and 4000 ohms, making total resistance of 11111,3 ohms.\t\t45 00\n6\tDT3\tResistance Box and Wheatstone Bridge .\t. Rheostat coils same as B5226. Bridge coils 1, 10, 100 and tooo ohms on each arm. Guaranteed accurate within V of 1 %.\tB3228\t6 s 00","page":2},{"file":"p0003.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Quantity.\tSpecial No.\tCatalogue DESCRIPTION.\tNo.\t\tCatalogue Price.\n2\tD14\t100,000 Ohms Resistance Box (Grade Bj\tB5246\t50 OO\n\t\tSubdivided in four coils of 10,000, 20,000, 30,000 and 40,000 ohms. Guaranteed accurate within h of i % \u2022\t\t\n3\t1)15\tDouble Plug Key ; hard rubber base (Grade B)\tB5261\t6 25\nT\tDr6\tSingle Contact Key ; hard rubber base (Grade B)\t\t\t5 00\nt\tD17\tDouble Contact Key ; hard rubber base (Grade B)\t\t\t8 00\nI\tD18\tShort Circuit Key; hard rubber base (Grade A)\tB5265\t0 50\nI\tDt<5\tRambert's Discharge Key ; hard rubber base (Grade B)\t\tB5268\t20 OO\n3\tD20\tReversing Key ; hard rubber base (Grade B1\tB5270\t25 00\n3\tDzt\tKempe Discharge Key ; hard rubber base (Grade B)\t\tB52S5\t35 00\ns\tD22\tMaterial for Congress Standard Cell\t.\t.\tB5292\t4 50\n2\tD23\tSechommeter\t\tB5315\t50 OO\n\t\tA modified form of the Ayrton and Perry Apparatus. May be driven by hand or motor.\t\t\n1\tD24\tProfs. Ayrton and Perry\u2019s Variable Standard of Self Induction\t\tB5316\t112 50\nReading direct in Milli-Henrys. Range from to 35 M. H. This instrument was made for an order but not shipped, because the wood rings did not keep their shape perfectly. The wood is now thoroughly seasoned and the warp, while noticeable, is not great. The instrument has been re-standardized and is guaranteed \u201cgood as new\u2019 \u2019 in respect to accuracy and continued reliability. Well finished but slightly shopworn.\nI\tD25\tStandard Potentiometer Resistance .\t.\t.\tB5361\t20 OO\n\t\tr ohm, to carry o.t.5 to 1.3 amperes.\t\t\n3\tD26\tIncandescent ! .amp Rotator\t\tB5388\t30 OO\n\t\tFor obtaining mean horizontal candle power.\t\t\n\t\tTo be driven by motor.\t\t\n3\tD27\tDirect Reading Photometer Scale ....\tB5410\t10 00\ni\tD28\tHigh Potential Transformer\t\tB.5435\t75 00\n18\tD29\tSingle Contact Key ; wood base\t\tB5700\ti 75\n4\tD30\tMica Condenser\t\tB5713\t40 OO\n\t\ti microfarad capacity, in five sections. Accurate\t\t\n\t\twithin 1% approximately.\t\t\n4\tD.fl\tSimple Detector Galvanometer\t\tB5715\t4 50\n5\tD32\tReflecting Astactic Galvanometer\t.\tB5720\t9 OO\n7\tD33\tSimple Tangent Galvanometer\t\tB5724\t12 50\n2\tD34\tD\u2019Arsonval Galvanometer\t\t\t12 50\nt\tD35\tStandard One Ohm Coil ; accurate within A\t\t\n\t\tof I %\t\tB.5730\t3 50\ns\tD3fi\tResistance Box\t\tB5732\t20 OO\ntti-5 ohms in ten coils of 0.5, 1, t, 2, 3, 4, 10, 20, 30 and 40 ohms. Accurate within % of","page":3},{"file":"p0004.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Quantity.\tSpecial No.\tDESCRIPTION.\tCatalogue No.\tCatalogue Price.\n5\tD37\tResistance Box\t\t\t27 50\n\t\tSame as B5732, with addition of 100, 200, 300, 400 and 1000 ohms making total of 2111.5 ohms.\t\t\n4\tD38\tResistance Box\t\t\t32 50\n\t\tSame as B5733, with addition of 2000, 3000 4000 ohms, making total of 111x1.5 ohms.\tand\t\n2\tD39\tWheatstone Bridge and Rheostat . . .\tRc--* r Ro/.'to\t40 OO\n\t\tRheostat coils same as B5734. Bridge coils 100 and tooo ohms on each arm.\t10,\t\nr\tD40\tEarth Inductor\t\t\u2022 B5755\t35 <>o\n2\tD41\tElectrometer\t\t- B5758\t17 SO\n2\tD42\tElectrodynamometer\t\t.\tB5760\t17 50\n\t\t0.2 to 4 amperes.\t\t\n15\tD45\tAutomatic Lever Air Pump, No. 1 . . .\t. B57S5\t17 50\nMounted on japanned iron base, with brass cylinder 2%\" diameter by H\" long. Brass pump plate <)\" diameter. A very excellent air pump for laboratory use.\nPsychological Apparatus.\nSpecial\tCatalogue Catalogue\nQuantity. No.\tDESCRIPTION.\tNo.\tPrice.\n3\tD6o\tRevolving Drum............................Si\t$60\too\n2\tD6i\tElectro-magnetic Tuning\tFork.............Si\t17\t5\u00b0\n1\tD62\tReaction Key...............................S9\t9\t00\n4\tD63\tTouch Key.................................S13\t5\t50\n2\tD64\tSteadiness (tauge..........................S20\t6\t00\n3\tD65\tSpring Dynamometer.........................S22\t4\t25\n2\tD66\tSimple Acstliesionieter....................S27\t2\t00\n3\tD67\tTest Weights...............................S29\t400\n9\tD68\tClamp for Appun Reed......................S;t6a\n9\tD69\t(laiton Whistle...........................S37\t8\t00\n1\tD70\tFair of Tuning Forks for least\tnoticeable dif-\nference ............................S38\t24\t00\n30\t\u00dc71\tBradley Color Top.........................S42\t06\n6\tD72\tColor Wheel...............................S43\t10\t00\n6\tD73\tPackage of Colored Papers.................S45\t45\n7\tD74\tPerimeter..................................S48\t10\t00\n15\u00b0\tD75\tSet of Blind Spot Cards...................S58\t15\n2\tD76\tWool Test for Color Blindness..............S68\t7\t50\ni\tD77\tFitz Spring Cylinder Chronograph .... S200\t65\t00\ni\tD78\tLocation Reaction Apparatus...............S201\t25\t00\n1\tD79\tSimple Metronome...........................S231\t3\t55\n2\tD80\tCattell Algometer..........................S242\t10\t00\nt\tDSi\tMosso Ergograph...........................S243\t40\t00\ni\tDS2\tSteel Rod, nickel-plated, 20\" x\trV'.......S30S\t30\n16 DS,3 \u201c\t\u201c\t\u201c\t15\" x r\\\"..........S309\t35\n4\tD84\t\u201c\t\u201c\t\u201c\t12\" X j'/'......... 33\n34\tD85\t\u201c\t\u201c\t\u201c\t.........S3 to\t22","page":4}],"identifier":"lit13658","issued":"1899","language":"en","pages":"4","startpages":"4","title":"New Apparatus at Special Prices","type":"Trade Catalogue"},"revision":0,"updated":"2022-01-31T14:05:27.528923+00:00"}