Open Access
{"created":"2022-01-31T13:31:49.575818+00:00","id":"lit13704","links":{},"metadata":{"contributors":[{"name":"White, Otis C.","role":"author"}],"fulltext":[{"file":"p1.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"SectionaNBall Joints, and Compound Swiveling\nCone Joints,\nFOR PHYSIOLOGICAL AND LABORATORY USE.\nPLAIN CLAMP,\nCOMPOUND SWIVELING AND CLAMPING CONE JOINT.\nA. For -fa inch and fa inch rods, $1.00 each.\nX. For j7,j inch and -fa inch rods, $1.10 each.\nIt will be noted that style \u201cA\u201d joins two fa inch rods at any angle and allows either to be raised or lowered. Style X is of more delicate construction, and carries a small A inch rod which is recommended for use in connection with the Flat End Joint or the Ball and Socket End Joint.\nFor horizontal or vertical positions, fitted for Jq inch rods. PRICE, 50 Cents each, rods extra.\nTRIPOD STAND,\nFitted for fa inch rods. PRICE, 75 cents each, rods extra.\nHEAD SECTIONAL\nBALL JOINT.\nNickel plated, for A inch slide-rod, and fa inch standard rod.\nPRICE, $2.00 each, rods extra.\nTABLE CLAMP WITH SECTIONAL BALL AND SOCKET JOINT,\nFor fa inch rod.\tPRICE, $1.25.\nFLAT END JOINT,\nFitted for fa inch or -fa inch rods. PRICE, 50 cents each.\nBALL AND SOCKET END JOINT,\nFor j5.; inch rods. PRICE, 75 cents each.\nThe inch rods are threaded full at one end, the other end rounded, except when specially ordered, then with reduced -fa thread to fit Flat End Joint or Ball and Socket End Joint.\nSteel Rods, nicked plated, 20 inch x -fa inch, 30 cents each.\n-l \u201c\t\u201c\t15 inch x fa inch, 25 cents each.\n\u201c\t\u2022*\t\u2019\u25a0\t\u201c\t13 inch x t5f inch, 22 cents each.\nOTIS C. WHITE, - Worcester, Mass.","page":0}],"identifier":"lit13704","issued":"1895","language":"en","title":"Sectional-Ball Joints and Compound Swiveling Cone Joints For Physiological and Laboratory Use","type":"Trade Catalogue"},"revision":0,"updated":"2022-01-31T13:31:49.575824+00:00"}