Open Access
{"created":"2022-01-31T13:44:49.800255+00:00","id":"lit29415","links":{},"metadata":{"alternative":"Philosophische Studien","fulltext":[{"file":"a0004.txt","language":"de","ocr_de":"PHILOSOPHISCHE STUDIEN\nHERAUSGEGEBEN\nTON\nWILHELM W\u00dcNDT.\nSECHZEHNTER B\u00c4ND.\nMit 3 Tafeln und 11 Figuren im Text.\nLEIPZIG\nVERLAG VON WILHELM ENGELMANN 1900.","page":0},{"file":"a0006content.txt","language":"de","ocr_de":"Inhalt des sechzehnten Bandes,\nSeite\nReactionszeiten bei Durchgangsbeobachtungen. Von Nicolaus Alechsieff.\nMit 2\tTafeln....................................................... 1\nZur Kritik tachistoskopischer Versuche. Zweiter Artikel. Von W. Wundt 61 Rhythmus und Arbeit. Von Margaret Keiver Smith. (Aus dem psychologischen Institut von Prof. E. Meumann in Z\u00fcrich)............................ 71\nUeber das Verh\u00e4ltnis der ebenmerklichen zu den \u00fcbermerklichen Unterschieden bei Licht- und Schallintensit\u00e4ten. (Aus dem psychologischen Institut\nder Universit\u00e4t\tW\u00fcrzburg.) Von Wilhelm Ament........................135\nRhythmus und Arbeit. Von Margaret Keiver Smith. (Aus dem psychologischen Institut von Prof. E. Meumann in Z\u00fcrich.) (Schluss.) .\t197\nBeobachtungen an Zweikl\u00e4ngen. Von Felix Krueger. Mit 1 Figur im\nText................................................................307\nTachistoskopische Untersuchungen \u00fcber das Lesen. Von Julius Zeitler.\nMit 1\tFigur im\tText...............................................380\nDer Fechner-Helmholtz\u2019sche Satz \u00fcber negative Nachbilder und seine Analogien. Von Wilhelm Wirth. Mit 9 Figuren im Text und 1 Tafel 465 Beobachtungen an Zweikl\u00e4ngen. Von Felix Krueger. (Schluss.) ....\t568","page":0},{"file":"a0008.txt","language":"de","ocr_de":"iiil{llllllllliilHUtlllllllHlllllllllllliiiHiiHiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiniriiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiHimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniimiii\u00fcuiiimMl>twliiumHiiiii\u00fciliiiiiiiu:\ngiiwmajaisjraiarajaramrajrarBjraramrmjrmjramrajgjagi i\nPHILOSOPHISCHE STUDIEN\nHERAUSGEGEBEN\nYON\nWILHELM W\u00dcNDT.\nSECHZEHNTER BAND, 1. HEFT.\nINHALT:\nSeite\nReactionszeiten bei Durchgangsbeobachtungen. Von Nicolaus\nAlechsieff. Mit 2 Tafeln...............................\nZur Kritik tachistoskopischer Versuche. Zweiter Artikel. Von\nW. WUNDT...............................................\nRhythmus und Arbeit. Von Margaret Keiver Smith. (Aus dem psychologischen Institut von Prof. E. Me\u00fcmann in Z\u00fcrich.)\n61\n71\nLEIPZIG\nVERLAG VON WILHELM ENGELMANN 1900.\ni\n\u00e0-ajmirmajrEiHjmjrB\u00c6jrBjrara\u00c6JwaimiHiHjrsjrajrarajrajajia\nAusgegeben am 29. Mai 1900.","page":0},{"file":"a0009.txt","language":"de","ocr_de":"Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann in Leipzig.\nSoeben erschien:\nV\u00f6lkerpsychologie.\nEine Untersuchung der Entwicklungsgesetze\nvon Sprache, Mythus und Sitte.\nVon\nWilhelm Wundt.\nErster Band: Die Sprache.\nErster Theil.\nMit 40 Abbildungen im Text.\ngr. 8. Geh. Jt 14. \u2014 ; in Halbfranz gebunden Jl 17.\u2014.\nDas Werk wird drei B\u00e4nde umfassen, deren erster auf zwei Theile angelegt, \u00bbDie Sprache\u00ab behandelt, w\u00e4hrend der zweite \u00bbMythus und Religion\u00ab, der dritte \u00bbCultur und Sitte\u00ab zum Gegenstand haben werden. Die Ausgabe vom 2. Theil des I. Bandes, der auch das Register f\u00fcr diesen Band enthalten wird, ist f\u00fcr den Herbst dieses Jahres in Aussicht genommen.\nJeder Band bildet ein in sich abgeschlossenes Ganzes und ist auch einzeln k\u00e4uflich.\nIn K\u00fcrze erscheint:\nVorlesungen\n\u00fcber\nPsychopathologie\nin ihrer Bedeutung f\u00fcr die normale Psychologie.\nVon\nDr. phil. et med. Gustav St\u00f6rring\nPrivatdozent der Philosophie an der Universit\u00e4t Leipzig.\nMit Abbildungen im Text.\n8. Geh. etwa Jl 8.\u2014.\nIn K\u00fcrze erscheint:\nDer Aufbau der menschlichen Seele.\nEine psychologische Skizze\nvon\nDr. med. H. Kroell\nSanit\u00e4tsrat in Strasshurg i/Els.\nMit 14 Abbildungen im Text.\n8. Etwa Jl 5.\u2014.\nIn K\u00fcrze erscheint:\nWillenspsycliologie als Grundlage zur Ethik.\nVon\nDr. phil. H. Schwarz\nPrivatdozent der Philosophie an der Universit\u00e4t Halle.\n8. Etwa Jl 5.\u2014.","page":0},{"file":"p0134s0004.txt","language":"de","ocr_de":"Philosophical and Psychological Portrait Series.\nSuitable for framing and banging in public and private libraries, laboratories, seminaries, recitation and lecture rooms.\nThe portraits, whic hare 11 x 14 inches, have been taken from the best sources and are high-grade photogravures. The series is now complete.\nPYTHAGORAS\tPhilosophical: SPINOZA\tHEGEL\nSOCRATES\tLOCKE .\tSCHLEIERMACHER\nPLATO\tBERKELEY\tSCHOPENHAUER .\nARISTOTLE\tHUME\tHERBART\nEPICTETUS\tMONTESQUIEU\tFEUERBACH\nTHOMAS AQUINAS\tVOLTAIRE\tLOTZE\nST. AUGUSTINE\tD\u2019ALEMBERT\tKEID\nAVERRIIOES\tCONDILLAC\tDUGALD STEWART\nDUNS SCOTUS\tDIDEROT\tSIR W. HAMILTON\nGIORDANO BRUNO\tROUSSEAU\tCOUSIN\nBACON\tLEIBNITZ\tCOMTE\nHOBBES\tWOLFF\tROSMINI\nDESCARTES\tKANT\tJ. STUART MILL\nMALEBRANCHE\tFICHTE\tHERBERT SPENCER\nSCHELLING\t\t\nCABANIS\tPsychological: MACH\tROMANES\nMAINE DE BIRAN\tSTUMPF\tPAUL JANET\nBENEKE\tEXNER\tRIBOT\nE. H. WEBER\tSTEINTHAL\tTAINE\nRECHNER\tBAIN\tFOUILLEE\nHELMHOLTZ\tSULLY\tBINET\nWUNDT\tWARD\tG. STANLEY HALL\nHERING\tC. L. MORGAN\tG. T. LADD\nAUBERT\tTo Subscribers:\t\nTERMS : For the whole series (68 portraits) on regular paper, 35 shillings; on heavy Imperial Japanese paper, 50 shillings.\nThe Philosophical Series, 43 portraits, Imperial Japanese paper, 40 shillings; the same on the best plate paper, 30 shillings. The Psychological Series, 26 portraits, on Imperial Japanese paper, 24 shillings; the same on the best plate paper, 18 shillings. (Carriage prepaid.) Single portraits on regular paper, one shilling.\nPor subscribers who may prefer not to frame the portraits, a neat portfolio will be provided at a cost of four shillings additional.\n\u201cI have received the first instalment of the series of portraits of philosophers, and am very much pleased with them.\u201d \u2014 Professor David G. Ritchie, St. Andrews, Scotland.\n\u2022\u2018I congratulate you on the magnificent character of the portraits, and I feel proud to have such adornments for my lecture room.\u201d \u2014 J.J. McNulty, Professor of Philosophy in the College of the City of New York.\nTHE OPEN COURT PUBLISHING CO.,\nKegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road.\n(London.\t-\t,\n~~\t----Diesem Hefte ist der Lagerkatalog Nr. 94 von Oswald Welgtd $\nAntiquarium in Leipzig beigeheftet, worauf besonders hingewiesen wird^\u2014;\nDruck von Breitkopf & H\u00e4rtel in Leipzig.","page":0},{"file":"p0306s0002.txt","language":"de","ocr_de":"Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmaun in Leipzig.\n= Neuigkeiten vom Sommer 1900. -----------\nDer Aufbau der menschlichen Seele.\nEine psychologische Skizze\nvon\nDr. med. H. Kroell\nSanit\u00e4tsrat in Stra\u00dfburg i/Els.\nMit 14 Abbildungen im Text.\n8. Geh. Jt' 5.\u2014 ; in Leinen gebunden Jl 6.\u2014.\nPROBLEME.\nKritische Studien \u00fcber den Monismus\nvon\nDr. Heinrich von Schoeler.\ngr. 8. Jt 2.\u2014.\nPsychologie des Willens.\nZur Grundlegung der Ethik\nvon\nHermann Schwarz\nPrivatdozent an der Universit\u00e4t Halle, gr. S. Jl G.\u2014.\nVorlesungen\n\u00fcber\nPsychopathologie\nin ihrer Bedeutung f\u00fcr die normale Psychologie mit Einschluss der psychologischen Grundlagen der Erkenntnistheorie\nvon\nDr. phil, et med. Gustav St\u00f6rring\nPrivatdozent der Philosophie an der Universit\u00e4t Leipzig.\nMit 8 Figuren im Text, gr. 8. Geh. Jt 9.\u2014 ; in Leinwand gebunden Jl 10.\u2014.\n= Auf den diesem Hefte beiliegenden Prospekt der Verlagsbuchhandlung Justus Perthes in Gotha \u00fcber deren Taschenatlauten wild hingewiesen. ~ -\nDruck von Breitkopf & H\u00e4rtel in Leipzig.","page":0},{"file":"p0306s0004.txt","language":"de","ocr_de":"Philosophical and Psychological Portrait Series.\nSuitable for framing and hanging in public and private libraries, laboratories, seminaries, recitation and lecture rooms.\nThe portraits, whic hare 11x14 inches, have been taken from the best sources,\nand are high-grade photogravures. The series is now complete. Philosophical:\t\t\nPYTHAGORAS\tSPINOZA\tHEGEL\nSOCRATES\tLOCKE\tSCHLEIERMACHER\nPLATO\tBERKELEY\tSCHOPENHAUER\nARISTOTLE\tHUME\tHERBART\nEPICTETUS\tMONTESQUIEU\tFEUERBACH\nTHOMAS AQUINAS\tVOLTAIRE\tLOTZE\nST. AUGUSTINE\tD\u2019ALEMBERT\tREID\nAVERRHOES\tCONDILLAC\tDUGALD STEWART\nDUNS SCOTUS\tDIDEROT\tSIR W. HAMILTON\nGIORDANO BRUNO\tROUSSEAU\tCOUSIN\nBACON\tLEIBNITZ\tCOMTE\nHOBBES\tWOLFF\tROSMINI\nDESCARTES\tKANT\tJ. STUART MILL\nMALEBRANCHE SCHELLING\tFICHTE Psychological:\tHERBERT SPENCER\nCABANIS\tMACH\tROMANES\nMAINE DE BIRAN\tSTUMPF\tPAUL JANET\nBENEKE\tEXNER\tRIBOT\nE. H. WEBER\tSTEINTHAL\tTAINE\nFECHNER\tBAIN\tFOUILLEE\nHELMHOLTZ\tSULLY\tBINET\nWUNDT\tWARD\tG. STANLEY HALL\nHERING AUBERT\tC. L. MORGAN To Subscribers:\tG. T. LADD\nTERMS: For the whole series (68 portraits) on on heavy Imperial Japanese paper, 50 shillings.\t\tregular paper, 35 shillings;\nThe Philosophical Series, 43 portraits, Imperial Japanese paper, 40 shillings; the same on the best plate paper, 30 shillings. The Psychological Series, 25 portraits, on Imperial Japanese paper, 24 shillings; the same on the best plate paper, 18 shillings. (Carriage prepaid.) Single portraits on regular paper, one shilling.\nFor subscribers who may prefer not to frame the portraits, a neat portfolio will be provided at a cost of four shillings additional.\n\u201cI have received the first instalment of the series of portraits of philosophers, and am very much pleased with them.\u201d \u2014 Professor David G. Ritchie, St. Andrews, Scotland.\n\u2018\u2018I congratulate you on the magnificent character of the portraits, and I feel proud to have such adornments for my lecture room.\u201d \u2014 J. J. McNulty, Professor of Philosophy in the College of the City of New York.\nTHE OPEN COURT PUBLISHING CO., \u201eS\u00bb\nKegan Paul, Trench, Tr\u00fcbner & Co., Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road,\nLondon.","page":0},{"file":"p0464.txt","language":"de","ocr_de":"YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS IV/TTlVrT^ SINGLE NUMBERS 12 \u00cf\u00cf. post free.\tXyJLXJl. N I /\tPrice 4M.\n(NEW SERIES)\nA QUARTERLY REVIEW OE PSYCHOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY\nEdited by Dr. G. F. STOUT.\nWith the co-operation of\nPROF. E. CAIRD, DR. WARD (England), and PROF. E. B. TITCHENER (U.S.A.\nMind is the only periodical which represents the interests of Psychology and Philosophy in England. Its general aim is to afford a vehicle for the expression of all that is most original and valuable in current English thought, without distinction of School or Department of Philosophical Inquiry.\nEach number contains one hundred and forty-four pages. Of these nearly one hundred are occupied by original articles. Under the head Discussions follow short papers on current topics of controversy, suggested for the most part by articles or reviews which have previously appeared in Mind. In each number at least three hooks are selected to receive full Critical Notice, by experts in the subject of which they treat; while under the head New Books is given a general account of the aim and contents of all recently published works of any importance which come within the scope of the Review. Between twenty and thirty hooks receive notice in each issue. There also appears, under the head of Philosophical Periodicals, a list of the titles and an indication of the contents of the articles in the leading philosophical journals, English and Foreign, with a fuller notice of those which appear to be of special importance. Notes on recent researches and current news conclude each number.\nAll literary communications from Europe should he addressed to Dr. G. F. Stout, University, Oxford. Unaccepted Manuscripts cannot he returned unless stamps are inclosed for postage.\nAmong recent contributors to Mind may he mentioned: Professor: Adamson, B. Bosanquet, F. H. Bradley, Professor Baldwin, Francis Galton, Shadworth H. Hodgson, L. T. Hobhouse, W. E. Johnson, Henry Rutgers Marshall, Dr. Colley March, Prof. J. S. Mackenzie, J. E. McTaggart, Rev. H. Rashdall, Dr-Rivers, Hon. B. A. W. Russell, F. C. S. Schiller, Alfred Sidgwick, Prof- H. Sidgwick, Professor Sorley, A. F. Shand, Prof. W. G. Smith, Prof. E. B. Titchener, Prof. James Ward, Dr. Wallaschek and Dr. Westermarck.\nPublished in ENGLAND by\nWILLIAMS AND NORGATE.\nEDINBURGH:\tLONDON:\tOXFORD:\n20, South Frederick Street. 14, Henrietta Street, Courent Garden. 7, Broad Street.","page":464},{"file":"p0464s0002.txt","language":"de","ocr_de":"Yerlag von Wilhelm Engelmann in Leipzig.\nSoeben erschien:\nHeinrich Hertz - f\u00fcr die Willensfreiheit?\nEine kritische Studie\n\u00fcber\nMechanismus und Willensfreiheit\nvon\nRichard Manno.\n8. JI 1.50.\nKants\nBegr\u00fcndung der Religion.\nEin kritischer Versuch.\nMit einem Vorwort \u00fcber die Beziehungen der neueren Dogmatik zu Kant\nvon\nDi. phil. Wilhelm Mengel.\n8.\t1900. Ji 1.20.\nGrundlinien\nder\nAnorganischen Chemie\ngr-\nWilhelm Ostwald.\nMit 122 Textfiguren.\n1900. In Leinen gebunden Jt 16.\u2014 , in Halbfranzband Ji 18.\nAlois Riehl.\nGIORDANO BRUNO.\nZur Erinnerung an den 17. Februar 1600.\nZweite, neu bearbeitete Auflage.\n8. 1900. Ji 1.20. \nPROBLEME.\nKritische Studien \u00fcber den Monismus.\nVon\nDr. Heinrich von Schoeler.\ngr. 8. 1900. Ji 2.\u2014.\n---------: Diesem Hefte ist der Antiquariats-Katag VII (Philosophie) des S\u00fcddeutschen Antiquariats (Dr. H. L\u00fcneburg) in M\u00fcnchen beigef\u00fcgt, worauf besonders hingewiesen wird. . ......\nDruck von Breitkopf & H\u00e4rtel in Leipzig.","page":0},{"file":"z0002table3.txt","language":"de","ocr_de":"Wandt, Philosophische. StiulienJClT Band.\n\nIAfti. Aust. Julius Hiri\u00fciardl, Leipzig,","page":0},{"file":"z0004.txt","language":"de","ocr_de":"Philosophical and Psychological Portrait Series.\nSuitable for framing' and hanging in public and private libraries, laboratories, seminaries, recitation and lecture rooms.\nThe portraits, whic hare 11 X 14 inches, have been taken from the best sources, and are high-grade photogravures. The series is now complete.\nPYTHAGORAS\tPhilosophical: SPINOZA\tHEGEL\nSOCRATES\tLOCKE\tSCHLEIERMACHER\nPLATO\tBERKELEY\tSCHOPENHAUER\nARISTOTLE\tHUME\tHERBART\nEPICTETUS\tMONTESQUIEU\tFEUERBACH\nTHOMAS AQUINAS\tVOLTAIRE\tLOTZE\nST. AUGUSTINE\tD\u2019ALEMBERT\tREID\nAYERRHOES\tCONDILLAC\tDUGALD STEWART\nDUNS SCOTUS\tDIDEROT\tSIR W. HAMILTON\nGIORDANO BRUNO\tROUSSEAU\tCOUSIN\nBACON\tLEIBNITZ\tCOMTE\nHOBBES\tWOLFF\tROSMINI\nDESCARTES\tKANT\tJ. STUART MILL\nMALEBRANCHE\tFICHTE\tHERBERT SPENCER\nSCHELLING CABANIS\tPsychological: MACH\tROMANES\nMAINE DE BIRAN\tSTUMPF\tPAUL JANET\nBENEKE\tEXNER\tRIBOT\nE. H. WEBER\tSTEINTHAL\tTAINE\nFECHNER\tBAIN\tFOUILLEE\nHELMHOLTZ\tSULLY\tBINET\nWUNDT\tWARD\tG. STANLEY HALL\nHERING\tC. L. MORGAN\tG. T. LADD\nAUBERT\tTo Subscribers:\t\nTERMS: For the whole series (G8 portraits) on regular paper, 35 shillings; on heavy Imperial Japanese paper, 50 shillings.\nThe Philosophical Series, 43 portraits, Imperial Japanese paper, 40 shillings; the same on the best plate paper, 30 shillings. The Psychological Series, 25 portraits, on Imperial Japanese paper, 24 shillings; the same on the best plate paper, 18 shillings. (Carriage prepaid.) Single portraits on regular paper, one shilling.\nFor subscribers who may prefer not to frame the portraits, a neat portfolio will be provided at a cost of four shillings additional.\n\u201cI have received the first instalment of the series of portraits of philosophers, and am very much pleased with them.\u201d \u2014 Professor David G. Ritchie, St. Andrews, Scotland.\n\u2022\u2018I congratulate you on the magnificent character of the portraits, and I feel proud to have such adornments for my lecture room.\u201d \u2014 J. J. McNulty, Professor of Philosophy in the College of the City of New York.\nTHE OPEN COURT PUBLISHING CO,\nKegan Paul, Trench, Tr\u00fcbner & Co., Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road,\nLondon.","page":0},{"file":"z0005.txt","language":"de","ocr_de":"Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann in Leipzig.\nNeuigkeiten des Jahres 1900.\nJames\u00bb William, 1>sJclloloSie nnd Erziehung. Ansprachen an Lehrer. \u25a01\tAus dem Englischen von Dr. Friedrich Kiesow.\nMit 2 Figuren im Text. Autorisierte \u00dcbersetzung.\n8. Jl 3.50; in Leinen geh. Jl 4.30.\nKroell, \u00cf\u00cf., Der Aufbau der menschlichen Seele. Eine psychologische ~\u2014 Skizze. Mit 14 Abbildungen im Text. 8. 1900.\nGeh. Jl 5.\u2014; in Leinen gebunden Ji b.^-.\nLuoddeck\u00fcns Fritz Eeehts- und Linksh\u00e4ndigkeit. Mit 11 Figuren\n\u2014...\u2014\t- im Text. gr. 8.\tJl 2.\u2014.\nManno Richard Heinrich Hertz \u2014 f\u00fcr die Willensfreiheit? Eine\n---------------------- kritische Studie \u00fcber Mechanismus und Willensfreiheit.\n8.\tJi 1.50.\nMengel, Wilhelm, Hants Begr\u00fcndung der Religion. Ein kritischer\n....\t1\t\u2014--------- Versuch. Mit einem Vorwort \u00fcber die Beziehungen\nder neueren Dogmatik zu Kant. 8.\t1900.\tJl 1.20.\nRiehl, Alois, Giordano Bruno. Zur Erinnerung an den 17. Februar 1600. \u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014 Zweite, neu bearbeitete Auflage. 8. 1900. Jl 1.20.\nSchoeler Heinrich V\u00bb Probleme. Kritische Studien \u00fcber den Monis-\n----\u2014\t...... mus. gr. 8. 1900.\tJl 2.\u2014.\nSchWarZ Hermann. Psych\u00b0l\u00b0S'e des Willens. Zur Grundlegung der\n\u25a0\t\u25a0'\t\u25a0\t- Ethik, gr. 8.\tJl 6.\u2014.\nSt\u00d6rring, Gustav, VorlesullSen Uber Psychopathologie in ihrer Be-\n\u2014-------------------------deutung f\u00fcr die normale Psychologie mit Einschluss\nder psychologischen Grundlagen der Erkenntnistheorie. Mit 8 Figuren im Text, gr. 8.\tGeh. Jl 9.\u2014 ; in Leinen gebunden Jl 10.\u2014.\nHoffmann von Fallersleben,IJnsere \u2122ikstMmiiChen Lieder.\n\u2014\t.... Vierte Auflage, herausgegeben\nund neu bearbeitet von Karl Hermann Prahl. Gr. 8.\nJl 1\u2014', in Leinen gebunden Jl 8,\u2014.\nDruck Ton Breitkopf & H\u00e4rtel in Leipzig.","page":0},{"file":"z0007.txt","language":"de","ocr_de":"\n","page":0},{"file":"z0008.txt","language":"de","ocr_de":"SBB\nN12<126548413010","page":0}],"identifier":"lit29415","issued":"1900","language":"de","pages":"1-663","startpages":"1","title":"Philosophische Studien","type":"(JournalVolume)","volume":"16"},"revision":0,"updated":"2022-01-31T13:44:49.800261+00:00"}