Open Access
{"created":"2022-01-31T12:57:21.443790+00:00","id":"lit39746","links":{},"metadata":{"contributors":[{"name":"Benedict, Francis Gano","role":"author"}],"fulltext":[{"file":"a0003.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"^Harvard University\nCibrarjj of\nChe (Dedical School\nand\nGhe School of ^Public ^Health\ns\u00ae\n","page":0},{"file":"a0005.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\n\n\n;\n","page":0},{"file":"a0006.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"REPORT OF A VISIT TO FORE I GIT LABORATORIES\nA\nFEBRUARY TO JUNE , 1913\nBy\nFrancis G. Benedict\nDirector, nutrition Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington\nBoston, Massachusetts.\n1916","page":0},{"file":"p0001contents.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"LIST OF INSTITUTIONS VISITED.\nDirectors of laboratories Name\tand associates whose\nwork was personally viewed.\nHavre\t\u00bb\tLef\u00e8vre\t/ /\nParis\tSoci\u00e9t\u00e9 Scientifique d\u2019Hygiene Alimentaire\tGautier Alquier\t/ S~ Mile. Pompilian\t\n\tPasteur Institute\tDoux Bertrand\t3 7\n\tPhysiological Laboratory of the Sorbonne\tDastre\t\n\tMarey Institute\tPichet Weiss Bull\t\n\tMuseum de l\u2019Histoire Naturelle\tTissot\tS d~\nBrussels\tSolvay Institute\tSlosse H\u00e9ger van Laer phillipson\tST\nBonn\tTier-physiologisches Institut\tHagemann\t\nD\u00fcsseldorf\tKlinik ftlr Kinderheilkunde\tSchlossmann Murschhauser\t6 \u00e9>\nHeidelberg\tKrebs Institute\tCzerny von D\u00fcngern Werner\t73\n\tUniversity of Heidelberg (Physiological Laboratory)\tKossel Cohnheim\t79\n\tI Medical Clinic\tvon Krehl Grafe\tT /\nGeneva\tUniversity of Geneva\tGuye\tf\u00e9>\nBasel\tI Medical Clinic\tStaehelin Gigon\tTf\n\tUniversity of Basel (Physiological Institute)\tMetzner Jaquet\t91","page":0},{"file":"p0002.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Place\tName\tDirectors of laboratories\t\n\t\tand associates whose\t\n\t\twork was personally viewed.\t\nFlorence\tGeneral Medical Clinic\tMarchetti Capezzuoli Frugoni\t\n\tPhysiological Laboratory of the Imperial Institute\tFano\tj o %\nNaples\tUniversity of Naples\tGaleotti\t/ It-\nPome\tUniversity of Pome\tLuciani\t/ z f\nBudapest\tAgricultural Institute, Buda University Medical School, Pest (Institute of Pathology)\tTangl\tA3\nVienna\tHochschule for Bodenkultur\tDur ig\t! 6 6\n\tUniversity of Vienna\tMeyer Kassowitz von Noorden\t\nMunich\tUniversity of Munich (II Medical Clinic)\tM\u00f6ller Neubauer\t/JZ\n\t(Physiological Laboratory)\tFrank\t/ y s~\n\tHygienic Institute\tGruber\t/71\nBerlin\t\tFriedenthal\t/?/\n\tI Medical Clinic\tHis Friedmann\t/\u00ce3\n\tK\u00f6nigliche Tier\u00e4rztliche (Physiological Laboratory)\tCremer\t/?/\n\tUniversity of Berlin (Physiological Laboratory)\tPubner\t/13\n\tKaiserin Auguste-Victoria Haus\tLangstein\t/fS\n\tInstitut f\u00fcr Garungsgewerbe (Physiological Laboratory)\tVOltz\tIe) 6\n\tK\u00f6nigliche Landwirtschaftliche\tSuntz Hochschule (Tierphysiologisches\tCaspari Institut)\tMaller\t\t","page":2},{"file":"p0003.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"K\u00e4me\nPlace\nDirectors of laboratories\nand associates whose work was personally viewed.\nMoscow\tFrauen-Hochschule\nAgricultural Experiment Station\nUniversity of Moscow\n(Physical Institute\u2014Laboratory of Professor Louguinine)\n(Sofia)\t(University of Sofia)\nSt. Petersburg Institute for Experimental Medicine\nWomen's Medical College\nHelsingfors\tUniversity of Helsingfors\n(Physiological Laboratory)\nStockholm\tKarolinska Institute\n(Physiological Laboratory)\nLaboratory of the Stockholm Board of Health\nCopenhagen\nUtrecht\nKarolinska Institute\n(Pharmacological Laboratory)\nUniversity of Copenhagen (physiological Laboratory)\nZoophysiological Laboratory\nThe Carlsberg Laboratory\nLaboratory of the Finsens Medicinske Lysinstitut\nUniversity of Utrecht\n(Institute of Physiology and Physiological Chemistry)\nGroningen\tUniversity of Groningen\n(Physiological Laboratory)\nSchaternikoff ZZ\n\t\nSwientoslawski\t\nBachmetjew\tZSc\nPawlow\tIS\u00d4\nLikhatscheff ^ \u00a3 C Albitsky Kartaschefsky Sskolow\t\nTigerstedt\tJib b\nJohansson\tno\nSond\u00ean\tZ~[(,\nSantesson\tit 0\nHenr iques\tni\nKrogh\tin\nSorensen\tZ^i\nHasselbalch\tzqs\nPekelharing Swaardemaker\t301\nHamburger\t3C>\u00ce\nWiersma\t31 b\n(Psychiatric Laboratory)\n","page":3},{"file":"p0004.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Place\tName\tDirectors of laboratories and associates whose worh was personally viewed\t\nLondon\tUniversity of London (Physiological Laboratory)\tWaller\t3/*\n\tGuy's Hospital Medical School (Physiological Laboratory)\tPembrey Haldane\t3 1e}\n\tUniversity College (Physiological Laboratory)\tStarling\t3Z0\nCambridge\tUniversity of Cambridge (School of Agriculture)\tWolf\t31 /\nEdinburgh.\t\tSchaefer\t3ZZ\nSpecial observations\nVivisection\nUse of foreign laboratories Distribution of reprints\n31*","page":4},{"file":"p0005introduction.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"O\n1K TRPDU C XIOU\nObjects of European trips\u00bb\nIt bas frequently been asked me\u00bb both in America nnd \u00fcurope\u00bb bov: I, as Director of the Nutrition Laboratory, can afford to take four months\u2019 time, in addition to a sum for travelling expenses and my salary, for a foreign trip. It. is difficult for many to understand the policies which would Justify this expenditure of time and money, but 1 feel myself in an especially advantageous position to estimate the value of such a\ntrip.\nBio-calorimetry, gaseous exchange, and body-temperature measurement have all received relatively little attention on the part of physiological laboratories. By virtue of its equipment, the Nutrition Laoora-tory is particularly fitted to undertake researches in these lines, -..hile a large sum of money has been expended upon the building, its equipment, and the maintenance of its staff in order to have it in the best possible condition for studying such problems, 1 have also considered it. desirable to keep closely in touch with the foreign workers in these fields of research. to avoid the duplication of results, to repeat important experiments whose experimental evidence may possibly he too fragmentary lor general acceptance, and to make myself familiar with the methods and apparatus in use in the foreign laboratories. I have pursued the same policy in regard to American workers, visiting such laboratories as that of Professor Armsby in Btate College, Pennsylvania, the U. S, Department of Agriculture, and particularly the laboratory of Professor Grraham Lusk in the Cornell University Medical College. These men or representatives of these laboratories frequently visit the Nutrition Laboratory and hence we are kept more or less in touch with their researches. On the other hand, many foreigners ind it impossible to come to America on account of the distance and the expense,","page":0},{"file":"p0006.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"and to familiarise myself with their work, 1 find it desirable to make a tour of the European laboratories about every three years.\nThe main object of the European trip, therefore, is to keep in touch with the different workers in the lines of research in which we are interested and to seek new ideas and methods for use in our own investigations. a second point of almost equal value is to disseminate information regarding our own researches. This is particularly necessary as many of the results of our own work are published in the form of monographs which are not in ary way comparable with the papers in scientific journals used by most research workers to present their results to the scientific world; it has accordingly been difficult for foreigners to secure an adequate understanding of the character of our work, particularly when the results are published in the Carnegie Institution publications. It is true that the Carnegie Institution publications are deposited in practically all of the large libraries of Europe, but this is not generally known by the European physiologists ; it i3 a matter of personal knowledge, however, that when attention has been directed to the publications, use has been made of them. Other research institutions, not connected with Universities, have had the same experience, notably the Solvay Institute in Brussels, and more recently the Eaiser Wilhelms Institutes in Berlin, which at first were but slowly known and are now being looked to by investigators for scientific results.\nStill another advantage gained by these xjeriodical trips to Europe is the advance information secured regarding methods and researches which are in progress in the laboratories visited and are freely shown to me. As a result, when I retvirn from Europe, I am at least one year in advance of the scientific literature on these subjects. By this system of European trips, the laboratory is thus kept strictly up to date.","page":6},{"file":"p0007.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Such intercourse is of mutual benefit and renders possible a entente cordiale between ourselves and the laboratories visited. The entire independence of the Nutrition Laboratory from all other existing institutions, the broad principles of administration adopted by the 3oard of Trustees and the President, and the select field, of research have raised this laboratory above many others and hence entree can he secured to many laboratories which are not usually freely opened to visitors. 1 am therefore brought into contact with the greatest men in physiology, hygiene, and medicine, not superficially, but in frequent and intimate intercourse for periods of days or weeks, The Physiological Congress held triennially in different European cities gives an opportunity for making known to each other the workers in the various scientific fields 0p research. It has not been necessary for me to attend these congresses for I have had the opportunity to visit these men in their laboratories and frequently at their homes, and thus see them at work, tell them of our own work, and exchange ideas and criticisms.\nThrough these trips, also, it is possible to find candidates among the younger members of the laboratory staffs for Research Associates in the Nutrition Laboratory. Furthermore, as 1 meet many men who are compiling the results of others investigations for use in textbooks, handbooks, and encyclopaedia articles, it is possible to put them in touch with the sources of information regarding the work of the Nutrition Laboratory and make surs of a proper representation of ovir own results.\nThe opportunity to study the most recently devised apparatus, become familiar with its technique, and if thought desirable, order direct from the mechanician or the manufacturer a duplicate for use in the Nutrition Laboratory is a valuable one. It has likewise been possible to introduce into European laboratories apparatus which has been devised in this","page":7},{"file":"p0008.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"laboratory by supplying sketches\u00bb blue prints, and occasionally sending a model for reproduction. Other members of the staff\u2014-Hr. Carpenter and Ur. Higgins\u2014have also been able to introduce various apparatus and technique into some of the European laboratories they have visited.\nFinally, my experience has shorn that through my wide acquaintance and pleasant relations with European investigators, 1 have been able to be of service in promoting better feeling among the various laboratories and in correcting misunderstandings. It is easy to see the potentialities of such friendship in smoothing cut difficulties between individuals.\nThe special objects of the tour of 1915.\nlily first European tour was made during the construction of the Nutrition Laboratory and the primary object of that trip was the study of laboratory construction and equipment. A second trip was made about three years later to study special respiratory technique and the metabolism investigations on diabetics. Following these trips, other members of the Nutrition Laboratory staff were sent to Europe to study certain details in technique and laboratory facilities which \u00cf personally had not time to investigate. Luring my trip of 1913, several important points were specially studied. '\nAdministration.\nSince this laboratory is somewha.t unlike other laboratories, its method of administration has caused me not a little di.fficulty. Accordingly I made a special study in the laboratories visited of the methods cf administration, the relations between the Director and the sta , the working space allotted to the members of the staff, the locker accommodations, the freedom of the supply room, the times of coming and going, and similar\nmatters of administration.","page":8},{"file":"p0009.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\u25a0library\nConsiderable attention was given to the best methods of making the library accessible end useful to the staff and of the care and disposition of the incoming reprints. I also took pains to find out v/here the publications of the Carnegie institution were located, whether in the departmental libraries or in the personal library of any one of the professors or in both. This has an important bearing upon the method of distributing reprints, since the prinary object of such distribution is not to enlarge the library of a particular professor but to make the material as accessible as possible to the largest number of assistants working in the laboratories and of men in the particular line of research treated of in the publication. Many suggestions of value were obtained.\nIre,yam for the investigation on the influence of ethyl alcohol.\nShortly before I went to Europe, an extensive program for the study of the Influence of the ingestion of alcohol on man was prepared and sent for criticism and suggestion to a large number of foreign investigators. Typewritten letters were also sent to many of these, stating that I should subsequently visit their laboratories and should be glad of the opportunity to discuss vith them the plan and general character of the proposed investigations with the hope that they would freely make suggestions and criticisms. As a result, 1 had personal conversations with a large number of competent critics who gave me many' va 1 liable suggestions,\niigta^lis^-studles at.high altjtudps.\nIt is becoming of increasing importance to study the influence of high altitude upon metabolism. Notwithstanding the extensive investigations of Puntz and his co-workers and the more recent investigations of Professor Haldane and his associates on like's Peak, it seems desirable","page":9},{"file":"p0010.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"if possible to study the existing methods of research so as later to establish a station or a temporary station upon Pike's Peak for carrying on studies with a bet/er technique, as the many investigations whicfc have previously been carried out were made with apparatus which mere necessarily transportable and the methods were somewhat inaccurate. After considerable diplomatic correspondence with Professor Paleotti, arrangements were made for a representative of the Nutrition Laboratory, Hr. H. L. Higgins, to spend a portion of + he sumtre r at nhe iiosso Laboratory' on Monte Rosa. The details were arranged in a personal interview with professor Crftleotti and by cable and letter with Mr. Higgins. The results of this trip are given in Hr. Higgins' report.\nSuch intimate connection with the more prominent investigators in studies at high altitudes should give us a thorough knowledge of their technique and an opportunity to improve upon the methods used.\nUr. Higgins' experience with Professors Barcroft and Haldane made him especially well fitted for this work.","page":10},{"file":"p0011.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Il\nKAVP.L, FRaNOH j-rofec-or \u00ab.ult-c ^eF\u00e8vre\nIn order to meet Professor Lef\u00e8vre personally in Havre, 1 took the French line fron New York. Although 1 had written Professor ^ef'evre previously as to the date of my arrival, it was only after a series of nishaps that I finally net him at his apartment and had a conversation of about an hour and a quarter. Lefevre is a nan of about 55 years of age, typically French in his volubility and enthusiasm, but probably no deeper than most of his countrynen. He is a professor or teacher in the High School in Havre and has had no laboratory for a number of years. For the last eight years he has been working upon his large volume \"Chaleur animale et bioenergetique\" and has accordingly done no experimental work, but expects to begin again shortly. He evidently desires to become associated with the new Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Scientifique d\u2019Hygi\u00e8ne Alimentaire in Paris, whose new laboratory is in process of construction. In fact, he spoke to me of moving to Paris in two years. I should judge from his conversation that he expected an appointment there and wishes very much to visit the Nutrition Laboratory, Rubner\u2019e laboratory, and other foreign laboratories. He is very enthusiastic about the ecole Am\u00e9ricaine, as is evidenced from the large place given to it in his book, and was full of the usual Caille expressions of appreciation.\nHe had only just received the alcohol program but told me he would read it carefully and write me regarding it. Apparently he had confined himself exclusively to literary work for the past decade and when reading his large book, one could easily see how that time was\noccupied. Personally 1 have foxmd it very accurate. The relatively few references I have had occasion to check have alv/ays been correct.","page":11},{"file":"p0012.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"12\nLef\u00e8vre is much interested, in the liver as a heat centre.\nAlthough I had. difficulty in understanding all of the details of his conversation, as near as 1 could make out, his impression is that if an animal is half frozen so that it is nearly motionless, deac , and cold, and it is then Trapped in cloths hut without .artificial heat, it will revive. During the process of revival, if a thermo-element is thrust into the liver, it will he found that the temperature of the liver will rise before the temperature of the muscles; in other words, the liver begins the heat-production and from the liver are carried substances which stimulate the heart and finally the muscles to action. This process inside the liver is a process of heat-rroduction without oxidation in that the substances are formed in the liver and are carried to the muscles. On the other hand, the heat-production in the heart and muscles must be accompanied by an oxidation process. He therefore considers that the liver is a thermogenic centre. In this connection, ^.ef\u00eavre cited experiments that, he had reported in the Brown-Sequard journal a number of years ago.\nOne of the most interesting points in connection with ny conversation with Lef\u00e8vre was his attitude towards Chauveau. 1 had always supposed that Chauveau held the highest place among French physiologists and that all Frenchmen from pl\u00e8t\u00e8 supported his views as much as they could. Lef\u00e8vre says, however, that this is not true.\nLef\u00e8vre said that Chauveau is a physician and not a physiologist; in fact, he is a veterinarian, and while he is a genius, he is not a man who studies into things deeply. All of his research on muscular work has been done from the standpoint of a physician and not from that of a physiologist. Finally, he emphasized very strongly the fact that he thought that Chauveau was entirely wrong on the question of static work. He em- -phasized this by drawing up his arm and showing that the muscle under","page":12},{"file":"p0013.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"tension was very hard, and said that the physician world say, \"There'.\nThe muscle is hard and work is he iny done,\" This he gave as an illustration that Chauveau always considered everything from the standpoint of a physician.\nSubsequently I talked with others both outside and inside of France and found that while the French are inclined to look upon Chauveau more or less as a veterinary and not as an abstract scientific man, still he certainly holds an extraordinarily high place in the minds of practically all physiologists. When I spoke of the French attitude towards Chauveau, many of the foreign investigators have said that they wished they could have accomplished for physiology a fraction of v;hat Chauveau has done.\n*\nLefevre was very enthusiastic about the possibilities of the new respiration a paratus and maintained that it is well named \"universal\".\nHe thought that Rubner was entirely wrong about there being two kinds of temperature regulation and believed, as we do, that it is all muscular work, such as shivering, etc. In support of this he cited an experiment that he had made a number of years ago. He was quite opposed to the modern idea of physiologists experimenting with electricity on muscles and similar substances and thought that the only experimenting \u00bbn physiology worth doing was on man.\n\\\nIt is easy to see from a conversation with lefevre that his absence from the laboratory for the last ten years has given him a point of viev/ which is essentially that of the investigators v'hose wnitings he has read in preparing his large book of compilations. Naturally, the preparation of this book has given him a ve~y v ide know]edge and understanding of the literature. On the other hand, one is instantly struck w:ith the difference in the understanding of the ] iteratcire by uef\u00e8vre and by iigerst\u00eadt. Tigerstedt has a wonderfully sound head and can certainly","page":13},{"file":"p0014.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"14\nvalue literature as no one else that 1 law of can. Lef\u00e8vre did not give me the impression of being able to value understandingly contributions in physiology.\nEvidently his large book, perhaps by its great else, has made a profound impression upon some French physiologists, particularly iiastre of laris. On the other hand, many of the Frenchmen whom 1 r;et while in Paris are quite inclined to belittle Lefevre's ability. Certainly his earlier experiments on bath calorimetry or radiation calorimetry as reported in his short papers were not carried out with any idea of fundamental exactness and seem more or less like playthings at the present day. In fact, there is very little, if anything, of definite value in his publications on calorimetry.\nAfter leaving Havre, I was of course again much interested in\n\\\nLefevre, owing to his connection with the projected, researches and construction of the new laboratory of the SocieW Scientifique d'Hygi\u00e8ne Alimentaire in Parie. Consequently he will he referred to subsequently in this report in connection with my notes on that society.","page":14},{"file":"p0015.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PARIS. FRA. CB\nSoci\u00e9t\u00e9 Scientifique d*Hygiene Alimentaire.\nAlthough my visit to Paris in 1907 had not \"been especially productive in the acquisition of new material or new ideas for the laboratory, I thought it. desirable to inleude it in this trip, as I felt, that more than six years ras too long a pe riod to elapse before making another visit and getting into touch v;it.h the physiologists vho were working there. This desire was strengthened by a visit of Professor Babriel Bertrand to the Nutrition Laboratory in the fall of 1912, when he told me that the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9\" Scientifique d'Hygi\u00e8ne Alimentaire contemplated the construction of a laboratory for studying the problem of nutrition. This society had commissioned Professor Bertrand to visit the Nutrition Laboratory with a view to inspecting our respiration calorimeter and Judging of its practicability for their new laboratory. Professor Bertrand spent a day here, making many inqxiiries in regard to the cost of building such a calorimeter aid the scientific staff necessary for the proper conduct of calorimeter investigations. He took away with him many sketches and subsequently pxirchased a number of photographs of different parts of the apparatus.\nAccording to Professor Bertrand, the leading spirits in the society were Professor Armand Pautier, LT. Roux of the Pasteur Institute, \u00fc. Alquier, the secretary, ar.d several others whose names I do not now-recall. Before going to Paris, I had received letters from several of these gentlemen, stating that they would like to see me to discuss the problems and plans which had been suggested for the society. The first formal meeting with these gentlemen was at a luncheon given by Dr. Roux","page":15},{"file":"p0016.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"of the lasteur Institute, the guests including the members of the Commission appointed to have in charge the construction of the respiration calorimeter, Among those at the luncheon were Dr. Roux and Professor Bertrand of the Pasteur Institute, Professor Dastre of the Sorbonne, professor Pautier, Professor d\u2019Arsonval, M. Alquier, Dr. Detulle of the Boucicault Hospital, Mademoiselle Pompilian, and two or three others whose names I now forget. At this luncheon general plans were discussed and 1 was requested to make some remarks giving my views. Unfortunately my limited command of French and the rather formidable nature of the meeting made it difficult for me to expiress myself suitably, but arrangements were made by which I could get into touch with each individual member of the Commission at some later date.\nAfter the luncheon, Professor Dastre took me to his laboratory at the Borbonne and gave me some of his views in regard to the projects then on hand, among other things he told me that 'the'' society had raised 2,000,000 francs by means of a lottery and that a lot of land was given to them or had been purchased from the Government near the Pantheon. The foundations of the building had already been laid. When I went to se8 them subsequently, I found that they were level with the ground and that the concrete base had been put in. It was thought very necessary for the society to make a beginning as in France wealthy men will not give money to a contemplated project, but. after the project has been launched and there is tangible evidence of a beginning, money begins to pour in without any effort to raise it. For example, the Pasteur Institute was started with great difficulty and had at first hardly enough money to keep it going, but at the present day it is very prosperous and money is contributed at the slightest request. It is expected that the experience with this society will be similar to that of the Pasteur Institute.","page":16},{"file":"p0017.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Professor Gr aut 1er afterwards told ne that the laboratory would\nnot be completed for two years. He has retired from his professorship and expects to devote his entire time to the new laboratory during its construction. In fact, in Paris the inclination is to look upon the society as Gautier's and the journal that it publishes is called Gautier's journal.\nI also heard that there is more or less of a tendency to consider the society and its laboratory as playthings of Gautier's, for but few seem to have confidence in his ability to accomplish much with the whole project. II. Tissot told me that the whole thing is a dream of Gautier's and is not practical and he does not think that anything will ever be done in the new building for French science. Tissot is extremely pessimistic and maintains that there is no interest in pure science in France. I think that Tissot is somewhat the exception in his views, however, and having more or less lost his own hold on pure science, he is inclined to depreciate the efforts of all others.\nApparently the formation of the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Scientifique d'Hygi\u00e9ne Alimentaire stirralated the building and the equipment of the respiration calorimeter in the Hospital Boucicault. This calorimeter was visited both by myself and by Lr. Carpenter six ar five , years ago, respectively.\nA description has been published of it but no control tests have been made of the apparatus and one may say that it has never yielded one fact of scientific importance to the world. During the flood in laris, the building in which the calorimeter was located was flooded, so that the apparatus was completely spoiled; it was then taken apart and temporarily stored in +he Pasteur Institute. After this experience, the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Scientifique d'Hygi\u00e9ne Alimentaire decided to secure higher land for its laboratory and accordingly the land near the Pantheon was purchased, at the corner of the rue Estrapade and rue Clothilde. The plans for the laboratory were published in a brochure, a copy of which was given me. These i>lans show a","page":17},{"file":"p0018.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"very elaborate calorimeter laboratory\u00ab this being the dominary feature of the building.\nThe particular question to be decided is which calorimeter shall be installed in the new building. The society sent Professor Bertrand to Boston after his New York lectures to inspect the Nutrition Laboratory. Meanwhile Mademoiselle Fompilian, who had constructed the apparatus in the Boucicault Hospital, went at her own expense to Budapest to see Tangl and to Berlin to see Rubner and Zuntz. She also saw professor Armsby of utate College while in Berlin and finally went to Bonn to see Hagemann.\nThe committee appointed to have in charge the construction of the calorimeter is somewhat unwieldy, being 10 in number; apparently each member has a different view from the others as to v;hat should be dene. Professor Bertrand has told the committee that I was coming to Paris, and in consequence a number of dinners and conferences were planned so that I might meet the different members of the commission.\nIt was the intention of the commission to consider two propositions for the construction of a calorimeter, one to come from Mademoiselle\nFompilian, the designer of the calorimeter at the Hospital Boucicault, and\n\\\nthe other to come from Professor iefevre at Havre. Mademoiselle Poirpilian\u2019s plan had already been prepared and presented to the commission but when I Left Paris the latter part of February, Lefevre\u2019s plan had not appeared. Bince that time it has been published in the Journal of the society. Lef\u00e8vre' b work in bath calorimetry some years ago and the publication of his large book had favorably impressed 3ome of the members of the commission. Professor Dastre was very strongly in favor of Lefevre\u2019s p>lan and spoke very freely and very strongly to me regarding it. l)rs. Roux and Gautier were preferably for Mademoiselle Pompilian\u2019s plan. Many of them said very pleasantly that o;ir apparatus was the only suitable one for +-heir laboratory, but possibly they thought otherwise, their expression being due to","page":18},{"file":"p0019.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"French politeness. One feature of the situation which always struck roe as being somewhat unfair was the fact that Mademoiselle Pompilian, the author\nof one of the plans, was always present at all of the conferences, while\n\\\nProfessor Lefevre, being in Havre, naturally could not be present.\nIt was obvions to many of the members that the commission was too large. Professor Bertrand, who impressed me as being the most level-headed of them all and to have a clearer grasp of the situation than any one else, was very frank in stating his belief that the commission was too large and that very little could be accomplished until some one individual was responsible for the whole matter; in other words, while the society as organised had a president (Gautier) and the laboratory was being constructed, no director had been appointed for the laboratory and no one individual was responsible for its general plan, its construction, and its equipment. This seemed to me, and especially to Professor Bertrand, a very grave error Professor Bertrand was sure that the only thing to do was to copy the respiration calorimeter in the Nutrition Laboratory, sending some to to \u00bbAmerica to study it and learn the technique.\nWhen M. Alquier gave me a copy of the brochure describing the new laboratory, I pointed out several features of the building which seemed to me to be defective. I also spoke of them to Professor Gautier at the luncheon given by Dr. Bcux. He then told me that he had invited the architect to meet me at dinner at his house and we could at that time go over the whole plan.\nThe guests at Professor Gautier's house included the members of the commission, one of whom was M. P. Begnard, also the architect and some other friends. In discussing the plans with the architect, I found that the arrangement of the whole building had been determined by the design of Mademoiselle Pompilian's calorimeter, which required a peculiar series","page":19},{"file":"p0020.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"of rooms, one above the other, v.\u2019hich practically modified the -.-hole architectural design. For example, a sub-basement was necessary, about six feet high. M. Alquier told me that her first plan called for four large rooms on one floor, which would occupy the whole area to be covered by the building but she finally changed the plan to three rooms over each other. The architect told me that while the foundations were laid up to the level of the land, the whole upper structure could be changed in plan without change in the foundations.\nI told them that I thought they caught to have a large museum, perhaps larger than the one which had been planned for. Although the present room might do for a simple historical collection, nevertheless they ought to have a museum of sufficient sice to put in it a large number of foodstuffs showing the progress of science in this line. The architect showed me that he could extend the building at one side if necessary but I was content with simply having raised the question.\nThe calorimeter laboratory, which is now planned to accommodate Mademoiselle Fompilian's apparatus, is about 7 by 10 meters. I considered with them the possibility of installing our bed calorimeter and our No. 3 calorimeter in this room side by side. The extensive use of soda lime also called for the construction of a well-ventilated room in the basement with a good concrete floor for washing. I found the architect most interested and willing to accept suggestions. He said that he realized, as never before the difficulty of trying to meet the detrends of ten different members of the commission and bemoaned the fact ^hat no one man had been appointed director who shoiild be responsible for tbe whole construction. As an illustration of the defect in the plans due to this divided rasponsibility,\nI might call attention to the fact that the corridor leading from one wing of the building to the other passed directly through the library or reading room v-ith no other interconnection.","page":20},{"file":"p0021.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"21.\nTrie architect told me that he had heen unable to bring together the various interests and to satisfy the different members of the commission. He said that the plan 1 outlined was the first logical plan that he had seen. Each member of the commission would look at the plans for a moment or two and then promptly forget about them and be of no service until called upon again; then some snap judgment would be made which would have\nno scientific hearing.\n\\\nAt this meeting at Professor Pautier*s house, I was also disturbed by the lack of coordination shown among the French scientists. Each was enthusiastic in regard to his own particular line and everything redounded to the glory of France, etc., hut there seemed to be no key word in connection with this new society. At present, Gautier, the pr\u00e9sidait, and alquier, the secretary, work together somewhat, but Alquier had very little confidence in Gautier's judgment and the architect distrusted them both. I was unable to find out why no director had been appointed for the laboratory, but was told that the funds had heen slew in accumulating and they felt that they ought to make a good showing first and then get more funds so as to be able t,o call a man v ith a greater degree of certainty.\nAfter having seen so many of the members of the commission having in charge the building of the calorimeters and hearing their diverse opinions on the subject, 1 felt as if I should not leave Paris without making a definite statement, first, as to my understanding of the situation and second, as to my recommendation for action. It seemed to me in this way there would be less liability to confusion and misunderstanding of my point of view due to my limited knowledge of French. Consequently I wrote in English a rejort to the members of the Council of the Society and gave it to M. alquier, who after reading it said there was nothing in it to","page":21},{"file":"p0022.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"change. He subsequently had it translated, assisting in the translation h/nself, had copies made for each member of the Council, and sent one to me. This recommendation is inserted here.\nReport submitted to the Council of Administration of the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 .Scienti-\nfique Hygiene Alimentaire. Feb;-qar r 26, 1915.\ndentlernen;\nSince my conference with Professor 3. Bertrand in Boston last October, I have thought seriously on the question of your new laboratory. Never having met M. Lef\u00e8vre personally, 1 planned especially to sail from New York for Havre in order to see him. On my arrival in Havre, I had a short discussion with him on questions of a general nature. Since reaching Paris, I have frequently seen M. Alquier and Mademoiselle Pompilian and have become very well informed as to the general plans and the state of the whole project in conferences with Ml. Bertrand, Roux, dautier, Alquier, Dastre, Weiss, and others. It is unnecessary to state that I am vitally interested in the success of this institution for 1 see first of all the most intimate and friendly relations between this laboratory and mine.\nAccording to my understanding of your work, two plans have been proposed,' one by Mademoiselle Pomfdlian, based upon her extensive experiments with her apparatus in the Hospital Boucicault, and the other the plan of M. Lef\u00e8vre, the details of which are not yet known, but which is based first on his experiments on bath calorimetry of a dozen years ago, and second upon his admirable treatise \"Chaleur animale et bio\u00e9nergetique\".\nIn talking with different members of your commission, I have heard a number of opinions expressed; certain of these favor the plan of Mademoiselle Pompilian and others the ability of M. Lef\u00e8vre for meeting the required conditions of such research.","page":22},{"file":"p0023.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"I have the deepest admiration for the remarkable treatise of\nM. .uef evre and for his experiments which, in the age in which they were\nwritten, had a fundamental interest although science ir. its progress has\nleft them behind like useless landmarks rather than as sources of scienti-\n\\\nfie information. H. Lefevre says frankly that his extensive editorial work has prevented him during the last ten years from engaging in any experimental research. As a mathematician he is eminently qualified for calculating with great exactness the theoretical conditions necessary for the complete success of the apparatus, but his long-continued absence from exj-erimental research and particularly his lack of practice in the experimental technique of the modern calorimeter would make his task, if he were to succeed, extremely difficult. I do not mean that M. ^.efevre is incapable of constructing a kind of calorimeter but it seems to roe doubtful if he can construct a calorimeter with exactness until after many years of costly experimenting. This is why 1 recommend not adopting the plan of Mefevre.\nThe second plan, that of Mademoiselle Pompilian, is much more advanced in that Mademoiselle Pompilian has already constructed an apparatus and has made use of it. Che has furthermore had the advantage of having visited several European laboratories where researches of this nature are carried on and is consequently in touch with the different types of apparatus\u00bb While her plan is based upon her previous experience, it includes numerous proposed modifications which are as yet only theoretical. These modifications will necessarily call for a considerable number of experiments before they can be accepted with any certainty as Justifying their adoption.\nMy opinion of the project of Mademoiselle Pompilian is based upon the following;","page":23},{"file":"p0024.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"1.\tIn 1S07 1 made a trip to Paris and spent about an hour examining the apparstus in the Hospital Boucicault in company with a young p>hysician belonging to the staff of the hospital, Mademoiselle Pompilian was at the time in Budapest but being familiar with such apparatus, 1 consider myself competent to judge of its merits or demerits.\nAs a consequence of this inspection, I asked my first assistant. Hr. Carpenter, on his next trip abroad, to inspect the apparatus also.\n2.\tMr. Carpenter visited the Hospital Boucicault in 19C8. He examined the apparatus minutely and took 20 photographs from different points of view. He consulted MM. Dorian and Richards v'ho devised the methods for the automatic regulation, and finally wrote out a detailed report, informing me that, in his opinion, there were no characteristic points in the new apparatus of Mademoiselle pompilian which would justify their introduction in our apparatus. He was by no means satisfied with the apparatus. Mademoiselle Pompilian was not at this time in Paris, but Hr. Carpenter has been for several years in my laboratory and is particularly well qualified to examine and criticise such an apparatus.\n3.\tThe description of Mademoiselle Pompilian*s apparatus in the Bulletin de la Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Scientifique d\u2019Hygi\u00e8ne Alimentaire anti M. Lef\u00e8vre*s treatise have been carefully read and analyzed.\n4.\tOn the 24th of February, 1 had a long conversation with Mademoiselle Pompilian at the Pasteur Institute in the presence of Dr. Roux in the course of which Mademoiselle Pompilian described certain points of the apparatus in detail and gave me her ideas relative to its installation and the kind of experiments for which it could be used.\nTo sum up> the results of my observations, in the first place the apparatus did not appeal to me favorably, but I decided not to judge it","page":24},{"file":"p0025.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"prematurely and sent Mr. Carpenter to inspect it. His report was also-unfavorable. After the critical study of the description publishe concerning the apparatus and my talk with Mademoiselle Pompilian, it remains for me to say that although I feel sure she would succeed in constructing some kind of an apparatus if sufficient time and money were given her, I consider some of her ideas more or less fantastic. If your society desires to install an accurate apparatus, it will secure results more quickly by building a calorimeter which has had much use and long trial than by undertaking the construction of an apparatus which might necessitate several years of preliminary experimenting before actual experimenting can be begun, not to speak of the great expense which its construction would necessitate .\nAlthough 1 recognize that it is truly presumptuous to suggest to France the idea of going to America for a respiration calorimeter, 1 desire to acknov? ledge hethat were it not for the fundamental researches of iro-fessor d\u2019Arsonval, America would not have been able to construct her apparatus. It will he a great pleasure, then, for America to repay in a small measure the great debt which she will always owe to France for the fundamental principles so admirably developed by Professor d\u2019Arsonval.\nas 1 explained in detail to your architect, K. Bauhain, it is unnecessary to change the architectural plans of your building to obtain the conditions of construction required by the American apparatus. The room^ designated for a calorimeter laboratory is large enough for two independent chambers of different dimensions of such sort as to permit of conducting two distinct categories of experiments. This I have explained more fully to M. Pautier and M. Roux. 1 suggest that you construct a chamber corresponding to the bed calorimeter which I have used in my laboratory for four years and which is especially suitable for all experiments in which the subjects are lying down. In this chamber the male subjects can remain as","page":25},{"file":"p0026.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"long as they are not obliged to defecate, since they can generally urinate while lying on the side. Female subjects can remain only until they a.\u201de obliged to urinate.\nOftentimes IE-hour experiments are made at night, but for the exact determination of the consumption of oxygen in any respiration chamber, it is important that the volume of air in the chamber be minimum. If small quantities are to be measured by the hour, that is to say, during bed calorimeter experiments, the volume should be less than when a man works strenuously on a bicycle. Consequently the chamber of the bed calorimeter has a volume of only about 800 liters.\nA second chamber can be easily constructed in your calorimeter laboratory, long enough to permit of lying down and sleeping, high enough to stand erect in and likewise sufficiently large to permit the use of a bicycle ergometer, permitting very strenuous muscular action. This chamber has a capacity of 3,500 liters.\nMy recommendations relative to the best method to be adopted to assure the perfect installation of these chambers would be to send two persons to Boston for a minimum period of six months. I shall he very happy to put the services of the laboratory at the coirimand of these gentlemen and to offer them all the facilities for instructing themselves not only on the details of construction but also of manipulation. One of these gentlemen should be an expert in instruments and the other a competent assistant. Personally I recommend that M. Bull of the Marey Institute, as an exzpert in instruments, be intrusted with the commission.\nHe should be admirably able to study the apparatus, assure its faithful reproduction, and in case of accident or disorder, could always be called upon thereafter to help in its repair or in giving directions.","page":26},{"file":"p0027.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"M. Bull's assistant ehcrald be carefully chosen with the understanding that he shall be a member of the staff of the new laboratory, that he shall assume the responsibility of the respiration chamber, take all the care of it, train the young assistants who are to make the small repairs, and direct the mechanical part of an experiment. He must be a physiologist and should see that no important repair and no attempt at improvement he made without the consent and the advice of M. Bull. Once the apparatus has been installed, he should operate it perfectly with few adjustments. It is dangerous to attempt improvements in this apparatus, such attempts being likely to lead to the loss of a whole series of experiments.\nI do not know whom to suggest as an assistant for M. Bull. At the time of my visit to Paris in 1907, there was an excellent assistant in the laboratory of U. Chauveau,\u2014M. Jules Mansion, but I think he has since left Paris. If M. Bull consents to go to America as a representative of the society, his advice shoiild he taken on the choice of his permanent assistant, for it is essential that they work in perfect harmony.\nIn my opinion M. Bull is extraordinarily well qualified to accept the commission. The advantage of being able to rely upon him for authoritative advice instead of being obliged to depend wholly upon the regular staff of the laboratory is valuable. His services would be necessary only in case of accident.\nFinally, gentlemen, permit me to give you one last suggestion, based upon my own experience. I feel that the administr\u00e2t!ve questions which have frequently been raised and which have disturbed me in Bosten would be still more serious for your institution in Paris, directed as it is by a Council and not by one man assuming entire responsibility. After the apparatus has been completed and operates perfectly, there will be a","page":27},{"file":"p0028.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"*>\ntendency to misuse it. The vfcole clinic at Paris will have \"interesting cases\" and will come to beg you to make stich or such an experiment.\nThe temptation to study certain particularly interesting cases will be,\n1 admit, very strong, but I can assure you that it is only by adhering to a carefully thought out plan that you will be certain to secure results worthy of the magnificent institution which your public spirit has rendered possible.\nAll the resources of my laboratory, my advice, and my help are always at your disposal.\nVery sincerely yours,\n(Signed) P. (J. Benedict Director.\nUpon the basis of this recommendation It. Bull of the Marey Institute was commissioned by the Society to come to the Nutrition Laboratory to study the calorimeter. The original plan which I proposed was not adopted inasmuch as M. Bull was sent to America without an assistant, and his stay was cut down to three months. I expressly stated that I assumed no responsibility for the successful construction, maintenance, and use of a calorimeter which was built under such conditions, and 1 wished the Committee and the Society to understand clearly that if M. Bull went to America under these conditions, he did so at the desire of the Society and with no guarantee on my part that he would have sufficient experience with the apparatus to enable him to return to Paris, construct a calorimeter, test it and successfully keep it in operation. M. Bull v;rote me later that he had presented my views to the Society, that they exonerated me from any responsibility in the matter, and expressed their appreciation of my willinsr-ness to allow H. Bull to study in the laboratory for three months.","page":28},{"file":"p0029.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Professor Armand .lautier.\nProfessor Sautier, who is president of the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Scientifique d'Hygiene Alimentaire, told me that there is a great interest in Paris in regard to the food and nutrition of man. During my stay in Paris I was invited to a lecture on the food of the Parisian given at the Sorbonne by Professor Gautier. The room was crowded, the audience being very appreciative of what he said to them. Professor Gautier speaks very rapidly aoi my command of French is very imperfect, so that I understood but little of the lecture. His complimentary references to American work brought forth the only applause of the evening. This applause, which was prolonged, was evidently stimulated hy some personal remark. He spoke particularly of the nutrition Laboratory, shewing slides of the calorimeter on the screen. As a matter of fact. Professor Gautier told me afterwards that he knew or hoped that I was somewhere in the audience, although as he had not then met me, he did not know where I was. His lecture wil3 be printed in full in the Pevue Scientifique together with a colored plate vtfiich he shewed.\nMy personal conversation with Gautier was much interfered with by the fact that he spoke very rapidly and not very distinctly, so that with my poor command of French, I understood him but imperfectly. He is very outspoken in his discussion of German research and maintained that it partook of the nature of commercial enterprise, citing particularly Abderhalden*s numerous papers. He maintained that the Germans published a great many papers, all upon the same point, with but si ight variance and relatively few new ideas. On the other hand, Gautier spoke in the highest terms of the English physiologists.\nIn discussing the alcohol question, he maintained that alcoholic liquors are used in too concentrated a form but if taken as wine or diluted with water, they do little harm. Mademoiselle Pompilian also held the same","page":29},{"file":"p0030.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"view, i. e., that wine was a good thing of itself if the alcohol was not: too strong but diluted. I noticed at the luncheon given by Dr. Roux that many of the men took very little alcohol, chiefly in the form of champagne and at the time of the toasts. There was no smoking at all, possibly due to the presence of Mademoiselle Pompilian. At Gautier\u2019s house there was much more wine served and much more wine taken. There was no smoking as I recollect until we entered Gautier's private study.\nProfessor Gautier is a man who has completed his university life and now finds himself unoccupied. He must do something and so has busied himself with the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Scientifique d\u2019Hygi\u00e8ne Alimentaire. The popular impression in Paris is that, it is more or less a plaything of his. He has been a popular lecturer and'writer but has not contributed extensively to physiology or to chemistry in France. There are very few who think he will accomplish much with the new laboratory. My je rsonal intercourse with Professor Gautier led me to believe that he was a man who was most interested in the Society but more from personal pride than from an expectation of making fundamental contributions to science. I judged he was a man of considerable means. He has a local reputation of being interested in the wine trade and in furthering the production and use of wine. The experiments which he made not long ago in which he gave alcohol to animals have been quoted to me frequently as an indication of his propaganda for the use of alcohol. Personally he was most cordial and kind as were the members of his family and every attention was shown me by him that one could possibly expect. He seemed to be very appreciative of my interest in the building and my criticisms of the plans and method of construction. The fact that Alquier, Bertrand and practically all of the French scientific men have very little confidence in his ability to make much of the Society is, to my mind, very unfortunate as it tends to give the Society a handicap at the start.","page":30},{"file":"p0031.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"31\nMonsieur \u00ab] . Alcuier.\nto. Alquier, who is the General Secretary of the Soci\u00e9t\u00e97 Scientifique d'Hygiene Alimentarie, called at my hotel repeatedly while I was in Paris. He evidently put himself entirely at my disposal and intended to give me all the information possible in regard to the Society and its plans. On the way to the dinner given by Dr. Roux, he showed me many of Mademoiselle Pompilian\u2019s plans. He also told me that the Society, by the terras of one of the gifts received^is practically obligated to build some form of respiration chamber, but they found a great deal of difficulty in deciding what kind of chamber to build. M. Alquier had no confidence in Mademoiselle Pompilian\u2019s plan and when I explained our Americanism \"make good\", he said it applied in her case. In other words, she has built a calorimeter, so called, at the Hospital Boucicault and it had never yet \"made good\" . M. Alquier also told me that Dastre was very much in favor of Lef\u00e8vre's plan, for being a mathematician, Lef\u00e8vre has computed all of the dimensions, volumes, resistances, insulations, coefficients, etc., but as a matter of fact, Lefevre's plan is entirely on paper, and his practical experience has been confined to bath calorimetry.\nHe was much surprised to find that in the nutrition Laboratory we could make our analyses with women assistants and with so few assistants. Personally he is much interested in the chemical side of agriculture and has had much experience in using petroleum in the place of ether for fat extraction. He told me that Dr. Roux has no stenographer, writes out everything in long hand and does all of his own calculation. On the other hand, Alquier is modern in his methods, has a machine for calculation, and wants to see the results immediately. He remarked that most men who become the heads of research institutions stop v/ork and sit in","page":31},{"file":"p0032.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"their offices\u00bb wearing out their chair seats, hut it was necessary for a man to keep about the laboratory in close touch with the work. He s^id that Dr. Boux is about the laboratory all of the time.\nWhen I discussed the alcohol question with him, Alquier said that he thought the stimulation was not due to alcohol but to fhe extracts and that one can get the same results with alcohol-free liquids,at least with small amounts by using solutions of the extracts. He had done some work in this connection but the restilts had never been published.\nK. Alquier impressed me as being a very ambitious, hard working, intense sort of an individual, and certainly has the welfare of the Society and science at heart. Ee has evidently a great many things to do ami is continually on the run from this place to that. Whether he will accomplish very much remains to be seen. Just what his relationship to the new society and to the tew institute will be I could not find o\\it bub apparently he will fill an important place. He was very kind in his criticism of others and in offering his own ideas. Altogether I liked hir exceedingly and found him one of the most stimulating men I met in Paris.\nMademoiselle Pompilian,.\nFor a number of years past Mademoiselle Pompilian has played an important rc\u00eele in Paris in the scientific study of nutrition. She either has money of her own or influential friends and was able to raise the money to build the respiration calorimeter formerly at the Boucicault Hospital. M. Alquier told me that it eoEt 150,000 francs. I do not know his authority for this statement and the estimate may be exaggerated, but it is sufficient to show that the cost was very large. This apparatus, which was described in the journal of the Socie't\u00e9 Scientifique d\u2019Hygiene","page":32},{"file":"p0033.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"33\nAlimentaire, was inspected by myself and Hr. Carpenter some six years ago, both of us finding it impractical. The chief value of the apparatus seems to be the extensive employment of self-registering thermometers, chiefly those constructed on the principle of the expansion of two metals, the Dorian and Bichardsreccrding apparatus being especially prominent.\nMademoiselle Pompilian was extremely interested in the development of the new society for the study of nutrition in Paris and has evidently the ear of a number of the commission. She is formally installed in the Pasteur Institute where her apparatus is now stored, and Jr. Poux lays great emphasis upon her opinion. I had several opportunities to meet her, both at the dinners and also at the Pasteur Institute. 1 met Dr. Doux and Mademoiselle Pompilian one afternoon at the Pasteur Institute by appointment and had a long discussion with them. Inasmuch as Dr* Doux is able to secure a large amount of money, the different members of the commission are anxious to meet his views and Mademoiselle Pompilian has tried to impress upon him\n\u2014-----.-I-,\u25a0. \"\u00bb\u25a0 .\t\u25a0\t\u25a0 ' u'.i-;;]\u00ab .... *d \u25a0 \u25a0\u00bb\u25a0\" \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u00bb\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u00ab-\u2014\t\u2019 \u25a0 i'-'U. > . \u2022 i.n\u2014 \u25a0 1*\u00bb the\nfeatures of her plan as she sees more of him than any of the ethers.\nMademoiselle Pompilian had very definite ideas and. emphasised very strongly the importance of having long experiments so as to study the progress of metabolism. She maintained that human beings are not machines or physiological subjects, and that we should be studied in the open air under ordinary living conditions. She had a firm belief in the closed-circuit principle, but wished to have glass walls. Dr. Doux also emphasized the importance of having pis nty of sunlight and recommended the building of a calorimeter according to Mademoiselle Pompilian*s plan, with glass walls and. plenty of light and air, so that one could live as if outdoors. I told him this was absolutely incompatible with the accurate, scientific measurersent of the heat output. Mademoiselle Pompilian's attitude was due, I think, to her desire to meet the conditions that Dr* Doux","page":33},{"file":"p0034.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"34\nhad in mind. It seems that Dr. Roux has for many years suffered from tuberculosis and he of course believes in fresh air and sunlight.\nI told them that we had had experience with the calorimeter since 1895, that we had tried all forms of tests, and were unable to find any material difference between the results obtained with the respiration ca .orienter and those secu-ed with the respiration apparatus, in ether -words, that the metabolism in the open room did not appear to differ from that in the dark chamber. In dismissing the metabolism of different individuals \u25a0with Mademoiselle Pompilian, I told her that when the height, weight, and sex, were known and the subject was without food in the stomach, we could ordinarily predict the metabolism to within 15 per cent. This statement seemed to startle and discourage her and she asked what was the use of a calorimeter. It may be that her idea of accuracy in results was not much Closer than 15 per cent. She remarked that she had frequently found great differences in individuals, which is quite oentrary to our experience.\nJust how she found these differences I do not know. Certainly the respiration calorimeter formerly located in the Boucicault Hospital would not justify measurements of this kind. Personally I do not think that she knows what an accurate experiment is.\nAfter several hours* discussion, I was unable to find that any of her ideas were worth following up in order to modify or better our present respiration calorimeter. Mademoiselle Pompilian thoroughly believed that her plan would be successful and had confidence that all of the apparatus that she had worked out at the Boucicault Hospital could be counted upon as being of proved value. She had not the slightest idea, however, as to the expense of the numerous modifications which she wished to incorporate in the apparatus or the time required for working out the numerous\nplans.","page":34},{"file":"p0035.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Mademoiselle Pompilian had not read Carnegie Institution Publica-tion ITo. 123, had made no effort to obtain it, and apparently did not know of its existence. M'hen I told her that it was in several 3 ibraries in Paris, she said that it takes three years to get a new book at the Biblioth\u00e8que Rationale, for it requires this time to catalogue it and put it on the shelves. -Subsequently K. Alquier told me that she could not have tried to get the book, as he personally knew of the existence of a number of the books in \u2019\u2019aris. In all probability, there was a copy in the Pasteur Institute as aat assistant there was making some translations for the journal of the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Scientifique d'Eygiene Alimentaire.\nMademoiselle Pompilian told me of an Interesting experience with ^ubner in Berlin, saying that he took her about the laboratory and finally came to a room marked \"Pespiration Calorimeter\". Taking out a k&y, he opened the door with an air of great secrecy and impressiveness and allov;-ed her to look in for a moment or two, saying that it was his own private room and no one else was allowed in it.\nI found it difficult to discuss the plans freely with different members of the commission, owing to the fact that Mademoiselle Pompilian, the author of one of the plans, was almost invariably present, while M. Lef\u00e8vre was not. Under the circumstances I could not criticise both plans to advantage. I called this fact to Dr. Roux's attention, and he said that I sho-ald feel no hesitancy in criticising her plan very severely if necessary as I was rendering a service to French science.\nMademoiselle Pompilian is a very fluent talker, speaks excellent English, and is a very pleasant woman, but I consider her not at all practical. She told me her plans in a general way but she was so diffuse in her descriptions and they were so mixed up with other features of the building and with the general plans that I did not get a good idea of them.","page":35},{"file":"p0036.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Consequently I gained a much better knowledge of the general scheme of\nHir\niU \u2022\nher plans from\nAlquier who had her proposition in writing.","page":36},{"file":"p0037.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"3;\nPasteur Institute.\nPr, Roux and Irofester Bertrand,\nDr. Roux is the director of the Pasteur Institute, Professor Gabriel Bertrand ie director of the chemical laboratory^and Dr. iietchni-koff is the director of the bacteriological department. Professor Bertrand had visited the Nutrition Laboratory a few months previous to my going to Paris. When I called upon Professor Bertrand in his laboratory, I found the alcohol program lying upon his desk. He immediately suggested that we should study the effect of the intermediary oxidation products, such as very dilute ethyl aldehyde and acetic acid, as he assumes that the path of the oxidation of the alcohol in the body should be the same as o^vtside the body. This is really a toxicological problem but nevertheless interesting.\nHe also suggested another very interesting method of studying the effect of alcohol, i. e., by producing the alcohol inside the body, and in this connection, referred to the '\u2019grape cure\". There is in certain parts of Prance a method in vogue of treating bacterial diseases by giving the patients large amounts of grapes, the patients consuming sometimes several kilograms of grapes in a day. The j^east cells on the outside of the grapes produce a new growth of bacteria inside the stomach, if not, indeed, the intestines, which kill the pathogenic bacteria. Professor Bertrand thought that in such cases the alcohol might not be so quickly absorbed as usual. Alcohol is usually absorbed rapidly in the stomach anu it may never get so far as the intestines, but under the conditions of the \"grape cure\", the alcohol produced might have an interesting effect","page":37},{"file":"p0038.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"on the nerves of the intestines. Of course the simultane us ingestion of large amounts of grape sugar would affect the study of the respiratory exchange, hut results having a psychological value might he obtained.\nProfessor Bertrand shoved me about his laboratory, which is wonderfully complete in its equipment. His large machinery hall is especially fine. In this room he has a machine for getting a high vacuum and drying large masses of organic material at room temperature which is a marvel of accuracy, but very cumbersome and has very large stopcocks, a complicated pump, etc. It had four large chambers, each with a heavy plate glass window.. Tight closure was secured by using a waxed thread. When I asked Professor Bertrand why he used such large stopcocks, he said that it was to reduce the friction of the gases as they were pumped out. This struck me as being very peculiar for with a vacuum I do not see why there should be such a friction of gis. Professor Bertrand estimated that today the installation of one of these machines would cost not far from. 8,000 francs. I saw a small form of this machine in Professor Hamburger's laboratory in Groningen. While the apparatus is very cumbersome, it gives very accurate results. Professor Bertrand used it for diastase and says that he gets altogether different results by drying in this way from those obtained when drying by heat, as diastase loses much of its activity when dried by the latter method. For further comments see notes regarding my visit to Professor Kossel in Heidelberg, who dries after freezing in carbon dioxide.\nMy personal impressions of Professor 3ertrand were fully substantiated by conversation with many chemists and physiologists in Europe. He is, 1 think, without doubt looked up to as the most eminent physiological chemist, if not regular chemist, in France. He seems to have a much","page":38},{"file":"p0039.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"better bal'need judgment, a broader view, and is less volatile than most of the French scientists. On the whole, Professor Bertrand impresses one as an extremely accurate technician, a worker, and a man of excellent judgment. He is intensely interested in oxidases as evidenced by the fact that nearly all of the students in his laboratory are working on this subject. He is evidently a man who is perfectly capable of carrying on satisfactory research work in such an institution.\nPhysiological laboratory of the j)Q^Aflaa\u00ab\nProfessor Pastre\nI met Professor Dastre at the dinner given by Dr. Roux on Washington\u2019s Birthday at the H\u00dctel Avenue. He is a member of the Commission of the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Scientifique d\u2019Hygi\u00e8ne Alimentaire and is particularly interested in this society. After the dinner he took me directly to his laboratory at the Sorbonne, where 1 met Dr. V. Henri and many other workers, including particularly Dr, Bierry. The laboratory had the appearance of being very busy, with a large number of workers find a very good equipment.\nWork was being done on ultra-violet rays, on hydrogen-ion concentration, on metabolism experiments of various kinds, and the usual physiological experimentation of the university laboratory. Dr. Henri is working particularly with the mercury vapor lamp but also x;ses the Ruhm-korff coil and with aluminium arcing points or cadmium arcing wires he lets the discharge pass between two very heavy wires, about Ho. 4 size, and therefore gets a much larger amount of ultra-violet light. He uses only quartz vessels and finds that the light completely decomposes the sugar solutions. If he uses a solution of 5 per cent strength, the time of the","page":39},{"file":"p0040.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"decomposition depends upon the amount of the solution and the intensity of the light. He finds that the products of decomposition of the ultraviolet light absorb the light itself, so that the solution must be continually stirred. He has many interesting devices for doing this. He claims that the light reduces the sugar to carbon dioxide and water and says that he can make an \"element^ay analysis of sugar at room temp\u00e9rature* by the light method. Obviously this is only of theoretical interest hut nevertheless of great importance.\nHe is also working on the effect of light on bacteria, the lower organisms and mice, and has carried out an esx'ec^aHy interesting series of experiments on mice during pregnancy. Rubner\u2019s law of growth, interests them very much and they are trying the effect of ultra-violet light on growth, using the weight of the food and excrement and the weight of the animal as an index. Rubner says that the animal doubles its weight with certain food in a certain time and increases at a regular rate. 1 pointed out to Dastre and Henri that the mice in these experiments might have been stimulated by the light to a much greater muscular activity than those without this stimulation; consequently to make the experiment complete, there should also be a record of the musciilar activity, particularly as no records of the carbon-dioxide production per day are secured. I explained to Dastre the principle of our suspended cage whereby our records of the muscular activity are obtained and he was much interested in it.\nIn discussing the alcohol program, Dastre spoke of the effect of alcohol on growth, evidently having in ihind the xiltra-violet light experiments. I told him that I hoped he v/ould make an experiment with alcohol, but if he is to use the body-weight, alone as index, he must make sure that the muscular activity is constant or comparable.\nA number of researches v'ere in progress in Dastre\u2019s laboratory in regard to the sugar content of the blood and the sugar in diabetes.","page":40},{"file":"p0041.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"They find two sugars in the blood, so called \"combined\" sugar and \"free\" sugar. With nan they find approximately an even quantity of each, but with other animals it varies. The amount of sugar in the blood is less with those species of animals having a lower body-temperature, consequently with birds, which have a high body-temperature, the amount of sugar is very great. The method u.sed for determining the sugar is to precipitate the albumin by mercuric nitrate and determine the \"free\" sugar in the tr\u00e4te; the precipitate is hydrolyzed in an autoclave 45 minutes at 120\u00b0 C and the hydro 14zed sugar is then determined. As in many European laboratories, the Bertrand method is used. They heat +he solution exactly tore-minutes after boiling begins, thus establishing a constancy in the amount c time necessitated by the reduction, as they always adhere very strictly to this rule, they are very much pleased with the method. The one great di . i culty in carrying out the determination of the two kinds of sugars with dia betics is that about 25 c. c. of blood are necessary. Since the influence of 'combine!\" and \"free\u201d sugars in the blood has not been satisfactorily studied in diabetes, I was very much interested in their work.\nDr. Bierry very generously inscribed a copy of his book to me and gave me several reprints for our laboratory library. He was much interested in the differences we find in our experiments on the ingestion of levulose and glucose, particularly in those found with a normal person. He is evidently a man whom we should keep in touch with our diabetic work\nas he is a skilful and careful worker.\nDr. Henri also impressed me as being a careful and enthusiastic worker, and I heard good reports of him in the different European laboratories. Hastre has all the enthusiasm and some of the superficiality\n*\tv\ncharacteristic of French savants. He was very enthusiastic about -efevre","page":41},{"file":"p0042.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"42\nand his book. I learned subsequent!\" that oractic* lly mare it a prerequisite for certain of his courses that students should, have lefevre\u2019o book. This seemed to me specializing to a considerable extent en tre question of bio-enerc-etica in a course.","page":42},{"file":"p0043.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"4\nhar ey \u00a3 as tifrutg\nProzessor Hiebet. and hr. 0. Weiss.\nThe Marey Institute at Boulogne-pur Seine well merits a visit, as 1 found on my earlier visit six years ago. Professor Aronecker, although mueh interested in the welfare of the Institute, is not new actively connected with it. X met the former director, Pr. J. Weiss, at the Institute and later dined with him at his house, hr. Weiss is a mathematical, physical physiologist and thinks only in mathematical terms. His duties as a member of the faculty of medicine and hie many offices, examinations, and administrative cares leave him very little time to attend to the work of the iiarey Institute. Professor Richet is now the director, and hr. Weiss the sub-director, professor Richet was unfortunately ill all of the time that I was in Paris and although I had several notes from him,\n1 did not see him personally.\nAt the time of my visit there were relatively few researches in active progress. The problems of muscular work were naturally uppermost in my mind and I was accordingly much interested in the work done with a kinematograph and in the photographs of rouscxilar work. hr. Weiss maintains that the lav/ of the conservation of energy may not hold true and cited the Nernst theory. He is a mathematician, full of formulas, and 1 find that most of the men consider that he is inclined to interpret physiological facts too mathematically. Weiss cited Helmholz who speaks of 100 calories of potential energy or heat of combustion as a certain amount of energy \u2019\u2019libre\u2019 and a certain amount of energy \"gebundene\". Only the first can be in part converted into external muscular work. For instance, if the energy were 100 calories, and the external work were 20 calories, the efficiency is not 20 to 100, but 20 to 80, which easily represents the","page":43},{"file":"p0044.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 1. Professor G. Weisa in the library of the Marey Institute","page":44},{"file":"p0045.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"energy that can he converted into v?ork. Ur. Weiss was much interested in hearing of the Cat-heart book and said that he wishes to continue the study of muscular work. He showed me the bicycle ergometer (fig.2) which Amar used in his work and told me the history of Amar's research. It seems that Amar had some money granted him for work in Algeria and came to Weiss for advice as to what line of research to take up, who suggested that he study muscular work. Ur. Weiss did not have much confidence in Amar's work, however, especially in his gas analyses, which were made by a micrometric method with a capillary tube.\nAt the time of my visit Ur. Weiss was interested In the machine in which the legs could work separately so that he was able to study the metabolism with each leg working independently. I obtained a photograph of this machine (aee fig. 3.) He drew curves showing the height to which the weight was lifted by the foot and the rapidity and the tremor of the leg, if any, when it was being lifted, etc. This was not unlike the work I found being carried on at the University of Helsingfors by Ur. Carl Tigerstedt. I pointed out to Ur. Weiss that there was a certain am -unt of negative work and that the weight of the leg which was lifted each time was unknown and told him that 1 preferred a method in which the legs were balanced, as on the pedals of a bicycle wheel. In this way, one leg practically balances the other, although as Berg, Dubois-Reymond and L. Zuntz bave shown, the balance is not exact.\nThis suggested to me the possibility of a research in which all of the work would be done first with one leg, then with the other, and finally with both, doubling the load, etc. A considerable amount of work could be done on this, auch work might recuire an increase in the weight of the copper disc so that it could be carrier1 past the dead ^oint when working with one leg.","page":45},{"file":"p0046.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"46\nPig. 2\u00bb.Original Anar bicycle ergometer in the Marey Institute\u2666","page":46},{"file":"p0047.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 3. Pedal apparatus used by Weiss at the Marey Institute for his experiments on\nmuscular work.\nWork is done first v;ith one leg and then v;ith the other, and each component is analysed.","page":47},{"file":"p0048.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"In hie study of the muscular work of the leg, Weiss used two 100-liter Tissot spirometers for the measurement of the respiratory gases, hut without \u2022\u2018\u25a0he writing attachment. (See fig. 4.) He also used Chauveau valves, drawing samples from the spirometer and analyzing directly on a Lsulanie apparatus, reading to 0.05 c. c. (See fig. 5} He brought up the interesting point that if phosphorus is used in place of pyrogallic acid, you can get excellent results but it is not so important that the phosphorus be kept from the light as that the air over the pjhosphorus be freed beforehand from carbon dioxide. If the air containing the carbon dioxide is sent over the phosphorus first, for some unaccountable reason the phosphorus quickly loses its absorbing power and it is necessary to remove and remelt it before using it again. They will go no- farther with this question in the Marey Institute.\nIn discussing the question of the conservation of energy, Weiss brought up the point that radium gives out energy continually.\nAnother interesting research just begun by Weiss was with frogs, in which the effect of a hydrogen atmosphere and -the respiratory exch\u00e6ge in work were being studied. Hr. Weiss found that if the frogs were left in hydrogen for one and a half hours, then in ordinary air for one-half h\u00f6rr, and again in hydromen for one and one-half hours, and this routine was continued for 10 hours, the frogs would die, the microscope showing a distinct alteration in the nerve cells. The experiments on the muscular work of rrogs were carried out by means of a special chamber immersed in water, with a contrivance for having the frog do work by lifting a weight with the leg. The cord connecting the frog with the weight passed through a tube containing vaseline to prevent air from leaking out and water from leaking in. Hr. weiss assumed that the work of pulling the cord through","page":48},{"file":"p0049.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Fig. 4. Two Tissot spirometers used by Weiss In his Investigations at the Marey Institute on muscular work.","page":49},{"file":"p0050.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 5. Laulanle gaa analysis apparatus used by Weiss in the Marey Institute\u00bb\nPart of this is employed for absorbing oxygen.","page":50},{"file":"p0051.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"5L\nthe vaseline was not too great to affect the results. The respiratory gases were very carefully analyzed by the complicated apparatus of R\u00e9gnault. The research on muscular work was still in process of development.\nI noticed in this laboratory a Blix-Uandstron kymograph, electrically driven, which ran with considerable noise. Dr. Weiss told me that when it first came it was noiseless, but their mechanician took it apart to repair it after a slight accident and never got it back into a noiseless condition. Subsequently 1 noticed in Phillipjson*s laboratory in Brussels that he also had a Blix-Sandstrom kymograph and that this, too, ran with noise.\nmonsieur nucien Bull.\n'The most active worker in the karey Institute is M. Bull, who has been there for at least 18 years. As an expert technician, designer, and constructor, he probably has no equal. For example, he was at the time of my visit building a very large string galvanometer, (fig. 6; .\nDince it appeared to be similar to the one 1 saw in the laboratory at Columbia University, New York City, which was being constructed by l)r.\nH. B. 'Williams, it is quite possible that Dr. Williams may have obtained his design from the Bull appjaratus. Dr* Bull uses glass strings in preference to quartz, making and silvering them himself.\nI examined very carefully his ingenious tuning fork plan for synchronizing a motor to open and close a slit of the photographic apparatus, also for rotating an aluminium disc in front of a lantern to cut off the light, and finally ordered the apparatus for our laboratory. A small motor is actuated by the tuning fork.","page":51},{"file":"p0052.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"52\n-L?ig. 6. String galvanometer constructed by M. Bull at\nthe Marey Institute \u00bb\nBull's rotary time marker is shown at the right","page":52},{"file":"p0053.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"5\no\u00bb\ny\nI discussed with Dr. Bull the possibility of his coming to Boston to inspect our calorimeter and make a report, to the aoci\u00e9te Scientifique d'Hygi\u00e8ne Alimentaire concerning it. He said that Richet had also suggested that the Society should send him to Boston to study our calorimeter and had even sent Dr* Bull with a note to Grautier to discuss the natter about four months previous to my visit, Dr. Bull said he did not think that Professor Gautier favored the plan. I told him that 1 woiild be very glad to recommend his being sent if I were sure that he himself would be willing to accept the commission. He finally told me that he would go if the Society wished him to. He thought that my plan of having him study the apparatus so that, while not on the staff, he would he at hand in an emergency, was a very good idea. The Society subsequently sent Dr. Bull to Boston after 1 had made the recommendation, hut unfortunately his time was limited to three months instead of the five or six months which 1 had recommended.\nDr. Bull had a wonderful series of cinematograph films, showing a man walking, running, and jumping, birds flying, a bullet being shot through a soap bubble, and similar objects. I have ordered a set of these films for the laboratory, also a protection apx>aratus for them. Bull's tuning fork was obtained through Tainturier who makes it regularly. It is now put out as a regular part of the equipment of the Cambridge Jeientific Instrument Company's string galvanometer.","page":53},{"file":"p0054.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"54\nPersonal impressions of the karey Institute.\nAside from the really excellent work being done by k. Bull, it struck me that the karey Institute is a laboratory with an equipment not suitably used. One or two assistants were working in the laboratory but there did not seem to be a general air of activity, end it gave me the impression of being a lar\u2018-e private laboratory for the especial use of k. Bull. That k. Bull is making good use of it is unquestionable but it would seem as though a more extensive use could be made of the equipment.\nI understand that several nations contribute towards its maintenance and that it is possible to send students or assistants to occupy certain tables, but there does not seem to be the general use made of it that is made of such laboratories as the Naples Experiment Station and the feoods Hole station. This is all the more to be regretted since there is a great op-portunity for doing good v.ork, as along the line of muscxilar movement, photography, etc., there is no place quite equal to it in the world. It has nearly every type of apparatus for time registration and \u2018'or photographing that can be found anywhere. There is also a very good library which is apparently not used to any great extent. It is possible that the location of the Institute at some distance from Paris may prevent its more general use but it would seem with such an equipment that it ought to attract a larger number.","page":54},{"file":"p0055.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Museum le l'Histoire Naturelle\ndt, J. Tissot.\nSome tine before going to laris, I wrote to Dr. Tissot but heard nothing fron him and was not able to find him for some tine. When 1 finally met hin, he was very courteous and expressed mreat regret that he had not been cable to connect with me by mail. At present he is in two laboratories, the \u00fcuseum de l'Histoire Naturelle, where I saw him, and in another laboratory founded by a wealthy man for tuberculosis research.\nDr. Tissot is the director of this latter laboratory and does but little work in the other.\nThe only new a* paratus that I found in the laboratory was a large radiation calorimeter. This is located in a cold, dark room, the windows being covered with matting. The calorimeter is a wheel drum about 6 feet in diameter, 2 feet v/ide at the periphery, and a little wider at the hub. It is rotated by a motor. There is a belt running from the motor to the axis and the whole wheel rotates 100 times a minute. The door is a triangular opening closed with gasket and clamps, as shown in some of the photographs in the report of my trip: in 1907. The animal, usually a dog, is suspended in a cage which hangs on the axis and does not turn when the calorimeter turns, but the cage can be adjusted so that the dog has to run and turn the calorimeter.\n'when the door of the calorimeter is open, the ventilation is sufficiently good as the composition of the air remains constant; in experiments when the respiratory exchange is being determined, the door mast of course be closed. Under these conditions, the animal can be allowed in rest experiments to remain in the apparatus for 6 hours; in vc rk experiments, the dog can be kept in the apparatus 2 hours.","page":55},{"file":"p0056.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"A thermal junction of ferro-argentan inside the chamber is connected by an ingenious mercury device with a second thermal junction outside at the same level and about 5 feet away. Dr. Tissot is somewhat troubled by dirt collecting on the surface of the mercury and by the oxidation of the mercury as we have been in this laboratory. 1 suggested that he coat the mercury with a few drops of glycerine. The thermal junctions are connected with a d\u2019Arsonval galvanometer in another room, the deflections being photograjliically registered. To rotate the sensitized paper, Dr. Tissot uses a Hichards fr\u00e8res thermometer as a drum. The paper is fastened to this drum and has to be rotated very slowly. It is a very crude, home-made, wooden hox. The^e is a copper can placed over the paper with a longitudinal slit in it so that the light passes through the intersection of two slits, i. e., at a point. Every hour the circuit is interrupted for a moment and a photograph of the base line obtained. The curve for each 24 hours is about 500 mm. long. It is a very juretty curve, but one questions whether it is exact. It seemed to me that the principle of registering temperatures in this way was very good and vo rth looking into but I am not so confident of the accuracy of the radiation calorimeter as is Tissot. He considers it to be the best apparatus of the kind in the world, but admitted that it is necessary to rotate the calorimeter chamber very rapidly so as to equalize the temperature as otherwise his results were not good. He has published a note regarding the principle of the calorimeter and the photo-registration apparatus, but as yet haB published no details.\nThe laboratory at the Museum de l\u2019Histoire Naturelle looked forlorn and deserted. Although now 87 years old, Chauveau continues to be actively interested in the work and does some work himself occasionally, but comes to the laboratory but rarely. There is not the best of feeling","page":56},{"file":"p0057.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"between Chauveau and Tissot as the latter thinks that he has been kept down by Chauveau a great many years. On the contrary, Li. Alquier says that Tissot is an acknowledged pessimist and is disagreeable to every one in Paris. He works all alone, never sees any one, and no one wants to see him.\nTissot impressed me as being a typical French scientist who is satisfied with a superficial working out of a general idea and has no conception of mathematically exact experimentation. From all appearances, 1 should judge that his activity in scientific work, particularly in the study of calorimetry and metabolism, had absolutely ceased. I think his interest in the new institute and his avowed lack of interest in the Chauveau laboratory prevents his doing any work of value in the latter laboratory. He also disappointed that he was not given a professorship in the Museum for which he had recently competed and which had been given to a competitor.","page":57},{"file":"p0058.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"BRUSSELS, 3 ELS I III1.\nSolvay Institute\nDr. Slosse and Professor Heger.\nAlthough I knew that Professor Heger had been made honorary prof--essor of the University and had retired from the directorship of the Solvay Institute, 1 was very glad to visit Brussels again as Professor Heger is a stimulating individual and presents still another aspect of French work. Since the death of his wife a year ago, he has devoted considerable time to scientific research in the Solvay Institute along lines not closely connected with our investigations. His son, who has gone into medical legal work, has been associated with him.\nProfessor Heger was especially interested in the alcohol program and had evidently not only given it considerable personal thought but had called it to the attention of Professor Slosse, Director of the Solvay Institute. He had also shown it to Dr. van Laer of the Institute. One afternoon, Professors He'ger and Slosse spent several hours with me in disciissing the plan. Certain of their criticisms were very well raised but I think they considered the ethical side of the question rather than the scientific side. I find these itwo points of view frequently confused by scientists in considering the program. It is quite evident that the program has been so drawn that no one at first sight will say that it is anti-alcohol aid therefore dismiss the matter as a preconceived conclusion.\nProfessor Heger also wrote me a personal letter, but of an official nature, r\u00abgarding the program. He fears that the first statement in it, to the effect that 75 grams of alcohol per day is completely oxidized in the body, will be used in a wrong way by advocates of the use of alcohol and","page":58},{"file":"p0059.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"59\nFig. 7. Professor Paul Heger in his library at the Solvay Institute, Brussels.","page":59},{"file":"p0060.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"cautioned me very strongly about it. There was a marked difference between the attitude of ProfessorsHeger and Slosse and that of Professor Kassowitz whom I saw later in Vienna. Professor Kassowitz was a rabid crank with no conception of a scientific judgment on questions of alcohol; Professors Heger and Slosse immediately recognized the scientific aspects of the question but feared that the statements would be misused, by those in favor of alcohol, emphasizing the fact that in Belgium the alcohol problem is particularly difficult to handle.\nWhile Professor Heger is not actively engaged in metabolism investigations along lines that interest us particularly, he has a very broad view of science as is evidenced by his interest in the alcohol program and by his friendly efforts to arrange discussions and meetings between myself and some of the eminent Belgium scientists. He had. previously had a very sharp discussion with Dr. Slosse as to the composition of the feces, Dr. Slosse taking the ground that the feces were in large part undigested food while of course Heger maintained that the undigested food formed only a small part of the feces. The question of the appearance of cherry pits, bits of undigested husks, etc., seemed to play an important role in Dr. Slosse\u2019s argument. Subsequently I went to a lecture by Dr. Slosse at the Solvay Institute. I think I have never heard a lecture in which the subject was so well presented; the illustrative tabular matter placed on the blackboard was admirable. In this lecture his admission as to the true character of the feces was much more scienfitic.\nAt the time of my visit. Dr. Slosse was working on van Slyke's method for amino-acids but complained, a.s did Dr. Edgard Zunz of the University of Brussels, that van Slyke o.hane\"ad Ms method so often that it was difficult to get any standardization. Dr. Slosse told, me that he was greatly hampered in his vrork at the University by the lack of assistants and was","page":60},{"file":"p0061.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"61\nthus obliged to do much of the routine work himself, such as making up standard solutions. Apparently, the question of providing assistants for the professors is given but little attention at the University of Belgium.\nDr. Slosse is very much interested in nutrition matters and had made a metabolism experiment on a Belgian with Dr. Waxweiler, stimulated, he said, by the work of Professor Atwater. I was greatly impressed by Dr. Slosse's ability\u00bb he has a most critical mind and is very keen. I asked if he would accept an invitation to become a Research Associate in the Nutrition Laboratory but unfortunately his university ties would not permit him.\nDr. van Laer.\nDr. van Laer, who is the pure food crank of Belgium, and is interested in oxidases, is wholly subservient to the ideas of Dr. H. W. Wiley and considers him one of the greatest scientists in America. Dr. van Laer was kind enough to criticise the alcohol program carefully; a copy of the program bearing his comments is filed with the criticisms of other investigators.\n1","page":61},{"file":"p0062.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Dr\u00bb Phillipson\n%\nDr. Phillipson is a young man of talent who has devoted much time to science. He has done some teaching in the university and has also carried out considerable research in the Solvay Institute. His research as a whole appears to me more like that of a dilettante rather than the work of a deep scientific thinker; nevertheless it is very creditable for the most part.\nEither through private means or through the friends of the Solvay Institute, he has been able to purchase considerable expensive apparatus.\nAt the present time he is working with a string galvanometer manufactured by Edelmann in Munich, and has what he considers to be quite a discovery. He finds that when a person has his hands in the saline electrodes and is thinking of something disagreeable or there is a slight movement after a shock, such as would be caused by a noise, there is a wide movement of the string off the field and a slow return, i. e., a kind of psychogalvanic reflex. He had used this for studying the work in connection with multiplication, the noise of a revolver shot, or the breaking of electric light bulbs, and various other stimuli. He found it very difficult to explain but I believed it to be due to muscular action and Professor Heger had somewhat the same view. 1 thought this reaction might be interesting in connection with our p,lcohol research. Several experiments were made upon me personally but when the pistol was fired in the room, there was no reaction and no evidence of change upon the plate, which distxirbed Dr. Phillipson very much. He told me of an experiment made with their diener in which no stimulation was apparent when they cursed and scolded him very","page":62},{"file":"p0063.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"severely but if a stranger walked along the corridor, he instantly became aroused and produced the reflex, this being due to the stimulation of the instinct developed by training to look out for loiterers and possible thieving.\nIn examining the apparatus Dr. Phillipson was using, I found he had a very interesting resistance for compensating the body current. This has recently been devised by Jaraolikoff and does not appear ln Edelmann\u2019s catalogue. For rotating the Frank photographic kymograph, he used a Blix-Sandstrom kymograph as a motor, which also ran with noise like the one seen in Dr. Weiss' laboratory. Dr. Phillipson uses paper in his apparatus, for the most part, and also films. When paper can be used, it is much cheaper and gives sufficiently good results. This kymograph took the standard Belgium film.\nWhile in this laboratoiy I had a good opportunity to observe the serious effect of smoking during scientific observations. The same morning that the experiments were made upon me, an experiment was made with a woman; out of the five tests, I think three or four were lost owing to the use of tobacco. For example, one assistant's sole duty was to concentrate the electric arc light upon the string of the string galvanometer. The lamp was not very good and the arc moved considerably so that hand regulation was necessary. Just at the moment when the signal was given from the testing room for one experiment to be made, the man in charge of the arc light was shaking his head to clear the smoke from his eye3 and simultaneously the arc light moved out of the field of the string and the experiment was lost. In another instance Phillipson himself was picking up his cigar from the de ok and had it half way to his mouth when the signal came","page":63},{"file":"p0064.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"f* s\n0 4:\nfrom the operating room. He should have thrown the switch immediately to set the apparatus in motion but took the time to carry the cigar to his mouth and his hand down to the key again. During the time thus lost, the reaction took place and when the film was developed, there v/a\u00df nothing on it. Another assistant who had a duty in connection with these tests failed to respond promptly because at the moment he was lighting a cigarette.\nIn discussing this matter subsequently v/ith Professor H^ger, he asked me if 1 would tell Dr. Phillipson himself about it, so when I met him the next day, 1 ran the risk of making myself disagreeable by calling his attention to my observations. On the following day I dined with him at his country house and when we went into his study after dinner, he attempted to show me about some experiments he was making. He had drawn a somewhat elaborate diagram to illustrate them, and before the ink was dry, a large mass of cigar ashes fell upon the paper at just the psychological moment and spoiled the whole thing. He instantly saw the point, laughed, and drew the diagram over again.","page":64},{"file":"p0065.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"BOIill. GEEKAKY\nTier-physiologisches Institut\nProfessor Hagemann\nAfter making arrangements with Professor Hagemann by telephone,\nI went to Bonn and spent the afternoon and evening v/ith him. His laboratory looks essentially as it did years ago and the more I inspect it, the more it appeared that he was in a hopeless tangle, even worse than was the case a few years ago. He said he was very short of assistants if, indeed, he had any. There seems to be no scientific interest in the laboratory. He is as pattering as ever and does not appear to have the faintest conception of scientific accuracy. Since my visit there three years ago, he had published a large book describing his calorimeter and giving the results of some experiments with a horse. Although with his apparatus no oxygen determinations are made, he finds it necessary to make corrections of 4 to 6 per cent on his carbon-dioxide determinations alone, to say nothing of his heat determinations. His average correction of 4 per cent was determined by blanks running from 2 to 6 per cent. He Ms not the faintest idea of how to make an accurate alcohol check experiment and apparently all of his work is useless. He spent nearly an hour showing me how by means of an electric clamp he had fused one platinum wire to another for use in glowing marsh gas in the Sond\u00ean-Pettersson gas analysis apparatus.\nThe mechanician Kauermann is still there and is evidently the brains of the laboratory. To a certain extent, the entire time spent for the visit was v/asted as I secured nothing of value in going there.\nUnless a very great change is made in the character of the work, it will not be worth while to visit Bonn again on these foreign trips.","page":65},{"file":"p0066.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"o o\nJUboBLDORF, dSRD\u00c0DY\nKlinik fur Kinderheilkunde.\nbrs, bchlossirjanii and Murscbhauser.\nBeing familiar with the literature which has hem published from the Klinik f. Kinderheilkunde in D\u00fcsseldorf, I was particularly anxious to visit it and see their Zuntz-Oppenheimer respiration apparatus. An appointment was made with Professor Schlossmann, who kindly arranged to have an experiment with an infant in progress during my stay, although for a few weeks previous to that time they had been experimenting with dogs. The hospital is some distance from the centre of the city, and beautifully situated, with large buildings and extensive grounds. From the standpoint of metabolism investigations, this clinic is better organized, better equipped, and has greater potentialities than any other pjlace that I saw in the whole of my European tour. The system can be described by no other word than \"wonderful\" .\nBelieving that the success of an infant clinic depends upon the procuring of good milk. Professor Schlossmann has organized an elaborate system for securing both the milk of wet nurses and cow's milk. A number of wet nurses with their children are kept at the hospital all Of the time, a beautiful ward being provided for the children. The nurses are completely under Professor Schlossmann's control and his orders are adhered to in the slightest detail. I went into the children's ward and saw the nurses sitting around Just prior to \"milking time\". They were carefully stroking the breasts from the outside tov.'ards the nipp;le to make the milk flow more regularly. Each wet nurse had. a graduate held between the knees and from","page":66},{"file":"p0067.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"time to time after stroking the breast, took hold of the breast and forced the milk by a regular milking process into the graduate. The nurses are expected to supjly 2 liters of milk each day, or sufficient for three child ren, i. e., tv;o children besides their own. If they are unable to do th3s, they are not considered worth their room and board and are discharged, Dr. Schlossmann finds, as do all others, that the nurses sooner or later become troublesome. One of them will become discontented and want to leave; this disaffection soon spreads and they all become restless so that they have to be discharged.\nThe milk which the nurses supply is used to feed sick infants; all of the surplus milk is placed in cold storage. The milk thus st\u00f6ren freezes in about 36 hours and is kept until the supply of wet nurses is insufficient for the needs of their patients. Pr. Schlossmann says that the therapeutic properties of woman\u2019s milk remain unchanged for a year, but the milk loses its food value; 1 do not know just what he means by this loss of food value. He showed me in a cold closet a sufficient supply of milk on hand to last several months.\nThe clinic formerly ran their own farm but this is now' managed by a business man under their direction. Great care is taken in every detail of handling the milk, cleaning the bottles, bottling and sterilizing the milk, etc.; the milk supplied to the clinic is almost sterile. By his system. Professor Schlossmann iB able to obtain better woman's milk and cow's milk than almost any other clinic, in Germany.\nAs an illustration of the effects of feeding good milk, professor Schlossmann has had made a number of cinematograph films showing the whole system of collecting and using the milk. These films were first taken for the Dresden Hygienic Exhibition but have since been used generally through-","page":67},{"file":"p0068.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"out Germany as educational films. He very kindly ran off a number of these for me, showing the care used in handling the milk as illustrated by pictures of the cows, the stables, washing the cows, milking, etc. A particularly interesting film from an educational point of view was the one illustrating the story of a mother who had fed her infant store or milk-cart milk and who had been obliged to take it to the hospital for treatment. This showed the arrival of the mother at the hospital with her baby in her arms, the meeting with the porter, her visits to the different wards, her meeting with the Director, the reading of a letter from the doctor to the Director, her anxiety over the health of her child and happiness when shown the good condition of the infants in the hospital, with of course the grand finale when she comes to get the child and finds it perfectly well. It is a most impressive exhibition.\nThe respiration ap:aratus is in a special room in the basement, which is very well lighted and well equipped. It is exactly like one which I saw in Berlin and while very complicated is very good. It has one great advantage in that the respiration chamber and pump are in one tank. The chamber is removed from the water by a crane and set of pulleys. With this apparatus the carbon-di oxide production and oxygen consumption cannot be determined in short periods and the periods must be at least 2 to 3 hours long. Por the determination of the oxygen a large gasometer- is used and the water is weighed exactly as Oppenheimer first used it. One point which interested me was their statement that they could not always rely upon the factory analysis of the oxygen: they said that frequently they had received oxygen marked as 98 to 99 per cent but had found it as low as 92 per cent. The carbon dioxide absorbed by the caustic potash is determined by the Presenius method of weighing. This takes several hours.","page":68},{"file":"p0069.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"The pump is washed out and the volume of liqxtid made up to 400 c .e., the carbon dioxide is then determined with a fraction of this.\nV/heii 1 was there, an infant was Inside the apparatus and asleep.\nIt was absolutely quiet for the greater part of the time that I was there, so that I was able to take a photograph of the apparatus with the infant inside which reqtiired a 5-minute exposure as it was taken through water.\n(dee fig.'f.) An interesting feature of the experiment was the ilitary precision and system shown throughout. There was a prodigality of assistance. Pour men stood by like a corporal's guard to put the baby in or take him out of the apparatus. There were no records of the pulse-rate and no graphic records of the muscular activity, but one man was detailed to watch the infant continually and make notes of the activity every moment. One great criticism that 1 have to make of this system is that they are net able to sharply divide periods of complete repose. In a 5-hour experiment of which three and a half hours are complete repose and one and a half hours great excitement, they must attempt to compute the metabolism during the period of excitement and deduct it from the metabolism during the '\"hole experiment to secure the correct value for the metabolism.\nLost of their infants are trained to sleep in light rooms and not be affected by the noise in the ward. Professor Schlossmann thinks that he finds the lowest values for the metabolism after a 24-hour fast and maintains that even very young infants can stand a 24-hour fast very well. The experiments are frequently made in t.he evening. For instance, the infant gets no food after 6 p. m. one evening, is kept awake all night and the next day, without food, and then is put into the chamber for 4 or 5 hours at 6 p. m., or 24 hours after the last meal. If they have good fortune , he sleeps most of the time.","page":69},{"file":"p0070.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 8. The respiration chamber of Schlossmann and Murschhauser in\nD\u00fcsseldorf.\nThis shows the chamber completely immersed in water, with the sleeping infant. The photograph was taken through water and required a five-minute exposure, during which time the infant remained perfectly quiet. By means of a chain and hook shown in the upper part of the picture, the chamber can be instantly raised out of water and the door at the extreme right opened to remove the infant.","page":70},{"file":"p0071.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"71\n-rofessor H'chlossmann impressed me as being a man of intense energy and remarkable executive ability. I consider him one of the greatest organisers that I have ever met Jn either business or professional lines. His wonderful system, the mole control of his clinic, and the interrelation of every individual part simply baffle description. He did not impress me, however, as the abstract scientist that 1 had expected to meet. He was quite \"hail fellow, well met\" and seemed to indulge in a great deal of \"jollying\" among the assistants and in the laboratory. He is what may be tented a \"hustler\", has complete command of the whole situation, can gather around him good, accurate, and painstaking workers, and knows how to make others work remarkably well. But those who know/ him, even his friends, say that he is very superficial and. relies upon good assistants to keep up the standards. He was very kind to me both during my visit and in his subsequent correspondence with ne. I was interested to find that he had personally carried out a research a number of years ago on the fuel valiie of milk in which he Pound 3.8 calories for the carbohydrate of milk instead of 4.1 calories as commonly used. Since that time he has used the value 3.8 calories although he Baid that almost every one in Germany still uses the old value (4.1 calories). Since my return to America I have had some correspondence with Professor Schlossmann,particularly in regard tc a paper in which he criticises the priority with regard to the records of muscular movement inside the chamber. He wrote me a long, very friendly letter in which he said that he wished to cooperate in scientific investigations on a plan which should be devised by us jointly. He has also presented to the Laboratory a complete set of the large number of papers which he has published on infant metabolism.","page":71},{"file":"p0072.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"72\nln Dr. Murschhauser Professor Schlossmann has an ad' irai-le and very clever associate. Dr. ; f\\J auser formerly studied in Munich and has an intense acc\\iracy in quantitative work. He is evidently a very keen man.\nAs an example of his keenness, 1 might cite that Dr. Murschhauser called my attention to the error on page 181 op the paper describing the universal respiration apparatus in the Deutsches Archiv f. klin. Medizin, where it is stated that the balance -weighs to 0.1 gram when we really meant to say 0.01 gram.\nProfessor Schlossmann*s sagacity is shown by his arranging to have Dr. Murschhauser devote all of his attention to respiration experiments instead of calling upon him for routine or clinical work. As a matter of fact,\nI believe that Dr. Murschhauser is not a trained physician hut is a skilled chemist. Viith Dr. Murschhauser, Professor Schlossmann is remarkably well equipped to carry out investigations on metabolism with a respiration apparatus. One has a feeling that without Dr. Murschhauser, the respiration experiments could not be made, for Professor Schlossmann does not give one the the impression of being an experimenter himself. 1 predict, however, that as long as he remains in D\u00fcsseldorf and has Dr. Murschhauser as an associate he will have one of the most prolific clinics for good, high grade metabolism experiments and research with infants that exists in Europe. It seems to me far better than either of the other children's clinics that 1 saw.\n\u25a0","page":72},{"file":"p0073.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"73\nHRIPELBSRG, GK.,.iAN\u00ff\nIn no other small city in Germany are there gathered together so many men who are so active in the particular lines of work closely associated with the Nutrition Laboratory as in Heidelberg. Professor von Krehl, Professor Cohnheim, Dr. Siebeck, Pr. Grafe, and Professor Kossel make a collection of men that it is difficult to duplicate in any large or small city. There is apparently no intimate cooperation between the different laboratories and particularly between Professor Cohnheim and the other laboratories, von Krehl, Siebeck, and Grafe work together in von Krehl's institute. Kossel and Cohnheim do not work together as they are men of quite diverse interests although I believe Cohnheim does do a little in connection with von Krehl's clinic.\nKreis Institute\nirofeseor Czerny. -Ur. von Lantern, and dr. .'.-erner .\nAt the request of Pr. John Collins Warren of the Huntington Cancer Research Hospital in Boston, I attempted to secure information regarding the work of the Krebs Institute which is under the direction of Professor Czerny. At a dinner at Professor Cohnheim\u2019s I met Pr. von Pungern who has charge of one of the divisions of the Institute. He told me that Pr. Werner, who has charge of the other division, was getting particularly good results in cancer by the injection of cholinjef. I understand that the beneficial use of cholin^ was a more or less accidental discovery of Y\u00bberner' s as a resxxlt of the fact that the X-ray acted upon the testes and the secretions, frequently malting '\u2022he men sterile so that they had to","page":73},{"file":"p0074.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"74\n\u00bbear lead aprons to protect themselves. Werner reasoned from this that cholin, one of the active constituents of the testes, would prove beneficial in cancer. Hr. von Hungern also told me that with superficial cases they were pitting good resvilts by the infection of radium salts and mesathorium. They had also used selenium but, not with very good success. He personally thought that the greatest prospect of success was in the use of cholin^.\nHr. von Hungern has resigned hie position in the Krebs Institute and is going to Hamburg as he has just accepted a call there to establish a cancer division of a new hospital. Other people in Heidelberg told me that Professor Czerny is soon to retire on account of old age and there was grave doubt as to where the money would be obtained to continue the Institute. At present it was very much pressed for funds and it was feared that when Professor Czerny retires, the work would be given up. It is quite possible that this financial uncertainty may have hastened Professor von Hungern\u2019s leaving.\nUniversity of Heidelberg (Physiological Laboratory.,)\nProfessor Kossel.\nMrs. Kossel died very suddenly two weeks before we reached Heidelberg and Professor Kossel\u2019s condition was pitiable, nevertheless 1 frequently had opportunity to talk with him and to speak of scientific subjects as he said that it took his mind from his troubles.\nProfessor Kossel was much interested in the alcohol program but said that he could offer no criticism as it seemed to be very complete.\nThe latest subject that has particularly interester1 him is a new method for preparjng very active desiccated preparations of organs and digestive","page":74},{"file":"p0075.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Juices, He removes the organ from the animal and freezes it with solid carbon dioxide. It is then placed on the movable table of a shaving machine and cut by rapidly rotating knives into very thin shavings. The rapid movement of the knives throws the shavings into a box with double walls \u00bb surrounded with solid carbon dioxide. These thin shavings are then quickly transferred while in the frozen state to a large vacuum desiccator over sulphuric acid, much like our Hempel desiccators. The heat of vaporization keeps the mass still frozen, and the substance finally becomes fully dried at the temperature of the laboratory,\u2014at least it never gets above the laboratory temperature. Kossel finds that -ander these conditions the glands and secretions preserve their chemical and physiological activity much better, and cited particularly his experiments with pancreatic juice. This desiccated juice is so active that in order to get fresh juice he simply suspends the dried extract in water. This makes a colloid solution which is very active, as active, indeed, as fresh pancreatic juice. Personally I think there should be a great application of this principle.\nIt has long been believed in our laboratory that physiological preparations should never be dried above room temperature. 1 wrote to professor Harvey Cushing about the possibility of utilizing dried pituitary glands and remember that he told me of some man in Hew Haven who spent all of hie salary in buying the desiccated glands from the beef factories in Chicago. These glands were of course very low' in efficiency and activity compared with the glands when dried and prepared by the method used by Professor Kossel. This new method should revolutionize the preparation of these glands. The glands are very expensive and an increase of 50 per cent in activity would exit down the cost by one half.","page":75},{"file":"p0076.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Professor Koseei was particularly hitter in his criticism of Dr. Levene of the Rockefeller Institute who, he thinks, has acted in a very unkind and uncharitable way. He cited in particular a man in Tubingen who claims that Levene takes the things that he publishes and puts them out as his own. The Tubingen man now writes at the end of his papers \u25a0'I particularly request of Mr. Devene not to take this work up as 1 have experiments in hand dealing further with this matter.\" In speaking of the Rockefeller Institute, Professor Kossel says that, the whole income of. Heidelberg University is only as much as the income of the Rockefeller Institute for one year.\nProfessor Cohnheim.\nMince my visit to Heidelberg, Professor Cohnheim has removed to Hamburg where he is associated with a large hospital, v.hile in Heidelberg I saw a great deal of Professor Cohnheim and my respect for him was greatly increased. He certainly is very fertile in ideas on all subjects and an interesting discussion is sure to arise over any matter brought up with him. As to the soundness of his views, that is quite another matter, but he certainly is ingenious and always lends a zest, to any discussion.\nFor example, I referred to Putter\u2019s work in Nap les, having in mind Dr. Alfred 3. Mayer\u2019s statement made to me a year ago that since Putter\u2019s work they had had to revise entirely their ideas of sea life. Putter worked at Naples when Cohnheim was there and Cohnheim stated that his ideas are all f\u2019alse. He determined the carbon in sea water by the Messinger process which uses sulphuric acid and potassium bichromate. Under these conditions and with the presence of sodium chloride in the salt water, there was naturally a large amount of chlorine present. Hitter did not remove the salt and evidently the chlorine attacked the rubber stoppers which he used, so\n","page":76},{"file":"p0077.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"that he found some carbon. Later another man repeated the work, removing all of the salt and using no rubber stoppers, and found no carbon in the water. Cohnheim says that Putter puts out a great many papers but he (Cohnheim) no longer reads them for they are all wrong.\nAt a dinner one evening, Cohnheim became reminiscent, and gave many anecdotes regarding the physiologists. Dr. Jrafe of Heidelberg was also at this dinner. As these anecdotes are probably not recorded anywhere, I feel them of sufficient interest to put them down here.\nPfl\u00fcger was intensely interested in the problems op muscular work and one evening in Bonn the student body were astonished to see this old gentleman with his whole family seated in one of the front rows of a vaudeville theatre watching the performance of an acrobatic family. Pfl\u00fcger*s theory was that muscular work was performed at the exjiense of protein ingestion. Ke conceived the plan of inviting the whole acrobatic family to his house and providing food so far as possible in the form of protein, fat, and carbohydrate to sec what class of food they instinctively selected. \u2018Jincs he believed that protein was the source of muscular work, he naturally expected that they would select protein. The next day somebody asked Pfluger what they ate. He was very much disgusted and said; \"Don't speak of it.\"\nHe had furnished beer among other things and they had taken that in preference to everything else.\nPfluger is credited with being extremely egotistic, as an illustration of this, Cohnheim told of the experience that Zuntz had with him. When Zuntz published his book on the work in high mountains with Muller, Caspar!, and Lowwy, he dedicated it in a graceful manner to Edward Pfl\u00fcger. Pfl\u00fcger criticised this dedication on the ground the t\ni","page":77},{"file":"p0078.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Zuntz did not give him the title of Geheimrat and state that he was professor in Bonn, etc. Zuntz's reply was characteristic and graceful.\nC-\nde said: \"My dear friend, I heg to remind you that on the Bismark monument there only stands Otto von Bismark.\"\nFor twenty-five years a strife was actively waged between the two pioneers in physiology. Voit and Pfl\u00fcger. Finally Voit went to Bonn to make a courtly call in an attempt to settle the discussion. He sent in his card but the diener came out and said that Pfl\u00fcger would not see him and consequently Voit went quietly back to Munich.\nAt the time of my visit to Heidelberg, I was much interested in the Pratt experiments on the feeding of meat to Bogs with atrophied pancreas. We had found that meat when fed to these dogs did not produce a rise in the metabolism as with normal dogs, and we were inclined to attribute it to the fact that there was no mechanical v'ork of digestion which played any role. Professor Cohnheim contended that any operation affecting the alimentary tract affects the stomach digestion and believes that the large stools are due to a disturbed stomach digestion rather than to the absence of the pancreatic secretion. He had made experiments on dogs with fistulas in all parts of the alimentary tract and his deductions were drawn from these experiments. When I told him that the dogs recovered on feeding pig pancreas, he thought it was due to the rich supply of trypsin in the pancreas assisting the stomach. This was subsequently the basis of some discussion with Dr. Pratt and criticisms written in letters by Professor Cohnheim.\nIn speaking of the relationship of calories to carbon in the urine, Cohnheim stated that some one had worked out the calories to carbon ratio for all pbysiolo**ical bodies and found it. not far from 11 or 12 calories per gram of carbon. Acting upon this, 1 have had computations","page":78},{"file":"p0079.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"made for all of the physiological bodies that were burned by iir. Hmery and nyself and we find the number of calories per gram of carbon ranges from 7.673 calories with uric acid to 13.646 calories with alcohol.\nCohnheim considered that the electrocardiogram was a plaything for clinicians and a scheme to get patients to pay for a new thing. He personally had not much use for it and thought it of very little value in clinical work:. In this, so far as I can \u00ffudge, he stands nearly alone in Kurope for almost every one else with whom I discussed the matter felt quite certain that the electrocardiogram had many possibilities in diagnostic fields.\nI think no one in Hurope has read the alcohol program more carefully and has made more notes and comments on it than has Cohnheim. I spent nearly two hours in the laboratory one morning with him going ever it in very great detail and he had many interesting sugjgestions. He told me that a few months before a man came to him and said that he wanted to found an institute to study the alcohol question something like the Solvay Institute but on a smaller scale. He asked Cohnheim if any of his students would make good directors, chemists, or research workers in the laboratory and also asked Cohnheim to draw up a plan of the work that should be done in such an institute. Professor Cohnheim said he would have nothing to do with the institute unless he, Cohnheim, was allowed the greatest freedom in selecting the problems to be studied, and would be perfectly free to publish the results as found. He told me subsequently that the man was the representative of a society to further total abstinence. After Cohnheim had sent him his program, he heard nothing from him.\nProfessor Cohnheim also told me of a young man who was doing aovie work with Magnus in Utrecht. This young man wa,s working on the influence of alcohol, but 1 have forgotten the exact phase that he was","page":79},{"file":"p0080.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"studying. In the progress cf the research he found that v.ine was worse than alcohol itself. As the father of the young man was a great wine merchant, he told his father of the results, who said that he would disinherit him if he published them. In consequence the results were never published.\nProfessor Cohnheim's comments on the alcohol program are too extensive to enumerate here and they will be found filed with the comments of other investigators.\nProfessor Cohnheim told me that a man with considerable money came to his laboratory a short time before who had written a great deal about canaries, publishing a number of volumes. He wanted to work on the digestion of canaries with Cohnheim. Cohnheim said that fistulas were impossible but that he might work upon the respiratory exchange. So Cohnheim devised a closed circuit apparatus on the principle of our apparatus. He does not weigh the oxygen but as the experiments are very short, he uses an ingenious benzol manometer which, however, cannot he used with man. With this manometer he has a closed circuit of definite volume, and, after calibrating,measures the amount of oxygen consumed by noting the loss in pressure indicated by the manometer instead of weighing each time, uses about 60 milligrams of oxygen at one time. Everything is immersed in water and a rubber ball foot pump is used, very much like that employed by Likhatcheff in St. Petersburg. He weighs the carbon dioxide by absorbing it in a soda lime tube. The whole thing is very simple. Professor Cohnheim says that the singing birds are particularly interesting as the heart forms the greatest percentage of the body-weight that is foxmd in any living thing. The canary weighs about 17 grams. Cohnheim has been able to train the canaries so that they will sing in the bell Jar while\nunder water.","page":80},{"file":"p0081.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"81\nI redirai Clinic .\nl-rofessor von Krehl.\nProfessor von Krehl is very nervous and fidgety but a \"hustler1* and extremely keen. In physiological matters he is wholly dominated by his clinical experiences and can hardly see a \"normal\" thing. All experiments are, for him, finding the abnormal and the normal has little interest for him. He says that we must live today and not a hundred years from today and must work on the abnormal so that we may help those who are suffering. This is the clinical point of view, which does not recognize the fact that until the normal value has been established, the abnormal value cannot be rightly estimated. In fact, it is quite contrary to the belief in our laboratory that we cannot adequately study the abnormal until we have thoroughly established the base line for the normal metabolism. I told him of our experience in the research on diabetes when we found that we had no results with normal subjects with which to compare the results obtained in our experiments with diabetics. He contended, however, that abnormal metabolism is so different from the normal that it is better to study it without attempting to compare it with the normal metabolism.\nHe is much interested in heart cases and wants a respiration chamber to use in studying them. He said that too small a chamber would disturb respiration so that the subject would be afraid and have unpleasant feelings, etc. The unit apparatus interested him very much. I went over the article in the Deutsches Archiv f. klin. Medizin with him very carefully and at his request ordered a Crowell blower for his use. 1 also offered to lend him a spirometer which was subsequently sent to him and copied.","page":81},{"file":"p0082.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"82\nIt was later sent to the physiological Congress in ilroningen, A letter received from Dr. \u00f9rafe, Dr. von Xrehl's assistant, dated beptember 17, 1913, stated that the unit apparatus was nearing completion and that they expected to begin work with it early in the winter. They planned to build the unit apparatus first and subseqiiently to add some kind of a chamber to it.\nIn discussing the fasting experiment with Professor von Krehl, he said that Levanzin must have been crazy and that if we found any abnormal metabolism, the results would be of little value. 1 told him of Dr. Southard's examination and he emphasized the importance of his report, saying that it would be of great significance. I therefore wrote to Dr. Southard who has kindly prepared a written report which should meet all of the criticisms that Dr. von Krehl raised. Dr. von Krehl believes that the psychic condition plays a great r\u00f4le in the metabolism.\nI remember very well discussing with Professor von Krehl three years ago the possibility of a \"luxus\" consumption. He then spoke of society women who led a sedentary life and lived high, saying that they must have a higher metabolism. Since that time Dr. Srafe has made experiments on a dog w'hich were published and read by Dr. Morgulis and myself. This work was evidently done in support of von Krehl*s belief that there was a \"luxus\u20191 consumption, namely a higher plane of metabolism, w^ith an exceptional amount of nutriment.\nProfessor von Krehl was likev/ise much interested in the rectal temperature apparatus. He had seen the prospectus of Siemens and Halske and was not surprised at my adverse report. Personally he does not care for self-registoring thermometers and does not think they are necessary.\nI explained to him tpe possibility using two thermal Junctions with a\nd'Arsonval galvanometer.","page":82},{"file":"p0083.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Professor von Krehl emphasized the fact, that Rubner does not like adverse criticism and if one contradicted him, trouble would surely follow.\n1 told Professor von Krehl of our experience with the question of the chemical regulation of the body temperature. 1 have become more and more convinced that it will be necessary for us to repeat kurechhauser* work on guinea pigs at different temperatures and also Rubner's experiments The experiments made by Dr. korgulis on the dog Bill, in which exactly the same degree of metabolism was found at temperatures 10\u00b0 apart, but with no shivering indicated by the pneumograph, are most significant.\nDr. Drafe.\nDr. Dr&fe, who was first assistant in the laboratory *>f Professor von Krehl, is a very bright man, whose enthusiasm sometimes leads him to jump at conclusions too quickly, but who is still a really good man. He has published extensively\u2014perhaps too extensively\u2014and has entered into a polemic with Abderhalden. His trying to be somewhat polemical shows many signs of jrouth. On the other hand he is one of the brightest men that I met in Europe and I expect him to have a great future.\nIn discussing with him the Pratt-kcrgulis experiments in which a respiratory quotient over 1 was found with the dogs with an atrophied pancreas a^ter feeding excessive amounts of carbohydrate, Drafe said that he had found a respiratory quotient over 1 with dogs but. that they were dogs with an Eck fistula which were obviously not normal. He knew of no experiment on a normal dog in v;hich a respiratory quotient over 1 was found.\nDr. Drafe has experiments with regard to rectal feeding and finds that the specific dynamic action, so called, still persists. He made control experiments with sodium chloride solution. Professor Cohnheim,","page":83},{"file":"p0084.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"84\nthinking this might he attributable to intestinal work, repeated. Grafe's experiments with dogs, using fistulas, but found no results, thus substantiating Grafe's findings in every detail.\nAbderhalden, Grafe, and Henriques of Copenhagen carried on contemporaneous experiments on feeding swine with ammonium suite and studying the nitrogen balance. The question of priority ha,s arisen and Grafe tells of some very unpleasant experiences with Abderhalden. After writing him a personal letter explaining the situation, Abderhalden has, according to Grafe, done some things which no gentleman would ever do, such as using a confidential letter in a public way and making improper use of the material. Grafe says that Abderhalden thinks that he is a. great man and that Grafe is only a little fellow, so that people will believe Abderhalden rather than Grafe. Dr. Grafe also said that Abderhalden had a quarrel with Henriqies, and had had a lot of trouble everywhere he went. He had troiible in 3asel, and then went to Berlin, where he again got. into trouble. He was always a hard man to get along with and has been in a controversy with nearly every one with whom he has come in contact.\nThe whole question of entering into a polemic was the subject of conversation at a ddnner with Professor Cohnheim, Df. Grafe, Dr. Giebeck and myself. Professor Cohnheim and 1 both agreed that polemics were utterly useless and Cohnheim summed it up very tersely by citing the old Pfluger-Voit controversy, saying \"Never engage in a controversy. They may last twenty-five years and no one is better off.\"\nAt this same dinner we discussed the question of French versus German science. They all seemed to believe that the French were very much more productive of theories but that they never sustained them by practical experiments, and that the Germans' strong point was the proving o* a theory by an extensive amount of experimental research, although they, too, are","page":84},{"file":"p0085.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"doubtless given to theorizing like the French.\nDr. drafe has found a lover metabolism with catatonies than rith normal individuals in spite of the fact that there vas great muscular tension but no motion. He said that the catatonies would hang by the vri-sf-from a cord for hours and then eat and hang themselves uj) again. This was in the old days when restraint measures were adopted in the hospital. This question of tension in the muscle brought tip the point that some one says that a muscle works only when it is in motion, but that there is no work when it is absolutely tense. Of course this brought up the question of static work. Static v\u2019ork equals 0 and only when the muscle i3 active is work done, drafe also found that with electrocardiograms the catatonies had much less heart muscle tonus than normal individuals.\nDr. drafe said that his experience with Lusk had led him to think that he was very sensitive, von Noorden had told drafe*s brother that Lusk was working on luxns consumption and he was very anxious to know why and how Lusk was doing it. I told Dr. drafe that probably von Noorden referred to the paper that Lusk gave in Washington in which he stated that Volt said that if you give plenty of metabolites under these conditions the cells metabolize more material.\nDr. drafe is very desirous of studying the calorific equivalent of oxygen with swine when there is a respiratory quotient above 1. I told him the matter had been under consideration a long time in our laboratory but that v/e felt that Professor Lusk would do animal work and we would not begin yet on animal calorimetry.","page":85},{"file":"p0086.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"SSKEVAi SWITZERLAND\nUniversity of deneva\nProfessor Uuye.\nI was particularly interested in seeing Professor Guye again, inasmuch as I wished to discuss with hin his opinion regarding the constancy in the composition of the atmosphere which we noted in Boston. He\nhas reported the resiilts of several researches, which were presumably ac-\n\u2666\neurately carried out, in which variations in the composition of the atmosphere were clearly shown.\nOn arriving in J-eneva I went immediately to Professor luye's laboratory and had a most profitable afternoon with him. The laboratory impresses one as being a maze of glass blowing. He has the idea, which I believe was first brought out by Professor Ramsey in London, that no connections other than glass tubing are allowable in accurate work. They use a small hand blast lamp or blow pipe v/hich makes it possible to do all kinds of things. I have ordered some of these lamps for the Nutrition Laboratory. 1 also saw there an exceedingly small bomb for weighing minute quantities of gas, which had a reduction valve that Professor G-uye said was made for him by the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 denovoise. 1 have been unable as yet to secure either the bomb or the valve.\nI also saw in this laboratory an interesting method for purifying mercury. Professor duye says that the best way to purify mercury was by distillation in a slow current of air since under these conditions all the impurities were oxidized. The method was originated by Hewlett, an American, and published in the physical Revier about 1913. A very irrenious electric heater was iised in which some modifications had been made by an assistant of Professor duye. A rather complicated glass vessel was an","page":86},{"file":"p0087.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"integral part of the heater. When I was there, this vessel was broken, but they maintained that the principle was absolutely sound, and Suye told me that with this method he obtained the purest mercury he had ever seen.\nOne is impressed by the seriousness and intensity of Professor duye. He is all over the building, has many different things going, is intensely interested in what everybody is doing, and is evidently a nan capable of handling a great many things at once.. I have one unfortunate standard for. fudging the character of his work. In a research published from his laboratory by Dr. V- at son, the composition of the outdoor air was proved, at least to their satisfaction, to be variable. If, with all the degree of refinement that he uses, they find this variation in the composition of the outdoor air, which 1 think has been clearly shown is not variable, on8 wonders how much of their other work will stand keen criticism. In other words, the general impression is that while apparently there is an attempt to secure great accuracy, underneath something fundamental mai\u2019\u2019 still be lacking.\nI regretted that I had ever read Watson's work, as it seems to me it invalidates practically the whole of the work that Professor (Juye is doing. On the other'hand the ostentatious efforts to secure the greatest degree of refinement must have a salutary effect ori students, although I now recall the criticism of an American university professor who had been at the laboratory a year or so before which substantiates my belief that the striving for refinement is more apparent than real.\nAs a delightful gentleman and an inspiring teacher, Professor luye\nprobably has few equals. Had I not had the experience with air analysis, 1 should have been more deeply impressed by his work. She most impressive thing was the glass bloving raid the fundamental belief of his laboratory that only fused glass Joints are xiermissible.","page":87},{"file":"p0088.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"BASEL, SWITZERLAND.\nI Medical Clinic.\nProfessor Staehelin.\nProfessor Staehelin now has a large clinic with 300 beds, so that he is unable to give his attention to other work. I think he is permanently lost to the scientific world as an original investigator. He is busy editing a treatise of several volumes and has nothing of scientific research in view.\nWhen 1 asked him aboxit the Berlin fast he said that nothing had been published. in Heidelberg Dr. Cirafe told me that Staehelin found that the young woman who made the air analyses had become unreliable and he had no confidence in the results. Professor Staehelin did not mention this to me but was noncommittal as to when the results would be published.\nIn discussing the alcohol program Professor Staehelin said we should look out for vasomotor changes as affected by psychic conditions. He told me about some plethysmograph experiments with a diener in which he tried to excite the man by firing a pistol. This noise produced no effect, but when the diener heard a strange step in the corridor, he was at once aroused, as his whole training made him instinctively on the alert to see that the man meant no harm and that he had business there. staehelin claims that the psychical effect must always be kept in mind.\nHe also criticizes the use of a stomach tube as it is uncertain, and the psychic effect is very harmful. He says when using it one gets all kinds of results, due to excitement and sometimes an inhibited flow. He was doubtful as to the wisdom of its use except on a\ntrained subject.","page":88},{"file":"p0089.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"89\nDr. digon.\nDr. Ciigon is now in the I Medical Clinic and is not doing so much scientific work as formerly. I investigated carefully some of the researches he published a short time ago. he uses Muller valves with two large Woulff bottles of about 2 liters each. These are filled about two thirds full with water, a glass tube as large as would go through the tubulatures just dipping under the water. He considered them very satisfactory.\nI expected to find an elaborate system for diluting expired air to make it about one per cent carbon dioxide. Instead of that I found that he simply expires the air into a spirometer, and after fifty liters of expired air has collected, he pumps in 100 or more liters of external air, and analyzes on this basis. He does not mix it at all and thinks an ordinary diffusion sufficient. He uses a mouthpiece and, like Loewy, has a band to tie it to the face; he believes that all leaks are thus prevented, and the best results obtained. He makes all of his experiments with the subject asleep, if possible, usually in the evening after fasting all day, and considers the sleeping condition more favorable for such measurements. His analyses are made on a very imperfect Pettersson gas-analysis apparatus. I was much impressed by his carelessness in ordering a burette for this apparatus. He attempted to secure a burette that would allow him to measure at the same time both the carbon-dioxide increment and oxygen deficit in expired air, and had therefore planned to get from 0 to 5 per cent of carbon dioxide, but had provided for a measurement of the oxygen only between 19.5 per cent and 21.0 per cent, in other words 1.5 per cent instead of 4 or 5 per cent. This would imply a lack of\ni","page":89},{"file":"p0090.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"fundamental physiological knowledge. I pointed this defect out to him and he seemed to he very much chagrined over it.\nThere is nothing to indicate that Grigon will not soon follow in Staehelin's footsteps and no longer carry on scientific work. In my opinion he will not be the loss that Staehelin is. Oigon seemed to have a very good opinion of himself, and a very poor opinion of Srafe.\nI found that his impressions of accurate chemical processes were very vague, and I was most disappointed in this man as 1 had read so much of him. While talking with him i was constantly reminded of the '\u2019affair\u201d with poor Landergren, and I saw whence came Elgon's inspiration. Almost the next day I received word that Landergren had died. CJigon is, 1 consider, very much overrated, although apparently those who know him intimately are not so much impressed with his ability. He is very sharp but he lets things go that are not accurate. His analyses, tests, etc., are not at all of the Stockholm school. Evidently he is not so good a worker as 1 thoxight.","page":90},{"file":"p0091.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Physiological Institute\u00ab UniverBity of Basel.\nDr. R. Metzner.\nI met Dr. Metzner for the first time on this occasion, and found him most agreeable. He Is In pharmacology and Is much interested In the possibilities of utilizing the unit respiration apparatus for small animals, such as rabbits. I gave him many sketches ana points regarding It together with photographs of the apparatus. He Is altogether one of the most charming personalities that I met in my European tour.","page":91},{"file":"p0092.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Professor Jaquet.\n9\nThis is another good man gone wrong. Formerly one of the most brilliant technicians, ne is now interested only in practice. I had two hours with him and while he is as interesting as ever, he is saturated with philosophy, writes on the philosophy of love, and thinks that the whole of life is wrong. He is distinctly \"off\". It appeared to me that he is as erratic as was Ostwald, and apparently believes he is a philosopher.\tThe more 1 think of it, the more I regret that this\nman has, speaking scientifically, gone wrong. That a man with his gifts for construction and design should so run after \"false gods\" is deplorable. He will never be more tnan a second-rate clinician and a very poor philosopher, but he was formerly one of the leading designers of intricate and good physiological instruments. In fact, I told him that he had no successor, that there were a great many good clinicians and good physicians, but that there was no one who stood as high as he in the mechanical line.. He finally admitted that he might be tempted into mechanical work again, but did not care much for it.\nJaquet had a great deal to say in regard to the alcohol program.\nHe thinks such an investigation is almost impossible, and asked me how many years I thought it would take to complete it. I said \"Probably 20 years.\" He wonders at the Americans for undertaking it. The great difficulty, according to him, is to separate the metabolism due to the combustion of alcohol from its poisonous effect, but admitted that this same criticism applies to most of the work in pharmacology. Personally I told him I did not see how the metabolism of strychnine, for example, could have much importance. Jaquet maintained that alcohol poisons the system all the time, and when I told him that with me 100 grams of","page":92},{"file":"p0093.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"9\ncane sugar would produce a digestive disturbance, with canker sores in the mouth, etc., and that I did not think that 100 grams of alcohol would produce so bad an effect, caquet said that alcohol always poisons the system and that cane sugar never does.","page":93},{"file":"p0094.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"FLORENCE\u00bb ITALY.\ngeneral Medical Clinic - \u25a0\nDrs. Marchetti, Capezzuoli, and Frugoni.\nOn my two previous foreign tours X did. not include Italy in my itinerary, hut it seemed to me advisable to see at least once the Italian laboratories of physiology, particularly as there had been some recent investigations on technique that I thought should be carefully looked into. My first stop was at Florence, where I went to the laboratory of Dr. Marchetti who has associated with him Dr. Capezzuoli. I went all over their clinic and saw the possibilities for research in pathological cases. They have an old Zuntz-deppert apparatus purchased at the Vereinigte Fabriken seven years ago. (See figs. 9 and 10.) As a matter of fact, neither of these gentlemen had ever seen Zuntz, and they had studied out the method of use from the first article published by Magnus-Levy. Dr. Marchetti told me that he had spent seven months in learning to use the apparatus and keep it in condition, and that at present he and Dr. Capezzuoli were the only ones in Florence who could make analyses with it, although it was used in part by assistants.\nMarchetti had done some work with high-oxygen atmospheres which interested me especially. He also told me that he had had made some special burettes so that he could determine 65 per cent of oxygen. The oxygen-rich mixture was fed in from a spirometer which is no longer in existence. He collects the gases over a saturated solution of common salt, colored with rosolic acid to prevent the absorption of oxygen by acidulated, distilled water.","page":94},{"file":"p0095.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"95\nPig. 9. Zuntz-Greppert gaa-analysis apparatus in Marchetti's laboratory in Florence.\n(One of the older models.)","page":95},{"file":"p0096.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 10. Details of the Elster meter used with the Zuntz gas-analysis apparatus in Marchetti's\nlaboratory in Florence.","page":96},{"file":"p0097.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"9\nIn discussing the Zuntz-Seppert apparatus, I found that Marchetti uses copper gauze and ammonia to absorb the oxygen, but has used phosphorus; he considers the latter as dangerous with the 60 per cent of oxygen which he uses. He also dislikes extremely the small rubber connections and screw pinchcocks between the burettes and the absorption pipettes of the Zuntz-Geppert apparatus sind maintains that ground glass stopcocks should be used. I was much interested in the fact that this apparatus was described as a modified Zuntz respiration apparatus. As a matter of fact, the nosepieces were much inferior to those of Zuntz, and the mouthpiece came from the Vereinigte Fabriken. The only new point was the Marchetti valve.\nI made a number of photographs of the Marchetti valve (see figures 11, 12, and 13) and Marchetti was good enough to give me the original drawing from which the illustration was made for his article. The valves were extremely interesting but not every one was satisfied with them.\nFor example, Dr. Frugoni told me that he was working with the apparatus now and did not like the Marchetti valves, saying that they were too cumbersome, that there was too much resistance, and that they produced dypsnoeic breathing in ten minutes. On the other hand, he considered the Morelli valves from Pavia very satisfactory. (See figs. 12,13 and 14.)\nThe ideal respiratory valve secures tight closure with minimum weight and maximum flexibility. Of all the valves I have ever seen, Morelli's seems the best. Morelli is an assistant to Professor Forlanini in Pavia, and is evidently a very clever fellow and a very good worker. He has devised a glass valve with a small rubber balloon which, when inflated, acts as a flap to seal the opening. The flexible rubber neck of the balloon serves as a hinge so that the ball moves readily. The valve is admittedly complicated but singularly enough very, very good.","page":97},{"file":"p0098.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"98\nFig. 11. lart of the \u00bbArchett! valve, the rubber balloon for the korelll valve, and rubber noaepieces for the\nAlorelli combination mouth- and noseplece","page":98},{"file":"p0099.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"99\n/\n?ig. 12. alass Morelll valve and brass Marchetti valve.\n","page":99},{"file":"p0100.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"100\nPig. 13. The Morelll valve used, by Marchetti In Florence.\nIn the foreground, are also parte of the Marchetti\nvalve.","page":100},{"file":"p0101.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"101\nPig. 14. Details of the Morelll valve used in Marchetti's\nclinic in Florence.","page":101},{"file":"p0102.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"10\n9\nW\nThey had two of these valves in Marchetti's clinic. One of these had been used by Marchetti but he discarded it for his own metallic valves which he said were better because they had less dead space. Frugoni also had a new set of Morelli valves. I tried these new valves and found they moved very easily; they seemed, without exception, the lightest valve that 1 ever breathed through.\nThe little rubber balloon, with its rubber stem looked very much like a small plum on a stem and vibrated back and forth as the valve opened and closed, producing a \"chattering'. It is a very interesting sight as it is so perfectly visible.\nMarchetti says that the worein valves are very light and give less resistance than his metal valves but are difficult to keep in condition. The little rubber bags must of necessity deteriorate quickly but when once adjusted and new, it is a very good valve. The renewal of these bags must be very difficult. According to Frugoni and Marchetti, Zambelli of Turin, who makes and sells these valves, has these rubber bags made especially for him, and they cannot be obtained except through him. A spherical form is made for these rubber bags, but it is not a true sphere as one side is flattened, and this side is used to press against tne open glass tubing. Marchetti told me that he thought that if the rubber bags were kept in a 10 per cent glycerin solution, and deflated when not in use, they would last a long time.\nI ordered a set immediately.\nThe combination nose- and mouthpiece used with Morelli's valves\ninterested me very much. (See figs. 15, 16, and 17.) In talking\nwith Dr. Marchetti about it, he immediately raised the obvious objection that the dead space was very large, and, indeed, he said tnis\nwas the reason why he devised his metal valves which have but a small\ndead space. He was also of the opinion that the Zunt* glass valves","page":102},{"file":"p0103.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 15. The korelli combination mouth- and noseplece used In Marchetti's clinic in Florence.\nThe sliding metal joint holds the lips firmly in place. The two rubber tubes are placed In the nostrils.","page":103},{"file":"p0104.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"piece used in llarchetti\u2019s clinic in Florence.","page":104},{"file":"p0105.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 17. Dr. Capezzuoli in Florence demonstrating the use of the\nMorelli combination mouth- and noseplece.","page":105},{"file":"p0106.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"had too rauch dead, apace. The method of Inserting the nosepiece of this combination into the nose did not appeal to me very much, although both Marchetti and Capezzuoli believed that the closure \u2022was perfectly tight. The double metal flap to clasp the lips is certainly ingenious.\nI tried the nosepiece used with the Morelli valves but found it impossible for me to fit the rubber nipples closely into the nose. Later Prugoni showed me another size of nipple, but we could not find a person in the laboratory whose nose either set would fit and remain tignt. All said that the mouthpiece was the best, and Marchetti said that they preferred his nosepiece and his mouth clamp. As a matter of fact, so far as I could see, Marchetti*s mouthpiece was nothing but the handy rubber mouthpiece so long used by Zuntz.\nI was particularly interested in the fact that in Porlanini's laboratory in Pavia, Morelli and others are evidently much interested in studying the respiratory exchange; Marchetti seemed to think that there would be considerable work in the future in that laboratory along these lines. Doubtless Morelli intends to make many respiration experiments on the pneumothorax cases of Forlanini.\nMarchetti says that two of his assistants are working with his apparatus, studying the influence of day and night on the respiratory exchange, without food, and also the toxicity of the urine, and of expired air, but they find the work very difficult. We must watch for tne published reports of this work.\nThe library of professor Grocce in Marchetti*s clinic was an excellent one. I saw many American medical journals but little of other physiological science. They told me that there are eigity","page":106},{"file":"p0107.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"lor\nItalian medical journals. Among the \"best are the Gazzetta Chimlca Italians, which is published in Rome (Via Panisperma 89), costing 34 francs a year; Professor Pano's journal, Archivio di Pisiologia, Dr.\nLo Monaco's journal, which is the only pharmaceutical journal published in Italy; Rivista Medica; and Policlinico. Lo Monaco has a very extensive list and might possibly exchange with some English or Americal journals. It seems advisable to subscribe for one or more of these journals for the Laboratory so as to keep in touch with Italian work and thereby acquire a slight knowledge of Italian.\nMy general impression of Marchetti's clinic was that it is extremely provincial. They are familiar only with Italian work but know that, of course, very well indeed. Inasmuch, as the Italian work in metabolism is slight there is evidently not much interest in the subject or in respiration experiments.","page":107},{"file":"p0108.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Physiological Laboratory of the Imperial Institute.\nProfessor Fano.\nProfessor Fano is evidently the gentleman philosopher and physiologist of Italy. He is a senator, a man of affairs, editor of a .journal, a man of considerable wealth, and, in addition, a man of very charming personality.\t(See figs. 18 and 19.) He has an\nexcellent library and while his laboratory is very old, it is well equipped, including a string galvanometer. He has spent much time working upon a tortoise heart, studying especially a combined electrocardiogram and photograph of the muscular excitement by using a rubber bag placed upon the heart. For a slow moving manometer, he considers the Nernst light to be sufficient, but it is necessary to use the arc light for the string galvanometer. professor Fano showed me his whole laboratory although it was during the vacation period and there were but few active workers. A magnificent garden was attached to the laboratory in which animals are kept and places provided for fish used in the research work. An interesting research was being carried on by an assistant upon the use of an ultramicroscope.\nProfessor Fano told me the history of Luciani and the fasting man, Levanzin. Luciani, he says, is extremely guileless and consequently took ^evanzin to the reception room of the senate, but Fano said that most of the men were surprised that Luciani had such a man about. Fano said that when Levanzin offered to shake handshe found he could not bring himself to touch his hand. He was not surprised at our experience, but emphasized the fact that Luciani is a very ingenuous man, very much like a child,\u2014not a man of affairs, although a senator.\nAs a matter of fact, he almost never goes out of his laboratory, and","page":108},{"file":"p0109.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"109\nPig. 18. Professor Fano In his study in Florence.","page":109},{"file":"p0110.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"110\nlaboratory In Florence","page":110},{"file":"p0111.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"ni\nknows nothing outside of it, being wrapped up in his writing.\nI showed professor Pano the data of the Levanzin experiment.\nHe said immediately that he believed that all of the tables should be printed with the greatest detail, maintained that there was never an experiment like it, and that it should be given the fullest publication possible.\nOne of the most interesting comments made by Professor Pano was the fact that he was much impressed by the expenditure of the funds of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. He evidently has a pretty good knowledge of the financial condition of the Institution, and of the amount of work done, and expressed himself as surprised that we accomplished so much in our laboratory on so limited an appropriation. This is quite contrary to the usual impression among Italian scientists, who believe that we have unlimited funds.\nProfessor Pano impressed me as being one of the most delightful gentlemen it has been my privilege to meet, but it is evident that he is no longer as actively engaged in research or in editorial work as he formerly was. His chief interest is in Italian state affairs, as he is an active senator; hence he is no longer looked upon as a source of\nserious scientific research","page":111},{"file":"p0112.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"MAPLES. ITALY\nUniversity of Maples.\nProfessor Galeotti\nAs Professor Galeotti has recently published work on the amount of moisture in expired air, I wanted particularly to see his apparatus, his valves, and his method of making the tests. So I made arrangements to visit his laboratory in ITaples. I found him a remarkably genial and pleasant man, who impressed me most strongly as a very intense worker and a man who was capable of covering a great many fields. His laboratory is modern and very well equipped, although in a very old part of the town.\nIn connection with his apparatus for determining the moisture in the expired air (see figs. 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24) I found that he was using a Verdin spirometer, or gas meter, which he had secured from Paris. He stated that he had found this* very good indeed. It costs about 130 francs and at the end of two years it must be discarded, a.s the valves wear out. I tested it myself and found it gave no grectt resistance to breathing. It weighs about -6 kilograms and can be carried on the back. With this spirometer he uses the Zuntz gas-analysis apparatus.\nTo absorb the moisture from the outgoing air he uses two calcium chloride tubes in parallel. The tubes struck me as being very, very small, and yet on careful examination the calibre of the entrance tube did not seem to be very much smaller than the calibre of the nosepieces ordinarily used in connection with our unit apparatus. The two currents of expired air from the calcium chloride tubes join in a Y-tube ana go to the spirometer. There was cotton wool in the outgoing end of the\nIn trying the apparatus, I found it very\ncalcium chloride U-tube.","page":112},{"file":"p0113.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"1I\">\nPig. 20. The Oaleotti apparatus for atudying the water-vapor in the\nexpired air.\nIn the chamber beneath is seen a white candle used to keep the valve warm and to prevent condensation. A certain kind of parch' ment paper is used for the valves as this paper endures heat without disintegrating. The calcium chloride U-tubes are at the rigjit.","page":113},{"file":"p0114.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"1X4\n\nThe valve chamber with door closed is at the right. Next\nare the calcium chloride tubes, then the spirometer to measure the total amount of expired air.","page":114},{"file":"p0115.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 22. Subject expiring through the Galeottl apparatus for determining the amount of moisture in\nthe expired air.","page":115},{"file":"p0116.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Il 6\nFig. 23. Saleottl valves for the determination of moisture in\nthe expired air.","page":116},{"file":"p0117.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 24. Details of Galeottl valve for studying the moisture\nin expired air.","page":117},{"file":"p0118.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"difficult to breathe and it seemed to me that there was considerable resistance. I pointed this out to Galeotti, who tried it himself, and then ordered that some of the cotton wool should be taken out.\nThis was done, but I still found a considerable hindrance to respiration. The experiment lasts but four minutes, there being no preliminary breathing to adjust the respiration conditions.\n-The valves seemed very small, with very small openings. Their construction was ingenious as they were made of small metal rings, covered over tightly with thin pieces of parchment paper. Galeotti stated that he used parchment paper as he found it would stand heat, and the valve was warmed up to 150\u00b0C. Even at this temperature, the paper does not show any deterioration. In the bottom part of the valve chamber is a small candle, which he uses to heat the air of the valves, thus giving no opportunity for water to condense in the valves, as the temperature is always kept about 37\u00b0C. A thermometer is provided and a copper box, wnich is covered loosely so as to allow free access of air. The general impression tnat I obtained of this apparatus was tnat the whole thing was on a very small scale.\nGaleotti is on some commission to study Italian fevers, and therefore has devised a very crude calorimeter for studying the respiration of rabbits in fever. (See figs. 25, 26 and 27.)\tIt was hardly more\nthan a calorimeter on the method of mixtures, and it had never been tested except by pouring hot water into it. I told him this would not suffice and he should use an electrical check test, which he planned to do. In the same room was a rotating treadmill for exercising dogs (fig. 28),which was very crude and very inexpensive. The arrangement of the dog stalls in the basement was excellent, although they had not yet been put into actual use. All of these apparatus show the versatility of Galeotti's mind, and his ability to do a great deal with","page":118},{"file":"p0119.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"11.-\nPig. 25. Galeotti's respiration calorimeter.\nThis photograph shove the chamber outside of the water with the thumb screws to keep the lid in place and make it air- and water-tight.","page":119},{"file":"p0120.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 26. Part of the respiration chamber devised by Saleottl In\nNaples.\nThis shows the tank and the small calorimeter which is immersed in water* the handles alone showing above the water. The apparatus has recently been used for an experiment on fever in rabbits; the report of the research appeared in the Biochemische Zeitschrift about the middle of February 1914.\n","page":120},{"file":"p0121.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 27. Bath with ftaleotti\u2019s respiration calorimeter Immersed In\nthe water tank.\nNote the wing nuts holding the calorimeter in place.","page":121},{"file":"p0122.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"9 9\nA-y\nPig. 28. aaleotti's dog treadmill.\nThe dog is placed inside; the handle is then turned and the dog walks round.","page":122},{"file":"p0123.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"smal1 resources.\nWhat interested me particularly in Professor Graleotti was his proposed expedition to Monte Rosa in the summer of 1913. They expected to study the alcohol problem in considerable detail, considering the effect of alcohol upon work, etc. All of the men in the Monte Rosa party were total abstainers. As we were to study the alcohol problem the following winter in the Nutrition Laboratory, I arranged to have Mr. Higgins go to Europe and work under (Jaleotti's direction, so as to acquire considerable information regarding the technique of the alcohol experiments and obtain a number of suggestions. In this plan the potentialities of the work in America were not overlooked.\nGraleotti was much interested in a method for getting blood presatire, using an apparatus called the oscillometer sphygmometrique of Professor Pachon, constructed by Ch. Verdin, No. 7, rue Linne, Paris. Although this apparatus interested me, I did not feel it advisable to order it for the Laboratory without further testing.\nGraleotti speaks English very well, is a polished gentleman, and has really a most attractive personality. He is, of course, very well acquainted with all the Italian physiologists. He told me that Professor Fano is now such a public man and is so occupied with things of state that he is no longer working much in physiology. He has worked very hard and is anxious to rest. \u00e4aleotti pointed out that in Italy it is very difficult to work hard all of the time on account of the climate which is very enervating. They find themselves tirea\nout by spring, and believe that a man must relax then.\nprofessor daleotti and his laboratory impressed me very favorably.\nOn the other hand, I saw there an experiment with a dog in which a study *a. Ling made of the .dome of the re.plratlon after a remoral of part","page":123},{"file":"p0124.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"of the lungs. This experiment gave me a very bad impression; I cannot see how a man of Professor Gteleotti's scientific attainments could have allowed a research to be carried out in so slovenly and careless a manner. Otherwise my impression of (Jaleotti and his \u2022work was very favorable. He is a man of keen thought and wide interests, and evidently has a good command of literature outside of the Italian. He is young and enthusiastic and should be the leading\nphysiologist in Italy","page":124},{"file":"p0125.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"ROME.\nUniversity of Rome.\nProfessor Luciani._\nxhe main object of my visit to Rome was to discuss in detail with Professor Luciani the experiments in the Nutrition Laboratory on the fasting man, Levanzin. Professor Luciani (see figs.29, 50,\n31 and 32) made the historic research on the fasting Italian, Succi, and his report of it has been translated into German, and widely read. I did not expect much in the way of apparatus, general equipment, or active work; in metabolism along our line. As a matter of fact, there is nothing. The work in Rome rests upon its past laurels, although they are soon to have a new physiological institute, professor Luciani tells me they have raised 2,000,000 francs for the building alone, not including equipment, and it will be begun in a short time. Professor Luciani is, however, somewhat pessimistic on the subject and thinks he will not live to see it finished, as he is now seventy-one years old. The present laboratory is an absolute disgrace to a large university. One can hardly imagine worse working accomodations. It is quite easy to understand why Professor Luciani has had no interest in active experimental work for years past. In connection with the new institute which is now projected, and for which the funds have been raised, Professor Luciani and his associate, Dr. Baglioni, studied the plans of all the other physiological institutes now in existence and decided to make theirs one-half larger than any existing institution for physiology in Europe.\nMany things of interest are in the present laboratory. For","page":125},{"file":"p0126.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 29. Professor iLucianl at his desk in his study in Rome.","page":126},{"file":"p0127.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 30. Professor Lucianl looking over the last edition of his\n\"Human Physiology** in his study in Rome.","page":127},{"file":"p0128.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"128\nFig. 31. Professor Fano and Professor Luclani in Professor\nLuclanl'B library In Rome.","page":128},{"file":"p0129.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"ln Professor Luclanl*B library ln Rome.","page":129},{"file":"p0130.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"example, one finds there the old collection of embryos\u00bb first started by Moleschott, very unsuitably presented and unsuitably housed. There is also an excellent collection of framed photographs of the various physiologists. I obtained an interesting view from the window of Professor Luciani\u2019s study, showing the excavations now in progress for a large government building. In these excavations they are continually finding old Roman houses, and one sees here the treasures covered up in the centuries of dust and dirt of Rome. Inasmuch as this section was the residence section, little interest is taken in tnese daily excava\u2014 tions, ana tne material is carted off without reference to its historic interest.\nOne noticeable feature in Luciani\u2019s laboratory is that over every door is a Latin inscription, which has been written by Professor Luciani. Baglioni says that these are much copied by visitors. I*'or example, over the door of Luciani\u2019s study is placed the inscription \"In hoc studiorum\ndeversorio loci praeses libenter acquiescit .\u2019*\nThe fact that Professor Luciani spoke very little French and German made it extremely difficult for me to carry on a conversation with him.\nOn the other hand, Professor Baglioni, who was a very kind and willing Interpreter, spoke excellent German, and in that way I was able to convey my meaning to Professor Luciani throu^i him.\nProfessor Luciani has an excellent library but apparently, in spite of the fact that he is writing continuously, it is not used. I had a distinct impression that much material outside of Italian literature had escaped him, althou^i I found a whole set of the American Journal of Physiology there. For example, in discussing the Chittenden low-protein ration, I told him that I had written a criticism in the American Journal of Physiology. He stepped into the library and brought in the volume.","page":130},{"file":"p0131.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"131\nHe was quite chagrined to think that he had not seen this criticism of Chittenden before finishing his last edition of the Physiology of Lan, although it was almost within arm's length of his desk.\n\u2022nuciani told me that not long ago a young Italian, a hr. Pichera, aroused considerable interest by his theories and experiments. This investigator argued that possibly cancer arose from the foetal condition, i.e., was inborn, and reasoned therefrom that there was in the foetus probably an anti-body. All cancer cells being embryonical, he accordingly made extracts of the human foetus on the autolytic idea and injected this extract with, for a time, very promising results. Recently, however, he had had remissions with return of the cancer, so that he was obliged to renounce this theory as being false or not proved. A\u00df palliative treatment, he used radium and Sonnentherapie Pinsen for cutaneous lupus, etc., cutaneous tuberculosis, also fulcurations. Dr. (ihilarducci likewise uses this in skin and vagina cases. Pancreatin \"einspritzung' was also used but no promising results were obtained, only a \"Verbesserung\".\nI asked Professor Luciani as to his opinion regarding the authenticity of the 50-day fast of Merlatti. He was very certain that the fast was genuine, for the man was nearly dead at the end of fifty days and a commission watched him continously. While the public report was a diary rather than a scientific exposition, certain data looked satisfactory to Professor Luciani, particularly the loss of body weight. The book was published under the title \"La Mort du Faim\" and is the book referred to in the Serman translation of Luciani's book on fasting.\nSince I know that Professor Luciani is such an ingenuous gentleman, 1 am wondering just how much reliance to place upon the genuineness of this fast. I fear his judgment is not very final.\nInasmuch as I wisli^to report accurately in the new fasting book the","page":131},{"file":"p0132.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"13\nseveral fasts made by Succi, I asked Professor Luciani to write to him and get for me the list of his fasts, particularly those subsequent to his own experiment with Succi.\tFor some reason or other Luciani\nwas disinclined. He said it would be much better for me to write to Succi directly, and I wrote. As a matter of fact, the letter came back, although I addressed it, as Luciani told me, to \"Succi, the famous faster\". In discussing the Levanzin experiment Luciani was very much distressed about the matter and wished me to let him write to Mrs. Levanzin, saying that I had been in Rome and told him how Levanzin acted. He wished to tell Mrs. Levanzin that I was sorry that Levanzin felt as he did, and that for the benefit of science he ought to get in touch with us before he left Boston. I refused absolutely to let professor Luciani do this, for I thought it unwise, if not, indeed, dangerous to have anything more to do with this irrational indi-vidual.\nBoth Luciani and Baglioni told me that no metabolism work was being done in Rome by anybody. There was no apparatus for doing such work. Formerly Dr. Aggazzotti was working with a Zuntz apparatus, but he had recently been called to Pavia and took the apparatus with him. Professor Albertoni in Bologna was also interested in the statistical study of the nitrogen of food, and studied all of his problems from the anaryses of food ana ingestion, but did nothing with alcohol. He has added nothing new.\nIn discussing the alcohol program Baglioni says that there is an informal movement on foot among the younger psychologists in Rome against alcoholism. This was not led by the regular anti-alcohol propagandists (they are ever present) but by a group of psychologists, Tamburin!,\nMondesano and Siamelli, students of Tamburin!, also Sergi and Mingazzini","page":132},{"file":"p0133.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"of Rome, the latter being the head of the insane hospital. This movement really comes under neuropathology. It is directed especially against excessive alcoholism and not against moderate drinking. In\nItaly one speaks of alcohol and wine. In this sense alcohol means strong spirits, wine tne lighter. Baglioni, the physiologist, drinks a half liter of wine per day but never in the daytime. He always takes it with tne last meal of tne day.","page":133},{"file":"p0134.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"134\nGeneral Impression of Italian laboratories.\nI had hoped in this visit to Italy to see Mosso\u2019s former laboratory in Turin, but was unable to make connections with either Poa or Aggazzotti in that city so did not go there. Neither was I able to go to Pavia, for I learned too late that considerable work had been done there that I should see. In Florence and Rome and, indeed, in Naples there is hardly enough in our particular line to justify our going there again soon. Galeotti in Naples is unquestionably a very bright and coming man and some of his work will bear most careful attention.\nIn general, the work in tne Italian laboratories did not impress me as being serious or earnest. I feel that I must have missed a great deal by not going to Pavia or to Turin, particularly so after what Mr. Higgins tells me of his experience on Monte Rosa. It was particularly fortunate that I was able to put Mr. Higgins in touch with the most active Italian workers at Monte Rosa for in that way I think we now have a fair estimate of all of the Italian investigators. Certainly, throu^i Galeotti and by correspondence with Fano and Aggazzotti, we should be able to keep much more intimately in touch wTith tne Italian work than ever before. Already I have been able to secure many helpful suggestions and reprints through correspondence with Dr. Fano.","page":134},{"file":"p0135.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"13\nBUDAPEST, AUSTBIA-HUNGABY\nProfessor Tangl\nPerhaps no one individual in Europe has made so profound an impression upon me for his capacity to do an enormous amount of work, and good work, as has Professor Tangl of Budapest. As the director of two separate institutes, one in pathology in the University Medical School and the other in agriculture, Tangl seems to \"be utterly tireless. He has collected about him a group of very keen, active men, also some very conscientious and hard-working assistants, so that he has been able to accomplish marvels. Furthermore he apparently has the confidence of the authorities and financial backers of research in Austria-Hungary, as his institute in Buda, the Agricultural Institute, is one of the best equipped in Europe, and his laboratory in the Medical School on the other side of the river, while not in a modern, first-class building, is very well equipped with all sorts of apparatus.\nTangl\u2019s extensive contributions, which frequently fill entire volumes of the Biochemische Zeitschrift, have certainly attracted a great deal of attention and for the most part have been very well received. Some of the contributions from his laboratory, however, particularly the research by Alexander on the brain, have not been especially well thought of. Indeed, I have had certain doubts with regard to his experiments on curare- It therefore seemed to me important to get in active touch with Tangl. Furthermore I wondered whether it would not be possible for us to obtain through his laboratory some man well trained and versed in his technique to come to the Nutrition Laboratory, either as Hesearch Associate for a year or possioly for permanent appointment. Having all these things in mind, I was particularly interested in making this tour to Budapest.","page":135},{"file":"p0136.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"The Agricultural Institute in Buda.\nMy time in Budapest was atout evenly divided between the Agricultural Institute and the Medical School. In the Agricultural Institute is the large respiration chamber (not calorimeter) with Blakeslee meter pump, recently designed for use with horses, which is an exact duplicate of the one possessed by Professor Armsby in the Pennsylvania State College. This apparatus apparently had not been in use for some time, and I doubt if any respiration experiments of a satisfactory nature have ever been made with it. Certainly determinations of oxygen are out of the question.\nAt the Agricultural Institute I also saw a small modification of the Eegnault-Beiset apparatus, including the sulphuric-acid absorbers and soda-lime cans used by us. These are shown in figures 33 and 34. The photographs are rather indistinct as they had to be taken very late in the afternoon on a dull day and the room was poorly lighted. nevertheless they show clearly the Crowell blower, the motor, the soda-lime cans, and the sulphuric-acid cans.\nProfessor Tangl has already described the apparatus, which was built for experiments with swine. I found it in use while I was there, the experiments being in charge of Dr. Weiser and an assistant whose name I have unfortunately forgotten.\nDr. Weiser had been working on rachitic pigs. They were fed corn and dry blood, but no calcium salts. As controls Dr. Weiser had other animals fed with calcium salts. For his experiments he was able to secure animals 7 months old weighing 7 kilograms, and control animals 7 months old weighing 50 kilograms. An analysis of the bones of the animals fed on a diet free from calcium salts showed plenty of magnesium but little calcium. All of the bones were soft and broke up easily\nin the hand.","page":136},{"file":"p0137.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"; r. -\ni\nPig. 33. The absorbing train used with Tangl\u2019s respiration\napparatus for Bwine.\nThe respiration chamber is shown very indistinctly in the rear, but the white porcelain, sulphuric-acid vessels may be seen clearly. The soda-lime cans are set on end and covered with glass plates. The electric motor with the Crowell blower is in the fore-\nground .","page":137},{"file":"p0138.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Fig. 34. Another view of the absorbing train used with Tangly respiration apparatus showing the sulphuric-acid,\ncontainers and the soda-lime cans.\nIt should he noted that glass connections and rubber stoppers are used with the sulphuric-acid bottles instead of our usual metal couplings.","page":138},{"file":"p0139.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"139\nIt made me feel quite at home to see the Crowell blower and the porcelain sulphuric-acid absorbers so well known to us in our laboratory. The soda-lime cans had been extensively modified by Professor Tangl, for although he uses a can of about the same size as ours, the intake tube entere near the bottom and the outlet tube leaves near the top, the top being closed by a glass plate held in place by a rubber gasket and clanip. Personally I see no advantage in these changes.\nInstead of using metal tubes for connecting the porcelain sulphuric-acid containers, as we do in our laboratory, Tangl has substituted large rubber stoppers and glass connectors. The absorbers were conr-nected to the rest of the system by means of rubber tubes which were carefully wired into place each time they were used. At the end of each period it was necessary to deflect the air-current and unwire all these connections in order to weigh the absorbers. The weighings\nwere made on a very expensive agate^balance\nEach time the weights were taken, the absorbers or the oxygen cylinder had to be lifted and placed upon the balance stand.\nSamples of air were drawn from the chamber through a long lead pipe by means of a lowered mercury pipette, the principle being exactly the same as that used by Staehelin in the large apparatus in Berlin.\nThe apparatus in Tangl\u2019s laboratory, which was devised by Junkunc, was apparently made either simultaneously with or prior to the description of the Staehlin apparatus and is an independent discovery. It embodies the principle of lowering on a worm or threaded screw a bath of mercury in which a bell-jar is immersed. As the mercury is lowered, air is drawn into the bell-jar.\tIt was very obvious to me that the tube\nleading from the point where the samples are taken to the lowered mercury bell is altogether too long, as there must be a very large amount of air residual in the tube to affect each experiment.","page":139},{"file":"p0140.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"No spirometer is attached to the apparatus, hut there is a dial manometer and there must he a slightly diminished pressure all the time. TChen there is a leak, of course nitrogen leaks into the apparatus, the amount being determined hy air analysis. The Crowell hlower is used on the principle of suction rather than as a blower. If there should be outward pressure on the glass plate used on top of the soda-lime can it would have to be clamped down. As a matter of fact, the glass plate is held in place with wax, assisted in part by the suction. Tangl finds the same difficulty that we do with the automatic reduction valves on the oxygen cylinders.\nA ventilating fan inside the chamber is started 5 minutes before the end of each period to give equal temperatures every hour. The average temperature of the chamber is determined with a resistance thermometer, the records being used in calculating the oxygen. It is rather interesting to note that while we are inclined to measure the carbon-dioxide production in short periods and the oxygen consumption in long periods, Tangl reverses this principle and determines the carbon dioxide in 12-hour periods and the oxygen in 1-hour periods.\nThe animals were allowed to move around in the chamber, graphic records of the major movements being obtained by means of a very ingenious arrangement devised by Professor Tangl in which a tambour pointer actuates the delicate clockwork of a dismantled anemometer. At the time I was there, the apparatus was not functioning perfectly although the principle was very simple and plain.\nA smaller Begnault-Beiset closed-circuit apparatus, constructed mostly of glass parts, was used in connection with a metabolism experiment on a duck. The bird was placed inside of a small bell-jar which was completely immersed in a tank of water (figs. 35 and 36). As a matter of fact, the","page":140},{"file":"p0141.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"141\nifig. 35. Closed-circuit respiration apparatus used ln Tangl*s laboratory in Budapest for studying the\nmetabolism of ducks.\nThe duck 1b placed in a be11-jar which is immersed in a tank of water\u00bb formerly a part of a Zuntz apparatus used for studying the respiratory exchange of fish. The bell-jar is connected vith a series of absorbing vessels and a blower at the left and with a large pipette and an oxygen bomb on the right. The pipette has two chambers, each with a capacity of 500 c.c., and is also immersed in water.","page":141},{"file":"p0142.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"142\nPig. 36. Another view of the apparatus used. In Tangl*b laboratory at Budapest for studying the respiratory exchange of ducks.\nIn this photograph may he seen the soda-lime vessels, the sulphuric-acid bottles, the small rotary pump on the wall above them, and at the right the bell-jar immersed in water.\n!","page":142},{"file":"p0143.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"bell-jar and tank were the remains of an old Zuntz apparatus for determining the respiratory exchange of fishes. By connecting a blower with a series of caustic-potash and sulphuric- acid bottles, Tangl has succeeded in constructing a closed-circuit apparatus with which he can determine both carbon dioxide and oxygen. The air in the be 11-jar is analyzed at the beginning and end of the experiment.\nIf there is no change in the nitrogen content of the air, it is assumed that the apparatus is tight.\nA Russian, who had been working at the Agricultural Institute, had devised a scheme for separating the feces and urine of a duck very easily. Large rubber finger-cots were attached by means of a wire triangle over the anus and over the surgically made opening for the urine, and the duck was apparently not in any way incommoded by wearing this arrangement. (See figures 37 and 38.)\nIn speaking of the possibility of studying the effect of fattening upon animals, Tangl said that a hen could be fattened in 14 days. The importance of studying the respiratory exchange during fattening, and particularly the calorific equivalent of oxygen during fattening, has frequently been brought to my attention. I remember years ago, especially after the earlier fasting experiments, I felt that in addition to the experiments on fasting in which there was no formation of fat, we ought, if possible, to secure experimental periods when there was formation of fat with a minimum amount of destruction. Professor Tangl has frequently spoken of this, as have others, and it is evidently a point that the nutrition Laboratory should take up shortly, as we have the calorimeters for this work at our disposal. At present, however, it seems to me that we can do only one of two things .\u2014experiment with a large number of geese or hens inside the bed calorimeter, or wait until a smaller form of calorimeter has been successfully constructed","page":143},{"file":"p0144.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"144\nPig. 37. Scheme for separating the urine and feces of a aucic^\nThis photograph was taken at Tangl\u2019s laboratory in Budapest and shows clearly the rubber containers attached to the duck to separate urine and feces.","page":144},{"file":"p0145.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"14 T)\nPig. 38. Another view showing the scheme used in Tangl\u00bbs laboratory in Budapest for separating the urine and feces\nof a duck.","page":145},{"file":"p0146.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"and tested, such as, for example, a calorimeter for infants or dogs. It seems highly probable that before the winter of 1914 is over we shall be in a position to study the interesting problem of the calorific equivalent of oxygen during the period when carbohydrate is being actively converted into fat.\nUniversity Medical School (The Institute of Pathology) in Pest.\nThe laboratories of the Institute of Pathology, although in a building by no means modern, are completely equipped with apparatus for research. A relatively large number of men were working- there, all of whom seemed keen and enthusiastic about their work. With such men as Dr. H\u00e2ri and Dr. Yerz&r at one's right hand, a large amount of work can be accomplished. In this institute Professor Tangl has recently been developing two forms of calorimeters, a micro-calorimeter for very small animals and a respiration calorimeter for dogs. On the afternoon of the first day that I was at the laboratory Professor Tangl gave a lecture to the members of his staff, and for my benefit spoke in German.\nIn this lecture he explained the principle of his two new calorimeters.\nThe calorimeter for very small animals is a differential calorimeter, closed at the front end by a glass plate, and fit,ted with two small Dewar flasks, each very carefully insulated by eiderdown. The inner sides of the Dewar flasks are blackened and the outsides are silvered. An air-tight cylindrical vessel, made of copper 0.1 or 0.2 millimeters thick, is fitted into each Dewar flask, thus forming two chambers. Constantan-copper junctions are used, being very large wires with small resistance.\nThe animal is placed in one of the copper chambers, confined in a wire cage to avoid contact with the walls. The bottom of this chamber","page":146},{"file":"p0147.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"is made of sheet copper to hold the urine and feces, and contains a small amount of paraffine oil which floats on top of the urine collected thus preventing evaporation. The second chamber is provided with a control cage of the same size as that holding the animal, i.e., 120 grams, and also with a resistance. In this duplicate chamber heat is developed electrically. The heat capacity of the tv/o chambers is not exactly the same, but the difference can be established by calibration. With frogs, leeches, and a crocodile the experiments were ideal because a compensation could be made very easily, but with mice or rats it was very difficult owing to their activity.\nVery small Williams bottles are used with this calorimeter, 12 centimeters high over all and 50 millimeters in diameter. They were made in Tangl\u2019s laboratory and are shown in figure 39. Pocket flash lights are employed for reading the thermometers, a battery being attached to the flash light which is placed near that part of the thermometer stem on which the mercury is to be read.\nThe galvanometer used with both of Tangl\u2019s calorimeters is a so-called Brocasch galvanometer from Cambridge. To prevent extraneous currents from affecting the instrument it is placed inside of three iron pipes, the smallest of which is 24 centimeters in outside diameter, the next 28 centimeters, and the largest 38 centimeters. The walls of the pipes are each 4 millimeters thick and there is a slit cut in one side to allow the galvanometer deflections to show through. It may thus be called an iron-clad or armor-clad galvanometer. It was said to be very satisfactory. A similar galvanometer was observed and discussed in connection with the laboratory of Professor Cremer in Berlin.\nA detailed description of the micro-calorimeter has already been published. (See Biochemische Zeitschrift, 1913, 53, p..21.)\nAlthough A. V. Hill has recently described a calorimeter with Dewar flasks, Tangl\u2019s was evidently constructed some time before and doubtless","page":147},{"file":"p0148.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"14.8\ni?ig. 39. Very small soda-lime tubes and Williams bottles used by Tangl in Budapest with his micro-calo-\nrimeter for small alligators.\n:","page":148},{"file":"p0149.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"14\nhas the priority. Furthermore Hill uses a mathematical formula for computing the heat.\nWith this micro-calorimeter Tangl has made interesting experiments on leeches, both during fasting and after they had taken blood. He found that there was a 200 per cent increase in the heat production after they had taken blood, which we may call either \"Verdauungsarbeit\" or \"Stoffwechselsarbeit\".\tHe concluded that the work of the kidneys\namounted to about 10 per cent of the \"n\u00fcchtern\" work of the animal.\nIn discussing the insulation of this calorimeter he said that eiderdown was a better insulator than the Dewar flask. He pointed out the fact that ducks have to stand temperatures of minus 40\u00b0 0., and the difference between -40\u00b0 C., the environmental temperature, and the body temperature of the duck, which is +40\u00b0 C., calls for very perfect insulation.\nA second electrical compensation calorimeter large enough for dogs was in process of development. I took several photographs of it.\n(See figures 40 and 41.) It appeared to be very large for the size of the dog that was inside the chamber as I photographed it. The apparatus has not yet been described (January 15, 1S16).\nOne night at my hotel I drew up notes regarding Tangl\u2019s micro-calorimet\nas follows:\n1.\tA calorimeter with constant radiation conditions. This calorimeter is essentially the emission calorimeter of Ohauveau, and\nis also somewhat similar to that of Hasselbalch and Bohr and the radiation calorimeter of Tissot, which I saw recently when in Paris. In all of these radiation calorimeters, or emission calorimeters, there was always a large radiation surface.\n2.\tWith Professor Tangl's calorimeter the insulation is perfect; in fact, it is too perfect. Practically all the radiation, or at","page":149},{"file":"p0150.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"150\nPig. 40. Front end of Tangl*s respiration calorimeter for dogs\nin Budapest.\nThis photograph shows the front of the apparatus removed. The dog is in one chamber and the electric control in the second\nchamber.","page":150},{"file":"p0151.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"/\n151\n\n\nPig. 41. Another view of Tangl\u2019e new calorimeter for dogs in\nBudapeat, showing the front opening","page":151},{"file":"p0152.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"least the greater part of the radiation, is through a glass plate in the front of the calorimeter, or through metal pipes through which the air-current passes.\n3.\tThere is no temperature rise inside the chamber. This is controlled by the rate of ventilation, which affects (a) the heat brought out by the warm air and (b) the heat of vaporization of water.\n4.\tThis is really a radiation calorimeter with a very poor radiation surface, that is, the glass plate, which is admittedly poorly insulated and removable, presents the greatest possibility for a change in the radiation constant.\n5.\tI showed Professor Tangl a design for a calorimeter for the Nutrition Laboratory which has not been worked out as yet, but which is based upon the Bohr-Hasselbalch principle in which an electric fan blows air over two calorimeters, side by side, connected by a thermal-junction.\n6.\tI pointed out the difficulty of developing a normal current in the compensating part of the calorimeter, using a formula A x E x t x 0.2378. As I told Professor Tangl, you can get a recording voltmeter, a recording ammeter, and a recording wattmeter, but the errors wj.11 all be greater than 1 per cent. As an alternative both instruments could be read every 4 minutes. I then reminded him of the silver voltmeter designed by Lehmann, which is automatic; but this is not yet completed.\nI also spoke to him of the scheme of Mr. Lange of the Nutrition Laboratory who has proposed developing under adiabatic conditions a small part of the heat by developing it in a Dewar flask by an electric current.\nIn this flask one can read the temperature to 0.001\u00b0 0. By using a non-volatile liquid and determining its specific heat, it is possible to measure any amount of heat. Thus one could develop 1 per cent of the total heat admitted to the compensating chamber by a subject, or","page":152},{"file":"p0153.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"50 per cent of the heat or any fraction. We can also adjust the external temperature automatically hy raising it to correspond to the internal temperature.\nMr. Lange\u2019s scheme has not as yet teen tried out, hut it interested Professor Tangl very much indeed. Since this discussion with Professor Tapgl I have succeeded in securing two integrating wattmeters which we are hoping will serve our purpose admirably in the calorimeter.\nIn connection with both of Tangl's calorimeters I found an electrical control apparatus which was designed for controlling fluctuations in external voltage. I secured a model of this apparatus for the nutrition Laboratory, but it has not as yet been tested. (See figure 42.)\nIn the Institute for Pathology I found a number of minor researches in progress. I was shown, for example, the interesting method of using suction stomach pumps provided with a valve. This method has also been described in the Biochemische Zeitschrift tri.s\u00bb.\tTangl was like-\nwise doing a lot of work on the stomach with X-rays, studying the effect of narcotics.\tIt was found that narcotics retarded the passage of\nfood from the stomach; on the other hand, the activity of the stomach was not much decreased; it was affected to the greatest extent by ether, less by morphine, and still less by magnesium sulphate. Professor Durig of Vienna greatly doubts the accuracy of this work.\nThe amount of blood leaving a certain artery was measured by its passage along the tube in somewhat the way that Starling measures it but I was unfavorably impressed by the work. It seemed to me quite\nr\ncareless and not up to the standard of the rest of Tangl's research.\nDr. Verz&r showed me the work they had been doing with microtitration, using the apparatus of Emmich of Graz, who has written a book on micro-chemical methods. For example, they are studying the","page":153},{"file":"p0154.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"154\nPig. 42. Blectrical control apparatus used, in connection vtith Tangl\u2019b calorimetera in Budapest.\nThe apparatus regulates the city current and the result\n\nis most satisfactory.","page":154},{"file":"p0155.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"la\namount of chlorine in blood serum, and found they could wort with an accuracy of 0.1 per cent, using 1 c.c. of the solution. I ordered one of these titration bulbs for use in the Nutrition Laboratory.\nI also saw in this laboratory a dog treadmill (see figures 43 and 44) one of which I secured for our own work with animals.\nOurare experiments.\nOne of the most important objects of my visit to Budapest was to obtain more definite information regarding the long series of experiments with dogs that Tangl and his co-workers have been making on the effect of curare. The artificial ventilation apparatus of Hans Meyer was used (the intake of the pump being from outdoors) and the air expired by the cura-rized dog was carried through an Elster meter to a Zuntz-Geppert gas analysis apparatus. The dog they were working upon had had the pancreas completely extirpated 13 days before and had severe diabetes with sugar in the urine. No narcotic was used but the animal was tied to the board, his neck opened, and a Y-shaped tracheal fistula inserted for artificial respiration. One carotid artery was then connected with a blood pressure apparatus (a Htfrthle manometer) and the two jugulars used for the injection of a sugar solution of hormone in one and of curarine in the other. A cannula was arranged for introducing the sugar solution, the curarine being injected with a syringe after the dog had been placed in the warm chamber designed by Tangl. (See figures 45 and 46.) Graphic records of the blocd. pressure were secured on the kymograph, relative values being thus directly shown. Tangl uses phosphorus for absorbing the oxygen and says it works very well indeed.\tThe carbon dioxide is absorbed in 5 minutes, and the\noxygen in 10 or 15 minutes, but he still uses the thermo-barometer of Zuntzi After the dog is placed in the warm chamber, one half hour is allowed to elapse before beginning the first experiment.\tThe rectal","page":155},{"file":"p0156.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Ir-\nJO\n?ig. 43. Treadmill for dogs used In Tangl's laboratory, Budapest.\n\n","page":156},{"file":"p0157.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 44. Another view of the treadmill for dogs in Tangle\nlaboratory","page":157},{"file":"p0158.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"I'd S\nFig. 45. Artificial respiration apparatus for ourare experiments in Tangl*s laboratory, Budapest.\nThe dog in the chamber is under the influence of curare and artificial respiration is brought about by means of a tracheal fistula. At the right in the photograph is the Hans Meyer artificial ventilation pump. The chamber is kept warm automatically in order to\nprevent loss of heat.","page":158},{"file":"p0159.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 46, Another view of the artificial respiration apparatus for curare experiments in Tangl*s laboratory, Budapest.\nMils photograph gives the details of the tracheal fistula. (Experiment of Dr. Verzar.)","page":159},{"file":"p0160.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"temperature, the temperature of the air, and the temperature of the warm hath are all taken. With male dogs a catheter is used, and the urine drops constantly into a small graduate resting on the bottom of the warm chamber. If the nitrogen metabolism is being studied, the bladder is occasionally washed out with boric acid. Dr. Verz\u00e2r emphasised the fact that under these conditions the animal was not an animal but a preparation. The urine can be analyzed for sugar and in separate periods as often as desired. The curarine solution is injected at the rate of 1 c.c. every 10 to 20 minutes, but to make sure that there will be no movement, 1 to lg' c.c. are injecteu about 8 minutes before the experiment begins. The dog can hear and feel pain but is powerless to move. The room should be absolutely yuiet.\nThe analysis was made by Dr. Verz\u00e2r's co-worker, a student in his eighth semester, who smoked a cigarette continually. I did not think much of this method of making an analysis, although Dr. Verz\u00e2r assured me that it was most accurate. They used 20.88 per cent oxygen for outdoor air, as determined with their regular apparatus, and considered that this was a constant for the apparatus, but also emphasized the fact that all the values are relative.\nAs a matter of fact they had never made this particular type of experiment before that morning. They usually gave the hormone and sugar together, but on this day they gave the sugar first, and three hours later the hormone from the fresh pancreas of a dog. I personally saw Dr. Verz\u00e2r remove the pancreas and was astonished at his skill. The wound is re-dressed every two days, as diabetic dogs are especially subject to infection.\nThe main object of curarizing the dog is to prevent muscular activity. On the other hand, in discussing with Dr. H\u00e2ri the absence of muscular activity in respiration experiments inside the respiration","page":160},{"file":"p0161.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"181\nchamber, I find he is thoroughly convinced that any activity of the dog is equalized within 24 hours.\nThe question occurred to me whether in the curare experiments the carbon-dioxide centre of stimulation does not affect the carbon-dioxide exchange and whether it is not a question solely of blood flow plus regular respiratory volume. With the same pressure may there not be a change in the rate of blood flow and consequently an alteration in the amount, if not indeed the quality of the respiratory exchange?\nThe hormone was prepared by rubbing up the pancreas of the dog with sand and with salt solution. When this is injected the pulse rate increases from 69 to 74. This increase may be due to an increase in the protein combustion. I inquired whether the nitrogen was increased as a result of this but they could not tell me. If the glycogen is gone, one would expect that the dog would lay on glycogen before much was burned, although in this instance when the sugar was burned, there was no change in the respiratory quotient. I ashed Dr. Verz\u00e2r if they had tried repeating the injection, but apparently they had not.\nI have a memorandum in my notebook to the effect that I spoke about artificial ventilation. It is a serious question whether or no with artificial ventilation there would not be some disturbance of the respiratory exchange with these dogs. It might possibly be justifiable to assume that the oxygen consumption measured in these experiments represents that actually burned by the dog, but the difficulties incidental to determining the respiratory quotient exactly lead one to question seriously whether one can use such an \"animal preparation\" to indicate the character of the resjjir atory exchange. On the other hand I was profoundly impressed by the care and accuracy with which these\nexperiments were made and came away convinced that they were done with","page":161},{"file":"p0162.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"16\n9\nmasterly technique. It occurred to me also that the blood morphology should be studied during narcosis and during curarization. If the rate of blood flow does not change, one may have changes in the oxygen carrying power due to other than metabolic causes.\nIn discussing the influence of curare upon dogs, Tangl assured me that normal dogs show no change in metabolism as time goes on. Of course, this must be taken to mean over relatively short periods, because if the dogs were fasting continuously there would be an increase in nitrogen and therefore a change in the respiratory quotient.\nThe object of the hormone experiment was to see if, after a dog had been depancreatized and could not burn sugar, the injection of hormone or the extract made from the fresh pancreas of a dog would stimulate the burning of sugar. As a matter of fact this particular research has been published recently and I believe the results indicate that there was no increase in burning sugar following the introduction of hormone.\nAs a small matter of technique I saw again the use of a ground glass plate with the \"untz-Geppert apparatus, to help in illuminating the burette. (See figure 47.) This glass plate has been used in all of Tangl's laboratories and apparently is very satisfactory.\nProfessor Tangl's personality.\nProfessor Tangl is very magnetic, enthusiastic, and versatile.\nHe speaks mary larguages and has an especially good command of English* His laboratory is therefore an admirable place for Americans or English-speaking people to visit. One can easily see why the authorities, both academic and financial, have so much confidence in him. He is a man who can control a large number of various interests at one and the same time, and who evidently makes a wise expenditure of money.","page":162},{"file":"p0163.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pis- 4?. Details of the glass stop-cock arrangement at the top of the Zuntz gas-analysis apparatus in Tangl\u2019s\nlaboratory in Budapest.\nBehind the pipettes may be seen the ground-glass screen with electric illumination, so commonly used by Tangl. This is one of the few apparatus in Europe in which ground-glass connections join the top of the burette with the different pipettes.","page":163},{"file":"p0164.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"General impressions of Professor Tangos laboratory.\nThe Institute of Pathology is a remarkable institution and by far the best laboratory in Europe for metabolism investigations. In very few laboratories have I noted such complete harmony and such a charming atmosphere as in the laboratory at Budapest. The men are very enthusiastic and, what is more important, are very loyal. For example, Dr. H\u00e2ri has been with Tangl 10 years and Dr. Verz\u00e2r I believe even longer. Dr. H\u00e2ri told me that if a man only shows the \"lust\" or passion for work Tangl makes every possible opportunity for him, giving him apparatus, assistants and funds. The men all worked together, there were apparently no bitter rivalries, no secrets, and none of the little unpleasantnesses that one sees so frequently in foreign laboratories. Furthermore I heard a minimum amount of adverse criticism of other laboratories here. For example, both Professor Tangl and Dr. Verz\u00e2r spoke most enthusiastically of Professor Galeotti in Italy. Altogether there is quite a charming atmosj)here about the laboratory and one can easily understand how so much work can be done*\nProfessor Tangl*s career has been a varied one. He began his work at the Veterinary School or \"Hochschule\", then became interested in physiology, and now is working in the field of general jjathology.\nTangl deplored the fact that visitors very seldom get to Budapest.\nMany get as far as Vienna, but think that Budapest is a very long distance away when, as a matter of fact, it is only four hours' ride from Vienna. Tangl told me that Professor Armsby of the Pennsylvania State College had been there for two days and that Zuntz had been there two or three times but that no other men visit the laboratory. I personally think that men should go there, as he has a remarkable laboratory.","page":164},{"file":"p0165.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"1\nO >\nTangl's own men travel considerably, but while they acquire the technique of others they do not give others a chance to acquire theirs. One of the great criticisms of Tangl\u2019s laboratory is in regard to the technique, particularly in connection with the curare experiments. Personally I feel that there is too much inbreeding there. The men are practically all Hungarians and naturally loyal to their own country, but there should be more workers from outside and they should receive more ideas from outside. There was one outsider there, an American named Glazer, but he is the only outsider whom I know of who has worked in the laboratory and he has not been particularly successful, I believe.\nIt was very clear to me that while formerly Berlin, where Zuntz, Eubner, and others are working, might have been considered the centre for metabolism workers in Europe, the work of Tangl and his co-workers has unquestionably given Budapest a prominent place, and if Tangl\u2019s activities continue it is certain that Budapest will become the greatest centre in Europe for v/ork on metabolism. It is furthermore a well known fact that agricultural investigations receive much greater consideration in European countries than elsewhere and anything which will further the European agricultural interests is looked upon as a great blessing. This is particularly true in Hungary.\nI devoted only four days to this place but on any subsequent tour made by either myself or any of my associates as the representatives of the Nutrition Laboratory it will be necessary and, indeed, profitable\nto spend more time here.","page":165},{"file":"p0166.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"VIEHNA, AUSTRIA\nHochschule f\u00fcr Bodenkultur.\nProfessor Arnold Durig.\nSince both Professor von IToorden and Professor Durig were supposedly away from Vienna, I planned to make but a short visit to that city, allowing only one Sunday there. On going out to the Hochschule f\u00fcr Bodenkultur to see Professor Durig's laboratory I was very much pleased to learn from one of his assistants that he had come back suddenly from Italy and was in town. I therefore looked him up and spent the afternoon with him.\nMy conversation with Professor Durig was most illuminating. He told me, for example, that at that time he was carrying out alcohol experiments on a man. The man was saturated, so to speak, with glycogen beforehand, so as to obtain a respiratory quotient of 1.00. He was then given alcohol and in 5 minutes his respiratory quotient became 0.82 and remained there. This work, I think, has subsequently been published.\nIn discussing the question of the mechanical efficiency of Purig told me that in computing and correcting for the horizontal component in their experiments they get results approximating those found by Carpenter and myself. At the same time he told me that he had been very much dissatisfied with the gas meter method for measuring the expired air, as lie believed that the meters they used actually alowed the air to go by and thereby recorded too small an amount-.\nHe was having the work repeated in the laboratory on a treadmill by an assistant who, he thought, was doing very well indeed. As a matter of fact, the data obtained with the treadmill showed that their results should have been lower, and therefore much nearer the values","page":166},{"file":"p0167.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"obtained by Carpenter and myself.\nDurig had not seen the report by Douglas, Haldane, Henderson, and Schneider on the Pike's Peak expedition, but disapproved of the Haldane method of getting the blood from under the finger-nail, criticizing this procedure very severely. He remarked that he thought the English physiologists were not up to the standard of six years ago.\nDurig also told me that he did not believe the experiments made by A. Mtiller with regard to the nitrogen addition of 210 grams were correct and that Leimd\u00f6rfer had come to him, Durig, for help in interpreting the figures for the diabetic experiment.\nIt was a source of satisfaction to me to have Durig speak in the highest terms of the publications from the nutrition Laboratory. He said that he always felt when he read reports from our laboratory that every point taken up was thoroughly investigated and supplemented by so many experiments as to be firmly established and that he did not recall any instance when they had been overthrown. He emphasized especially\nthe diabetic work.","page":167},{"file":"p0168.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"University of Vienna.\nProfessor H. H. Meyer.\nProfessor Meyer had no comments to make on the alcohox program .other than to say that he thought it very complete indeed. He warned me that no one in Vienna took Professor Kassowitz?s statements about alcohol very seriously. He showed me his artificial respiration apparatus, which is widely used. Indeed I saw this apparatus in Professor Tangl's laboratory and subsequently in London in Professor Starling's laboratory; in London, however, it had not proved very satisfactory as it leaked. Professor lleyer also showed me his operating table made of magnalium. He spoke in the highest terms Oi the Castagna kymographion which is employed extensively.\nA point of special interest to me was a string galvanometer room in the basement. It was distinctly a cellar with no windows of any kind. The walls were painted white and the room was finished oxf comfortably for experiments with the string galvanometer. Cf course, the galvanometer was installed directly upon the ground.\nProfessor Kassowitz.\nBy appointment I spent the afternoon in the liorary of the Gesellschaft der \u00c4rzte with Professor Kassowitz. His first remark was that he was an abstainer and this was the last remark and every third remark throughout the whole discussion. He was possessed with the idea that it is wrong to drink alcohol, and he cited all sorts of evidence to prove his point. He was very critical of Gruber of Munich, whose address given before a scientific Gesellschaft a year or so before was very unfortunate. Kassowitz maintained that alcohol must combine with protoplasm. He compared the human body to a steam-","page":168},{"file":"p0169.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"ship crossing the ocean with several \"barrels of alcohol as cargo.\nIf the alcohol were \"burned, there would be a lot more heat given out hut the steamship would have to he slowed down so that the drafts from the flames would not set it afire. The boat would go slower hut would ultimately reach its destination.\nKassowitz was himself no experimenter, hut was continually citing the old experiments of Chauveau and also the experiments on Isolated hearts, in which work curves were obtained showing a retardation of the heart action with alcohol and an acceleration with sugar. He spoke about experiments which he had made in Durig\u2019s laboratory. Durig subsequently told me that Kassowitz came to his laboratory and made experiments with a dog on his treadmill. He gave the dog a great deal of alcohol, in fact, so much that the dog could not stand up, but he put him on the treadmill and the dog lay down and went to sleep. Kassowitz then pointed this out as an instance in which alcohol was unfavorable to work and could not be used to produce energy. This anecdote illustrates Kassowitz's method of examining experiments on the influence of alcohol critically.\nOn the other hand, I am bitterly disappointed that I did not realize at the time I was in Vienna that Kassowitz was so much interested in infant metabolism, for recently I have seen writings of his that are astonishingly accurate, keen, and acute, particularly his discussion with Schlossmann concerning the metabolism of atrophic infants. I had occasion, in connection with the first book on the gaseous metabolism of infants, written in conjunction with Hr. Talbot (Publication Ho. 201) to discuss in considerable detail the views of Kassowitz and his reply to Schlossmann. As a matter of fact I find that all of our latest experimental work completely verifies the belief of Kassowitz, who contended strongly against the idea that the heat","page":169},{"file":"p0170.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"17\noutput is proportional to the square meter of \"body surface, maintaining that it is a function of the active mass of protoplasmic tissue. Unfortunately shortly after I left Vienna Professor Kassowitz died, and I have never been able to communicate to him what would probably have been very gratifying information.\nProfessor von IToorden.\nAt the time I was in Vienna Professor von IToorden was at the Congress in Wiesbaden, but I met him in Munich. I called his attention to the fact that Faita had not at all appreciated that our second booh on diabetes was in preparation and I could not understand how Professor von IToorden could have Known of its existence and not called Palta's attention to it. Professor von IToorden said he Knew that Palta was writing a booh on inner secretion, but did not realize that he was laying so much stress upon diabetes, and that he personally had not seen Palta\u2019s booh and the particular section on diabetes.\nDr. Palta's booh has subsequently been published. In it he criticizes very severely the first booh published by Dr. Joslin and myself (Publication Ho. 136) but apparently he did not receive information with regard to our second booh (Publication No. 176) or at least did not looh it up or try to get information from us about it until his proof sheets were all in.\tHis complete disregard of the second\ndiabetic booh is accentuated by the fact that later, when he did mention it, he merely said that it bears out his original contention and did not enter into any lengthy criticism of it.\nI had considerable conversation with Professor von IToorden in regard to his leaving Vienna and establishing himself in Frankfurt. There seemed to be much conjecture as to why he was leaving Vienna.","page":170},{"file":"p0171.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Evidently he was not happy there. He said he was going to Frankfurt to establish an entirely new clinic. As he was taking no assistants with him from Vienna, it would he necessary to develop an entirely new staff. He hopes that ultimately he will have more time to devote to\nscientific research.","page":171},{"file":"p0172.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"172\nMUNICH, GEPMANY.\nUniversity of Munich. (II Medical Clinic)\nProfessor Friedrich M\u00fcller\nI met Professor Util 1er at his house and had a long talk with him regarding various matters. He is quite inclined to think that the research carried out by A* M\u00fcller in von Uoorden's laboratory on the addition of 210 grams of nitrogen is correct and that there was an actual addition of nitrogen. He says that he himself has seen this point tested, and 50 to 70 grams added in four weeks in nephritic cases. He wonders if there is ammonia or loss through the skin, etc. He does not believe that the nitrogen is retained as protein in the body. The theory that the nitrogen balance may be at any level is not true, he thinks, but considers a nitrogen balance at the minimum level as of value. He says that M\u00fcller, who is really no relation to him, is a very good man.\nIn discussing the controversy between Lusk and Grafe with regard to the dextrose-nitrogen ratio, M\u00fcller told me that Lusk had written an article in which he stated that he did not believe Grafe was right. M\u00fcller said that he himself did not believe that Grafe was right but that one must not say so. Professor M\u00fcller thought that Lusk had treated Grafe very badly but M\u00fcller revised the Lusk article himself. M\u00fcller says that there is a man in Lusk\u2019s laboratory now writing but that Lusk is back of it.\nProfessor M\u00fcller attached very little importance to the work of Holly, Grafe, Plesch, and Brugsch, but thought that Bergmann v/as very\ngood.","page":172},{"file":"p0173.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"17\nProfessor Neubauer \u00bb\nAfter my conversation with Professor Maller I met Professor Neubauer and had a long talk with him on alcohol research problems. Professor Neubauer told me that he had studied the effect of alcohol on acidosis and found it had no effect on the acidosis of a normal man but did have an effect on the acidosis of a diabetic. He also found that alcohol lessened the sugar output of a diabetic and hence its action may have been, after all, indirect.\nOne of his assistants, a Dr. Schweisheimer, who studied the method of Nicloux in Paris, had made an investigation on alcohol in the blood. He studied the influence of alcohol on the cerebral spinal fluid and had written a publication on the subject. The investigation was made in an attempt to show whether the people arrested for drunkenness were really intoxicated or had met with an accident, were suffering from a fainting spell, or something of a similar nature. Blood was distilled at 50\u00b0 C. in a vacuum immediately after the taking of the alcohol. Schweisheimer found that men who were abstainers did not burn the alcohol as well as non-abstainers.\nIn studying the effect of uric acid, Heubauer compared the Polin method with the Wiechowski method, and found that the former was a very good method except in cases of fever. In fever he used the Ludwig method. The Polin method and the Wiechowski method checked each other excellently, but sometimes Neubauer found five times the amount by the Folin method. Some other substance evidently gives a reaction. This is the great difficulty with the colorimetric method.\nIn discussing this subject Neubauer said that a representative of the Liebig Extract Company from Amsterdam told him that there were","page":173},{"file":"p0174.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"174\nmany substances which would, give the uric acid reaction, and that many men do not believe in the Polin method for determining creatine.\nThere was no substitute for it, however, and their objection was purely a cornercial one.\nNeubauer also told me that the uric acid theories are being upset, that 7/e int raub says that there is no endogenous uric acid, that when we eat meat it irritates the lining of the alimentary tract and we get synthesized uric acid. Weintraub\u2019s views are sustained by one other investigator. According to Neubauer, the uric acid question may be a passing fad; nevertheless some very interesting things have come from it.\nI was interested to learn that Neubauer does not believe in the great retention of nitrogen claimed by Mttller of Vienna.\nProfessor ilis of Berlin says that he recommended Neubauer strongly to Simon Flexner of the rockefeller Institute but Neubauer did not want to go to America. He thought he ought to go for he would never get a clinic in Germany. His says that he himself came back from the United States with many different ideas.","page":174},{"file":"p0175.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Physiological Laboratory\n175\nProfessor Otto Frank.\nAs nearly as I can make out from conversation with various men in Munich one of the rare occasions when Professor Prank seems pleased and glad and happy and not absolutely pessimistic is when I call upon him for, contrary to the experience of others, I have invariably found him very pleasant and agreeable.\nOne of the first topics that he brought up was the alcohol program. He was particularly interested in the psychological side. Like many others, he gave me his own personal experience with alcohol. He is accustomed now to take one glass of beer daily with his evening meal, but is unable to note that it helps him to solve abstract mathematical problems. One evening, contrary to his usual practice, he drank two liters of beer. He had a very hard formula to work out that had bothered him for a long time. As a result of drinking so much beer, he could not sleep; suddenly an idea came to him. He got out of bed and wrote it down, but when he attempted to work out the details, he found that he could do nothing at all. He also told me that he understood \u00ef\u00efernst does his most brilliant things while under the influence of alcohol and all of his writings seem to Frank to show spasmodic work with brilliant ideas rather than regular, planned, concentrated research.\nIn discussing psychological technique Prank said that it was very unsatisfactory, as an intelligent man gets very much bored in making the inane mental tests or playing with blocks. The first exj^erimental period is without and the second with alcohol; the subject loses interest in the last test. The same thing applies to routine work in the laboratory, and Prank finds that women do this better. He also finds that","page":175},{"file":"p0176.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"he can get a more complete return of his lectures from women students.\nFrank was unusually merry and talkative and inasmuch as the impressions made by different writers on a great physiologist like prank are worthy of record, I made a particular point of noting these, as throwing an interesting side-light upon the character and the habit of thought of different investigators.\nFrank said that he knew Tangl in Ludwig\u2019s laboratory, but finds that all over Germany Tangl is looked upon as not reliable, although Frank does not know why. He, like many others, had the impression that von Koorden was a \"commercial\". He also maintained that Friedrich M\u00f6ller did very little himself, as he was too busy in his practice to do much original work but that he had a lot of brilliant men about him.\nFrank discussed in detail Kraepelin and his influence on Munich, saying that Kraepelin had done much to stop the drinking habit in Munich. Frank told me that a number of years ago when the physiologists met in Munich of an evening, it was common for all to drink more or less beer, and now they rarely do; in fact, they had practically all become total abstainers, which Frank attributes to Kraepelin\u2019s influence. On the other hand, he finds that Kraepelin is very objectionable in his manner in many ways. One evening Frank was invited to dine at Kraepelin's house; after the dinner Mrs. Kraepelin poured out some wine for Frank who drank it. Kraepelin immediately launched a tirade at him and severely arraigned him for drinking, saying that he was a physiologist and ought to know better. I can imagine that Frank's sharp, caustic remarks must have been interesting in dinner table conversation.\nA short time previous Gruber had given a lecture before some people in Hamburg, and had thrown in a bomb there with regard to the","page":176},{"file":"p0177.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"IV\nalcohol question as he had previously told Frank he intended to do. Frank maintained that Kassowitz was absolutely unreliable and that he was particularly bitter against Gruber because of the latter\u2019s statement regarding the nutritive value of alcohol in his Hamburg lecture.\nFrank maintained that many temperance advocates used beer and lighter drinks and referred to the fact that Tigerstedt took the wine cure in Paris. He also said that Kraepelin told him that a promi-nent German psychiatrist was using alcohol to combat sexual perversion. Frank argues that there must be some outlet to man's passions and that alcohol is one of them.\nProfessor Frank promised me to write out in detail his views on one or two phases of the alcohol problem. He thinks most of the old alcohol work is very poor.\nFrank was very anxious to get V/einland the appointment in Erlangen but it was a very difficult matter to put through. Ee criticized Heilner of his own laboratory very sharply as belonging to the Ehrlich school for which Frank had no use as he thought it had no technique.\nHe also commented very freely upon Lusk's piety for Voit and pointed out the fact that Bubner was not so generous.\nFrank tried to get the Deutsches Museum to take the Pettenkofer-Voit apparatus. He maintained that if he kept it in his building it would take up several large rooms, that the apparatus could not be used for work on man by either himself, Weinland, or Cremer in thirty years' time, and the new addition to his laboratory proved that the room was needed. He therefore decided to remove it.\nI was interested to note that as a severe critic of the Porter apparatus manufactured by the Harvard Apparatus Company Frank found","page":177},{"file":"p0178.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"178\nthe inductorium and the pendulum satisfactory hut was very much dissatisfied with the rest of the material. He deplored the fact that Professor Porter, whom he once considered to He at the head of American physiologists, no longer does any work.\nI discussed at considerable ler^th with Professor Frank his kymograph and our difficulties in getting one made, although we had written to Schmidt in Giessen about it. He told me that Schmidt had failed and that one of his workmen had taken over the shop and the work.\nFinally he agreed to see to it personally that our work was put through and placed an order. He had changed the kymograph somewhat which made it more complete, putting in a maltese cross arrangement so that the contacts could not shoot by. He found he was able to obtain 4 meters per'second with this apparatus but uses an electric motor for high speeds. He also has a new device to \"get up speed\" before exposure is made.\nAs a confirmed pessimist and gossip I think no physiologist in Europe is quite equal to Professor Frank. He is very keen and very bright and, of course, has done beautiful work, particularly on membrane manometers, but impresses one as having quite a narrow point of view.\nHe is by no means so liberal minded as one would expect in a follower of Voit.\nFrom the standpoint of technique and from experimental work one need look for very little in the line of metabolism in the Munich laboratory at the present time, aside from the really very excellent work done by Professor 'Yeinland. Unfortunately I could not see the\nlatter as he was away.","page":178},{"file":"p0179.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"IV\nHygienic Institute.\nProfessor Gruber.\nI was particularly anxious to meet Professor Gruber as I had never before met him. I found him a most genial and pleasant gentleman, reminding me strikingly in his personal appearance of Professor Metzner in Basel.\nWe immediately began discussing the alcohol program and I found he was a very strong believer in Kraepelin's work. He thought that Kraepelin was very objective but as an alienist he saw the consequences of the misuse of alcohol by men and was naturally very much against alcohol. Unlike Professor Prank, Professor Gruber did not believe that the alcohol experimental period occurred at a time when the subject was very much bored for Gruber says that Kraepelin's alcohol periods were very perfectly controlled.\nPersonally Professor Gruber had been a total abstainer for ten years. Before that he took about one-half liter of beer a day.\nHe thinks he feels better for not taking it and is less irritable.\nHe emphasized the importance of muscular work in experiments with alcohol and laid much stress on Durig's work on the mountains and with alcohol. He thinks, as does Durig himself, that the experiments should be repeated.\nIn discussing some recent experiments made by a Swede on the effect of alcohol upon the shooting ability of soldiers, Gruber told me that the efficiency was 30 per cent less during the alcohol period. He also said that Kraepelin had found almost no effect with alcohol in his earlier experiments. I asked him why Kraepelin did not publish these in all fairness. Gruber maintained that Kraepelin did not publish them, not because there was no effect from alcohol, but because","page":179},{"file":"p0180.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"he thought in this instance that the reason why there was no effect was due to the fact that all of the men were excellent shots. He wishes Kraepelin to repeat the work. If Kraepelin had obtained the same results as the Swede, he certainly would have published them on the ground that they confirmed the Swede's work.\nGruber speaks most highly of Kraepelin's assistant, Weiler, and also of Professor ITeubauer, but laments the fact that the latter v/ill not be able to get a clinic inasmuch as he is a Hebrew. Gruber thinks ITeubauer ought to go to America.\nIt was ra.ther late in the afternoon and I did not have an opportunity to see Professor Gruber's laboratory, but he impressed me as being a clear thinker and a most courteous gentleman.","page":180},{"file":"p0181.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"181\nBERLIK, gERMHr.\nDr. Haas Friedenthal of Hicolassee.\nHaving heard so rauch of Dr. Friedenthal and in so many ways, particularly with regard to his high speed centrifuge, I made a special trip to Hicolassee to see him and found the visit well worthwhile. Dr. Friedenthal, whose home is in Hicolassee, has also a private laboratory there which is very ingeniously and completely fitted up; he is evidently a man with many lines of thought. He has given much attention to the measurement of the body, collecting records of the different diameters of the body, and the general body dimensions. He has an interesting method for photographing the body at different angles, his study being full of pictures of different individuals showing the length of leg, shoulders, head, etc. He was much interested in the laws of growth and particularly in the length of the fetus at different periods of development.\nHis centrifuge was built upon a new plan, the alternating current motor being directly coupled to it, with very high alternations of current. The outside movable part of the centrifuge had a diameter of 30 centimeters and 36,000 revolutions per minute could be obtained. An interesting scheme for determining the rapidity of the machine was his use of a small motor with a dish rotating somewhat as a Fizeau\n*\nwheel on the end of the armature shaft.\nDr. Friedenthal suggested a practical use for the centrifuge in preparing selenium-colloidal substances for injection in cancer. He maintained that ordinarily part of the vein into which the substances were injected sloughed off and he thought that this was due to some sediment in the material which was not really colloidal. By centri-","page":181},{"file":"p0182.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"18\nfuging the substance and thus driving out all material other than the purely colloidal, he found that much better results were obtained. With this centrifuge, also, he was able to secure albumen-free milk.\nHe likewise found that if he took vegetable material and centrifuged it, both the water and soluble material could be thrown out, the residue being perfectly dry.\tDr. Friedenthal has centrifuged\nfinely powdered vegetable material for use in making a vegetable milk or vegetable solution, which he substitutes for animal milk in feeding infants in an infant asylum in which he is interested.\nIn discussing with him the question of the active mass of protoplasmic tissue, I found that he believes the body is in part a machine and in part living protoplasm. He thinks that all contractile substances form a part of the machine and that if he could only determine the metabolism of the living matter he would find the same metabolism per kilogram regardless of whether the measurements were made on an elephant, a man, or a rabbit. If curare is used it would prevent muscular activity. It occurred to me at the time that it might be interesting to see what the metabolism per kilogram is of the eggs of the snake, the turtle, and the ostrich.\nDr. Friedenthal is one of the most interesting men I ever met.\nHe is peculiar in his ways and contentious. In fact, he is considered as altogether too argumentative and contentious in the meetings of the Physiological Society. He has had several clashes, I understand, with Hubner. On the other hand, he certainly is a most original thinker and well worth visiting.","page":182},{"file":"p0183.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"I Medical Gliale.\nProfessor His.\nWhile in Berlin we were fortunately present at the opening of this new clinic, which is certainly well-equipped and well-ordered. I was, of course, interested in the chemical laboratory and particularly in the Jaquet respiration apparatus (see figures 48 to 51) which had been transferred from the old clinic and was being installed in the new clinic, although of course it was not yet in running order. I noted particularly that the walls of the Jaquet respiration apparatus in this case were made of heavy glass, set into an iron framework with wax cement, and that even the floor was of heavy glass with a number of seams. It seemed as if there would be many opportunities for a leak. As the space under the bed was not used, it was cut out of the respiration chamber and therefore did not form a part of the extraneous volume of air. The hygrometer thermometers were graduated in tenths from 0 to 44 degrees. They were made by Bleckmann and 3urger and are listed in their catalogue as Bos. 23 and 24 respectively. I noted particularly the manner of wetting the bulb of the wet-bulb thermometer. Apparently considerable care was taken but the method did not look particularly good. The bulb was round and not long and drawn out. Heavy strings or cords hanging from the bulb fell into a small glass tube 6 millimeters in outside diameter and were wet by capiallary attraction. It would seem very improbable that the capillary attraction could be sufficient to cover the bulb and keep it thoroughly wet.\nI had a most delightful evening with Professor His at his house,","page":183},{"file":"p0184.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"184\nFig. 48. General view of the Jaquet respiration apparatus in\nthe His Clinic.\nThis photograph shows the telephone outside and inside the chamber, the electric ventilating fan inside, and the door in the back. The box in the front of the picture is for introducing food. At the left the couch can be seen through the glass. The construction of the chamber whereby the Bpaee under the couch is not included in the chamber is clearly shown.","page":184},{"file":"p0185.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"18 F\u00bb\npig. 49. Interior of the Jaquet respiration chamber In the His Clinic.","page":185},{"file":"p0186.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"18\nPig. 50.\tF.3.B. lying on a couch In the Jaquet respiration chamber\nin the His Clinic in Berlin.\nThis shows well the glass walls and the iron framework into\nwhich the glass is cemented.","page":186},{"file":"p0187.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 51. Bieter gas meter used. In connection with the Jaquet respiration apparatus In the His Clinic\nin Berlin.\nIn the rear at the left is shown the modified method of taking samples devised by dtaehelin and Kessner, with the spiral lowering the mercury reservoir.","page":187},{"file":"p0188.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"and of course talked over his new clinic with him. He was not now particularly interested in Bang's method of determining sugar in urine nor in work on diabetes. He said that every clinic in Europe is doing work on diabetes and why should he?\nProfessor His discussed many different scientists in the course of our conversation. His opinion regarding Abderhalden was interesting. He said that Abderhalden had had trouble with 3unge and again with Fischer. He worked with both of these men and did good work but always used somebody's else ideas. He used to be a very hard worker* averaging 20 hours a day, but now he is continually engaged in discussions of a polemic nature and is writing considerably for the newspapers.\nProfessor His expressed the very highest regard for Chauveau as would be expected for having been in the Basel clinic for many years, His is decidedly French in his tendencies. Mention was made of Pobin and Professor His said that Pobin's appointment in Paris was due to his wealth, the authorities arguing that Pobin would finally die but his money would not. Pobin is distinctly an elegant physician and is known in Paris as the \"theatre ladies\u2019 physician\".\nWith regard to the clinic in Basel His said he always has a longing for it and even Friedrich M\u00fcller to-day has a longing for it. His feels that he would like to be back in Basel.\nI spoke to him about Friedmann, his first assistant, of whom I had previously formed a very poor opinion. He said that Friedmann was a very good worker, but he could not explain the crazy respiratory quotients which he had obtained in some recent work.\nIn discussing the alcohol question Professor His maintained that alcohol cannot harm a man who occasionally uses a little, and perhaps two times a year a little in excess. Personally he finds no differ-","page":188},{"file":"p0189.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"189\nence in mental work after a little alcohol.\nHe says that Friedrich IJtlller always estimates very highly a man whose technique he knows nothing about, which explains his estimate of the work done by M\u00fcller of Vienna on the nitrogen balance. His personally thinks that the nitrogen balance is difficult to obtain.\nOne rarely meets a man who is so brilliant, stimulating, and suggestive as is Professor His in discussion. Unfortunately one gets the impression that he is quite superficial and that his ideas are more brilliant than sound. nevertheless he is very stimulating and well worth visiting. I remember distinctly his visit to us in Boston in the fall of 1912. In going about our laboratory at that time he made most suggestive statements and asked most interesting questions. One can easily see why he holds the position he does in Berlin, although as a matter of fact among his colleagues he is not estimated as highly perhaps as he is among the laity.","page":189},{"file":"p0190.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"190\nProfessor Friedmann.\nProfessor Friedmann has \"been working on curare, not curarine, and obtained some perfectly crazy respiratory quotients of 0.33 and 0.46.\nThe fact that the quotients are all very regular shows that his method is constant but it is doubtful if the figures are true. Friedmann said Cohnheim had told him that he had lost all faith in respiratory quotients, as he (Cohnheim) had found all sorts of respiratory quotients with snails and with 7/irbeltiere. Personally I do not believe that the researches of Friedmann are accurate. He hasKot yet published them. He thought that possibly his results might be due to an anaerobic combustion and that under his conditions of experimentation the oxygen consumption was absolutely independent of the carbon-dioxide output.\nLater, at a meeting of the Berlin Physiological Society, I heard a man who had worked with Friedmann give a talk on a certain piece of work. When somebody asked him what kind of albumin-free substances he had used, he said he was shortly to publish the results with Friedmann and was not at liberty to give the composition of the substances used.\tThis answer caused considerable astonishment, not only on my\npart but on the part of Zunta and others who were present.\nSubsequently in talking with Wolf in Cambridge, I found that he had worked with Friedmann and he felt perfectly certain that the' young lady who made the air analyses in the experiments with curare had obtained entirely false results and that therefore the work was utterly worthless. Wolf personally had written to Friedmann that he would advise him not to publish the work. Of course all this goes against His\u2019s views of Friedmann as an exceptionally good man.","page":190},{"file":"p0191.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"K\u00f6nigliche Tier\u00e4rztliche Hochschule (Physiological Laboratory)\nProfessor Max Cremer.\nProfessor Cremer has fallen heir to the laboratory left by Professor Abderhalden when he went to Halle\u00ab This laboratory is fitted up most elegantly and each room is so arranged that it can ultimately be used for either a physical or a chemical laboratory, as Cremer argues that his successor might be interested mainly in chemistry whereas he is apparently interested in physics. The equipment is nothing more nor less than wonderful and certainly justifies a visit to the laboratory.\nAll of the private offices had double doors which seemed to me rather practical. A special room is arranged for distilling and heating dangerous vapors. The lecture table is constructed on the principle of an elevator so that a section of it can be raised or lowered as desired. The table is lead-covered, with a trough running outside from about half-way from the floor to the top. I noticed that the toluol drying oven was commonly in use in Professor Cremer's laboratory and, indeed, all over Germany.\nAbderhalden had left a special photographic spectroscopic apparatus with a Hernst lamp and a spectroscopic analyzer to get a monochromatic light, which was said to be very good indeed. It was a very expensive apparatus but I understood that Cremer had not used it.\nI also noticed that in this laboratory, as in Tangl\u2019s, the\u201dPanser\" galvanometer was very popular. The galvanometer was enclosed in a series of metal cases to dampen the external effect. These dampen-ings were cut down by 25 per cent for each case so that if they had three cases it would be -J- x -J- x = about 1 per cent of the disturbance.","page":191},{"file":"p0192.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Each laboratory room had provisions for hanging a galvanometer, also free I-beams overhead. Professor Cremer took me all over the heating, refrigerating, and ventilating plants and likewise the compressed air plant, all of which are very ingeniously arranged. As Professor Cremer had but just moved into the building, of course no work was in progress and I met none of his assistants.","page":192},{"file":"p0193.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"University of Berlin (Physiological Institute)\nProfessor Buhner.\nProfessor Buhner was, as usual, quite disinclined to talk of scientific matters, although we had a good deal of social conversation. He had very little use for the ideas of Professor Chittenden and thought the fact that Chittenden's men lived on less than what would normally he demanded by hunger proved but very little. He was also rather sceptical regarding the French society presided over by President Gautier in Paris and thought very little would come from it. He said the work of Mendel and Osborne made a fine impression upon him.\nIn discussing the question of the storage of nitrogen in the body he maintained that there are 9000 square meters of surface in the body cells if the area of the cells is calculated and he thought that excess nitrogen would simply be absorbed and that the circulating protein of Voit was simply absorbed protein. He cited one experiment in which a man ate 71 grams in excess in three days and added it all to the body. On going back to the normal amount of ingested nitrogen, the excess nitrogen was given out again immediately.\nEubner was particularly interested at that time in experiments on yeast, and showed me his micro-calorimeter with which he thought much work could be carried out. He said many things could be done with yeast cells that could not be accomplished with human cells. Indeed he had been able to determine the oxygen consumption of yeast cells.\nIn speaking of the new institute, Bubner told me that instead of its being out in Dahlem where the other institutes are, it is to be near his laboratory. The building will be about two stories high.","page":193},{"file":"p0194.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"It will be entirely separate from the Physiological Institute, being used only for scientific experiments.\nIt is always a source of great regret to me that Professor Rubner is so disinclined to discuss scientific matters- I have never been able to draw him out to any length in scientific discussion, either in his visit to America or later in my visit to Berlin. I am sure he must have a great many ideas and if one does not agree with him it would be most interesting to have his views on such subjects, for he\nhas had a wide experience","page":194},{"file":"p0195.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"195\nKaiserin Auguste-Victoria Haus, Oharlottenburg\nProfessor L\u00e4ngste in\nI was particularly anxious to see Professor Langstein\u2019s laboratory, after having seen Schlossmann\u2019s laboratory in Pttsseldorf, but I was much disappointed, in the equipment so far as metabolism experiments are concerned. They use the old Pettenkofer type of chamber, watch the baby intermittently, and take it out for about four hours a day to feed it. The results are calculated on an approximately 24-hour basis. They determine only carbon dioxide but lay great stress upon the fact that they determine the water content. Just what earthly use the water determination is I am not sure. They personally do not like the D\u00fcsseldorf apparatus, as they always fear that the oxygen bomb may not work and the baby will die.\nThe animal house was very good indeed, particularly the operating room and its equipment, although it was very difficult to keep the room sterile. One very practical point was the use of colored bars on the different animal cages, such as red, blue, etc., and the dishes colored to match. The result is that there is no confusion in the meals given the different animals, for a blue dish would go into a cage with blue bars, etc.\nOn the whole my impression of the Langstein laboratory v/as not particularly favorable. Unfortunately my personal impression of Professor Langstein himself was not of the best; I saw him but a very few moments, however.","page":195},{"file":"p0196.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Institut for Garungsgewerbe (Physiological Laboratory).\nProfessor VOltz\nThe Institut f\u00fcr Garungsgewerbe. although some distance out from the center, is well worth a visit on account of its new location and the many interesting things to be found there. Professor VOltz has been particularly interested in the alcohol remaining in animal tissue after the ingestion of varying amounts of alcohol, and indeed has devised a plan for distilling or destroying the entire body tissue, collecting the alcohol in potassium bichromate and sulphuric acid, and then determining the amount by a modified form of the ITicloux method. He showed me the delicacy of this method and we have since attempted to use it here in the laboratory. VOltz thinks that an animal at rest can cover his needs to within 80 per cent by alcohol, but that during muscular work it cannot burn so much alcohol. I saw many of the dogs and other animals upon which he is making such experiments, and his ingenious devices for collecting samples of urine and feces of the various animals. There were several dogs that he said v\u00e6re surely \"potators\".\nUnfortunately Professor VOltz reads practically nothing but German and knows very, very few words of English; it is therefore very difficult for him to get in touch with the literature from our laboratory.\nHe evidently is left rather free in his work, and is certainly one of the most objective workers that I have met in Europe.","page":196},{"file":"p0197.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"K\u00f6nigliche Landwirtschaftliehe Hochschule (Tierphysiologisches Institut).\nProfessor Zuntz.\nA visit to Berlin for me means chiefly an opportunity to see and talk with Professor Zuntz. (See fig. 52.) I never lose an opportunity to see him, either at his house or at the laboratory or on some walk. One of the first opportunities I had during this last tour was on the first of May, when we all went out to Potsdam and had a most delightful walk together in the afternoon. On this occasion Professor Zuntz gave me a great many interesting points and hints regarding Mr. Higgins's contemplated journey to Monte Posa in Italy.\nI felt after every talk with Zuntz that it would he utterly impossible to get down in my notebook any considerable portion of what he had said. My notes must necessarily be very fragmentary and are by no means so complete as I could wish to have them, for Professor Zuntz is always entering into all sorts of interesting discussions and throws interesting side-lights on practically all phases of physiology and physiological chemistry.\nOne of my first opportunities of talking with him at his house was on Sunday, May 5th. He conmented upon Siebeck's work and called it extremely good, laying particular stress upon the value of his alveolar air method, which he considered excellent. He also considered Siebeck's small spirometer good. Zuntz said he had a small spirometer that he would show me but this he never did.\nIn discussing other scientists in Germany he did not estimate Polly of Leipsic very highly but spoke very well of Krogh and VOltz.","page":197},{"file":"p0199.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"1\nIn speaking of the radium emanation experiments made formerly by Staehelin and his associates in the His clinic Professor Hunts said he felt that they were useless. In commenting upon the article presented by Fleischmann at the Berlin Physiological Society, in which Friedmann spoke about fever and pituitrin, Hunts remarked that he was astonished, as was I, to have him refuse to report how the solution was made albumin-free.\nZuntz considered Haldane very clever and made many interesting comments as to his absent-mindedness and his devotion to his pipe.\nHe said that Haldane always lighted his pipe as soon as he left his room to come downstairs.\nZuntz saw Douglas on Teneriffe and got a very good impression of him. He was by no means satisfied with the Haldane carmine titration, although he saw Douglas make the titration a hundred times on Teneriffe and not get a red color. In discussing the Haldane titration method he said he disliked the way in which Haldane pricked his finger and then shook it.\tHe asked Haldane if he had ever seen a\nneedle and as he said he had not, Zuntz sent him one. In his method of titration Haldane uses but 6 to 7 drops of blood and yet finds carbon monoxide and oxygen in the blood to 20.73 per cent, i.e., four figures, but really can determine only one part in six or seven.\nWe spoke of the question of the secretion of oxygen and Zuntz thought it was not true that there is such a secretion. He believed that during work carbon monoxide is not in equilibrium, for some of the blood must be almost oxygen-free during severe work and only in work does Haldane find that a secretion of oxygen takes place. Zuntz also believed that carbon monoxide may actually be absorbed by the lung tissue.\nIn discussing the Douglas bag method Zuntz said that it was simply","page":199},{"file":"p0200.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2 oi\nthe old. Luciani method. He considered 50 seconds an extremely short time for an experiment; 5 minutes, he said, is very short for a rest experiment with Cheyne-Stokes breathing, and although during work the respiration is much more regular and the error is thus less, nevertheless he thought 50 seconds too short.\nWith regard to the Haldane alveolar air method, he maintained that in breathing into a tube held before the face, it is difficult to get normal respirations and there must be some abnormal respiration beforehand. This is quite different from breathing regularly into a mouthpiece as with this appliance the breathing shortly becomes very regular. Zuntz said that among 30 men he had never seen but one man, ITeuberg, who could not breathe with the mouthpiece. This is quite contrary to the opinion which prevailed several years ago when I was in Europe that hardly five men could be counted who had normal respiration with the Zuntz mouthpiece. Of course our experience in the Nutrition Laboratory has since that time been very great, and we could hardly take that view now, although how long a time is required to train one to the Zuntz mouthpiece may still be a matter of discussion.\nIn speaking of Lurig's new experiments involving calculations of results obtained with a gas meter Zuntz maintained that Durig walks at the rapid rate of 120 meters per minute and has a big ventilation.\nAn error in the records of the meter may accordingly play a great r\u00f4le. In Zuntz\u2019s experiments, on the other hand, the men walk slowly-about 70 meters per minute,\u2014and large volumes of air were not passed through the meter. Zuntz thought that lurig's gas meter might let air pass by, but that in his (Zuntz's) experiments on the treadmill and in the experiments with Heinemann he frequently used a wet gas meter and not the dry one.\tWith a large gas meter, such","page":200},{"file":"p0201.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"20\nas had been used in experiments with horses, a speed of 500 meters per minute could he employed with no danger of the air passing through without being recorded.\nZuntz criticized our work experiments, saying that he thought that water may have escaped absorption in the sulphuric acid containers. This criticism was the basis of considerable correspondence with the Laboratory in my absence and an extensive series of experiments was made by Mr. Carpenter which proved that we \u2019were right in assuming that the water had been completely absorbed.\nIn discussing alcohol experiments Zuntz said he had made trial experiments with alcohol and corn, to find if the loss by fermentation made it possible to absorb the starch better by the alcohol method.\nThe alcohol was wholly absorbed but the starch fermented in the intestine and there was accordingly some loss. He found that from a total amount of starch more energy could be absorbed and utilized by the animal when the starch was first converted into alcohol than when the equivalent of starch was given directly; he also found that alcohol was used rapidly with large doses. He advocated giving the alcohol to the animal at the end of the fattening period, just before it was to be slaughtered. As a matter of fact he thought if there was to be any fat in the liver this would be just as good a time to have it formed. Zuntz said that he was much abused for his paper describing these dxperiments.\nWith regard to the alcohol question Zuntz pointed out the fact that certain kinds of wine were exciting in their action, such as Moselle, and inclined to make one feel happy. He said he thought that the drowsiness was due to a substance other than ethyl alcohol.\nHe also told me about the interesting experiments which V\u00fcltz reported","page":201},{"file":"p0202.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"at the Berlin Physiological Society, in which he demonstrated that alcohol could he absorbed from the bladder and that after being absorbed, it was excreted in very small part by the breath, but enough to change the color of the green potassium-bichromate solution.\nIn commenting upon the alcohol work he said that in cooperation with six other men he had carried out a lot of work with fusel oil in capsules; that there was a law against the use of fusel oil in Germany but that people would not drink low fusel oil liquors. The report of this work was published in Pfltiger's Archiv.\tZuntz used 20\ndogs in his experiments, giving some of them pure wine and others fusel oil. He found that 1 gram of fusel oil was equal to 4 or 5 grams of alcohol. In both cases the animals became drunk and later died, although occasionally they found an adaptation to fusel oil.\nZuntz also cited some work done by Fritz Strassmann which he thought we ought to look up. (Strassmann, Pfltlger\u2019s Archiv, 1891, volume 49, p. 315; also, Deutsch. Viertelj. f. offentl. Gesundheitspflege, 1890, Heft III.)\nI spoke of the difficulties of securing a good reduction valve and Zuntz said he had never been able to find one in Germany.\nIn dismissing the nitrogen balance experiments so frequently used Zuntz maintained that a minus nitrogen balance is an indication that the food is not right. He found, for example, in his walking experiments a continual gain or loss of nitrogen, and a loss of 1.5 grams of nitrogen per day through the skin.\nI was much interested in what Professor Zuntz told me regarding Professor Atwater's visit to Gol d'Olen. When Professor Atwater arrived he was in fair shape. He took two very careful training walks but returned from each walk somewhat distressed. He was","page":202},{"file":"p0203.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"advised by all his associates that it was best not to go to the top of Monte Hosa as they thought he was inclined to arterio-sclerosis, but he was very determined. Zuntz said that he himself was now too old to do much mountain climbing, that he would willingly ascend 5000 meters in a balloon or go on the railroad to the top of pike's Peak, but would not do the work of climbing, because he considered the muscular work of ascent a much greater strain than the mere living at a high altitude.\nZuntz thought experiments on the fattening of geese ought to be carried out to determine the calorific value of oxygen with high respiratory quotients. He maintained that geese are much better for study than hens as they are quieter and can be fattened in four weeks. He pointed out the fact that Bleibtreu got a respiratory quotient of 1.38. Zuntz himself with a ruminant has obtained a value of 1.12 but this experiment was complicated by the fact that methane was produced.\nHe spoke of the large chamber which he had planned to place in a calorimeter and said he had decided to build a chamber inside of the present chamber, using the cold air outside as the means of bringing away the heat. He could get the air at 15\u00b0 and bring away all the heat by the air current. I asked him why he did not build the calorimeter first. He maintained that after the failure of Hagemann's expensive apparatus he could not get any money for further work, so decided to build first something that was sure to be successful. His only interest in calorimetry was to show the calorific value of oxygen during fattening experiments with animals. Personally he thinks this is now the great problem in calorimetry before us.\nIn discussing Professor Lusk he maintained that Lusk was too much absorbed in one subject, i.e., diabetes, and that he has set him right frequently on other things.","page":203},{"file":"p0204.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"The old contention between Zuntz and Voit in regard to the 24-hour experimental period versus short experimental periods is still on, and Zuntz was glad to see that we are inclining to the short period plan.\nPersonally Zuntz prefers the word ''Erhaltungsumsatz\" to \"Grundumsatz\". I think that \"Grundumsatz\" is better. The \"Erhaltungsumsatz\" depends upon the state or condition of the nutritive plane.\nThe \"Grundumsatz\" conveys the idea of minimum and is -ereil expressed.\nI also think it would be undesirable to add to the terms we already have.\nAt present Zuntz does not use the Spritspumpe on the Oppenheimer respiration apparatus, but a paddle which is turned about by the same motor which runs the ventilation. This paddle stirs up the sodium hydroxide and gives very good absorption without leaks. In his apparatus Zuntz has the ventilating system in one tank and the respiration chamber in another. He says he prefers these two tanks because he can change the temperature and alter the relative humidity at will. He can cool his motor, etc., with ice or in experiments with the temperature as high as 30\u00b0 can have air with a relatively satisfactory humidity by passing it through the cool KOH and letting it deposit water.\nZuntz had devised a scheme for feeding the pigs in the small Oppenheimer respiration chamber. By using a rubber bag with a clamp at each end he could open one clamp, squeeze food into the chamber and then reclamp the bag and in this way introduce food without letting air into the chamber. He made 24-hour experiments. When the pigs grew too large for the small respiration chamber he put three of them at once into the large chamber.","page":204},{"file":"p0205.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"In discussing our unit apparatus Zuntz thought that we should make water tests by evaporating a definite amount of water, but this is a very difficult procedure owing to the diffusion of water through the rubber. I cited the \"houses\" over the \"pans\" of the Middletown respiration apparatus. He cited PflUger's lecture experiment with a rubber tube filled with carbon dioxide. Both end of the tube are pinched off; the following morning the tube will be found completely collapsed, the carbon dioxide having been diffused out and no air diffused in. But, as Zuntz pointed out, Pflttger was dealing with about 100 per cent of carbon dioxide while we are dealing with 2 per cent.\nIn many of his alcohol check tests of the respiration chamber he finds unburned alcohol in the air of the chamber. Indeed, at times the potassium hydroxide smells of it, but the respiratory quotient is 0.667, which is very good.\nIn discussing the total ventilation of the lungs during severe work Zuntz said that when there is a production of 2,000 c.c. of carbon dioxide per minute the total ventilation would be about 70 liters per minute. With regard to muscular work he finds that when the body is overloaded the mechanical efficiency is less perfect. As a matter of fact we have found an efficiency as high as 47.9 per cent, which Zuntz thought v/as very remarkable.\nI had an opportunity to ask him what he thought of the Friedmann tuberculosis cure, as Friedmann had recently been in America. He said that in Berlin there were two views regarding Friedmann. Most scientific men were against him, considering him commercial.\nRegarding cancer he said that the injection of heavy metals was now the great thing and that Emil Fischer was working on the problem to find a substance that will act as a complement or combination material","page":205},{"file":"p0206.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"or as a medium for the heavy metal.\nY,7e had many discussions in regard to laboratory management and smoking in the laboratory. Zuntz personally did not approve of smoking but many of his assistants smoke. Formerly in managing the laboratory he preferred to have conferences in which the men discussed their work but said that lately there seemed to be a tendency for each man to work by himself and not tell any one else what he was doing.\nHe said that Bobert Koch, who is interested in tuberculosis, carried on his laboratory this way and actually preferred it.\nZuntz showed me his blood gas pump which was a modified form of the Pflttger pump. Zuntz had tried out the Bohr method of using water over mercury, but he 7/as sure that water vapor passed through the mercury. How he personally uses compressed air with about three atmospheres to pump the mercury over. This blood gas pump was ordered for the nutrition Laboratory.\nI had a good opportunity to examine his gas analysis apparatus 7/hich is based upon the differential principle, the analyses being made at the beginning and end of an experiment. The apparatus (see figs.\n53 to 56) was extremely delicate and elaborate, for not only was it unaffected by changes in the temperature or barometric pressure during the actual time of the analysis but the apparatus could also be left over night. Zuntz was always making differential analyses. I could not see the value of them but Zuntz said they are valuable in the methane determinations. He said in determining the methane the difference in solubility plays a great r\u00f4le. He can estimate the carbon dioxide to within 0.0004 per cent.\n77e had a long discussion in regard to gas analysis methods and I 7/as astonished to find that Dr. Markoff, who was working with Professor Zuntz on the Sond\u00ean apparatus, had never even seen our book on the","page":206},{"file":"p0207.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\ntf'ig. 53. Indistinct details of the Zuntz gas-analysis apparatus for differential gas analysis in the\nTierphysiologisches Institut\nin Berlin","page":207},{"file":"p0208.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"?lg. 54. Details of the Zuntz differential gas-analysis apparatus\nin the Tlerphyslologlsches Institut in Berlin.","page":208},{"file":"p0209.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"209\nFig. 55. \u00c0 general view of the Zxaxtz gas-analysis apparatus In Berlin.","page":209},{"file":"p0210.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"210\nFig. 56. A corner of the laboratory for gas analysis. Zuntz's\n\nlaboratory, Berlin.","page":210},{"file":"p0211.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2 i 1\ncomposition of the atmosj\u00fchere, and was having the same difficulty that we had. Professor Zuntz confessed that the \"book was lying on the desk at his house, and he had never shown it to Dr. Markoff.\nThis seemed to me a very singular thing. Dr. Markoff was working on a method for getting ozone-free oxygen and hydrogen-free oxygen by electrolysis.\nIn discussing the question of the possibility of high oxygen poisoning animals Zuntz told me of the transportation of fish from Munich to Berlin when the air was highly charged with oxygen. The fish were all sick when they reached Berlin. Zuntz said that Born-stein had also shown that v/ith dogs a long inhalation of oxygen had very serious effects.\nThe new bicycle ergometer of Zuntz's is made by Gustav Voigt, Ifeuenburgerstrasse 12, Berlin. The weight of the arm and the scale pan is 1.80 kilograms. The circumference of the brake is 3 meters. There is a very thin band of steel passing \u00e2round the wheel. Different weights may be hung on. The bicycle appears to me quite clumsy. It seems to be an adaptation of the Bremse ergometer on the bicycle principle and is not a particularly felicitous construction, I should say. (See figs. 57 and 58.) Other apparatus in Zuntz's laboratory are shown in figures 59 to 62.\nThe more one sees of Professor Zuntz the more one realizes what a marvelous man he is, but it must be admitted that he has done his fair share of work and that the institute is nov; clearly getting out of his hands. It is one of the most mismanaged institutes imaginable and although it is only a few years old, it looks like an old place and is thoroughly dirty. Everything is topsy-turvy and there is no system or organization of any kind. The men run into his office","page":211},{"file":"p0212.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"212\nFig. 57. Side view of Zuntz^s new bicycle brake-ergometer in\nBerlin.\nThe fly-wheel is in front and the brake is on the wheel\nwhere the pedals are attached.","page":212},{"file":"p0213.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2\nPig. 58. Details of portions of Zuntz\u2019s new bicycle brake-ergometer\n\nin Berlin.","page":213},{"file":"p0214.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"214\nFig. 59. ^enera.l view of the Partner ergostat In Zuntz^s\nlaboratory In Berlin.","page":214},{"file":"p0215.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"21 \u00bb\npig. 60. General view of the Gartner ergostat with brake effect\nin Zuntz^ laboratory in Berlin.","page":215},{"file":"p0216.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2 ib\nPig. 61. Details of the brake and release used on the Gartner ergometer In Zuntz's laboratory In Berlin.\nThe same principle was applied to the bicycle ergometer\nof Zuntz.","page":216},{"file":"p0217.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Fig. 62. Large balan\u00e7a for weighing man in Zuntz's laboratory\nin Berlin.\nThe balance is of great interest as it has been used\nfor so many years in many experiments made in this laboratory on the loss in weight of different subjects.","page":217},{"file":"p0218.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2 lb\nevery moment and give him no peace. In spite of his very efficient secretary, who is much distressed over the continual disturbances, there seems to be no help for it \u2022 Ke has not the moral courage to tell people he will not let them in.\tOn the other hand, I think he\nis far more intelligent than any of his assistants and that he has no natural successor. I am perfectly sure that many of the subjects that he has written about erroneously are based upon a false belief in the accuracy and faithfulness of his associates. This undue confidence has, I believe, brought him into trouble a great many times. In spite of all this he still remains the most stimulating and the most interesting man to talk with along scientific lines that I have met anywhere in Europe- I count every hour spent with him as clear gain. He has withal such a pleasant personality that it is a delight to spend an hour with him.","page":218},{"file":"p0219.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2l9\nProfessor Caspari.\nWhile in Berlin I had opportunity to secure further information regarding the research work in cancer now Being carried on in Europe, especially in Berlin. The consensus of opinion in Berlin appears to \"be that through the efforts of Wassermann, Ehrlich, and Emil Fischer the cancer problem will surely he solved and at a not very late date. Although I did not go to see Fischer, as I had too many other things on hand, I inferred that he was most active in working upon a substance to be injected for cancer cure*\nI talked with Caspari chiefly on account of his interest in cancer, although frankly of all the over-rated incompetent scientists in Europe I consider him the worst. As a worker he appears to me as being a lazy, good-for-nothing chap, but perhaps as a historian he may be a little better. There is working with him a very intelligent man, ITeuberg, who really seems to be the man behind the whole thing. Feuberg is the chemist and Caspari the physician.\nTheir work is chiefly with mice but Caspari is also using injections in private practice. It seems that Caspari and Feuberg became interested in the cancer problem after Feuberg noticed the affinity of certain tissues for radium and discovered some new heavy metals allied to radium.\nThe composition of Feuberg's solutions is kept secret. Caspari said that any chemical factory could make them, but that Professor Orth had advised their not making the composition public as much misuse of the formula would be made. In doing this they are following exactly the same practice as that established by Behring and Koch, who prefer secrecy. Personally I do not at all approve of this scientific","page":219},{"file":"p0220.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"22\u00a9\nsecrecy, but it seems to be Wie proper procedure in Germany.\nCaspar! maintained that Werner in Heidelberg always used choline in combination with some heavy salt and that this procedure is really dual therapy and dual therapy, he believed, is the solution of the problem. He thought that some day from the thousands of possible combinations that have yet to be tried out, some one will discover just the right \"carrying agent\" for the heavy metal.\nCaspar! told me a little regarding the history of Werner's choline scheme. Werner noticed that radium had a special affinity for growing cells, testicles, and sexual organs. Werner thought this affinity was due to the presence of lecithin, but Caspari maintained that there is no evidence that radium acts especially on the nervous system where there is much lecithin, and that this assumption of Werner is, in consequence, a false one. Considering- the relation of lecithin to rapid growth and the divisions into which lecithin would split, Werner concluded the choline was probably the active part of lecithin and therefore always used it in combination with selenium or some other metal. The choline of course was good only as a \"Bindungsstoff\" with the heavy salts.\nCaspari had injected Heuberg\u2019s metal solution into a vein in a mouse\u2019s tail. In implanted tumors he got the best results with cobalt, but had also obtained good results with silver. He is now studying human cancer. He has found that with certain of Heuberg's solutions he can hold uterine cancer in check with two injections per week, but if he stops giving the injections for one week the cancer grows rapidly, making tip in three days for the previous good effect. Caspari told me that if the solution is too weak it acts as a stimulus","page":220},{"file":"p0221.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"to the growth of cancer. If the case is a dangerous one, there must he repeated doses of weak solutions given. Strong solutions are poisonous and some of the solutions change in toxicity if allowed to stand any length of time.\nCaspari told me of a strange case of cancer which had recently attracted considerable attention. A man suffering from cancer, so severe that according to the best authorities in Berlin, Orth among others, it was not advisable to operate, had nevertheless continued to live, and after his death several years later from an entirely different cause, a post mortem examination showed complete recovery from the cancer. This case is of fundamental importance in proving that spontaneous recovery can actually take place, a fact long surmised but exceedingly difficult to prove.","page":221},{"file":"p0222.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Professor Franz Mttller.\nf> r\u00bbo\nFranz Mttller, one of the most agreeable and probably the most intelligent of the assistants of Professor Zuntz, although not especially intelligent, is working upon the determination of the amount of blood that passes through the lungs or the heart in one minute, using a mixture of nitrous oxide, oxygen, and air. He has two bag spirometers of special construction, the larger one having a writing lever which writes on prepared black paper furnished and patented by Zimmermann. This paper is 6 centimeters wide and is in a long roll about 4 centimeters in diameter. The volume of air during respiration is recorded on this paper. He also takes samples of the alveolar air as a check at the end of the exr>eriment.\nMttller does not think much of the Plesch carbon monoxide method of determining the total amount of blood. He maintains that the carbon monoxide dissociation curve depends upon the carbon dioxide present, the amount of temperature, etc. Mttller has worked with Barcroft and says that this is likewise Barcroft's opinion. For his determination Mttller places a mixture of nitrous oxide, one half per cent of carbon dioxide, oxygen, and nitrogen, in a spirometer and freezes it\u2022 He used to analyze the gas in a refractometer which he finds is very good for his work.\nHe absorbs the carbon dioxide by potassium hydroxide and determines the oxygen by sodium hydrosulphite but finds it necessary first to saturate the solution with a little of the gas to have it saturated with nitrous oxide.\nI was present at an experiment he was making on Dr. Klein. As a matter of fact the thing was handled very comically. There were too many things to be done by too few people and the experiment was a","page":222},{"file":"p0223.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"failure. I took two or three photographs. (See figs. 63 to 67.)\nI found that no description had been published of the gasometers which he was using but they seemed to be rather clever.\nFranz M\u00fcller is much interested in the metabolism of children.\nHe has a place near the North Sea where he is studying the influence of climate on metabolism. He studies the intake and output for a number of weeks, also the output of nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, chlorine, etc. He says that he feeds the children the equivalent of 4000 calories per day when in the North Sea region, as they are running about actively all day long. This is an enormous calorie requirement and is based solely upon the amount of food fed to the children. I am not sure that this amount is actually controlled.\nIt may be simply the amount of food purchased.\nFranz M\u00fcller impressed me as being by far the most genial and companionable of Suntz\u2019s assistants but I was not very favorably impressed with the accuracy of his work.","page":223},{"file":"p0224.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"224\nFig. 63. Professor Franz Muller (facing) making an experiment in 2,untz *s laboratory on the volume of blood in the body, using two\ngas meters of special construction, containing nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen,\nand oxygen","page":224},{"file":"p0225.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2\nPig. 64. Details of Professor Franz Muller's respiration apparatus\nin Zuntz\u2019s laboratory in Berlin.\nThe two peculiar spirometer constructions are shown in the immediate foreground, together with the mouthpiece and the sampling pipette for the alveolar air. The dials indicate the volume of air remaining or being removed from the spirometer.\n","page":225},{"file":"p0226.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2\nFig. 65.\nView of Professor Franz iauller using his\napparatus for\n\nstudying the flow of blood in the body.\nThe two spirometers, the moivthpiece, and the half-inch tubes for taking the alveolar air samples are in the foreground.","page":226},{"file":"p0227.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2\nw i\n\nPig. 66. Dr. Klein with a pneumograph attached for the experiment with Franz Muller\u2019s respiration apparatus for study-\ning the volume of blood in the body.","page":227},{"file":"p0228.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Fig. 67. Details of pneumograph fastened around, the chest for recording pneumograph tracings of respiration in\nFranz Muller's experiments in the Zuntz\nlaboratory in Berlin.","page":228},{"file":"p0229.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"! IOSCO1,7\u00ab IKTSSIA.\nFr au e n-H o ch s chu1e.\nProfessor Schaternikoff.\nSince his break with the University of Moscow Professor Schater-nikoff has had a post in the Frauen-Hochschule. (See fig. 68.)\nThis is a beautiful modern building of concrete with wonderful lecture rooms and is situated some distance from the city. Here Professor Schaternikoff has a few rooms quite well fitted up for physiological research. He evidently is a man of mapy ideas and interests. Uhen he told me of the very small amount of money he had available for purchasing apparatus and supplies and paying assistants, I was utterly dumbfounded at what he had accomplished with almost nothing.\nOf particular interest to me, of course, was his respiration chamber. (See figs. 69 to 76.) This is large enough for a person to sit in and has a capacity of 10 cubic meters, its dimensions being 2x^x2 meters. It is painted white inside and has a mercury pump of four barrels on the Blakeslee annular space principle. He uses sodium hydroxide absorbing bottles much as one uses a Mttller valve, one set before the pump and one after it. These form the valves of the pump itself. The apparatus had not been completed at the time I was there and Schaternikoff was still working on it.\nHe had devised a scheme for making the air bubble through strong caustic soda or strong caustic potash. Although this scheme was of course very desirable from a certain standpoint, yet to one who has had experience with, soda lime the method seems very troublesome and very bulky.\nI was much interested in his reconstruction of the Zuntz valves","page":229},{"file":"p0230.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"230\nFig. 68. Professor Schaternlkoff ln the room containing the respiration apparatus In the Frauen-Hoch-\nschule in Moscow.","page":230},{"file":"p0231.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 69. Entrance to the respiration chamber of Professor\nSchaterniteoff in Moscow","page":231},{"file":"p0232.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 70. Another view of the Schaternifcoff respiration chamber In Moscow snowing the four-cylinder pump.\nIn the immediate foreground is a large box with coil of pipe for maintaining temperature equilibrium, either with cold or\nwith warm water.","page":232},{"file":"p0233.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Fig. 71. Professor achatemikoff of Moscow and his respiration apparatus for women, showing the fcur-cylinder\npump and the large valve","page":233},{"file":"p0234.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"234\nPig. 72. Another detail of Schaternilcoff'a respiration pump In\nMoscow.","page":234},{"file":"p0235.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"23 r,\nm\n1\nFig. 73. A nearer view of the detail\u00ab in the valve system of the Schaternikoff respiration apparatus In Moscow.","page":235},{"file":"p0236.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2 36\nFig. 74. Modified Euntz valves used by Schaternikoff in Moscow.\nTo prevent tne rubber form from collapsing and entering the opening Professor Schaternikoff uses a piece of wire gauze which he wraps around the opening, and which seems to be very practical.","page":236},{"file":"p0237.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 75. Mask used by Schatemikoff In mouth breathing for\nrespiration apparatus.","page":237},{"file":"p0238.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2 i 8\nPig. 76. Details of carbon-dioxide absorbing cylinders and valves In the Schatemlkoff respiration apparatus in Moscow.\nThe valves act as large Muller valves. The numerous perforations In the plates show where the air bubbles through the caustic soda. The plates are made of porcelain or hard rubber.\n\\","page":238},{"file":"p0239.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2-i\nfor use in respiration experiments. He has placed wire gauze over the slit in the glass tube to prevent the rubber from collapsing.\nThis seems to me rather a practical point.\nAlthough his father died the second day after I arrived in Moscow Professor Schaternikoff was extraordinarily kind in taking me about and in showing me every attention. I enjoyed extremely every moment of conversation with him and consider the visit to his laboratory well worth the time. Although he reads English very little, we were able to converse very comfortably in German. Of course he was somewhat upset by the severe illness and death of his father and I did not nave time for extended scientific discussion, much to my regret, for he impressed me as being a good and extraordinarily keen man, and a capable\nworker","page":239},{"file":"p0240.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"240\nAgricultural Experiment Station.\nI spent one morning at the Agricultural Experiment Station which is likewise some miles out from Moscow and found some work \"being done on the extraction of material. I saw many interesting things, but none of particular value from the standpoint of the nutrition Laboratory. A method for the determination of carbon dioxide by gas analysis which I had heard of proved on investigation to be of no use to us as it had to do only with soil.","page":240},{"file":"p0241.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"University of Moscow (Physical Institute)\nProfessor Swientoslawski and the laboratory of Professor Louguinine.\nThe laboratory of Professor Louguinine has been the great thermochemical centre of Eastern Europe for many, many years. (See figs.\n77 to 79.) Louguinine was a very rich man and had bought a great many pieces of expensive apparatus, paying enormous sums to fit up his laboratory and making it practically a rich man\u2019s hobby. His private laboratory was at first located in Paris but it was subsequently removed to Moscow. While in Moscow he had a great many students and was very much beloved by them. In the laboratory T saw a very fine enlarged photograph of Louguinine and since my visit there his successor has sent a copy of the photograph to the Nutrition Laboratory. Professor Louguinine died some years ago and part of his family now live in Paris and a part in St. Petersburg. Professor Louguinine was a disciple of Pegnault, following in his footsteps closely, and the whole laboratory technique shows the influence of Pegnault and also of Dumas.\nLouguinine is unquestionably one of the foremost of those who have contributed to calorimetry in this decade.\nLouguinine\u2019s direct successor was Schukarew who wrote a book with him (Methods of Calorimetry). The present holder of the chair is Dr. Swientoslawski, a young man from Kiev, an engineer, I think. He is not very highly estimated in Moscow but was given the position there because there had been a change of professors made by the university administration and it was difficult to get a satisfactory man ior the place.\nThe laboratory itself is remarkably clean, neat, and well kept.","page":241},{"file":"p0242.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2-42\nPig. 77. A general view of Professor Lougnlnine'a laboratory In\nMoscow.\nOver the door is a painting of Professor Louguinine. On the left are seen many forms of tomb calorimeters enveloped or water-\njacketed.","page":242},{"file":"p0243.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"243\nPig. 76. A general view of the right side of Professor Louguinine's laboratory in Moscow, showing the various apparatus for\nstudying the specific heat and the expansion of metals\nby heat.","page":243},{"file":"p0244.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2^4\nPig. 79. Study formerly occupied by Professor Louguinine in\n\u00dc08C0W.\nAt the left is shown a calorimeter for use with tomb,\nand the reading telescope","page":244},{"file":"p0245.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"245\nI think I have never seen its equal. The most complicated apparatus is kept in the most perfect order. For instance, I saw a golaz-Berthe-lot bomh calorimeter containing 1500 grains of platinum, which was 27 years old and which had been used for about 15,000 combustions and yet, as it rested under a bell-jar cover, it looked as if it were absolutely new. This illustrates the value of handling instruments with the greatest care. (See figs. 80 and 81.)\nDr. Swientoslawski was much interested in bomb calorimetry. He says he has determined the heat of combustion of benzoic acid by five methods and that they all agree, with the use of the Hegnault-Pfaundler law. For example, he would burn the benzoic acid in water and obtain a rise of 3 degrees and again in petrol and obtain a rise of 6 degrees. With the specific heat of petrol about 0.433, there would be in the second case a radiation altogether different from that in the first case, and yet by means of the Hegnault-Pfaundler formula, he got the same results. He remarked that his values for benzoic acid and sugar v/ere far different from those of Fischer and Wrede.\nDr. Swientoslawski uses fine platinum wire for ignition but he also likes for this purpose small collodion bags or pouches. These are made by coating the inside of a glass cap, such as is employed to keep the dust off of the stopper of a reagent bottle, with collodion and allowing the collodion to dry for a number of hours or days.\nThese little collodion sacks can then be removed and weighed.\nUsually they weigh not more than 50 milligrams and as the heat of combustion of collodion is generally not more than 2.5 calories per gram, the correction is very small. Dr. Swientoslawski says that this is a very good method and that he gets fine results with it, even with naphthalene. He usually develops about 8,000 calories inside his","page":245},{"file":"p0246.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"246\nPig. 80. The Solaz-Berthelot bomb calorimeter used by Professor\nSwientoslawskl in Moscow.\nIn the immediate foreground, under one of the bell-jars, is the Golaz-Bertnelot bomb; at the right is seen a Kroker bomb. The bomb in the centre is interesting inasmuch as it nas been used tor about 1500Ocombustions and is still in perfect condition. It did not snow any more wear than would a diamond. There was an enormous mass or platinum in this bomb. This illustrates how carefully all the instruments in this laboratory are kept.","page":246},{"file":"p0247.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"24 V\nFig. 81. Details of a.,calorimeter ln Professor Lougulnine'6 laboratory showing the reacting telescope at the\nright and the stirring arrangement.","page":247},{"file":"p0248.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"248\nbomb, i.e., a rise of 3 degrees. He has had a great deal of trouble with oxygen and suspects there are traces of hydrocarbon. If there is even 0.001 per cent of hydrocarbons present, he maintains it v/ill affect his results.\nIn discussing Professor Bichards\u2019s adiabatic calorimeter Swiento-slawski expressed very little belief in its theoretical correctness and still less in the bomb calorimeter developed by Higgins and myself.\nHe says that the temperature curve for the first three minutes can never be exactly approximated either by adding the acid in Professor Bichards\u2019s case or the electrical heat in ours, for with each substance there is a different rapidity and different curve and at some time or other there mast be a loss or storage of heat for a few seconds. Personally he thinks the Begnault-Pfaundler method of correcting for cooling is the right one. He had not tried out the adiabatic problem thoroughly himself, but was discussing the work from a theoretical standpoint. He is now spending considerable time repeating work of his own and some of Professor Bichards\u2019s work. I told him I would ask Professor Bichards to send some of his reprints as I think he ought to understand exactly what Professor Bichards means.\nSwientoslawski does not like the Jaeger and Steinwehr calibration of the Fischer and yrede bomb with the manganin wire about the outside for he maintains that the latent period is considerable, i.e., the heat is not instantly given up. He has personally tried the experiment and finds that a considerable amount of heat is not so quickly equalized in the bomb as one'would expect. He has used a manganin coil inside of a fake bomb and found that a large amount of heat was not given off quickly. He expects to publish his results soon but probably","page":248},{"file":"p0249.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"in Russian\nIn speaking of the large number of scientific instruments in the laboratory (see figs. 82 to 84), I asked Swientoslav/ski about a cath-etometer. He said that he had had no luck v/ith them and does not believe in them at all.","page":249},{"file":"p0250.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"230\nPig. 82.\ncljL\u00cf\u00d9LAsrVTstsi^t^\nApparatus for.\nspecific\nheat in the laboratory of Professor\nLouguinlne in Moscow.","page":250},{"file":"p0251.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"251\nFig. 83. A very delicate hydrogen gas thermometer In Professor\nLougulnine1s laboratory in Moscow.","page":251},{"file":"p0252.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Fig. 84. Another view of the hydrogen gas thermometer In\nProfessor Lougulnlne's laboratory In \u00c0ioscow.","page":252},{"file":"p0253.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Professor Bachmetjew\nProfessor Bachmetjew, who is a professor in the University of Sofia, called at hotel one evening and I saw him the next day also. We discussed his experiments on freezing animals. He has been freezing cold-blooded animals slowly and finds he can keep them frozen for weeks if not, indeed, months and then thaw them out and have them return to life, that is, if he does not freeze them below a certain temperature. He maintains that there is a basal metabolism which can be altered by giving the animal different percentages of carbon dioxide, i.e., he can get one-fourth of the ordinary metabolism by giving carbon dioxide or can get a higher level. In working with rabbits he first gives them carbon dioxide to produce hibernation, so to speak, and later he freezes them. He has not succeeded in bringing the rabbits to life again but maintains the preliminary experiments are very satisfactory indeed.\nIn taking the rectal temperature of cold-blooded animals during the freezing process Bachmetjew has noted that as the animals cool, the temperature gradually falls off to a certain point and then suddenly rises, this change corresponding somewhat to the rise in temperature noted when glacial acetic acid is supercooled in the determination of the freezing point by the Haoult method. Bachmetjew is very anxious to try his methods on warm-blooded animals and says that he has already tried it with bats.\nThe experiments were still in progress in Sofia where he is a professor in the University. He is going to St. Petersburg to continue the experiments on apes and then finally to Paris to work on animals and men. There is a new law in Paris which permits criminals,","page":253},{"file":"p0254.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2d 4\nparticularly those convicted for a capital offence, to choose between undergoing some scientific experiment or being decapitated or hung.\nIf they choose the former, the experiments must require a major operation or something of that kind. Bachmetjew proposes to freeze some of the criminals and see if he cannot thaw them out as he has animals.\nHe told me of an interesting experiment he made with certain larvae which had been fused into a Geissler tube with oxygen and tnen left for a month in a temperature of -5\u00b0 C. They produced no carbon dioxide during this time. Shen thawed out they came ^o life again. Bachmetjew seemed to be a rather bombastic olo. chap but extremely\ninteresting.","page":254},{"file":"p0255.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"ST. PETERSBURG \u00ab RUSSIA\nInstitute for Experimental Medicine\nProfessor Pawlow.\nAt the time of my visit Professor Pawlow's new institute was just being completed. It is a marvelous laboratory, rather small but peculiarly constructed. It is so arranged that there is no vibration of any kind; all the stairways are isolated, the walls ar\u00e9 very heavy, and each floor is a huge concrete slab set in a cushion. It looks not unlike the Castle of Chillon and, indeed, is called \"Castle Chillon\".\nAt present Professor Pawlow has no interest in the use of fistulas at different points in the alimentary tract but tells me that his former associate, Professor Babkin, who is now in another Russian university, does much work in this line.\nPawlow is entirely wrapped up in psychological problems and the so-called \"unbedingter Reflex\". He had trained one dog to 16 different reflexes after working with him a year. He then operated upon him and removed the large muscle over the skull so that later he might get at the skull easily and remove a part of the brain. A year later he operated again and removed three convolutions of the brain, the skin centre and the ear centre. I personally witnessed this last operation. (See fig. 85.)\nPawlow has a great many women assistants who are working in hospitals and who also work outside with him. At the time I was there he had 20 different dogs under experimentation. He invariably does his own chloroforming and does not lose any dogs. He said that a few","page":255},{"file":"p0256.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"I\nFig. 85. Professor Pawlcw and hie assistants operating in the operating room of Professor pawlow*s laboratory in\nthe Institute for Experimental Medicine in St.\nPetersburg.\nN","page":256},{"file":"p0257.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"years ago, when he had assistants do the chloroforming, he lost a great many of the animals as the assistants would become careless and look around while giving the chloroform. He says that when he has been wording with one dog for a year and it has cost him several thousand rubles, he cannot afford to take any chances of losing the dog. lie consequently does his own chloroforming. After he gets the dogs into the first stages of anaesthesia, the assistants go ahead with the work. Pawlow is most careful in operating and his remarkable aseptic precautions are almost perfect. Of special interest to me was the fact that he allowed no smoking anywhere in the laboratory.\nHost of his work is done with the reflexes of the salivary gland.\nA permanent salivary fistula is attached to the dog which causes no great inconvenience for the dog wears it for months at a time* After the insertion of the fistula the animal is subjected to a certain stimulus and immediately thereafter fed. A typical illustration will suffice. A dog which had been provided with a salivary fistula was stimulated by placing an electric iron on the shoulder. The first two days the hot iron caused the dog to flinch, yelp, und howl, but it was fed immediately thereafter and in a relatively short time there was no reaction to twitching, no protective reflexes of any kind; the only rex lex was the rapid flow of saliva. Filially he could subject it to almost any test, such as sticking a needle into it or even burning or cutting out a part of the flesh and the dog would not wince, draw away, or yelp, the only effect being the flow of saliva. The intensity of the flow was determined by pneumatic transmission, a rather ingenious device of Hanicke. A little manometer was placed in the fistula and the drops of saliva counted by\nnoting the pressure on the manometer.\nPawlow discussed quite freely a number ox men, particularly Dr. Yerkes. He said there were two individuals in Yerkes, the man and the\n' very hard to unite the two characters.\nexperimenter\nhe found it","page":257},{"file":"p0258.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Jennings and for Parker.\nPawlow thinks that all methods of studying animal psychology are\nwrong. In discussing a maze, he says \"What is it\u201c:\tYou can\u2019t say\nwhat it is or what it means. Open a door, what is that? It is extremely complex and incapable of being analyzed.\" Personally he believes the simplest things are the best. In speaking of the electrocardiogram he said the whole operation was too complicated. On the other hand he thought the flow of saliva was the simplest reaction and was a very happy solution.\nIn discussing the question of the pain reflex I wondered if it were\nnot due to the fact that on heating the same point continuously he had simply killed the nerve, and that the dog had no pain because it had no nerves. Pawlow replied that he had tried out this point and that the absence of pain was not due to affecting the nerves at a particular\npoint.\nIn speaking of his preparation of \"Magensaft\" he told me that after all the Bussian fast days there was invariably an increased consumption of \"Magensaft\" which was a proof that the people compensate by overindulging after fasting. The \"Magensaft\" sold for about 80 kopecks,\ni.e., about 40 cents for a 200 c.c. bottle.\nWith regard to his general field of research Pawlow said he wanted to keep the reflex field for himself for a while as otherwise much diffa culty would arise; experimenters would get a lot of wrong results which would upset the whole thing because they could not easily acquire the\ntechnique.\nPawlow says that no one else has an assistant equal to Hanicke who is a wonder and very skilful with fingers and hands. Hanicke is very much interested in the new building.","page":258},{"file":"p0259.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2\nIn speaking of vivisection Pawlow argued, that until a law is passed against hunting no word should be said against vivisection.\nHe is not willing to discuss the matter until that point is settled. With regard to Bachmetjew\u2019s idea of freezing individuals Pawlow says he wants to be frozen and thinks it would be a good plan to have a city cellar where they could freeze men for fifty years and then thaw them out. He wished he could be frozen and thawed out again at the end of fifty years. He personally suggested the idea of freezing individuals to Bachmetjew.\nIt is almost impossible to follow Professor Pawlow in his great variety of ideas and rapid conversation. His brilliancy and his intense energy is shown in everything he takes hold of. He certainly is a very remarkable man. One can easily see why he stands so high in Russia. Pawlow has been a professor in the Military Medical Academy and the Institute for Experimental Medicine, and is also connected with another research laboratory. He goes to one laboratory in the morning and another in the afternoon. He is a very busy man but is intending to give up some of his duties. He says that some of the conditions at the Military Medical Academy have been quite intolerable and as he finds his position there very difficult, he wants to sever his connection with it.","page":259},{"file":"p0260.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"o 1\nWomens Medical College\nProfessors Likhatscheff, Albitsky, Kartaschefsky, and. Sskolow.\nProfessor Likhatscheff is now the secretary of the Women's Medical College and is very \"busy in academic work. (See fig. 86.) Perhaps this accounts for the fact that there is nothing new in his laboratory.\nI found him much interested in the alcohol program. He told me about a lot of r/ork he had done giving alcohol to dogs in large amounts. He used the Hicloux method and found that alcohol did great damage to the kidneys, even when diluted. The percentage of alcohol excreted after ingestion remained always the same even with large doses. He also found that alcohol appears in mother's milk.\nHe spoke to me about an extensive bibliography in Russian by Viazemsky of the alcohol literature and since my visit he has sent the bibliography to the nutrition Laboratory and it has been translated into English.\nLikhatscheff told me that there was a new institute recently opened for cancer research but he had never been there himself and did not know where it was located other than that it was a short distance out from the city.\nI was not able to get in touch with Dr. Boldyreff as he had left St. Petersburg but Professor Likhatscheff will secure information with regard to Boldyreff's spirometer and send it to me later.\nThere are now in St. Petersburg two or three copies of the small Regnault-Peiset respiration apparatus devised by Professor Likhatscheff.\nI also saw at the Women's Medical College a Likhatscheff apparatus with an enormous pump used for an exceedingly small ventilation.","page":260},{"file":"p0261.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"26 L\n]?ig. 86. A group of Russian scientists at the Women\u2019s Medical\nCollege In St. Petersburg.\nAt the left in the lower line is Professor Likhatscheff, at the lower right is Professor Albitsky. The man standing in uniform is Lieutenant Kartaschefsky.","page":261},{"file":"p0262.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2\nv'< r-,\nO -\nProfessor Albitsky has left the Military Medical Academy after thirty years\u2019 service, owing to difficulties there. He now has an appointment in the Women's Medical College and is making carton dioxide determinations on the rat \"bit. At the time of my visit the investigators at the Medical College were much interested in the injection of isotonic and hyper- and hypo-tonic solutions. There was no control of muscular activity.\tIf one solution produced pain and the ratbit was uneasy the\nresults were entirely worthless. I spoke of this point and promised to send to Altitsky, Likhatscheff, and Kartaschefsky a description of the work done on our respiration apparatus showing the effect of tody activity.\nDr. Kartaschefsky is now an assistant in the laboratory of the Women's Medical College and is also still at the Military Medical Academy tut has very little to do with it.\tHe does most of his work\nwith Professor Altitsky.\nProfessor Likhatscheff took me to see the new surgical clinic which is a gift from a member of the Hotel family. It is wonderfully fitted up in every way.\nProfessor Sskolow likewise has a nice clinic. I was especially interested in the isolation house which has four rooms, each with two entrances, with double glass doors. Everything is perfect for observation. There is no communication so there can be no contagion.\nThe different wards are separated by glass walls, so that one can see the whole length. I spent considerable time in studying Professor Sskolow\u2019s differential pneumograph which is extremely simple, showing inequalities in the lung ventilation very clearly indeed. He illus-trated the pneumograph with a doll and a baby. This interesting","page":262},{"file":"p0263.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"apparatus should be of value to us. I took various photographs of it (see figs. 87 and 88) and Professor Sskolow gave me a curve and a reprint in connection with it.\nI was not very much impressed by the rather slipshod appearance of the Women's Medical College but found the new surgical clinic much neater in appearance. There was a sign over each wash basin which attracted my attention and which Professor Likhatscheff translated as \"Don\u2019t be afraid of water. Wash yourself often.\" On the whole the infant clinic and the new surgical clinic impressed me very favorably indeed, as marking a great advance in Russian surgery and medicine.\nAside from the experiments in the laboratory of Professor Likhats-cheff and Professor Albitsky there was not much work in the line of metabolism going on in St. Petersburg at the time of my visit and yet it was most interesting to meet the men who had done so much, Albitshy in particular. only regret was that Albitsky does not speak German; indeed, it was only through the kindness of Professor Likhats-cheff that we were able to carry on any conversation together.","page":263},{"file":"p0264.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":".\nPig. 87. The double writing pneumograph of Professor Sskolow\nin St. Petersburg.\nThe apparatus is demonstrated in this photograph on a doll. Two delicate levers are placed upon the chest, and by the rise and fall of the chest wall any inequalities of respiration are recorded on the\ndrum above.","page":264},{"file":"p0265.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"The tracing is shown very clearly on the drum","page":265},{"file":"p0266.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"HELSINGFORS, FINLAND.\nUniversity of Helsingfors (Physiological Laboratory)\nProfessor Bobert Tigerstedt\nOn my previous visit to Helsingfors I was so favorably impressed by the wide range of experience and wonderful knowledge of literature that Professor Tigerstedt possesses that I looked forward, as I always do, to seeing him again and having a personal chat v/ith him. In recent years he has devoted himself chiefly to literary work, being the editor of the Skandinavisches Archiv fttr Physiologie and having produced a number of compendious volumes. Nevertheless he is carrying out several researches in the Institute, ably assisted in these by his son, Dr. Carl Tigerstedt, who is a Privat-Docent of the University and an assistant in the laboratory .\nIn discussing the matter of writing with Professor Tigerstedt, he maintained that the \u2019\u2019Handbuch\" or textbook is a most important part of physiology. In other words, he said that the Handbuch is tne life of physiology, being handed on from generation to generation. A man rarely looks up old literature but he depends upon a handbuch; it is therefore a great service to the progress of science to prepare good handbooks. This would naturally be his opinion as he has written such admirable handbooks.\nIn discussing the physiologists of Europe in general and the German physiologists in particular, Tigerstedt felt that German physiology is now at its lowest ebb and that the English physiologists are at the highest flood of their success. He said that the Germans are now going to England for ideas. Among the English physiologists he rated Dr. Barcroft very highly.\nProfessor Tigerstedt has expressed his regret to many people that","page":266},{"file":"p0267.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Professor Johansson is so occupied with administration matters and commission affairs in Stockholm. As Tigerstedt puts it, \"Johansson drives everything except physiology\". In other words, he gives his attention to everything except physiology.\nIn speaking of Buhner Tigerstedt maintained that Buhner is not clear in his writings. He contrasted him very strongly with Helmholtz. Helmholtz, he said, would never have to tell his reader \"You misunderstand me\" because his reasoning, although not always correct, is very clear. Tigerstedt thought this was in striking contrast to most of Buhner\u2019s writings.\nTigerstedt's opinion of Professor Pano was very poor and also his opinion of Professor Loewy of Berlin. He felt that Zuntz had done a good deal of work hut had not been of very great service to physiology in general.\nin his own laboratory he was still much interested in body temperature measurements by a resistance thermometer, particularly with regard to the influence of work. He had carried out considerable research in cooperation with his son, Carl, on fatigue in work. Carl had devised a lever for writing the number of times the leg is raised during work.\nUsing the large respiration chamber, they had been studying the respiration during the severe muscular work of breaking rocks, the zinc lining of the chamber showing dents where the bits of flying rock had struck. Practically all of the results of this study on muscular work, regarding both the carbon-dioxide output and the influence of the environmental temperature on the carbon-dioxide output, were contrary to the views that Bubner had put forth.\nIn operating Tigerstedt told me that he used a great deal a","page":267},{"file":"p0268.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"268\nmixture of iodine and xenophone (?) powder which he found a perfect antiseptic.\nDr. Carl Tigerstedt was working with a platinum string galvanometer and a Gaerten photographic apparatus with which he was able to get a velocity of 5 meters per second.\nI spent considerable time in my visit to Helsingfors in talking over with Professor Tigerstedt and his son, Carl, the possibility of the latter\u2019s coming to America and working in the Nutrition Laboratory as Besearch Associate. After my return to America this was arranged for and Dr. Tigerstedt came to the laboratory in the early fall of 1913. He worked here until about the first of January, 1914, when he returned to Helsingfors.\nProfessor Tigerstedt impressed me with his wonderful knowledge of literature. He has a marvelously interesting and unique library which possesses every special paper one could think of on any branch of physiology. The amount of work he has accomplished personally in writing is stupendous. Probably he has published more handbooks, text books, and things of that kind on physiology than any other one man. Most large handbooks in physiology are written by several men, the editor simply putting the different sections together, but a great deal of Professor Tigerstedt\u2019s handbooks have been written by himself. He certainly has a wonderful command of literature. He himself is charming in his very graceful humor and willingness to talk and chat with you by the hour upon any phase or branch of physiology, and is, withal, one of the most genial and pleasant men one meets anywhere in Europe. (See fig. 89.)","page":268},{"file":"p0269.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Fig. 89. Professor Robert Tigerstedt of Helsingfors in his library.\n.\nThe small picture on the wall is that of Professor Atwater.","page":269},{"file":"p0270.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"STOCKHOLM. SWEBEN\nKarolinska Institute (Physiological Laboratory).\nProfessor Johansson.\nProfessor Johansson is apparently as occupied as ever with commissions, administrative duties, military matters, and general public affairs. He evidently feels that his best service to Sweden as a whole is in not confining himself solely to scientific research at the Institute, but in utilizing his ability in figures and in statistics in working on large connussions\u2022 He has been for many years actively identified with some of the most important commissions on moral, social, and military problems in Sweden, particularly with regard to military hygiene and gymnastics. He says, however, that his activity in certain commissions is now nearly at an end and he expects soon to resume work in physiology.\nThe Institute has been considerably enlarged since I was there three years ago. The new part is now completed and ready for use.\nI was impressed by the fact that although the Institute is a very good one, there is very little opportunity for work and there are very few workers engaged there at present. Since Dr. Landergren\u2019s death no one has actively taken his place, although one or two young assistants are interested in some research work. The original Sond\u00e9n-Tigerstedt apparatus had been destroyed. A small chamber was being constructed in the basement and also a subsidiary chamber about the size of our bed calorimeter. These were not completed when I was there but I took a photograph of the latter. (See fig. 90.) They were setting up the Johansson gas sampling apparatus (fig. 91) and apparently expected to begin work with it shortly.\nTwo assistants had been doing some work on the amount of carbon","page":270},{"file":"p0271.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Fig. 90. The new respiration chamber of Profeasor Johansson\nin Stockholm.\nThis chamber is built after the model of the bed\ncalorimeter in the imtrition Laboratory.","page":271},{"file":"p0272.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"272\ni?ig. 91. The sampling reserve pipette of Professor Johansson\nIn Stockholm.\nThis is on the back of the medium sized respiration\nchamber","page":272},{"file":"p0273.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"dioxide that can he pumped out during forced ventilation. They used a mash over the face and the carbon dioxide, as soon as expired, was sucked out by a suction pump into a spirometer and weighed. They also used Lov\u00ean valves, which I saw for the first time and photographed, together with the mash. (See fig. 92.) The mash did not appear to me as particularly satisfactory. They find no difference in the carbon-dioxide output of the subject in the three positions of lying, sitting, or standing. This is very hard for me to believe, especially as they told me that the subject was not leaning when standing up but actually stood free.\nIn discussing the question as to what is the best method of determining the respiratory exchange, I advocated strongly that Johansson use the Jaquet principle. I pointed out to him that they have there in Sweden the wonderful Sond\u00ean-Pettersson apparatus for determining carbon dioxide and oxygen with the greatest accuracy. The Jaquet chamber has a ventilating circuit on the general principle of the Sond\u00ean-Tigerstedt apparatus, but modified by Jaquet. If Johansson and his assistants could determine the oxygen with a Skandinavien apparatus, namely, the Sond\u00ean-Pettersson apparatus, it seemed as if local pride would justify them in adhering to the Jaquet principle. Furthermore the Jaquet principle is theoretically correct and since their analyses showed that the oxygen remained constant, this fact would simplify matters enormously. Since my return I discovered that Hasselbalch used the so-called jaquet principle for infants simultaneously with Jaquet's use in Basel.\nI had a number of very interesting discussions with Professor Johansson, particularly in regard to his idea that all food material is first deposited in the body before it is burned. Ee argues that his depot idea is as good as the respiratory quotient argument,","page":273},{"file":"p0275.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2 Y\nUnfortunately I could not follow him entirely. In fact, I have written to him once or twice since I returned from Europe, in an attempt to get his ideas specifically. Formerly I maintained that his whole point of view was wrong because he neglected to take changes of the respiratory quotient into consideration. He uses the amount of carbon dioxide produced as the sole basis of his calculations, not realizing in the first place that the character of the katabolism might change when sugar is ingested, and secondly, that there might have been an actual increase in the katabolism as a result of introducing the sugar. lie maintains that his idea is just as good whether he takes the respiratory quotient into consideration or not. On writing me recently he says that he prefers to have more experimental data before publishing his ideas.\nOf very great practical value from the physiological standpoint was his large and very extensive series of lantern slides in -which he had photographed the exact pages of the originals of a large number of the classics in physiology, giving the exact page number, shape of table, the size and the general appearance of the originals themselves. It seemed to me advisable to have these slides to show to students.\nOn the roof of the Institute they are raising their own dogs. One of the dogs was very large, weighing from 25 to 30 kilograms. I also saw the dog upon which Dr. Carrel operated when in Stockholm at the time the Hobel prize was awarded a year or so ago. They maintain that the dogs thus raised on the roof are really \"at home\" and do not bark or make ary noise. It seemed to be an admirable place for them.","page":275},{"file":"p0276.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Laboratory of the Stockholm Board of Health.\nDr. Sond\u00e9n\nIn company with Professor Johansson I visited the laboratory of Dr. Sond\u00e9n, although there were no especially new features of practical application to the work of the Nutrition Laboratory. A number of photographs were taken (figs. 93 to 95) to show one or two minor points in connection with the laboratory. One is the method of collecting mercury when using gas analysis apparatus by means of a groove around the edge of the table. The other is a simple pressure reduction apparatus for use in connection with the oxygen bomb.\nDr. Sond\u00e9n is chiefly occupied with his Health Bureau and has given but little time to gas analysis in the past three years. His work Is in large part bacteriological in connection with the water supply and sewerage disposal of Stockholm. I have always regretted that this wholly remarkable experimenter has been confined to a bureau where his technical skill is of minimal value.","page":276},{"file":"p0277.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"27 T\nFig. 93. Professor Johansson and Dr. Sonden In the laboratory of\nDr. Sonden in Stockholm.\nProfessor Johansson ia at the left in the photograph and Dr. Sonden in the middle.","page":277},{"file":"p0278.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"278\nPig. 94. Table ln Sonden\u00bbs laboratory in Stockholm.\nThe groove around the edge is designed to catch any mercury spilled upon the table. The Sonden apparatus is shown at the right.","page":278},{"file":"p0279.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"275\nPig. 95. Pressure regulator for regulating the flow of gas in\nSonden*s laboratory in Stockholm.\nThis has a mercury seal consisting of an iron spirometer with mercury in it, and iron pressure weights. The gas comes out of an oxygen cylinder.","page":279},{"file":"p0280.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2 80\nKarolinska Institute (Pharmacological Laboratory).\nProfessor C. G. Santesson.\nOne of the most charming gentlemen that I have met for many years is Professor Santesson, the professor of pharmacology in the Karolinslca Institute. His new laboratory, which is in the same wing as Professor Johansson's and, I think, one flight above his, is modern and well fitted up in every way, simple and yet extremely practical. Santesson laid great emphasis on the fact that he had a pharmacological museum in which the students could see all the materials that were used and the different preparations of pharmacological material.","page":280},{"file":"p0281.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"COPEHHAGEH. DENMARK\nUniversity of Copenhagen (Physiological Laboratory).\nProfessor Henriques\nThe influence of Professor Bohr who died but a few years ago is noticeable in the fact that at present Copenhagen has many institutes working along physiological lines. Professor Henriques is the successor of Professor Bohr in the Physiological Laboratory of the University. He has made no material alterations in the original equipment; indeed, he is still too new in his present post, with all his courses and lectures to arrange, to be actively engaged as yet in scientific research. Furthermore his health has always been somewhat precarious\nOf special note in this laboratory was an electrolytic cell with which Henriques was able to separate completely pure hydrogen from pure oxygen. There was also a large battery and a Bohr pump with water pressure to raise and lower oercury.\nThe laboratory has its original cleanliness and air of exact nicety. It is probably the neatest laboratory devoted to physiology\nin the world","page":281},{"file":"p0282.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"282\nZoophysiological Laboratory.\nDr. Krogh.\nDr. Krogh, a former pupil of Bohr, has a special institute for animal physiology in Copenhagen. He is certainly one of the most ingenious and exceptional men to he found anywhere in Europe. His laboratory is small but well lighted and practically arranged. For example, all the tables can easily be changed if necessary and all the plumbing is removable. He has very few students and unfortunately no assistants.\nThe lower floor of the laboratory is a small workshop in which admirable work can be done. Krogh is certainly an extensive experimenter and impresses one as doing very careful and exact work. He has an ingenious respiration apparatus on the closed-circuit principle in which he removes all the carbon dioxide from the expired air by passing it through a large tank of soda lime forming a part of the circuit. The soda lime in this tank had not been removed for about two years and still absorbed all the carbon dioxide expired by the subjects.\nKrogh does not d\u00e9termin\u00e9 the carbon dioxide directly but obtains the respiratory quotient by gas analysis. The amount of oxygen introduced is measured by a clever meter devised by Krogh, so arranged that each electrical contact represents 0.88 liter of oxygen. Krogh maintains that he was the first one to use a spirometer in the respiration circuit and that he showed his device to Dr. Carpenter some years ago. The spirometer is not immersed in water, the experiments being so short that Krogh does not think it necessary. It is calibrated by letting one or two liters of water flow into a special glass vessel. (See","page":282},{"file":"p0283.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"28\nfig. 96.) As the spirometer rises and falls at each expiration the movements are written in the form of a curve on a graduated brass scale, which reads to 0.1 and possibly 0.05 millimeter, the total volume of expired air being thus represented on the curve. (See fig. 97.)\nIn discussing gas analysis I spoke to Krogh of our work on the oxygen in the air. He thinks he can determine the absolute volume of oxygen in the air by analyzing the dry gas over mercury. He will probably try this scheme; I sincerely hope he will. He has a most exact method for determining carbon monoxide, using a method of explosion.\nIn connection with the respiration apparatus a rubber mouthpiece or mask is employed.\tKrogh thinks it is possible to have a mask\ntight if a special mask is made for each subject. He also uses micro-valves with a very clever trap for condensed water. This trap consists of a small piece of rubber tubing leading to a finger-cot which is partially collapsed and the condensed water runs into this finger-cot.\nKrogh has a method of taking samples of the alveolar air from just above the exit valves bjr a small capillary tube of lead leading almost to the insert end of the mouthpiece. He turns a stop-cock at each flap of the exit valves, thus getting a sample at the end of the expiration. A small electrical device shows exactly when the mercury is flowing and from what part of the expiration the sample is taken.\nAll the samples are taken in mercury pipettes of about 50 c.c. capacity, usually not by vacuum but by letting the mercury flow out. This method of sampling is much used by Hasselbalch and Lindhard. I had considerable discussion with Dr. Krogh in regard to the changes in the alveolar air and in the dead space and arranged that Mr. Higgins of","page":283},{"file":"p0284.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"284\nFig. 96. Special glass vessel holding one liter used, fry Krogh In Copenhagen for calibrating his spirometer.\n","page":284},{"file":"p0285.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"the Krogh spirometer in Copenhagen","page":285},{"file":"p0286.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"236\nthe Laboaratory staff should visit him later in the year. This Mr. Higgins did mach to his profit.\nKrogh's bicycle ergometer with an electric brake, one of which was being constructed in his shop while I was there, interested me particularly. (See figs. 98 to 102.) It has four magnets, symmetrically arranged, and is in many ways extremely ingenious and much better than the one used in the Nutrition Laboratory. I ordered one for the Laboratory which has already been received. The apparatus is beautifully made and we are very much pleased with the one sent us.\nUsing the principle of the electric brake Krogh suspends a 1-kilogram weight on the ergometer, each revolution of the disk corresponding to 2 kilograrameters of work. To remove the wide variations and oscillations a dampening device is provided, consisting of a lead paddle or damper attached to the magnet frame and dipping into a trough containing a thick syrup solution at the bottom of the ergometer. This device is supposed to hold the pointer at the top of the apparatus at 0. It is not automatic, however, and the operator has to change the direction of the current passing through the magnet with each variation of the pointer from 0. I suggested to Krogh the desirability of using electric contacts to open and break, or close and short-circuit the current which would vary the pull upon the magnets with each deviation of the pointer from 0. At my suggestion, also, Krogh substituted for the chain he was using\u2014certainly a very poor one\u2014a so-called \"Morse chain\" which is much better as it has knife edges and roller bearings.\nAccording to Krogh as each revolution of the disk corresponds theoretically to 2 kilogrammeters of work, all one needs to do to obtain the number of kilogrammeters of work done is to count the number of revolutions of the disk and multiply by 2.\tInasmuch as ultimately we","page":286},{"file":"p0287.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Fig. 98. General view of Krogh*s apparatus in Copenhagen for studying muscular work, showing the ergometer in the foreground, the mouthpiece, the soda-lime\ncans, etc.","page":287},{"file":"p0288.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 99. Details of the respiration apparatus of Krogh In Copenhagen\nfor studying muscular work.\t>\nThe handle hars of the ergometer and the mouthpiece are in the immediate foreground; the large cans in which the carbon dioxide is absorbed are shown in the middle. At the extreme left and right\nare the spirometers","page":288},{"file":"p0289.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2'6\nFig. 100. Louthplece of the Krogh respiration apparatus for studying muscular work in Copenhagen.\nThe small finger-cots with tubes are arranged for collecting saliva and condensed moisture. The small lead pipe is used for drawing off samples of the alveolar air.","page":289},{"file":"p0290.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"230\nFig. 101. B\u00e9tails of Krogh*s ergoneter used. with fais apparatus for determining the respiratory exchange.\n. This is the older form of ergometer and shows the movable magnets, with the copper disk rotating between them. The adjustable rheostat and revolution counter are clearly shown.","page":290},{"file":"p0291.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"291\nPig. 102. The gas-analysis apparatus and spirometer used hy Kro^i\nIn his muscular work experiments in Copenhagen.","page":291},{"file":"p0292.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"wished to determine the exact amount of work put upon the machine by a subject, it seemed desirable to us to calibrate our Krogh ergometer by placing it inside the chair calorimeter and measuring the heat developed. Of course the friction is unknown.\tThe results of our\ncalibration tests will be of interest to all those who own one of these ergometers. (See results published in the American Journal of Physiology, 1915, volume 38, page 52.) Krogh\u2019s ergometer appears to be used rather extensively in Europe. Haldane has one in London and I also saw one in Hasselbalch's chamber with decreased pressure\nat the Pinsen Institute","page":292},{"file":"p0293.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"The Carlsberg Laboratory.\nProfessor Sorensen.\nThe Boyal Academy of Sciences in Copenhagen owns a large brewery called the Carlsberg Brewery. The income from this plant, which amounts to about one million kronen per year, is devoted to the general advancement of science in Denmark, a picture gallery, a chemical laboratory and a botanical laboratory being among the institutions receiving money from this source. The brewery has its own laboratories in botany and applied chemistry, so that the laboratories which receive gifts from it are really independent of it in every way. Professor Sorensen, who is the successor of Kjeldahl as Director of the Carlsberg Laboratory, told me that his laboratory receives money for research from this brev/ery, but is not connected in any way with it and is absolutely independent in its selection of lines of research.\tAs a\nmatter \u00a9f fact some of Sorensen's researches and those of some of his colleagues as, for instance, the department of botany, are of very great value to the brewery. The Carlsberg Brewery has already begun to recognize the importance of substituting other beverages for alcoholic liquors and is now making many non-alcoholic beverages for the people of Denmark.\nProfessor Sorensen took me through the underground street of the brewery, to see the enormous cooling plant. It was a sight simply beyond imagination. The beer is stored in great vats, several meters underground, the alleys between being as wide as city streets with storehouses on either side.\nThe Carlsberg Laboratory is very fine, scrupulously neat in every particular and very well kept. Sorensen at the time was very much","page":293},{"file":"p0294.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"interested in working on the hydrogen-ion concentration and has developed mary forms of apparatus for this work* He was also interested in conductivity and had some very good electrical measuring apparatus, particularly a Hartmann and Braun apparatus- There were many dialysis experiments running in which collodion sacks were used.","page":294},{"file":"p0295.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Laboratory of the Finsens Ifedicinske Lys institut\nProfessor Hasselbalch.\nThe Finsen Laboratory, presided, over by Professor BasseIbalch, is established in a very beautiful part of Copenhagen in an old villa which has been remodeled in part for the purpose. There is an especially good installation here for measuring hydrogen-ion concentrations, including particularly, an apparatus for shaking the gas electrodes. Hasselbalch has really done a great deal of work in this line and says that the hydrogen-ion concentration of the blood always remains remarkably constant. He thinks there is very little to be learned further on the subject.\nThere was also an exceptionally good outfit of gas-analysis apparatus in the laboratory. Lindhard works with a modification of a large Haldane apparatus which is in size between the small and the large Haldane apparatus. He uses the reagent pipette of Krogh, which is simpler than that in the Haldane apparatus. The Bohr meters find extensive use here as do likewise the Bohr mouthpieces and the Krogh spirometer.\nOf special interest to me was the large respiration chamber in the basement for studying the effect of diminished pressures*-a most astonishing apparatus. Hasselbalch said that as there were no mountains in Denmark, the country being unusually flat, they had to make their own mountain. He also told me that Bubner had recently been lecturing in Copenhagen and had been inside the chamber with him when the pressure was equal to that at a height of 5000 feet.\nProfessor Krogh evidently played a very important r\u00f4le in designing the apparatus. The chamber\u2014a vacuum-air chamber\u2014has a capacity","page":295},{"file":"p0296.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"of 25 cubic meters, is made of steel plates, and has a dome. It cost about 10,000 kronen. A rotary suction pump in the basement with automatic control is used to produce a very high degree of rarefaction.\nThe whole apparatus works remarkably well. There are double doors for the food aperture, an extremely ingenious water-closet device, and very satisfactory folding beds. Two subjects are always used in experiments with this chamber and look after the apparatus contained in it. A 9-day experiment, also an 8-day experiment, had been made with the apparatus, Hasselbalch and Lindhard being the subjects. They lived inside the chamber, were able to communicate with the outside by the long distance telephone, and felt perfectly free.\nInside the chamber was a large electric light for producing ultraviolet rays. They used this particularly in comparing the effect of sunlight and ultra-violet light upon the metabolism. There were also inside the chamber a Bohr spirometer and complete apparatus for studying the respiratory exchange, a Haldane gas-analysis apparatus, and a Krogh spirometer as well as a Krogh ergometer. (See figs. 103 and 104.)\nIn discussing the determination of sugar by safranin titration, Hasselbalch said that he found an error of about 5 per cent with safranin and thought that thionin was much better. He expects to publish his results shortly.\nThe Finsen Hospital is carried on to get money for financing Hassel-balch's department, the money coming from the paying patients. There are about 80 cases of lupus received at the hospital each year, but the disease is now treated early and cured for the most part and there are not so many unidentified cases as formerly. They use a large arc flame for hard cases with very good results, as they find that the arc light bath apparently alters the blood flow greatly. As a matter of","page":296},{"file":"p0297.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Fig. 103. Interior of the Ha3selbalch diminished pressure chamber In Copenhagen, showing the complete Krogh gas-analysla\napparatns on the table at the rear, and the Bohr\n\n\n\nspirometer with mouthpiece or mask In front","page":297},{"file":"p0298.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2 jS\nFig. 104. Window and door of the Hasselbalch diminished pressure chamber of the Finsen Institute, Copenhagen.\nNear the door to the right are seen parts of the Krog\u00a3i\n\nergometer","page":298},{"file":"p0299.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"fact, Hasselbalch has discovered that it is possible to become sunburned by the light.\nEasselbalch impressed me as being a very serious, studious man with a good head. He is evidently a remarkably good manager. Unfortunately I had no communication with Lindhard. He seemed to avoid me as he would a plague. He speaks very little English or Herman and is extremely shy. I saw him on the Erogh ergometer inside the respiration chamber and photographed the apparatus with him upon it (see fig. 105) but I could not get a word of conversation with him.","page":299},{"file":"p0300.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Fig. 105. Dr. Lindb&rd on the Kro^i ergometer inside of the Hasselbalch decreased pressure chamber of the\nFinsen Institute\u00bb Copenhagen","page":300},{"file":"p0301.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"UTRECHT. HOLLAED\nUniversity of Utrecht (Institute of Physiology and Physiological Chemistry).\nProfessor Pekelharing.\nI had never met Professor Pekelharing before this visit to Utrecht hut had always looked forward to meeting him for I have been greatly interested in his work on creatine and creatinine and likewise in the work done by his students on the fasting woman, Tosca. I found him a most charming, quiet man, scholarly, unasstuning and evidently all wrapped up in his work. (See fig. 106.)\nProfessor Pekelharing has a combined chair of physiological chemistry and histology at the University. His laboratory is very old and lacks many modern conveniences but is scrupulously clean in every way. All of the doors were kept locked as appears to be the general custom in foreign laboratories; he had to go downstairs three times to get the right key to open a room.\nIn discussing the alcohol program Professor Pekelharing made many suggestions but later wrote them down on the alcohol program for us.\nHe told me he had done quite a good deal of work on alcohol and had published his results with Zwaardemacher in the Onderzoekingen.\nSeveral volumes of this journal are deposited in the Bowditch Library of the Harvard I'edical School. When alcohol was injected into the rectum it was found later in the stomach. They also discovered that the mucous membrane of the intestines was more sensitive to alcohol than was the stomach lining.\tThey produced peritonitis very easily\nin rabbits by rectal injections of alcohol.\nWith the stomach administration they found that the hydrochloric acid was greatly increased but that after giving a false feeding to","page":301},{"file":"p0302.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Pig. 106. Professor Pekelharing in his laboratory in Utrecht.","page":302},{"file":"p0303.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"animals no more pepsin v/as secreted trat only a lot of acid. They also found that after a continued injection of alcohol and a stimulation of the acid cells, microscopic slides indicated a degeneration of the cells. Pekelharing showed me as an example the slide obtained from a woman drunkard. There was no inflammation and yet Pekelharing was sure that the acid-producing cells v/ere disintegrating. This work should certainly he thoroughly abstracted.\nAmong the ingenious laboratory devices that I saw in Pekelharing\u2019s laboratory was an exceedingly good galvanometer scale with illumination and a curved mirror which was obtained from Professor Hamburger's mechanician in Groningen. Professor Pekelharing uses filter paper torn up and suspended in water for separating large quantities of material. By placing in a funnel a hard rubber disk with holes punched through it, centering the disk in the funnel by a rod, and covering it with a layer of filter paper, he gets a fairly good filtering medium.\nThe outfit for studying the hydrogen-ion concentration was very extensive, as Professor Pekelharing is much impressed with the possibil-ities of working along this line. He is also working on ptyalin reaction. I unfortunately did not know enough about the subject to discuss it understandingly but I know he uses a high voltage with many storage cells and studies the effect upon the ptyalin reaction.\nFor evaporation at reduced pressure he uses an apparatus devised by a man in Vienna and supplied by Rohrbachs Nachfolger in Vienna. The evaporated liquid condenses and runs off. This apparatus I likewise saw in Groningen.\nProfessor ekelharing is especially interested in the subject of creatine, where it is formed, and when it is converted to creatinine.\nHe believes it is converted in the liver because when the liver is held","page":303},{"file":"p0304.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"304\nat 37\u00b0 some creatinine is formed. He believes that ordinarily the carbohydrates have an oxidase or ferment which converts creatine to creatinine and that they are not simply present in the body. Pat does not have this converting power nor protein, so Pekelharing thinks that the carbohydrates have an oxidase or ferment. He believes thoroughly that we should find out how these things take place in the body and that research work should follow along these lines. He is certain that the liver plays a r\u00f4le. Normally there is no creatine in urine, but dogs with Eck fistulas always have some creatinine. He thinks that if the liver were cut out of the circulation altogether all the creatine would appear in the urine and that the liver is therefore the place where the creatine is turned into creatinine. He cited some of his earlier work on this point.","page":304},{"file":"p0305.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Professor TXvaardemaker.\nProfessor fwaar de maker, who is a professor of physics in the Institute, is a genius of the first order. (See fig. 107.)\nHe is much interested in physics and has a pitot tube and a differential manometer. He uses a Eota Messer or, as he calls it, an \"air bridge\". He photographs the Pota Messer mica-plate as it goes up and down and thus studies the respiratory volume.\nI looked at his olfactometer in which he has been able to mix four different odors. He said that he could blend nitrobenzene and skatol and the subject could detect no odor whatsoever.\nHis laboratory is full of most interesting things; I took two photographs of his apparatus for measuring the rate of flow of gases. (See figs. 108 and 109.) As Professor Zwaardemacher was extremely busy at the time of my visit and I had but little time to spend there, I was not able to do his laboratory justice but it is well worth further study.","page":305},{"file":"p0306.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"3\u00fcG\n(left) ln Z^aardemaker1 s laboratory in the Unlver-\nFig. 107. Professor Zwaardemaker (rietet) and Professor Pekelharing\nsity of Utrecht","page":306},{"file":"p0307.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"3\u00f6:\nZwaardemaker of the University of Utrecht\nfor measuring the flow of gases.\nPig. 108. Several forms of ajiparatue devised by Professor","page":307},{"file":"p0308.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"3\u00fc8\nFig. 109. Zwaardemalcer\u2019s apparatus for measuring the rate of flow of gaaea, showing the noseplece reversed, with the\nventilation tube^ for each nostril.","page":308},{"file":"p0309.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"SRONI MGEN % HOLLAND.\nUniversity of Groningen (Physiological laboratory).\nProfessor Hamburger.\nAlthough I had not originally planned to go to Holland I found I had two days available and, at the hind invitation of Professor Hamburger, I went to Groningen. This city had a special attraction this year as the International Congress was to be held there in September.\nThe University of Groningen as a whole and the new buildings in particular impressed me as being built upon a grand scale with a degree of luxury that would not be tolerated, I think, in any American university. I have not seen anywhere so much luxury as I saw in these buildings in the Groningen University. Indeed, Professor Hamburger\u2019s office in the Physiological Laboratory is not unlike that of a steel magnate's in America.\nThe Physiological Laboratory is a large, new building, with extensive grounds. Provision is made for both animals and fish, as some research work is carried out on these. Evidently when the appropriation for the building was asked for from the Government, the men in charge applied for a large amount. In Holland it is apparently the rule to get everything possible from the Government at the first request for thereafter it is very difficult to obtain additional funds. As a matter of fact, in this instance the Government gave them a great deal of money which has been used in the construction and equipment of the laboratory and it is now planned to do a great deal of work.\nThe administration of the laboratory interested me especially as I had read Professor Hamburger's description of it in the program of the Congress; it is absolutely unique, I think, in Europe. My general","page":309},{"file":"p0310.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"impression is that the laboratory is distinctly overdirected and overorganized. The multiplicity of details in its organization points certainly towards a deficiency in output. It seems to be inventoried ad infinitum, each room having its own special inventory and each shelf being specially arranged and numbered. It seems to me it is utterly impossible to carry out this inventory method where there is much work to be done. As a matter of fact there appeared to be but little work in progress. This may have been due to the fact that they were preparing for the large Congress which, of course, kept them very busy indeed.\nHamburger himself is not doing any work at present as the Congress occupies all of his time. He had no suggestions to make with regard to the alcohol program for he was evidently too busy then to read the program over at all critically.\nHe is especially interested in haemolysis and had just received Richet\u2019s Dictionary containing his article on \"Isotonie\". His chemical assistants were working on blood and sodium chloride and also sodium bromide, using a high power centrifuge and reading off the precipitate on the graduated part of the tube. Hamburger's laws and researches are altogether too difficult for me to understand as they are entirely outside of my province. He is a great admirer of Donder who was formerly his chief.\nHamburger has countless ingenious details of administration.\nThe reprints received go first to his office and after fourteen days are removed and filed. His distribution of reprints is given a given a great deal of attention. He lias printed labels for shipping reprints to people on his mailing list, with a special book to check up what is sent to each individual instead of the library card system","page":310},{"file":"p0311.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"that we usej I think perhaps the book is better than the card system.\nOn the other hand, I saw a book in guntz's laboratory which looked very much crowded and with no chance to expand. Hamburger has a private library at his house with a card index and all the reprints belong to him. These are filed consecutively as they are accumulated. The system is rather unwieldy as the numbers now run to 4500.\nThe laboratories, of course, were wonderfully clean (see fig. 110), being new and luxurious in all their details. For example, there was a very large room with a large number of arc lights for taking kinematic photographs of animals.\tIt seemed to me an enormous laboratory for a\nrelatively small number of students; I did not see how one half of the rooms in the building could ever be used.\nThere was a very good machine shop in the laboratory v/ith a tincutting machine for cutting out round disks, also a plating department, v/ith buffing wheels, etc. Several machinists are on the staff of the laboratory, each with his own cabinet and kit of the tools most used, marked with his own initials. A very practical idea was a small kit of rough tools put upon a frame in each room in the laboratory for general use. I photographed two of these kits. (See fig. 111.)\nIn the machine shop the men are allowed to make things after laboratory hours and sell them. They pay for the stock but the laboratory furnishes the power and light. Any one in the laboratory may get a training in the use of tools by going down to the shop, as Hamburger thinks such manual training experience in using tools is good for the general laboratory technique. The mechanician is told to give assistance and lessons to the men if they wish it.\nThree or four of the assistants in the laboratory appeared to me to be very bright. Hamburger is the only one who lectures, the others being simply laboratory assistants.","page":311},{"file":"p0312.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"312\nFig. 110. General view of a typical laboratory room in Professor\nHamburger\u2019s laboratory in Groningen.\nThe extraordinary neatness and systematic arrangement of this laboratory is marvelous. It is possible only where there are\nfew workers","page":312},{"file":"p0313.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Fig. 111. Ingenious kits of tools used in the laboratory of Professor Hamburger In Groningen.\nThese kits of tools may he carried from room to room\nor kept in the individual laboratories","page":313},{"file":"p0314.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"3x4\nThere were many things of value in Hamburger's laboratory and I secured many hints from his work. Among things of special note was a scheme for artificial respiration by using compressed air at constant pressure. I took a photograph of this instrument (see fig. 112).\nThere was also a series of adjustable holders for tambours, some of which were ordered for the nutrition Laboratory and have since been received. These holders were xised for raising and lowering a tambour on a standard.\nOne of Hamburger's assistants, Dr.Laqueur, impressed me very favorably. Dr. Laqueur has been working upon the stimulus of carbon dioxide on the excised gut in Ringer solution. He was much impressed with a method of determining chlorine in urine, called Fisser\u2019s(?) method.\nThis method is based on the oxidation of urine with nitric acid and then with potassium permanganate and finally the titration of the mixture with a ferrous salt as an indicator. The method did not work well in my presence and I was not much impressed with it.\nThe Zimmerman kymograph used by Laqueur seemed to be very satisfactory. Hot air motors were much used, being generally connected with the water supply for cooling. They were quiet and excellent for long continued use in stirring water baths. On the other hand they were not easily moved about and were apparently not easily started; accordingly they can hardly be equal to electric motors, although they probably cost less.\nConsiderable use was made of a micro-burner that could be turned down very low and would not snap back. This micro-burner was made by Kindel and Stoessel in Alexandrienstrasse 3, 3erlin, S.W.,XIII, and cost only about lg Marks.","page":314},{"file":"p0315.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Sir.\nFig, 112. The apparatus for artificial respiration by the use of compressed air used, in the laboratory of Professor\nHamburger in Groningen.\nThis apparatus is constructed on the principle of using compressed air, aided by an electric contact device with a metronome (shown in the rear of the picture) which opens a valve at each electrical contact. This apparatus was exhibited at the Hygiene Congress.","page":315},{"file":"p0316.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Psychiatrie Laboratory.\nProfessor Wiersma.\nProfessor Hamburger had written me that a new pulse registering apparatus devised by Professor Wiersma was to be exhibited at the Congress. I was therefore very glad of an opportunity to see it. Professor Wiersma is the professor of psychiatry in the University and I visited him in his clinic with Professor Hamburger. He impressed me as being an active, keen, bright man.\nThe pulse registering apparatus consists of a rubber bulb of peculiar design, made of a piece of soft rubber tubing about 20 millimeters in internal diameter, with walls approximately 1.5 millimeters thick, and of a length convenient to hold in the closed hand, i.e., about 10 centimeters. One end of the tubing is sealed by cementing the compressed walls together; the other end has attached to it a circular piece of rubber with a small rubber tube which is cemented to the larger tubing. The bulb is held firmly by the subject and the closed hand and bulb are then carefully bandaged all over. When the bandaging is completed, the subject relaxes the hand and the experiment can begin. A pneumograph is also placed over the abdomen. The pulse and respiration movements are transmitted by means of long rubber tubing to two Marey tambours in another room with levers moving before a slit in a photographic registering apparatus. In this way both the pulse and the respiration can be photographed.\nThe scheme is very simple and interesting and possibly of great value. Wiersma gets a very fine curve in which the dicrotic notch is well shown. He tried the apparatus on me. It might be tolerated for a night by a Dutchman but an American would fly off the handle in twenty minutes, according to n$r experience. Wiersma had many all-night","page":316},{"file":"p0317.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"curves and other interesting results obtained with the apparatus.\nThe calculations on the character of the respiration and the pulse were very pretty. He has taken samples of the pulse changes with infants and finds that the pulse varies with each respiratory rhythm. Since my visit the apparatus has been slightly modified in the nutrition Laboratory and has proved fairly useful.\nOf special importance to me was the fact that they found no great difficulty in Groningen in handling pathological cases. As is the general practice in most European institutes, the patients were told that the experiments would help them,\u2014-a practice which smooths away all difficulties and makes the subjects very anxious to be experimented\nupon.","page":317},{"file":"p0318.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"3 iS\nLOIIDOIT \u00ab ENSLAffl?\nUniversity of London (Physiological Laboratory).\nProfessor A. D. Waller\nI was particularly interested in visiting Professor Waller\u2019s laboratory and was fortunate in having the privilege of discussing with him his experiences with the Bock-Thoma oscillograph. This apparatus, which permits of making four simultaneous curves of the pulse and the heart action, had been brought to my attention several times in my European tour. Professor Waller assured me that it was very practical, was always in readiness and was very much less troublesome than any string galvanometer of which he knew. There was considerable discussion as to whether or no the oscillograph gave the same character of pulse-rate as did the string galvanometer. This point is by no means settled. I was so much impressed with the oscillograph as I saw it in use and the results that Professor Waller had obtained with it that I ordered one for the Nutrition Laboratory.\nIt has since been installed and has given great satisfaction.\nProfessor Waller has devoted a great deal of time to studying the length of current from the heart and, indeed, was one of the first to demonstrate this by means of the mercury capillary electrometer. Subsequently the development of the string galvanometer by Einthoven of Leyden in Holland has given great impetus to this phase of experimentation.\nProfessor Waller was evidently intensely interested at the moment in the subject of heart motions and could talk and think of nothing else. He is particularly interested in the inclination of the electrical axis of the heart and has recently published a number of papers\non this point","page":318},{"file":"p0319.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"319\nGuy\u2019s Hospital Medical School (Physiological Laboratory).\nProfessor Pembrey and Professor Haldane.\nAlthough Professor Pembrey was much occupied in his work with Professor Haldane on mine rescue apparatus and I could therefore see him but a very short time, I was glad to meet him and to see his method of work. Pembrey and Haldane were working upon two firemen who had been using the mine rescue apparatus. Mr. Higgins and myself were present at seme of their tests. Unfortunately I could get very little from Pembrey, although he had a few comments to make on the alcohol program. It would seem as the years go on that his judgment is even less to be trusted; he appears to be very set in his ways and not given to a sound consideration of problems.\nThis was my only opportunity to see Professor Haldane and I had practically no time to talk with him.","page":319},{"file":"p0320.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"320\nUniversity College (Physiological Laboratory)\u00bb\nProfessor Starling\nProfessor Starling was good enough to allow Mr. Higgins and myself to spend several hours in his laboratory while he was carrying out an experiment. I saw there a part of a unit respiration apparatus for use with animals and was able to give him some suggestions with regard to it. At this time he told me that the results of an investigation published by Knowlton and himself a short time ago would have to be retracted as they found them incorrect.\nI was particularly interested in watching an assistant read off a stop watch and report the time of the flow of blood as 5.1, 5.3, and 5.6 seconds. I noticed that Professor Starling wrote these down.\nOn asking the assistant how he got these values, he said that he used the stop watch and estimated to within one tenth of a second; if the pointer stopped half way from the mark he called it 0.5 second, instead of two-fifths or three-fifths. From the well known principle of stop watches, this seemed to me a rather surprising way of reading it.","page":320},{"file":"p0321.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"CAI3PIDGE. ENGLAND.\nUniversity of Cambridge (School of Agriculture)\nPr\u00e9fessor C. G\u00bb L. Wolf.\nI was able to visit Cambridge for a day and thus see Professor Wolf in Ms new location and particularly to discuss with him the very singular experiments made by Professor Friedmann in Berlin. Professor Wolf told me that he made these experiments with Professor Friedmann on curare with dogs and that he personally felt that the experiments were entirely wrong, owing to the false analyses made by the woman assistant. Consequently he disclaimed all responsibility for them.\nProfessor Wolf had a small laboratory which was full of apparatus. He was carrying out some work on the respiratory exchange of decerebrate animals. He took me into the new chemical laboratory of the agricultural building and showed me the apartments set aside there for himself. I have since heard that his entrance into Cambridge scientific circles has been a matter of discussion.\nI did not have the good fortune to meet Professor A. V. Hill but saw Professor Langley for just a moment.","page":321},{"file":"p0322.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"EDINBURGH. SCOTLAND\nProfessor Schaefer.\nI had the great privilege of spending several days with Professor Schaefer at his home in North Berwick hut did not go to his laboratory. On this occasion we took the opportunity to talk over matters of physiology in general and I had many most interesting conversations with him. There were no particular points that need to he recorded, other than the general method of attack of scientific problems and the general method of handling laboratories.\n\u2019tfhile I was there Professor Schaefer invited Dr. Oathcart to spend the week-end and Dr. Cathcart and I devoted most of the time to revising and recasting certain portions of the muscular work book (Publication No. 187) which was about to go to press.\nFrom my conversation with Professor Schaefer I can easily see why he is estimated so highly in English scientific circles as well as outside. He has had a vast experience and evidently is a man of remarkably good \u00abjudgment. He is singularly free from crank notions or from pet hypotheses or pet notions of any kind and yet distinctly posi-tice as regards his opinions on any subject upon which he is approached. One feels that he has a remarkably judicial mind. It is a matter of some surprise that he does not have associated with him more capable assistants than Dr. Pringle and Dr. Cramer. These men are both fairly good second class men hut one would naturally expect to find associated with a man like Professor Schaefer a somewhat larger coterie of really\nbrilliant associates.","page":322},{"file":"p0323.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"323\nSpecial observations.\ny/hile the main object of my visit to Europe was to get in intimate touch with various laboratories and workers in lines of research allied to those being carried out in the nutrition Laboratory, I was likewise able to make many observations regarding general subjects of interest to us here, some of which I think it desirable to record in this report.\nVivisection.\nThe agitation against vivisection, which is perhsp more pronounced in England than in any other place, and which is increasing in America, is surprisingly lacking on the Continent.\tMy experience in visiting\nmany different laboratories has brought me into intimate touch with the methods of vivisectors. I believe that the majority of men are extremely careful, considerate, and kind, and do not produce unnecessary pain in any way. Some of them express very great and deep sympathy with the animals and in general I think this may be said to be true.\nOn the other hand, I saw distinct evidences in at least one laboratory, i.e., in the laboratory in Naples, where I thought there was a great misuse of vivisection. A doctor was working there upon the influence on the volume of air expired by the animal of removing portions of the lung. I looked very carefully at the apparatus, the animal, the man who was doing the vivisection, and his method of operation. It seemed to me that the whole experiment was absolutely useless. The dog lay upon his back and was strapped to a board with a mask tied to his face. The expired air was measured by passing through a Verdin spirometer.\nIt was evident that the closure of the mask about the head was not airtight. If the experiments were carefully made, I can see the desirability of studying this subject and the possibility of the hypertrophy of the other lung compensating for the decreased lung area for the","page":323},{"file":"p0324.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"absorption of oxygen. On the other hand, I was perfectly certain that the apparatus, method, and technique were absolutely worthless.\nOne would hardly expect such technique in the hands of a high school boy, yet this man was carrying out these vivisection experiments. Unquestionably many of the animals succumbed to pain, which perhaps was necessary considering the theoretical ideals of such experiments but certainly unnecessary from the point of view of the worthlessness of the experiment. I must confess that I felt strongly that this particular man certainly ought to have been subjected to the most careful and critical oversight in regard to the hind of work he was carrying out and his methods of vivisection. In view of this observation I should almost be willing to have all vivisection work under the regulation of a committee, the committee to be selected not by those agitating vivisection but by a committee of responsible medical men.\nI question whether work in vivisection should,in certain instances at least, be allowed to be as free as work with test tubes and work with petri dishes. It is perhaps surprising that in all of my many investigations in various laboratory clinics and hospitals I did not see any other misuse of vivisection and yet this one instance certainly did impress me greatly. There are doubtless a large number of similar cases in the course of a year but this experiment seemed to be so perfectly fruitless that I was shocked by the fact that an animal should be subjected to vivisection for such a purpose.\nUse of libraries in foreign laboratories.\nIn general I think that there is a gross economic waste in the distribution of books in foreign laboratories. Granting the necessity and desirability of departmental libraries, a point which I think no","page":324},{"file":"p0325.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"one will now deny, the duplication of libraries in adjoining rooms is certainly to be discountenanced. In the University Laboratory in Naples I saw a great duplication of literature in two departmental libraries, which were separated only by the length of a corridor.\nIt would seem as if this frequent duplication of large libraries were a great waste of time and money.\nIt is possible that abroad the mechanics of procuring books from the large university libraries is so difficult as to discourage professors from using them and they have therefore accumulated their own libraries at considerable cost. On the other hand they are very chary about allowing their libraries to be used by others; indeed, it is quite usual to find that a professor has his library at his house and that he never takes a book to the laboratory for the use of any of his co-workers. I suppose their experience in having books lost, misused, or damaged without being repaired or replaced has forced them to be careful. This one can easily understand and it justifies the keeping of the libraries isolated at the house.\nOn the other hand I saw a great many instances where I am sure that material which should have been on file in the university library, such as reprints of current researches, text-books, and monographs, were taken by the professor to his private house and there kept in his private library and never made available to the students. I noticed some marked illustrations of this where copies of several of our publications are sent to the libraries of the various institutes of which certain professors are in charge. In at least one instance I saw the professor had appropriated the monograph, taken it to his own private library, there to be sold for the benefit of the family when he died. There seems to he an insane desire on the part of these professors to accumulate","page":325},{"file":"p0326.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"326\nreprints for their personal libraries. They snatch a reprint out of the mail box or out of the library with the avidity of a small boy taking a coin. The lack of moral responsibility for reprints or books is certainly quite impossible to explain.\nDistribution of reprints.\nOn the basis of the above observations it seems important to alter materially our method of distributing reprints in foreign laboratories.\nIt has heretofore been the custom for us to send these reprints directly to the professor who has been doing the work. Occasionally it has been necessary to send the large monographs to the library of the institution with the name of the professor below it. The professor invariably assumes from this that the monograph is a gift to him personally; he appropriates it and takes it to his house and does not leave it available for the workers in his laboratory.\nOn the other hand, that a personally sent copy may not reach the institute but may remain in the professor's house is illustrated by an incident which occurred during my visit to the laboratory of my dear personal friend, Professor Zuntz. Dr. Markoff, who was working with the Sond\u00ean-Pettersson gas analysis apparatus, had been working for several months trying to overcome a difficulty that Miss Johnson and I had already worked out and which had been described in Publication Do. 166. When I asked Dr. Markoff if he had seen the publication, he replied \"No\", that Professor -Zuntz had never even mentioned its existence to him. A day or two later I saw the publication lying on Professor Zuntz's table where it had been for several months. It had been opened, read, and, indeed, annotated.\nIt seems highly desirable, therefore, to inscribe on the fly leaf","page":326},{"file":"p0327.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"of each of our monographs the statement that it is presented to the library of such and such a laboratory or such and such an institute rather than to the professor in person. In this way the publication, primarily intended for a library and so marked, can not be easily appropriated by the professor and added to his own library.\nThere are certain difficulties in having this idea carried out, inasmuch as many of the books, after being printed, are immediately wrapped in paper and thus retained ready for shipment. I think this difficulty could be overcome and that the above suggestion would help a great deal in insuring adequate distribution of reprints and monographs. Personally I am inclined to think that the fewer reprints sent directly to professors the better. The reprints should for the most part be inscribed to and addressed to the library of the specific institute. Of course if there are no departmental libraries, the material must be sent directly to the professors. Furthermore it is highly probable that there are certain men whose writings in special lines of work are of such a character that they should not only have copies in their libraries but likewise in their private houses. In such cases a second copy should in fairness be sent to the individual workers.\nThere seems to be a disposition on the part of foreigners to disregard American work. This may be based in part on the fact, as they say, that they cannot get at our literature; on the other hand, I have known many instances when they could get at it and did not want to get at it. This may partly be helped by Americans sending autoreferate to foreign abstract journals, thus securing proper representation. It may likewise he necessary to republish part of the large monographs in\nFrench or German.","page":327},{"file":"z0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","page":0}],"identifier":"lit39746","issued":"1907-1933","language":"en","title":"Reports of Visits to Foreign Laboratories, vol. 3 (1913-16) [Illustrated Typoscript in 7 volumes] Reproduced with the kind permission of Dr. Cecil E. Leith","type":"Manuscript","volume":"3"},"revision":0,"updated":"2022-01-31T12:57:21.443795+00:00"}