Open Access
{"created":"2022-01-31T12:55:59.761854+00:00","id":"lit39750","links":{},"metadata":{"contributors":[{"name":"Benedict, Francis Gano","role":"author"}],"fulltext":[{"file":"a0002.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"g\t%\tvjjjfc.\n\t*\u2022\t","page":0},{"file":"a0003.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"^Harvard University\nCCbrart) of\nGhe CDedical School\nand\nGhe School of \u2018Public 3iealth","page":0},{"file":"a0004.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\n\n\n","page":0},{"file":"p0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"CONFIDENTIAL\n\"\u00c7> h <,\nREPORT OF A VISIT TO FOREIGN LABORATORIES AUGUST 1932 through FEBRUAR! 1933\nc\nBy\nFrancis G. Benedict\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNutrition Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington\nBoston, Massachusetts\n1932-1933","page":1},{"file":"p0001verso.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"/A v c <2 A *>\n\\^a/\u2022 ?","page":0},{"file":"p0002.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2\nITINERARY AND IUDEX\nCity\tInstitutions\tInvestigators\tPages\n\tIntroduction\t\t10\nRome\tXIVth International Congress of Physiology\t\t10\n\tForeign lectures\t\t22\nBerlin\t\tSteuber\t24\n\t\tGoldberg & Son\t24\n\t\tJohansson\t26\nStockholm\tCarolin Institute\tGertz\t30\n\tLaboratory of Physiology\tAbramson\t26\n\tLaboratory of Biochemistry\tv. Euler\t31\n\tDepartment of Pharmacology\tLiljestrand\t33\n\tLaboratory of Histology\tH\u00e4ggqvist\t35\n\tSerafim Lazarett\t\t\n\tClinic of Professor H. C. Jacobaeus\tNylin\t38\n\tVeterinary High School\tSahlstedt\t40\n\tLectures\t\t42\n\tGeneral comments\t\t45\nLund\tUniversity of Lund\tThunberg\t46\n\tPhysiological Institute\tLehmann\t46\n\tMedical Clinic\tMalmros\t57\n\tDepartment of Pharmacology\tAhlgren\t53\n\tDepartment of Biochemistry\tffidmark\t59\n\tGeneral comments\t\t63\nCopenhagen\tUniversity of Copenhagen\tKrogh\t64\n\tLaboratory of Zoophysiology\tLindhard\t81\n\t\tChristensen\t81\n\tCitation of literature\t\t83\n\tDistribution of Carnegie books\t\t84","page":2},{"file":"p0003.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"3\nCity\tInstitutions\tInvestigators\tPages\nCopenhagen\tUniversity of Copenhagen Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry\tHenriques Ege\t85 85\n\tLaboratory of Hygiene\tFridericia\t86\n\tCarlsberg Laboratory\tSorensen\t87\n\tAgricultural Experiment Station Department of Physiology\tM^llgaard\t90\n\tLectures\t\t95\nAberdeen\tRowett Research Institute\t\u00c8feeleod Magee Orr\t100 97 101\n\tUniversity of Aberdeen Faculty of Science, Laboratory of Physiology\tMade od\t102\n\tLecture\t\t102\n\tGeneral comments\t\t105\nEdinburgh\tUniversity of Edinburgh Department of Physiology\tSharpey-Schafer 106\t\n\tLecture\t\t106\n\tDepartment of Zoology\tAshworth\t110\n\tLecture\t\t110\n\tRoyal (Dick) Veterinary College Biochemical Laboratories\tDryerre Bogue\t113 113\nCambridge\tAddenbrooke's Hospital\tWolf\t114\n\tUniversity of Cambridge School of Agriculture, Institute of Animal Nutrition\tDeighton\t117\n\tLectures\t\t123\nLondon\tMiddlesex Hospital\tDodds Robertson\t125 125\n\tGuy's Hospital Medical School Physiological Laboratory\tPembrey Poulton\t126 126\n\tBritish Physiological Society\tPoulton Dale\t127 127","page":3},{"file":"p0004.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"4\nCity\nLondon\nOxford\nBrussels\nAachen\nAmsterdam\nUtrecht\nGroningen\nDortmund\nInstitutions\tInvestigators\tPages\nLectures\t\t129\nWhale investigation\tKemp Barcroft\t131 131\nUniversity of Oxford Department of Physiology Lecture\tSherrington Douglas Priestley\t132 132 132 132\n\tHaldane\t135\nGeneral comments\t\t136\nMilitary Laboratory for Physical Study\tGovaerts\t137\nUniversity of Brussels Faculty of Medicine, Solvay Institute of Physiology\tDemoor Bigwood\t139 139\nLecture\t\t140\nFondation ReineElisabeth (Institut de Recherches M^dicales)\tNolf Dautrebande\t141 141\nRotamesser factory of Deutsche Rotawerke\tMeyer\t142\nNederlandsch Institut voor Volksvoeding\tVan Leersum\t144\nPhysiological Institute\tNoyons Jongbloed\t145 161\nVeterinary High School\tRoos\t170\nLectures\t\t171\nUniversity of Groningen Physiological Institute\tBuytendijk Brinkman Mook\t176 176 177\nLecture\tHamburger Dirken\t177 177 180\n\tWiersma\t182\nKaiser-Wilhelm-Institut f\u00fcr Arbeitsphysiologie\tAtzler Krauss Kraut Szarkall\t\t184 184 185 189\nGeneral comments\ti\n190\nLecture","page":4},{"file":"p0005.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"5\nCity\tInstitutions\tInvestigators Pages\t\nHamburg\tUniversity of Hamburg\t\t\n\tAllgemeines Krankenhaus Eppendorf\tKestner\t192\n\tPhysiological Institute\tGroebbels\t192\n\tLecture\t\t192\n\t\tBrauer\t193\n\tMedical Clinic\tKnipping\t193\n\t\tVollmer\t193\n\tHagenbeck Animal Park\tHagenbeck Brothers\t197\nBerlin\tLandwirtschaftliche Hochschule\tMangold\t198\n\tTierphysiologisches Institut\tLinzberg\t198\n\t\tSteuber\t198\n\tVeterinary High School\tCremer\t199\n\tPhysiological Institute\tSeuffert\t199\n\tKrankenhaus Lankwitz\tZuelzer\t200\n\t\tZuntz\t201\n\tRudolf Virchow-Krankenhaus\tLichtwitz\t202\n\tKrankenhaus im Priedrichsain\tHeller\t205\n\tLectures\t\t206\n\tGeneral comments\t\t210\nLeipzig\tUniversity of Leipzig\t\t212\n\tPhysiological Institute\tGildemeister\t\n\tPhysiological-Chemical Institute\tThomas\t213\n\tLecture\t\t215\n\tInstitute of Animal Physiology\tScheunert\t217\n\tAgricultural Institute at M\u00f6ckern\tFingerling\t218\nHalle\tUniversity of Halle\t\t223\n\tPhysiological Institute\tAbderhalden\t\n\t\t\t\u00ca23\n\tLecture\t\t","page":5},{"file":"p0006.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"6\nCity\tInstitutions\tInvestigators\tPages\nHeidelberg\tKaiser-Wilhelm-Institut f\u00fcr medizinische Forschung Institut f\u00fcr Physiologie\tMeyerhof\t325\n\tKaiser-Wilhelm-Institut f\u00fcr Pathologie\tKrehl\t\u00a326\n\tUniversity of Heidelberg Laboratory of Chemistry\tFreudenberg\t\u00a331\n\tLecture\t\t232\nW\u00fcrzburg\tUniversity of W\u00fcrzburg Medical Clinic\tGrafe Bohnenkamp Hietschel Strieck\t234 234 234 234\n\tPhysiological Institute\tWohlisch\t241\n\t\tRein\t242\n\tGerman translation of Nutrition Laboratory manuscript\t\t243\nMunich\tLectures University of Munich Second Medical Clinic\tMiiller Felix Bauer\t244 246 246 246\n\tInstitute of Hygiene\tIlzhoefer\t247\n\tPhysiological Institute\tFrank\t248\n\tLecture\t\t248\nBudapest\tUniversity of Budapest Physiological-Chemical Institute\tHari Aszodi\t249 249\n\tFirst Medical Clinic\tErnst\t253\n4\tDepartment of Physiology Lectures\tFarkas Tangl\t254 254 255\n\tConsiderations regarding the Budapest situation\t\t259","page":6},{"file":"p0007.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"City\nInstitutions\nInvestigators Pages\nBelgrade\nVienna\nBerne\nDavos\nZ\u00fcrich\nBasel\nUniversity of Belgrade\tCia ja\t260\nDepartment of Physiology\tGelineo\t260\nLecture\t\t266\nPublications in Yugoslavia\t\t269\nScientific and psychological attitude\t\t270\nof scientists in Budapest and Belgrade\tDurig\t273\n\tMeyer\t273\n\tPick\t273\n\tFalta\t273\nUniversity of Berne\tAsher\t274\nPhysiological Institute\tAbelin\t276\nVeterinary Department\tHuguenin\t280\nInternational Alpine Physiological Station (Jungfraujoch)\t\t281\nForschungs-Institut\t\t282\nPhysiological Institute\tLoewy\t\nPhysical-Meteorological Observatory\tMCrikofer\t284\nUniversity of Z\u00fcrich\t\t285\nDepartment of Veterinary Medicine\tFrei\t\nAgricultural Institute for Feeding\t\t286\nDomestic Animals\tWiegner\t\nUniversity of Z\u00fcrich\t\t288\nLaboratory of Physiology\tHess\t\nLectures\t\t289\nUniversity of Basel\t\t291\nMedical Clinic\tStaehelin\t\nPhysiological Institute\tVerz\u00e2r\t292\nMedical Polyclinic\tG-igon\t296\n297\nLectures","page":7},{"file":"p0008.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"8\nCity\nStrasbourg\nParis\nVersailles\nInstitutions\nUniversity of Strasbourg Faculty of Medicine\nLaboratory of Physiology\nInstitute of Biological Chemistry\nLectures\nFaculty of Sciences\nInstitut de Physiologie\nLaboratoire de la Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Scientifique d'Hygi\u00e8ne Alimentaire et d'Alimentation Rationnelle de l\u2019Homme\nH\u00f4pital des Enfants Malades\nPediatric section of the Salp\u00e9tri\u00e8re Institut Pasteur\nInstitute of Actinology\nCollege of France\nDepartment of Physiology\nUniversity of Paris, Faculty of Sciences Laboratory of Physiology\nH\u00f4pital de la Piti\u00e9\nInstitut Marey (Boulogne-sur-Seine)\nStation Physiologique (Boulogne-sur-Seine)\nEcole Nationale v\u00e9t\u00e9rinaire at Alfort\nInvestigators\tPages\nSchaeffer\t298\nKayser\t298\nLe Breton\t302\nNicloux\t306\n\t308\nTerroine\t310\nLef\u00e8vre\t312\nAlquier\t313\nRadoin\t313\nLe Goff\t314\nNobecourt\t315\nJanet\t315\nBochet\t315\nRibodeau-Dumas\t319\nLevy\t319\nBertrand\t322\nLe Compt-du-Nouey 322\t\nSaidman\t323\nMeyer\t323\nMayer\t326\nPlantefol\t328\nChevillard\t328\nLapicque\t332\nLabbe/\t333\nBull\t334\nCaridroit\t335\nGley\t335\nMaignon\t337\nLafaye\t338\n\t339\nLectures in Paris","page":8},{"file":"p0009.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"9\nCity\nSummary\nInstitutions\nInvestigators\nAmerican medical students in Europe\nActive centers for metabolic research\nSpecial observations of immediate importance to the Nutrition Laboratory\u2019s activities\nPages\n347\n350\n355","page":9},{"file":"p0010.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"10\nINTRODUCTION.\nXIVth International Congress of Physiology.\nIt was planned this year to begin the foreign tour with the International Congress of Physiology which was held in Rome, Italy, August 29 to September 3. Since I purposed visiting practically all the European centers where work of direct interest to the Laboratory was being carried out and at these centers to give lectures representing results of unpublished work for the most part, it seemed best not to prepare a paper for the Congress. On the other hand, the Nutrition Laboratory was well represented by an interesting paper given by Dr. Carpenter. Both Dr. Carpenter and myself presided at sessions of the Congress, but for me the Congress was primarily a period of orientation, for there I could see many of the men I was to see later and get specific information with regard to the programs, the periods of their vacation, and their return to active work, etc. Much of this we had endeavored to secure beforehand by correspondence, but the inevitable overlapping of semesters in the various universities and the fact that the more northern universities begin their work earlier in the season made it necessary to rearrange a program that had been fairly well established before leaving America.\nAt the Congress there were a very large number of old friends and research workers in our special lines. Although I did not attend by any means all of the sessions, those which were of particular interest to the work of the Nutrition Laboratory were attended. I purposely entered into no discussions, realizing that I would see these individual workers at their own laboratories later and there take up points that needed clarifying. (See figures 1, 2, and 3.)\nIt is a fact that at a Congress the \"Discussion\u201d is divided into two different classes; first, complimentary statements with regard to research carried out. This goes without saying and it is quite unnecessary to take up the time of the Congress to make such statements. It is not helpful. The second method is, I think, to ask questions or to express differences of opinion with regard to the speaker and this is invariably interpreted on the part of the audience as a whole as adverse criticism. No matter if the paper as a whole is approved, if one point is raised in the line of discussion it is almost always considered a sign of disagreement with the entire paper. This of course is unjust. I was particularly interested in the communication of Professor Noyons on the insensible perspiration as being affected by different degrees of humidity, but left practically all discussion or criticism until subsequently arriving in Utrecht.","page":10},{"file":"p0011.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"11\n!","page":11},{"file":"p0012.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"12\nFigure ^\t. Rome, Italy. Group at International Congress\nof Physiology in Rome. In the center in white suit, Professor Asher. Many others can be recognized by lens.\nFigure ^\t. Rome, Italy. Professor J. E. Johannson.\nPhotograph taken during International Congress of Physiology.","page":12},{"file":"p0013.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"13\nDi*. Carpenter presided at one of the most important sessions where there was a good deal, perhaps the most, discussion and I heard nothing but words of approval of his handling of the situation as chairman.\nDuring the several days of the Congress a large number of appointments were made and definite plans outlined for visiting the different laboratories and rearrangement of the general itinerary, which had to be completely upset, thus almost making it apparent that there could be nothing done in the southern universities, that is, nothing south of Berlin. So, the first major change in the program was to plan to jump from Rome to Stockholm, a very long jump.\nExhibits at Rome.\nThere was a fairly large exhibit of instruments and perhaps a larger proportion than usual dealing with metabolism.\nRat apparatus. A rat apparatus of Italian design, although made by Castagna of Vienna, attracted attention at first sight for it was extremely pretty, but singularly enough there was no recognition of the water vapor given off by soda lime or potassium hydroxide and yet the exhibitor claimed to measure both the oxygen and the carbon dioxide. The pump was very elaborate and probably would not stand up. There was a beautiful model of the small spirometer of the Krogh type. My impression was that the exhibit was beautiful as an exhibit but wholly impracticable. (This apparatus is shown in figures , <S~, and (, herewith.)\nBenedict respiration apparatus. There was a grotesque model of the so-called \"Benedict respiration apparatus\", with a giant soda-lime can closed with seven thumb screws. It might work but was very cumbersome. (See figures 7 and .)\nSnipping type of apparatus. A large model, designed I think by Melli, of the Snipping type of apparatus for man included the absorption of COg in potassium hydroxide which was mechanically agitated, and then released later by sulphuric acid. It was an extremely complicated device and I do not know whether it would work or not.\nScheme for respiration apparatus with three spirometers.\nThe Nutrition Laboratory has been working for years to try to find some apparatus that would write graphically both the oxygen consumption and the carbon-dioxide production. Our experience in investigating the Hagedorn apparatus covers many months. Mr. Coro-patchinsky and I spent fruitless months trying to devise such","page":13},{"file":"p0014.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"14\nft\nFigure tj- . Rome, Italy. Rat apparatus of Italian design, made by Castagna of Vienna and exhibited at International Congress of Physiology at Rome.","page":14},{"file":"p0015.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"15\n\n\n\n\nFigure . Rome, Italy. Rat apparatus of Italian design, made by Castagna of Vienna and exhibited at International Congress of Physiology at Rome. Very poorly constructed.\nFigure v? . Rome, Italy. Another view of rat apparatus of Italian design, made by Castagna of Vienna and exhibited at International Congress of Physiology at Rome.","page":15},{"file":"p0016.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\n16\nFigure 1 . Roiae, Italy. View of part of exhibit at International Congress of Physiology at Rome, showing Krogh respiration apparatus at left and Benedict respiration apparatus at right. This view shows the large valves and the massive soda-lime container at the lower left-hand corner.\nFigure % . Rome, Italy. Another view of part of exhibit at International Congress of Physiology at Rome, showing Krogh respiration apparatus at left and Benedict respiration apparatus at right with metal soda-lime can.","page":16},{"file":"p0017.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"an apparatus. Here I saw what at first sight seemed to be a solution of the problem. The apparatus was devised by Professor Trimarchi of Milan. As a matter of fact there was no apparatus at the exhibit, only the scheme, but Professor Trimarchi stated that he had the apparatus at Milan. There were three spirometers but in this ease, as I recall, he weighed the carbon dioxide, but again, as in the small rat apparatus mentioned above, he apparently forgot about the water vapor given off from soda lime.\nOn careful examination of the scheme I came to the conclusion it was wholly impracticable. Since this time I have looked for a description of it but fail to see it. I hardly think it can materialize.\nRespiration calorimeter at Genoa. Shortly before the Congress closed and after all of r\u00e7y travel arrangements had been made, I met a Professor Viale of Genoa, who told me he had an apparatus for direct calorimetry at Genoa and that he had succeeded in having a constant temperature chamber hewn out of solid rock, for equal^ temperature. I tried to find further information about this on my tour but no one had actually seen it.\nPipette for pyro. A Dr. Marchelli had what appeared to be an extremely ingenious pipette for absorbing fluids in gas analysis. I called Dr. Carpenter\u2019s attention to it as he had not seen it and suggested that he study it very carefully. Dr. Carpenter brought back with him one or more of these pipettes and finds that while they are ingenious they are impracticable and in no sense a betterment over the present form that he has on his apparatus. (See comment by Krogh, page bf. )\nCongress communications.\nOf the numerous Congress communications, a relatively small proportion were of vital interest to us. Dr. Carpenter visited most of these and I took in only a relatively few. Of these I have already mentioned the paper of Noyons on the insensible perspiration. At the time I was there my notes read definitely that Noyons maintains that the insensible perspiration varies with the humidity, that I must see him in Utrecht, and that I felt there was a great deal of water vapor in the bed clothing, etc., and not enough time allowed for equalization. This recalled the same difficulty that had been written about so voluminously by Heller. This point of humidity will be touched upon several times in this report.","page":17},{"file":"p0018.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Comments on the helmet. Following a discussion of the Chinese metabolism, Necheles made the comment that he had found that the helmet was useless. I think I pointed out that the metabolism fell 10 per cent during sleep when measured by the helmet, and Necheles got up and stated that he thought the helmet was no good. It then transpired that Necheles had obtained the first helmet made outside the Nutrition Laboratory and made on order by Collins, who had no business to make it for him. i\u00efe had not published the material and had not perfected the closures, nor had Collins been authorized to make it. This is an extraordinary representation of the damaging of the success of technique by imperfect preliminary use. It is needless to say that the thousands of experiments with the helmet have proved its unusual success.","page":18},{"file":"p0019.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"19\nDiplomatic mission.\nVisiting as I do so many different laboratories, and with the same interest in problems shown in nearly every laboratory, it has been frequently possible for me to correct misunderstandings between different research men, to carry greetings from one to the other, and to discuss results in a very general way, bringing in the work of the various individuals. Thus I have obtained, often unsolicited, the very adverse criticism of one investigator of another, and also not infrequently very favorable comment. I have felt it one of my duties to carry forward with me all references to other workers that may be helpful and stimulating and encouraging, with, of course, minimum emphasis upon adverse criticism other than what can be brought out in a personal discussion of points at issue. Thus I have frequently taken an adverse comment of another investigator, put it forth as a comment of my own, and tried to straighten the thing out, and then have not infrequently written back to the other man either that he in ny judgment was right or that he was wrong. This has all been done in a very quiet, unpretentious sort of way, so that I have been able to straighten out not a few such difficulties. It was a matter of very great personal pleasure to me when I have been, on several occasions, introduced by the speakers as a \"liaison officer\" between the various laboratories.\nSuch a phase of the European travel I have designated under the head of \"Diplomatic missions\". It has called for not a little thought and at times not a little correspondence. If one is favorably impressed with an institute or with a research worker it is a relatively small matter to write, after the visit, a letter to the senior of the laboratory (in case one is writing with regard to an assistant), or to the rector of the university or even to the Minister of Education, when one is commenting upon the work of an institute as a whole. These letters undoubtedly do good that can not be measured in terms of material welfare, perhaps. They are always appreciated and it is one graceful method of showing the appreciation of the Nutrition Laboratory for the innumerable courtesies that have been extended to us.\nAs a result of the unprecedented success of the Congress in Rome, I felt it was simple justice to write to the Minister of Education regarding the monumental task undertaken by Professor Bottazzi in organizing the Congress, and this letter is here appended as an example of the type of letter that I had the great pleasure of writing on frequent occasions.","page":19},{"file":"p0020.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"21st October, 1932.\nS. E. Professor Ercole,\nMinistre Educazione Nationale,\nROME,\nItaly.\n%\u25a0 dear Sir,\nSince I am writing while en tour, I have not official stationery, but I am writing officially as Director of the Nutrition Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, located in Boston, Mass., U.S.A.\nIn common with a large number of Americans, Mrs. Benedict and I had the unusual good fortune to be present at the recent International Congress of Physiology held in Rome under the direction of Professor F. Bottazzi.\nDuring the week of the Congress all of us were extremely impressed by the extraordinarily successful arrangements for both the scientific and the social functions. We- feel deeply grateful to the Italian Government and particularly to Professor Bottazzi for all their efforts in arrangements for our comfort and pleasure during this time.\nAt one time the possibility of holding a Congress seemed somewhat doubtful, but with characteristic energy Professor Bottazzi carried the thing through to a splendid climax.\nIn a letter like this it is impossible to make a complete assessment of the scientific value, which was very great, but I would like to emphasize a side of the Congress that was probably not so definitely realized by the Members until after departure from Rome with certain time for reflection.\nI am referring to the tremendous educational value of this Congress in aiding a large number of foreigners to better understand the true idealism of not only Italian scientists, but of the Italian Government. Most of us went to Rome, I am sure,","page":20},{"file":"p0021.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"21\neither inadequately or wholly falsely informed as to the Italian situation. First hand observation shows us how erroneous our ideas were and hence I feel personally that the Congress has accomplished a great end in a step towards mutual international understanding. It is needless to say that one of the most potent factors in accomplishing this was the wholly unique and sympathetic character of Professor Bottazzi. May I congratulate you and the Italian Government in having had the details of this Congress in the hands of so worthy a representative as Professor Bottazzi.\nI am,\nVery truly yours,\n(signed) Francis G. Benedict\nFRANCIS G. BENEDICT.\nDirector.","page":21},{"file":"p0022.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"22\nForeign lectures .\nOn the general plan, first inaugurated by Professor Miles of the Laboratory, that representatives of the laboratory could secure much more cooperation in studying the results of unpublished foreign work if they brought something with them to the various laboratories, I planned to give lectures as in the past few tours.\nSeveral rather important innovations were introduced on this trip. First, instead of having one lecture I prepared three.\nSecond, while formerly the lecture that I gave consisted exclusively of unpublished material, this year because of the fact that the work on cold-blooded animals had been published only in monograph form and hence was practically unknown to the large body of younger physiologists, it was decided to make the first lecture a semi-popular presentation or digest of the snake book. The second lecture summarized our new, unpublished for the most part, results on comparative physiology with special reference to comparative metabolism, bringing in the discussion of the surface-area law and the differences in metabolism of different species of animals, especially warm-blooded. This lecture is to be the basis of a comprehensive article, discussing the question as a whole, to be published I hope ere long. Since very frequently I would be invited to address various medical societies, hospital centers, etc., the third lecture dealt with human metabolism in the light of most recent investigations, laying emphasis upon its practical application in the hospitals.\nThese three lectures were carefully written in English and then they were translated into excellent German by Dr. Strieck of W\u00fcrzburg and into French by Miss Vuilleumier of the Laboratory Staff. Thus I had nine manuscripts, three English, three German, and three French.\nTo aid in presenting to friends I was about to visit specific details in regard to the lectures a pamphlet was prepared and printed, giving certain fundamental information with regard to the lectures as a whole and giving a table of contents, so to speak, of each lecture. This was sent on, usually several weeks in advance, to the various centers I purposed visiting. This enabled the selection of the lecture by the medical society, etc., and gave a much wider choice than the single lecture I had usually carried with me. (A copy of this program is shown herewith.) The lectures were illustrated by lantern slides, of which I had 75 in all. Those in the snake lecture were obviously copies of material already printed.\nThe other two lectures represented, as usual, for the most part unpublished material.\nThere was no occasion or no necessity for giving any of these in Rome, for the Congress was devoted almost exclusively to series of short papers.","page":22},{"file":"p0023.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","page":23},{"file":"p0023s0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Synopses of three lectures available for presentation by Dr. Francis G. Benedict\nDirector of the Nutrition Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Boston, Massachusetts, U. S. A.\nAfter attending the XIVth International Physiological Congress at Rome, Dr. and Mrs. Francis G. Benedict will start on their triennial tour of European institutions. On this tour, at the time of the visits to various research centers, lectures, if desired, will be given.\nThese lectures have been translated and will be given in either French or German, in addition to English. Projection slides (standard American size, 101 by 82 millimeters) will be used in all three lectures; in the first lecture, 23 slides; in the second, 13 slides; and in the third, 38 slides. Owing to the liberality of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Dr. Benedict is privileged to give these lectures at certain university and hospital centers without honorarium or any other expense. The delivery of each lecture occupies approximately one hour or slightly less. Each lecture is independent of the other lectures. In general there will hardly be time for more than one of the lectures in any one institution.\nPermanent European address until March 1, 1933\nDr. Francis G. Benedict,\nCare Brown, Shipley & Co.,\n123 Pall Mall,\nLondon, England.\nThe physiology of great tortoises and snakes\nAND ITS RELATION TO HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY\nIntroduction\nUse of studies with cold-blooded animals to illuminate problems in human physiology\nOutline of research by Nutrition Laboratory on cold-blooded animals Special objects Animals studied Body temperature of snake Mouth Rectal\nInfluence of handling, agitation, digestion Reaction to intense cold\nComparison of rectal and environmental temperatures Skin, rectal, and environmental temperatures compared","page":0},{"file":"p0023s0002.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"(Continuation of First Synopsis )\nIncubating python\nHistorical survey\nSkin temperature compared with environmental temperature\nPaths for heat loss by cold-blooded animals Water vaporized by the snake Direct calorimetric measurements with snakes\nDigestion experiments with snakes and tortoises Protein, fat, and carbohydrate\nRespiratory quotients\nHigh with tortoises after food Low with snakes at low temperatures\nEconomy in energy expenditure of cold-blooded animals\nMetabolism of fasting cold-blooded animals Temperature coefficient\nRattlesnakes at 15\u00b0 to 44\u00b0 C.\nComparison of cold-blooded animals of different sizes Surface-area measurements\nStretching of skin of snake Factor of coiling\nWhat is true surface area of tortoise?\nPer kilogram Per square meter\nSurface-area conception insufficient\nShould consider heat loss rather than heat production\nComparison of cold- and warm-blooded animals at same cell temperature Hibernating animals compared with cold-blooded Cold-blooded warmed to 37\u00b0\n37\u00b0 not a damaging temperature for snake\nCold-blooded even at 37\u00b0 can produce only 1/8th the heat of warmblooded\nProbable explanation of difference in metabolism of cold- and warm-blooded animals\nDistribution of the blood\nIntermediary stages between cold- and warm-blooded Incubating python Tortoise\nHibernating animal\nBasal metabolism in comparative physiology\nIntroduction\nCharacter of Nutrition Laboratory investigations Human and animal metabolism Comparative physiology\nDevelopment and simplification of techniques Closed and open circuits Carpenter gas-analysis apparatus\nConstancy in composition of outdoor air\nBases of comparing metabolism of different animals Per kilogram Per square meter\nValues of surface area constant (K) in Meeh formula S = K x w 1 Prerequisites for comparable basal metabolism measurements Mouse, extremely labile metabolism Rat\nHuddling\nGiant rats\u2014influence of size and of fasting Small birds\u2014canaries, parrakeets, sparrows Doves and pigeons\nInfluence of temperature, season, growth; wild versus domesticated doves Normal and Frizzle fowl\nInfluence of time of day, temperature, sex, moulting, defective plumage Rectal temperatures\nSurface temperatures of head appendages, legs, and feet Goose\nMarmot, awake and during hibernation Monkey (Macacus Rhesus)\nLarge domestic animals\u2014steer, cow, horse, sow Techniques employed\nFeces and urine separating device for cows Results\nWater vapor and insensible perspiration of humans and animals compared\nComparison of basal metabolism of all animals studied by Nutrition Laboratory Heat per kilogram Heat per square meter","page":0},{"file":"p0023s0003.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Human basal metabolism in the light qf recent studies\nIntroduction\nFactors affecting basal metabolism Age, weight, height, sex Surface area conception Sleep Race\nTechniques well established Age factor\nSeries of observations on 3 men and I woman, over a period of 1 7 to 24 years\nObservations on elderly women, 66 to 86 years old Racial factor\nChinese and Japanese women\nSouth Indian women (Tamils and Malayalis)\nAustralian aboriginals (Kokata men and women)\nMaya, male, Indians in Yucatan (3 expeditions)\nAmerican-born Chinese girls in Boston Racial factor with pigeons and doves Constancy in metabolism from day to day\nObservations on a man over a 3-week period Sleep factor\nObservations on South Indian women during sleep Observations during \u201chypnotic sleep\u201d\nHelmet apparatus in its various forms Helmet as a breathing appliance Closed circuit for 02 only Spirometer tracings Closed circuit for both C02 and 03 Rest experiments Work experiments Open circuit, both C02 and 0\u201e\nRest experiments Work experiments Mental effort experiments Muscular work and high oxygen experiments Muscular work and alcohol experiments Observations in recovery period following muscular work Value in the clinic of measurements of Insensible perspiration\nBasal metabolism; simple helmet-rotamesser apparatus enables rapid measurements of basal metabolism as a hospital routine Temperature of expired air; its potentiality as a clinical measure","page":0},{"file":"p0024.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"BERLIN, GERMANY\nEn route to Stockholm a day was spent in Berlin, in which time opportunity was taken to try to straighten out the problem of securing translations of articles for Pfl\u00fcger\u2019s Archiv in the hands of Fr\u00e4ulein Steuber. On a visit to the laboratory of Professor Mangold I was told that she (Steuber) was away in Switzerland. They told me that she has no assistants working with her, she works alone and nobody knows anything of her goings and comings. I found she was in Davos with Professor Loewy and hence nothing could be done about the translations.\nI also learned that she had tuberculosis of many years' standing and had to be extremely careful.\nRat treadmill. Inasmuch as we were preparing and had practically finished the articles on rats, I wanted to find the place where I thought the description of the \"rat treadmill\" I had seen years before in Berlin had been published. (See figure*^ .) Letters to Goldberg, manufacturer of the treadmill, had been without result, so I visited Goldberg's establishment and found that he was sick. He had written me on August 10, but I had not yet received the letter. I inferred finally that the apparatus I saw there had not been made there but that he had brought it there to be copied. I got no satisfactory returns from my inquiries and hence it was impossible to cite the apparatus in our current rat publications.","page":24},{"file":"p0025.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"25\nFigure 7\t\u2022 Berlin, Germany,\nby M. J. Goldberg & Son.\nRat treadmill manufactured\n","page":25},{"file":"p0026.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"26\nSTOCKHOLM, SWEDEN \u00bb\nCarolin Institute, Laboratory of Physiology.\nJ. E. Johansson, Professor emeritus, Professor H. 7. Gertz, and\nDr. E. Abramson.\nIn the laboratory there were many respiration chambers of various sizes, but the entire laboratory is built around the thesis that the determination of carbon dioxide alone is sufficient. Professor Johansson is strongly obsessed with this idea. There were several respiration chambers, one large enough to hold the Johansson ergostat. He apparently used the chamber as a closed chamber without ventilation. Instead of having a spirometer outside in connection with the chamber, he had inside a large rubber bag which could expand and contract as air was taken into the lungs.\n(See figure 10.)\nIn connection with gas analysis I found a clever stopcock device. At the end of the stopcock there had been extended a sort of glass loop with a hole in it. In the loop was a small spiral spring, the other end of which was attached to a metal support.\nThus there was almost a spring tension holding the stopcock into the seat and preventing the stopcock dropping out, and thus securing a good seat and closure.\nSimple bicycle ergometer. Abramson had a very simple bicycle ergometer with a front handle. The wheel was covered with heavy lead cable wire threaded in and out the spokes to give weight to the rear wheel. There was a prony brake with suitable tension which could be taken up by handles and tension made on a small spring balance such as we would call a \u2019\u2019fish scale\u201d. It was very cheap and apparently very serviceable. (See figure//.)\nApparatus for studying the heart impulse. Among the numerous papers and exhibits at Rome, that which greatly attracted attention was the apparatus of Atzler and his associates at Dortmund in which the dielectric capacity of the heart was studied and the amount of blood passing through the heart at its various phases recorded photographically. Abramson had a heart impulse apparatus based upon the fundamental idea of Yandell Henderson. He (Y. Henderson) used a cot bed or bench on which the man lay and each impulse beat of the heart was recorded. This was first, I believe, used about the time of the Pike\u2019s Peak expedition.\nAbramson used the idea only that the subject was sitting in a chair and the chair is clamped by very stiff flat springs so","page":26},{"file":"p0027.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"27\n\n\n\nFigure I 0 . Stockholm, Sweden. Carolin Institute,\nLaboratory of Physiology. Interior of Johansson respiration chambers, showing in the rear the temperature pipes for cooling and a rubber bag connected to the outside with a hole through the wall, allowing expansion and contraction with each respiration. It is a closed circuit and closed chamber with spirometer.\n","page":27},{"file":"p0028.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"28\nFigure 1/ . Stockholm, Sweden. Carolin Institute,\nLaboratory of Physiology. Bicycle ergometer with front handle, used by Dr. Abramson. ?/heel is covered with heavy lead cable wire threaded in and out the spokes to give weight to the rear wheel.\n","page":28},{"file":"p0029.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"39\nthere is almost no give or slack to the springs. The extremely slight moves produced by the heart impulses are magnified by a twist or torsion on a flat ribbon carrying a mirror and reflections from this in turn are photographed. From these photographs he obtains heart curves characteristic for each person after work.\nThe changes in heart rate with inspiration or expiration could be shown. He had a great many curves. From the technical side of the thing it is impracticable to hold the breath during the measurement, for the tension of the muscles as the breath is held gives a confusing picture. He had a number of pictures in which adrenalin was given but he got pronounced tremors in some cases. They had already made considerable application in certain pathological cases in the Serafim Hospital. Judging solely and simply from the form of curves obtained and carrying in mind the form of curves obtained by Atzler, it seemed to me there might be a correlation between Atzler*s dielectric heart pictures and Abramson's material. If there was a relationship it would enormously enhance the value of each. Abramson thought he would follow up this matter carefully.\nHis idea is to turn the matter over to the clinic as there is much promise of it in pathological cases. He also felt that it should show the volume output of the heart per beat.\nAs a result of my visit to Abramson it struck me that there was a possibility of making use perhaps in a minor way of our upright Chatillon balance at the laboratory for studying the heart impulse. We have often noted when standing on this balance the heart impulse. It occurred to me that by extending out through the glass face the rod holding the pointer one could attach a mirror to this and photographically record the heart impulses. It would be perfectly simple to build a chair on the balance. I thought this apparatus could be used in the basement where there would be no tremors. There could be a photograph on a paper about 6 to 8 cm. long for each complete cycle. The problems that occurred to me were (1) Does subject A at rest but after food give the same curve (a) 15 minutes to 15 minutes (b) day to day considering food? (2) How do A, B, and C differ (a) with food, without food? (5) Can we duplicate curves on the same individual at different times or different days?\n(4) Is there any \"over-shooting\" in the curves? I would predict, No. Of course all the precautions found necessary by Abramson and Atzler should be followed. It would seem as if this was a simple apparatus that might still furnish some important evidence for the hospital.\nAs on my former trip I was extremely impressed by Abramson as a serious, clever-minded, mechanically and mathematically inclined man. He was the only man in the Department of Physiology who is now interested in metabolism lines. The successor of Johansson, Professor Gertz, is interested primarily in mathematical optics and has little or no interest in metabolism. Here again have one of these","page":29},{"file":"p0030.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"astonishing illustrations so frequently found in European laboratories where the former professor of physiology has developed a splendid school, and has developed magnificent equipment in the laboratory, and when he retires it seems as if the university authorities went just as far as they could go in the opposite direction to find a man with distinctly different interests to act as his successor. Only too frequently this means that a very expensive and elaborate equipment is left unused or at least later becomes antiquated. When one thinks of what used to be the output of the Tigerstedt-Sond\u00e9n-Johansson school in which so many contributions to metabolism have been made, it seems sad to find this entire tradition and splendid equipment resting solely for its future in the hands of a young, although very capable, chap with his chief practically without interest in the problem.\nProfessor Gertz. Although I have never known Professor Gertz intimately I saw more of him on this occasion. I was profoundly impressed by his fortitude throughout the entire time of my stay. Professor Gertz was laboring under the frightful tragedy of the approaching imminent death of his wife from cancer. In fact it was a very great consideration that he appeared at my lecture.","page":30},{"file":"p0031.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN.\nCarolin Institute, Laboratory of Biochemistry.\nProfessor v. Euler.\nThis laboratory is new, elegantly arranged, and it has apparently the same fine attitude toward biochemistry that one finds in the laboratory of Sorensen; that is, biochemical organic studies can be carried out in a clean, neat laboratory. He is very much interested in problems dealing with vitamin E of Evans, colloid solutions and carotodin, and dealing with what he called chemical genetics. One special problem was the study of chlorophyl versus no chlorophyl. He used corn as a test plant. I was much impressed by the beautiful statuette of Carl Wilhelm Scheele done by a modern sculptor, which stood in the portico of the new laboratory. It was a very fine conception. I tried to get a photograph but was unable to do so.\nWe visited at the home of Professor v. Euler, where I took a photograph. (See figure / <2. .)","page":31},{"file":"p0032.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"32\nFigure I, Stockholm, Sweden. Home of Professor H. von Euler. Left to right: Mrs. von Euler, Mrs. Benedict, Professor von Euler, and Dr. Benedict.\n","page":32},{"file":"p0033.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"33\nSTOCKHOLM, SWEDEN.\nCarolin Institute, Department of Pharmacology.\nProfessor 0. Liljestrand.\nSince the retirement of Professor Johansson, my interest in Stockholm has centered in large part about my dear good friend, Professor Liljestrand. The fact that he had been but a relatively short time before in Boston and we had been in intimate touch with him made a visit to his laboratory most important. We were extremely fortunate in being with him a good part of our time in Stockholm. As a member of the Nobel commission he talked rather freely in relation to Rubner and the Nobel prize, stating that Rubner never had a_ chance at the Nobel prize as his work was old when the Nobel prize was founded and in spite of Lusk\u2019s statement in the necrology of Rubner he, Rubner, did not step on Professor \"X\u2019s\" toes. He also said that it was quite impossible for him to agree that Rubner was anything like the greatest man he ever met.\nHe considered that his isodynamic replacement of the nutrients was Rubner\u2019s most important work. Liljestrand is as stimulating as ever, with a great variety of interests, with a wide personal acquaintance with European scientists, and one of the finest minds I have ever met. He is at present very much interested in alcohol and the rate of loss by ventilation when the subject breathes 5 per cent carbon dioxide and 95 per cent oxygen. He was interested in the problem as to whether you can sweep out methyl alcohol by overventilation. If so, one may possibly off-set its cumulative tendency.\nOne problem in connection with the snake investigation was interesting to Liljestrand in that he thought perhaps one should keep cold-blooded animals at a high temperature and see if there was any tendency to develop an increased blood distribution or does it take ages. Lfy feeling is that it would take a very long time.\nHe thinks that the theory that the absence of blood circulation is the difference between cold-blooded and warm-blooded is very plausible. While Liljestrand is primarily a pharmacologist he can select his own problems and probably they are fully as much of a physiological as a pharmacological nature. Ity own feeling is that Liljestrand is the keenest among men in physiology in Europe. I know of no one who has the breadth of view that he has, with remarkably good powers of assessment and analysis. It is no wonder that I purposely arranged to be in contact with him as much as possible during my stay in Stockholm.","page":33},{"file":"p0034.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"34\nMy admiration for Scheele and the fact that I have often stated that he is the patron saint of our laboratory found a ready response in Liljestrand, and he very kindly showed me a recently discovered portrait of Scheele and after I left Stockholm presented a copy of this portrait to the Laboratory. Sometime later I was able to secure from him a little of the history of Scheele.\nThe statue that I saw in the laboratory of v. Euler was made by a celebrated Swedish artist, Milles. The original is at Scheele\u2019s old home, K\u00f6ping, and it is of full size. The well-known statue of Scheele in Stockholm is always worth while visiting.\nWe have a photograph of it at the Nutrition Laboratory. It is of course idealized and certainly not a portrait, but his indomitable spirit is admirably brought out both in this and in the more modern statue. The Laboratory is especially fortunate in having the newer, apparently authentic copy of the minature of Scheele. The following description is from a letter from Professor Liljestrand dated June 19, 1933.\n\"The portrait of Scheele that I sent to you is a reproduction of a miniature painting on ivory made during his life-time, probably when Scheele was about 25 years old. It has been in the possession of relatives to Scheele since then; in 1929 a Swedish apothecary, Mr. Gullstr\u00f6m, had the opportunity of seeing a reproduction from the original made in 1886. He interested the Swedish Society of Apothecaries, and after a long search he traced the original back to some relative of Scheele living in Berlin, from whom the minature was bought by the society. A detailed description of the hunting for the painting has been given by Gullstr\u00f6m (Norges Apotekerforenings Tidsskrift 1931/1932) but only in Swedish........\n\"The modern statue of Scheele that you are referring to was made by Milles - who is now in U.S.A. - for the city of Hoping, where Scheele lived for a long time and ultimately died. There is a reproduction of it in the notes on Scheele to the Physiological Congress - I enclose a copy - and another one in the little pamphlet on Milles which I am sending to you. As you will find from p. 49 the original statue is about life-size or a little more. The replica you saw at Euler\u2019s laboratory is 50 cm. high and costs 900 Sw. crowns. It is the only size obtainable and can be had from Bergmans Konstgjuteri AB., Roslagsgatan 31, Stockholm.\"","page":34},{"file":"p0035.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN\nCarolin Institute, Laboratory of Histology.\nProfessor G. P. E. H\u00e4ggqvist.\nIn Professor H\u00e4ggqvist's laboratory they were working on temperatures in the liver and in the peritoneum. They had thermal junctions placed in the body of the living, quiet rabbit and they wrote curves 24 hours long. The temperature in the liver was always about a half a degree higher than that in the peritoneum. They had given adrenalin, insulin, and other materials. The thing seemed to me very ingenious, but only just started, and what will be the outcome I do not know. (See figures M, / */, and /S'.)","page":35},{"file":"p0036.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"36\nFigure 13 . Stockholm, Sweden. Madame H\u00e4ggqvist and Professor Haggqvist in their library.","page":36},{"file":"p0037.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"37\nFigure 1 + . Stockholm, Sweden. Left to right: Mrs. H\u00e4ggqvist, Mrs. Benedict, and Dr. Benedict.\nFigure /-JT . Stockholm, Sweden. Left to right: Mrs. H\u00e4ggqvist, Mrs. Benedict, and Professor H\u00e4ggqvist.","page":37},{"file":"p0038.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"38\nSTOCKHOLM, SWEDEN.\nSerafim Lazarett, Clinic of Professor H. C. Jacobaeus.\nDr, Nylin.\nDr. Nylin was much interested in the work and output of the heart, using a Krogh apparatus for oxygen, and then he got the curves one minute after work to six minutes after work and then rested four minutes. The kind of work that he did seemed to me rather unfortunate. He had a semi-circular staircase. The patient walked ujo six or seven steps and then down. (See figure 16-a.) This gave a very irregular rhythm to the metabolism, I thought, and not suitable for his particular problem. This same thing I have seen in other places. Nylin impressed me as an interesting and capable man, much interested in pathological problems.","page":38},{"file":"p0039.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"39\nFigure /\tStockholm, Sweden. Serafim Lazarett,\nLaboratory of Dr. Nylin. This photograph shows the semi-circular staircase with the exercising steps up and down, also a Krogh spirometer and bed for rest experiments.\n","page":39},{"file":"p0040.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"40\nSTOCKHOLM, SWEDEN* Veterinary High School. Professor A. W. Sahlstedt.\nI had heard from Professor Liljestrand about Professor Sahlstedt and I was very anxious to see his laboratory. It was set up with a good many very ingenious features, and one of them was, for example, that all of the stopcocks on the desk were below the desk so it would not be possible to brush open a stopcock when passing by or hit them with bottles, etc. There was an especially ingenious method for handling lecture charts and hanging them. There was a special non-spattering water faucet.\nHe had also a scheme for counterpoising the Krogh spirometer bell at_ all positions with a back angle clamp to hold his counterpoise.\nTo prevent dogs which had had operations such as fistulas from lapping their wounds or pulling off bandages, etc., Sahlstedt had each dog wear a very large collar. This collar was made of thin compo-board and might be two or three feet in diameter. In this way it would prevent the dog from getting his head to any parts of his body and yet at the same time allow freedom of the head without muzzling. This same neck collar I saw subsequently in the laboratory of Karl Thomas in Leipzig.\nThey apparently had done some work on the inspired air and expired air of a horse and showed me a mask with two holes for the thermometers, wet and dry bulb. There were a number of masks and connections for getting the temperature of ingoing and outgoing air.\nNo metabolism was done at all but one found traces of researches on the temperature of expired air and the humidity carried out in connection with Liljestrand. Altogether it was a very interesting laboratory to see, chiefly from the standpoint of equipment. Sahlstedt is now dean of the Veterinary High School and hence too occupied with administration to do much in research.\nI took two photographs in Sahlstedt's laboratory. (See figures 16-b and 16-c.)","page":40},{"file":"p0041.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"FigureHrJlr. Stockholm, Sweden. Veterinary High School. Photograph of Professor A. W. Sahlstedt, showing his method of preventing spatter of a vacuum pump inserted in the top of a tube.\nFigureStockholm, Sweden. Veterinary High School, Professor A. W. Sahlstedt. Inspiratory and expiratory valves in Sahlstedt*s laboratory.","page":41},{"file":"p0042.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"42\nLectures in Stockholm\u00ab\nThe first lecture was given September 13 in the lecture hall of the Serafim Hospital under the auspices of Professor Holmgren, in the morning, to an audience of circa 150. I gave them the third ' lecture. Both in his introduction and in his concluding remarks Professor Holmgren emphasized the importance of such lectures in cementing international relationships. The second lecture was given on September 16, in the evening, in the lecture room of the Physiological Laboratory, and was, I think, before the Stockholm Biological Society. I gave the snake lecture. There was a very good audience and very considerable interest in the material. (There was an announcement of this lecture.) There was also an account of my visit published in the newspaper, \"Dagens Nyhetter\", for September 16,\n1932, and the clipping is appended here. See page tj. In connection with the Holmgren Clinic lecture I profited by Professor Liljestrand's comments, who suggested that I cut out the details of the rotamesser apparatus as he found it very difficult to follow. Dr. Berglund who was present suggested that I cut out the insensible perspiration, but later considered I should cut out the details ol the open versus the closed circuit, with the simple statement that it could be used. These comments were very helpful and suggested very wise practical cuts which were made.\nOf special interest to me was the discussion of Zotterman and Liljestrand, commenting upon the enormous \"oxygen debt\" of the snake. It would appear as if someone simply must do the lactic acid in the snake.\nAmong those attending the lectures was Professor Rehberg of Copenhagen, who wanted for Copenhagen the lecture he heard at the Holmgren Clinic. He is apparently arranging the lectures at Copenhagen as Krogh is away. Abelin of Berne was also at the lecture in Stockholm.","page":42},{"file":"p0044.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"44","page":44},{"file":"p0044s0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"DAGEIS WH El EK.\nFredagen den 16 September 1932\n|p\nftlll\u00c4ll\nAmerikansk fysiolog p\u00e0 europeisk fum\u00e9, prisar svenska maten.\nSJUNDE G\u00c4NGEN I STOCKHOLM\n\n\n*\nr\n-\n\n\n\n\nlii\n\u25a0fr:)\n\n\n\n\n\nfl\n- VJ\nProfessor Francis G. Benedict med sin n\u00e4rmaste medarbetare, mrs\nBenedict.\nDen stockholmska vetenskapsv\u00e4rl-den har f\u00f6r n\u00e4rvarande bes\u00f6k av en v\u00e4rldsber\u00f6md amerikansk forskare, professor Francis G. Benedict, vilken \u00e4r h\u00e4r f\u00f6r att f\u00f6r sina svenska kolle-ger framl\u00e4gga resultatet av sina forsk-ningar p\u00e4 det n\u00e4ringsfysiologiska om-r\u00e4det under de tre senaste \u00e4ren.\n\u2014 Det \u00e4r sjunde gangen jag bes\u00f6-ker Stockholm, och om inte kriget kommit emellan skulle det ha varit den nionde, s\u00e4ger professor Benedict, da Dagens Nyheter f\u00e2r en kort inter-vju med honom p\u00e4 Grand H\u00f4tel. Tack vare Camegieinstitutets generositet kan jag f\u00e4 g\u00f6ra en tur tili Europa vart tredje \u00e4r. Jag b\u00f6rjade 1907, var h\u00e4r 1910 och 1913, kom s\u00e4 fj\u00e4rde gangen 1923 och b\u00f6rjar faktiskt k\u00e4nna mig som stockholmare snart.\nProfessor Benedict har skapat sig ett namn \u00f6ver heia v\u00e4rlden genom sina unders\u00f6kningar \u00f6ver \u00e4mnesom-z\u00e4ttningen hos normale m\u00e4nniskor,\noch med ledning av sitt stora material ; har han kunnat uppr\u00e4tta tabeller \u00f6ver \u00e4 \"normalm\u00e4nniskans\u201d basala \u00e4mnesom-s\u00e4ttning, vilken \u00e4r beroende av indi-videns kroppsvikt, l\u00e4ngd, alder och' k\u00f6n och \u00e4r ett uttryck f\u00f6r kroppens f v\u00e4rmeproduktion i vila efter tolv tim-1 mars fasta.\n\u2014 Camegiestiftelsen \u00e4r s\u00e2lunda I hygglig nog att l\u00e2ta mig f\u00e4 g\u00f6ra dessa I europeiska rundresor utan att det be- f h\u00f6ver kosta vederb\u00f6rande \u00e4h\u00f6rare av mina f\u00f6rel\u00e4snjngar n\u00e4gonting, forts\u00e4t-ter professor Benedict. Jag h\u00f6ll en | f\u00f6rel\u00e4sning i f\u00f6rrg\u00e4r, och i morgon halier jag \u00e4nnu en. Efter Stockholm I kommer turen tili Lund, K\u00f6penhamn, I England och Skottland. S\u00e4 g\u00e4r f\u00e4rden j tillbaka tili Paris och kontinenten i \u00f6vrigt. Den 1 mars n\u00e4sta \u00e4r v\u00e4nder jag efter sex m\u00e4naders Europavistelse tillbaka tili Amerika och mina forsk-ningar i Boston. Det kan ju tyckasj Forts, \u00e2 sidan sjutton.\n17\n\nAmerikansk fysiolog p\u00e4 europeisk turn\u00e9.\nForts, fr\u00e4n sidan I.\natt jag sl\u00f6sar bort en massa tid pS dessa resor, tid som jag skulle kunna anv\u00e4nda b\u00e4ttre f\u00f6r mitt arbete i labo-ratoriet. Allt vad jag nu far omkring och f\u00f6rel\u00e4ser om \u00e4r visserligen sadant som inte \u00e4r publicerat f\u00f6rut, men man skulle kunna trycka f\u00f6rel\u00e4sningama, och ett sadant arrangemang skulle kanske tili andra f\u00f6rdelar ocks\u00e4 bli billigare.\nDet d\u00e4r resonemanget vill jag dock inte skriva under p\u00e2. Det \u00e4r inte bara f\u00f6r att framl\u00e4gga forskningsresultaten som jag flackar omkring, utan samti-digt f\u00e2r jag tillf\u00e4lle att \u00e4terst\u00e4lla inter-nationella f\u00f6rbindelser p\u00e4 det veten-skapliga omradet, s\u00e4rsk\u00fct naturligtvis me\u00dcan biologer i olika l\u00e4nder. P\u00e4 det kommersiella omradet \u00e4r konkurrens nyttig, men n\u00e4r det g\u00e4ller vetenska-pen maste vi vara \u00f6verens och sam-arbeta i st\u00e4llet f\u00f6r att s\u00f6ka sl\u00e4 ut var-andra.\nDetaljer fr\u00e4n sina forskningar \u00e4r professor Benedict inte beredd p\u00e4 att framl\u00e4gga f\u00f6r en st\u00f6rre allm\u00e4nhet da det \u00e4r sv\u00e4rt att g\u00f6ra det i tillr\u00e4ckligt popul\u00e4r form. Han framh\u00e4ller dock att vad han kallar \u2019\u2019overhead cost\u201d, d. v. s. vad individen genomsnittligt konsumerar, \u00e4r mycket olika f\u00f6r olika raser. Medan denna \u2019\u2019overhead cost\u201d \u00e4r mycket lag i Indien, Kina och Japan, \u00e4r den mycket h\u00f6g hos t. ex. det primitiva mayafolket i Yucatan.\nProfessorn framh\u00e4ller hur f\u00f6rsp\u00e4nt vi ha det i Sverge med v\u00e4rt fiske och v\u00e4r stora spannm\u00e2lsodling. I det sam-manhanget passar han ocks\u00e4 p\u00e4 att ge oss en eloge f\u00f6r v\u00e4r matlagning och f\u00f6rklarar att ett sadant hotell som Grand i Stockholm, det finns inte i heia v\u00e4rlden, inte ens i New York. En lunch p\u00e4 verandan ut\u00e4t Str\u00f6mmen \u00e4r n\u00e4gonting som man inte kan f\u00e4 i n\u00e4-gon annan av de st\u00e4der mr Benedict bes\u00f6kt, och de \u00e4ro manga.\n\u2014 Jag f\u00f6rst\u00e4r att \u00e4tminstone de fiesta som komma tili Stockholm resa h\u00e4rifr\u00e4n igen med saknad, och vi g\u00f6ra det kanske mer \u00e4n de fiesta, slutar mr Benedict. Men jag lever p\u00e4 hoppet att f\u00e4 komma hit om tre \u00e4r igen f\u00f6r att h\u00e4lsa p\u00e2 mina v\u00e4nner bland edra vetenskapsm\u00e4n. Och jag kan inte un-derl\u00e2ta att s\u00e4ga att den starkaste mag-neten bland dem \u00e4r professor Lilje-strand, kanske den m\u00e4rkligaste veten-skapsman jag l\u00e4rt k\u00e4nna under mina resor och i mitt arbete.\n","page":0},{"file":"p0045.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"45\nSwedish physiology and the outlet for young Swedish physiologists.\nI was impressed on this trip as never before with the extraordinarily clever group of young Swedish physiologists. When one considers men like Zotterman, Abramson, young v. Euler, young Sonden, Malmros, Odin, and really a large group of others like them, it is a pathetic fact that there is no adequate scientific outlet for them. International feeling is such that it is impossible for a Swede to receive an appointment even in a Danish institution.\nThere are only three physiological centers in Sweden, Stockholm, Lund, Upsala, and the number of posts to be filled is very small. These young men have, therefore, the option only of dragging along as assistant or instructor in a lyceum or high school, hoping for a university position, or forsaking research and going into practice for personal gain. I think it is certain that there are a larger proportion of unusually keen biological men in Scandanavia than in any other country.\nIt seemed to me it would have been better if Nobel, instead of founding his prize, had founded four or five great institutions of research with men of first calibre as directors but with a compensation that would allow this large group of young men scientific outlet for their energies and ingenuity. That at the same time would be a great benefit to science as a whole and enable them to have a compensation or livelihood. Although Sweden and Denmark are much better off economically than other countries, the fact that the positions are so few and their men so unusually brilliant makes an unfortunate combination.","page":45},{"file":"p0046.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"46\nUND, SWEDEN \u00ab\nUniversity of Lund.\nPhysiological Institute.\nProfessor Torald Thunberg and. Dr, J. Lehmann.\nIn Lund we were fortunate in being at the home of Professor Torald Thunberg (see figure / 7 )> whose multiplicity of interests stamps him again as a man of foremost intelligence and capacity.\nMost of his laboratory was devoted as previously to methylene blue measurements of oxidative activity, but I was especially interested in the great barospirator and particularly their efforts to use it as an artificial respiration apparatus for cases of respiratory paralysis.\nMy earlier reports have shown photographs in detail of the instrument, one for man and one for very small animals, but the use at this time of a rubber diaphragm over the chest with the head and arms outside to produce normal respiration, and the use of the great pump was a new feature. Thunberg*s assistant, Dr. Sahlin, stated that all chests varying in circumference from 120 cm. to 63 cm. could be fitted with one size rubber packing; larger or smaller chests must have other sizes. He maintained that leaks played a very small role, since the pump of the barospirator was of such enormous capacity. This is a different application of the instrument than the original Thunberg scheme in which the alternate production of vacuum and pressure was supposed to force air into the passive lungs. A young assistant was working on this newer modification with a rubber diaphragm over the end or door of the barospirator and with pneumograph tracings showing apparently a very definite lung ventilation without difficulty (see figures I \u0178, /<f,\n\u00a30, \u00a3), 4^). Of course the apparatus appeared to me extremely cumbersome and noisy when compared to the more or less modern forms of respirators devised by Drinker and Emerson, but it was a usage of an apparatus already existing, i.e., the Barospirator. They had reports of clinical cases that had been greatly helped by it, but I imagine there was nothing new to be added to the extensive clinical experience in America.\nThere was much use of the Enghoff valves, also the Loven valves and mouthpieces.\nDr. Jorgen Lehmann. Dr. Lehmann is working both at the Thunberg laboratory and in the hospital where Professor Petr\u00e9n formerly was. They were all rather excited over a new blood sugar method that Lehmann had developed, using resorcin. Briefly, Lehmann precipitates the protein in blood with 5 per cent tri-chlor acetic acid.","page":46},{"file":"p0047.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure } 7 \u2022 Lund, Sweden. The family Thunberg. Sitting, from left to right; Mrs. Thunberg, Mrs. Benedict; standing* Professor Thunberg, his daughter, and Dr. Benedict.","page":47},{"file":"p0048.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"48\nFigure / % . Lund, Sweden. University of Lund, Physiological Institute, Laboratory of Professor Thunberg. In the rear of the photograph, in white, is a small barospirator for rabbits and small animals. The truck at the front is for attaching the special openings for chest breathing to the large barospirator, which is not shown but is at the immediate right.","page":48},{"file":"p0049.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"49\nFigure /7 \u2022 Lund, Sweden. University of Lund, Physiological Institute, Laboratory of Professor Thunberg. Barospirator showing neck closure, bed pulled out, and on the floor attachments for the chest when the apparatus is to be used as an artificial respiration apparatus.\n\n","page":49},{"file":"p0050.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"50\nFigure 3,0 . Lund, Sweden. University of Lund, Physiological Institute, Laboratory of Professor Thunberg.\nUse of the barospirator for respiration movements. A special door at the entrance end of the barospirator is provided with a rubber collar going about the chest of the patient just below the arm-pits. This is made tight by partial inflation and the respiratory movements written on the kymograph at the left.\nIn the rear is standing one of Thunberg\u2019s assistants.","page":50},{"file":"p0051.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure X/ . Lund, Sweden. University of Lund, Physiological Institute, Laboratory of Professor Thunberg. View of Professor Thunberg's barospirator.\nFigure ^ ^. Lund, Sweden. University of Lund, Physiological Institute, Laboratory of Professor Thunberg. Another view of Professor Thunberg's barospirator.","page":51},{"file":"p0052.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"52\nThis was done in a very small amount of blood in the cold without standing and without heating. It was then filtered through asbestos into a brown glass test tube containing 1 c.c. of a solution of resorcin, the pipette to be rinsed twice with the solution. He added 4 c.c. of concentrated sulphuric acid of a special purity and on shaking the solution it got very hot, up to 110\u00b0 C. Four minutes after this it was cooled under the tap. By the colorimetric method the sugar was determined. The apparatus seems to be very simple and accurate, and especially gave the differences between sugar and other reducing substances. It had been used that summer in a clinic at Ramlosa and they were very enthusiastic about it. Realizing this was one of the important problems at Durham, i.e., the determination of the blood sugar of cows especially in the period following feeding, and since this was prior to my visit to Aberdeen (see Aberdeen) I ordered an equipment of this apparatus for the Nutrition Laboratory.\nThe questionable feature seemed to be the matter of the purity of the sulphuric acid. Lehmann had had a lot of trouble with sulphuric acid and only with certain lots could he get satisfactory results. He expected to have the apparatus entirely completed and ready to deliver to me on the boat in February. As time went on I heard nothing from him and in February (1955) he felt obliged to write me that he was not satisfied with the apparatus and was not ready to put one out as yet, so this whole thing fell to the ground.","page":52},{"file":"p0053.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"53\nLUND, S\u00eefEDEN.\nUniversity of Lund, Department of Pharmacology.\nProfessor G. Ahlgren.\nAlthough Professor Ahlgren's work (pharmacology) is entirely outside of the Nutrition Laboratory's problems, I have personally for many years hoped to spend a day with him and to visit his laboratory. The laboratory was in the same building with Professor Widmark, the floor above, as a matter of fact. Badly planned by his predecessor, Dr. Overton, Ahlgren with his dynamic personality and enthusiasm is trying to get it into condition for practical use. Overton's ideas were very curious and the laboratory was very improperly equipped. Unfortunately Overton had \"turned back\" a lot of money, stating that they \"needed no more equipment.\" Hence this made it difficult for Ahlgren to convince the authorities that more money was needed.\nAhlgren is a splendid \"live wire\", and it is a real inspiration to be with him. (See figures <2,^, \u00a3\u2022/,\tand","page":53},{"file":"p0054.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\n54\n' Figure J{3 . Lund, Sweden. Left to right: Mrs. Benedict, Mrs. Ahlgren, and Dr. Benedict.\n","page":54},{"file":"p0055.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure A \u2018-f . Lund, Sweden. Left to right: Mrs. Benedict, Mrs. Ahlgren, and Dr. Benedict.\nFigure\tLund, Sweden. Left to right: Professor Ahlgren,\nMrs. Benedict, and Mrs. Ahlgren.","page":55},{"file":"p0056.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"56","page":56},{"file":"p0057.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"57\nLUMP. SWEDEN.\nUniversity of Lund, Medical Clinic.\nDr\u00ab H. Malmros.\nIn the hospital which was formerly directed by Professor Petren things for the time being were under the charge of Dr. Malmros, while Professor Petren's successor was away doing some writing.\nThere was an interesting oxygen chamber in which they used a Cambridge Instrument Company's apparatus for determining the carbon dioxide and the oxygen. The chamber has thus far been used mostly for 5 per cent carbon dioxide and 95 per cent oxygen or 5 per cent carbon dioxide and 95 per cent air. They had not made very much progress with it.\nMalmros has a Krogh apparatus and also some of the steps or circular staircase for muscular work such as I saw at Nylin's in Stockholm, but only half of it. Apparently it was to be used for muscular work but the man using it, Gibson (?), seemed to me very poorly suited for this kind of work. Malmros had had bad luck comparing the Krogh apparatus with the open circuit. On the other hand, they compared the gas meter and spirometer for volumes and the volumes agreed well.\nThe saddest feature of the Lund visit was missing the optimistic personality of our dear, good friend, Professor Petren. It is perfectly clear that his successor (name I didn't hear) can in no way compare to him and that the clinic has undergone a very great loss.\nOn the other hand, the clinic appears to be carried on with the same degree of precision and excellent organization that he left it. In spite of the northern latitude it has the appearance of one of the cheeriest clinics and hospitals that one has ever seen.\nAs before, I felt impressed by the sincerity of purpose of Dr. Malmros. I feel that if he could have had a few more years with a master such as Petren it would have been greatly to his profit, but he apparently is carrying out his work with great success. Being a non-medical observer I properly can not pass upon his work, but he was holding up his own by carrying out the Petren tradition to the best of his capacity. Certainly he makes a splendid impression upon anyone visiting Lund.\nIn front of the Medical Clinic at Lund is a bust of Professor Petren, of which I took a photograph. (See figure X'] .)\n1","page":57},{"file":"p0058.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure . Lund, Sweden. Bust of Professor Karl Petr\u00e9n in front of the Medical Clinic.","page":58},{"file":"p0059.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"LUND. SWEDEN.\nUniversity of Lund. Department of Biochemistry.\nProfessor E. M. Widmark.\nThis laboratory has been very active under its dynamic leader for a number of years, and we were fortunate in finding Professor Widmark busily engaged in studies of alcohol on body tissues, especially alcohol in urine and blood in connection with police regulation of automobile accidents. He had worked out a technique whereby each local, provincial physician could draw a sample of blood, and with preservatives, etc., send it to Widmark, who was the head of the central station, and immediately the alcohol percentage was determined and this finding played a role in the police courts.\nProfessor Widmark showed us a micro-burette for titration, in which a screw plunger in the small syringe played an important role, and the volume discharged was read on the plunger and dial handle of the plunger. I imagine it was somewhat like the micro-pipette in the laboratory of Krogh. (See figures A?' and A?.)\nLecture.\nNo lecture was arranged for in Lund. Not a word was said about it, although we were showered with courtesies. I do not know why they did not want one. No one had heard the Stockholm lectures to report they were bad. Another unsolved mystery1.\nA newspaper clipping from the Lunds Dagblad, of September 21, regarding my visit in Lund, is appended herewith. (See page b .)","page":59},{"file":"p0060.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"60\nFigure <2, \u00a3 . of Biochemistry.\nLund, Sweden. University of Lund, Department Professor E. M. Widmark in his laboratory.\n","page":60},{"file":"p0061.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\u2022 Figure Xe! of Biochemistry\nLund, Sweden. University of Lund, Department Professor E. M. Widmark and his micro-pipette.","page":61},{"file":"p0062.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"eil l\u00f6rdag, Ir! !\t\t\t\n\t\t^\u2019Battre\n\u2014 Det \u00e4r monde g\u00e2ngen ja g \u00e4r i Sverige, s\u00e2 ni kan v\u00e4l f\u00f6rsta, att jag tycker om att komma hit, S\u00e4ger en k\u00e4nd ameri-feansk fysiolog, som under ett par dagar g\u00e4star Lund. Det \u00e4r professor Francis G. Benedict fr\u00e4n Boston, som later hejda sig ett par minuter, innan kan skall in p\u00e2mid-dag kos professor Thunberg. Professor Benedict \u00e4r anst\u00e4lld som institutsf\u00f6rest\u00e4n-dare vid Garnegie-stiftelsen, ooh det \u00e4r p\u00e4 denna stiftelses uppdtag han reser s\u00e4 ofta tili Europa f\u00f6r att uppeb\u00e4lla den veten-skapliga kontakten och \u00e4terknyta .f\u00f6rbin-delser, som av ett eller annat sk\u00e4l slapp-nat. En s\u00e4dan resa omfattar 3 \u00e4r och str\u00e4dker sig over s\u00e2 gott som alla euro-peiska l\u00e4nder.\n\u2014 I Lund har jag varit fyra ganger f\u00f6r-ut, foxts\u00e4tter profes.sorn. Jag \u00e4r synnerli-gen intresserad av edra institutioner h\u00e4r. Framf\u00f6rallt \u00e4r det professorerna Thunbergs, Widmarks odh Ahlgrens forsknin-gar, som draga mig tili sig och l\u00e4mnamig det st\u00f6nsta utbytet. Jag har ju ocks\u00e2 fiera personliga v\u00e4nner i Lund. S\u00e4 l\u00e4nge Karl Petr\u00e9n levde, s\u00f6kte jag alltid upp honom. Vi voro synnerligen goda v\u00e4nner, och vi gjorde ocks\u00e2 en resa tillsammans i J\u00e4mt-land.\nJag har i dag varit ute p\u00e2 en biltur i ert vackra landskap. Det \u00e4r verkligen underbart. I morgon far jag vidare tili K\u00f6-penhamn, men inte f\u00f6rr\u00e4n i mars kan jag antr\u00e4da \u00e4terf\u00e4rden tili Boston.\nVad som intresserar mig? Trollkonster bl. a.\nDen n\u00e2got f\u00f6rv\u00e4nade intervjuaren f\u00e4r ett kort i banden, som upplyser att professor Benedict \u00e4r medlem av \u00bbSociety of American Magicians\u00bb, och \u00bbmagicians\u00bb det \u00e4r just vad trohkonstn\u00e4rer betyder.\n\u2014 Ja, det \u00e4r min lilla hobby. Jag\u00e4x sj\u00e4lv en ganska god trollkonstn\u00e4r, om jag f\u00e4r e\u00e4ga det sj\u00e4lv.\nNu kommer professor Thunberg tili hj\u00e4lp och s\u00e4ger, att professor Benedict \u00e4ven har musik till hobby.\n\u2014 Men fysiologien d\u00e4?\n\u2014 Ah, har ni gl\u00f6mt den, forts\u00e4tter professor Thunberg. Ja, d\u00e4 kan jag f\u00f6rrada, att professor Benedict \u00e4r en av de f\u00f6rn\u00e4m-sta forskarna p\u00e4 \u00e4mnesoms\u00e4ttningens om-r\u00e4de. De unders\u00f6kningar ban utfdrt under sin kvartssekell\u00e4nga. vetenskapliga bana ha varit epokg\u00f6rande, och p\u00e4 de fysiolo-giska institutioneraa runt om i v\u00e4rlden an-v\u00e4ndas de standardv\u00e4rden, som. professor Benedict kommit tili. Hans unders\u00f6knin-gar ha str\u00e4okt sig \u00f6ver alla \u00e2ldrar och raser och vidare genom heia djurserien, s\u00e4 den fysiologiska forskningen har honom att tacka f\u00f6r mycket, oavsett nu den g\u00e4rning han utf\u00f6r som f\u00f6rmedlare mellan olika l\u00e4nders vetenskapliga institutioner.","page":62},{"file":"p0062s0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"_\nLUNDS DAGBLAD\nIntervju i f\u00f6rbifarten.\nAmerikamk fysloiog med troilkonster som hobby.\n\u2014 Det \u00e4r nionde gingen jag \u00e4r i Sverige, s\u00e2 ni kan v\u00e4l f\u00f6rsti, att jag tycker om att komtna hit, S\u00e4ger en k\u00e4nd ameri-kaask fysiolog, som under ett par dagar g\u00e4star Lund. Det \u00e4r professor Francis G. Benedict fr\u00e2n Boston, som liter hejda sig ett par minuter, innan kan skall in pi mid-dag kos professor Thunkerg. Professor Benedict \u00e4r anst\u00e4lld som institutsf\u00f6restin-dare vid Garnegie-stiftelsen, och det \u00e4r pi denna stiftelses uppdrag kan reser si ofta tili Europa f\u00f6r att uppebilla den veten-skapliga kontakten ock iterknyta f\u00f6rbin-delser, som av ett eller annat sk\u00e4l slapp-nat. Bn sidan resa omfattar 3 ir ock str\u00e4oker sig \u00f6ver si gott som alla euro-peiskia l\u00e4nder.\n\u2014 I Lund kar jag varit fyra ginger f\u00f6r-ut, forts\u00e4tter professorn. Jag \u00e4r synnerli-gen intresserad av edra institutioner h\u00e4r. Framf\u00f6rallt \u00e4r det professorerna Thun-bergs, Widmarks odk Aklgrens forsknin-gar, som draga mig tili sig ock l\u00e4mnamig det st\u00f6nsta utbytet. Jag kar ju ocksi fiera personliga v\u00e4nner i Lund. Si l\u00e4nge Karl Petr\u00e9n levde, s\u00f6kte jag alltid upp honom. Vi voro synnerligen goda v\u00e4nner, ock vi gjorde ocksi eri resa tillsammans i J\u00e4mt-land.\nJag kar i dag varit ute pi en kiltur i ert vackra landskap. Det \u00e4r verkligen underbart. I morgon far jag vidare tili K\u00f6-penkamn, men inte f\u00f6rr\u00e4n i mars kan jag antr\u00e4da iterf\u00e4rden tili Boston.\nVad som intresserar mig? Troilkonster bl. a.\nDen nigot f\u00f6rvinade intervjuaren fir ett kort i banden, som upplyser att professor Benedict \u00e4r medlem av \u00bbSociety of American Magicians\u00bb, ock \u00bbmagicians\u00bb det \u00e4r just vad trollkonstn\u00e4rer ketyder.\n\u2014 Ja, det \u00e4r min lilla hobby. Jag \u00e4r sj.\u00e4lv en ganska god trollkonstn\u00e4r, om jag fir s\u00e4ga det tsj\u00e4lv. t\nNu kommer professor Thunberg tili kj\u00e4lp ock s\u00e4ger, att professor Benedict \u00e4ven kar musik tili hobby.\n\u2014 Men fysiologien di?\n\u2014 \u00c2h, kar ni gl\u00f6mt den, forts\u00e4tter professor Thunberg. Ja, di kan jag f\u00f6rrida, att professor Benedict \u00e4r en av de f\u00f6rn\u00e4m-sta forskarna pi \u00e4mneisoms\u00e4ttningens outride. De unders\u00f6kningar han utf\u00f6rt under sin kv\u00e4rtssekellinga vetenskapliga kana ka varit epokg\u00f6rande, och pi de fysiolo-giska institutionerna runt om i v\u00e4rlden an-v\u00e4ndas de stand,ardv\u00e4rden, som. professor Benedict kommit tili. Hans unders\u00f6kningar ba str\u00e4okt sig \u00f6ver alla ildrar och raser och vidare genom heia djurserien, si den fysiologiska forskningen bar ho-nom att tacka f\u00f6r mycket, oavsett nu den g\u00e4rning kan utf\u00f6r som f\u00f6rmedlare mellan olika l\u00e4nders vetenskapliga institutioner.\nOnsdagen den 21 September 1932\t158:e \u00e4rg.","page":0},{"file":"p0063.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"63\nSWEDEN.\nGeneral comments.\nOne can not help but feel very deeply impressed by the high scientific accuracy and general intelligent level of all the Swedish workers. I am surprised that more American students do not go to Sweden, where it strikes me that the men are all of an unusually high order. They do go in large numbers to Copenhagen to Professor Krogh, who attracts them by virtue of his extraordinary skill, but there are in Sweden men likewise of very great capacity and marvelous technique whom American students might well visit.","page":63},{"file":"p0064.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"64\nCOPENHAGEN. DENMARK,\nUniversity of Copenhagen. Laboratory of Zoophysiology. Professor August Krogh. Dr. J. Lindhard. and Mr. Christensen.\nThe laboratory as usual is extremely active along many lines.\nOne of the first things Krogh showed us was a micro combustion method for carbon and hydrogen employing a closed circuit and spirometer, a quartz tube, copper and asbestos, tint is, a very thin layer of copper on asbestos. When he gets through there is no unreduced copper on the asbestos. It is of special value in determining small amounts of soluble carbon in solution. Thus in sea water he could get the plankton- and diatom-free water and thus get the soluble carbon. For example, one of the most interesting studies was that in which the head and gills of an eel were perfused.\nIt called for an extremely complicated technique and it was beyond me to comprehend the significance of it.\nKrogh, in commenting upon the Rome exhibit, mentioned the pipette of Marchelli which permitted very fine bubbles to come through, a thing to which I called Dr. Carpenter's attention and one or two of which he brought to Boston. Krogh maintains that this scheme is no good. I told him I thought that the sub-division of the bubbles would make up for the speed, but he thought it was not to be compared at all to the slow process of large bubbles along a Pettenkofer tube.\nI saw an extremely interesting small rotary blower being used in the closed circuit, which was made at the laboratory. The packing about the shaft made it tight. I did not get any specifications with regard to it. Krogh agreed also that the Bohr meter was very good but altogether too expensive.\nKrogh gas-analysis apparatus. I was interested to find this apparatus at last functioning. (See figures JO and J/.) Four years ago Parsons, an Englishman, was playing with it, but Krogh said that Parsons was no good. It is functioning now and they use it every day in connection with muscular work experiments, of which I shall write more later on.\nAlthough there were a number of other experiments going on that were not in connection with our work, the most important thing from the standpoint of our work was in the basement.","page":64},{"file":"p0065.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure -3 0 . Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. Details of Krogh's gas-analysis apparatus used at Copenhagen.","page":65},{"file":"p0066.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure ^ I . Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. Part of Krogh gas-analysis apparatus","page":66},{"file":"p0067.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"67\nMuscular work experiment. I was extremely interested to find a muscular work experiment going on in the basement, in which a helmet was employed. (See figure .) Krogh used, as was commonly used in Europe, the wet gas meter and employed it as a pump or aspirator. There was a 15-minute preliminary period and ventilation was about 20 liters per minute. That was so as to have about 1 per cent carbon dioxide coming out. For sampling the air he used the old \"Eskimo device\" that he and his wife described many years ago, that is, the mercury dropping into the bottle under\nconstant head. -(Bee figure------There were 10-minute periods to\ncollect samples.\nThe Eskimo apparatus for sampling is apparently very satisfactory, maintaining the usual constant level of mercury. I feel this should be used more generally. If we at the Nutrition Laboratory were not continually inclined to get away from mercury and glass, I should strongly advocate its use. It may still be just the thing for sheep experiments, and indeed all experiments where periods longer than 10 minutes are needed. For 10-minute experiments the best thing is the Fox bag. At the present time we are using the Fox bag for half of the time, and mercury for the other half. If one is going in for half-hour periods or more and wants to have a more perfect aliquoting I think the Krogh apparatus is the proper thing.\nThe Krogh helmet was constructed of pieces of copper at top and bottom, the helmet having a diameter of 57 cm. There was a celluloid strip going clear around the helmet, fastening together the upper and lower copper portions. At the rear the entire height over all was 20 cm., the celluloid strip being 12 cm. wide. In the front or face portion the height over all was 45 cm. and the celluloid portion 21 cm. (See figures\t3'S',3b,'Sy, and 3^.)\nThe neck hole undistended was 8 cm. in diameter and the rubber was bolted on with a large number of bolts. In the upper part there was a very flat fan actuated by a small motor outside, to provide stirring up of air inside the helmet itself. The whole thing seemed very cumbersome, and I thought the helmet was very large for rest experiments, but since he was pushing the work up to 2700 c.c. of oxygen per minute, almost double what we have done thus far, it is possible that this type of construction was essential.\nThe device as it was arranged by Krogh was as follows. First, incoming air came from out-of-doors and was cooled by a Ford radiator with tap water running through it. At this time of year this water was very cold, 10\u00b0 C. The air after leaving the radiator, which was encased in a wooden box, passed through an ingoing pipe (wrapped in cotton batting to keep the temperature low) into the helmet. Then there was an air pipe from the helmet, 6 cm. in diameter, leading to a wet gas meter in an air-tight box. The Eskimo apparatus for sampling was placed just before the wet meter. (See figures 3\t, <~f 0 ,\nand it .)","page":67},{"file":"p0068.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure ^\t. Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen,\nLaboratory of Zoophysiology. Krogh*s laboratory for muscular work. Bicycle ergometer at right; outgoing air tube with two large rubber connections vertically in the immediate foreground. Cot chamber with cover raised in the rear and a part of the Eskimo gas sampling device at the left.","page":68},{"file":"p0069.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"69\nFigure . Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. Front view of Krogh helmet showing large angle of vision through the celluloid, the ingoing air pipe wrapped with cloth to keep the air cool. In the rear one sees a part of the cover of a cot respiration chamber.\nFigure 3*/ . Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. Hear view of Krogh's helmet showing celluloid band clear around it and method of suspending from wall. The incline shows the base with rubber collar and very large air pipes leading to and out of it.","page":69},{"file":"p0070.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"70\nFigure ^ ^ . Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. View of Krogh helmet suspended in the air, showing outgoing air pipe.\nFigure ^ ^ . Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. View looking up at the suspended Krogh helmet. Ingoing air in direction of arrow.","page":70},{"file":"p0071.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"71\n, Figure 'J / . Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. Suspension of helmet or mouthpiece, showing small tracks from ceiling used in Krogh's suspension of the helmet.\nFigure 3 % . Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen Laboratory of Zoophysiology. Ceiling network of trolleys and tracks to suspend helmet and move it to any desired position in Krogh\u2019s laboratory.\n\n","page":71},{"file":"p0072.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"72\n' Figure ^ \u2018j . Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. Krogh apparatus. Chair for subject to be seated in while studying repose. In the center rear, box containing Ford radiator for cooling air.\n, Figure ^ \u00ae . Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen,\nLaboratory of Zoophysiology. Krogh apparatus. Chair used by subject while resting before riding. In the background one sees the seat of the bicycle ergometer, and at the left the cover of a cot calorimeter; in the foreground at the lower left, the air pipe with the mercury sampler for the Eskimo sampling device.\n1","page":72},{"file":"p0073.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"73\nFigure ' Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. Closer view of Krogh\u2019s ergometer from the rear. Dimly in the background, center, one sees the housing about the Ford radiator used to cool the ingoing air.","page":73},{"file":"p0074.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"74\nHe counts the number of revolutions of the meter, which can not be read except in complete revolutions. Each revolution is marked on a drum. The mercury in the sampler is started when there is a \"click\" for a complete revolution of the drum. There are about 74 seconds between these revolutions. A special device was arranged to keep the water level in the meter (see figures ^\u00c4. and V^), and the meter was calibrated with a large spirometer. The air was passed over a wet and dry bulb thermometer but the temperatures were alike, so could be considered saturated. The electric motor to run the gas meter was controlled with an old phonograph 5-ball governor from the extension of the armature shaft to make and break a contact and hold constant speed. This is connected with a worm gear and pulley to the axis or drum shaft. An electric contact on the extension of the shaft of the drum made a contact for each revolution of the drum and marked it on a kymograph. To adjust various speeds there were three pulleys on the meter shaft, the largest pulley being 40 cm., the next 29 cm., and the smallest 14 cm. in diameter.\nAt the beginning of the experiment the large meter was started and then the helmet was put on. There was an extensive use of rubber tubing. Personally I objected to this because there were altogether too many kinks in the rubber tubing. Rubber tubing should be reinforced with wire spirals.\nAfter the real period begins the subject rides about five minutes; then the helmet is off and blood samples are taken.\n{\u25a0Bee figupeo\u2014\u25a0\u2014;----, and-----*-)-\nThe subject rides about 60 revolutions per minute. Each work period for measuring the total metabolism, that is, for measurement of the gases, is from 6 to 8 minutes long. The ventilation is kept constant, for they use a meter as a pump and have an electrical control on the meter. The mercury in the Krogh sampling apparatus flows constantly so that the sample is truly proportional. Although the helmet is removed after each period the subject keeps riding at a remarkably constant tempo.\nIn the control period (i.e., second period) of the experiment the second period is 6 minutes instead of 12 minutes, which is the length of the first period. By having a larger capillary on the Krogh apparatus he has the mercury drop out twice as fast but the analyses agree well; that is, he uses no double samples but one sample of each work period, the second being taken twice as fast as the first, but usually both agree well for both carbon dioxide and oxygen.","page":74},{"file":"p0075.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\nFigure *4 4. Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. View of Krogh's respiration apparatus, showing large housing for gas meter at the right with little black level index showing that the water is at a constant level. Chair for subject to sit in when resting in front of handle bar of bicycle ergometer.\nFigure t ^ \u2022 Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. Photograph shows Krogh ergometer at the right. At the left is the box housing one of the large gas meters, showing the constant level device on the side of the box.","page":75},{"file":"p0076.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"On this particular day they were having about 300 liters per minute ventilation of the helmet with carbon dioxide of about 0.7.\nIn the calculation of results Krogh uses not an average carbon dioxide and oxygen of outdoor air but^ he says.that which is actually determined on these days and finds changes in the third decimal place only, but does not use 0.032 and 20.940 as constant. The pulse is taken by placing the finger on the carotid and they count for a fraction of a minute with a watch, reading the revolutions per 15 seconds. They find the pulse very, very constant all during riding and indeed from day to day. They also take it before the respiration experiments with the helmet off.\nThe subject was able to talk regularly in spite of the heavy work and there was no excessive panting but mouth breathing and sweat on the forehead. In fact, I noticed mouth breathing after the subject had been riding about five minutes. The control of the blood carbon dioxide was taken so as to control the respiratory quotient and this showed little or no \"aspumpung\".\nFor the rectal temperatures there was a thermo-junction, small with wires going out backward from buttocks instead of from the front The constant temperature junction was held at 50\u00b0 and they used a Hartmann and Braun voltmeter, each millimeter corresponding to 0.3\u00b0. They felt that reading this needle with a mirror back of it as with the ordinary voltmeter one could read it to 0.1 mm., which should correspond to 0.03\u00b0.\nThe subject wore only running trunks with the torso and legs bare. Two electric fans played over the chest and back all the time. (See figures\t7 > \u201c4% > and <-/^.) On this particular day\nsomething was wrong with the rectal thermometer. They seemed to think it was due to insulating, and as they had drawn two wires through a rubber tube the insulating was probably injured. Their rubber tube was a little smaller than ours but not much.\nAlong with the metabolism measurements there were many other observations made on this subject, a most intelligent man, who was one of the collaborators in the research and likewise acted as subject. Before knowing that this subject was one of the collaborators I put him down as an extremely intelligent subject, as he seemed to be running the whole show himself. Blood samples were taken by pricking the finger and squeezing it very hard. The hand was placed in warm water previously to have a greater flow of blood. There were also samples taken for fat soluble acids. Everything was on the micro basis. To take the sample a small celluloid tube 4 cm. long and 2 to 3 mra. in diameter with a flare at the lower end was attached by collodion to the finger prick. The blood was thus given a minimum exposure to air and then the blood was syringed out of this celluloid tube or little standpipe. They first tried taking it over paraffin but it did not go well. I wondered why they did not take blood from a vein as Dr. Root does. As it is now they make many tests on the finger by squeezing it. They claim that acid goes up at the beginning of work but there is no control on the corpuscle content. I wonder","page":76},{"file":"p0077.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"77\nFigure W \u2022 Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. Krogh's subject on bicycle ergometer, stripped to the waist. Thermometer leads for rectal temperature seen coming out of trousers. Electrical method for controlling ergometer load at the lower left-hand corner.","page":77},{"file":"p0078.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"78\n\nFigure Ll') . Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. Krogh bicycle ergometer with lower edge of helmet showing and electric fan in front to blow on subject\u2019s chest. Box for housing Ford radiator for cooling air is seen in center rear.\nFigure 4 4 \u2022 Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. Bottom of the cot chamber showing bed with head elevated and upper part of the chamber raised in air. An electric fan with blade inclined to the upper right blows air on subject when riding ergometer, the rear wheel of which is seen at the lower right.","page":78},{"file":"p0079.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"79\nFigure \u2018-f 7 \u2022 Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. Closer view of Krogh chamber, showing inclined head of bed, also fan turned up to blow on subject.\nFigure . Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. View from side of Krogh cot chamber showing cover raised. Seat of ergometer at extreme lower right.\nI","page":79},{"file":"p0080.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure ^ . Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. Cover of Krogh cot chamber. The head end is glassed.","page":80},{"file":"p0081.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"81\nif the blood thickens. Mr. Christensen stated he thought thickening of the blood is too little to play any role whatsoever. The blood samples were taken while riding the ergometer with the helmet off at the start and the rider kept up the tempo by a resistance and by a loud bell, one stroke for each movement of the metronome. They used the electric control method of the ergometer with a small motor and rheostat for automatic adjustment.\nFrom my notes I infer that the subject was eating from 4000 to 5000 calories per day but not all at one time, for he ate 1000 calories at 5 p.m. and 100 calories at 8 p.m.\nThe room itself had an interesting thermostat control of the room temperature. For example, there was a box over the steam radiator with a flap on it and a fan. As the fan accelerated in speed the flap opened and let out warm air. (See figure \u00a3~0.)\nBody weight balance. I saw a standing balance something like our Chatillon but the so-called \"Lindell system\" which was glycerin damped, so of course there was no heart impulse as we notice it.\n(See figure v5_/ .) The advantage was that one could get a very rapid indication of the body weight. It was taken at the end of the respiration experiment. I see no particular advantage in it.\n-Bf1 \u00bb Lindhard. who is now domiciled in Krogh's laboratory, as before is carrying out experiments on exercise with much the same equipment as four years ago, and besides his interest in the muscular work I saw little to indicate activity. He was extremely agreeable and pleasant but there was nothing promising there. Apparently he is completely dominated by Krogh. I have been unable thus far to find out how much individuality there is in Lindhard and how much of a \"yes, yes\" man he is for Krogh.\nThe Krogh laboratory was, as usual, extremely stimulating.\nThere is a very prize group of young men and women gathered there and the activities of both Professor and Mrs. Krogh are always of greatest interest. I regret that I did not have even more time for the study of the researches but I felt that the muscular work research was so greatly connected with our work that it 'was best to study it carefully. Mr. Christensen was one of the brightest men I met in Europe. Apparently the research is likewise not of little interest to both Krogh and Lindhard. Christensen impressed me greatly. I feel that he is an exceptionally capable man and I only wish we could have him in Boston for a year.\nThere is no question of Krogh's extraordinary capacity.\nProbably no man who has received the Nobel prize would be more qualified than Krogh. On the other hand I think he is definitely of the opinion that he is right on everything. He maintains a pontifical attitude in a discussion that probably is not always justified. On the other hand, he dominates the entire laboratory, and has developed a \"school\" of high skill, and hence is fully justified in his attitude of seeming infallibility.","page":81},{"file":"p0082.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"82\nFigure . Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. In the center rear is the cover over the radiator for temperature regulation of the respiration room in Krogh*s laboratory. Fan at bottom blows air out. The temperature is actuated by a thermostat.\nFigure / . Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Zoophysiology. Krogh respiration room for individual showing Krogh ergometer and the Lindell balance for body weights. This balance is glycerin damped.\n\n>","page":82},{"file":"p0083.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"83\nCitation of literature. I had a most interesting or extraordinary experience that I feel should go on record other than in the correspondence files of the Laboratory. Christensen and one of his associates had prepared a rather extensive Handbuch article upon body temperature during muscular work and I was astonished to find that nowhere was Professor H. M. Smith's monograph mentioned. Unfortunately they had duplicated a lot of his work in the Copenhagen laboratory and certainly they did it no better if as well. I then asked if they had seen the monograph. Neither had seen it or heard of it. I was sure there were copies somewhere in the library. I went to the library and was told that the books of Lindhard and Krogh were likewise deposited there and they had cards giving the books in Henriques' library.\nNo trace of the monograph could be found in the library anywhere.\nI did not want to start anything with Christensen as regards his seniors, but it so happened that at a tea at Professor Krogh's I saw practically all of the Carnegie monographs, among them Smith's, in his home library. Then I felt constrained to do something and later on my tour wrote to Krogh, asking him what \"could be done about it.\" The Institution had printed this book, had given it free distribution, and had meant of course that it be placed where it could be obtained by those desiring it. Krogh wrote an appreciative letter, stating that it was an unfortunate situation, etc., and that the confusion of moving, etc., had probably caused the trouble.\nIt brought out a very important point, that is, that each monograph should be abstracted or digested in some of the standard abstract journals. This therefore has led us to adopt the plan of preparing a rather extensive digest of each monograph, which will be translated into French and German and sent by the Nutrition Laboratory to the various well-known abstract journals. At least in this way it will be called to the attention of readers who can not get access to the volume itself on the shelves.","page":83},{"file":"p0084.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"84\nDistribution of Carnegie books\u00ab The experience with Lindhard, Krogh, Christensen, and others in connection with the monograph of H. M. Smith was to me very disheartening. I asked myself: what is the trouble? Here the Carnegie Institution has paid for the collection of a lot of important data, calculations, tabulation, editing, and printing, and then has gratuitously deposited 400 copies in all the great libraries of the world and yet three men who have had it under their noses had not been aware of it and did not cite it. How can we get our books into the hands of workers? It is true that chiefs of libraries will not always pass along the books to their associates.\nOne point raised at Copenhagen was that the Smith book had not been abstracted or referred to in any abstract journals. That is a serious thing and I think now that abstracts must be prepared, preferably by Miss Wilson, and give if nothing more a list of material and subjects studied if they do not give the actual results. This certainly must be done in the case of long monographs. I ask: were there no notes of H. M. Smith's book in the National Academy Proceedings and no abstracts by Miss 7/ilson? Christensen tells me he had no reference to it in any place. Of course we can not get everything into a title and while the heart studies of Smith could not get into a title they could have been put into an abstract.\nPerhaps we can get, for example, one half of the book into a French abstract and put the emphasis of the last half of the book into a German abstract. Thus we would give a general summary of the first\nof the book in detail in French and a general summary of the last half of the book in detail in German. Perhaps rather than try to stagger details throughout the entire abstract it would be better to emphasize the details in the first or second half or emphasize those points, or we might even get in an English abstract, and thus in the three abstracts get the book pretty well abstracted.","page":84},{"file":"p0085.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"COPENHAGEN. DENMARK.\nUniversity of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry.\nProfessor V. Henriques and Dr. R. Ege\u00ab\nThere was nothing of special significance going on in this laboratory for the Nutrition Laboratory's interest, but during our stay in Copenhagen we had most delightful social associations with both families and both men were active in arranging for my lecture and attended. Dr. Ege especially is a typical Copenhagen type of young scientist, full of enthusiasm and kindnesses and one can understand why students go to Copenhagen to this center.","page":85},{"file":"p0086.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"COPENHAGEN, DENMARK.\nUniversity of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Hygiene,\nProfessor L. S. Friderieia.\nI had never visited this laboratory before and although its activities are not along the line of Krogh and there is relatively little physiology, it was a great delight to come into contact with Professor Friderieia as intimately as I did. He is a very stimulating man with a group of associates who are actively engaged in problems chiefly of hygienic nature. There was, however, little if anything of direct value to the Nutrition Laboratory and hence no special comments can be made on the visit to this laboratory.","page":86},{"file":"p0087.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"87\nCOPENHAGEN. DENMARK.\nCarlsberg Laboratory. Professor S. P. L. Sorensen.\nA visit to this laboratory is always a delight. One finds here researches in physiological chemistry being carried out with the same degree of precision, exactly the same neatness and cleanliness as one would find in a laboratory devoted to atomic weight determinations. One found a number of volunteer associates from other countries, many from Paris. Professor S/rensen\u2019s activities are along the lines he has followed for so many years. Aside from a real insight into how biological researches should be carried out with special attention to details, there was little of definite value to the Nutrition Laboratory. However, a visit to this laboratory should be an important item in the program of anybody visiting Copenhagen.\nAt Professor Sorensen1s home, where we were entertained, we took some photographs. (See figures ^<3,\tand SLf.)","page":87},{"file":"p0088.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"88\nu\tij'\u00efl\n\t<f4i|\t|\nFigure . Copenhagen, Denmark. Group at the home of Professor S. P. L. Sorensen. From left to right: Professor Sorensen, Mrs. Benedict, Dr. Benedict, and Mrs. S/rensen.","page":88},{"file":"p0089.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"89\nFigure . Copenhagen, Denmark. Group at the home of Professor S. P. L. Sorensen. From left to right: Professor Sorensen, Mrs. Benedict, Dr. Benedict, and Mrs. Sorensen.\nFigure \u2018>LI . Copenhagen, Denmark. Group at the home of Professor S. P. L. Sorensen. From left to right: Professor Sorensen, Mrs. Benedict, Dr. Benedict, and Mrs. Sorensen.","page":89},{"file":"p0090.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"90\nCOPENHAGEN. DENMARK.\nAgricultural Experiment Station, Department of Physiology.\nProfessor H. M^llgaard.\nThis laboratory as always was very interesting to visit, although at this time practically nothing was being done in respiratory metabolism. Professor M^llgaard told me that he had planned a large respiratory metabolism program with pigs but found that everything was very much mixed up with rickets. The pigs were fed with South American corn and had very little calcium. In spite of the large dairy industry in Denmark they had very little skim milk per pig, so M^llgaard felt he must first clear up the problem of calcium metabolism and his whole thought now is calcium and phosphorus versus the vitamins. He feels that calcium is the important thing; all others are incidental.\nA respiratory chamber for pigs has been constructed since I was here before, indeed a very large chamber for pigs. (See figures ^(p, \\T7> and 'd'#.) He used a rotary pump which drove the gas through a gas meter at 20 liters per minute. A subsidiary gas meter, 3-liter size, and the usual complicated Mpllgaard mercury burette is used to draw the sample. The mercury is lowered by a cord wound about a pulley on the extended axle of a wet gas meter.\nThere was also a respiration chamber for rabbits on the same principle. (See figures and 6 0 .) It had a zinc base at the bottom and an inverted glass aquarium resting in the water seal.\nThere was also a cooling pipe for water inside the chamber. It impressed me as being a very large chamber for a rabbit, and the pig chamber was too large for a pig. The usual mercury lowering device is used.\nControl tests. M/llgaard always sticks to hydrogen for gas checks. I do not know but what this is a good idea. We ought to use alcohol but at Durham we use carbon dioxide. It is harder to get a burner for a big alcohol check but we could burn hydrogen. Mpllgaard plans to have 1 per cent oxygen deficit but of course no carbon dioxide is determined in these check tests. In all the cow experiments he draws a sample of ingoing air and analyzes it. He finds if there is not enough water above the mercury he often gets a variation in composition of the ingoing air.\nHis associate, Mr. Lund, is I think a very good man. He took us about the laboratory and showed us a large number of skulls of pigs showing that when there was a deficit of calcium they had a shorter upper jaw. They conclude that all vitamin A and D theories are out of the question with pig rachitis. They had also made experiments with pigs with the outdoor light, with ultra-violet light, and a light through double windows to filter out the ultra-violet.\nI took a photograph of the gas-analysis apparatus. (See figure ^ I .)","page":90},{"file":"p0091.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"91\nSETS'\nFigure . Copenhagen, Demaark. Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Physiology. M^llgaard's respiration chamber for swine, showing long rubber gloves at front and rear for handling feces, excreta, and feed.\nFigure S G . Copenhagen, Denmark. Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Physiology. Another view of the M^llgaard hog respiration chamber.","page":91},{"file":"p0092.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"92\nFigure 1 . Copenhagen, Denmark. Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Physiology. M^llgaard*s pig chamber with rubber sleeve hanging out. At the left are the aliquot pumps for the large chamber.","page":92},{"file":"p0093.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure ? . Copenhagen, Denmark. Agricultural Experiment station, Department of Physiology, Laboratory of Professor M/llgaard. Rabbit chamber showing glass cover and cooling pipes.\nFigure 4\t. Copenhagen, Denmark. Agricultural Experiment\nStation, Department of Physiology, Laboratory of Professor M^llgaard. Rabbit chamber with cooling device partially removed. At the right, part of the mechanical aliquoting pumps for the large chamber.\n","page":93},{"file":"p0094.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"94\n\nFigure ^\t. Copenhagen, Denmark. Agricultural Experiment\nStation, Department of Physiology. Corner of M^llgaard's laboratory where gas-analysis apparatus is installed.\n","page":94},{"file":"p0095.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"COPENHAGEN. DENMARK.\nLectures.\nOn September 27 I gave the \"third\" lecture before the Medical Society. No students were present but there was an attendance of about 225. It was a fine room and a good audience.\nOn September 28 I lectured in Krogh's lecture room before the Biological Society, giving here the \"first\" lecture, to an audience of about 85.\nAnnouncements of both lectures are appended herewith.","page":95},{"file":"p0096.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Det medietnske Selskab i Kobenhavn.\nEkstraordin\u00e6rt Mode afholdes Tiredag den 27. September Kl. 8 pr. i Domus medica.\nDAGSORDEN:\n*\tr\nFrancis O. Benedict: Human Basal Metabolism in the Light of Recent Studies.\n'VI fl\nBiologisk Selskab\nafholder Mode Onsdag den 28. September Kl. 8 i Fysiologisk Instituts store Auditorium. Indgang Henrik Harpestrengs Vej 5.\nDAGSORDEN:\nDr. Francis O. Benedict, Carnegie Institution, Washington: The physiology of great tortoises and snakes and its relation\nto human physiology.\nBest yreisen.\nM\u00e6rk den forandrede Modedag og det forandrede Modested.","page":96},{"file":"p0097.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"ABERDEEN. SCOTLAND.\nThe Rowett Research Institute.\nProfessor J. J. R. Macleod. Professor J. B. Qrr. and Dr. H. E. Magee.\nI was very sorry to find that Dr. Magee, who had made such an excellent start on the metabolism of ruminants, especially the goat, had stopped all this work and he and his collaborators were for the most part concentrating on blood sugar in fasting fowl and cows.\nThere was a great deal of discussion and some excitement over the course of the total blood sugar, both with fasting hens and with fasting cocks. Magee found an extraordinary thing, that there was a rise in the blood sugar with the fasting fowl to about the 72nd hour, followed by a decline. Two groups fell during the first 24 hours and one group rose during the first 24 hours. This picture, complicated as it is, has given rise to a great deal of live discussion. This finding seemed significant until he said that the total blood sugar in the entire body of the hen is but 0.2 gm., so that one would have to be very careful in making statements as to an actual absolute rise in blood sugar. In getting the blood sample with chickens they lay the animal on the side and get a wing vein, and then pluck a few feathers. A needle is used but no syringe. There is no struggle.\nBlood sugar in cows. Tremendous interest in the blood sugar of cows is being shown and a great deal of work has been done on that point. They had an ingenious method of drawing samples. The cow was tied up to a stanchion, the head drawn to one side and held tight, and the carotid or jugular vein punctured with a fairly large hypodermic needle. (See figures k \u00a3 and 6J.) By thrusting the needle into the vein and massaging the vein they secured in a bottle as much blood as they desired. The same method is used with sheep. They do not even shave the neck. I found that they do not approve of taking the blood from the tail or ear. They have bled cows every hour for 24 hours.\nThey use the Hagedorn-Jensen method and also the yeast-fermentation method to get the real sugar, as distinguished from total reducing substances which are given by the Hagedorn-Jensen method.\nOne of the great problems in this institute is the study of the progress of food through the alimentary tract. They had done much also with the lactic acid determinations, specifically in a silo, and found that at about 40\u00b0 temperature there was a great drop in the lactic acid formation, but the acetic acid and lower fatty acids predominated. They argued that the temperature of the paunch of the ox was probably above the rectal temperature and probably above the lactic acid level, and that it should be the body temperature plus the fermentation temperature. Possibly the lactic acid production","page":97},{"file":"p0098.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure\tAberdeen, Scotland. The Rowett Research\nInstitute. Yoke for holding head of cattle when drawing blood samples in the neck.","page":98},{"file":"p0099.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure\nInstitute.\n(q ^ . Aberdeen, Scotland. The Rowett Research Animal in position for drawing a blood sample.","page":99},{"file":"p0100.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"100\nis all stopped by the high paunch fermentation temperature so that there will be no rise in lactic acid expected. Other acids of course should be there. Thus it occurred to me that we (i.e., Ritzman and the Nutrition Laboratory) should get (l) the temperature of the paunch, (2) I should look up the method employed by Scheunert and (3) of course there should be a chemistry of the paunch contents, but this should be done by an extremely capable person in biochemistry and, as Professor Macleod stated, it needs the best of men, men like Barger to do it. Orr maintained that Barger is the only man who could do it and probably he will not.\nMacleod states that he has made no distinction between free sugar and combined 3ugar in the blood in all the studies as yet. But if the Hagedom-Jensen and Lehmann methods give wide differences with different food levels, as was reported to me by Lehmann of Lund, then Macleod may be off in holding the carbohydrate metabolism studies by the Hagedorn-Jensen method alone. Of course since these notes were made Lehmann has admitted that his method is not sufficiently proved to be put out. It may be that the striking difference that he found by the Hagedorn-Jensen and his own method will disappear. Macleod sticks to the H.-J. method. Probably for a baseline this is correct, but Macleod assumes that any increase afterward as a result of digestion is only pure glucose and no other reducing substance. This applies to nearly all that Macleod is doing now.\nAn interesting point I did not know was that the blood sugar of ruminants, cows, etc., is very low, about one half that of man. I ask, is it because the carbohydrate is converted to fatty acids and not absorbed as glucose? This is worth looking into. How is the blood sugar in the horse? The horse is not a ruminant and yet we have found that it has the highest metabolism of all per square meter. I feel that here at Rowett one should settle the course of the blood sugar and the acids after food in the ruminant.\nRitzman must chase up the blood sugar in the horse. I think it might be well to look up the Vineland, New Jersey, company, the Kimball Company, who manufacture the rotamesser and manufacture these little ampoules of Mr. Felix Meyer of Aachen, and perhaps we can get the ampoules evacuated and ready for blood and by breaking off the tip under the blood quickly fill them. I think there is a large opportunity here to straighten out the theory (Grouven) that I feel very strongly holds. Perhaps these previously evacuated ampoules are just the things to get samples, preserve them, and send them to Boston to determine the sugar. If we know more about the course of the blood sugar and acids after digestion it should stimulate the whole question of the striking effect of food in ruminants and contribute to a solution of the Grouven hypothesis.\nMagee was very much interested in Carpenter's apparatus. He should have all of our material along this line as he is a very good man and keen as a whip.","page":100},{"file":"p0101.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"101\nProfessor Orr. While a number of years ago I wrote that if one wished to have a good anti-vitamin day one should spend a day with Orr, he tells me now that he is partially converted to the vitamins. He is very much occupied in various nutritional surveys, and I find on the whole much more apparent activity than six years ago. For example, they are at present very much interested in the question of cows and iodine and by giving 100 mg. of iodine per day they find it in the milk, but as yet there is no account of it in the urine and feces. Orr is most interested in committees and surveys, as formerly, but apparently there is a very serious and intense interest in scientific research, in no little part furnished by the great interest shown in this institute by Macleod since he has been there.\nOne of the healthiest things I noted in this laboratory was the keen laboratory discussion of all these points, partaking of the nature almost of a seminar. Rowett seems well worth keeping in touch with, perhaps the best and most stimulating place in the whole of Great Britain.\n*","page":101},{"file":"p0102.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"102\nABERDEEN. SCOTLAND.\nUniversity of Aberdeen. Faculty of Science, Laboratory of Physiology.\nProfessor J. J. R. Macleod.\nMacleod is in my judgment a very remarkable man. He is as keen as a razor. His Linacre Lecture reprint, which was given me, was most stimulating. In his laboratory there was little if any metabolism, but I saw several Haldanes in the laboratory, long-stemmed, graduated, but as usual they looked bad, very unkempt and dirty. This laboratory is the University laboratory, not at Rowett.\nI enjoyed very much every moment with him and considered it a great privilege that we could enjoy the hospitality of Professor and Mrs. Macleod. (See figures 0 Lf,\tand (q (>.) The hours in his\nstudy, discussing many problems and questions, were really a treat.\nI was able to get in a wholly simple way the whole story of the discovery, development, and progress of insulin at Toronto. There was no question but what Macleod's personality is strongly felt in Aberdeen, not only in the University but likewise in the Rowett Institute.\nLecture. On October 3rd I gave the \"second\" lecture in Professor Macleod's lecture room, before a group of about 65.","page":102},{"file":"p0103.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"103\n\n\n\n\nFigure b . on the terrace of\nAberdeen, Scotland. Professor J. his rock garden, Aberdeen.\nJ.\nR. Macleod","page":103},{"file":"p0104.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"104\n\nFigure ^\t. Aberdeen, Scotland. Photograph of\nProfessor Macleod on the terrace at his home in Aberdeen.\nFigure ^ ^ . Aberdeen, Scotland. Home of Professor and Mrs. J. J. R. Macleod.","page":104},{"file":"p0105.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"105\nABERDEEN. SCOTLAND.\nFrom the standpoint of nutrition I had most stimulating talks with both Orr and Macleod. Orr especially is on some government coAssion for alimentation in Great Britain, and I believe that Macleod is very closely allied with the same commission. A point they both brought out very intelligently was that in spite of the great depression in England and the use of the dole, unemployment, etc., there was no reason why anybody should starve in England.\nThere was the usual problem of the distribution of food, with a plethora at one point and a deficiency at the other point, but in general starvation should not take place.\nThe dominant factor of food selection in food likes or dislikes is illustrated by the fact that every morning in Aberdeen there were thrown into the river six thousand quarts of skim milk, simply because the people would not use it. The children will not drink it and people will not use it for cooking. It is looked upon as a waste product and thrown away. A proportionate amount is thrown away in practically all of the other Scottish cities. In the south of England there is undoubtedly a great scarcity of milk, certainly not an adequate supply, and here in Scotland is the wasteful rejection of this important food material. It should be said, however, that the great cost of transportation of skim milk (92 per cent water) from Aberdeen some five hundred or more miles to London or south offsets the food value, but it is still worthy of note that many of the poor in Scotland are unwilling to use this food material. It reminds\" one of the experience of the American Relief Commission in Belgium, when the Belgians refused absolutely to eat American rice sent over to them.","page":105},{"file":"p0106.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"106\nEDINBURGH, SCOTLAND.\nUniversity of Edinburgh. Department of Physiology.\nSir Edward Sharpey-Schafer.\nSchafer's age (83 years) and illness have both contributed to his lessened activities. (See figures\tThere was no metabolism\nof humans going on, but he had a chamber for rabbits and cats.\nSchafer is strong on the use of cats and makes many experiments with them. He says they are fine experimental animals. Of special interest was the fact that they had begun work on a monkey.\nHe was much interested in showing me the respiration apparatus for a cat, which I thought grotesquely bad. He was even more interested in showing me the apparatus for a rat which, if anything, was worse than the cat apparatus. (See figures b\u00b0[ and JO.) He used a Kendrick spirometer, so-called \"Benedict\" type, but everything was very badly constructed and extremely large for a rat. The blower sucked air out of the chamber (a large glass bell jar), through soda-lime by closed circuit, and then for some unaccountable reason there was placed a Sadd valve between the ventilation and spirometer. One point of interest was that the soda-lime was protected by an indicator which showed when carbon dioxide passed. This was the so-called \"Sofnolite\" which turned red when carbon dioxide was present. This is manufactured by Sofnol, Ltd., Greenwich, London. This Sofnolite that he used in a number of places to indicate the efficient carbon-dioxide absorption is all right, but I think that we are always as well protected with our various systems, as by the unusually large soda-lime bottle or else by using a pair of bottles, or with the closed circuit, having the air continually passing over the soda-lime, and that this control of unabsorbed carbon dioxide is practically unnecessary. These two apparatus in Schafer's laboratory are excellent illustrations of how badly respiratory metabolism may be attempted in a laboratory supposed to be one of the most important in Europe. It was sad to see such a \"set-up\" as this.\nLecture. On October 5th I lectured in Schafer's lecture room for the Edinburgh Physiological Society, before an audience of 135.\nI gave the \"third\" lecture, which was followed by a lively discussion.","page":106},{"file":"p0107.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"107\nFigure / . Edinburgh, Scotland. Sir Edward Sharpey-Schafer","page":107},{"file":"p0108.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure (\u00b0 % . Edinburgh, Scotland. Photograph taken at the home of Sir Edward Schafer. Left to right: Mrs. Benedict, Lady Schafer, and Sir Edward Schafer.","page":108},{"file":"p0109.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"109\nFigure 4 9 . Edinburgh, Scotland. University of Edinburgh, Department of Physiology, Laboratory of Sir Edward Sharpey-Schafer. Cat (and small monkey) respiration apparatus of Professor Schafer. A bell jar is used with the chamber. Soda-lime can of metal with waxed glass top and part of the spirometer. In the circuit is placed a Sadd valve.\nFigure 7 0 \u2022 Edinburgh, Scotland. University of Edinburgh, Department of Physiology, Laboratory of Sir Edward Sharpey-Schafer. Schafer's metabolism apparatus for rats. Small bell jar with essentially the same equipment for soda-lime as the cat apparatus. The Sadd valve leads off to the right to the spirometer.","page":109},{"file":"p0110.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"110\nEDINBURGH. SCOTLAND\nUniversity of Edinburgh. Department of Zoology\nProfessor J. H. Ashworth\nThis new institution, built with funds given by the Rockefeller Foundation and designed by the architect, Latimer, who designed the Scottish War Memorial, is a beautiful building. The work is essentially entirely zoological with practically nothing in the building in the line of metabolism, but they are much interested in cold-blooded physiology, so the snake monograph was sent to them. They have an excellent library and a remarkably fine museum.\nAshworth is a very fine r \u2014 > *\tlendid group of\n7 4, and 1k3 .)\nassociates about him there\nLecture. I was very glad to give the \"first\" lecture, on snakes, on October 7th to a group of about fifty most interested people in Ashworth's institute, and there was a very stimulating discussion following the lecture. Contacts were made with two men formerly on snake (venom) research in India.","page":110},{"file":"p0111.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Ill\n' Figure 7/\t. Edinburgh, Scotland. Left to right: Dr. Benedict,\nProfessor J. H. Ashworth, and Mrs. Ashworth.","page":111},{"file":"p0112.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"112\nFigure 7\u00b0^. Edinburgh, Scotland. Left to right: Mrs. Benedict, Professor J. H. Ashworth, and Mrs. Ashworth.\nFigure V . Edinburgh, Scotland. Left to right: Mrs. Benedict, Professor J. H. Ashworth, and Mrs. Ashworth.","page":112},{"file":"p0113.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"113\nEDINBURGH. SCOTLAND.\nRoyal (Dick) Veterinary College, Biochemical Laboratories.\nProfessor Henry Dryerre and Dr. J. Y. Bogue.\nI found Dryerre very eager to have me visit his laboratory, which I did, and afterward we went out to the Experiment Station at Moredun. The most interesting thing in the laboratory was a young man, a very fine intelligent chap, Bogue. He is extremely interested in the direct calorimetry of the rat, he told me. He was designing and constructing an apparatus for rats, and I told him he should certainly make an alcohol check experiment before he publishes. I entered into a friendly conversation with him and told him to let me know his progress. He had most ingenious ideas and seemed to be a man well worthy of encouragement, and I feel that we must keep in touch with him, as he sounded like a good man.\nMoredun I found to be only in the problematical stage so far as metabolism is concerned. They had no apparatus. They had a room in which Dryerre told me he might install a respiration chamber for sheep. The room was cold, with no heat and no temperature control.\nIt was an interesting place to visit, and the director, J. Russell Greig, was a very pleasant man, but everything metabolic seemed to be in the future, with nothing actually accomplished.\nDryerre is always fussing about, is always going to do something, and is always nearly ready. Much to my surprise, I found that he had a very elaborate set of notes on Ritzman's apparatus. He seems heavy, serious enough, but I do not believe he will go very far.\nI hope he will but I don't think he is especially promising. Bogue, on the contrary, I think has great potentialities.","page":113},{"file":"p0114.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"114\nCAMBRIDGE. ENGLAND. Addenbrooke1 s Hospital.\nDr. C. G. L. Wolf.\nRealizing the difficulty that Professor Eleanor D. Mason of Madras and I have had in securing basal metabolism measurements on people coming from India to England, it was a pleasure to note the interest in metabolism sustained by Dr. Wolf in Cambridge. He had recently fixed up a very small, to be sure, but very perfect metabolism laboratory including the Benedict apparatus, and the Nutrition Laboratory had presented the Addenbrooke?s Hospital with a helmet. Dr. Wolf had had a certain amount of difficulty in attaching the helmet but in five minutes I showed him the trouble and he was on the apparatus for some time and was comfortable and enthusiastic as to its possibilities.\nHis principal difficulty with the helmet seemed to be that the circulation was not running properly and he had no effect of the dry air current cooling the forehead. I straightened this out for him.\nApparently Dr. Wolf is trying very hard to introduce basal metabolism into the hospital as a regular measure and is making progress, although slowly. The laboratory itself is a model of neatness and should inspire respect for the apparatus on the part of the patients and the doctors in the hospital. It is in striking contrast to most rooms that one sees in many places. (See figures l1/-,\nand ]Q.)\nI was very much disappointed in finding that Dr. Wolf had laid aside perhaps permanently his preparation of a book on metabolism.\nAfter a veiy bad automobile accident in which both Dr. and Mrs. Wolf were badly shaken up and injured he felt it necessary to drop the task.","page":114},{"file":"p0115.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"115\nFigure 7 V. Cambridge, England. Addenbrooke's Hospital. Metabolism room of Dr. C. G. L. Wolf. Respiration apparatus showing Collins blower, spirometer, two soda-lime bottles, and mouthpiece.\nFigure 7^. Cambridge, England. Addenbrooke\u2019s Hospital. Metabolism room of Dr. C. G. L. Wolf. A very bad view of respiration apparatus with Dr. Wolf dimly in the background at the left.","page":115},{"file":"p0116.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"116\n\n\nFigure 7^ . Cambridge, England. Addenbrooke's Hospital. Another view of respiration apparatus at Dr. Wolf's laboratory.\n\n\n\nA","page":116},{"file":"p0117.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"117\nCAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND.\nUniversity of Cambridge. School of Agriculture.\nInstitute of Animal Nutrition.\nDr. Thomas Deighton.\nNow Deighton is running his own show. T. B. Wood has died and Capstick is very seriously ill and I believe never comes to the laboratory. Consequently Deighton is running around laying most emphasis upon problems of an economic nature. The most unfortunate thing is that Deighton has no adverse critic. Since my last visit here he had been empowered by the authorities to take a trip to the Continent and I found that he had visited Fingerling, Mj^llgaard, and Lef\u00e8vre, and I am not sure about Zurich and Berlin. He had had no experience in indirect calorimetry but had made this visit to European laboratories and presented a very confidential report to the British Ministry, including a rather harsh criticism of Lef\u00e8vre, and he was most chagrined to think that the British Ministry permitted Lef\u00e8vre to see a copy of this. He tried to get a copy for me but the successor to T. B. Woods, F. W. H. Marshall, whom I had not met personally, told Deighton that I could not have it. At present he was distressed by the fact that the Minister of Agriculture had lost interest or had \"let down\" in appropriations.\nIn a recent article Deighton had touched upon a theory of Rubner on the question of length of life, death, and the potentialities of life, much upon the basis that a man or animal had only a certain time to live anyway and that with excessive activity he would be burned up more quickly. This is interesting in connection with work proposed by the Nutrition Laboratory in 1955 on Professor Sherman's rats.\nDeighton is still obsessed with the idea of direct calorimetry and he had made experiments on the cat. He is at present constructing a compensation chamber for poultry, in which he is using cellophane walls, their particular value being, according to him, that the poultry will live normally in light. (See figures 7 7 > 7$> and 7?*) The apparatus had also an elaborate electrical heating system and temperature measuring system to maintain the walls at constant temperature. It seemed to me rather hopeless. Although he had direct calorimetric compensation chambers he wishes now to add the indirect to it. He felt that 24-hour periods were necessary for poultry, but he also admitted that poultry experiments were made primarily for political reasons, to keep the interest of their farmer constituents.","page":117},{"file":"p0118.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"118\nFigure 7 7. Cambridge, England. University of Cambridge, School of Agriculture, Institute of Animal Nutrition. Laboratory of Dr. Deighton. Double compensation respiration chamber with cellophane walls, to be used for poultry. Still under construction.\nFigure 7 ^ . Cambridge, England. University of Cambridge, School of Agriculture, Institute of Animal Nutrition. Second view of Deighton's chamber for direct calorimetry of poultry.","page":118},{"file":"p0119.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"119\nFigure 77 . Cambridge, England. University of Cambridge, School of Agriculture, Institute of Animal Nutrition. Another view of Deighton* s calorimeter for poultry, showing the cellophane walls.\n\n","page":119},{"file":"p0120.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"120\nThey were running a calorimeter 24 hours per day and five or six days at a time with the pig. The animal was allowed to move about as he would. The humidity was determined by a wet and dry bulb thermometer, with a very poor-looking wet bulb \u2014 he had a \"woolen blanket\" effect over the mercury instead of a light tissue covering.\nMy feeling is that Deighton is very clever but is literally hobbled by Capstick's notions. Frankly, while I was formerly anxious to have Deighton have direct control of his researches, I feel now that in the absence of a critic he will not have the best planned researches. In spite of the fact that I question seriously Deighton\u2019s success in following out his present line of attack, since he is so dominated by the Capstick ideas, I felt justified in writing a letter to the Minister of Agriculture, Major Walter Elliot, with regard to Deighton, a copy of which letter is appended herewith, and I had a good reply from Elliot. My feeling is that Deighton is going to let them in for a great deal of money and then have a lot of uninterpretable results if they do not watch out. I also tried to get Deighton to come to America and visit institutions here. He asks intelligent questions and is a very good bet, and Cambridge will have a chance to have something worth while, but he certainly needs an adverse critic and needs to visit American institutions before going too far.","page":120},{"file":"p0121.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"20th October, 1952.\nRt. Hon. Major Walter Elliott, M.P., Ministry of Agriculture,\nWHITEHALL,\nLONDON, S.W.l.\nMy dear Sir,\nWriting as I am en tour I unfortunately have not with me official stationery, but I am writing officially as Director of the Nutrition Laborat\u00f4ry of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, the Laboratory being located in Boston, Mass.\nEvery three years I make a tour of European Institutions of research in the nutrition of man and animals. It is needless to state that the researches at Cambridge formerly under the direction of Professor T. B. Wood and carried out so admirably by Mr. Capstick and Dr. Deighton have always had a great interest for me.\nOn a recent visit to Cambridge, Dr. Deighton told me of his opportunity of seeing the European Institutes carrying out similar work. This study of these Institutes I have for years strongly urged and it is obvious that Dr. Deighton made most admirable use of such a visit.\nMay I emphasize what was perfectly clear to me in my recent visit to Cambridge that I think you have in Dr. Deighton a wholly unusual man for the researches to be carried out there.\nI have had an increasing impression of scholarliness and understanding of technique in all of Dr. Deighton1 s writings. Being occupied with very much the same line of research, I feel certain that a visit to certain American Institutions would be most productive of results, orient him in American work and give him what I think is a much needed perspective. Were I in a position to recommend to any Board the expenditure of funds for such research, it would surely include a modest appropriation to enable Dr. Deighton to make such a visit. Without any doubt after such a visit the progress of the Cambridge researches would be even more rapid and planned with a full knowledge of what is going on in all the important centres in both Europe and America.","page":121},{"file":"p0122.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"122\nThis recommendation is based upon my own personal experience and indeed, practice in making a triennial tour of European Institutions a regular feature of our research program.\nWith such a man as Dr. Deighton to bank on one is very safe in making such recommendations and I do so with what I believe to be the joint interests and welfare of Dr. Deighton and the Cambridge Institute.\nIt is needless to say that Dr. Deighton visiting either the Nutrition Laboratory in Boston or the Laboratory for Animal Nutrition at Durham, New Hampshire, he would be received with the greatest friendliness and accorded the opportunity of seeing every detail of our work.\nTrusting you will pardon my seeming intrusion v/hich was prompted only by the fine impression I received last week at Cambridge,\nI am,\nVery sincerely yours,\n(Signed) Francis G. Benedict.\nPermanent European Address\nDr. Francis G. Benedict,\nC/o Brown, Shipley & Co., 125, Pall Mall,\nLONDON, S.W.l.","page":122},{"file":"p0123.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"123\nCAMBRIDGE. ENGLAND.\nLectures.\nOn October 11th at Addenbrooke's Hospital I gave the \"third\" lecture, before the Cambridge Medical Society. This was very well attended, about 65 being present, with some discussion, especially regarding insensible perspiration, afterwards. (There is an announcement of this lecture.)\nThe \"first\" lecture, on the snakes, was given on October 13th at the Institute of Biochemistry (Professor Hopkins), where as usual I found an extraordinarily interested audience (about 55 people), with the usual aftermath of many questions and discussions. It is always a great stimulus to address this group.","page":123},{"file":"p0124.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Cambridge (TDebical Society.\nA Special Meeting will be held at Addenbrooke\u2019s Hospital on Tuesday, October 11th, at 3 p.m., when a paper illustrated by Lantern Slides will be read by Dr. Francis G. Benedict, the Director of the Carnegie Nutrition Laboratory, Boston, U.S.A., on\nBasal Metabolism in its Relation to Physical Fitness.\nC. H. WHITTLE, Hon. Sec.\n*** By arrangement with the Cambs. and Hunts. Branch of the British Medical Asssciation, all members of the Branch are entitled to attend the Meetings of the Cambridge Medical Society. These meetings, which are held monthly, excepting July and August, will count as clinical meetings of the Association.","page":124},{"file":"p0125.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"135\nLONDON. ENGLAND.\nMiddlesex Hospital.\nProfessor E. C. Dodds and Dr. J. D. Robertson.\nThis is about the only place in London where one can be sure of getting basal metabolism measurements or of a laboratory for such measurements, although I was told by Dr. Kenneth Tallerman that Dr. Gardner Hall at St. Thomas' Hospital had a very good equipment. Both Dodds and Hall carry out researches chiefly for the clinic, but Professor Dodds had been kind enough to determine the metabolism on at least one of our subjects returning from India.\nMiddlesex Hospital is being rather extensively reconstructed, and I found that Professor Dodds had a large room and four cubicles with one Collins and three Kendrick apparatus. The bells looked badly. There were dents in them and they looked as if they had been blown over and hit the floor. The impression was that of a \"dirty Haldane\". They used small oxygen cylinders, medical size, for each apparatus, and I suggested that with so many cubicles they might use a pipe line. They had a great many Haldane apparatus, which are made all in one piece of glass. They also had one large Haldane like Dr. Carpenter's, but with a capacity of 100 cm., and it was not functioning well. The hospital is most interested in thyroids and the follow-up after medication or operation. No experiments were actually in progress in the afternoon but apparently the laboratory was actively used in the morning.","page":125},{"file":"p0126.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"126\nLONDON, ENGLAND.\nGuy*g Hospital Medical School, Physiological Laboratory,\nProfessor M. S, Pembrey and Professor E. P. Poulton.\nThis extremely interesting laboratory is certainly a most depressing place to visit, badly lighted, dirty, and with an air of depression all about it. Of course Professor Pembrey is just about to retire so there was not the greatest experimental activity and enthusiasm; very little of immediate interest was obvious.\nProfessor Poulton of the same department, but associated more with the hospital, told me he was still using his rather complicated apparatus for basal metabolism measurements with patients but I did not visit it.\nPembrey is just publishing a radiographic study of movements of the stomach after food followed by exercise. He is still hot after the low respiratory quotients and thinks the changes in the quotient may be both ways; that is, carbohydrate may go to fat and fat may go to carbohydrate. He thinks the respiratory quotient of 0.3 that he published on the marmot several years ago is correct but he still uses the weight method.\nPembrey banks absolutely on whatever Haldane says or does. For example, we were speaking about the variation in the carbon dioxide in outdoor air which was asserted to be diurnal and due to vegetation. Pembrey is sure of it. It is a biological necessity, but if you put one drop of ether on the floor of the lecture hall you can not find it at the top. Pembrey states that during a London fog the carbon dioxide may run to 0.14 per cent and one simply can not take air as of \"constant composition\". He agrees that the conditions for work are not good. He says he can not do the respiratory quotients by gas analysis as he can not accept constant composition of outdoor air.\nI feel that he might perfectly well analyze incoming outdoor air and still get his respiratory quotients. However, I felt his apparatus showed pronounced differences in outdoor air, so it is a fault of inaccurate technique. I had visited Haldane in Oxford and seen his private laboratoiy and his work upon the fermentation and free hydrogen (?) in silos and peat bogs. Pembrey is not surprised at this and believes it may be up as high as 2 per cent in silos. Certainly Pembrey is dominated by Haldane and his early experience with the gravimetric method for carbon dioxide with Haldane.\nCommenting upon the hibernation of animals and former studies made on them, Pembrey stated that some continued observations were made in Europe by taking a sleeping marmot at 10\u00b0 C. into a room at 20\u00b0 C. to measure its metabolisml'. At the time of my visit he emphasized that we must study the waking state of the animal. This was, of course, done at the Nutrition Laboratory during the winter of 1932-33. Pembrey\ntold me that he has marmots on hand now and Is checking the old","page":126},{"file":"p0127.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"127\nrespiratory quotient of 0.3, and considers of special importance the change from sleeping to awake. The question I wrote in my book was that we found that a snake in warming from 18\u00b0 to 23\u00b0 C. changed its respiratory quotient from 0.60 to 0.71. Will a marmot under any conditions go from 0.3 to 0.71?\nProfessor E. P. Poulton. There was a meeting of the British Physiological Society at about this time and at the request of Professor Poulton, who had a paper on direct versus indirect calorimetry, I participated in the discussion. Poulton's thesis is in my judgment wrong. He and his associate, Adams, have used the very old Middletown calorimeter series and have computed from the old respiratory quotients, in an effort to disprove the Zuntz-Schunberg caloric values for oxygen and carbon dioxide. Poulton of course uses many two-hour periods. He finds that the carbon dioxide heat is almost constant but the oxygen differs, and obviously all is based upon the determination of oxygen. He also told me that the respiratory quotients wandered all over the lot in a forenoon. There was a great deal of work there, a lot of fuss, and misuse of data, but he had caught me with a published respiratory quotient of 0.44 from the Nutrition Laboratory!]! This certainly was a great error. Poulton has disregarded completely all subsequent work on respiratory quotients.\nHe presented the matter in an antagonistic yet friendly way and I was called upon to discuss it. I pointed out that the material was based on experiments twenty-five years old and during that time there had certainly been some advancement in metabolism technique. Those respiratory quotients were admittedly difficultly determined and continued over two-hour periods and were certainly not to be taken as seriously and strictly as he had taken them. I referred him to the Nutrition Laboratory's recent work in which the respiratory quotients do not appreciably alter during the morning. I stated that I felt his whole thesis entirely unsound, although it had certainly raised a point.\nThere was a dinner following the Physiological Society meeting and several rather interesting incidents came up. I happened to be at Pembrey's left and at the right of Sir Henry Dale. There vra.s rather a good deal of noise going on and Pembrey rose and stated in a most casual way that he wanted to speak of the death of two of their honorary members, Rubner and Lusk. Dale turned to me and said, \"I feel as if I ought to say something about poor old Lusk, but you know we English people don't do that sort of thing over here.\" Personally I was rather shocked to think nothing was said about Rubner and Lusk and there was not even a fraction of a moment's silence. I doubt if five per cent of the crowd heard what Pembrey said.\nAs was common with many personal conversations that I had, Dale almost immediately began to talk on the subject of prohibition, into which I came only half-heartedly until I was able to break away from it. A little later on in the evening he said, \"You know we Englishmen are fed up with the American attitude toward prohibition. Apparently you people can talk of nothing else.\" I felt constrained to ask exactly who had raised the question at the table that evening.","page":127},{"file":"p0128.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"6.\tL. E. Bayliss, P. M. T. Kerridge and D. S. Russell.\u2014\n\u201c The excretion of protein by the mammaiian kidney.\u201d\n7.\tA. F. Hurst.\u2014\u201c Some observations on the physiology of\nthe colon.\u201d\nh P. Poulton and T. W. Adams.\u2014\u201d The fallacies of indirect calorimetry\u2014fasting values.\u201d\t1\n9. J. Argyll Campbell.\u2014(1) \u201c Gas tensions in the gall bladder.\u201d (2) \u201c Hypertrophy of the heart in acclimatisation to chronic carbon monoxide poisoning.\u201d\n10.\tR. C. Garry.\u2014\u201c The effect of stimulation of the sacral\nvisceral outflow and of the central ends of the somatic nerves on the caudal end of the large bowel.\u201d\n11.\tI. de Burgh Daly and W. V. Thorpe.\u2014\u201c An isolated\nmammalian heart preparation capable of performing work for prolonged periods.\u201d\n12.\tM. Hill and A. S. Parkes.\u2014\u201c Effects of hypophy-\nsectomy on ovulation and spermatogenesis in the ferret.\u201d\n13.\tR. C. Brock (introduced by M. S. Pembrey).\u2014\n\u201c Absorption by the plasma.\u201d\n14.\tP. M. F. Bishop (introduced by M. S. Pembrey).\u2014\n\u201c Results obtained with the Friedman reaction for pregnancy.\u201d\n15.\tW. A. Bain.\u2014\u201c On the mode of action of vaso-motor\nnerves.\u201d\nDINNER.\nDinner (6/-) will be held in the Students\u2019 Club at 7 p.m. Will all those who wish to attend please notify Prof. Pembrey on the enclosed card before Friday, October 21st.","page":128},{"file":"p0128s0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\nTHE PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY\nSEMI-ANNUAL MEETING\u2014OCTOBER 22nd, 1932.\nThe Semi-Annual Meeting of the Society will be held in the Department of Physiology, Guy\u2019s Hospital Medical School, on Saturday, October 22nd, at 3 p.m.\nDEMONSTRATIONS.\nB. S. Platt and George Winfield.\u2014\u201c An apparatus employing thermoionic valves for the measurement of potentials in high resistance cell systems.\u201d\nL. E. Bayliss, P. M. T. Kerridge and D. S. Russell.\u2014\n\u201c Histological preparations of normal and perfused kidneys of dogs showing the glomerular excretion of egg albumin.\u201d\nCOMMUNICATIONS (3\u20144 and 5\u20147 p.m.)\n1.\tSylvia Dickinson and B. S. Platt.\u2014\u201c Observations on\nsome factors involved in the accurate measurement of glass electrode potentials.\u201d\n2.\tB. M. Leiberman, B. A. McSwiney and W. R.\nSpurred.\u2014\u201c A quantitative study of the influence of fat on gastric motility.\u201d\n3.\tE. D. Adrian.\u2014\u201c Potential changes in nerve ganglia.\u201d\n4.\tD. F. Fraser-Harris. A simple method of appreciat-\ning muscular sense.\u201d\n5.\tW. H. Newton and G. F. Marrian.\u2014\u201c The action of\noestrin on the isolated uterus.\u201d","page":0},{"file":"p0128s0002.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"' fctvp tog \u00e7 i\u00c7wmuojj fuvfsissy \u2018ssnAvg -g g\n\u2019sauvp/ogc \u00dbWMUOU J \u2122H 'A 'V l ^vog -g jj\n'(Of 9P>I \"s) ireupy gojg o; ;uos uggq sEq joEijsqy n-E ji U3A9 ssq\u00c2Eg -jj\\[ o; jugs gq ;snui ;i \u2018guiuiEjSojd pg;uud 9qj ui JEOddE \u00c4vixi J9d\u00efd e jo 9j;i; gq; ;Eq; jgpjo uj\n'q;i -igquiOAog \u2018Aepuoj\u00e7 \u00c2q \u2018g\u00e2puquiEg \u2018p^og oSireig) s.P^D AS \u2018UEijpy -g -g gojg o; sSmpgggojg gq; joj spEJjsqy nB P116 I D'AV uopuog ';ggj;\u00a7 jgAVOQ \u2018g\u00e2gqoa \u00c4jisigAnqq \u2018\u00c2Sopis\u00c2qg jo ;u9iu;jEdga \"bsg \u2018ssq\u00c2Eg -g -g o; \u2019;u9S gq o; gjE suoijEOTunuiuiog pire suoijEijsuomgg jje jo sojqg\n128","page":0},{"file":"p0129.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"139\nLectures. I gave two lectures on two successive days at Guy's Hospital, giving the \"first\" lecture on October 24th, and the \"third\" lecture on October 25th. Both were extremely well attended and followed by a certain amount of discussion. The \"first\" lecture was only moderately well received but the \"third\" went very well with an unusually good crowd. (There was an announcement of these two lectures.) I am always very much impressed to see this existing situation of apathy in England, and in general in London, with regard to metabolism researches, and yet my lectures are always attended by an interested audience.","page":129},{"file":"p0130.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"UNIVERSITY OF LONDON\nADVANCED LECTURES IN PHYSIOLOGY\nTWO LECTURES ON\n(l) THE PHYSIOLOGY ?OT GREAT \"'TORT 01 SES AND SNAKES AND ITS RELATION TO HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY:\nand\n(2) HUMAN BASAL METABOLISM IN THE LIGHT OF RECENT STUDIES.","page":130},{"file":"p0130s0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"UNIVERSITY OF LONDON\nADVANCED LECTURES IN PHYSIOLOGY\nTWO LECTURES ON\n~ , ,.\t,\u2022 r, n ' I \u25a0\"*.\n\u25a0\t.A*-'\n(l) THE PHYSIOLOGY^OF GREAT \u201c'TORT 01 SES AND SNAKES AND ITS RELATION TO HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY:\nand.\n(2) HUMAN BASAL METABOLISM IN THE LIGHT OF RECENT STUDIES.\n\nwill \"be given in the\nPhysiological Theatre\nGUY\u2019S HOSPITAL (London Bridge, S.E.I.;\nrv- l'\t\u2022\t'\u25a0 n\nx ; \u2022\t'\t0 : C \u25a0\nby<\nDR FRANCIS G. BENEDICT\n(Director of the Nutrition Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.)\nat 5 p.m. on\nMONDAY, OCTOBER 24th, and TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1932.\n-'\u25a0j v ;\n. jj/ i dh O \u00fc\n. r r.T\\r :\n. v \u2022 l \\j\\. .\n. _b. ^ JJX Li. ; J.\u2014- \u2022\t, ,\nThe lectures are addressed tomstuda&te of the University and to others interested in the subject.\nADMISSION FREE, WITHOUT TICKET.\nS J. WORSLEY,\nAcademic Registrar.\nPKW.350 A.3792 19.10.32","page":0},{"file":"p0131.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"131\nLONDON AMD CAMBRIDGE\u00ab ENGLAND\u00ab\nWhale investigation.\nWhile the practicability of making any studies on the sea mammals to contribute toward, the most interesting problem of respiratory activity of the Cetacea seems at the time rather remote,\nI had occasion when in London and again in Cambridge to discuss the matter of the whale, especially with Dr. Stanley Kemp at the Discovery Expedition Offices. Dr. Kemp gave me first-hand information that seems to me should replace a great many of the legends with regard to whales. For example, the stories with regard to the great depths to which they go are probably wrong. He believes they rarely go down more than 150 fathom. On the other hand, there is the legend that whales have been found with mud on the end of their noses and, on this basis, people believe there are shoals in the middle of the ocean. Kemp believes that if they are submerged 40 minutes it is a very long time.\nIn discussing the question of the amount of force required by the whale when swimming at the surface, I talked with Professor Joseph Barcroft who is writing a book in which this discussion is to appear. Kemp said they rarely break the water and swim just below the surface with only a small portion of the back showing above the water,\n12 feet wide and 20 feet long. This plays a very important role with the harpooners who must aim at this small spot.\nIn my discussion with Barcroft at Cambridge I pointed out to him that I felt he had a number of very gross errors in his assumptions. As I recall it, there were about four pages of mathematics and calculations dealing with the resistance of the whale and the horse-power, based upon calculations made for him by a lieutenant in the navy who had to deal with submarines and torpedo boats and based upon the traction on a line required to draw these submarines or similar underwater boats at certain speeds. Apparently one must discount the fabulous stories, particularly with regard to the distance to which whales sound, the speed of their travelling, and the length of time they remain submerged.\nFurthermore, the harpoon is in no sense a serious instrument for the whale. It is quite likely he hardly feels it and he is not in any sense \"fighting the harpoon\" when he goes down. Of course a bomb lance or bomb harpoon is a different thing.\nKemp very kindly sent to the Laboratory a number of publications dealing with the whale and especially choice is a copy of Hinton's report.","page":131},{"file":"p0132.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"132\nOXFORD, EMGLADD.\nUniversity of Oxford. Department of Physiology.\nSir Charles Sherrington. Dr. C. Gordon Douglas, and Dr. J. G. Priestley.\nI went to Oxford just for the day and found Sir Charles so extremely occupied that I could hardly see him and he could not attend my lecture. Douglas and Priestley were hospitality personified. In the laboratory Douglas, owing to illness and change in laboratory administration, had been doing very little research and things bad a rather depressing, dirty, unkempt appearance. Douglas is very much against Hill\u2019s notion of a respiratory quotient of 1.0 during work. He expects to go on to the problem himself but at present is not working. To talk with Douglas is most stimulating. I always find him one of the most interesting men to discuss matters with that I know of in Europe. (See figures\tand ?/ .)\nIn the laboratory at Oxford no metabolism work to speak of is going on, although Priestley still teaches every student the use of the Haldane gas-analysis apparatus.\nLecture. Douglas and Priestley had made every arrangement for the lecture, which was given on October 18th, and the room was packed,\n140 people attending. I gave the \"first\u201d lecture, which was extremely appreciated. Douglas was very much impressed by the snake work and its potentialities, and later on Sherrington on the train told me he thought it opened a new field. The classic story in America that the Englishman is slow-witted and slow on the \"up-take\" is completely negated by me, especially at Oxford. I have personally made a slight experiment with the Oxford group. I find that no matter what \"asides\" I make, how obvious or how subtile, this group of young Oxford men always react with as much spontaneity as any American group. It is a pleasure to speak to such a keen, interested body. On the other hand, I must say that in striking contrast is the large group to whom I speak in Guy's Hospital, London. Precisely the same remarks and asides will fall without any reaction whatsoever on this second group. It may possibly be explained that the second group is more in earnest and of a more thoughtful, scientific nature, and all stirred up on the scientific side and hence any lighter remarks pass unheeded.\nSherrington. There is a rather interesting story, possibly a bit of gossip, with regard to Sir Charles Sherrington and the Nobel Prize.\nThe following story came to me in a very reliable way. It seems there is a certain Stockholm paper which has always taken upon itself to get in contact by long-distance telephone immediately with the various Nobel Prize winners and thus this paper announces to them before any other means their having received the Prize. The paper immediately asks","page":132},{"file":"p0133.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure ^ \u00f4 . Oxford, England. Photograph of group at St. John's College. Left to right: Dr. C. Gordon Douglas, Professor Haldane, and Dr. J. G. Priestley.\nFigure ? I . Oxford, England. Another photograph of group at St. John's College. Left to right: Dr. C. Gordon Douglas, Professor Haldane, Dr. J. G. Priestley, and Dr. Benedict.","page":133},{"file":"p0134.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\n134\nthe person for comments and prints them in its columns. When Sir Charles was awarded the Nobel Prize the telephone connection was made with Oxford and the reply was given that \"Sir Charles Sherrington was not to be seen\", even after the messenger had been told that the Nobel Prize had been awarded him. Anyone who knows Sherrington knows he has a most lovable disposition and he certainly would not in any way offend such a courtesy. The fact was that it was the action of a Diener who is a classic at Oxford and who literally stands with a club before Sherrington\u2019s door and will not allow him to be disturbed under any condition whatsoever. Going back to London on the train with Sir Charles I had the most stimulating and interesting conversation. A more lovable man hardly lives.\ni","page":134},{"file":"p0135.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"135\nOXFORD. ENGLAND. Professor J. S. Haldane.\nA visit to Haldane\u2019s home was interesting as I had not seen them for some time. He was busy as usual, at this time studying free hydrogen*, which he had noticed in peat bogs and 2 per cent of it in silos. Likewise he is studying the temperatures of silos and found them, due to fermentation, as high as 170\u00b0 F. Haldane is very sure he has got free hydrogen. I felt uncertain about it. It certainly is a problem that should be checked up.","page":135},{"file":"p0136.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"136\nGeneral impressions of metabolism Interest in Great Britain.\nI was extremely disappointed by the generally very low interest in metabolism in Great Britain. There were practically no high spots that stood out as especially stimulating or of value. Indeed I have several times remarked that I doubt very much if it is worth while visiting again the laboratories of Great Britain. Why England has always been so negligent of metabolism measurements I do not know.\nI remember A. V. Hill and one or two others who said that they felt metabolism measurements should be left to American laboratories, but even in the hospitals practically no use is made of the basal metabolism measurement. It is surprising when one realizes what a tremendous, perhaps too great use is made of it in American and German hospitals.","page":136},{"file":"p0137.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"137\nBRUSSELS. BELGIUM.\nMilitary Laboratory for Physical Study.\nDr. A. Govaerts.\nGoing directly from London to Brussels I immediately got in touch with Dr. Govaerts, who was the particular magnet taking me to Brussels. Dr. Govaerts is especially interested in the metabolism of exercise in the army and employs a Douglas bag during work. There are a certain group of physical exercises given the recruits, usually of short duration, and his problem was to find the oxygen consumption or metabolism during these exercises. He studied oxygen during work and then the after-effect of exercise until the oxygen had come down to within 15 per cent of the basal. I found that most of this material is done in very short periods. Commenting upon his earlier report that his basal values were very low compared to the Harris-Benedict standards, he tells me that after we wrote him from Boston he revised his technique and found he had been entirely wrong. He is a very serious-minded man, very dynamic, keenly interested in research and in the progress of gymnastics.\nOne of his problems was the effect of training on basal metabolism. Some claim that it is increased; E. C. Schneider maintains that it is lowered. Thus far Govaerts finds it about evenly divided, but really there are all too few observations from which to draw conclusions and practically only one experiment, that is, a short period before training and one period after training. I emphasised to him the importance of concentrating, say, on three people and having them studied three days before the training and three days after the training and thus get the drift. Then confirm it later with ten people if he has a definite indication.\nHe has a Gauthier-Benedict apparatus but he complained of the heat developed inside the spirometer. I emphasized to him that the Benedict apparatus was chiefly suited for clinical purposes but that his problem is a fundamental physiological one and he had better use the helmet set-up. He used the Dautrebande mask but had no ingoing air tube, so if there happens to be a back leak, carbon dioxide is lost into the room. He should use outdoor air as room air has an unknown percentage of carbon dioxide. Govaerts states that his subjects prefer the mouthpiece and two Sadd valves as we use them.\nGovaerts uses the gas-analysis apparatus of Haldane and has two equipments: (l) Douglas bag from which the air is passed through a dry meter; (2) he uses a wet English meter and samples one-third of it in the first two minutes, one-third in the fourth and fifth minutes, and one-third in the eighth and ninth minutes. He uses mercury samplers and shakes them to insure mixture of samples. He was most interested in the metallized fabric used for the Douglas bag, so I told him to","page":137},{"file":"p0138.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"138\nget in touch with Goldberg of Berlin who manufactures it. This metallic fabric prevents or greatly retards the diffusion of carbon dioxide out of the bag. Govaerts finds the American Haldane apparatus very expensive. The 5-way stopcocks last only one year.\nThe Belgian-made Haldane is very much less' expensive for they use a German certified burette. This equipment looked as good as the usual Haldane equipment but I told him that oxygen only was good enough for his work.\nGovaerts had a lot of high respiratory quotients, from which comparisons were drawn, for presumably post-absorptive values. Consequently I inferred that (l) his technique was bad, or (2) the subjects ate beforehand. I emphasized that the respiratory quotient well determined is a good control on eating but only if well determined. On the other hand, the control of the soldiers' eating should be good. Govaerts finds a change in the blood pressure after training so he concludes that there is a better blood usage, better circulation, and hence (and I do not see it) maintains that increased metabolism is due not to increased combustion of tissues but to a better blood circulation. Although he emphasized this a number of times I did not get it at all clear. Later he stated that endocrine activity may be increased as a result of training and perhaps this is a part of the differences that he noted.\nGovaerts has an extremely good mind. The morning he spends at the laboratory on research and the afternoon on private practice.\nHe has very good ideas and an accuracy unusual in metabolism work, but he reports that there is little interest in metabolism in Belgium and France. His laboratory is about the only place where basais are done. He has an unusual opportunity to do normal work. As I pointed out to him, today most physicians are interested in the abnormal and pathological cases and have very little interest in normal subjects.\nBut with the great mass of new recruits from the army available to him, recruits from which the obviously unfit have been singled out, he has an opportunity to do a great deal toward some of the problems that deal only with the normal human. Physicians and experts spend much time on muscular exercise in heart cases and other infirmities, but seldom realize that the normal values are not well known. I also pointed out that while I was anything but an enthusiast for the Douglas bag, I was a tremendous enthusiast for Douglas himself.\nGovaerts had had considerable correspondence with Lindhard but, as he emphasized to me, without special outcome. I emphasized strongly that he visit Atzler and Lindhard. Atzler particularly I thought was so near that it was not impossible for Govaerts to visit there.","page":138},{"file":"p0139.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"139\nBR\u00dcSSELS. BELGIUM.\nUniversity of Brussels. Faculty of Medicine.\nSolvay Institute of Physiology. Professor J. Demoor and Professor E. J. Bigwood.\nProfessor Bigwood, in the laboratory of biochemistry, had an oxy-calorimeter and was very much disturbed because he could not get it to work. I found that through some inexplicable stupidity Collins had sent him too large a wire and consequently he could not heat this wire to incandescence and light the substance. Bigwood was especially interested in burning foods such as milk rather than meals or daily samples. He was burning glucose as a control and I suggested that he use saccharose on account of the humidity and possible changes in weight and absorption of water by the glucose.\nThe Collins apparatus looked well and I gave Bigwood a number of points for the control of combustion. It is very distressing to find an apparatus of this type, well constructed, good in appearance, and yet, through some stupid error, have it fail to function and hence have the whole apparatus more or less condemned.\nThis new building houses now the Solvay Institute of Physiology which was formerly at the Parc Leopold. There were several divisions, including biochemistry and physiology. In the corridor there was a tablet giving the names of the directors, beginning with Heger, then Dr. Slosse, and then the present director, Professor Demoor.\nThe laboratory itself is fitted up in a splendid way. It is a good building and one finds a mixture of new apparatus and equipment that one could find almost nowhere else. Some of the men were much interested in surface temperature and they had an ingenious method of detaching the thermo-junction, making it possible to change various forms of junction by putting hooks or elbows between hard rubber plates, then having a plate of copper and a plate of constantan, and bolting all together with two nuts (milled head). This seems to be a practical idea if the composition of the constantan and of the wire is homogeneous. They were interested in studying the problem of diathermy. Thus by heating a piece of meat they could coagulate it, but in these studies they were interested in only about one degree difference.\nThere was in this building one of the most interesting installations for biophysics I have ever seen. The machine shop was splendid and many things had been constructed, such as kymographs, etc.\nProfessor Demoor was extremely kind. We had met him at the Congress and were thrown with him in a social way quite a good deal.","page":139},{"file":"p0140.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"140\nLecture. The \"first\u201d lecture was given before the Faculty of Medicine, on October 27th. This was my first lecture in French and admittedly I was agitated and disturbed by it, as I had not lectured in French for four years. Fortunately I had been lucky enough to get in contact with a Frenchman who came to the hotel in London one Sunday morning and listened to me read my lecture and corrected my most obvious errors. In spite of my stage fright and agitation everyone maintained that the lecture went very well. There was a very large crowd, about 125 attending.","page":140},{"file":"p0141.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"141\nBRUSSELS, BELGIUM.\nFondation Reine Elisabeth (Institut de Recherches Medicales).\nProfessor P. Nolf and Dr, L. Dautrebande.\nI have never been satisfied with the way Dautrebande criticized the Nutrition Laboratory apparatus, as I felt that our correspondence over it had left the matter in a weak stage and he had not made honorable amends for the adverse criticisms. I had hoped to talk the matter over with Nolf, for Dautrebande was an assistant of Nolf. Although we had a most delightful social evening with Nolf I did not feel justified in bringing in the discussion at that time, but I had hoped Dautrebande would be at the dinner, when I could have had a few moments with him. However, he was not there.\nApparently from recent letters from Nolf, he feels Dautrebande \"has not departed from the rules of courtesy which apply between authors.\" I shall now drop the whole thing. I still feel that Dautrebande is unjust but it is not worth the horse-power to keep up the controversy. The fact is that the affair between Boulitte, Dautrebande, and this Laboratory is one of the very rare instances, in the whole of Europe, of misunderstandings that are not cleared up.","page":141},{"file":"p0142.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"142\nAACHEN. GERMANY.\nRotamesser factory of Deutsche Rotawerke.\nOur continued use of the rotamesser as an instrument of precision, combined with the fact that it seemingly had a wholly unreasonable price, made it desirable to investigate somewhat more thoroughly the manufacture and particularly the business methods of this very peculiar concern. Our attempts to do business with them by correspondence and otherwise have been most unsatisfactory. Letters were not answered, unreasonable prices were given on the rotamesser itself and particularly on any parts.\nI began corresponding with the concern some time before leaving Brussels. Although no answer had been received I felt I should go over and spend the day and run the risk of their not being able to see me, so I took the train, went over to Aachen in a rainstorm, found the factory, and met Mr. Felix Meyer, the responsible person at the factory. Instantly I saw that I had to deal with a gentleman.\nHe was of course more or less on the defensive and maintained that the phraseology of my letter was such that he expected me anyway and did not feel it necessary to reply. (He was CORRECT. I was wrong.)\nI had a most satisfactory talk with him.\nIn the first place he explained to me why the rotamesser was such an expensive instrument. It is not made by selecting glass tubes of unequal bore at one end and the other. What is done is the following.\nA steel mandrel is prepared with a definite, mathematically calculated taper and then over this mandrel is placed a glass tube smaller in diameter. An electric heating coil like a solenoid is slipped over the vertical glass tube, heated, and then the glass softens and falls down and \"settles\" on the mandrel. It is then cooled, removed, and now the internal bore is precisely that of the exterior part of the mandrel. The preparation of the mandrel is very difficult and technically an important procedure. For example, it is not solid but hollow, which presumably is to allow for shrinkage and to permit the removal of the glass from it after it is cooled.\nAt first the mandrel is a straight steel tube, perfectly cylindrical.\nIn order to insure the regular taper this is not done on a machine but by very slowly and at a perfectly regular rate lowering the steel tube into a dilute, very dilute acid. I did not find out what kind of acid, probably hydrochloric. This means of course that as the lower end of the tube is longer in contact with the acid there would be more metal eaten away and thus a perfectly conical form secured.\nI saw about four different sizes of glass tubes for the small apparatus, three of which we have at the Laboratory. The graduations are made by an engine as are burettes.","page":142},{"file":"p0143.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"14\nTwo forms of apparatus of interest to the Laboratory are furnished. One is the rotamesser and the other the rotaregulator.\nOf these the first is calibrated. For example, the weight of the little hard rubber float is known to one-tenth of a milligram and its diameter known to a fraction of a millimeter. This brought up the discussion with Mr. Meyer as to why they charged the Nutrition Laboratory five dollars for one of these floats that would not weigh any more than a diamond that would cost five dollars. It seems we ordered a float to replace one that had been broken, and Mr. Meyer states that we ordered a float for the rotamesser and they assumed we wished a float the exact duplicate of that broken, assuming it was to be used with a perfectly calibrated tube and hence to use the old calibrations the float must be the \"exact counterpart\u201d. This called for a great deal of precision work. For example, Mr. Meyer had them bring out the time card of many months ago of the workman on this particular float and we found he had spent three and one-half hours on it. Mr. Meyer maintained that if we had wished a float of only \"approximately\" that size it could have been made up and sold to us for one dollar. It was stupid of us not to have ordered more specifically, for we did not have the rotamesser but simply a rotaregulator, the difference being that the first is calibrated and the second is not calibrated. Thus, a small difference in the weight of the float would be no damage to us as we must calibrate anyway. Finally I had this all successfully ironed out. He said he would be glad to furnish people with rotaregulators at ten dollars and an extra float at one dollar. This means of course that they must be subsequently calibrated.\nAfter clearing up this matter of the rotamesser we went over the factory, but I was disappointed that I could not see the rotamesser mandrel or the tubes or the process of fusing. The mandrels, he stated, are made by one firm in Europe, the only one who can grind them closely enough. This word \"grind\" implies something more than the acid treatment but seemed to be a secret, so I could ask no questions about it. The glass tubes for the rotamesser are not made in Aachen. I came to the conclusion that the rotamesser is of the same precision as a chemical balance and should be judged by that and not as 6 pennyworth of glass tubing. They also manufacture ampoules, test tubes, syringes, etc., with a most interesting automatic machine. It really was worth the trip to meet this man, an ingenious engineer and designer.","page":143},{"file":"p0144.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"144\nAMSTERDAM. HOLLAMP.\nNederlandsch Instituut voor Volksvoeding.\nProfessor E. C. Van Leersum.\nThis institute of Van Leersum\u2019s has completely petered out.\nHe is now an old man at 70 and far from well. He was playing around with vitamins and was interested in the hydrogen-ion concentration in lemon juice, but probably will do no more real work. He says no one in Amsterdam is doing any metabolism research. Van Leersum still occupies a few rooms by courtesy in the Institute of Hygiene and has a few pieces of apparatus in the dark basement. It seems unfortunate that the library of his institute is in a cave and while I have always seen some person there cataloging or indexing, I imagine the library is hardly used at all.\nIt is rather pathetic to see the interest Van Leersum has and desire to do things and his utter failure to accomplish things owing to the impossibility of his working with other people. He is an idealist with very bad judgment.","page":144},{"file":"p0145.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"145\nUTRECHT. HOLLAND. Physiological Institute.\nProfessor A. K. Noyons.\nOf course one of the most interesting points in connection with my visit to Utrecht was to follow up the paper that Professor Noyons gave at the Congress in Rome on the question of determination of water vapor in the air by his electric hygrometer. It practically boils down to the use of an electric wet and dry bulb thermometer.\nHe has 25 pairs of junctions and the air must pass over these junctions at the minimum rate of 1 meter per second, or better, 11/2 meters.\nHe emphasized repeatedly that the velocity of ventilation passing the wet bulb had better be between 1 and 2 meters per second. This is correct for either electric or wet and dry bulb mercury thermometers.\nFor his wet bulb thermometer covering he uses an old handkerchief.\n(See figures ? ^ and ?^3.)\nFor an adult cat Noyons had a circular chamber about 30 cm. in diameter and 50 cm. long, and passed 1000 liters per hour through it.\nHe uses a double ventilating system, drawing the air over two rotamessers and over his electrical psychrometers, one for the ingoing air and one for the outeoming air. (See figures % Lj- and ?^\".) Hence in this case he has 1000 liters per hour passing through both arms of his psychrometer apparatus. Thus the humidity of the ingoing air is measured by passing it over the electrical psychrometer at exactly the same rate of flow as in the case of the outeoming air. He had a hygrometer and a rotamesser in line to measure the ventilation.\nHe was interested in the possibility of using this method for studying the psychomotoric reflex in man, using the water vapor from the skin as a measure and keeping the lungs outside, that is, having a mouthpiece to go outside the chamber. The electric psychrometer is extraordinarily sensitive. Thus, when you have the room air passing through it and the electric system balanced, holding a moist finger in the air current for only a second will send the galvanometer off scale. Noyons uses a potentiometer to balance the thermo-electric force of the junctions.\nHe makes much use of the formula f = E - 1/2 (T - tc) -JL-, and he also makes much use of Jelineks' tables. (See figure\nThe electric hygrometer was very cleverly made. By using a 40 micro farad condenser, a 220-volt circuit, and Constantin and manganin wires and a spark to jump across they fused the ends of the wires. In making these junctions they must select days when the humidity is not too high. It is a complicated and expensive equipment, but the whole thing looked very pretty and extremely well made, as is everything in Noyons' laboratory.\nThinking that the apparatus would have a definite use in our important study of water-vapor output of ruminants, horses, and pigs at Durham, and being much impressed by Noyons' report of it, I ordered two pairs of these thermo-junctions, two different sizes, from Noyons' mechanic and I ordered the Wheatstone bridge recommended by Noyons from","page":145},{"file":"p0146.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure n. Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute. Noyons\u2019 apparatus for studying wet bulb thermometry, using large glass globes covered with fabric and completely moistened.\nFigure\tUtrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute.\nAnother view of Nqyons\u2019 apparatus for studying wet bulb thermometry. Glass bulbs covered with fabric and completely moistened.\n","page":146},{"file":"p0147.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure / \u2022 Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute, Laboratory of Professor Noyons. Part of the complicated system of measuring ingoing air, dimly shown by rotamesser. About the center of the picture is the electrical psychrometer covered with white paper tubes; a little to the left of the picture is the sampling device for air.\nFigure f . Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute. Another view of Noyons* air measuring and metering device, showing rotamesser dimly and a part of the electrical psychrometer.","page":147},{"file":"p0148.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"148\n'\nFigure 8 (p . Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute, Laboratory of Professor A. K. Noyons. Metabolism apparatus for getting the hygrometry of an animal. The animal is placed in the chamber shown very darkly, and one rotamesser and one psychrometer of the Noyons type measures the water output of the animal.","page":148},{"file":"p0149.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"149\nHartmann and Braun at Frankfurt. From the standpoint of construction it is a perfect piece of work. Actual tests at the Nutrition Laboratory (in the spring of 1955) have failed to give us, under the conditions under which we were working, the results we hoped for, and at the time of dictating this report (June 19, 1955) our Boston experience with this apparatus would make its immediate application to Durham seem very uncertain. While there could be conditions where comparisons between the electric psychrometer and wet and dry bulb are good, when we attempted to compare the electric psychrometer with the actual water vapor in the air by absorbing it in sulphuric acid and weighing it we found very great inconsistencies and only when the humidity was very high did the electric psychrometer agree at all with the absorbed and weighed water.\nAt the time of writing, therefore, it appears as if there were a tremendous difference between the Nutrition Laboratory and Noyons with regard to the use of the electric psychrometer in determining water vapor. The experiments made by Coropatchinsky and myself (spring of 1955) apparently were very unsatisfactory so far as the electric psychrometer is concerned. I was under tremendous pressure at the Laboratory at the time but I still feel that I followed the thing closely enough to avoid any obvious pitfalls. Before challenging Professor Noyons I have felt it best to let the results lie fallow until they can be digested and gone over again. At the moment of writing I feel that we are correct and that Noyons is wrong. I hope that I am wrong.\nIf Noyons is wrong, it is a striking illustration of a man who has too many things to do and too few associates upon whom to rely to discuss the problems. In this sense I feel there is a striking similarity between Noyons and myself. The criticism with the Nutrition Laboratory is that there are only two independent research workers in it. This is a very grave criticism. It was less marked when Dr. Smith and Dr. Miles were there, but certainly since their departure it is a fact, and it is a very grave error. Noyons has too many things to do. He has something of a shifting population in the matter of assistants, and outside of Jongbloed there are few important independent research workers.\nMethod for getting alveolar air sample. This seemed to me rather ingenious. The subject blows through a rubber tube about 10 to 12 mm. in diameter into the equivalent of a bathing cap can with no dead space. As this rubber cap expands due to the expired air it reaches a certain point of distention and trips a trigger that releases a weight attached to the handle of an inverted glass blood (Luer) syringe with about 200 c.c. capacity. This weight falls and a sample of the air from the tube leading from the mouth to the expansion chamber is instantly drawn into the syringe. The point was that there was practically no dead space, only that existing from the mouth to the","page":149},{"file":"p0150.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"150\ndeflated bag. The syringe was connected between the mouth and the bag so that when the bag was filled up and the thing tripped, the syringe could get only air from the mouth or pipe, thus getting alveolar air. This syringe can be purchased in Utrecht for about three dollars and should find considerable use with us. I think we should try it out for holding gases in place of the metal syringe, and in fact it should be able to take the place of the metal syringe and possibly the small Haldane glass mercury samplers. Noyons did not have a bathing cap such as we have but had a rather thin-walled, yellowish rubber bag. It seemed like a very pure grade of rubber and is used for the interior of water polo balls. These bags are of four different sises and are made in Germany.\nNoyons is very much interested in the Carpenter gas-analysis apparatus and I think we should furnish him with all the information we have. He is very strong on the use of 1 l/2 per cent tartaric acid solution over the mercury in the Haldane and states that Haldane himself recommends it. Noyons also had, as I noticed before, the A. V. Hill spiral on the top of the Haldane pyro-pipette. I have never seen it anywhere else.\nNoyons* automatic gas-analysis apparatus. Noyons had an apparatus at the Boston Congress, in 1929, which was supposed to show carbon-dioxide determinations by shaking the sample and noting the decrease in pressure. He now has a very elaborate model of this with much glassware and nickel plating and an automatic shaking device, which he hopes to use to analyze the air coming out of the respiration chamber.(See figures ? 7and8^ The apparatus is tilted back and forth and he has a water mantel about 10 cm. in diameter.\nHe claims that theoretically there is a readable figure of 0.001, but it was interesting to note that he was checking or controlling this against an ordinary Haldane with hardly a certainty of 0.01 per cent.\nHis idea was that if he made many analyses the average would be correct. He is using chamber air with about 1 per cent carbon dioxide, as at first.\nThe thing did not especially appeal to me, for even if successful it is frightfully complicated although rather fool-proof, as there are no levels to set, etc. Noyons himself felt that the absence of oxygen determinations made the apparatus of little value but he is now, he believes, right on the heels of successful oxygen determinations. I did not think this apparatus was any better or any more practicable than our double pump system. It may possibly give 0.002, as he claims, but it is not yet proved and there are no alcohol checks as yet. Personally I doubt very much if oxygen determinations are ever successful by this principle. Noyons of course hopes that they will be and I feel that if anybody can do it Noyons can.","page":150},{"file":"p0151.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure 5?7 \u2022 Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute. Noyons' glass-walled cot chamber with subject inside. At the left one sees very faintly Noyons' new shaking apparatus for carbon dioxide.\n","page":151},{"file":"p0152.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"152\n\n\nFigure $ ^ . Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute, Professor A. K. Noyons. Tilting gas-analysis apparatus of Noyons, shown at the upper center. The gas for comparison is freed from carbon dioxide in the two bubbling tubes at the left, immersed in water. In the background at the right, difficultly seen, is the glass-walled respiration chamber.\n","page":152},{"file":"p0153.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"153\nRespiratory glass chamber. The large glass chamber (see figures 8^ and 7 0) was still being used and samples are taken at the end of each hour, but the samples are not aliquoted. Noyons determines the carbon dioxide only and was developing an apparatus to determine carbon dioxide with very great accuracy, approximating that of the Carpenter or Krogh apparatus. This was extremely complicated (120 c.c. sample) and ingeniously constructed. (See description of this apparatus on page\nExperiments on noise. Noyons emphasized the important relation of accoustic stimuli to increased metabolism. Thus, he was very particular to have his large respiration chamber of glass 1 cm. thick, that is, his chamber for man, practically \"sound-proof\", for he considers this very important. He spoke about the influence of noise on the \"vorhorn\" of the medulla and emphasized that complete quiet was most important for animals and humans.\nCalorimeter. Noyons' calorimeter is a huge affair. (See figure 7/ \u2666) It has double compensation chambers and I have described it on other trips, notably the calorimeter at Louvain and at Utrecht in the laboratory of Magnus, which I saw in 1929. I went inside the chamber.\n(See figure 7<^-) It seems rather forbidding with the subject facing the light, which would be rather uncomfortable for some patients.\nOn the other hand, it is extremely quiet, with hardly any noise.\nA large, flat, circular fan in the ceiling gently stirs up the air in the chamber. No gas analyses were made as he was determining only heat given off, but he was taking into account the heat of water vapor. Formerly Noyons used to vaporize water artificially in the compensation chamber to correspond to the amount of water vapor given off by man, but now he determines the water vapor in both chambers and measures the difference. (See figures ^3 and \u2022) There were thermo-junctions all over the calorimeter, on the top and side walls but not on the bottom. Of course this applies likewise to the compensation chamber. I am not quite sure whether they were thermo-junctions or resistance thermometers, but in any case the bottom is not compensated. There had been added some niceties since I saw it the last time but the calorimeter had not been altered in any way so far as fundamental principle is concerned.\nSpecific dynamic action in the cat. The specific dynamic action in the cat was determined, and after cutting the splanchnic nerve all disappears but (1) there is a pronounced diarrhoea. The question is, does the cat absorb the protein and fat? (2) There is no control on the activity as I see it. This whole matter raised quite a question with Noyons and his associate who had done his work. The associate had left and was in another hospital but came over and spent several hours with us. Personally I was not convinced that there was anything of importance in his thesis. I did not think the thing was well done.\nIt would be important if it were true. He had the respiration chamber in a water bath at 50\u00b0 C. and employed the Snipping method of absorbing the carbon dioxide, liberating it later with sulphuric acid, and\nf","page":153},{"file":"p0154.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"154\nFigure1?^ . Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute. Noyons* glass-walled cot chamber. Near the foot is a rotamesser.\nFigure ? 0 . Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute. Another view of Noyons* glass-walled cot chamber.\n","page":154},{"file":"p0155.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"155\nFigure ^ /\t. Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute.\nDouble door entrance to Noyons* electric compensation calorimeter. The door at the right is where the patient is put in on the bed.\nFigure ^ ^. Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute. Bed in Noyons* calorimeter.\n-","page":155},{"file":"p0156.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"156\nFigure *7^ . Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute, Laboratory of Professor Noyons. Electric heater for compensation chamber and water vaporizing pan in the shape of a funnel. This is not so much used as formerly.\nFigure \u00b0)\t. Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute.\nElectric artificial man and water vaporizing apparatus for compensation chamber of Noyons\u2019 calorimeter.\n\n\n","page":156},{"file":"p0157.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure 7 ^ . Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute. Noyons1 respiration chamber for cats, in which the oxygen is written on a spirometer and the carbon dioxide absorbed in caustic potash but subsequently released by acid, in accordance with the principle of Snipping.\nFigure % . Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute. Another view of Noyons' cat respiration chamber. In the background is the spirometer and kymograph. Also the activity is recordedXjiajl","page":157},{"file":"p0158.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\n\n\n\n\nFigure 7 \u2022 Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute. Another view of Noyons' cat respiration apparatus, showing spirometer, kymograph, and acid vessel for releasing carbon dioxide.\nFigure I \u00b0 . Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute. A closer view of acid vessel for releasing carbon dioxide in Noyons' cat respiration chamber.","page":158},{"file":"p0159.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"159\na\n\n\nFigure \u00b0l . Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute, Laboratory of Professor A. K. Noyons. Photograph showing kymograph tracing for Noyons' apparatus for studying the metabolism of a cat. The respiration chamber is shown at the right.\n","page":159},{"file":"p0160.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"160\nNoyons lays great stress on cats as animals but later evidence I saw led me to believe that cats were probably no better than any other animal. Noyons admitted that a well trained dog was the best and had a great deal to say about the dogs of Szarkall at Dortmund.\nInsensible perspiration. After Noyons' discussion at Rome where he rather condemned the insensible perspiration as of any use for indicating the metabolism, owing to the fact that the insensible perspiration changed enormously with the humidity, I was rather keen to see just the conditions under which he worked. In many ways they were ideal. He had a specially constructed room in which the humidity and the temperature could be altered almost at will and very rapidly. Suspended from the arm of a very fine Sauter balance in this room was the bed upon which the subject lay, but I was literally astounded that the subject was lying upon a horsehair mattress'.Ii While in desert air we can easily assume a different vaporization than in saturated air, I do not think that Noyons has proved that there is a great change in the insensible perspiration of a human with very considerable changes in the humidity when every other factor is ruled out. It is true that in maximum humidity there would theoretically be no insensible perspiration and yet with maximum dryness it might be enormous. I pointed out that the variations in humidity, normal in America at least, ranged between 40 and 80 per cent. I also emphasized that there was a difference between sudden changes in humidity and slow.\nApparently realizing that the hair mattress was technically bad, Noyons had followed the suggestions of some German workers and attempted to make \"corrections'' for weight of bed and clothing itself.\nIt is impossible, especially with the sudden changes with which he works, to assume that the bed and clothing attain equilibrium in a short time and of course one should wait until they are in equilibrium before beginning the real insensible perspiration measurements.\nUndoubtedly after such an experiment is begun at the end of the period the whole system is in equilibrium but the whole difficulty is what to deduct for the amount of absorption or amount given off, in case of dryness during the experiment. I feel that Noyons as well as a good many others, notably Heller in Berlin, has missed out badly on this point. As I have written one of them, they are trying to determine the insensible perspiration when they are weighing on the bed with the man the equivalent of 10,000 hair hygrometers.\nI had a job to folio?/ up the history of this upholstered mattress or horsehair mattress. Since I found precisely the same mattress in other laboratories it looked strongly as if Sauter had furnished mattresses with the balance and I had rather an acrimonious correspondence on this point, but he convinced me that he had never sold or recommended a horsehair mattress to anybody. Apparently what Noyons and others do is to take a mattress from a hospital bed without giving any thought whatsoever to its structure.","page":160},{"file":"p0161.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"161\nPhysiology of aviation. Dr. Jongbloed, one of Noyons* associates, is extremely interested in aviation, and in the cellar of the building there is a large wheel on which a man or animal can be rotated, with the head out and the feet toward the center or with the head in and the feet out, and under these conditions measure the electro-cardiogram simultaneously with the blood pressure. (See figure /\u00db\u00d4.) A smaller wheel was used for dogs and rabbits, noting the effect of centrifugal force, etc. Jongbloed seemed to be a very keen, clever chap who felt his studies would make some important contribution to the physiology of aviation. Certainly there were many extremely clever devices in connection with this equipment.","page":161},{"file":"p0162.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure/\u00f4O . Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute. Basement of Noyons' laboratory. Dr. Jongbloed and the rotating table for studying problems in aviation.\n\t","page":162},{"file":"p0163.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"163\nGeneral discussion of Noyons\u00bb Noyons' laboratory, as always,\nIs an extremely interesting place to visit. A copy of the plan of his institute is appended herewith. (See page I ^>Lh') Noyons himself is a most charming personality, a good physicist, a good physiologist, a good physician \u2014 rather an unusual combination. But he is certainly overworked and is himself well aware of the fact. He is one of those individuals who is chronically unhappy. I think he enjoys being unhappy.\nSomeone has said that Noyons spends all his time in constructing beautiful apparatus and then never uses it. I think there is something in that, although it is to be said that his large compensation calorimeter and the glass\u2014walled respiration chamber are installed in the clinic of Heymans van den Bergh in Utrecht, and as a matter of fact in the calorimeter at Noyons' laboratory they were making direct heat measurements nearly every morning on patients from some of the clinics.\nIt is a great pleasure to me to find him established in his own laboratory, although the funds for his work are of course limited.\nI think from the standpoint of construction and ingenuity of design probably there are more things of interest in this laboratory than in any other in Europe, but from the standpoint of experiments in progress there is relatively little going on. (See figures / 0/. K 4 ./ /Oil 104, fOG, and lof.)\t$\t/","page":163},{"file":"p0164s0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"SCHAAL 1 A 300\nf\nPHYSIOLOGISCH LABORATORIUM\nDER RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT TE UTRECHT\nVERDIEPING\nA. A. KOK. ARCH.","page":0},{"file":"p0165.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"165\n\n\nFigure /Of . Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute,\nLaboratory of Professor A. K. Noyons. Nutrition Laboratory respiration apparatus for rats or pigeons, as employed by Noyons in Utrecht.\nIn the center of the picture are seen the well known soda-lime and calcium chloride cans.","page":165},{"file":"p0166.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"166\n\n\nFigure\tUtrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute.\nOxy-calorimeter purchased by Noyons from Collins.\n","page":166},{"file":"p0167.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"167\nFigure / 03. Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute, Laboratory of Professor A. K. Noyons. Storage room in Noyons' laboratory, where he has made use of various types of coils of wire to make artificial men for his respiration experiments.","page":167},{"file":"p0168.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"168\nFigure loti, Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute. Professor A. K. Noyons at his writing table.\nFigure/0^. Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute. Professor A. K. Noyons on the steps of his Institute.","page":168},{"file":"p0169.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"169\n/ Figure / 0 (o . Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute. Professor A. K. Noyons on the steps of his Institute.\nFigure ^7. Utrecht, Holland. Physiological Institute. Closer view of Noyons on the steps of his Institute.\nj","page":169},{"file":"p0170.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"170\nUTRECHT. HOLLAND. Veterinary High School.\nProfessor J. Roos.\nA thing of rather considerable importance to me was the fact that Noyons pointed out that, commenting upon the special facilitations of the horse in standing, someone had found that in standing the \"action currents\" were low in the muscles of the horse's front legs, also with the cow they are very much less than normal, but in the hind legs the action is as pronounced as usual.\nNoyons told me that Professor Roos had worked on this subject. I think subsequently Professor Roos told me that he was not at all the first to do it, but I have not yet been able to locate who did it originally.","page":170},{"file":"p0171.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"171\nUTRECHT. HOLLAND.\nLectures\u00bb\nOn October 51st the \"third\u201d lecture was given at Noyons*\nInstitute, where there were about 170. (There was an announcement of this lecture.)\nI gave the \"second\" lecture at the Veterinary High School, on the evening of November 1st. There was a very interested and attentive audience of about 125.\nClippings from the newspaper, \"Utrechtsch Dagblad\", regarding my two lectures in Utrecht, are appended herewith. (See pagesfVi cuvu{, / 7^","page":171},{"file":"p0172.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"172\nMEDISCHE FACULTEIT\nVAN HET\nUTRECHTSCH STUDENTEN-CORPS\nBUITENQEWONE VERQADERINO\nop\nMAMDAix 310CT0BER 8\nin\n\u00dcUnEE\u00dcEEjuLb VAw HET PHy\u00d6iULU&ISGTL I\u00fclSTlTillT\n","page":172},{"file":"p0172s0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"17o\n\n\nMEDISCHE FACULTEIT\nVAN HET\nUTRECHTSCH STUDENTEN-CORPS\nB\u00dcITENQEWONE VERQADERIN\u00f6\nop\nmAA\u00fcjQ4\u00fc- 31 OCTOBER 8 \u00dcUR\nm\nUUijJjBOEz.iULL VAu \u00c6T B\u00fcyblULuOlBCB. IBSTITIUT\nSPREKER:\tbh.e*\u00abbe^ex)ict \u00fcit b\u00fcstuj\u00ef\nOND\u00cbRWERP:\n. BAbAiiiviKTAb\u00fclilSk AJ\u00e4D tfE GEBT \u00fcTUiliES\nToegang vrij voor alle belangstellenden.\nNamens het Faculteitsbestuu\nI\n","page":0},{"file":"p0173.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"BASAAL METABOLISME BIJ DEN MENSCH NAAB AANLEI1ING\nYAN RECENTE ONDERZCEKINGEN\nInleidihg.\nEactoron het basaal m\u00e9tabolisme beinvloedend.\nLeeftijd, gewicht ,1 engte, geslacht.\nOpvattingen cmtrent opx. ervlakte.\nSlaap\nRas\nDeugdelijk gebleken metiioden.\nLeeftijds factor.\nSerie waarnemingen bij 3 mannen en 1 vrouw gedurende een p\u00e9riode van 17-24 jaar.\nWaarnemingen bij oudere vrcuwen tusschen 66 en \u00a76 jaar.\nRas factor.\nChineesehe en Jap an. s che vrcuwen Zuid-Indische vrouwen(Tamils en Maieiers)\nAustralische inboorlingen (mannen en vrouwen uit Kokata) Mannelijke Maya*s,Indianen in Yucatan (3 expedities).\nIn Amerika geboren Chineesche meisjes te Boston Ras invloed bij duiven.\nOnveranderlijkheid van het m\u00e9tabolisme van dag tot dag.\nWaarnemingen bij een man gedurende een periods van 3 weken.\nr<T\tntrl noH\nsl aar),","page":173},{"file":"p0173s0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"BASAI! METABOLISMS BIT DEN MENSCH NAAR AANLEIIING\nVAN RECENTE 0NEERZCEKINGEN\nInleidihg.\nEactoron het basaal m\u00e9tabolisme beinvloedend.\nLeeftijd,gewicht,lengte 3 geslacht.\nOpvattingen cmtrent opx. ervlakte.\nSlaap\nRas\nDeugdelijk gebleken methoden.\nLeeftijds factor.\nSerie waarnemingen bij 3 mannen en 1 vrouw gedurende een p\u00e9riode van 17-24 jaar.\nWaarnemingen bij oudere vrcuwen tusschen 66 en \u00a76 jaar.\nRas factor.\nOhineesche en Japansche vrcuwen Zuid-Indische vrouwen(Tamils en Maleiers)\nAustralische inboorlingen (mannen en vrouwen uit Kokata) Mannelijke Maya\u2019s,Indianen in Yucatan (3 expedities).\nIn Amerika geboren Chineesche meisjes te Boston Ras invloed bij duiven.\nOnveranderlijkheid van het m\u00e9tabolisme van dag tot dag.\nWaarnemingen bij een man gedurende een p\u00e9riode van 3 weken Slaap-invloed.\nWaarnemingen bij een Zuid-Indische vrouw gedurende slaap. Waarnemingen gedurende hypnotische slaap.\nHelga-apparaat in verschillende vormen.\nHelm als ademhalingstoestel Gesloten systeem voor 02 alleen Spirometer curven.\nGesloten systeem zoowel voor C02 als 0S Preeven bij rust Proeven bij werk.\nOpen systeem zoowel voor CO?, als 0 Proeven bij rust Proeven bij werk.\nProeven bij geestelijke inspanning\nProeven bij spierarbeid en hoog zuurstofgehabte\nProeven bij spierarbeid en alcohol\nWaarnemingen in de herstelperiode volgende op spierarbeid. Waarde voor de kliniek van metingen van de\nPerspiratie (perspiratio insensibilis) Grondstofwisseling;het eenvoudige helmrctarneter-apparaat stelt in Staat snel metingen te verrichten van de grondstofwisseling ter aanwending in zieken-huizen.\nTemper&tuur vannuitgeadernde lucht;de mogelijke bruik baarhejd daarvan als een maat-ataf in de kliniek.","page":0},{"file":"p0174s0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"AVONDBLAD\nDinsdag 1 November 1932\nA\u00f6onnemsnlen\nbij vooreitbetaling voor de stad < trecht \u00e8n in piaatse\u201d waar een Agentschap gevestigd is f. 0.25 per week f. MO per maand t. 3.30 pe> kwartaal. Per post per maand f. 1.20 per kwartaal f. 3.55 Buiteniand per kwartaal. 9.\u2014\nDit blad verschont dagelijks, des ochtends en des avonds, ultgezondcrd Zon- en Feestdagen.\nUTRECHTSGH \" D\u00c0GBL\u00c0D\nUITGAVE VAN DE N.V. DRUKKERIJ v/\u201e L. E. BOSCH & ZOON\nDIRECTEUR- A. VAN DER GIESSEN\tOUDEGRACHT 176\tHOOFDREDACTEUR- D\u00bb P. H. RITTER J*.\n136e Jaargang No, 257\nAdvertenti\u00dfn: meer t.,0.35. ln. het /.aterdacavond-\n-----\tnummet 1\u20146 regels i. 2.05 iedere\nregel meer f. <>.40 m de rubriek \u201eKleine Advertenti\u00ean\u201d 20 cents per regel.\nTdefoon Nos. Redactie 'Hoofdredactlei 10052 en 10765\n\u201e\t\u201e Administratie en Directle , , I0I9C\nTetegram-adres \u201eDagblad\"\tGiro No- 47773\nHISTORISCHE FIGUREN.\nMaurits, moest, zoo -er gevaar dreigde, aan de Staten-Generaal worden overhandigd. Dat gevaar echter broeide helaas in het verh\u00f6ren. De dagcn gingen voorbij. \u2019s Prinsen\nde voorzichtigheid, don Emmanuel naar Schiedam te laten vertrekken: men kon niet vveten, waartoe Maurits\u2019 toorn zou leiden. Den 20en_Ni\nWEERSGESTELDHEID\nBAROMETERSTAND.\nGRONDSTOFWISSEUNG VAN MENSCH EN DIER\nLEZING VAN Dr. BENEDICT\nHet vergelijkende onderzoek op physiologisch gehied\nBelangrijke beschouwing\nIn aansluiting aan de belangrijke lczing die Dr. F. G. Benedict uit Boston Maandag-avond heeft gehouden voor de medische Studenten over het vraagstuk der grondstof-wisseling in het licht der jongste onderzoekingen (zie het verslag in het avondblad van Dinsdag), heeft dese stofwisselings-physioloog DinBdagavond in het, loborato-rium voor physiologie van de veiartsenij-kundige faculteit (prof. dr. Roos) een zeer belangwekkende lezing gehouden voor de veeartsenijkundige Studenten, over vergelijkende gronde tofwisselingsonderzoekingcn bij me ns ch en diar.\nSpr. wil een overzieht geven van de uit-komsten van de nieuwere vergelijkende physiologische onderzoekingen in het Nuke-troin Institute in Boston onder zijn leiding. Vele Europeesche collega\u2019s hebben mede-werking verleend. In zijn inrichting staat het onderzoek bij den mensch op den voor-grond, maar wordt toch groote waarde gehecht aan het vergelijkende onderzoek, vvaarop men ook is ingericht. Vole groote lijnen hebben mensch en dier op physiologisch gehied gemeen.\nSpr. begon met een kort overziebt van de ontwikkeling van de techniek (Pettenhofen, Voigt, Atwater \u00abn Benedict). De toestellen zijn ho 3 langer hoe eenvoudiger geworden.\nDe moeilijkheid bij het vergelijkend onderzoek is, dat de afmetingen der dieren zoo verschillend zijn en men dus voor mui-zen, konijnen, menschen en paarden. toestellen van geheel verschillenden omvangmoet hebben. Al die toestellen moeten zeer nauw-keurig geijkt worden, om vergelijkende uit-komsten te krijgen. Ook de gebruikte che-micali\u00ebn en de gebruikte lucht moet re-gelmatig worden onderzocht. Het zuurstof-\n, v\ngehalte vau de beete lucht van Boston be-droeg 20.94 %, -avenals in Baltimore, het koolzuurgehalte hedroeg resp. 0.031 en 0.034, Van aile dieren wordt de hitteproductie in verhouding tot licliaamsgewicht en opper-vlakte bepaald. Da\u00e0rbij bleek dat er geen overeenstemming bestond tusseben de uit het lichaamsgewicht berekende oppervlakte (derde machtswortel uit het kwadraat van het gewicht vermcnigvuldigd met een cem-tanih) en de werkelijke oppervlakte. Ook bleek het noodig de dieren bij verschillende temperaturen te bestudeeren, speciaal bij de critische temperatuur, waarbij de activiteit het gelingst is. Mutzen zijn bijzonder actief ook bij l\u00e4ge temperaturen en daarom geen gemakkelijke proefdieren. De mois bleek per etmaal per M8. 1200 calori\u00ebn te produ-ceeren (dus meer dan de mensch). Het minimum schijnt bij de muis bij 400 calori\u00ebn te liggen. Dit dier blijkt subnormalc tern-paraturen te hehben. Wanneer men meer dieren tegelijk in het toestel plaatst, treden \u201esamenscholingen\" op, waardoor het go meenschappelijk oppervlak een wijziging ondergaat, die echter geen. invloed op de grondstofwisseling bleek te hebben. Bij ratten bedraagt hot minimum per M8. per etmaal ongeveer 700 calori\u00ebn. Godurandc vasten ziet men eerst de warmteproductie eterk dalen, om later weer te stijgen (als minimum werd bij ratten een peil van \u00b1 370 bereikt).\nZeer samengesteld zijn de verhoudingen bij vogels. Sommige bareiken enorme hoo-ge waarden (tot 2500 calori\u00ebn per M2. oppervlakte pet etmaal). Deze proeven gaan met bijzondere moeilijkheden gepaard en de uitkomsten zijn in hooge mate afhan-kelijk van de temperatuur. Ook bestaan er gi-pote seizoen- en rasverschillen. De rui heeft grooten invloed an brengt belangrijke schommelingen te weeg. Kippen bleken zieh goed voor het onderzoek te leenen; hier kreeg men cijfers van 650\u2014750 calori\u00ebn per M8. oppervlakte per dag, (bij de kip lets hooger dan bij de haan). De pluimage bleek van grootan invloed op de uitstraling; bij de eene eoort is de perspiratis inscusibilis veel grooter dan bij den ander. De pooten vormen een zone van v\u00e9el warmteverlies. Bij de gans kreeg men cijfers tusschen 700 en 800. Op groote schaal heeft men proeven mot marmotten ganomen (500\u2014600) en met\neen groep apen, die moeijijk te ondei-zoeken bleken vanwege bun slimbeid en bewege-lijkheid. Voor paarden gebruikt men een toestel met ean capaciteit van 9000 Liter! De luebt circuleert met een snelheid van eenige honderden Liters per minuut. Deze cijfers geven een denkbeeid van de technische verhoudingen bij dergelijke proeven, dia zeer kostbaar zijn.\nSpr. gaf beeiden van de toestellen die men uitgewerkt heeft voor het doorloopend opvangen van urine en ontlasting van aan de proefnemingen onderworpen proefdieran. Deze uitscheidige-producte moeten regelma-tig kwantitatief en kwalitatief onderzocht worden. Een moeilijkheid is dat sommige groote dieren nu eens liggen an dan weer staan en de proeven in een van beide po-sities mo\u00e9ten worden uitgevoerd. Bij staan-1 de dieren is de grondstofwisseling 15 % hooger dan bij het liggande dier. Bij runderen krijgt men cijfers van 1400\u20141600 calori\u00ebn per M8. per etmaal. Tal van factoren oefe- j nen een grooten invloed op het peil dezerl grondstofwisseling uit. Met name ook de I voeding (specifieke dynaminale werking van | bopaalde voedingsmiddelen). Bij het paardl worden cijfers van 2000\u20142700 calori\u00ebn per J M8. per etmaal gevonden (gemiddeld 2300 J in staande houding an vermoedelijk liggend | 15 % lager, dus 1950). De perspiratis insen-sibilis kan gemakkelijk bij deze dieren worden vastgesteld. Ook het warmteverlies door j uitstraling vertoont bij de dieren gelijksoor-tige verhoudingen a* bij den mansch (del dieren verliezen op deze wijze ongeveer! 15 %, tegen de mensch 25 %). Uit een en ander blijkt, dat de verhoudingen op dit ge-bied zeer samengesteld zijn. Spr. wees op \u25a0 de schitterende technische uitrusting, die hij bij prof. Noyons in Utrecht gevonden j had en zijn technisch inzicht weer verdiepti had. Vergelijkende onderzoekingen behoorenf met name bij gelijka temperatuur te worden verricht en bij minimale activiteit vani de dieren. Bij voorkeur moeten dieren van beide geslachten worden gabruikt. Een van de belangrijkste factoren blijkt dus weer de lichaamsoppervlakte te zijn. Bij klainej dieren is het aantal calori\u00ebn per K.G. veel I hooger dan hij grootere dieren (128 bij del muis, 20 bij varkan en rund). Omgekeerd stijgt het aantal calori\u00ebn per M8. per et-1 maal bij toonemende grootte van het dier. I De uniformiteit die men hoopte te vinden, I blijkt echter te ontbreken. Er bestaan groo-1 te verschillen: per K.G. van 1 : 10 per M8. j v@,n 1 : 5. Deze onderzoekingen moeten vender worden voortgazet.","page":0},{"file":"p0175s0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"f\nOVER HET BASALE METABOLISME\ntoA\nl|il\n- \u00a7 \" -g\no # . -a \u00bb.\u00ab\u25a0*\u25a0< \u201cNJS u . \u2022*->\nu t\u00df.ti \u201e\u00c4 \u00a3\u00bb \u00ab\n\u00ab C \u00a3<\nnn tfi s\n\u25a0P c5-n\n1 . \u00f6-S\nJ. \u2014\t3\n2 O\nJ\n\n\u00ab8\nLU\nic|xJ J\n' u .\ti\n: i\u00f6 *\u25a0\ntv a rr uj\nO)\n^ 5 o w fc \u2022**\n-g \u00ab a\u00a9 o. \u25a0\u00a7\n\u2022a | oj* \u00ab ra\n\u2022r\tc\tS3\nSe.B'S-S 'S > \"-o js 3 g\n_ -+\u00ef br'C cQ \u00a9\n.5 -2 Io \u00a3 io 32 \u2022= o. \u00ab S io e -2 - \u00a3 ~T co \u00a3\ne;\u201cs.^ 1\ni\"-g^j ||\nN\u00ab\"i 5!\n.-JsST'i \u00bb\u00f6\n\u2022g\u00a3\n5 !-\n1*\n\u00fc \u25a0. UTJ\n-: tj o> *> \u00a3 \u2022 m 75 13 1:\n*S\u00bb\u00e4s\nU\nIM\nCO\nLEZING VAN PROF. BENEDICT\nOnderzoekingen op het gebied van stofwisselingsphysiologie\nDe Utrechtsche Studie geprezen\nDe algemecn bekcnde stofwisselingsphy-Eioloog Benedict uit Boston heeft gister-avond in de collegezaal van Prof. Noyons te Utrecht voor de leden van de medische faculteit van het Utrechtsch studenten-corps een lezing gehouden over do grond-slofwisseling (basaal m\u00e9tabolisme) en de uitkomsten van de jongste onderzoekingen diepaangaande.\nSpr. wees op het feit, dat Utrecht een van de weinige plaatsen is, waar werkelijk aan grondstofwisseling op de juiste weten-schappelijke wijze wordt gedaan (prof. Noyons), zijn laboratorium was dan ook het doel van zijn bezoek \u00aban Europa. Ver-zameling van n o r m a a 1 feitenmateriaal Staat bij dit onderzoek op den voorgrond. Alle lichamelijke werkzaamheden worden daarbij geregistreerd en zoo nauwkeurig mogelijk gemeten en vormen waardevol maternal voor diagnostiek on behandeling \u25a0van verschillende aandoeningen.\nSpr. wees op de verhouding tusschen grondstofwisseling (warteproductie bij rust) en lichaamsgewicht en op de pogin-gen gedaan tot standaardisatie van deze waarden. Ook do oppervlakto van het lichaam speelt een rol, zoodat bij kinderen de waarden grooter zijn dan bij volwasse-nen. Als enkele cijfers noemde spr.: 1 calorie per K.G. per uur en 1000 calori\u00ebn per M2 lichaamsoppervlak per dag. Lichaamsgewicht en geslacht zijn factoren die gewicht in de schaal leggen. Om zieh reken-schap te geven van de leeftljdsfactor heeft men in Boston regelmatig een zelfde groep van 4 personen (3 mannen en 1 vrouw) on-derzocht: deze onderzoekingen duren nu reeds 17 tot 24 jaar. Over de uitkomsten van deze serieonderzoekingen, die hun ge-lijke in de wereld niet kennen, gaf spr. een kort overzicht. Dit is de eenige m\u00e9thode om den invloed van den stijgenden leef-tijd vast te stellen.\nHet laatste jaar heeft men zieh meer in het bijzonder gewijd aan de bestudeering van de grondstofwisseling van ouden van d\u00e0gen, speciaal bij een groep vrouwen tusschen 66 en 86 jaar. Men koos normale ge-zonden ouden van dagen uit een oudevrou-wenhuis. Het gemiddelde van de grondstofwisseling van al deze personen bleek slechts 0,9% van den norm al te wijken. Spr. wees in aansluiting daaraart opt de behoefte aan physiologische waarnemingen bij normale ouderwordende proefdieren.\nSpr. heeft ook nadern onderzoekingen naar de rasfactor ingesteld door onderzoekingen bij Chineescho en Japansche vrouwen, bij vrouwen in Engelsch-Indi\u00eb (Tamils in Madras), inboorlingen in Australie, .Yucatan en in Amerika geboren Chinee-sche meisjes. Verschillende groepen had-den een grondstofwisseling van 14\u201416% beneden de Amerikaansche standaarden.\nDaarentegen h add an de Indianen in Yucatan bij herhaalde onderzoekingen bij ge-legenheid van verschillende expedities een grondstofwisseling van 5\u20148% boven de g\u00e9noemde standaard. (het gemiddelde van die drie expedities onder leiding van resp. Williams Shattuck en Steggerda was 6,5% boven het gemiddelde. Bij onderzoekingen op verschillende dagen werden intusschen wel verschillende waarden gevonden. Merk-.vvaardig was de geringe polsfrequcntie (40 1\u201450), die bij deze Maya\u2019s in Yucatan deze hooge grondstofwisseling vergezelden. Ver-gelijkt met de Maya\u2019s in Yucatan en de Tamils in Engelsch-Indi\u00eb dan komt men tot verschillon van 40% !\nBij een tiental Amerikaansch-Chineesche Songe vrouwen vond men waarden van ge-middeld 9.2 pCt. beneden de Amerikaansche standaardcijfers. Uit dit alles blijkt dat de rasfactor van belang is. Ook bij proeven op dieren is dit overtuigend geble-ken. Met name zijn deze proeven bij duiven iverricht. Een ander onderdeel had betrek-king op de wisselmgen van dag tot dag. Daartoe werd elken dag de grondstofwisse ling bepaald bij een groep Studenten gedu-rende een p\u00e9riode van 3 weken. Het zuur-stofverbruik bleek vrijwel op \u00e9\u00e9n hoogte te blijven (per minuut gemiddeld 231 c.c.).\nDe veronderstelling was dat gedurende 'de slaap de grondstofwisseling gering zou zijn. Het was echter niet gemakkelijk daar over nauwkeurige uitkomsten te krijgen Spr. heeft in Engelsch-Indi\u00eb proeven bij een Vrouw genomen ( 10 pCt. beneden den norm). Ook bij waarnemingen elders vond men tijdens slaap \u00e8en daling van 10 pCt De rasverschillen hebben dus op deze rela-tieve daling geen invloed. Vervolgcns heeft men overeenkomstige proeven tijdens hypnotische slaap genomen.\nDaax-hij bleek een verlaging van de grondstofwisseling te bestaan, zoodat in physiologisch opzicht de hypnotische slaap zieh duidelijk van de normale slaap onder-scheidt.\nSpr. ging vervolgcns over tot de bespre-king van de tegenwoordig door hem ge-bruikte apparatuur. Tegenwoordig wordt daartoe een afsluitend masker gebruikt in den vorm van een heim die het geheele hoofd omgeeft cn om de hals hermetisch met rubber is afgosloten. Men onderscheidt een open en een gesloten stelsel, sommige alleen voor de bepaling van het zuurstof-verbruik, andere ook voor de bepaling van de koolzuuruitscheiding. Als regel worden proeven bij rust en tijdens arbeid genomen, bij geestelijke inspanning, bij wisselend zuurstofgehalte, bij toediening van alcohol \u00bbn gedurende de herstelperiode na uitput-\ntende spierarbeid. Sedert spr. jaren gele-den de helmrotameter van prof. Noyons heeft leeren kennen heeft. hij dit toestel niet meer willen missen.\nAl deze toestellen worden regelmatig ge-controloerd. Spr. beschreef de uitkomsten van zijn jongste onderzoeking.\nMerkwaardig waren met name de bepa lingen van den invloed van geestelijken arbeid op de grondstofwisseling. Hart- en longwerking waren vermeld maar een be-trouwbare invloed op de grondstofwisseling kon niet worden vastgesteld. Ook als onderdeel van onderzoekingen naar de physiologische en psychologische werking van alcohol op het lichaam werden stofwisse-lingsbepalingen gedaan waarblj echter geen duidelijke verschillen werden vastgesteld. Tenslotte wees spr. op de waarde van een en ander voor de kliniek. Daartoe moet met name de perspiratio insensibilis worden gomoten cn daamaast de grondstofwis seling met de helmrotameter worden bepaald. Van beteekonis is daarbij geblekcn de bepaling van de temperatuur van de uitgea/lemde lucht. De perspiratio insensibilis blijkt een waardevolle maatstaf voor de grondstofwisseling te zijn. Deze onderzoekingen behooren volgens spr. tot de routine onderzoekingen van alle ziekenhui-zen.\nFUSAIN\nOod Almighty Hist planted a garden and indeed it is the purest of human pleasure.\nDe parken \u2014 in het late najaar \u2014 hebben zoovele bekoringen, dat het een lust is, een wijle te toeven te midden der Herfst-stemmingen. Niettegenstaande stormvlagen en gestriemd door regen is het de natuur bijkans onmogelijk van al haar schoons af-stand te doen om \u2014 zij het voor een wijle sterven te gaan.\nBrons Iigt het park Oog-in-Al met zijn pr\u00e4chtige tinten in goud en oranje en bruin vredig te pralen in de morgen herfst-zon-naschijn; de tintelende ochtendkoelte streelt en brengt vreugde.\nZie den berkenheuvel, zooals die een boeiend middenpunt vormt van een wijd uitzicht op vijver en gazon, op perken met iuichende bloemguirlandes in lila, rood en geel en wit, gerangsehikt tegen een fond van groen in alle denkbare schakeering.\nDe blanke watervlakte, die eens vijver waa, is thans door de stroomende regens tot een meer, zooals de slooten tot rivier-tjes zijn gezwollen. Het n\u00fc rimpellooze op-pervlak weerkaatst feile dreigementen van wolkenreuzen met telkens zondoorglurin-gen.\nBontkleurige eenden duikelen kwekend en dartelend on zi\u00abh jtoiletteerend; ze ge-nieten volop van de momenten van het kortstondig zonnef\u00e9est, ze zijn de note gaie der omgeving. Trots drijven statig in de verte eenige zwanen, machtsbewust....\nDe anders; zoo zon nig-jo lige speelplaats met de zandbak gelijkt een grauw verla-ten eiland midden in een oceaan. Triest staan er omheon de ledige banken in het watermear. Bij de violenberg, die nog in paarsen gloed\u2019ligt, is het bruggetje onbe-gaanbaar, ligt midden in het water: nog bekr\u00f6nen margrieten-boeketten stralend de vier bruggehoofden. Eenige stamgasten, de oude heertjes, die dagelijks het park be-tippelen, bespreken \u2014 beraadslagend \u2014\u2022 den ernst van het niet alledaagseh geval-letje, hoe zij op de veiligste wijze de over-zijde kunnen bereiken. En m\u00f6nige guitig-heid wordt gezegd.\nAls een opvroolijking van al die regen-dagen ligt het park glori\u00ebnd n\u00fc in den leutigen zonnegloed.\nEen late herfstdag en toch...\nEen dag als een lied.\n31 October \u201932,\nK. A. R.\nRIJKSTELEFOONKANTOOR UTRECHT.\nNiauwe aanslultlngen.\n16656\tFa. Brand en Zn., Nachtegaalstr. 65.\n16657\tHas Boekhandel en Leesbibliotheek,\nMendelssohnstraat 37.\n16667 Wm. C. v. Luyn, Nachtegaalstr. 42. 16674 C A. Beukenkamp, 2de Daalschedijk 8, terrein N.S.\n16676 Hypotheek- en Assurantiekantoor, Grietstraat 20.\n16877 Maison \u201eMietzS Linser\", Oudegracht 319.\n16679 D J. J. van Kempen, Nachtegaalstr. 39.\n16685 Gpref. Burgerschool voor L. O. en U. L. O., Plompetorengracht 25.\n16691\tR.K. Vrouwenbond, afd. Utrecht,\nBoothstraat 9.\n16692\tM. A. G. v. Isselt, Gildstr. 68.\n16693\tMej. M. L. S. de Beaufort, Oudwijk\n47\n16696 G. W. v. Toi, Nieuwe Gracht 62a. 16703 Caf\u00e9 \u201ede Kampioen\", H. \u00c7. A. de Zeeuw, Jutph. weg 199.\n16801 Huize Mohr, Leidscheweg 17b.\n26224 Mevr. J. C. Orijber\u2014(Helfrich, Beets-laan 5, Bilthoven.\n26310 J. Diederik, Zweerslaan 6, Bilthoven. 26674 E. G. Sauerland, Mozartlaan 20, Bilthoven.\n28300\tPiet Catoen, Waterweg 99, de Bilt\n28301\tG. Rietveld, Waterweg 80, de Bilt.\nACADESHENIEUWS.\nBevorderd tot doctor in de geneeskunde aan de rijks-universiteit te Utrecht jhr. J. J. M. van der Does de Wiljebois, geboren te Arnhem, op proefschrift, getiteld: Over migraine, in het bizonder over hemicra-nia psychica.\nOp\nVereeil a.s., el houdej Ds. Is\nhage, I telijkfl Pater M. KJ J. B<j State M do J zal mejl\n,H<j mant eerstf Uirec\u00ef krijgel Wagef Vanl ste rej in de l| zingen Gelul gen, zoj jaren g| Toonkur Heerli een uitd zeer gevxl nen\u201d bij| Zwaaiemj meestal Op dei gelijkschj iets moc kring vrj Ujk war het moj D\u00e0n zei Wi maar huis nen. il to zinl een Dar, sehe !\nEn\nseh\u00f4u| sen oj trap je kle t oon cil reeds| grooti werd I slage Mee\u00e2 doci tijd:| voeiT\nen\nEer een b| Straatl band;! schoeii een zv 52); e<| een kip; schoold sok; ee een rijl een bol gelbergl Rechf dagen commis foon).\n4","page":0},{"file":"p0176.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"176\nGRONINGEN. HOLLAND.\nUniversity of Groningen. Physiological Institute. Professor F. J. J. Buytendi.ik. Professor R. Brinkman. Dr. Mook.\nDr. R. J. Hamburger, and Mr. M. Dirken.\nA visit to this laboratory brought recollections, of course, of the former director, Professor Hamburger, and it was rather surprising to find that Professor Buytendijk is practically without interest in metabolism matters and indeed many of the lines of research carried out by Professor Hamburger. In fact, Buytendijk had given up all attention to problems of metabolism that he had formerly studied in the Free Institute at Amsterdam. He was entirely absorbed now in studying the psychology of animals, particularly the dog, and was doing a great deal of work on this point. Personally I was so little interested in the particular things that he was doing that I made no notes with regard to the details.\nBuytendijk's studies on animal psychology are based upon the fact that he thinks the best method of understanding the animal is not by reactions, reflexes, etc., but by behavior. He studies the dog's reaction to food under various conditions and the frog with the eyelid reflex.\nI had quite a chat with Professor Brinkman, who is extremely interested in the relationship between hemoglobin in the blood and the P . He is also much occupied with the question of the carbohydrate anhydrase, referring to work done by Roughton of Cambridge, who thinks there is carbo-anhydrase in the blood corpuscles. Brinkman had done a great deal of work upon the relation between the carbon dioxide, the sodium acid carbonate, and the hemoglobin. He considers that the elimination of end products is hastened by the catalyst. He feels that the metabolism can be increased only by extending the output of the end products but not by increasing the production.\nBrinkman had a very clever scheme to obtain the acidity and alkalinity at 0\u00b0 of various solutions, employing colors as indicators and testing out the amount of catalase in known solutions. I found that he was too much of a biochemist for me although extremely interesting, and I was very grateful for the time he devoted to me.","page":176},{"file":"p0177.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"177\nDr. Mook in the biochemical department, who was working upon blood, has published in the Biochemische Zeitschrift, 1951, 242, page 558, a micro method for blood oxygen and blood carbon dioxide.\nI think that his method is not as good or rather not as exact as Van Slyke's, but he can use any number of small graduated tubes and thus they use this micro method for rapid, repeated clinical measures.\nAs I recall it he thought there might be a 5 per cent error between his results and Van Slyke's. He was very well spoken of by Noyons and all of the Groningen people.\nDr. R. J. Hamburger. It was a great pleasure to see young Hamburger in the hospital, where he is very much interested in observing the reaction of insulin, glucose, and calcium chloride, with the idea of studying permeability, and the whole thing is based on a blood sugar study. Again there was a little too much biochemistry for me personally but still he is not losing his father's interest in biochemistry, and it seems as if he is carrying on in good shape.\nTo me the most interesting man in Groningen in the laboratory was, as is always, Mr. Dirken. Dirken is an odd stick. He does not believe in standard, classical university training and refuses to take a doctor's degree, although I have been told that he has completed all the requirements but simply refuses to recognize or take it. He is not a man of unusual personality} he talks intelligently and is perfectly normal.\nDirken was very much interested in the reducing of the dead space to a minimum and he had devised a face mask or rather a mouth and nose piece with a small space. Of interest to me was the fact that he uses it in the clinic. The closure has a considerable amount of plaster around the tubes to the nose and mouth. He uses the Douglas bag, a Krogh spirometer, and makes much use of Enghoff-Loven valves.\nHe finds that with room air, which he uses, there is a constant respiratory quotient with a person for at least two hours. As he has used the apparatus on students he believes there is normal respiration with it. The gas-analysis apparatus is much on the order of the Haldane with the ordinary degree of refinement but no closer than 0.01 per cent. Water pressure is used to raise or lower the mercury. (Figure / otf shows the brass nipple and collar used with the face mask.)\nAs on earlier trips I found Dirken very much interested in the composition of the air in different parts of a single expiration.\nHe had a mouthpiece connected to a long brass cylinder with a piston rod and on it a series of plates or discs, and as he expires this rod cuts off samples between the mouthpiece and each little compartment between the discs on the piston rod, and thus he has a sample of air of different parts of the expiration. This can be pulled by at different velocities. (See figure I &.) He gave me no idea of results as yet.","page":177},{"file":"p0178.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"178\nFigure . Groningen, Holland. University of Groningen, Physiological Institute. Laboratory of Mr. M. Dirken. Brass nipple and thin collar used in Dirken's laboratory, for connecting with his mask. It is resting on top of a wooden box, the ring resting against a cork. At the right of this is the main stem of the mouthpiece which is approximately 1 l/Z inches high. At the extreme left is shown a part of the apparatus used by him for separating different sections of an expiration.","page":178},{"file":"p0179.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\n179\nFigure /0e/. Groningen, Holland. University of Groningen, Physiological Institute, Mr. Dirken. Apparatus with plunger and discs to separate portions of a single expiration from the lungs.","page":179},{"file":"p0180.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"180\nWe spent a good deal of time talking about the 5-meter Richet system of respiratory quotient analysis, and I told him somewhat about the sad experience of myself and Coropatchinsky in trying to get this and also the graphic tracings. Dirken is a very clever chap. I would like to see more of him and I think we could profit greatly by having him here for a year, but it did not seem advisable or practical now.\nLecture. On November 5rd I gave the \"third\" lecture for Professor Buytendijk, in the lecture hall of the Laboratory of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, to an audience of 140. (There was an announcement of this lecture.)","page":180},{"file":"p0181.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"181\n-\u00dc\n\nMEDISCHE FACULTEITS-VEREEN1GING\nf'3$e-\u00f6\t- .-//ft'.\t' \u2019/^e\taP& e-e& 't //\n/& ?iOOc/eC/rzn \u00a3 \u25a0/\u00a3&/\ttxawt, c/& \u25a0/e-x-inj/, a\nnofrb r/<\"\terft, Sy//t^r xa-Ar-f/c/e-r,i., o^t ~: *r*y..9<**%...o^a--^...\n) c/<&\u00f6 cwotzd\u00f6- .....cP... tcti-'b, \u00e4n- aPe-\nf^P'iryP^.^5c<n\u20141>\u20ac*^ \u25a0\u00a3.,.................\n.\u25a0\tat^- -o*-\u00bb.\n\u00a3lsS ^\u2014^^3\n","page":181},{"file":"p0182.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"It was a very great personal privilege to be the house guests of Professor and Mrs. Wiersma. (See figure // 0.) Since our last visit he had retired as university professor and apparently there is a tremendous alteration in the status of financial affairs, for instead of having the rather luxurious professor\u2019s home they must now have a much smaller home. I was extremely impressed by the fact that while formerly as university professor he had a very large private practice in psychiatry, now no longer a university professor he was rarely called into consultation.\nAlthough not at all conversant with his special field I found Professor Wiersma as usual a most interesting, intellectual man.\nHe is a striking personality. I missed the laboratory, which of course he has nothing to do with now.\n\n\n\n","page":182},{"file":"p0183.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"183\nFigure If0 . Groningen, Holland. Left to right: Mrs. Benedict, Mrs. Wiersma, and Professor E. D. Wiersma.","page":183},{"file":"p0184.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"184\nDORTMUND, GERMANT.\nKaiser-Wilhelm-Institut f\u00fcr Arbeitsphysiologie. Professor E. Atzler. Dr. Krauss. Pr. Kraut, and Pr, Szarkall.\nRemembering this magnificent institution from four years ago and the wide variety of problems studied by Atzler and his associates,\nI was particularly glad to come here again, although Atzler had told me in Rome that their activities had to be greatly curtailed, for the institution is subsidized by industries and the economic conditions were such this year that they could do little, if anything. For example, one thing that impressed me very much was that the building was cold, frightfully cold, most of the rooms seemed to be shut up, and the reason was that they could not have coal. The coal had formerly been given them by some of the large concerns. The coal mines are almost within a stone's throw of the institution and yet they had to buy the coal and could not get money to buy it. Indeed, only that day had sufficient coal arrived to start the heating apparatus.\nAtzler, of whom I had formed a very good opinion on my former visit and who made a fine impression on me at Rome, is of course the center of the entire institution, and by having the extreme pleasure and great privilege of being his house guest while in Dortmund I had an opportunity to come more closely in contact with this most remarkable man. Atzler is a director first and foremost.\nHe states frankly that he must travel almost constantly in the interest of the institute and nowadays to \"pass the hat\". He makes experiments himself only as a final control; that is, others make most of the experiments and he simply checks those up finally, so he considers his presence at the laboratory quite unnecessary; in fact he comes and goes as he pleases and is away a great deal.\nThere is much to be said for this type of direction. It is quite clear to me that when he is there he is thoroughly in touch with nearly all the researches, and I think probably he has worked out by far the best method of solving his administrative problems.\nIf his time were entirely free for concentrated effort in the institution then quite a different plan would have to be worked out.\nHe outlined his program for while he was there and on parts of each day he was to concentrate on several of the main divisions of the institution's activities, so that my first day was spent with his psychologist, Dr. Krauss (?). (I am ashamed that I have not the name more definitely established.)\nThis psychologist was much occupied with hand work, such as knitting, assembling pieces of metallic work such as Meccano, and the Erecto construction bridges, and things of that kind in which","page":184},{"file":"p0185.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"185\nthere is the idea of rapidity of assembling. (See figures \\Hy /A?and //^.)\nThis is always followed by pause periods. One room was devoted to \"Band Arbeit\", that is, where parts travel around on an endless belt and each person does a certain small thing and there is \"mass production\", such as was possible for the Ford five-dollar-per-day job. (See figure//</.) The theory is that when the man in front of this belt can keep up with the belt then he gets five dollars a day. The old idea was to fit the man to the belt. Now here they hope to \"fit the belt to the man\".\nThe room was frightfully cold and a woman was there doing some knitting.\nShe had been on a long study of speed of knitting for several weeks, if not months. I thought it altogether too cold for hand work. When this has been well worked out on this small \"piece\" work they expect to go on to heavy steel workers' work. I found the psychologist a most interesting chap and right on to his job in eveiy way.\nThe division of chemistry is in the hands of Dr. Kraut. There was much interest in the presence of silica, and in the case of miners they had a micro method for determining silica. The normal amount of silica is constant from year to year but they found the silica in the blood varied greatly with certain individuals. The whole problem of silica and dust in the body and blood was being very actively attacked and on similar lines was also phosphorus. Among others was the study of the fat of tuberculosis. They felt that the fat about the bacillus was very resistant and perhaps resistant to splitting ferments.\nOne most interesting problem was the use of the piezo tube.\nFor example, in a shovel they had three of these tubes connected at different parts of the shovel so that the sudden movements of the hands at different parts produced movements that would be transferred to the pieces of quartz, hence electrical contact registered the \"intensity\" of movement of a definite part of the shovel. One problem was shoveling coal 1 meter high on the shelf with struts 6 feet apart, that is, a condition approximating working conditions in mines.\nCats on a treadmill. They find cats can not run. After 5 kilometers they are all in.\nCarbon monoxide in automobiles. In this institute they were studying the influence of carbon monoxide on work on a treadmill.\nThere were certain connections between inhalation of carbon monoxide and \"decision\" of a person either to move or sit still to prevent injury in an accident. Atzler was particularly interested in the carbon monoxide with special reference to the carbon monoxide in a limousine or closed car. They had found that the amount of carbon monoxide in the back part of a closed car was very great with the windows closed, and if this continues there is a rapid absorption by the hemoglobin of the blood, thus lowering its oxygen-carrying power.","page":185},{"file":"p0186.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"186\n\nFigure III . Dortmund, Germany. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut f\u00fcr Arbeitsphysiologie. Methods of studying in a psychological laboratory hand work with various electric contact instruments.\nFigure //^ . Dortmund, Germany. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut f\u00fcr Arbeitsphysiologie, Department of Psychology. Device for measuring reaction times.\n=-.................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................- - - -","page":186},{"file":"p0187.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure ffS . Dortmund, Germany. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut fur Arbeitsphysiologie. Pursuitmeter or eye reaction apparatus in psychological laboratory. Revolving cylinder is used and the black line travels back and forth through the slit.","page":187},{"file":"p0188.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"188\nFigure //T- Dortmund, Germany. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut f\u00fcr Arbeitsphysiologie, Department of Psychology. Apparatus for studying work on a belt conveyor with timing contacts for the time relationships.","page":188},{"file":"p0189.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"189\nA considerable equipment was established to study the influence of effect of working using various hand wheels, auto steering wheels, and large machine wheels. The wheels were turned at different angles and different weights and resistances added, and fatigue curves written.\nStair climbing. There was a very elaborate steel fire escape and elevator so you could study walking up the stairs or down. I was a little surprised that they had no escalator.\nOne of the problems under study was that of pneumatic tools to measure the pressure against the hand or shoulder from the back pressure. Such tools were very different and no two firms had the same type of hammer. These hammers had from 900 to 1600 strokes per minute. The workers themselves have very bad subjective impressions.\nAs a result of using these hammers the workers develop occupational diseases, such as shoulder muscles and nerves in the arms going to sleep. The noise of the hammer is an important factor. The noise of the hammer is measured with a microphone and they can analyze the noise in different parts of the hammer.\nDr. Szarkall. Dr. Szarkall, formerly at Budapest, is the man of whom Noyons spoke to me who had the wonderfully trained dogs.\nSzarkall showed us a female dog with tracheal cannula, who was trained to lie and to be catheterized as frequently as was desired. The animal was nearly as immobile as Noyons indicated. Szarkall maintained that while at the beginning there was a good deal of rigidity if not cruelty in subjecting the dog to his mastery, now the dog reacts without hesitation or obvious fear. He was interested in studying the ultra-violet ray for he thought it produced a selected combustion of carbohydrate. He used the Benedict apparatus but a large form.\nI was particularly interested in the alcohol lamp that he used.\nThe flame was such that it impinged on a hot platinum spiral extending over the wick so that the alcohol burned well even with the air leaving the flame at 5.4 per cent carbon dioxide. In other words he could have an alcohol check with the air leaving the apparatus essentially that of the man. A description of this apparatus had been published by Dr. Meyer previously. I am not sure just how much Szarkall has added to it.\nGeneral comments. One of the striking illustrations of economic disturbance was the fact that this enormous institution, so well equipped, was running at only a fraction of its capacity. Nevertheless, the men were enthusiastic and apparently Atzler has a firm hold on the whole picture. However, I think he was dominated in large part by the necessity of interesting the industrial men. For example, when I was to give my lecture great stress was laid upon the fact that eminent industrial men were coming and it was important that these men come to the house in the afternoon for refreshments, and Atzler begged me to put on some magic, which I was very glad indeed to do.","page":189},{"file":"p0190.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"190\nThis is not the place to write of the personality of Atzler and his charming wife, an ideal host and hostess and a remarkable couple. I must record, however, an incident told me by O'Brien in the Rockefeller Institute, Paris. O'Brien was passing through Dortmund and dropped in to the laboratory to see Atzler. He was told that Atzler was at home with a cold but he could see him. He went to the house and was shown in, and, as O'Brien puts it, a young man came down and O'Brien expected him to state that his father would be down in a moment or two, but the young man proved to be Atzler. He is not as young as one would think, but his wife is very young and they make a charming couple.\nLecture. On November 8th I gave the \"third\" lecture for the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut f\u00fcr Arbeitsphysiologie, to an audience of about 75. (There was an announcement of this lecture.)","page":190},{"file":"p0191.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"191\nKAISER-WILHELM-INSTITUT\tDORTMUND, den 3\u2022 Novbr. 19^2.\nF\u00dcR\tHindenburgdamm 201\nARBEITSPHYSIOLOGIE\nFernsprecher Dortmund Nr. 23705 u. 23706 Postscheckkonto: Dortmund Nr. 4847\nEuer Hochwohlgeboren\nbeehren wir uns zu den am Dienstag, den 8. ds.Mts, ii\nabends 8 s.t. im H\u00f6rsaale des Instituts stattfindenden Vortr\u00e4ge des Direktors des Nutrition Laboratory der Carnegie-Stiftung in Washington, Herrn Professor Pr. Francis G.Benedict \u00fcber das Thema:\n\"Der menschliche Stoffwechsel im Lichte neuerer\nUntersuchungen\". freundlichst einzuladen.\nDamen und eingef\u00fchrte G\u00e4ste sind willkommen.\nNach dem Vortrage zwangloses geselliges Beisammensein im Institut mit Gelegenheit zu einem Glase Bier.\nIn vorz\u00fcglicher Hochachtung\nAtz1er.\nUm Antwort wird gebeten.","page":191},{"file":"p0192.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"192\nHAMBORS. GERMABI.\nUniversity of Hamburg. Allgemeines Krankenhaus Eppendorf.\nPhysiological Institute.\nProfessor Otto Kestner and Professor Franz Groebbels.\nIt was our great misfortune to find Professor Kestner just recovering from a long illness. Indeed, his first public appearance following his illness was made at my lecture, so of course he had no problems in progress. I saw quite a little of his associate,\nDr. Groebbels. He is a pessimistic individual, complaining about everything and especially about the economic situation in Germany.\nI think they had no money to do anything with and they could make no progress.\nGroebbels\u2019 own interest is most intensive with regard to birds and especially studying their instincts, the flying instinct, nesting, etc. He had done a good deal of work with the stomach fistula, studying digestion with the birds. He agreed with me that the goose is an extremely satisfactory and intelligent animal to work with. I told him I thought his canary work was all wrong and referred to our new article which had not then appeared. He maintained that a humming bird went to 4000 calories per square meter, quiet and asleep, and 50 per cent higher when the bird was active.\nGroebbels was talking continually about his difficulties and troubles but I did not feel at all impressed by his conversation or his ideas. I had been told he was a man of considerable means and hence one should feel that a great deal of credit is due him for trying to do any scientific work. The other standbys or stalwarts I saw very little of. For example, Mrs. Rahel Plaut I did not see.\nLecture. On November 10th I gave the \"second\" lecture at the Physiological Institute in Hamburg, before an audience of 500.","page":192},{"file":"p0193.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\n193\nHAMBURG. GERMANY.\nUniversity of Hamburg. Allgemeines Krankenhaus Eppendorf.\nMedical Clinic.\nProfessor Ludolph Brauer. Dr. Wilhelm Knipping. and\nDr. Arthur G. Vollmer.\nHere I saw again the great cement respiration chambers which are now completed. One is for excessive pressure of about 1/3 of an atmosphere. In this they had a group of patients on whom they were studying the effect of the ultra-violet rays, especially in connection with asthma problems. The other chamber was for decreased pressure but no research was going on in that.\nKnipping impressed me more than formerly. He is now engaged in clinical work and told me he had given up research in physiology.\nI had an interesting reaction to Knipping. When I was speaking with several men who had been in Hamburg they independently used the expression that Knipping was \"Pfiffisch\" and it has been rather difficult to secure an exact translation of this term.\nIn the hospital I came in contact with the gas-analysis apparatus of Vollmer, who tells me that this was developed because the very large respiration apparatus demanded an extremely accurate instrument to analyze the air in the chamber. (See figures t\t, //7, and //\u00a3 .)\nCorrespondence with Dr. Carpenter brought out the fact that Vollmer along with others, like Pickworth in England and more recent writers in America, have raised a lot of intricate theoretical questions on this gas analysis, questions which are only partly solved. Some of them such as \"absolutely constant\" temperature would call for the submerging of the entire outfit in a water bath, thus immediately making the apparatus impracticable from the standpoint of portability and general use. Dr. Carpenter definitely points out that until they can secure much better results than he is able to secure with his apparatus there is no reason for them to think that they have a better instrument. I am completely in accord with him on this point.\nI spent a great deal of time with Vollmer and Knipping, going over the apparatus carefully in every detail and bringing up a number of points, many of them formerly brought up with Dr. Carpenter, but I likewise came to the conclusion that they had nothing that approximated the accuracy or usefulness of the Carpenter apparatus.","page":193},{"file":"p0194.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"194\nFigure 11 -S'. Hamburg, Germany. University of Hamburg, Allgemeines Krankenhaus Eppendorf, Medical Clinic. Sketch of gas-analysis apparatus of Dr. Arthur Vollmer.","page":194},{"file":"p0195.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"195\nFigure //<p . Hamburg, Germany. University of Hamburg, Allgemeines Krankenhaus Eppendorf, Medical Clinic. Photograph of gas-analysis apparatus of Dr. Arthur Vollmer. This photograph and the preceding sketch are both reproduced in Dr. Vollmer* s description of the apparatus entitled, \"Beitrag zur Gasanalyse\", in Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Exper. Med., 78. pp. 95 to 153 (1931).","page":195},{"file":"p0196.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"196\nFigure / / ?. Hamburg, Germany. University of Hamburg, Allgemeines Krankenhaus Eppendorf, Medical Clinic. Another view of gas-analysis apparatus in the laboratory of Dr. Arthur Vollmer.\nFigure I1! . Hamburg, Germany. University of Hamburg, Allgemeines Krankenhaus Eppendorf, Medical Clinic. Photograph showing part of gas-analysis apparatus in the laboratory of Dr. Arthur Vollmer. Stirring device at the lower left-hand side, with the fan blades housed in a metallic tube. AT 1 this is under water. The support of the pyro is shown.","page":196},{"file":"p0197.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"197\nHAMBORG (STELLINGEN). GERMANY.\nHagenbeck Animal Park.\nWe had the great misfortune to find our friend, Dr. Zukowsky, away from Hamburg but we were given a great deal of time by the Hagenbeck brothers, spending more than an hour and a half in their office, the walls hung and the floor strewn with animal skins of every nature. There was one skin in which I was particularly interested and I was told that it was a hybrid between a lion and a tiger. The skin seemed larger than either that of a lion or a tiger.\nThe Hagenbecks were extremely interested in the snake book and also in the Nutrition Laboratory\u2019s program for comparative physiology and firmly expressed a great regret that the Nutrition Laboratory was not located in Hamburg, where they assured me the entire resources of the Park would be placed at our disposal. Certainly in their calling they are men of high scientific interest and appreciate scientific work. We were taken about the Park by Heinrich Hagenbeck, Jr., who was very courteous and kind. I was impressed by the fact that the Park had gone down both in variety and number of animals. This was explained by the fact that practically all private parks no longer existed, as those members of the royal families, dukes, etc., who had maintained private parks could no longer do so. On the other hand, they told me the Berlin Zoological Park was never in better shape.\nThis we subsequently verified.","page":197},{"file":"p0198.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"198\nBERLIN. GERMANY.\nLandwirtschaftliche Hochschule. Tierphysiologisches Institut.\nProfessor E. Mangold. Pr. Linzberg, and Fr\u00e4ulein Steuber.\nThe great Zuntz respiration apparatus is not used at all. The pressure chamber that was formerly installed in the court of the laboratory has been used occasionally by Fr\u00e4ulein Steuber, but she is ill and now is doing no research work. I visited her in her room on the third floor and the poor thing is rather pathetic. I am not sure how serious her tuberculosis infection is but apparently she has had it for some time and has to be very careful. We had to have rather close relations with her because she had undertaken to translate the two articles for Pfl\u00fcger* s Archiv. The first she had finally got through; the second was only half done when I was there but she later completed it.\nMangold is interested in entirely different problems than Zuntz.\nI found one of his associates, Dr. Linzberg, who was interested in rat metabolism and had worked out a rather clever scheme to have the rats run in a treadwheel and still have a ventilation through a rotating chamber with a diameter of 28 cm. The rats could run about 8000 meters a day. The important feature of his treadmill was that the respiration chamber, which consists of the assembly of two glass desiccator covers clamped together, was used as a treadmill. It was rotated and ventilated at the same time. In the stoppers of the desiccators were two bits of glass tubing with short pieces of rubber tubing serving as joints and the ends dipping in mercury. As the desiccators revolved this rubber tubing turned freely sind the mercury served as a seal. The ventilating current was conducted through a long U-tube immersed in the mercury and leading up through the desiccator. The important point is that the desiccator could turn around, the rubber joints served as a flexible joint, and the mercuiy prevented any loss of air. It is. very clever. (I am not sure what he is going to do with it although my recollection is that he gave me a reprint.)\nThere were no experiments going on except the work on rats with Linzberg, of which they gave me four papers. I thought they were very poorly done. Mangold confided to me that Fr\u00e4ulein Steuber was a very fine critic and she says Linzberg*s material is no good.","page":198},{"file":"p0199.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"199\nBERLIN. GERMANY.\nVeterinary High School. Physiological Institute.\nProfessor Max Cremer and Dr. R. W. Seuffert.\nGremer is doing nothing but simply continuing as his own jovial, unique self. I was much interested in Seuffert, who had done work on the surface area of the horse. He was there and I had a chance to talk with him. I also found that Fuchs, the man who had been working on cancer and whose name was coupled with Wolf of Cambridge (Wolf has never met him), was in this laboratory as a guest.\nCremer especially requested to have the snake book sent to his laboratory and it was sent later.\nCommenting upon the high price of German books and wondering how Germans could buy them, Cremer stated that the prices were made for the United States and Japanese consumption.","page":199},{"file":"p0200.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"200\nBERLIN. GERMANY. Krankenhaus Lankwitz. Professor Georg Zuel2er.\nZuelzer was still almost obsessed with the idea of the heart hormone which he calls \"eutonon\". I did not visit his hospital or laboratory but I was told about it all the time I was at Rome.\nI find that veiy few people take him seriously, at least so far as this work is concerned. It seems to be pretty well evident that he nearly discovered insulin, but most people think he is entirely wrong and full of false notions. He is very much excited about the racial metabolism and lays great stress upon the various hormones. Consequently he is most anxious to have studies made with regard to the effect of eutonon on metabolism. Lichtwitz' assistant stated that if one uses enough eutonon to open the coronary arteries it attacks the heart muscles, so that this material is really dangerous in effective doses.\nAlthough I did not visit Zuelzer's clinic we had a most delightful social evening with him and his wife. He spoke to me about some lectures he had been giving, particularly on scarlet fever. I afterwards wrote him: \"I have heard many times expressions of interest in your scientific activity, but I fear that with your heart hormone you are going to duplicate the experience of our good friend, Abderhalden, with his 'reaction' and the experience of Zwaardemaker with his 'activation of the heart by potassium and radium'. There is a general disinclination to be enthusiastic about eutonon, for many apparently have little results from it and frequently those who do maintain that to get a result you must give so much as to injure the heart muscle.''\nSince this was written I have reason to believe that Zuelzer has likewise come under the ban in Germany.","page":200},{"file":"p0201.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"201\nBERLIN. GERMANY. Professor Leo Zuntz.\nAlthough Professor Zuntz is no more actively engaged in research, he still retains his great interest in research, as would be expected of the son of his father, the great Professor Nathan Zuntz. As a gynecologist he was extremely anxious to see the helmet apparatus used during birth. There have been a very, very few metabolism experiments made during actual childbirth and they used the mouthpiece and of course the subject was uncomfortable. He thought it a cruel thing. By using the helmet he thought experiments would be possible and hoped this could be done.","page":201},{"file":"p0202.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"202\nBERLIN. GERMANY. Rudolf Virchow-Krankenhaus.\nProfessor L. Lichtwitz.\nIt was a very great pleasure and antidote to the general depression of scientific research in German institutions to visit the laboratory of Lichtwitz. (See figures//? and / XO.) This brilliant man has come from Hamburg to the Rudolf Virchow-Krankenhaus in Berlin. It is a most up-to-date, modern laboratory with attention to practically all diagnostic aids and a certain amount of attention to respiratory studies. He had not brought the insensible perspiration balance with him from Hamburg because that belonged there and could not be moved, but there were a great many studies, especially on different forms of light, and blood chemistry in every detail.\nLichtwitz is an extremely active, hustling individual. In the laboratory I saw a Simonson apparatus with dry gas meter and the \"four-branch candlestick\" for sampling, also a part of a Knipping apparatus, but Lichtwitz said it was not good for carbon dioxide and uses it for oxygen only, and as a matter of fact uses it with valveB. There was a splendid equipment for chemical work and electrophysiology, with a great deal of work on lactic acid and globulin, using nephelometry, of which more use is made. The instruments of Leitz and Zeiss were spread around the laboratory galore. No gaseous metabolism work is done other than on man.\nI saw in Lichtwitz1 laboratory a potentiometer that looked to me like a very good substitute for the one Noyons was using with the electric hygrometer, so I had an extensive correspondence with the manufacturer (Goldschmidt, Fennstrasse 1, Berlin, N. 65), but finally found it would involve complications to hook this up under the special conditions Noyons used, so I fortunately did not buy one.\nIt seems the irony of fate that not many weeks after our leaving, there was the political cataclysm and Professor Lichtwitz was practically compelled to leave Germany and this magnificent work he has so well instituted. One can not understand the thing at all.","page":202},{"file":"p0203.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"203\n>\nFigure //*?\u2022 Berlin, Germany. Rudolf Virchow-Krankenhaus. Left to right: Mrs. Benedict, Dr. Benedict, and Professor Litchtwitz. Photograph taken in the court of the Rudolf Virchow-Krankenhaus.","page":203},{"file":"p0204.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"204\nFigure /^\u00f6. Berlin, German. Rudolf Virehow-Krankenhaus. Left to right: Mrs. Benedict, Dr. Benedict, and Professor Lichtwitz. Photograph taken in the court of the Rudolf Yirchow-Krankenhaus.","page":204},{"file":"p0205.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"205\nBERLIN\u25a0 GERMANY. Krankenhaus Im Friedrichsain.\nDr. H. Heller.\nJust as I was finishing the lecture at the Rudolf Virchow-Krankenhaus and about to leave the auditorium a youngish man approached me and introduced himself as Heller, who had written so much on insensible perspiration. I don't know how many papers he has published on this point recently, on technique, etc. One of the great mistakes on my trip was not going to his laboratory and seeing just what he was doing, but we were about to leave Berlin and everything was booked up so that it was not convenient to visit his laboratory, but that was a real error on my part.\nBased upon my observations at Noyons* laboratory, and subsequently at W\u00fcrzburg, and my correspondence with Heller, I am sure that not a little of the difficulty that has been experienced has been the absurd use on the insensible perspiration balance of a horsehair mattress. Subsequently on my tour I saw more and more traces of this horsehair mattress, so I wrote to Heller from Geneva asking him for a description of the mattress, where he got it, etc.\nHe replied in detail. It is covered over with linen and then wholly covered, i.e., sewed into a rubber cloth, I presume the purpose being to keep the humidity down to the lowest point. The mattress and pillow weighed 21 kg. Apparently this mattress has played a very large role. As in the case of Lichtwitz, since that time Heller unfortunately has had to leave Germany on account of the Jewish situation and is now somewhere in London.","page":205},{"file":"p0206.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"206\nBERLIN. GERMANY\u00bb\nLectures.\nThe \"third\" lecture was given on November 18th before the Berlin Physiological Society, to am audience of 250. Professor Rona presided and no one, even in the first row, heard one word he said.\nA poorer presiding speaker could not be found, but he is a very fine man. There were no questions, but I could sense from the audience that they were deeply impressed. (There was an announcement of this lecture.)\nOn November 19th I gave the \"first\" lecture at the Rudolf Virchow-Krankenhaus, for the Berliner Gesellschaft d. Naturforsch. Freunde.\n(See figure 1^1.) There was a very large crowd present, including a number of city dignitaries interested in medical education, for it was a novelty to have a lecture of this type in the hospital. I was glad to learn that Lichtwitz, who had engineered it, was very highly approved for his so doing. Magnus-Levy spoke afterwards, stressing the importance of animal physiology for human physiology. I was much interested to note that in his introductory speech Lichtwitz characterized me as a \"general inspector of hospitals and laboratories\" to see that everything was running well. One of the questions asked me was, if the snakes were kept at 38\u00b0 would they ever go above the room temperature, that is, is there any point where the snake might have fever, so to speak? Of course we believed that the incubating python was in a febrile state.\nA newspaper clipping, commenting on my Berlin lectures, is appended herewith. (See page","page":206},{"file":"p0207.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Berliner Physiologische Gesellschaft\nSitzung\nam Freitag, den 18. November, 20 Uhr c. t.\nim gro\u00dfen H\u00f6rsaal des physiologischen Instituts der Universit\u00e4t, Hessische Str. 3/4\nHerr F. G. Benedict, Boston (als Gast)\n\u201eDer Grundumsatz des Menschen im Lichte neuerer Untersuchungen.\u201c\nG\u00e4ste willkommen!\nE. Holzl\u00f6hner, 1. Schriftf\u00fchrer. Berlin N 4, Hessische Str. 3/4.","page":207},{"file":"p0208.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"208\nFigure /^ / . Berlin, Germany. Photograph of Dr. Benedict, standing at the lecture table. This was taken during the lecture at the Rudolf Virchow-Krankenhaus. Photograph taken by the Keystone View Company, Berlin.","page":208},{"file":"p0209.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"209\n\narbeiten, ausgeridjtet nad) bem 3iet, bas ba Reifet: f o 5 i a I i ft i f cf) e s \u00a9 r o \u00a7b e u t f dj^J l a n b. \u00a9ins fte\u00dft aber f>eft: alte b i ej4 Strbeit e nt b inbet n i c\u00df t non b*C r revolution\u00e4ren \u00a9ntfdjei\u00f6ung, befreit n i et) t non bem e n t f d) e i = benben renolution\u00e4ren S a m p f. Senn bie beutfe\u00dfe fHenolution erft \u2014 unb bas mu\u00df immer tnieber gejagt roerben \u2014 madji bie ganse Arbeit non heute f i n n\u00bb n o 11 u n b f r u d) t b a r. Sie madjt erft bas Selb frei f\u00fcr bie gront ber 23\u00fcnbe, f i e gibt erft Baum bem b\u00fcnbife\u00dfen 9Jtenfcf)en sur \u00ef\u00f4irfung unb (Erf\u00fcllung- 2\u00dfeit bas aber fo ift, bei\u00dft unfere f\u00dfarole nad) mie nor: fBitnbe, gebt nicht in biefes Stjftem, S\u00fcnbe, bleibt braunen! Salb fommt bie Stunbe, mo man eud) bringenb su\u00ab1 Slufbau bedarf, tieute f\u00f6n nt i\u00dfr nur nod) 21bri\u00dfarbeiten teiften. (Suer 2Beg fann immer nur b ei * f3en: bie b e u t f d) e Beoolution! \u00e9uer 3'e ^: bas f o 5 t a li ft i f d) e \u00a9 r 0 fj b e u t f d) l a n b ! 3n biefem Sinne toollen mir in ber Ijeimtictjen Scbmarsen gront arbeiten unb uns oorbereiten. S\u00f6ir t'\u00f6nnen banfbar fein, bafs mir biefe 3eit nod) haben.\nS\u00e4nbe an bie gront? \u2014 3a! 21ber nid)t in bie feront bes Sijftems, fonbern in bie reoolution\u00e4re gront bet fdjmarsen g\u00e4hne!\n1\nmining\nbatten unb bebanbelt roerben, nicht als 2\u00f6are unb \u00dcJtafdjtne.\n\u00a9s banbett fiefj affo gar nicht barum, rote man bureb bie geroiffentofe 5Be\u00dfanblung biefer grage in einer gerotffen Xagespreffe meinen f\u00f6nnte, bie Blenfc\u00dfen su reinen Bo\u00dff\u00f6fttern su machen. \u00a9 s rolrb nur geforbert, ba\u00df bie B 0 \u00df f 0 ft in ber Ern\u00e4hrung einen bretteren Baum einnimmt als bisher, gr\u00fce\u00dfte unb Salate i\u00dft jebermann gern, ber noch einen einigerma\u00dfen unoerborbenen \u00a9efe\u00dfmaef bat. (Es banbett fte\u00df auch nicht barum, alte B e u t f c\u00df e n SU Vegetariern 3U machen, fonbern um i eine 3ur\u00fcdbr\u00e4ngung ber gteife\u00dffoft, bie unroirt\u00bb fe\u00dfafttie\u00df unb im heutigen Umfang auch ungefunb ift. 2er gleifc\u00dfoerbrauc\u00df ber \u00a9egenroart ift etroa oiermal fo bad) als sur 3eit ber Befretungsfrtege/N too rott geroi\u00df etn leiftungs\u00bb unb begeifterungs\u00bb f\u00e4higes SBotf roaren. 23on ben S\u00e4uern ber \u00dcJtart \u00abranbenburg, mit benen ber alte grt\u00df feine Schlachten fd)Iug, fagt ffiilltbalb attests, ber\nnrnfit\u00bb \u00a9itrt..vtrf.ithori>i- 1 Warf: ..Sie febten\nSet Mentattor Beim (Snitidiifad\n\u00a9ine roefentticbe neue \u00a9ntbedung auf bem \u00a9ebiete ber Baffenfotfdjung.\n2tm 18. Bouember [prae\u00df im Bahnten ber 5Berltner i\u00dfbbfioiogifcben \u00a9efellfc\u00dfcft ber inter* national ber\u00fchmte amertfanif\u00e7be Brofeffor 2r. Benebift \u00fcber \u00a9runbumfa\u00dfbeftimmung.\nUnter bem \u00a9runbuntfa\u00df eines SB e n f <b e n oerftebt man feinen 58 er\u00bb brauch an Sau er ft off unb [eine & o b le n f \u00e4 u r e a b g a b e. \u00a9r ift roeitgebenb abh\u00e4ngig oott ben Bebinaungen, unter benen bie Berfudjsperfon ftebt. 3m n\u00fcchternen 3uftanbe ift er anbers als nach einer reichlichen \u00dcKahtseit\u00bb in ber Bube anbers als bei K\u00f6rperlicher 2lrbeit. (\u00a9eiftige Arbeit, fetbft in fon3\u00abntriertefter gorm, ruft feine mefentlic\u00dfen Schroanfungen fyervor. \u2014 So ein armer \u00a9eiftesarbeiter fann unbefdjabet feines \u00a9runbumfa\u00dfroertes 20 Stunben hinterem* ander t\u00e4tig fein.) 2tucb nach \u00a9efc\u00dfledjt unb 2titer finb bie Vierte oerfdjieben. 2asu fommen noch roefenttie\u00dfe Schroanfungen bei oerfe\u00dfiebenen Kranf* beitspro3effen, f\u00fcr beren Siagnofe biefe Unter* fuchungsmetbobe ein mie\u00dftiges JJilfsmittet barftettt.\n2ltt biefe Xatfac\u00dfen roaren bereits frefannt unb m\u00fcrben nur noch einmal bure\u00df sa\u00dftreie\u00dfe 58er\u00bb fuc\u00dfsret\u00dfen mit ber ben 2Imeritanern banf ihrer g\u00fcnftigen roirtjchaftlicben Bebingungen m\u00f6glichen gt\u00e4nsenben modernen Xec\u00dfrtif beft\u00e4tigt.\nBeu roat nur bie geftftetlung bes Baffenfaftors beim \u00a9runbumfatj.\nBrofeffor 58enebift machte auf feinen \u00a9jpe\u00bb bitionen nach Buftratien unb 21ften bie Beobac\u00df* tung, ba\u00df sroife\u00dfen ben Eingeborenen ber anberen Kontinente unb ben unterfue\u00dften Europ\u00e4ern bet gleichen Bebingungen in besug auf 2ltter, \u00a9e= fc\u00dftedjt, \u00a9rn\u00e4hrungs\u00bb unb \u00a9efunb\u00dfeitssuftanb eine fonftante Bifferen3 ber \u00a9runbumfa\u00dfroerte beftanb. Biefe Bifferens fanb er bann aue\u00df, ats er 2tuftratier unb 2tftaten, bie fe\u00dfon tangere\t2tmerifa, in\nben gleichen 58 e r \u00df \u00e4 tt n if f e n rote bie bort anf\u00e4ffigen \u00a9urop\u00e4er, lebten, u n t e r f u c\u00df t e. Bet Unterfc\u00dfieb roat bemnae\u00df nur burch bie Berfc\u00dfiebetibeit ber Baffen ju et-ft\u00e4ren. Uns fonferoatioeft, o\u00f6ttifd)en 3Jtenfd)en ift biefe Xatfac\u00dfe feinesroegs etroas 58efrembenbes. 5ZB t r finb 3 u t i e f ft bacon \u00fcberseugt, ba\u00df j e be Baffe, ja jebes 58otf, non atnbeginn auf ber f\u00f6rperlie\u00dfen, geiftigen unb feetife\u00dfen \u00a9bene bes \u00dfebens feine dtaratteriftife\u00dfen, eigenen \u00a9efe\u00dfe \u00dfal- Bur bie liberale Sffielt h\u00e4tte gar su gern lanbfchaftlic\u00dfe urtb ftimatife\u00dfe SBer\u00df\u00e4ltniffe unb bie babure\u00df bebingten oerfepte* benen Sebensgeroohnbeiteo f\u00fcr bie 58erfc\u00dfieben\u00bb beiten ber SKenfc\u00dfenraffen oerantroorttie\u00df gemae\u00dft. Seiber rourbe biefer fe\u00df\u00f6ne liberate Xraum bure\u00df \u00dferrn Brofeffor 58 bift roteber einmal 3erft\u00f6rt.\nCebensrefottnet oder","page":209},{"file":"p0210.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"210\nBERLIK, GERMANY.\nGeneral comments.\nOne of the most depressing features of my European visit was the fact that there was so little going on in metabolism in Germany as a whole and particularly in Berlin. I found almost nothing in Berlin. There were a good many minor points to look up, such as to try to find the rat treadmill and things of that kind, but for concentrated research there was very little indeed and almost no metabolism work.\nIn one of the laboratories I took a photograph of a series of chains hanging by hooks. These chains are run through the arms of students* clothing to keep them from being stolen. This condition in Berlin is an aftermath of the war period. (See figure/\u00abW.)","page":210},{"file":"p0211.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"211\nFigure\tBerlin, Germany. An aftermath of the war period\nin Berlin. One of the laboratories, showing chains hanging by hooks. These chains are run through the arms of students' clothing to keep them from being stolen.","page":211},{"file":"p0212.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"212\nLEIPZIG. GEMIAUT.\nUniversity of Leipzig, Physiological Institute.\nProfessor M, Gildemeister.\nGildemeister is exceptionally interested in methods and he prefers men to come to him to learn the various methods. chiefly Chronaxie, etc. He is working on permeability problems and especially electrical physiology, but nothing goes on in metabolism. It is a very poor building and very poor equipment.","page":212},{"file":"p0213.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"213\nLEIPZIG. GERMANY.\nUniversity of Leipzig. Physiological-Chemical Institute\nProfessor Karl Thomas.\nThomas is one of the most remarkable men in Germany. At the present time he is chiefly interested in studying the effect of a definite one-sided food or diet, such as water, glycerin, oleic acid, etc. The dogs had stomach fistul0\" +1---------\u201cylinder or canister\nstrapped to the back which\namounts inter-\nmittently for six hours, even when the animal was running around.\nThus there is continual feeding of the animal for this period. This canister is supplied with liquid food and is forced in by the compressed air. The dog usually has a wide collar extending several centimeters each side of his neck, after the design of Sahlstedt of Stockholm, to prevent the dog from biting or interfering with the apparatus.\nThomas is also expanding. He has a great many students and the place is teeming with enthusiasm and much life. He has a respiration chamber for which he received some special grants and this naturally attracted a good deal of my attention. Alongside of the respiration chamber is a Universal table, but he used no spirometer, employing instead the automatic oxygen valve attached to an oxygen cylinder with the trade name \"Andos\", which I saw at Dortmund in 1929. They also used the alcohol lamp of Meyer of Dortmund, using the electrical ignition. After the lamp is lighted the heating wire can be turned one side out of contact of the flame. The lamp is on the pyknometer principle and can be weighed before and after. Essentially the same thing, designed by Meyer, formerly of Dortmund, is used by Szarkall of Dortmund.\nThomas's Williams bottles are ingenious although clumsy. It was a form of Williams bottle in which no rubber connection was used, but the bottles were \"tied\" to each other with large U-tubes containing mercury so as to have a mercury seal between each bottle. (See figures and ) This called for extensions on the ingoing and outeoming air so that the ends turned down and enlarged or flared to fit into the mercury seals. There is a tremendous amount of mercury used everywhere in the laboratory.\nThe respiration chamber had a 180-liter capacity and the top had a celluloid window with clamps to hold it down. The chamber seemed to me extremely large for a dog. There was a tube to draw off the urine and the bath temperature was controlled by an electric thermostat and heater. Thomas determines the oxygen and carbon dioxide together and then uses the oxygen analyses in calculations. In going into some calculations with him on this point, I saw that he got a 90 c.c. error of oxygen. Personally I saw no advantage in analyzing","page":213},{"file":"p0214.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\n\nFigure\tLeipzig, Gennany. University of Leipzig,\nPhysiological-Chemical Institute. Karl Thomas\u2019 dog respiration chamber with absorbing vessels for carbon dioxide and water at the right, showing their peculiar mercury seal. In the middle foreground is an alcohol check lamp developed at Dortmund.\n214\nFigure Leipzig, Germany. University of Leipzig, Physiological-Chemical Institute. Absorbing train for Karl Thomas\u2019 respiration apparatus, showing bottles connected by mercury seals.","page":214},{"file":"p0215.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"for oxygen in the residual sample. We do not and it seems to me an added complication, and with the degree of exactness he should determine it, a considerable error must enter into it.\nThe Leipzig laboratories both of Gildemeister and Thomas are very bad. They are crowded to the elbows and there are series of catacombs in the cellar, winding staircases, quaint corners here and there, and are wholly unsatisfactory for modern teaching. I don't see how students can have any respect for science or their \"master\" under such conditions but the fact remains that Thomas draws a great many students.\nLecture. On November 22nd I gave the \"first\" lecture at the combined lecture room of Gildemeister and Thomas, before an audience of 200. (There was an announcement of this lecture.)","page":215},{"file":"p0216.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"216\nBIOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT - LEIPZIG\nAm Dienstag, den 22. November 1932\nwird im Anschlu\u00df an den schon angezeigten Vortrag von Prof. Achelis \u00fcber Permeabilit\u00e4t und Stoffwechsel (im gro\u00dfen H\u00f6rsaal des Physiologischen Institutes, Liebigstr. 16,1850 Uhr) noch ein weiterer Vortrag stattfinden'. .\"'. V\nProf. F. G. Benedict\n(Direktor des Ern\u00e4hrungslaboratoriums in Boston, Carnegie Institut):\nDie Physiologie der gro\u00dfen Schildkr\u00f6ten und Schlangen und ihre Beziehungen zur menschlichen Physiologie.\n4*rV.-\nLe n d 1 e ,\nSchriftf\u00fchrer.\nGros,\n1. Vorsitzender.","page":216},{"file":"p0217.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"LEIPZIG. GERMANY.\nUniversity of Leipzig. Institute of Animal Physiology.\nProfessor A. Scheunert.\nI did not visit Scheunert\u2019s laboratory for the general impression was given me that he was now practically in \"business\u201d manufacturing vitamins and things of that kind. He had certain patented salts that he thought advantageous for agriculture, but this is no time for German scientists to sell foreigners anything\nFour years ago I learned that Scheunert was most interested in the synthesis of food. I got a rather poor impression of his rat colony.","page":217},{"file":"p0218.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"218\nLEIPZIG. GERMANY.\nAgricultural Institute at M\u00f6ckern.\nProfessor Gustav Fingerling.\nAlthough my time was rather limited at Leipzig, the one place I felt impelled to visit more than once was this laboratory of Fingerling's. Fingerling makes a very great impression upon me.\nI do realize his weak points. He is a meticulous experimenter and is very ingenious in many constructive details, but has been making too few experiments and getting too few results, partly due to the necessity of his having to \"pass the hat\".\nThe large respiration chambers are still employed on the Pettenkofer principle. (See figures IA^f/A(, , IA 7, / A#, /Af, and /^e.)\nIn talking with him it is clear that the Kellner-Gustav Kuhn tradition dominates the situation and yet there are a lot of new and very clever things. His water aspirators to draw samples and his design to correct instantly for barometer and temperature changes are clever, but I think he works too much alone. There is no critic about to discuss matters with him. The surroundings are neat, the laboratory is kept very clean, and there is no impression of the so-called \"cow chemistry\". He insists on neatness even in the cleaning room where dishes are washed and foods weighed and things of that sort. The place is alive with animals and metabolism experiments are in progress. Thus, in the stalls were two heavy oxen with metabolism harnesses, two heavy horses, a large number of sheep, and double this number of squealing pigs. He has a very clever woman assistant who apparently maintains the accuracy and cleanliness of the laboratory.\nFingerling kindly gave me one of the typical protocols from one of his oxen, and this is appended herewith. (See page ^=2^.) He states it takes a month to get an animal into equilibrium. He calculates from the respiration experiments the total energy per square meter and his value given on this sheet, 11021.2 calories, was determined from his respiration apparatus, but singularly enough, he uses the value 1086.0 calories as the basal value, taken from the literature. Apparently he had never determined it himself.\nMore than anything else Fingerling needs some collaborator to discuss his plans with and criticize him very seriously. However, as I stated above, I made two very advantageous visits and found him a most interesting, stimulating man. I feel all the more regret that it is impossible to get together at one conference Ritzman, Fingerling, M^llgaard, and Wiegner, with possibly Mitchell and Brody. That, however, apparently is ruled out.","page":218},{"file":"p0219.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"219\nFigure\tLeipzig-M\u00f6ckern, Germany. Agricultural\nInstitute, Professor G. Fingerling. Double respiration chamber for two animals.\nFigure/A 6. Leipzig-M\u00f6ckern, Germany. Agricultural Institute, Professor G. Fingerling. Double respiration chamber for small animals, showing one chamber open.","page":219},{"file":"p0220.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure ^7. Leipzig-M\u00f6ckern, Germany. Agricultural Institute, Professor G. Fingerling. View of respiration chamber for large animals.\n220\n\nFigure/^?. Leipzig-M\u00f6ckern, Germany. Agricultural Institute, Professor G. Fingerling. Respiration chamber for oxen, showing massive construction.","page":220},{"file":"p0221.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure l^\u00b0f. Leipzig-M\u00f6ckern, Germany. Agricultural Institute. Professor Fingerling*s furnaces for measuring the methane from his large respiration chambers.\nFigure ISO, Leipzig-M\u00f6ckern, Germany. Agricultural Institute, Professor G. Fingerling. Corner of circular chamber made of an old steam kettle. In my 1929 report, Figure 67, page 134, one can see this kettle out in the yard with Fingerling standing alongside.","page":221},{"file":"p0222s0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\n^ojlA\u00e7lhsAsSyoJoAx JU^JIAX^\tAA \u00ee M.1 4jU\n\u00c4^v,,\t7.\t\t\t\n-=rr- \u25a0-\u25a0,.\u25a0\t-=~- \u25a0 k \u25a0 : :\t--\t......\t--\u25a0\u2014\t-r.\t' ^-rr -\t\t\t\n: 5\" 5\" It Jl^\t^JoJUlJJLOychl\t\u2022\u25a0 (j, (h 9 3 (^w\t\n\t\\\t\t\n^OyyyyysQy^\\yyyJlyys :\t\u25a0i\ti\tXaX.\n.^.\u00efM 5 5 ^4', ? ^ UXt/OJ^W^U/V (. X, 4 ) V\\/' \\ 4 3 / ^ ^LLyfjl/l\t\"\t(f 4, f <3\tHUA o\t/fk (ht-?,\n\t3 r G c\t\u25a0 j Ul. 9 o\t/13 f 3. t\n, \\ t**\u00ae? j W~w\\aWX \" ^ / jy v3 9 TX \u00fb 'Ajix/^/zx\t-W - t ?.\t1 <1 /f Z. 4 q\tIA bM\n\t\t} MM a\tr /f 5X4-, /f\nVv(/\t' )\t\u2014Wr\u2014 >m. >1 q\t\t^\t X X 3 3. 1\tZ/f bH.b\n\t3\t\t1\nO'yyy AyCxJoAyyv '\u25a0 \t\t \u00dcl\u00dcsJLa IW\t, _;\tl\u00c4lAL-h c ^J/<Vvw\t\u25a0 9 q ^X/PUav\t\t\t\n\t\t15\". f o _ US j\t9/iX, fc\tf 9/1/1, /I\n\t\t/fU.i\t/I H4J\n\t1\t(f\t5 (?, (?\tb?U\n<1 ^wW<U^Jl\u00c0r\t5.4 o\t- /i/i.} /M 'f 5. b\t- /f (3\u00bb \u00ce/. 4\nr\t3\t\t^/U hU l\n<r y\tA\u00b1U1\t\tvm.4 /\tmff.b\nt\nfnnjy A\n* A\nmil ? -Ux to\nJWi, 0\t,\n& Mit","page":0},{"file":"p0223.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"HALLE. GERMANT.\nDniversity of Halle. Physiological Institute.\nProfessor Emil Abderhalden.\nAbderhalden is always intensely busy with editorial work. He told me that in his Handbuch he had one thousand co-writers and had had only one bad experience in this lot. Freudenberg of Heidelberg, who wrote him about his American travels, very strongly criticized German books and Abderhalden*s Handbuch especially. Abderhalden stated that Freudenberg demanded a \"double honorarium\" for his whole contribution if he were to write it at all.\nAbderhalden discussed in detail the Halle Academy and he stated that the revivified \"Nova Acta\" are to publish conclusive articles.\nThus v. Euler is preparing an article on vitamin A, and they had thought of publishing my \"fourth article\", etc., possibly the \"K\" article, but it was finally decided this would not be printed there. I agreed to send Abderhalden only articles that were translated, we to pay the expense of translating, and to use up the honorarium for buying separates. He is trying to renovate the entire Academy and get out much of the historical material. He has found an etching by Goethe, who was also a great natural scientist.\nI saw nothing of the laboratory for Abderhalden was at the house all the time. He states he is the only Geheimrat in Halle, but that he being a Swiss and the nationalistic feeling being highly against him, they criticize him for his being a \"foreigner\" in his laboratory.\n\"Every idol has its feet of clay\", and I am definitely assured that Abderhalden is working too hard to be happy. He does not know how to play and I fear he is losing his perspective in the home and family life, for he is so wrapped up in work and possible service outside. He seems to be completely lost in doing work and almost a stranger in the home.\nLecture. On November 25rd I gave the \"first\" lecture for the Halle Akademie, before an audience of 125. (There was an announcement of this lecture.)","page":223},{"file":"p0224.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\n_ Halle/Saale, 17. Nojaember 1932\nEinladung\nder Kaiser 1 Leopoldin.-Carolin, Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher zur au\u00dfer or dent 1ichen Sitzung, Mittwoch. den 2.3. November 19.12. 20 h. Ort: Physiologisches Tnsti.tut.\nJ/brtrag des Mitgliedes der Akademie Professor Dn, Francis G. Benedict, Direktor des Tru Nutrition Laboratory in Boston/Mass. \u25a0~Nie physiologie der gro\u00dfen Schildkr\u00f6ten und. hQhlarigen und\u2014ihre Beziehung zur Phusioloaie\ndes Menschen. \"\t*-----*\u2014\nG\u00e4ste willkommen.\nDer Pr\u00e4s ident. gez. Emil Abderhalden.\n\nWA\n\u00abAVAWA","page":224},{"file":"p0225.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"225\nHEIDELBERG. GERMANY.\nKalser-Wilhelm-Institut f\u00fcr medizinische Forschung.\nProfessor 0. Meyerhof.\nThis is the first time I have seen Meyerhof since he left Berlin. I was anxious to see this equipment of which I had heard so much. Practically all work was done in a micro-chemical way. There is even a micro-bomb calorimeter and there were a great many forms of Warburg apparatus. They were studying the oxidation of slices of tissue of warm-blooded animals, also pieces of rat lungs, and everything was done in an extremely delicate, fine way. All the metabolism work was tissue metabolism.\nThe equipment is enormous. For example, I saw an oxygen cylinder marked \"Abt. Meyerhof\". There were several chambers of different constant temperature in which one can run anything from 30\u00b0 to 37\u00b0 if necessary, and there were several rooms for cooling. All the indications were of wonderfully fine biochemical work. Unfortunately most of it was outside my own particular lines and I did not get much of the details.\nt","page":225},{"file":"p0226.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2\u00dc6\nHEIDELBERG. GERMANY. Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut f\u00fcr Pathologie.\nProfessor L. Krehl.\nI was astonished to find Professor Krehl in as good condition as he was. The evening before we had been at his home with an assistant, Dr. Schenk, and there he was just as full of enthusiasm as ever, and has great plans for the future. He is a man of 71 years or more and has had several grave illnesses, and I believe he is afflicted with stomach ulcers and has been through rather serious surgical operations.\nThere are at present no patients and all the work is on animal experiments except a certain amount of cancer tissue obtained from the hospital. There is a respiration apparatus for dogs, with water bath enabling one to raise the temperature to 44\u00b0 C. (See figure M/ .)\nThere is what I think is the only existing one of its type, a Rubner calorimeter in its original form with small spirometers and every connection. (See figures/-?^, 1331 \\3L\\i and I3S,) Krehl was of course associated with Rubner in Marburg and hence has always been very keen about Rubner\u2019s ideas and plans. He had had this calorimeter a long time and, as I understand it, only recently got it in order. He and a number of others spent about a year putting it in order. To me it seemed like love\u2019s labor lost, for I can\u2019t imagine doing much with it. He had an interferometer of Zeiss and the 3-meter length tube which apparently he thought was going to function satisfactorily for extremely accurate gas analysis. (See figures 13(t and M7 .) No definite results thus far had been obtained with it.\nThe remainder of the building is reserved for an experimental hospital with 12 beds. In addition to the 12 beds, he must have nurses' rooms, kitchen, laboratory, etc. Already they are too crowded in the building since they have not used this section. This hospital section is not furnished, but they have applied for $120,000 from the Rockefeller for 12 beds. They have left a space for a Grafe-Jaquet chamber for man.\nHere is a very fine group of men, very active, but one can not but think what will happen to a man starting in on this new project at 71 or more years. There is the problem of who will carry on for the next few years, for example.","page":226},{"file":"p0227.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"227\nFigure/^/. Heidelberg, Germany. Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut f\u00fcr Pathologie, Professor Krehl. Respiration apparatus for dogs, right foreground. Rubner calorimeter, left, with small spirometers for the calorimeter across the wall on the left.","page":227},{"file":"p0228.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"228\nFigure ISA,, Heidelberg, Germany. Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut f-\u00fcr Pathologie, Professor Krehl. Rubner calorimeter in its original form.\nFigure IS3 , Heidelberg, Germany, Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut f\u00fcr Pathologie, Professor Krehl. View showing part of Rubner calorimeter, showing one spirometer on shelf at right. Edge of dog respiration chamber at the left.\n","page":228},{"file":"p0229.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figura /^y. Heidelberg, Germany. Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut f\u00fcr Pathologie, Professor Krehl. Top of Rubner calorimeter, extreme left lower corner. In the right lower comer is a respiration chamber. In the rear is a small respiration chamber (Desiccator) for small animals.\nFigure\tHeidelberg, Germany. Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut\nf\u00fcr Pathologie, Professor Krehl. Photograph showing two gas meters for measuring air current and sampling air current coming out of respiration chamber.","page":229},{"file":"p0230.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"230\nFigure A-^6. Heidelberg, Germany. Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut f\u00fcr Pathologie, Professor Krehl. In the ri^it foreground is the large Zeiss interferometer; in the lower background, a respiration chamber; and on the wall at the right rear, the two expansion chambers or spirometers for the Bubner calorimeter.\nFigure/^7. Heidelberg, Germany. Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut f\u00fcr Pathologie, Professor Krehl. Assistant standing back of Zeiss interferometer. Respiration chamber for dogs in the immediate foreground.\n","page":230},{"file":"p0231.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"HEIDELBERG. GERMANY.\nUniversity of Heidelberg. Laboratory of Chemistry.\nProfessor Karl Freudenberg.\nOn a visit to America about a year before this time, Professor Freudenberg, who is the successor to Victor Meyer and Gurtius, visited the Nutrition Laboratory and had made a special point while on his American tour of looking up former Heidelberg chemistry students. I told him that I had a great desire to give a lecture in my old chemical lecture room where I had attended lectures for two semesters, telling him that I was looking forward to getting quite a \"kick\u201d out of such an arrangement.\nFreudenberg invited me to lecture in this lecture hall but it seems the clinical people, especially Krehl, advised him to give this up, saying that the medical people would not come over to the chemical laboratory and inasmuch as my lecture dealt with metabolism of man it would be far better to give it in one of the hospital lecture halls. I was much disappointed, much more so than I would have imagined. However, I was given every attention and after a delightful time with Freudenberg at his house it was a real treat to go over this building where I had been as a student so many years before and see the various changes that they had made.\nWhile Freudenberg* s problems were all of a highly chemical nature and hence of relatively little interest to me, I was impressed by the feverish activity of this laboratory.\nThe laboratory was shockingly poor and every corner was made use of. There was no sense of orderliness or cleanliness but they had the usual mess of the standard organic laboratory. Freudenberg is a man of great dynamic personality and has a wide variety of interests. He seemed to me a stimulating person and a wonderful successor to my old master, Victor Meyer.","page":231},{"file":"p0232.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"90\u00ab> MO M\nHEIDELBERG. GERMANY.\nLecture.\nOn November 25th I gave the \"third\" lecture at the Medical Clinic, for the Naturhistorisch-Medizinischer Verein zu Heidelberg. There was an attendance of about 95 at this lecture.","page":232},{"file":"p0233.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Naturhistorisch-Medizinischer Verein zu Heidelberg\nMedizinische Section\nFreitag, den 25. November 1932, 20l/a Uhr im H\u00f6rsaal der Hautklinik (Vo\u00dfstra\u00dfe)\nTagesordnung:\nHerr Prof. Francis G. Benedict-Boston (als Gast): \u00dcber den menschlichen Grundstoffvvechsel im Lichte neuer Untersuchungen.","page":233},{"file":"p0234.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"234\nW\u00dcRZBURG. GERMANY.\nUniversity of W\u00fcrzburg. Medical Clinic. Professor E. Grafe. Professor H. Bohnenkamp.\nProfessor H, Rietschel. and Dr. F. Strieck.\nI had looked forward particularly to the visit to W\u00fcrzburg on account of the close relations with Dr. Strieck and also on account of the fact that in the spring of 1932 W\u00fcrzburg very kindly conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Medicine upon me. I had also read a great deal of a series of papers by Professor Bohnenkamp, papers that had provoked a great deal of discussion all along the route in Europe, and I was extremely anxious to see him because he laid great stress upon the importance of insensible perspiration. My chief center, really only center, at W\u00fcrzburg was Grafe*s clinic. (See figure M$.) Here one finds, as always, everything alive with activity. Grafe is a tremendously active man, interested in many problems and particularly in metabolism. Dr. Strieck had been influenced by his sojourn at the Nutrition Laboratory and was endeavoring to introduce American methods all along the line.\nRespiration chamber. They use still the large Grafe chamber with a train of gears to shift speeds, like automobile gear shifts, changing the rate of ventilation of the chamber depending upon the size of the individual. The Krogh apparatus is used a good deal, especially in the experiments of Bohnenkamp where the person is standing. I was told that they had a Benedict-Roth apparatus but I did not see it. There was nothing new in apparatus as such but much work.\nDr. Strieck said they were much interested in the extracts of the hypophysis and were giving special attention to the heart centers and to the metabolism centers. A great deal of activity was going on but Dr. Strieck sounded and talked very depressed. He was very much interested in the so-called \"negative phase\" of basal metabolism as emphasized by Bernhard in the His Clinic in Berlin. I wrote him later that I felt there was nothing in it, that we had never made any special experiments to demonstrate it but in all our twenty-five years' experience we had never found any sub-normal conditions other than those explainable by drowsiness or possibly of course under-nutrition. Later he told me that they had been unable to confirm Bernhard's findings.\nIn the same hospital Professor Hans Rietschel in the children's department had two respiration chambers on the Grafe principle, one for a child and one for a baby. The small one was extremely well constructed and provided with apparatus for measuring the activity, and one found here also the duplicate of Dr. Carpenter's apparatus with Dr. Strieck's electrical mechanical device for raising and lowering","page":234},{"file":"p0235.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\n235\nFigure M^. W\u00fcrzburg, Germany. Mrs. Benedict, and Professor Grafe.\nLeft to right, Mrs. Grafe,","page":235},{"file":"p0236.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"236\nthe mercury. Apparently Professor Rietschel was also interested in the insensible perspiration of children, for he had one of the typical Sauter balances for the child\u2019s insensible perspiration, finished with very great elegance and refinement but equipped with the inevitable horsehair mattress. This seems to have clung to the whole insensible perspiration thesis.\nGrafe related innumerable incidents with regard to Rubner and the older physiologists. He pointed out that Pfl\u00fcger always combatted Voit and that Rubner told him that Voit had held up the publication of Rubner's paper on the isodynamic law. Rubner was only 25 years of age at the time and the paper lay in the drawer for two years. Rubner also told Grafe that there was not one idea in Voit\u2019s head. The whole story of Pfl\u00fcger's ego and the dedication of Zuntz' books on high altitudes to Pfl\u00fcger was repeated. Pfl\u00fcger objected to the simple dedication \"E. von Pfl\u00fcger\". Zuntz replied that on the Bismark \"Denkmal\" there was only \"Otto von Bismark\". Grafe also told me that Pfl\u00fcger was always in controversy with Ludwig and that Pfl\u00fcger was invariably right but Pfl\u00fcger had no \"school\" and Ludwig had the great school, so his ideas and personality went much further than did Pfl\u00fcger\u2019s. It was interesting to see the relationship between the different schools but Grafe, who had been so long at Heidelberg, said he thought that Krehl was a very much bigger man than F. v. M\u00fcller of Munich and he thought that the latter would be wholly forgotten in 100 years, but not Krehl.\nSomeone, not in W\u00fcrzburg, commenting on Grafe's dog upon which he published his long discussion of the adjustment of the animal to the environment and to the different fasting levels, a criticism that I raised very strongly in the fasting man book, said that Grafe's dog had an enlarged thyroid and that dogs were especially liable to upset' thyroid and he felt that this was the case with Grafe's dog. Of course there is no means of knowing now, but it is an interesting point in the argument against doing too much work with dogs.\nBohnenkamp. The newest things in W\u00fcrzburg were the work of Bohnenkamp.\nI had not met him before or at least did not recall having met him. He is a most serious-minded, charming chap, a very good man to talk things over with, critical but perfectly willing to give and take, a most helpful and encouraging man for discussion. One felt perfectly free to talk over every point with him and criticize as sharply as one wished and nothing would be taken amiss. I was interested in his problem of studying the surface area of the body and getting the average temperature of the body and all the various steps in his series of papers. For the average temperature of the body he used the resistance thermometer. He had a \"fish line affair\" made up of 50 meters of fine copper wire on a reel.\nThe subject first removed the clothing and he then wound the wire around and around the body from head to foot, in about 1 centimeter intervals.\nIn about 50 minutes the temperature is constant with a room temperature of 25\u00b0. It is important now to emphasize that Bohnenkamp is strong for 24\u00b0 to 25\u00b0 C. One recalls that Rubner did everything at 16\u00b0 C.\n(See figure M? .)","page":236},{"file":"p0237.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"237\nFigure ^7 . W\u00fcrzburg, Germany. University of W\u00fcrzburg, Medical Clinic. Laboratory of Professor Bohnenkamp. Reel of wire used by Bohnenkamp to wind around the body of a man to measure the resistance and get the average room temperature.\nThe thermometer bulb is shown near it, showing that the apparatus is at an initial temperature to measure its true resistance before winding in about the man.","page":237},{"file":"p0238.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"238\nBohnenkamp determines the metabolism with the Krogh oxygen apparatus and he computes the average temperature of the body from the metabolism and the surface area itself, and states that the surface temperature must be a certain temperature which he finds agrees within 0.5\u00b0 C. with what he finds with his resistance thermometer. He uses the old calculations by Boothby, Du Bois, and Harris and Benedict, and by calculating the metabolism he finds the direct is lower than the calculated.\nRadiating surface area. To get the radiating surface area Bohnenkamp uses the condenser principle and maintains that by determining the electrical condensation he can get the surface. At about this time I received a letter from Wardlaw in Australia, who states that a physicist claims that Bohnenkamp is all wrong on his surface method by condensation principle. Later I had a letter from Wardlaw giving the details of this and I forwarded this letter to Bohnenkamp, but at the day of writing (June 23) I have not heard from him. Bohnenkamp is dominated by the surface temperature. This of course is obvious, for while Bohnenkamp recognizes the feathers ruffled in the bird, as affecting heat loss, he does not think of any change in the surface distribution of blood to vary the heat brought to the surface.\nI think Bohnenkamp has a physical mind but Strieck says he is one of the best physicians in the clinic - a medical-physiological physicist.\nOne thinks of H. B. Williams. On the whole Bohnenkamp is one of the keenest men I have ever met, but is especially deficient in comparative physiology. It would\thelp him\tout\ta great deal, for he has accepted the\nsurface area wholly.\tThere is\tone\timportant\tmodification. He has little\nor no use for the calculated surface area for he recognizes, for example, that between the legs\tand under the arm-pits\tthere is a large amount of\nsurface that does not\tgive off\tthe\theat that\tother parts do. He is not\ninterested in the measured surface area as such but, as he calls it, the \"radiating surface\".\nBohnenkamp has direct calorimeters but he advises strongly against them. He accepts insensible perspiration in toto but I find Grafe does not accept it for fat people, as Grafe*s assistant, Magendantz, finds that obese, at least certain types, do not lie anywhere near the Benedict-Root straight line and they consider there is something else in play here.\nHaving found out that they did this work with the stuffed hair mattress I am quite inclined to question it. Bohnenkamp's laboratory is filled with physical apparatus of all kinds. (See figure /fo.)\nI obtained a very fine impression of Bohnenkamp. There is, I understand, a strong likelihood of his leaving Wurzburg, and I am afraid this means that he may get into a place where clinical and administrative duties will take him away from research. I talked with a great many people about him, and most people thought he was crazy, meaning he was wrong. My impression is this. I don't care whether he is correct or not. He has rendered a very great service to physiology in making people think about these problems as they never have before.","page":238},{"file":"p0239.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure l'fb . W\u00fcrzburg, Germany. University of W\u00fcrzburg, Medical Clinic. Part of Bohnenkamp\u2019s laboratory, showing a hexagonal, vertical chamber used in radiation measurements.","page":239},{"file":"p0240.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"240\nDr. Strieck. It was a matter of disappointment to both Mrs. Benedict and myself to find Dr. Strieck so depressed. We had him with us every moment while we were in W\u00fcrzburg and he was kindness personified in helping us in every way, but there seemed to be a definite note of depression about him. This was caused partly by the health of Mrs. Strieck. She had not returned to her usual health after the birth of a baby lately but was about and doing well. He felt the economic situation in Germany was very depressing and the whole thing had changed him pronouncedly.\nHe was not the individual we saw in Boston.\nOnly one time did I find Dr. Strieck as he was formerly, that is, one evening when we had had a delightful dinner at Grafe's and afterward I put on some magic effects, and I brought Strieck more or less into the thing as assistant and co-worker. I noticed repeatedly that he was keenly interested and excited and I think regained his*personality as he was with us in Boston. I feel he is an exceptionally good man, levelheaded, a very careful worker, and it is a pity that he can not be in a position where he does not have to worry and can go ahead with characteristic drive on various questions that are of so great importance to him.","page":240},{"file":"p0241.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"241\nW\u00dcRZBURG. GERMANY.\nUniversity of W\u00fcrzburg. Physiological Institute.\nProfessor Edgar W\u00f6hlisch\nOne of the saddest features of our visit to W\u00fcrzburg was the absence of our dear, good friend, Professor von Frey, who passed away at the age of 80 years only shortly before. His successor is Professor W\u00f6hlisch and it was a great pleasure to realize that they had a good man to take his place. W\u00f6hlisch made a fine impression on me. He is a professor of physiology, interested in psychology. Although carrying out nothing in the lines definitely associated with the Nutrition Laboratory work, he is an addition to a splendid group of men at W\u00fcrzburg represented by Grafe, Bohnenkamp, and Strieck.","page":241},{"file":"p0242.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"242\nW\u00dcRZBURQ. GERMAN?.\nDr\u00bb Hermann Rein.\nIn W\u00fcrzburg I heard a good deal about an apparatus by a Dr. Hermann Rein who is now in Freiburg. This was a respiration apparatus in which the analyses are based on differences in the electrical conductivity of the air entering and leaving it. I had never seen the apparatus itself, although at Heidelberg in the laboratory of Krehl they showed me photographs of it.\nIt is manufactured by F. Heilige in Freiburg i. Baden, Germany, and I have written for a description of the apparatus. A letter received from the manufacturers in July, 1933, shows that the apparatus in all probability has not got the required sensitivity that we desire. I did not think it would do at all what the Heidelberg people said or thought it would do.\nIt is more ingenious than practical.","page":242},{"file":"p0243.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"243\nW\u00dcRZBURG. GERMANY.\nGerman translation of Nutrition Laboratory manuscript.\nThe problem of getting our communications translated into German before submitting them to various journals and to Abderhalden's Handbuch had acutely arisen in connection with Fr\u00e4ulein Steuber's attempting to translate for us. After repeated, hectic correspondence with Abderhalden I agreed to tiy to find someone to do this for us, so all along the line I was on the lookout to get these translations made. Atzler had suggested someone in Berlin but it developed that this particular person was a philologist, and while knowing perfectly the mechanical construction of the English and German languages he had no experience in translation of scientific, much less medical and physiological material.\nAs a last resort I appealed to Strieck, realizing that he could not personally attend to these translations as he did so kindly to my lectures. Strieck introduced me to a man in the clinic, a Dr. Hohenrein, a man who seemed particularly an ideal man for this job. He spoke English perfectly (one parent was English) and he was a medical man, so I supposed our problem was solved. I had Abderhalden send to him the so-called \"K article\" and left W\u00fcrzburg happy in the thought that we had at last a good translator. Subsequently, indeed before I left Europe, I had a wail from Abderhalden that he was hearing nothing from W\u00fcrzburg and was getting very anxious about the translation. This was partly explained by the fact that there was a death in Hohenrein's family, but it finally comes about that we can not count on Hohenrein and the whole thing was unsuccessful.","page":243},{"file":"p0244.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"244\nW\u00dcRZBURG. GERMANY.\nLectures.\nIn W\u00fcrzburg there were three lectures. The \"third\u201d lecture, on human metabolism, was given on the 29th of November at Grafe*s clinic, to an audience of 265.\nOn December 1st, at noon, I gave the \"second\" lecture, on comparative physiology, in the lecture hall of Professor W\u00f6hlisch, before an audience of about 285, many of them students.\nThe \"first\" lecture was given on the evening of December 1st before the Physical Medical Society. There was an attendance of 115. (The announcement of this lecture, printed in German, is included in this report.)","page":244},{"file":"p0245.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"245\nPhysikalisch - medizinische Gesellschaft\nX. Sitzung\nam Donnerstag, den 1. Dezember 1932, abends TU Uhr, im H\u00f6rsaal des physiologischen Instituts\nHerr Prof. Dr. et h. c. Francis G. Benedict, Nutrition Laboratory, Boston: Die Physiologie der grossen Schildkr\u00f6ten und Schlangen und ihre Beziehung zur menschlichen Physiologie.\nStudierende sind zum Besuch des Vortrages eingeladen.\n>A","page":245},{"file":"p0246.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"246\nMUNICH. GERMANY.\nUniversity of Munich. Second Medical Clinic.\nProfessor Friedrich v. M\u00fcller, Professor Kurt Felix, and Dr. Bauer.\nIn visiting Munich I was certain, of course, to find nothing of particular interest to us at the Laboratory of Physiology of the University, but Munich was en route to Vienna and Budapest and I wanted to see again K. Felix and Professor F. v. M\u00fcller and a number of others, so I felt it was worth while stopping off. I also had been invited to lecture at the University of Munich.\nOne of my first visits was to M\u00fcller\u2019s clinic, where I met Dr. Bauer, who was occupied with metabolism work in the clinic and has a great deal to say about the so-called \"negative phase\" of basal metabolism. Nothing that he showed me, none of his protocols, convinced me that he was dealing with anything corresponding to a \"negative phase\". I also met Dr. Dietrich Jahn, who had written a great deal and worked in New York with Lusk and Du Bois, but I don\u2019t even remember his special topic. The man did not impress me at all.\nProfessor Kurt Felix, who is associate professor in the University, is working as a biochemist and has charge of the biochemical work in Muller\u2019s clinic. Since everything was of a purely chemical nature there was little that interested me other than the personal and social relations with the Felixes.","page":246},{"file":"p0247.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"MUNICH. GERMANY.\n247\n\nUniversity of Munich. Institute of Hygiene.\nDr. H. Ilzhoefer.\nI then went over to the Hygiene Laboratory and saw Dr. Ilzhoefer, who had formerly done work on metabolism during mental effort. It was very sad not to see my dear, good friend, Professor Max v. Gruber, who had died since I was here before. Ilzhoefer is no longer working on metabolism but in discussing the question of comparative metabolism and especially some recent protocols I had had from the Laboratory in Boston showing the great tendency for mice to show a sub-normal temperature, Ilzhoefer told me that he had a lot of sub-normal temperatures on mice that had not been reported.\nIlzhoefer had done work with a collaborator, a Dr. Kraut, who sent the laboratory a reprint. He had been doing some work on metabolism but was chiefly interested in humidity problems, water vapor given off from the skin. They had a chamber with a rubber diaphragm through which the head could go, in which they could study water vapor and carbon-dioxide. On the whole the laboratory presented little of interest to us.","page":247},{"file":"p0248.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"248\nMUNICH, GERMANY.\nUniversity of Munich. Physiological Institute. Professor Otto Frank.\nFrank lived up to his reputation as the greatest grouch and pessimist in Europe. He freely discussed and particularly cussed nearly everybody in Europe. For example, he is very much against Abderhalden, says he has a dirty laboratory and can not do good work.\nOne must say with regard to Frank\u2019s laboratory that it is very clean.\nFrank was in controversy with his former assistant. The man who stuck by him the longest was Bremser, formerly in Basel and now in Heidelberg. They have now split. Frank maintains that Bohnenkamp is no good. Then to cap the climax he said Professor Krehl was the most uncritical man in Germany. This went on all the time we were talking with him.\nLecture. On December 2nd I gave the \"first\u201d lecture in Professor Frank\u2019s lecture hall. This was very well attended, with about 250 present, and I was much pleased to note Friedrich v. M\u00fcller, Romberg, and others of the faculty on the front seats. It was a very stimulating crowd.","page":248},{"file":"p0249.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"249\nBUDAPEST, HUBGfflI.\nUniversity of Budapest, Physiological-Chemical Institute.\nProfessor Pani Hari and Pr, Zoltan Aszocli.\nThe chief reason for going to Budapest was to make contacts again with Professor H&ri and his associates, notably Dr. Aszo'di and Dr. Ernst, so I went immediately to the laboratory and in fact spent the greater part of my time there. Professor Hari, unfortunately, was in very poor health, which at first we were inclined to ascribe to a neurosthenic condition but it evidently was something more serious, for we were greatly shocked to learn in the spring of 1933 that he died of heart failure. A more courteous, kind gentleman never lived. He was a great scientist and a keen critic. He will be very much missed. It was a great pity not to have him spend an academic year with us in Boston as we had hoped to have him do. In the laboratory he was not so active, being much occupied with writing, and his poor health had greatly reduced his capacity for work. (See figure 1\u2018il .)\nStudies on specific dynamic action with dogs. The experiments were usually in short periods and they spend many months hunting for a dog that will stay quiet. At the time I was there they had two dogs they were preparing for experimental work. The demonstration here was much like that shown me in Dortmund; that is, the dog minded but there was every evidence of being thoroughly cowed. One of the great problems was the comparison of the direct and indirect calorimetry. This should of course agree in 20-minute periods while it would be less likely to agree in periods of one hour or even two hours. Hari finds, however, that they do not agree in short periods of feed. He had for his thesis that the splitting of fat may take place some time prior to the actual oxidation of the end products, although I question whether or no this would not assume too much heat of cleavage, but no doubt the fact remains that they are serious workers. Both men are strongly of the belief that oxidation in the body takes place in stages and that the heat production is not parallel to oxygen consumption or at least not parallel to the cleavages.\nInsensible perspiration. They had an insensible perspiration balance much like those one finds in Europe, furnished by Sauter for children, and used it to weigh animals to 0.01 gm., they said. There were female dogs that were catheterized to prevent urine being passed during experiments. The dogs were invariably 72 hours fasting. In the calorimeter they used from 1300 to 1800 liters per hour for ventilation. This seems a very large amount, for this is more than one would use with a man, but I presume that the reason for this is to prevent any possible condensation of water. The dog that was in the apparatus when I was there was in for the third time and apparently was remaining very quiet and proving to be a good experimental animal.","page":249},{"file":"p0250.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"250\nFigure l^f . Budapest, Hungary. University of Budapest, Physiological-Chemical Institute. Photograph of Professor Hart, standing near the control table of his calorimeter.\n","page":250},{"file":"p0251.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"251\nAlthough I had studied the Hari respiration calorimeter several times before, I had never realized there were so few thermo-junction points between the two chambers and I could not understand why the chamber was painted black on the inside. Fearing that this would contribute toward insulation rather than free loss of heat I asked Hari, and he explained it as being an attempt to direct the heat along the metal so as to have the thermo-junction points all as equally affected by the heat as possible.\nThe light was very poor as usual and my attempts to photograph things were most unsuccessful. (See figures /and ' ^)\nI had opportunity to talk with these two remarkable men a great deal.\nThe conditions under which they work are very severe. I have the impression that the situation is a little better than it was four years ago, but the fact that several times an assistant brought in a bottle of urine that Hari had to analyze immediately or place one side for analysis later showed that he is still under the necessity of supplementing a very poor university salary by such analyses as he can make. On the other hand, one was lost in admiration of the fact that these men could do work at all under the conditions under which they had to work. As four years ago, I found Aszodi at the laboratory at early hours in the morning carrying out research and going home for private practice and consultation hours and then back again to do his reading and writing at night. There was one point brought to my attention when ffitri was talking, and that was that Hari ha? had to do all of the writing. I can understand that would be the case with many of his younger assistants, but I directly got the impression that in the case of Aszo'di the writing was done by Ha'ri. If this is the case it is going to make it very difficult for Aszddi to carry on.\nAfter conferring with Hdri and Aszo'di I decided it was not worth while to visit the Agricultural Institute presided over by Weiser.","page":251},{"file":"p0252.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure /*\u25a0/4. Budapest, Hungary. University of Budapest, Physiological-Chemical Institute. Entrance to dog or rabbit calorimeter used by Professor Hari.\nFigure/^/j. Budapest, Hungary. University of Budapest, Physiological-Chemical Institute. Soda-lime absorbing tubes of special construction so they can stand up on the table. Used by Professor Hari and Dr. Aszodi.","page":252},{"file":"p0253.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"253\nBUDAPEST. HUNGARY,\nUniversity of Budapest. First Medical Clinic.\nDr. Zoltan Ernst.\nErnst is a very serious worker but apparently not at all a self pusher, and his friends are much distressed by the fact that he has made no further progress in the University standing. For example, he has been seventeen years in chemistry but is not yet \"private Dozent\".\nHis former chief, Balint, is dead and while Balint had great interest in Ernst and if he had lived -undoubtedly Ernst would have been appointed \"private Dozent\", Balint\u2019s successor, Herzog, is interested in other things. He is a neurologist primarily, for example.\nErnst is much interested in the perfusion of the spleen and has demonstrated that bilirubin may be formed in the spleen and in the liver.\nHis technique is perfect, his apparatus very clean and nicely set up and I could not help comparing Ernst's set-up for perfusion experiments with other set-ups I have seen in other laboratories and particularly the gruesome affair of poor B\u00f6rnstein of Hamburg several years ago. Ernst showed us a very clever iodine reaction by demonstrating the presence of potassium sulpho-cyanate in the saliva.\nOne interesting talk with Ernst had to deal with endogenous obesity.\nHis chief (I don't recall whether it is Balint formerly or Herzog at present) considered fat deposits like a tumor growth. You can have, therefore, a tumor of fat and lose weight in every way but this fat deposit is not disturbed, even if a person gets very thin. We must write him and ask for the elaboration of this idea. If so, then obese people can eat but little and not lose fat. It is to my mind one of the most interesting theories of obesity that I have heard.\nAs formerly, Ernst impressed me as being a serious-minded chap working a lone hand now, with apparently no special advice from his present chief. I was glad to have the privilege of talking with Herzog, at which time I emphasized strongly that my chief reason for coming to Budapest was not to see the laboratory, etc., but to see men like Ha!ri, Aszcfdi, and Ernst, and I was told that that sort of talk could be a help to Ernst in the eyes of his chief.","page":253},{"file":"p0254.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"254\nBUDAPEST. HUNGARY.\nUniversity of Budapest. Department of Physiology.\nProfessor G. Farkas and Dr. H. Tangl.\nProfessor Farkas. This real genious had been also in poor health and of a neurasthenic disposition and he was quite occupied in his own subjective feelings. He is one of the most versatile men I think I have ever met, a very extraordinary linguist, with a great command of scientific literature, and has about him an enthusiastic group of young men.\nThe application of the Universal apparatus to the experiments with the dog showed again the apparent impossibility of people using a well worked out piece of apparatus and applying it to their own problems and at the same time giving too little attention to the various basic points necessary to have successful usage of such an apparatus. The whole set-up in Farkas' laboratory as applied to the dog seemed very definitely crude. With all the descriptions given of our apparatus in the various journals it is difficult to understand how they can make such a clumsy application of the apparatus to their specific problems. It is all the more surprising when you realize what a marvelous linguist Farkas is himself.\nHis interest in the metabolism of the Hungarian field worker continues unabated and undoubtedly he will carry it on with more care in subsequent years.\nIn Farkas' laboratory I saw a Benedict Universal table such as has been used by Atzler. The experiments were being made on a dog and the ventilation was simply tremendous. It was amusing to note that the empty Williams bottle which is put on as a trap to catch any acid to be backed up into it was put on \"wrong end to\" so it would not be any protection whatsoever.\nOne very ingenious device was that of a student of his, who had attached to the bathing cap on the Benedict and Benedict student apparatus an electric signal. This was so arranged with a lever in contact that when the bathing cap was in contact with the plate a light was lighted, but if the bathing cap extended beyond this point the light went out.\nI thought the idea was rather good but the operator might be confused by the light going out either because of lack of contact, that is, the cap not being high enough, or the cap being too high. I felt the bathing cap was very poorly adjusted with tremendous tension.\nDr. Tangl is as active as ever. He is still associated with Professor Farkas but working chiefly on biochemical work and I understand he has nothing whatsoever to do with the metabolism phases of Farkas' work. He is an extremely tense individual and apparently trying to follow out the brilliant example of his father.","page":254},{"file":"p0255.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"255\nBUDAPEST \u25a0 HOMSARI.\nLectures.\nI gave a number of lectures in Budapest, all extremely well received. The \"third\" lecture, given before the Medical Society on December 9th, was well attended, with an audience of about 215, and enthusiastically applauded. (There was an announcement of this lecture.) On the same day I gave the \"first\" lecture for Professor Farkas' students, and there was an attendance of 500. On December 10th I spoke before Farkas' associates, giving the \"second\" lecture, to an audience of about 80.\nNewspaper clippings with regard to the lectures, from the \"Pester Lloyd\" of December 10th and the \"Pesti Hirlap\" of December 10th, are appended herewith. (See pages\nDuring one of the lectures in Farkas' lecture hall a most amusing experience took place. When I began speaking I saw seated in front of me Hstri and Farkas, and in the seat directly behind was seated Aszddi. I had hardly begun when I heard Farkas talking in loud whispers to Hari. At first it troubled me and then I said to myself, \"Ha'ri's eyes are very poor and Farkas is explaining to him the rather numerous slides.\" But a little later on I noticed he was carrying on the same buzzing sound with Aszo'di and I knew his eyes were very good. As I recall, Farkas was talking the entire time of my lecture. Later on I said to \u00fciiri and Aszddi, \"May I ask what was the chief topic of conversation between Farkas and yourselves? Was it some point that challenged his attention so much?\" It then transpired that Farkas had invited Mrs. Benedict and me to lunch and during the entire hour he was very much disturbed as to where was the best place to take us. He was seeking this advice from Hari and when H\u00e4ri clearly indicated that he wanted to hear my lecture he turned and continued the conversation with Aszo'di. I have no idea that the man felt he was discourteous and probably he grasped more of what I was saying than did most of them. He is a man of keen, clear mind.","page":255},{"file":"p0256.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"BUDAPEST! KIR. ORVOSEGYES\u00dc LET, VIII. SZENTKIR\u00c4LYI UTCA 21.\nME6HIV\u00d6\naz 19?2 \u00e9vi december ho 9-\u00e9n, p\u00e9nTeken d\u00e9luWn kiv\u00e9telesen Va 7 \u00f4rakor az Egyes\u00fcleT Semmelweis-lerm\u00e9ben tartand\u00f4\nX. rendes tudom\u00e2nyos \u00fcl\u00e9sre.\nNAPIREND:\nFrancis G. Benedict (a bosfoni Nuh\u00efl\u00efon Laboratory of fhe\nCarnegie InsHhjtion igazgatoja);\n\u00c0z emberi alapanyagcsere az ujabb vizsgalatok megvilagitasaban.\nAz el\u00f4ados n\u00e9mef nyely\u00fc.\nBudapest 1932. december 2-\u00e0n.\tZalka \u00d6d\u00f6n\nfotitk\u00e2r.","page":256},{"file":"p0257.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Samstag, 10. Dezember 1932\nPESTER LLOYD\nSioffwechsel\u00e4n\u00e4erusigen im Alter und bei verschiedenen Bassen. Professor Francis G. Benedict, Direktor des) vom Carnegie-Institut erhaltenen Em\u00e4hrungsla(boratorium$l in Boston \u00dc. S. A., der mit seiner Gemahlin und Mitarbei-| terin aus Anla\u00df des Physiologenkongresses in Rom nach) Europa gekommen war, Besucht zurzeit die ungarischen) wissenschaftlichen Anstaltan und hat aus diesem Anla\u00df* heute abend in der Budapester k\u00f6n. Gesellschaft der \u00c4rzte) einen Vortrag \u00fcber den \u201eGrundumsatz des Menschen im, Lichte neuer Forschungen\u201c gehalten. Der dichtgef\u00fcllte Vortragssaal ehrte den hervorragenden Gelehrten und seine Gemahlin w\u00e4hrend der vom Pr\u00e4sidenten Professor Stefan v. T\u00f6th gehaltenen Begr\u00fc\u00dfungsansprache mit st\u00fcrmischem Applaus. In seinem deutschen Vortrag sprach der amerikanische Gelehrte \u00fcber die hervorragende Bedeutung, die der Messung des Stoffwechsels f\u00fcr die Diagnose und die rationelle Behandlung von Krankheiten zukommt.\nEr stellte fest, da\u00df im allgemeinen der erwachsene Mensch eine Kalorie pro Kilogramm K\u00f6rpergewicht und Stunde produziert. Zur Messung des Stoffwechsels erwies sich die Menge des von der Lunge aufgenommenen Oxygens am entsprechendsten. Frauen produzieren im allgemeinen um 10 Prozent weniger W\u00e4rme als M\u00e4nner. Die W\u00e4rme-, Produktion und damit der Stoffwechsel nehmen mit vor-) r\u00fcckendem Alter ah. Hochinteressant sind die Messungen,! die ergaben, da\u00df der Grundumsatz und damit nat\u00fcrlich) auch der Stoffwechsel bei den verschiedenen Menschen-,\u2019 rassen erhebliche Unterschiede aufweisen. So ergaben] Messungen an Tamilen in Madras einen Grundumsatz] von \u2014 16 Prozent, an australischen Eingeborenen von!\n\u2014-14 Prozent, an australischen Eingeborenenfrauen -_Iff\nProzent, an Maya-Indianern in Yukatan +.S.4 Prozentj Da\u00df hiebei nicht Ern\u00e4hrungs- oder klimatische Unter-i\nI g\t\u2014-------------------:------- . ---- -il____\nschiede ma\u00dfgebend sind, beweisen die an in Boston ge-horenen und dort lebenden chinesischen M\u00e4dchen durch-gefuhrte Versuche, die um 9 Prozent niedrigere Werte als 'bei amerikanischen M\u00e4dchen zeigten. Weitere Versuche stellten den Einflu\u00df von Schlaf (-_ 10 Prozent) geistiger und k\u00f6rperlicher Arbeit fest. Schlie\u00dflich f\u00fchrte der Vortragende die bei den Versuchen verwendeten Apparate vor. Die gedanken- und inhaltsreichen Ausf\u00fchrungen ernteten (St\u00fcrmischen Beifall.\tBr B A","page":257},{"file":"p0258.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"r\u00ef\n1952. \u00e4feem\u00fccr 10., szombai\nPEST! H1RLAP\nBaratsi\n\u00e9a iltal\u00e2bar a hit ponta Nivea-Crem: is, miel\u00f4tt a szab\nv\u00e9di b\u00f4r\u00e9t a s Creme nem p\u00f6toll alapul, amelyet ki; k\u00fcl, gyorsan es t\u00f6 kr\u00e9m gyakorolhat\nBEIERSDORF \u00c9!\n13\n\n\u2014 Egy amerikai tud\u00f4s cl\u00f4ad\u00e2sa Budapesten. \u00c9rde-\nkes \u00fcl\u00e9se volt p\u00e9nteken este a Budapest Kir. Orvosegye-siiletnek. Francis G. Benedict, a bostoni Carnegie-alapit-v\u00e2nyos \u00e9lettani Int\u00e9zet \u00eegazgat\u00fbja besz\u00e2molt nagyliirii vizsgdlatainak \u00e9s kis\u00e9rleteinek egyes eredm\u00e9nyeir\u00f4l. Az eln\u00f6klo T\u00e4ih Istvdn tan\u00e4r meleg szavakkal tidv\u00f6z\u00f6lte a mimkat\u00e2rs-feles\u00e9g\u00e9vel megjelent vil\u00e2ghir\u00fc tud\u00e9st, aki n\u00e9-met nyelven tartott el\u00f4ad\u00e2st az emberl alapanyagesere ujabb vlzsg\u00e2latair\u00f4L Alapanyagesere alatt \u2014 fejtegette \u2014 a testben v\u00e9gbemen\u00f4 \u00e9g\u00e9si folyamatoknak azt a mi-nimum\u00e2t \u00e9rtj\u00fck, amelyet teljes nyugaloniban is \u00e9hgyomor-ra \u00e9s minden izommunka lehet\u00f4 kikapcsol\u00e2s\u00e2val, ig\u00e9nybe vesz az ember, amit teh\u00e2t a l\u00e9tf\u00f4ntart\u00e2s legkisebb m\u00ear-t\u00e9k\u00e9nek_kell tekinteni. A Camegie-alapitv\u00e2ny b\u00f4kez\u00fcs\u00e9ge rendkiv\u00fcl nagyardnyu kis\u00e9rleteket engedett meg, k\u00fcl\u00f6n sisakszer\u00fc k\u00e9szlil\u00e9ket is szerkesztett, amely szellemes m\u00f4don k\u00f4nnyiti az elhaszn\u00e2lt oxig\u00e9n \u00e9s a k\u00e9pz\u00e9d\u00f4tt ez\u00e9n-savmennyis\u00e9geknek rueghat\u00e2roz\u00e2s\u00e2t Kideriilt, hogy ez a szdm meglehet\u00f4sen \u00e2lland\u00f4, szellemi s testi meger\u00e9lte-t\u00e9sn\u00e9l n\u00f4, a halad\u00e9 korral es\u00f6kken. Alomban is kevesebb, \u00e2tlag tiz szdzal\u00e9kkal, hipn\u00f4zis alatt azonban alig vala-mivei, ugyhogy ezt a k\u00e9t \u00e2llapotot nein lehet \u00e9lettanilag azonosnak tartani. Bensz\u00fcl\u00f6tt t\u00f4rzsekn\u00e9l, indusokn\u00e2l \u2014 m\u00e9g a Bostonban sz\u00fcl\u00f4ttekn\u00e9l is \u2014 alacsonyabb \u00e9rt\u00e9ke-ket tal\u00e2lt, amit eleinte arra akart visszavezetni, hogy ezek jobban tudj\u00e2k izomzatukat elernyeszteni. Minthogy azonban ezekn\u00e9l is dlom k\u00f4zben tiz sz\u00e2zal\u00e9k cs\u00f4kken\u00e9s \u00e2llt be, ezt faji jellegzetess\u00e9gnek kell tartani. K\u00fcl\u00f6n figyel-met forditott_m\u00e9g a kilehelt ieveg\u00f4 h\u00f4m\u00e9rs\u00e9k\u00e9nek vizsg\u00e2-lat\u00e2ra, amib\u00f4l tobb \u00e9rdekes k\u00f4vetkeztet\u00e9s vonhat\u00f4. Az erre vonatkozo \u00e0llatkis\u00e9rletek m\u00e9g folyamatban vannak A nagysz\u00e2mu hailgat\u00e9sdg elismer\u00f4 tapsa h\u00e2l\u00e2lta meg az\n\u00e9rdekes fejteget\u00e9seket.\n\u2014\u2014 I Intpv RAI\u00ab n*Aoh'9lt T.*i\n\u2018<\"\"T B\u00eala feis\u00f4b\u00e2zi tmr.","page":258},{"file":"p0259.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"BUDAPEST. HUNGARY.\nConsiderations regarding the Budapest situation.\nThe Budapest group are as a whole very well worth visiting. To be sure the chief spirit, Hdri, is gone, but the ideas of the Tangl-Hari school will still keep on. Just what political changes will involve and how much of a readjustment of the laboratory work will take place, whether there will be a coalition of the department of physiology and the department of biochemistry or whether possibly, as Aszddi wrote me he hopes will be the case, the institute will be maintained primarily as a research rather than a teaching institute, no one can tell. In any event a man of Aszddi's make-up certainly should be permitted expression of his scientific drive. It will be a great pity if he is not allowed to continue his work so well established. He has ideas and is extremely accurate and precise, which in biochemical research is often lacking.","page":259},{"file":"p0260.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"260\nBELGRADE, YUGOSLAVIA.\nUniversity of Belgrade. Department of Physiology. Professor J. Giaja and Dr. S. Gelineo.\nIn Belgrade there are two physiological laboratories, one at the Faculty of Sciences of the University, under the direction of Professor Giaja, and one at the Medical School, Professor R. Burian. I have been particularly interested in the work of the laboratory of Giaja for, although it is very poorly equipped, shockingly poorly equipped, Giaja's enthusiasm and ingenuity are always well worth studying. (See figures t'b'i, HS, andW.)\nI had read, of course, all of Giaja's articles that were published in French but many of the most important things have to be, by law, published in the perfectly unintelligible Serb. Thus, for example, I found a very large monograph on the metabolism and thermic reaction of rats to lower temperatures with an extensive discussion of the effect of acclimatization, which had been written and was about to be published In Serb, by a clever assistant, Gelineo. This dealt with rats studied all the way from 30\u00b0 down to 0\u00b0 C. I was interested to note, however, that with this complete range they had found only a 40 per cent rise in the metabolism instead of the 5 per cent per degree that had been generally found. Gelineo's special interest has been in the adaptation of the animal to environmental temperatures in the nature of acclimatization, in other words, keeping them at these different temperatures for some time and noting the reactions. Unfortunately the material is all prepared to be published in Serb. I emphasized to him very strongly the importance of having this published in some international language like French,\nGerman, or English, or at least some language that could be read by other people, and this brought about a rather interesting discussion. (See page 7.)\nGiaja's whole thesis deals with the question of basal metabolism and what he calls \"m\u00e9tabolisme du sommet\", which means the metabolism when there is a pronounced cooling effect. He has laid great stress upon the fact that there seems to be a relationship between these two. He has a factor which is, as I recall it, 3.5 times greater than the basal.\nGelineo. Gelineo has a tremendous piece of work on the \"m\u00e9tabolisme du sommet\". He finds that rats adjust themselves to different temperatures. Thus, when they live at 0\u00b0 and are measured at 30\u00b0 C. the metabolism is high. If they live at 30\u00b0 and are measured at 30\u00b0 the metabolism is low.\nIt does not drop immediately but stays up for some time, so there is a period of acclimatization. Later on I found out that his rats at 0\u00b0 did","page":260},{"file":"p0261.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\nFigure lH. Belgrade, Yugoslavia. University of Belgrade, Department of Physiology. Professor J. Giaja in his laboratory.\n261\nFigure\tBelgrade, Yugoslavia. University of Belgrade,\nDepartment of Physiology. Professor J. Giaja in his laboratory.","page":261},{"file":"p0262.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure/1/^. Belgrade, Yugoslavia. University of Belgrade, Department of Physiology. Professor J. Giaja in his laboratory.","page":262},{"file":"p0263.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"263\nn\u00b0t nave a temperature coefficient less than 5 per cent per degree as they first told me. Now for example, cold rats, that is, rats living at 0\u2018 , when measured at 51\u00b0 C. had 900 calories per square meter; when measured at -10\u00b0 C.they had 2900 calories per square meter; that is, for a difference of 41 degrees in temperature they had an increase of 2000 calories or 50 calories per degree, and 50 calories referred to 900 calories would be 5.5 per cent. Rats\nat 16 or 17 C* when ffleasured at 52\u00b0 C. had a basal metabolism ol 670 calories per square meter. This same type of rat, that is, the animal living at 16\u00b0 or 17\u00b0, when measured at 2.5\u00b0 C. had 1800 calories. Thus, for a temperature difference of 29.5 degrees they had a rise of 1130 calories or approximately 35 calories oer degree.\n35 calories referred to 670, the baseline at 32\u00b0 C., gives about 5 per cent.\nGelineo uses different sizes of chambers but I think they were\nlarge for a rat* (\u00a3ee figures K7 and/^.) He admitted that the rat remains most quiet in small chambers. He emphasized a good deal the fact that his animals would keep quiet even in an ice bath, but when he showed me one in an ice bath the animal was not quiet according to Nutrition Laboratory standards. As a matter of fact the animal had not fasted, so there were feces and urine in the chamber which contributed to his discomfort. I think the chamber should have a false bottom to keep the feces and urine clear.\n^\u00ea^^i-Jksmp^raturejqf rats. The rectal temperature of the rat is taken by holding the animal by the tail and giving it a little jerk or puil, and then inserting the thermometer. (See figure/*-/^.)\nOne of the assistants, Mr. Markovitsch, was making a most interesting study on the heat loss from two different flasks filled with water with exactly the same area but covered with fur, studying the differences when the fur is turned inside versus fur turned outside. They found that when the fur is turned outside there is better protection tnan when it is turned inside.\n\u00eeever. Another assistant was working on a study of fever and fever-producing situations, studying different kinds of fever and metabolism with special reference to the thermo-regulation; that is, they had a chemical fever produced by beta-dinitrophenol and by tetra-hydro-naphthylamine and also with adrenaline. Under these conditions basal metabolism is elevated and thermo-regulation is very small or zero; that is, the caloric loss is increased. They are interested in trying to classify the different fever-producing agents.\nThey iound that the temperature of the exterior has a great influence on the fever process. Some things produce fever at low temperatures but not at high temperatures, etc. Giaja finds with a low rectal or cell temperature an increased metabolism, which would","page":263},{"file":"p0264.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure ^7. Belgrade, Yugoslavia. University of Belgrade, Department of Physiology. Laboratory of Professor Giaja. Corner of laboratoiy showing against the back wall two respiration chambers in which the \"m\u00e9tabolisme du sommet\" is studied.\nFigure/^/$. Belgrade, Yugoslavia. University of Belgrade, Department of Physiology. Laboratory of Professor Giaja. This view shows Dr. Gelineo, associate of Professor Giaja. In the rear, respiration apparatus covered with ice for measuring \"m\u00e9tabolisme du sommet\".","page":264},{"file":"p0265.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figur\u00a9 Itf. Belgrade, Yugoslavia. University of Belgrade, Department of Physiology. Laboratory of Professor Giaja. Dr. Gelineo taking rectal temperature of rat. Rat is standing on piece of paper, tail is held in the hand, and the rat tries to pull away from the tail.","page":265},{"file":"p0266.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"266\nseem to be contrary to the law of van't Hoff. Lowering the temperature increased the heat loss but raising the temperature decreased the heat loss. If this is so it is a tremendously important thing. It would appear therefore as if it had bearing upon the source of fever and characteristics of fever production, since it would appear to depend on the exterior temperature. I have a special note in which I state that I must change my mind that heat loss is of little or no importance. If Giaja is correct it is of very great importance and we must study his papers closely. Throughout my entire trip I had been emphasizing more or less that stress should be placed more upon heat production than upon heat loss.\nGrowth. I recall very well Giaja's telling me that he was interested in \"m\u00e9tabolisme du sommet\" as a result of a practical problem in Yugoslavia where they have very cold winters and the animals are exposed. In the discussion I had with Giaja, he argued that plants are cold; they grow slowly but have a low metabolism. On the other hand, animals when in the cold have a high metabolism. Do they grow faster? He was thinking for example of his two rat curves. He said he is always thinking of things as they exist in nature. He is an individual full of speculative philosophy. Giaja is interested in the heat production, etc., from the chemical standpoint and not from the morphological.\nIn the laboratory he has a most interesting method of teaching.\nHe is trying to keep his students, even elementary students, in touch with the researches in the laboratory. In other words, he shows the student elbow to elbow each advancement and thinks of teaching with books and theory as a cold and dead thing. His students can not use the stimulus from him for they go into high schools, teaching, and not into research fields. However, he must be a very stimulating teacher and his interesting viewpoint I think is well worth copying.\nLecture. I gave the \"first\" lecture in Belgrade on December 13, to an audience of about 125. A newspaper clipping regarding my visit to Belgrade is appended herewith. (See page^\u00e9/.)\nAt a banquet which was tendered to Mrs. Benedict and myself, while we were in Belgrade, the Rector of the University of Belgrade, Professor Vlad. K. Petkovi\u00e9, made a speech, a copy of which is appended herewith. (See page \u00a3 (o # .)","page":266},{"file":"p0267.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"267\n\n12 AeueM\u00d6ap\n3A\u00a3\u00fciH>er\nKKa\n3a cBojy Tpaw-\u00bb ho otie3\u00d6eijett>3, Ha 3axTeB flyw-roB 3axTea o\u00dfy-) H3BpiU8H>e MBH HMB y TaKBOM ) je BGpOBHMK 3a flQEoniHO o\u00dfe3\u00d6e-lOBa npoBOfle h3-'He BnacTM, fly*-CTaBy M3BpLuert.a SHeTM M3Bpil!H0j\nMon\u00f6v ca pro in nt\nyOHCTBa y MhIh He npeaaly\nnPEKCMHOTi JE Y&MJEH HPOTO-rEPOBHCTA KMPOB-UlAHflHJlOB\nUapnopon, 11 \u00c4CUCMopa HenpeKiinna KpBonponnha Maiio-^oHCTByjymiHX HHJKy co 6e3 icpaja. Y HeMoryhHOCTH na c\u00dfpme ca \u00dfolja Ma npoTorepoBHCTa KpcTanoM Ilon-ToaopOBOM, IleUOM TpajKOBHM II Xpi-xcxoM JIhjiobhm, Koje y3anynno rpasKO no c\u00dfiiMa co^hckhm K\u00dfapTo-\nBIIMa, MHXaHJIOBHCTH \u00d463 MHJIOCTH itcTDe\u00dfjbyjy ibHxoBe h Haj6c3nanaj-\nPaflHHiKa napraja ho noTnana nos ospes\u00f6y njiana 20 3aKona o samra-i\u2019H npata\u00dfe, a na n je oHa jiera.i-ua HJIH HHje, 0 T0M8 cyn HHje Ha\u00c4-jioacaH na pacnpaB\u00c6a.\nPeuie&e cyna naasBano je b6jih-ico H3HeHa^eH>e, jep ce np\u00e6cajio na he MannaTH KOMynncTa Gara noan-lilTeHH.\nMnHHCTap yHyxpamiLux nena r. rupniHOB noBonoM onnyice cyna wi jaBHo je:\n__\u2014 CHTyaunjoM Kojy je CTBopnna\n\u201d\t\u00bbmMTW\nC\u00bbKH aiafpaw H\u00e4yiHH!! r. Esigpir y Eeorpasy\nf. OpanCHC Bane\u00dfHHT\nflanac CTnace y Beorpan r. <t>. BenoniiKT, 'lyaemi aMepnnnn npofte cop, nosnaT no CBojiiM naacmiM pa noBHMa o MeiaoomisMy noBeica. Uh he cyxpa, 13 obop uetena, y 18 na-coBa y aM(|)HTeaTpy OnaHOJiomRo-XHCTOJioniiior HH.cTH'ryTa, SpinncKo-ra 6poj 92, onpacara npenaBaite o $H3HOJIOrnjn B0JIHKHX TponCKIIX 3MH ja h Aopmana y bbsii ca yncicoM <{nf3Hojionij\u00f6M. \u00dcpenaMtfee he np-ac\u00e4TH na HeManKOM je3Hicy.\nP. npocjxecoD BenennKT \u00f6nhe rocT sanier yiiHBep3HTeTa\u00bb\n","page":267},{"file":"p0267s0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"267\nnonfTannHa nnafeena v roTOBy\nHeKOBHM panyn 6poj 53.002\nI10J\u00cfHTMKA\nfosHKapeoea 31\n1\tI uemm' <2 mm*, m\nUPHMEPAH E,lliaJUW\nI y De/IHH\n25 010\n25-005\nEpoj 8833 - ro^MHa XXiX\nUPETU'JlATA 3\u00c0 J Eil AH MtC\u00bb tCll >3a namy 30m.t>v 20. 3a CTpaHe aeM.M 48 aas pyKorint'H CB he bpatiA:iy\n\u00f6-lAUHCUAb RHbHHKAK JCHHBA4 P63. Kauern.t aornnvo \u2022 cerrreMf'pe 191\u00ab rojl llAPKO PHRHHKAP ypE.IHHK\nP\u00a9!, \u00abaneraa. aornayo Sl \u00bberycra 1914 rojt\nfl-p aTlROJlAB PHRHHKAP, \u00dcHPEKTOP pea aornyKOBRHK rupr u -<=nTen^pa IBSa roA.\n\u00dcHDeKTOtK BJIAJIKMAK CJ1. PHBH11 KAP\nypeaHBUH?\nMHOMHP MH.nEHoRH\u2019R r fORAH TARnRH\"B\n0/taeHH 3M:pHHKH HayHHMK\nT. OpSKCHC &3He\u00dfMMT\nAanao cmate y Beorpaa r. <\u00a3. BpiioauKT, ayseiiii aMepiiHKH npo$e cop, nosnaT no cbojum BaatmiM pa aoBima o Me\u00efaooan3My aoBena. Oh Ke cyTpa, 13 OBor uecena, y 18 aa-coBa y aM^HToaTpy Oh.bhojioiitco-XHCTOJiomKor HHCTH^ry\u00efa, SpiiaoKO-ra 6poj 92, o.ipjKaTH npo^anaii.c o $H3H{)JIOrHjH BeJIHKHX TpOftCKHX 3MH ja a \u00c4opaana y Beau ca \u00c6y&citoM <l)ti3Hojioriij\u00f6M. Hpp.taftau.e be np-*\u00e4,TH na HeM\u00e4HKOM jeoHity.\nT. npo$ecop B\u00e7He^HKT \u00f6ufee rocT 1 aarner yiHiBep3iiTeTa.","page":0},{"file":"p0268.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\n\n\nMonsieur et tr\u00e8s honor\u00e9 coll\u00e8gue\nC'est avec un r\u00e9el plaisir que je vous salue au nom de notre Universit\u00e9,ainsi que Madame Benedict , qui associ\u00e9e \u00e0 vos remarquables travaux partage avec vous la fatigue de vos voyges y a trois ans vous nous avez honor\u00e9 de votre premi\u00e8re visite.Votre visite actuelle signifie que vous avez trouv\u00e9 de l'int\u00e9r\u00eat \u00e0 \u00e9changer des vues avec vos coll\u00e8gues de l'Universit\u00e9 de Belgrade,qui, j'en suis persuad\u00e9,profiteront largement de votre exp\u00e9rience et de votre autorit\u00e9.Ces rapports intel~< lectuels entre savants de diff\u00e9rents pays sont vraiment ce qu'il y a de plus \u00e9lev\u00e9 et qui contribue le plus \u00e0 la connaissance et au rapprochement des peuples.Votre\ngrand pays nous donne \u00e0 ce sujet un exemple que nous nous en Europe\nferions bien de suivre en facilitant \u00e0 nos savants des yoyages d'\u00e9tude et de visites \u00e0 ^eurs coll\u00e8gues de m\u00eame sp\u00e9cialit\u00e9 dans les autres pays.\nAu nom de l'Universit\u00e9 de Belgrade,je vous remercie de votre visite,je l\u00e8ve mon verre \u00e0 votre sant\u00e9,Madame,et \u00e0 la votre,cher coll\u00e8gue,\u00a9-t \u00e0 la solidarit\u00e9 scintifique des peuples,^ a r vfZjLs\nSpeech of Professor Vlad. K. Petkovic, Rector of the University of Belgrade, at a banquet tendered to Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Benedict, December 14, 1932. These are the original notes of the Rector.","page":268},{"file":"p0269.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PUBLICATIONS IN YUGOSLAVIA.\nI pointed out to Giaja that it does not help Yugoslavia, in other words, it is not for the \"glory of Yugoslavia\", to publish in Serb, for the number of people in Yugoslavia who read it are very few, extraordinarily few in this small country. It does not help other scientists for they can not read the Serb. Therefore, the nationalistic ideas are actually restricting the spread of important and expensively accumulated scientific facts. I thought they should publish in two forms, perhaps complete in Serb, which is of course obligatory since the researches are subsidized and expenses paid by the Government. They should also publish in French, but this of course increases the cost very much. That is the present ideal and what they would like to do.\nThe problem is very acute with the Serbian Academy of Sciences. It might publish now in Serb with the hope of publishing later in some other language. I suggested to him very strongly that they should publish in detail these researches in French, German, or English, and a very long summary in Serb, not merely a page or two but several pages. Of course the tables of Arabic figures will be internationally understood and the gist and essentials of the material could be given in a Serbian abstract. Giaja was on some committee of the Serbian Academy to take up this matter in detail in hopes of working out some system whereby a wider distribution of their publications and findings can be given and still retain the interest for Serbia.","page":269},{"file":"p0270.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Scientific and psychological attitude of scientists\n270\nin Budapest and Belgrade.\nUnder the caption \"optimism versus pessimism\" I found in my notebook a number of comments stimulated by my contact with scientists in these two countries. Anyone can be a pessimist but a man who is optimistic is a little bit better and society as a whole benefits by his being optimistic. On the other hand, a man must not be like the ostrich sticking his head in the sandjand not recognizing difficulties, but he should attack these difficulties with a belief in the possibilities for success.\nThose men in Europe who spend their time complaining of conditions could, if they spent the same number of hours in productive work that they spend in complaining, get a great many things done. I was very much impressed by the attitude of H\u00e2ri and Aszocii in Budapest working under very great disadvantages and the same way with Giaja in Belgrade. Think, for example, of a physiological laboratory in a university, the largest university in the country, without a galvanometer of any kind in its equipment.\nLater in Vienna I heard the lecture of Saint Georgy of Zagreb.\nIt was a splendid instance of a man driving around, as he stated it, in a sort of gypsy life, working in different laboratories, for example in Hamburger\u2019s laboratory and in London and finally coming back to his own country, where I believe he is in Zagreb (?), where he makes use of a great native product, paprika, as a source of vitamin C, from which he obtained a crystalline product which was only 1/1000 as potent as other vitamins. He argued that although it was crystal in form it may still be dimorphous, so he made an acetone derivative and crystallized it. This then was broken up by heating with water and he obtained a far more powerful product. Saint Georgy likened hypothesis to the scaffold of a building, to be removed when the building is completed. He stated that probably all his theories may be wrong but at least out of this he has left a crystalline product that is very potent, which can now be made by the kilogram.\nThis was a most stimulating lecture and showed the research drive in a small Hungarian college. Similarly Giaja is making bricks without straw, using his meager equipment, spending his time in productive work, and not complaining.\nThe attitude of scientists in Belgrade is discussed in a statement I made to the editor of the South Slav Herald, and which was published in that paper on January 16, 1933. A copy of the newspaper article is appended herewith. (See page X'Jj .)","page":270},{"file":"p0271.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"271\nSOUTH SLAV HERALD, MONDAY JANUARY 16th, 1933\nBELGRADE'S KEEN SCIENTISTS\nFine Results Despite Equipment Difficulties\nBy Francis G. Benedict\n^Vie of the recognised obligat-^-yons of every educational institution, large or small, is that of not simply pouring out of the pitcher of knowledge, but making some substantial contributions thereto.\nThis is especially the case in the larger universities and technical schools and a visitor to Belgrade is obviously interested to see how this relatively new institution is living up to this obligation. Some people visit cities to see great buildings, works of art, bridges, transportation lines, etc., but the scientist is usually attracted by his fellow-workers. This was particularly the case in my two visits to Belgrade, for, without the presence of Professors Giaja of the Department of Physiology, Burian of the Medical Faculty, and Chahovitch in the Department of Pathological Anatomy, 1 would have hardly felt justified in taking the long trip to Belgrade. On both occasions I was more than impressed with what I found in the line of research. Men working with often altogether too inadequate facilities, especially with regard to equipment and assistance, are carrying out splendid research.\nIn perhaps no field of human endeavour is there any more complete absence of a strict nationalism than in the biological sciences, and we find the University of Belgrade actually contributing more to the world at large than perhaps to the restricted area of Yugoslavia. Th\u00e9 number of readers of the various publications in Yugoslavia is relatively limited. Whenever the communications of. the various Yugoslavian laboratories are published in either French, German or English, and this is unfortunately too seldom the case, the number of readers, and consequently those who profit by these splendid researches, becomes very great.\nFROG PHYSIOLOGY\nOn my recent visit I was made acquainted with three masterful pieces of research, one the splendid \u2019\u2019Atlas\u201d of Professor Chahovitch, second the extensive monograph of Dr. M\u00ealas, on the physiology of the frog, unfortunately not readable by most European readers, and third the splendid thesis, as yet only in manuscript form, of Dr Gelineo on the physiology and heat regulation of the rat. These last two monographs are of invaluable help in interpreting researches from the laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington.\nPassing through almost the entire Europe, one is impressed greatly by the fact that, despite the generally prevalent economic difficulties, it is precisely in those centres where least complaints of these difficulties are heard that one notes the greatest research activity. It is greatly to the credit of the Belgrade savants that they have profitably used time that is so often wasted by others, in complaints, in intensive and profitable scientific research. It is, of course, discouraging to the enthusiastic scientist to try to make scientific bricks without straw, and, for example to find a physiological laboratory that does not possess a galvanometer is probably unique among European i institutions. Professor Giaja has, however, with characteristic force, selected important problems that for the most part can be carried out without this partucular instrument, and has wasted no time before accum-mulating a large amount of data.\nBELGRADE TRIBUTE One of the most popular themes ot discussion among scientific circles is the so-called tremendous material facilities possessed by American institutions. Without going into this]\nvery debatable question, it can only be said that the Belgrade scientists are making progress and contributions that are challenging the attention ot the scientific world.\nThis should not be used as an argument against furnishing these conscientious workers with more adequate equipment, but the American visiting the University of Belgrade can only go away stimulated and inspired by the intensity of effort and successful accomplishment of men working with extraordinarily meagre equipment.\nThe lack of equipment does not seriously hamper the research worker with the research drive, and the sympathetic accord existing throughout the Faculty and under the wise leadership ot the Rector, Professor Petkovic, explains fully the wholly unusual successes in the field of research.\nCarnegie Institution of Washington Nutrition Laboratory Vila Street, Boston, Massachusetts Francis G. Benedict, Director.","page":271},{"file":"p0272.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"SOUTH SLAV HERALD, MONDAY JANUARY 16th, 1933\n\u201cSUN NEVER SETS...\u201d\nOn \"Herald\" Readers, Reveals Postbag\nNew Year messages and greetings continue to reach the \u2019\u2019South Slav Herald\u201d from readers both in Yugoslavia and abroad. A further selection of some of these letters to the Editor are published below, and provide evidence of the steadily-growing circle of \u2019\u2019Herald\u201d readers on whom \u2014 as was said of the British Empire \u2014 \u2019\u2019the sun never sets\u201d. The \u2019\u2019Herald\u201d numbers its subscribers in Australasia and South Africa, South America and the U.S.A.\nFrom Francis G. Benedict,\n\u2019\u2019Shortly before leaving Belgrade I purchased your Thursday, December 1st, issue of the South Slav Herald.\nI think I can safely say that 1 have read every word of it and thereby obtained my first clear picture of many Yugoslavian problems. May I congratulate you on the excellent j make-up of your paper and particularly your article entitled \u2019\u2019The 1st of December 1918\u201d. I found the papei so interesting that I am sending it to a friend in America.\u201d\n\u2019\u2019Congratulating you on the obvious strong service you are rendering to Anglo-American-Y ugoslavian\trelations, I am.______________________","page":272},{"file":"p0273.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Z73\nVIENNA. AUSTRIA.\nProfessor Arnold Durig. Professor Hans Horst Mever.\nProfessor E. P. Pick, and Professor Wilhelm Falta.\nThe prime object of visiting Vienna was to see my good friend, considerable time was spent with him although practically no researches in gaseous metabolism were going on in his laboratory. The semester had just closed so no lectures were arranged for, although I had the privilege of hearing the most interesting lecture by Saint Georgy, on which I have commented in the preceding pages.\nWe also had most interesting and social relations with Professor Hans Horst Meyer, Professor Pick, and Professor Falta. Apparently research as a whole in Vienna is very low, particularly in metabolism, and I should state that the Pirquet Clinic organization was completely demolished. There was little if anything of specific interest in Vienna other than the ever stimulating contact with my good friend, Durig.","page":273},{"file":"p0274.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"274\nBERNE. SWITZERLAND.\nUniversity of Berne. Physiological Institute. Professor Leon Asher and Professor I. Abelin.\nThe physiological laboratory at Berne under the leadership of Professor Asher has been always interested in the endocrines. Asher is one of the most enthusiastic of the endocrinologists. For example, Allan W. Rowe made him American representative of a Congress soon to be held.\nAsher is an extremely dynamic individual, tremendously enthusiastic, full of anecdotes, and a friend of nearly everyone.\nTo be sure, they laugh at his foibles. He is an unusual personality, lull of humor, lots of experiences, and a good thinker. One can not help liking him. There was one discordant note which I think he himself regretted extremely. At a luncheon at Abelin's house there was an extremely disagreeable conversation or rather monologue, bringing out in a very acrimonious way the competition and jealousies between the Swiss universities. On this occasion Asher was bitterly unkind and I think horribly unjust to a colleague in another university in discussing him, his appointment, and his work. It was most disheartening and I was very sorry to have my good friend Asher explode in such a manner and talk about this matter as he did. Although he prefaced his statements by saying that it gave him a great deal of pain to make these remarks, I felt they never should have been made. I have reason to believe that he himself was rather ashamed of the outburst.\nThe equipment of this laboratory is excellent, with more new apparatus. His experimental work was much too elaborate for me, and many of the experiments demanded a tremendous amount of expensive apparatus. For example, they had a large room sheathed with polished copper to shield the apparatus. This was used for electrical measurements, and was given by the Rockefeller Foundation. They called it \"The Rockefeller copper palace\". There is a similar room in Lapicque's laboratory in Paris. Following Erlanger and Gasser's lead Asher was working with a very large cathode ray oscillograph and the entire apparatus was thoroughly grounded. He is doing very little in respiratory metabolism now and no Japanese are visible in the laboratory, a striking contrast to earlier years. Asher's exuberance and enthusiasm were evident as usual, but I had the distinct impression that he had a rather loose contact with the various researches and that they were not particularly well directed.\nThe respiration apparatus seemed to me very poor. He still uses the Haldane weighing method in which there seemed to be too little acid for absorption of water and enormous Wolff bottles, indeed two, for the carbon dioxide, which seemed entirely out of proportion. Some of his problems were making determinations on rats and I noticed that","page":274},{"file":"p0275.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"27\u00d4\nnone of the measurements were made during the special hours that Dr. Horst and I recommended, that is, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.\nThe rats were in a darkened room or at least a box darkened. The animal was placed in a small glass tube, which is a good idea, but it appeared to me that the air was blown against the rat\u2019s fur, that is, from the tail to the head, and I was surprised that he was not restless. The temperature of the air in the box was used and not the temperature of the air leaving the apparatus or the temperature of the air in which the rat was placed. Of course Asher will probably take the stand that he is after comparative values and hence as long as the conditions are maintained constant he is not interested in absolute values. The temperature of the chamber was 20 C.; that is, undoubtedly inside the glass tube the temperature was somewhat higher, but the tube containing the rat was inside a wooden box which had a temperature of 20\u00b0 C. I was interested to find out that Asher1s associate, Abelin, says that 22\u00b0 to 24\u00b0 is used in this box, but Abelin is not particularly enthusiastic over the method. Inside the wooden box containing the glass tubes was an electric lamp to keep the temperature up. I think probably it is a good idea to have the light inside the chamber, for this tends to keep the rats quiet. Probably it would be better to have an excess \u00b0f light on the tube and have a glass\u2014walled box.\nThree rats in tubes with their three respiration apparatus were working at once. There was an assistant of de Quervain working in Asher's laboratory with rats, where the experiments were two hours or longer with no registration of activity and one can not see the rat at all. For ventilation they use a glass water suction pump with a special check valve made in Berne to prevent the water getting back into the bottles. They did not know, nor did they have the slightest idea, what the ventilation rate was. It seemed to me there were a great many weighings to be made for a single rat.\nAmong other apparatus Asher had bought a spectrograph, a very expensive instrument, for spectro analysis. They were photographing the work of a frog's heart, using a combination of mirror membranes of Frank so as to see if the hormone injected increased the work of the heart. I asked him if he expected to try out eutonon but he said, no, that he is not a pharmacologist. Asher was rather doubtful about eutonon. He thought Zeulzer was a very fine fellow but had gone too far with his hormone stuff. Asher succeeded in isolating a substance with repeated fractions for promoting growth of rats and had got it twenty times more potent. I suggested the idea I have so often raised, that the rats grow because they eat more and hence the hormone or whatever vitamin is being studied acts more in the nature of an appetizer or a cocktail. But singularly enough Asher thought that the controlled and the injected rats ate the same quantities. It was astonishing to see how shady these ideas are. Asher said that the injected rats had the same metabolism as normals, etc., and the question","page":275},{"file":"p0276.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"276\narose: Where does its extra growth and weight come from if the injected rats eat the same and have the same basal? Of course the injected rats probably are less active but as yet Asher has no idea as to their relative activity. I think their whole method of handling the experiments is quite other than we would do it.\nOne study, in which they were using thermo-couples for the temperature of the rabbit\u2019s neck, studying the temperature near the thyroid, interested me greatly. After denervating they cool the animal and get the temperature difference on the two sides, or determine whether one side cools off more than the other. This was rather too deep for me, but the animal was wonderfully quiet. I noticed another rabbit with a catheter in place, with which they were studying the indigotin, carmine output in the urine. The animal was strapped down but Asher says it does not attempt to struggle. It had been used many, many times. One remark that Asher made impressed me greatly.\nHe stated that he believes rabbits in general are too stupid to fuss and that dogs are impossible for many delicate physiological tests, as they are too stimulated and always under tension.\nAsher was much disturbed over a recent American paper on creatinin, published in the American Journal of Physiology. He could not understand what the man wrote and I am sure I could not, and Gordon Douglas, who was at the dinner at Asher\u2019s house that evening, was also nonplussed.\nIn one breath the writers stated that the creatinin is a linear function and in the next they stated that it is independent of the other ~ comparative factors. It is a good case of very bad writing. When will the writing students realize the value of learning English?\nAbelin I had the pleasure of meeting in Stockholm, where he and his wife attended my lectures. He doesn\u2019t impress me as being well.\nI feel that he is a very serious worker and it is almost a pity that he must stay at Berne, where he is so dominated and overshadowed by Asher. I think he feels this strongly himself. Apparently there are the pleasantest social relations between the two families but Abelin is evidently dominated by Asher or he has found it necessary to become a \"yes-yes man\". My returns, however, were more profitable from my discussions with him than from what I had with Asher.\nAbelin very kindly drew up for me what he considered his main problem with his sub-problems and this is included herewith. (See pp.MI-ZU) He is very much occupied in studying the influence of the thyroid upon metabolism, but is puzzled by the fact that while he can get an increase of 100 per cent in metabolism by feeding thyroid, he can produce an increase of only 50 per cent by changing the food. Abelin is much impressed by the respiration rate as a good indication of the basal metabolism and he finds that 4 heart beats for each respiration is a good relationship.","page":276},{"file":"p0277.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Hauptproblem: .Bek\u00e4mpfung der experimentellen Hyperthyreose. Mittel dazu:\n1 ). Ern\u00e4hrungsart.\nBuren Zuguhr von passendem Eiweiss( Casein),von passendem?\nBett und Lipoid( Gehirn,Knochenmark,Eigelb etc. ),durch reichliche Beigabe von Vitaminen kann die Schilddr\u00fcsenwirkung sehr stark abgeschw\u00e4cht werden.Man sieht eine Erniedrigung des Grundumsatzes und eine Abschw\u00e4chung der Vergiftungssymptome.\n2) Di.iodtvrosin und Dibromtvrosin.\nSelbst bei \u00fcblicher Ern\u00e4hrung kann die Schilddr\u00fcsenwirkung durch Zufuhr von Dijodtytosin oder von Dijod* und Dibromty-rosin abgeschw\u00e4cht werden.\nZweites Problem: Einfluss der Ern\u00e4hrungsart auf den normalen Grundumsatz.\nBei Verf\u00fctterung einer hochwertigen Nahrung an Ratten sinkt der normale Grundumsatz im Durchschnitt um 10-12$.An einaelnen Tagen und bei einzelnen Tieren kann es zu einer Grundumsatzerniedrigung von 20fo und etwas dar\u00fcber kommen.\nDarf in diesen B\u00e4llen an eine Abschw\u00e4chung der normalen Funktion des Schilddr\u00fcsenhormons gedacht werden?\nBurch welche andere Annahme k\u00f6nnte die Grundumsatzerniedrigung bei der beschriebenen Di\u00e4t erkl\u00e4rt werden?","page":277},{"file":"p0278.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"278\nPerspiration insensibilis und Hyperthyreose.\nHyperthyreoidisierte Tiere naben eine erh\u00f6hte perspiratio insensibilis( bis zu 4- 70-90jo und dar\u00fcber).\nDen bisherigen Versuchen nach l\u00e4sst sich aber dieselbe schwerer bek\u00e4mpfen als die Grundumsatzerh\u00f6hung.\nWelche Beziehungen bestehen zwischen der perspiratio insensibilis und der Grundumsatzerh\u00e4hung?\nBestehen Anzeichen f\u00fcr ein Parallelgehen vom Grundumsatz und perspiratio insensibilis?","page":278},{"file":"p0278s0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\nW\nvuUv,/ Uk JfD <jvvU\nr!\nJ^Ujl YvA V^ / ci-1 \u2018im/)? U\n?,<yv\nt)Qj\u00fc^i.v\\ \\\u00eet/iiw\\>4^A|eW\t\u00ee^o ^^.A4fW^\nhL \u00d9r& djkAJl\u00effr 1f(% i\u00dfsi .\n\nr~\n\u00e9 tMto \\fn\u00e4%^ t rjpU\\ d\u00dfjt Q/iiv \u2022 y/sA-'\n/yu/m/ |^Yi\n4j\u00fcL (J^t/T t<Mj, ^ ^ <M fjpj'kfa* ' \u00c7Um^yx -OuJ^Xj, 4\u2018vj\t1 ,v^rJ \u00c4 v\n\u00ffOLvW1 \u00bb'V- i-t-ivi |/v$|\ny ^ jr\t/ j \" w\nvwJr \u00e9jsv\u00efi ^ Cy\u00f9 i N/ A\u00c67m\n- , . \u2022 B *\nvf\u00ee/ \\<!M/rX C\u00c7Svt ;\nj-t)\u2014-\tVYvvr QJL/ty[ <R l wrjs <yfi\n\u00ffsi^^.stljL WKil\t<1\t^\n<t^i\\\u00c0JL<)(j(. (\\MJ)^M/jdi)L/, ,yVl) \u2022 flfi JL$ '3'0;\u2019vva4^\n1\nJL\n^n-tCyi(Kvtv) f-OftW. 1\nuAx <h*$C <\u00ffa ^ $J}VI l*r* \u25a0\n^o<EU>^\u00b0\nQ.\t^\t.\t0\n3V|u,yvA\t/)( ko^\n-=2>\n3\nJ; q '\"' | 4M flfto) ^ \u00a3>k\na\nIT\n\nK&wyv1 C&i\t0-\u201d^ u\n\u00c4yflf^U/V ^UW_e4t\ng>Wi/A '- kUvfc\" d/Mt^i\nI fKifi^\n\u00c4al VvA^j(j(pM|jv| \\jW4v,\nyv!/^'\ntA*- f\n%e^\nu\nrWUlMi,- \u00c0 Vk\u00fb^ ^a^/'V^VV, dH) \u00e9pi Vt(p^\nMvvftv\nW\tW. Vw\nJL/dbAA- 1 Y\u00f4^frvvjk- sA*i$ ^ ^fejl'vVC-lT]^ ^ WJhrJ\n^&Tj<Wy &&Y> *<j\u00f9 $t/n jfftp WMYl/W4fr^ Ujf Wb*' Avy-JL (Tj\u00dc^ivi/ jj|*\u00ff\u00ceM''|/C \\I?\tWy <\u00dc\u00a3/\n(fUL","page":0},{"file":"p0279.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"279\n\nIn the thyroid 50 per cent of the iodine is derived from thyroxine and 50 per cent from Di-Jod-Tyrosin. This is based upon the work of Harrington, an English chemist. Abelin, although a very serious worker, has a \"hide-bound\" technique, using the Haldane weighing method. He lays great stress upon diet and thinks that a. great deal caa he done in every phase of life with simply diet changes. Thus, by changing the diet he can lessen the action of thyroxine. Hence he thinks it can lessen cancer activity. I have rarely found a man who is so optimistic with regard to the possibilities, therapeutic and otherwise, of diet as Abelin. He was much interested in knowing whether the Journal of the American Dietetic Association is a popular or scientific journal. (Wrote to T.M.C. on July 3, 1933, concerning this.)","page":279},{"file":"p0280.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"280\nBERNE. SWITZERLAND.\nUniversity of Berne. Veterinary Department.\nProfessor B. Huguenin.\nMrs. Benedict's cousin, Dr. Leon Boissonnas in Geneva, with whom I was discussing the question of length of life and metabolism, referred me to a classmate of his, Dr. Huguenin in Berne, who had published and had worked upon this problem considerably. I found him a most interesting man and enjoyed my talk with him very much.\nCommenting upon the question of physiology and old age Dr. Huguenin stated that there was very little known. He said there had been a study of the teeth of dogs that split and are lost out, as with man, and the following senile changes in the jaws as with man, but in the case of swine and most other animals nothing is known. He believes in the general rule that the animal lives five times the length of time required for the disappearance of the epiphysen line, that is, they should live four, five, or six times. There is no carcinoma in swine. Huguenin has found only by accident one case. He had a chart, unpublished, showing that the age limit is about five times the zone when the epiphyses are filled out. This had an important bearing upon the cancer age which is usually between 40 and 60 years.\nApparently Huguenin believes that this absence of cancer in swine is well worth studying to note why they are immune, believing that such a study would throw light upon human cancer. This is again a great example of what light normal animal physiology can throw upon human pathology. Commenting on the question of horses lying down, he stated that horses lie down less frequently as they get older. That is, a horse over 15 years of age is not inclined to lie down at all but the younger they are the more they lie down. These points I jotted down as significant in the study of old age.","page":280},{"file":"p0281.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"281\nBERNE, SWITZERLAND.\nInternational Alpine Physiological Station (Jungfraujoch).\nDuring my stay in Berne there was a meeting of the Jungfraujoch committee and I saw them for a few moments, among them Douglas. I also had the pleasure of dining with Douglas at the home of the Ashers.\nI had intended to visit this Station personally but Dr. Carpenter, who visited it before the Rome Congress, reported very little equipment and was not enthusiastic about the laboratory as such. A very large percentage of people who visit this laboratory, I was told, suffer from mountain sickness and since at the time we planned our visit Mrs. Benedict was ill, I did not go up.\nI have heard a great many reports on this laboratory. I am told that Hess is almost invariably ill when he goes up and Asher told me that 70 per.cent were ill. Loewy confirmed this and said that the Jungfraujoch was too high to be of sufficient physiological importance to make the difference between the level of Davos and the level of Jungfraujoch worth while. He thought practically every problem could be studied at a considerably lower level than Jungfraujoch. (See Davos vs. Aix-les-Bains discussion under Dr. Saidman, Paris, pagedA'f. ) The Verzars had been up and they had been there for some time studying the bilirubin in the blood and the conditions where there was no blood formation.","page":281},{"file":"p0282.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"282\nDAVOS. SWITZERLAND.\nForschungs-Institut. Physiological Institute.\nProfessor A, Loewy.\nI made a special trip to Davos to see Professor Loewy and the successor to Dorno, M\u00f6rikofer. In the Physiological Institute I found very little activity and yet quite a good deal of apparatus. (See figures and\tLoewy was interested in some problems\non muscular work and in environmental temperature and metabolism with rabbits. He made an interesting comment upon the hibernating woodchuck, stating that at Davos they never went into complete stupor and remained thus all winter, but they woke up every three or four days and, as he put it, \"staggered\u201d to one end of the cage where they urinated and defecated, picked up a few mouthfuls of hay or food and went back to the corner where they slept. In other words, they do not have a complete dormant state such as one finds with snakes and lower animals.\nThe day with Loewy was an enjoyable one. We had many things to chat over and many experiences and on the whole it was a day well spent. He is about to retire but his successor has not yet been appointed (Wertheimer of Abderhalden*s laboratory is mentioned), so he may hold on for a while. Altogether he is a most interesting man and yet I think frightfully superficial. For example, one or two experiments uncritically made often served as the basis for a great deal of discussion and writing.","page":282},{"file":"p0283.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"283\n\nFigure I^7. Davos, Switzerland. ForsChungs-Institut, Professor Dr. Adolph Loewy.\nFigure IS\u00d6 . Davos, Switzerland. Forschungs-Institut, Professor Dr. Adolph Loewy.","page":283},{"file":"p0284.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"DAVOS. SWITZERLAND.\nForschungs-Institut. Physical-Meteorological Observatory.\nProfessor W. M\u00f6rikofer.\nM\u00f6rikofer impressed me greatly. His institute was as usual very interesting indeed, and I particularly wished to see the frigorimeter. While I had received an impression in former years that Loewy did not think much of the frigorimeter, on the contrary M\u00f6rikofer is very enthusiastic about it and had self-recording instruments for keeping records of this continually. There was a copper ball about 10 cm. in diameter with a heating wire inside. It was run on a 220-volt circuit with fuse to prevent burning out, and a relay with a clock for recording the time in minutes that it actually must work to keep up the heat necessary to maintain the ball at a certain temperature, that is, the greater the cooling effect of the air the longer the heater must be on. The equipment included a thermometer, and the ball wp.s supposed to be heated to 57\u00b0 C. inside; hence the outside of the ball corresponded to the skin.\nPersonally it impressed me as an empirical thing, and while it might have important correlations with meteorological studies and indeed subjective impressions of weather conditions, I think it can have little true physiological basis other than through the subjective impressions.","page":284},{"file":"p0285.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"ZURICH, SWITZERLAND\nUniversity of Zurich. Department of Veterinary Medicine,\nProfessor Dr. W. Frei.\nDr. Frei had been recommended to me by Dr. Huguenin in Berne, but I found relatively little of importance there. A few reprints gave me practically all that he had published with some side lights on the question of normal length of life. Frei was most interested in Mrs. Mellanby's papers on teeth and the work of F. A. E. Crew and said he had been unable to get her papers on senescence, so I promised to write her in his behalf.","page":285},{"file":"p0286.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"286\nZ\u00dcRICH. SWITZERLAND.\nAgricultural Institute for Feeding Domestic Animals.\nProfessor G. Wiegner.\nAlthough I left this institute until one of the last on my stay in Z\u00fcrich, which was broken by my trip to Davos, I found Wiegner extraordinarily interesting. He is a man of independent thought and rather contentious, and apparently is opposed to both Fingerling and M/illgaard. Fingerling emphasizes, according to Wiegner, the flesh calories and fat calories but Wiegner says that M^llgaard says they are the same. For example, M/llgaard emphasizes always the nitrogen-free calories but Fingerling always has the nitrogen-containing calories in his calculations. The result is that it is very complicating, Wiegner points out that Physiological \"Nutzwert\" is the equivalent of the metabolizable energy. Wiegner* s great point is that of milk formation. He says M/llgaard is very hard to understand and his writings are comparable in obscurity only to Rubner's.\nI had a long talk with Wiegner and he argues that the calories from 1 gm. of protein deposited should first be reduced to fat calories before determining the value of the food. In his studies of feeding values he believes in using rabbits entirely and one food combination.\nI feel there are two sorts of physiologists who work on these things; first, the physiologist who is very poor in calculations, and second, the mathematician who has very poor physiology. Wiegner admits this latter type but considers there are more errors in the first group.\nI was astonished at Wiegner*s keenness in these feeding experiments.\nOn the last visit I thought Kleiber was the active worker in these experiments and that Wiegner was little interested, being more as he called himself a soil (colloid) chemist, but now seemingly Wiegner is very keen, very enthusiastic, and says that we need new institutes to try out (a) various foods and (b) various races of animals.\nHe is always in a polemic with M^llgaard and says he is very sorry Mj^llgaard makes it so personal, as he does not like to be savage himself. He regrets very much indeed the Califomia-Kleiber-M^llgaard mix-up.\nWe went around the laboratory, which is much the same as before, with the usual apparatus, and with what he calls the \"Pullman respiration chamber\" for rabbits, using the Haldane method for weighing. He has very large absorber Wolff bottles for a rabbit and his periods are 12 hours long. No dummies are used and no activity recorder. I think the gas\u2014analysis apparatus is useless and I suggested that he use the Carpenter apparatus. He is much interested in this and I asked Dr. Carpenter to send him information concerning it. Wiegner had said","page":286},{"file":"p0287.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"287\nthat his sheep chamber was useless because the gas analysis was useless and he was very much inclined to turn the entire sheep chamber into the Haldane principle, that is, to weigh chamber, sheep, etc., but this seemed to me profoundly fantastic. His associate, who worked hard, had lost heart in the work since this gas-analysis apparatus had been so poor. Sometimes he had found 22 per cent of oxygen and could not find the leak. They are using Shipley's reagent and test under pressure and under vacuum and the apparatus is perfectly tight and then suddenly it is of no use. The very complicated mercury apparatus in which the level of the mercury was to be photographed (as shown in my 1929 report) is not used.\nMy impression of his laboratory was that given a Carpenter apparatus Mr. Fox and Robert Lee could put the whole place on a good basis technically in six months.\nWiegner has now a rat apparatus immersed in water and this is used for vitamin-B work. He finds that with rats with vitamin-B free diet there is no change in basal metabolism up to the point of death and there is no change in the respiratory quotient. He expected the acidic condition of the body to \"eat up the bones\" as he put it. Formerly he used a mercury seal for his rat apparatus but found that the mercury killed the rats, as they are susceptible to mercury fumes, and now he uses an oil seal or salt solution.\nAll his experimental work is done on rabbits. I do not like it.\nI think he is assuming too much to draw conclusions on rabbits for other animals. From a statement of H. T. Karsner we found out that rabbits are very prone to be abnormal. You can never tell until they have been dissected whether you have done your work on abnormal animals or not.\nWiegner gave me a number of his papers. He is an important man to keep in touch with.","page":287},{"file":"p0288.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"288\nZORICH. swiTTimr.ttun.\nUniversity of Z\u00fcrich, Laboratory of Physiology\u00bb Professor W. R. Hess.\nThe liveliest wire in Swiss physiology is without any doubt Processor Hess of the Physiological Laboratory in Z\u00fcrich.\nUnfortunately for us very few of his problems have direct bearing upon our own work, as he is most interested in nerve physiology. Practically no metabolism work is done. He has studied the temperature of marmots or hibernating animals but little else of direct importance to us. There are practically no notes made during n?y visit to his laboratory. On the other hand in personal conversation, in going about the laboratory, one is continually impressed by the extreme versatility of this man, his great and wide variety of interests, and his enthusiasm.\nFleisch, his former associate who had gone to Dorpat,had just been appointed to the University of Lausanne. But a number of other promising young men were working with Hess and apparently he attracts an extraordinary quality of associates. Just before our arrival in Z\u00fcrich he had been awarded a prize of 40,000 Swiss Francs. Each year it is awarded to the person who renders Switzerland the most service and his activity in education and particularly in establishing the laboratory at Jungfraujoch have been much appreciated.\nIn spite of absence of researches bearing directly upon Nutrition Laboratory work in Hess's laboratory, it still remains a fact that Z\u00fcrich with its nearby Davos is an important center for any Nutrition Laboratory representative.","page":288},{"file":"p0289.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Z\u00dcRICH. SWITZERLAND.\nLectures.\nMy lectures, which were given in the lecture hall of the Laboratory of Physiology, were extremely well attended.\nOn January 9th, in the evening, I gave the \"third\" lecture, to an audience of 175. (There was an announcement of this lecture.)\nOn January 10th I lectured for Hess\u2019s class, and had an attendance of 135.\nThis year the lectures were given in German, to the English of four years ago.\nin contradistinction","page":289},{"file":"p0290.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Am 9. Januar 1933 wird der bekannte Stoffwechselphysio-loge Prof.Dr. P.G. Benedict, Direktor des Nutrition Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington in Boston (Mass.) in Z\u00fcrich sein. Ir hat sich bereit erkl\u00e4rt, aus dem speziellen Arbeitsgebiet seines Institutes einen ungef\u00e4hr einst\u00fcndigen, mit Projektionen illustrierten Vortrag au halten, und zwar \u00fcber den \"Grundumsatz des Menschen im Lichte neuerer Forschung \u201d, Im Einverst\u00e4ndnis mit den Herren Pr\u00e4sidenten unserer beiden stadtz\u00fcrcherischen Aerzte-Gesellsohaften w\u00e4re der Nahmen dieses Vortrages eine kombinierte Sitzung der beiden Gesellschaften. Ln diesem Sinne gestatte ich mir, Sie zu diesem in deutscher Sprache gehaltenen Vortrag freundlichst einzuladen. - Derselbe findet Montag, den 9. Januar 1933, abends 3.1/4 Uhr im Physiologischen Institut Z\u00fcrich, K\u00e4mistr. 69 statt.\nIn kollegialer Hochsch\u00e4tzung ergebenst\nZ\u00fcrich, den 3. - Januar 1933\t^","page":290},{"file":"p0291.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"BASEL. SWITZERLAND.\nUniversity of Basel. Medical Clinic. Professor Rudolf Staehelin.\nStaehelin has a pressure chamber and they can use both very high pressures and low pressures with a very elaborate pumping system. Now he wants to use it for high oxygen. For most of the clinical work they use a Krogh spirometer but they have a 100-liter spirometer that they use when they want to get the respiratory quotient with analysis on the Haldane. Staehelin emphasized that the air in the spirometer must be mixed. He does not believe simple diffusion is rapid enough. This is especially true in the Grollman method with acetylene. The technique for obtaining the total blood volume he finds very difficult to get.\nI was much interested in an electro\u2014cardiograph that writes the cardiogram in ink, but thus far have been unable to get the name of it. I thought the system would have some value for us.\nStaehelin is much occupied in clinical work and hence has almost no time for research. He is a very serious man and it is a pity that he is lost to research work.","page":291},{"file":"p0292.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"BASEL. SWITZERLAND.\nUniversity of Basel. Physiological Institute.\nProfessor F. Verzar.\nIt was a great delight to see Verzar in Basel. (See figures /^7, I'S'Zf and 1^3. ) I have always had a profound respect for this man and his great ability and variety of interests ever since I met him many years ago at Tangl's laboratory. Now he is settled at Basel and apparently contented, and I inferred from the colleagues with whom I talked that he is highly esteemed in the community.\nHe is doing much work on rats and all measurements must be made at 28\u00b0 C. Verzar states the animal must fast 20 hours or longer, but he uses 6-hour periods and claims that the animal remains quiet. The rats are in a covered box. Verzar uses the closed-circuit method but weighs the carbon dioxide. There was a rather ingenious arrangement of four spirometers with four different apparatus writing on one kymograph, the spirometers being placed around the kymograph at equal distances. (See figure\tHe notices a great\ndifference in the females during the oestrous cycle. This effect, too long neglected, is very pronounced.\n/\nI found a great many kinds of research in progress in Verzar's laboratory. While he is primarily a physiologist he insists on having a chemical laboratory in connection with his physiological researches, so he has a good chemical laboratory with a number of chemists working on problems. He is an extremely keen man but I did not think his human respiration apparatus was at all good. There seemed to be a very large dead space with Lowen valves and there was one modification of a Roth-Benedict spirometer.\nI think Verzar is a great success. On a former occasion I heard very serious criticisms of Verzar which annoyed me a great deal, but I think he is a very stimulating man and I recommend everybody to visit his laboratory.","page":292},{"file":"p0293.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure IS\\. Basel, Switzerland. Left to right: Professor Verzar, Madame Verzar, and Dr. Benedict, on the banks of the Rhine.\nFigure/^/. Basel, Switzerland. Left to right: Madame Verzdr, Mrs. Benedict, and Professor Verz\u00e2r, on the edge of the Rhine.","page":293},{"file":"p0294.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"294\n\nFigure/^. Basel, Switzerland. Left to right: i&dame Verzar, Mrs. Benedict, and Professor Verzar, on the banks of the Rhine.","page":294},{"file":"p0295.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure/^f. Basel, Switzerland. University of Basel, Physiological Institute. Four chambers for rats at Verzhr*s laboratory. Photographed through glass wall of laboratory room.","page":295},{"file":"p0296.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"BASEL. SWITZERLAND.\nUniversity of Basel. Medical Polyclinic.\nProfessor Alfred Gigon.\nGigon is much interested in carbon and uses the ultra-red photographs.. He cuts fine sections of tissue and lets different amounts of light through, but there are practically no respiration experiments. He is interesting, keen, and a good addition to the Basel coterie.","page":296},{"file":"p0297.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"y**\u20191\u2019*'\n297\n' T\nBASEL. SWITZERLAND.\nLectures.\nOn January 12 th, in the evening, I gave the \"third\u201d lecture before the Medical Society, at Verzar\u2019s laboratory, to an audience of 105.\nOn January 15th I spoke before the students in the Physiological Institute, giving the \"second\" lecture, to an audience of 200.","page":297},{"file":"p0298.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"298\nSTRASBOORG. FRAMGF,.\nUniversity of Strasbourg. Faculty of Medicine.\nLaboratory of Physiology.\nProfessor Georges Schaeffer. Professor C. Kayser. and Mlle\u00bb Le Breton.\nSchaeffer is of the opinion that in problems in pharmacology one must use direct calorimetry. Thus far there has been altogether too much work done with thermometry alone, that is, no direct or indirect calorimetry. In the study of fever one must have direct calorimetry.\nx found an interesting mixture of soda and pumice. They use one-half soda, granulated, and one-half pumice. This soda is the same as I found first at the laboratory of Lef\u00e8vre in Paris four years ago, about the size of rice. This is mixed with an equal volume of pumice of about the same size and they find it a satisfactory absorber for carbon dioxide. Furthermore, when it is exchanged one has but to take it out of the container, leach it out with water and dry it and the pumice cai be used over and over again. (See figures I6~5~and l^(o .)\nCollins apparatus. They had bought one of Collins' rat apparatus and out of the eight cans shipped them, two leaked. There was a leak around the axle of the blower, the blower- throwing much oil along\nthe line, and they were quite disappointed with it, of course. (See figures /5-7, isy, /^, and/6 0.)\nI was very much gratified and relieved to know that Kayser was associated with Schaeffer and not, as I had supposed, with Terroine. Kayser is a splendid fellow with a great deal of excellent research on pigeons. I was particularly glad to see him because in a recent paper published by Riddle and myself, through some unfortunate situation an exceptionally good paper of Kayser's was not mentioned and should have been, for it practically forestalled all our work.\nI felt rather chagrined, apologized to him, and as a matter of fact made a public statement at one of my lectures that he had forestalled our work.\nKayser is most interested in tiying to cut out by brain operation the daily rhythm of metabolism. Schaeffer states that the clinicians do not recognize the existence of a rhythm. As the chief of the clinic takes daily temperatures at 10 a.m. this is the time for those students the rest of their entire lives. They have not thought that the temperature is high at 5 p.m. and low at 4 a.m.","page":298},{"file":"p0299.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"2,9 9\nFigure ISS', Strasbourg, France. University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Medicine, Laboratory of Physiology, Professor Schaeffer. Absorbing apparatus for carbon dioxide and water vapor showing the introduction of gas to the bottom of the bottle, passing up through a porous gas disc which breaks up the bubbles into a very fine spray.\nFigure 1^%. Strasbourg, France. University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Medicine, Laboratory of Physiology, Professor Schaeffer. Another view of absorbing system used by Kayser and Schaeffer showing a U-tube with mixture of pumice and rice-formed sodium hydroxide, also sulphuric-acid bottles with entrance at side of bottle.","page":299},{"file":"p0300.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"300\nFigure J. Strasbourg, France. University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Medicine, Laboratory of Physiology, Professor Schaeffer. Photograph of individual rat apparatus, evidently made by Collins. They apparently have substituted for the cans a long series of U-tubes, shown particularly in this photograph. One sees rather dimly in the background the respiration chamber.\nFigure fS%. Strasbourg, France. University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Medicine, Laboratory of Physiology, Professor Schaeffer. Another view of apparatus shown above, in Figure","page":300},{"file":"p0301.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"301\nFigure^?. Strasbourg, France. University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Medicine, Laboratory of Physiology, Professor Schaeffer.\nA Benedict rat.apparatus, evidently supplied by Collins (see the glass baking dishes and occasional square cans). The apparatus also has round cans for calcium chloride and soda-lime. This is probably in wchaeffer's laboratory, although possibly it is in Berne, at Asher* s laboratory.\n\nFigure /<\u00bb Another view of apparatus shown above, in Figure","page":301},{"file":"p0302.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"302\nKayser uses a one-chamber Benedict pigeon apparatus at 28\u00b0 C. but his birds live at a low temperature. They keep them at about 8 C. for 24 hours. He finds if they are put at 10\u00b0 for 2 hours and then measured at 28\u00b0 the metabolism is 10 per cent higher.\nI. checked up again with Dr. Kayser on the point that his pigeons live at 2 , are fed at 2\u00b0, then are kept one hour at 30\u00b0, a four-hour experiment is run at 30\u00b0, which really means a total of five hours living at 30\tC., and this gave a 10 per cent increase in metabolism\ndue to the existence at 2\u00b0 C. previously. I was most interested in and y4'lin6 and made a num^er of small photographs. (See figures / 6 /\nAnother associate of Schaeffer was Mlle. Le Breton, a very clever woman working entirely with rabbits. She says they have no infections and I think they have had many of their animals for three years. They consider that the rabbit is perhaps the most quiet of all animals and find activity only between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. They used the Haldane method with soda and half pumice. Their D\u2014tubes were very large, 25 cm. high and approximately 2 cm. in diameter. One U-tube will thus take up 50 gnu of carbon dioxide. The tubes are all made out of pyrex and they use 500 gm. of the NaOH-pumice mixture in each.\nDealing with the question of the acclimatization of pigeons they stated that birds living at 0\u00b0 and then kept for one hour at 28\u00b0 C., in a four-hour period of measurement showed an increase of 10 per cent.\nLe Breton is studying the respiratory quotient of rabbits, and finds a^respiratory quotient,immediately following food, of 0.95. The course of the respiratory quotient is then as follows: .95, .89, .86, .79,\n.77, .74, and _._79, tending to. mount again after 48 hours both with adult and young rabbits. With young rabbits after 24 hours of fasting it was .75, with adults .78. After 48 hours with young rabbits it was .78 and adult, .74. The next to the last period was .72 and the final period with adults is .75, showing a tendency to rise again.\nAll these were determined with the Haldane method. They had a very poor Carpenter apparatus made by Bleckmann and Berger, which they reported was no good, as it leaked badly. I suggested they put it in commission and test by an alcohol experiment for the respiratory quotient only. They are much troubled about the alcohol lamp but I told them there were two kinds, (1) respiratory quotient only that does not need a special lamp, and (2) absorbed carbon dioxide, when we must know the amount of alcohol burned. Schaeffer is troubled over the incomplete combustion, always fearing it. I told him we never found it and when we thought we had found it, it always turned out to be another cause. I told them that the people at Dortmund were able to make alcohol checks with 4 per cent carbon dioxide something I could hardly believe.\n","page":302},{"file":"p0303.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"303\n\nFigure ICI. Strasbourg, France. University of Strasbourg, Laboratory of Physiology, Professor Kayser. Respiration chamber with electric lamps below for controlling temperature, studying rats and pigeons.\n","page":303},{"file":"p0304.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\nFigure K* A . Strasbourg, France. University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Medicine, Laboratory of Professor Kayser. Photograph showing absorption tubes and large chamber or thermostat for holding animals at a constant temperature.\n","page":304},{"file":"p0305.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Studying frogs they found that when the frog was not active the metabolism tapered off but if the frog moves then the curve stays up for several hours. Any physical activity seems to cause a pronounced increase over the already existing low basal. They found that frogs at 25__C. are always active, even if put quietly in a black chamber.\nLe Breton states they are bad animals to work with unless one uses urethane, and the animal can not stand this for long experiments. In short 5-minute periods they find identical results, period after period, with the same animal. They found that frogs increased the combustion of alcohol with the temperature as per the law of van't Hoff. This was also reported by Nicloux.\nMlle. Le Breton believes that there are different protoplasms and the circulation is adapted to the animal and condition. For example, in the egg there is at first no air; then as the egg develops circulation is built up as needed. She thought the idea of blood and circulation as determining metabolism might be reversed. Really the circulation is built up to meet the needs of the metabolism, that is, going back to the differences in protoplasm. Does it have any relation to fat\u2014ash-water-free body?\nSchaeffer states that raw, uncooked starch is not digested by pigeons even if mixed in a ball and moistened. Apparently it must be cooked. On the other hand, the raw starch in the interior of a dry grain is digested. Dr. Pozarski of the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Scientifique d*Hygiene Alimentaire did a lot of work on this point.","page":305},{"file":"p0306.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"STRASBOURG, FRANCE.\nUniversity of Strasbourg, Faculty of Medicine.\nInstitute of Biological Chemistry.\nProfessor Maurice Nicloux.\nThe visit to Nicloux\u00bbs laboratory was, as is always the case, very stimulating. (See figure/C^.) As I stated at a dinner at Nicloux's house, I saw more and learned more in 11 minutes and 45 seconds in Nicloux's laboratory than I would learn in 11 hours in most others. Of course his forte is micro-chemical determinations and he is at the present time keenly occupied in the determination of very small amounts of alcohol. He has published researches on the use of alcohol, on the frog as a cold-blooded animal, and on the mouse, and I believe that he and Kayser have worked on the pigeon.\nThe cold-blooded animal uses alcohol in accordance with the van't Hoff law, that is, the higher the temperature the greater the utilization of alcohol, but the pigeon has the same utilization independent of the concentration of the dose. (The work done on the mouse is reported in Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol., 1951, p. 856. Dr. Carpenter should check up on the utilization of alcohol by the mouse as I think it is very important.)\nI had the pleasure of meeting in Professor Nicloux's laboratory Dr. Pierre Gr\u00e4ber, his associate, who showed me about very extensively.","page":306},{"file":"p0307.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"307\nFigure / (p\\3. Strasbourg, France. University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Professor Maurice Nicloux in his laboratory.","page":307},{"file":"p0308.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"STRASBOURG, FRANCE.\nLectures.\nIn Strasbourg I gave two lectures under the auspices of the Faculty of Medicine.\nThe \"second\" lecture was given on January 17th, to an audience of about 200.\nOn January 18th I gave the \"third\" lecture, which was attended by a group of about 110. (There was an announcement of these lectures.)","page":308},{"file":"p0309.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"309\n\tCO co\nft\t03\nt\t1 I\t1\tft\nO\tp\nft \u25a0\t0\nft\t\u2022p\nTH ' ' 1\ti>\nPP I PP 1\t\u2022r-a\nft\nEH\ng'\nO\nfP\ncb\nCQ\nGQ\n^ i\ni\ni\u2014i CO\n\u00f6\nB\nco\t\nft\t\n0\t\nft\t\n\u2022N\t\nHO\t\nP\t\nd\t\n0\t\nft\t0\nUi\td\nca\t5b\np\t\u27130\n-p\tft\ngq\ti\u20141\no\no\nP\nCD\nft*\no\nPi\no\nCu i\u2014I\n0\nft\nCD\nP\n\u2022r-t\nO\n-P\nca\nP\no\nft\nca\nrH\ng\nP\nCD\n-P\nO\nCD\nP\n'\u00a3\ni\n\u2022H\nO\nCD\nft\n'CD\n-P\nO\n*H\nft\nCD\nP\u00ce\nCD\npq\ncb\nCD\nCQ\n0\nCD\nft\no\nP\nPh\nCD\nft\nCD\nft\n'CD\n-P\nrH\nd\no\nca\nPh\nC3\n*03\nm\nCD\nO\nPi\nCD\nH\n'CD\nft\nPi\nO\nO\nco\n03\nP\nCD\nCH\npi\no\n-p\nm\no\nm\n\u2713ca\nPi\no\n\u25a0rH\n~P\nd \u2022P * P P>\nm\nPi\nCD\n\u2022P\n&\u00db\nCD\nPi\nP\nCO\nO\nH-J\nCCS\n-P\n02\n*P\n02\nCQ\nC\u00db\n<D\nO\n\u2022H\nt>\nP\nCD\nCQ\nCD\nP\nP>\nO\n>\nCD\nft\ni\u2014I\nCD\nPi\n\u00ab\no\n02\nP\nCD\nSH\n03\nrH\n03\ng*\npi\no\nft\n-P\n\u2022P\nc3\nP\n03\nm\ni\nCD\nP\nO\nP\nCD\np\n40\n03\nft\nI -I\nI 03\n! ft ! 03 ! O I -P\ni ft I v0\nI P\nI\n\u2022p\nft P i CD 03 I d\nS i er*\n\u2022H\nCQ\nCD\npi\n03\n\u2022H\nft\n-p\npi\no\ny\nca\n0\nCD\nft\nft\nft\n\u2022P\n02\nCD\nft\n1\u2014I O\noH\nca\n03\nPi\nP\nCD\n\u2022P\nO\nPi\n03\nP\n'0\nft\nPi\nO\no\n-3\nft\n'0\n-p\n\u2022H\nft\nca\nPi\n\u00f6\no\nCQ\nP\n03\nft\nca\npi\n\u25a0p\nft\no\nca\n0\nft\n0\np\n<03\n'0\nft\n-P\n\u2022P\n\u00e4\n4\n1\u2014i\n\u2713ca\nft\nco\nrH\n\u2713ca\nco\nco\nCi\nft\np\n0\n\u25a0p\ni>\nPi\nco\n\u2022r-s\nCO\n-H\nft\n0\n\u25a0Ci\n0\n02\nca\nft\n0\n\tft\n0\t\n'CD\t0\nP\tP\nSi\tCQ\nQi\t: *P\nES\t: 1\t1\n0\tO\n0\tft\n\tca\n0\t-p\n\u2022H\tft\nft\tp\nO\t\n1\u20141\td\nO\tft\n\u2022P\t\nCQ\t0\ni>s\tft\nft\td\nPh\t-p\n\t'\u00a9\nPi\t\u2014\n0\t1\u20141\n0\t0\nCQ\tft\nca\t\nft\t0\n\t-p\n0\tPi-\nft\t0\n\t0\n0\tft\na\tP\nCQ\t\n\tCQ\nft\t\u27130\nO\tP\nft\tft\nca\tO\np>\tP\n'\u00a9 P\tft\n\tCQ ,\n0\t0 \u25a0\nft\tft !\n0\t\u2022 % 0\n0\tO\nPi\tpi\n0\t0\np\tp\n'0\nft\nPi\no\no\n\u00f6\n'0\nft\nPi\no\no\no\nC\\2\n!-1\n\u00a9\nPi\nPi\no\nC\u20182\nP\n0\nft\nCS\n0\t\n\u2022p\t\nrH\tO\n\tO\nHJ\t\nP3\t0\nO\tft\nP\t\nd\t0\nca\tft\n\tft\nUi\tCS\n0\tP\n0\t\u2022P\npi\tca\n0\t\np\ttsj\n'0\t0\nft\tp\nPi\t0\nO\tCQ\nO\t03\n0 .\td\n0\t0\nO\t>\n0\no\n\u2022p\ni>\np\n0\nCQ\n0\nP\nP>\no\ni>\n0\nft\nCQ\n-P\nPi\n0\nEl\n\u2022H\nPi'\n0\t\nCQ\t\n\tPi\nUi\t0\n0\tft\na\t0\n\trd\n\u00a9\t\nft\t0\n\tft\n\u00a9\t\nCD\t\nPi\t\nca P\t\nd 0\t\n0\t\nca\t\n.\u20141\t\n0\t\nft\t\n00\t\n\u27130\t\nft\nO\no\np\n0\n\u2022\u00e4\npi\no\ns\np\n\u00a9\n'0\np\nhO\nca\ntsj\n0 1\u20141 ft\n\u2022H\nd\n0\n02\nP\nd\n0\nft\nft\n\u2022rH\nCD\nn\nCQ\n0\n1\u2014I\nd 0 1\u20141 ft\np\n0\nPh","page":309},{"file":"p0310.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"310\nSTRASBOURG. FRANCE.\nIhe strange cas_e of Professor Emile F. Terroine. l\u00fcS\u00dctyJLile. Physiologie. Faculty of Sciences, University of Strasbourg.\nIt has seemed impossible for me to get in personal touch with Professor Terroine. Year after year and tour after tour I have tried, but always unsuccessfully, to see him. He is a man who has been frankly antagonistic to the American writers in general and the Nutrition Laboratory in particular. He is very acrimonious and he is in constant discord with his colleagues. Thus I am told it is utterly impossible for Professor Schaeffer to have anything to do with him whatsoever. I wrote to him on July 2, 1952, prior to beginning my tour, and again on July 50, but heard nothing from him.\nI then wrote him on January 5, 1955, a paragraph of which letter is given herewith.\n'^Although I have never had any reply to my two letters of July 2nd and July 50th, 1952, you still see that I am making every move that I can to see you personally. Mrs. Benedict and I now plan to reach Strasbourg from Basle about January 14th or 15th and to leave Strasbourg for Paris the 18th or 19th. During my stay I shall make one effort to see you personally. If I am unsuccessful I am afraid I shall not have courage to carry it any further.\"\nI do not understand Terroine at all. It is a rather singular thing that in the entire European field of physiology the only two points where there is anything but a very friendly relation with the Nutrition Laboratory happen to be with Frenchmen, (1) Terroine and (s) Dautrebande. I have considered it an important part of my mission to try to get in touch with these two men and straighten out seeming difficulties, but it simply can not be done and I have finally come to the conclusion that it is not worth the effort.\nWhen I arrived in Strasbourg, although I had heard nothing whatsoever from Terroine, although the Carnegie Institution had sent him a copy of the snake monograph of which he had never acknowledged receipt, I tried to telephone him from the hotel but without success.\nI then took the chance of going to his laboratory. On my arrival there I was told he was not there, but was at home. Monsieur Bonnet, his first assistant, received me courteously but'coolly and in a perfectly justifiable manner farmed me out to a very intelligent young woman (whose name I have forgotten). She showed me all over the place but I found practically nothing going on in gaseous metabolism. They were all occupied with nitrogen metabolism and chiefly with frogs. I left my card and expressed regret at not having seen Professor Terroine, and told them I would be at the H\u00f4tel de France and I was to lecture on two afternoons at the Faculty of Medicine.","page":310},{"file":"p0311.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"311\nI sincerely hoped he would come and speak to me at one of these lectures, but although I remained in Strasbourg four days after this, at no time did I have one word, directly or indirectly, from Professor Terroine. I feel that as a representative of the Nutrition Laboratory I have done all that is legitimate to try to get in touch with this eccentric, although extremely intelligent, individual.","page":311},{"file":"p0312.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PARIS. FRANCE.\nLg-bpyatoire de la Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Scientifique d*Hygiene Alimentaire et d1Alimentation Rationnelle de l'Homme.\nPypfggsor J. Lef\u00e8vre. Monsieur J. Alquier, and Mme. Radoin.\nProfessor Lef\u00e8vre\u2019s apparatus is as imposing, complicated, impracticable, and useless as ever. Now he is working with geese.\nHe states that the apparatus is working, but I was interested to see that he had given up the frightfully expensive electric furnace he formerly had to burn the \"methane\" which he maintained was given up by man and geese. He had these furnaces but I found by conversation that he had not used them even in studying sheep, when he should have. The use of air current to bring away the heat makes possible a self-regulating humidity, but the volume of air needed to bring away all the heat is tremendous.\nIn his apparatus one-fifth (approximately) of the air passes through four trains of absorbers for carbon dioxide, which is weighed in a closed circuit and the heat brought out by the air current is calculated. By passing one-fifth of the air in this way he holds the carbon dioxide to a fairly constant level. In other words, there is five times more air, if not a greater amount, than is needed to hold the carbon dioxide constant. The regulation of the temperature is very perfect and it is a real feature of the apparatus. The hygrometers used, which were arranged to make electric contacts, thus turned dry cool or dry hot air into the chamber. There was a large cooling machine and brine tank which was expensive to run.\nOn the afternoon that we were first there at a special reception Lef\u00e8vre gave a description of his apparatus with his usual very clear, didactic manner. He was extremely pleased. We had tea in the laboratory with Senator David, who I found out was blind. On the afternoon of the tea the apparatus was first functioning with a man inside reading a paper. When we came back after the tea the man was riding a stationary bicycle which was constructed so as to have a vertical shift come out on top of the calorimeter and the heat of the ergometer was generated outside the calorimeter. The whole calorimeter is built upon a tremendous amount of theory, bulky, but full of impracticable conceptions.\nI found on another day he was having geese experiments. He had no use for \"stuffing\". He maintained it was not normal., and it was not physiological. Lefevre is very strong for the normal phases of life. I then suggested, based upon our experience with the Rhode Island Red roosters, that he let them fast and then let them eat all they will. It was amusing to see how pleased this old chap was at this suggestion, i.e., normal self-stuffing. In his experimental plan his whole experiment of 2 to 4 hours was based on (1) one combined weighing of one-fifth of the carbon dioxide, (2) calculations of the remaining four-fifths, and (2) oxygen admitted from a cylinder through a gas meter. But there was only one respiratory quotient","page":312},{"file":"p0313.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"313\ndetermined for the whole experiment. This would do on a fasting day but certainly would not do over a four-hour feeding experiment, j- don't think Lefevre knows what he is about. He is a very pleasant chap but there is a lot of money tied up in this wholly impracticable equipment, and it remains a fact that his apparatus i\u00df as nearly useless as anything could be. If Lef\u00e8vre died tomorrow there is not a living man who could run the apparatus and hence the whole thing would have to be scrapped. Even his own associate does not understand the thing well enough to run it. It represents a gigantic amount of money and is quite comparable to that former great experiment which amounted to nothing, that is, the calorimeter of Mile. Pompeiian and Professor Letulle.\nMonsieur Alquier is now extremely busy in committee work and as an organizer, as before. I believe he is doing practically nothing in his own laboratory. We saw a great deal of him and he is very active in many of the governmental things going on around Paris.\nMadame Raj^oin is working at rue de l'Estrapade 16, and as a matter of fact has a small respiration chamber for rats, using the closed-chamber principle, but I saw no experiments actually in progress. Alquier has stopped all his work on the large animals as I understand it, and when I asked him on several occasions to show me his laboratory he emphasized that he was doing nothing in research work now. He is an extraordinarily active man, a very good organizer, and apparently is counted upon by a good many people for directing different government projects.","page":313},{"file":"p0314.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PARIS. FRANCE.\nDr. J. M. Le Goff.\nDr. Le Goff to me is a rather pathetic picture of a man with a real intense research drive and no outlet. He has not a hospital appointment and has no laboratory. Four years ago he was making a few experiments at his country home. He is most interested in vaso-dilatation and had used cobalt solutions to produce it in rabbits' ears. Not infrequently he writes for the medical journals and has a deep, keen interest in America and particularly American medicine.\nOf course he is too old now to secure an appointment of official position but it is a great pity that this man's initiative and interest could not have been better directed.","page":314},{"file":"p0315.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"315\nPARIS. FRANCE.\nH\u00f4pital des Enfants Malades.\nProfessor P. Hobecourt. Dr. H. Janet, and Mlle. M. Bochet.\nA visit to this hospital showed very considerable changes in the metabolism section of four years ago. Now they had apparently a division for basal metabolism in which they had measured both children and adults. Of course dominated by the technique of Stevenin, they were using the Plantefol gas analysis, face mask, dxy gas meter, etc. For children much the same equipment was being used, and while there was an attempt here to secure metabolism measurements in a metabolism laboratory the impression on the whole was very poor. There was a great deal of active bustling and disturbance in the room where several patients, children, were supposed to be studied at the same time.\nI think their whole technique and respiration studies were very bad. They had a Tissot mask and used room air (there were 10 people in the room) and found by analysis that the room air had from 0.1 to 0.5 per cent carbon dioxide, that is, in the latter case ten times normal., I do not think they analyzed it every day, but took an average value, which means of course a very large percentage of the total air must be deducted for ingoing air. It was interesting to see them apply a man-size Tissot mask to a child, using some large MC\" clamps on the side to take up slack, and even then there was a large amount of dead space. (See figure /b^.) They used a 50-liter rubber sack.\nThe subjects remained seated nearby for one half hour. They then walked into the laboratory, sat down for 5 minutes. were measured for 6 minutes, and that was the end. With the Plantefol gas-analysis apparatus they report that they often found 2.0 per cent carbon dioxide in the bag. I wonder if undiluted expired air can be so low as this.\nI got a poor impression of it. Also I found that all the adults from the nearby Neckar Hospital are done there.\nMile. Bochet is in the other room where she conducts basal metabolism experiments on children with her sack, glass globe, pump, and Tissot spirometer. (See figures I (t^'and /44*) She finds room air is 0.1 carbon dioxide but the air in the spirometer may be 1.0. Under these conditions one can see that the correction for the room air may be as high as 10 per cent of the total. I suggested that she ought to put in an air pipe from outdoors and work with air of a known composition. Her glass globe had at the upper part of it a bowl of ice leading through a metal spiral which ran down into the glass globe and made it possible to cool the air.","page":315},{"file":"p0316.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"316\nFigure\tParis, France. H\u00f4pital des Enfants Malades.\nClinic of Dr. Janet and Mlle. Bochet. Measuring the metabolism of a child. Note the Tissot mask collapsed with clamps to make dead space smaller. Note that ingoing air is room air. Expired air goes into a Douglas mask. This is a very bad equipment.\n\n","page":316},{"file":"p0317.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"317\nFigure ! b Paris, France, H\u00f4pital des Enfants Malades. Bell jar respiration apparatus used by Mlle. Hochet.\nFigure 6, Paris, France. H\u00f4pital des Enfants Malades. View of respiration apparatus with glass bell jar and rubber sack of Mlle. Bochet. Tissot spirometer at the left.\n\n- ' 1","page":317},{"file":"p0318.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"318\nI saw again the apparatus for using high oxygen with children, that is, the bell jar with the rubber blanket attached to it made of fabric used for balloons, and Mile. Bochet was much interested in haying found a new type of zipper that seemed to produce an air-tight closure. Oxygen was introduced at 5 liters per minute, so she thought she was getting 60 per cent oxygen and says it works very well. As near as I could make out they were not using the infant respiration chamber that we sent them, although they were making attempts to put it in condition. The trouble was to get a blower that was air tight. The closed circuit is out of the question and for the open circuit I don't think they have sufficiently mastered the technique of the Plantefol apparatus to justify its use for such a small carbon-dioxide increment, and worse than that I don* t believe that the Plantefol apparatus at its best and with the best operator approximates the accuracy of the Carpenter apparatus. So the outlook is not particularly good as it appears to me.\nMile. Bochet is certainly a very clever girl, but I don't know how far she is getting. I think if she could have a year with us she would be quite a different person but that is out of the question.","page":318},{"file":"p0319.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"319\nPAMS. FRAUCE.\nThe pediatric section of the Salp\u00e9tri\u00e8re.\nDr. Ribodeau-Dumag and Dr. Max Levy.\nI found in this laboratory most interesting work, or at least potentially interesting work being done on children living in high oxygen atmospheres. Thus, the assistant, Dr.Max L\u00e9vy, stated that when they had the children at 55 per cent oxygen they found disturbances of the acid base equilibrium. But the question is, what was the index of this disturbance? They found a shift in the ratio of chlorine in the corpuscles and the chlorine in the plasma, varying greatly with the acidity, also with the P^. It is very hard to determine this. On further discussion it seemed to me also that the real oxygen percentage was very uncertain. I felt that the method of determining and sampling was very bad, although the problem had been farmed out more or less to Mile. Bochet at the laboratory of Dr. Janet. I made a number of suggestions to them as regards supplementary ventilation. They also had found that it was a very good plan to have the child have high oxygen intermittently, that is, one-half hour at high and one-half hour at low. They thought this much better than continuous high oxygen but I really don\u2019t believe that they knew what percentage of oxygen they had when continuous, that is 24 hours a day.\nPersonally I can not believe that, everything else being equal, the presence of 55 per cent oxygen can alter the acid base equilibrium, and I am willing to predict that they have much more than 55 per cent.\nTheir method of ventilating the chamber is very primitive; that is,\nthey have a chamber with a small hole in one end and let the oxygen\nstream in at the rate of 1500 liters for 3 hours or 500 liters per\nhour, or about 9 liters per minute of pure oxygen. (See figures/\u00a3 7 and)\nThis equals about one-half the amount of the total ventilation used\nfor man with the helmet apparatus, that is, about 20 liters per minute.\nUnder these conditions it would appear as if they must have a very\nmuch higher oxygen content than they think they have. The whole\nquestion of the determination of this percentage demands very\nconsiderable revision. Before this I had talked with Mile. Bochet\nand was not particularly impressed with her statement as to what\nthey found and why they found it with their methods, etc. It is a\ngood illustration of a very important problem being very poorly\nattacked while with a little care and thought it could be done very\nwell indeed.\nI talked with Max Levy and was, as formerly, much impressed by him. He is a very clever, serious chap and I believe that he desires to do scientific work but has to use \"clinical methods\". It illustrates very well why clinical methods are held in disrepute.","page":319},{"file":"p0320.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Figure/(c 7. Paris, France. Salp\u00e9tri\u00e8re, Clinic of Professor Rlbodeau-Dumas. Glass-walled respiration chamber for infants. In this chamber oxygen is admitted from a steel cylinder strapped to the upright at the left of the chamber, a part of the chamber. Oxygen escapes through a hole at the bottom; a very impracticable and unknown percentage of oxygen is thus secured.","page":320},{"file":"p0321.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"321\nFigure !\t. Paris, France. Salpetrikre, Clinic of Professor\nRibodeau-Dumas. Photograph of oxygen respiration apparatus.\nOxygen is admitted from a cylinder into the glass-walled box, and simply seeps out of the box with no special provision for ventilation.\n","page":321},{"file":"p0322.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"332\nPARIS, FRAHCE. Institut Pasteur.\nBertrand and Dr. Pierre Le Compt-du-Nouey.\nI had the misfortune to visit the Pasteur Institute when Bertrand was away, but I had met previously at a dinner at Lapicque's Dr. Pierre Le Lompt-du-Nouey who had charge of the new division of biophysics a\u201e the Pasteur Institute. Frankly, I was bewildered by the mass of new and obviously frightfully expensive apparatus of every conceivable xorm, spectrographs of every kind and, too, a great deal of work on blood serum, especially with the question of viscosity and the changes in the hydrogen-ion concentration. The whole thing was beyond me but I was astonished that they could get such an equipment together and yet there was the complaint that funds were obtained only with difficulty. It appears, however, that at least sometime rather recently.a very considerable sum of money was available to set up this entirely new division.\nProfessor Bertrand I was very sorry not to see at the laboratory, although his micro-chemical work dealing with the minute qualities of the metals does not interest me especially. I did see him frequently on several social occasions and at my lectures and at a most delightful social affair at his house on Sunday afternoon. Altogether he is a most stimulating, charming personality and a complete refutation of the idea of sloppiness and carelessness in French scientific work. He is a man of whom it can be said, \"He thinks in nothing less than the third and fourth decimal figure.\"","page":322},{"file":"p0323.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"323\nPARIS. FRAN CF,. Institute of Actinology.\nJogjl .Saidman and Pr. Jean Meyer.\nBef\u00f6re reaching Paris I had had most cordial letters from r. Jean Meyer, stating that the directors of the Institute of\nx 27 Wer\u00ae Very anxious to bave me visit the Institute and that they had arranged for a banquet for Mrs. Benedict and myself. This occasion was a most delightful one and I met for the first time all of the directors and their wives. On a succeeding day I went to. the Institute, which still is in its almost impossible quarters in a very old, ramshackle building, but packed from cexlar to garret in every corner with innumerable forms of apparatus for heat and particularly light therapy. While the presiding genius is Saidman, he has a most ingenious corps of\nyoung men who are pushing this institute and its possibilities to the limit.\nThe whole institute is devoted to three major studies.\nFirst of course is diagnostics, second, therapeutics, and third, to me most interesting, the pure research with the waves of various lengths. A subsidy from the state and liberal concessions on the part of electrical companies have made it possible for them to continue even under the present economic conditions.\nAside from the battery of various types of electric lamps and source of radiation, all of which were reported upon in my 1929 report the subject under investigation that interested me most was Saidman's \u2019 work in skin temperature. He had prepared a rather crude, I thought, skin temperature measuring apparatus, a thermo-junction affair, and had made a number of observations, but I got the impression of its being rather superficial. One of the most astounding things he showed me was that he found there could be a local inflammation produced in which there could be a high surface temperature but a low radiation.\nHe explained that he thought the fluid under the skin may absorb the rays and hold the heat back. As usual, as in every laboratory, the research must have an endocrine slant, and they found that the sensitivity of the skin ran along fairly parallel to increased thyroid action, so much so that Saidman thought the sensitivity of the skin may be a test of basal.metabolism. Thus if the basal metabolism is affected solil^T by thyroid activity and the skin increases its sensitivity with this activity, it may be argued that the sensitivity of the skin is a test of basal metabolism.","page":323},{"file":"p0324.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"334\nIt is worthy of note that Saidman and the associates in the room at the time had never heard of Bohnenkamp and Gobet. That brought up a discussion of preparation of papers and citing of literature.\nJean Meyer said that a German won't cite a French paper and stated that it is very difficult for \u00e0 Frenchman to get up a good literature, and therefore they have to be content with giving all of the French literature. This appeared to me as being very naive. They were loud in their praises of the American Journal of Dermatology but thought that the syphilitic journals were very poor.\nSaidman is working on a change which corresponds more or less to the radiometer or pyranometer of Abbot or something like the instrument I recently saw in Dr. Du Bois' laboratory in New York, developed by Dr. Hardy.\tThis involved the use of a thermo-pile a definite\ndistance from the skin with a window that may be either left open or provided with a ray filter of some kind. Evidently he is trying hard to do something but it seemed to me very crude, although he had good quantitative ideas. He waited for and checked the baseline after each observation. He also tried to get the skin temperature at the same time to compare it. They emphasized to me that the most important work was by a doctor at a sanitarium at Cannes and Aix-les-Bains where the remarkable \"solarium tournant\" had been constructed.\nSaidman judges of the solar activity of places by the time element in which a certain skin reaction could be obtained. Thus he found that at Jungfraujoch it took 13 minutes, at Davos 15 minutes, at Aix-les-Bains 15 minutes, and at Cannes 15 minutes. Thus there was hardly any change between the low altitude of the two French places and the high altitude of Davos, and the extremely high altitude of the Jungfraujoch. He felt that altitude per se was not so important for light therapy. He had visited Davos, Arosa, and Jungfraujoch and made tests on his own skin to see which was the best place.\nThe black body. Saidman had a black body for study which consisted of a tin can 10 cm. high and about 10 cm. in diameter. It was painted flat black inside and rested on a water surface in a can, the level of the water being just above that of the bottom of this black can.\nThis had a ring so it could rest on the edge of the water-containing can. The water in this can was at 37\u00b0 C. and the bottom of the can was 37\u00b0 C. This was his standard black body.\nThe impression one gets on talking with Saidman and his associate Meyer, and the others, is that they are really trying very hard to do some good work but, as is so frequently the case, their work pronouncedly savors of clinical methods. I presume that the solarium is in very large part a commercial feature and probably the clinic at Aix-les-Bains is likewise commercial. But still at the Institute of Actinology at Paris there is no question but what a large amount of research as such","page":324},{"file":"p0325.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"325\nm\nis attempted. Saidman is a voluminous writer, has published a large number of books, edits a journal, and is very active in the various congresses for actinology, a great traveler and plans to come to America in the fall of 1955. While most of this work is definitely outside the sphere of the Nutrition Laboratory, surface temperature has direct bearing upon our work. The Institute is well worth while keeping in close touch with.","page":325},{"file":"p0326.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"336\nPARIS. FRAMCE.\nCollege of France, Department of Physiology. Professor Andre' Mayer. Monsieur L. Plantefol,\nand Monsieur L. Chevillard.\nThis laboratory is like a hive of industry with a great variety of things being studied. There were many different researches in progress. One thing interesting me much 7/as an electrical compensation calorimeter in the basement, in a room which is held at a constant temperature, 18.1\u00b0 to 18.2\u00b0 C., by a thermostat. For example, if an assistant comes into the room enough heat is cut off to equal the heat he gives off and when he goes out a similar amount of heat is automatically developed. The calorimeter was under the charge of Monsieur Gasnier. This calorimeter consists of two chambers and is definitely designed in every way for work on an adult rabbit. The thermo-junctions are installed on the Bohr principle and the heat is brought away in the air current. Thqy use only one thermo-junction on each can, and that is about 10 cm. from the wall. The assistant who talked with me thought you could get one junction better placed symmetrically than five, and they had found one junction would work.\nIn other words, when each of the two cans are at the same temperature there is no deflection on the galvanometer.\nUsing the Haldane principle they weighed the calorimeter chamber complete and the absorbed carbon dioxide is weighed. There is first inside a wire netting covering the animal something like a tunnel.\nThis is followed by a copper sheet and this by the air-tight walls of the calorimeter. He compensates for changes in weight of the rabbit by using extra shields; thus by equalizing the heat inside the chamber there is what one might call an internal compensation. In the compensation chamber is a resistance wound on a triangle to approximate the form of the animal. They have an alcohol lamp of special construction that I could not very well sketch, and find the error is about +3 per cent. Inside of the compensation cage there is an electric circuit of 110 to 120 volts for sudden heating, to use in compensating for heat developed by the animal and retained by the chamber during the process of weighing. (See below.) They have also in each cage a thermo-electric circuit and two couples of eopper-constantin to establish the equality of temperature of the two cages, and there is a bolometric circuit giving the temperature of the cages which is registered.","page":326},{"file":"p0327.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"327\nThe primary idea of this calorimeter is to keep the voltage constant, but change amperes by changing the resistance inside the calorimeter. This can be changed by the operator in a numberof steps by having a switch outside the calorimeter. In this way the meter registers everything correctly. The ventilation is 7 liters per minute. One interesting thing is that the whole calorimeter can be disconnected from both the electric circuit and the air circuit by plugging the air tube and disconnecting it and weighing it. It takes about 7 minutes to disconnect, weigh, and reconnect, but the can heats up during this time so they heat the other can and start at about 2\u00b0 higher, that is, 20\u00b0 to 22\u00b0 C., instead of 18\u00b0 C. They have no use for alcohol checks, as they are dominated by the notion of incomplete combustion of alcohol; first, because of the smell, second, they accept Lef\u00e8vre\u2019s experience with his chamber, and third, they get bad respiratory quotients. Of course none of these points are justifiable.\nThe animal\u2019s temperature is taken after the experiment as it disturbs him and gives too much water in the first period if taken before. They make experiments two or three hours long but have 24 to 72 hours fasting. The animal is quiet. His nose is not against the glass front but he has a tendency to back up into a tunnel where he remains immobile. Mayer thinks it is a reflex with these animals and recommends it strongly as a measure for keeping them quiet.\nThus far with our experiments in Boston we have not noted this. They tried to find all animals about the same size and about one year old. Their whole experience was that animals of different color had about the same metabolism. These experiments in Mayer\u2019s laboratory are not basal for all their work is done at 20\u00b0 C. But since Mayer and Nichita found the temperature effect flattened out very strikingly between 18\u00b0 and 50\u00b0 C. they argue that if the work is done at 20\u00b0 there would be no coefficient. Personally if their curve is correct I would think their values must be basal.\nWhat interested me greatly was their use of an electric meter, a standard form of household meter for alternating current, using 120 volts, specially constructed at a very low price, with a calibration card furnished by the factory. Thus from 0 to .8 amperes the meter was 98 per cent, 0.8 to 1.2 amperes it was 100 per cent, and from 1.2 to 2.0 amperes it was 98 per cent. Subsequently in thinking over this matter I wondered whether the meter counted in the current to run it, as we found was the case with the American meters? The question arises, could it be used with direct current and to what limits? This meter is worth looking into further and I am sure we can call on any help from Mr. Bull. The electric meter is manufactured by Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 des Compteurs, 12 Pla\u00e7a des Etats Unis, Monteonge-en-Seine, France.\nThis equipment as such impressed me very much, although before understanding it completely I have to wait to read a reprint that was being held in proof. But the idea of having the calorimeter in a constant temperature room is a good one. It is a pity to make a","page":327},{"file":"p0328.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"328\ncalorimeter for only one size of animal but Mayer emphasized that that was their main problem. Many of the water relationships in the work are closely allied with our problems at the Nutrition Laboratory. Since the building is very archaic and their work is done in caves, one gets the impression that things are not up to date. This is not true; a more up-to-date man does not exist than Mayer or Plantefol.\nResearch on mice. I had a long talk with Monsieur Chevillard, assistant of Professor Mayer, who was working with mice. The mice were at 20\u00b0 C. and feeding, but the respiratory quotient was very low, 0.74, and stayed at this level for 6 hours. They used the Haldane method of weighing the U-tubes and the chamber, but also claimed that they checked it for respiratory quotients by gas analysis. They were particularly interested in the ratio of oxygen to water.\nHe finds the same slope for the two factors although much wider variations in special points with the water, but the general slope is the same. With mice at \u00a30\u00b0 C. about 10 jeer cent of the total heat is .gjyep off by water vapor. He believes that the smaller the animal the smaller the percentage in water vapor but he has no idea of what it would be if the animal were N\u00fcchtern. The researches have been reported on the basis of one hour, but I think the periods are too long for basal results. They were using a special mercury rectal thermometer of the design of Nicolle,manufactured by Poulenc Frlres,\nNo. 12, rue Pelie, in Paris. I bought four of these for the Laboratory.\nI found Monsieur Chevillard a very patient, good worker.\nPlantefol. One of the most interesting visits was that with Plantefol, as he showed me about the new Rotifchild Institute, but particularly in his laboratory with A. Mayer,'1 to discuss his gas-analysis apparatus. I found this pretty widely distributed over Paris, and finding Plantefol such an interesting, intelligent chap, I was only too glad to talk it over with him in detail. He had recently prepared a paper, published June, .1932, discussing eudiometers of precision in general and discribing his own apparatus in particular. This copy I marked with a good many comments which were subsequently the basis of discussions with him.\nOf special interest to me was the old problem I have taken up so frequently with Dr. Carpenter, with regard to whether or no the compensation tube in the gas-analysis apparatus should have the same volume of gas in it as that being measured, or whether it can have a different volume. Dr. Carpenter maintains it can have a different volume and Plantefol agrees with him perfectly and almost convinced me. He commented upon the fact that rubber tubing always contained chloride of sulphur, which in contact with mercury gave a smut and dirt that caused so much trouble. Much discussion was given to the uncompensated dead space in the capillaries above the different tubes. Apparently Plantefol had worked on this problem very carefully indeed.","page":328},{"file":"p0329.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"329\nHe uses the small oil manometer or what we call Sonden manometer, and has a drop of caproic acid in the capillary as an index bubble.\nI asked him why he preferred this, and he stated that caproic acid is very mobile, dissolves fat, and has no tension of vapor, in spite of its smell. In his analyses he waits a long time between each reading, because he considers that the gas cools when there is a partial vacuum and it is necessary to wait about ten minutes until it comes back to normal. On the other hand, he says he gains time by having three apparatus run by one operator, and thus no time is lost, as he can make three analyses in fifty minutes. His more exact form of apparatus costs about 5000 Francs, which at that time represented about $120 each. He uses water acidified very lightly with sulphuric acid. No special stopcock grease was used that I could find out, nor did he change the composition of it with the season. He told me that he had no trouble with fat in greasing stopcocks, although he has the most elaborate 4\u2014 or 5\u2014way stopcock I have ever seen on a gas apparatus. I took up with him very much the question of diffusibility of gases, going over the story of the fact that Noyons thought carbon dioxide might diffuse out. Plantefol is very much inclined to think that in spirometers mixtures can not be assumed, and with the question of 5 per cent carbon dioxide and 95 per cent oxygen Plantefol states that I am all wrong and that Drinker and Krogh are correct. In his directions for making analyses one finds so frequently \"wait ten minutes\". This long time to make an analysis is, however, compensated, as stated above, by his having three apparatus for one observer. One point I thought rather practical is that he puts a wad of cotton batting above the mercury in the levelling bulb to keep out dust.\nThere is no question but what Plantefol understands the principles of gas analysis probably better than anybody I met in Europe. He has developed an apparatus based upon the early Laulanie tradition, but has bettered it and has got a very good apparatus. Plantefol is careful and concentrates on technical details, but he did not convince me for a moment that he had an apparatus that compared with the Carpenter apparatus. He has two models, one of which is no better than the Haldane but is more complicated. The other model he claims has a high degree of accuracy but has not enough accuracy to analyze outdoor air or alcohol checks with low carbon-dioxide production, such as are possible with the Carpenter apparatus. Madame Plantefol is likewise very much occupied in gas analysis and I should judge \"pulls the laboring oar\" in many of the studies in which gas analysis is an important factor. She is working in the basement in a sort of cave or sub-cellar, working on a micro-method for gases in vegetable cells.","page":329},{"file":"p0330.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"330\nI kept continually thinking what a fine thing it would be if Plantefol and Carpenter could be together in Boston for, say, two or three months to thrash out gas\u2014analysis problems. I am perfectly certain that Plantefol would get a good deal out of it and modify his ideas. There is a reasonable probability that Dr. Carpenter would likewise find some points worth changing. As it stands, however, I am perfectly convinced that the Plantefol apparatus is not to be compared for one moment in (1) facility of operation, (g) accuracy of results, and (3) usability by others, with the Carpenter apparatus. I had hoped until the last that through some arrangements Plantefol could visit us, but Professor Mayer told me he would probably receive a very good university appointment shortly, and until the decision was made as to who was to have the appointment Plantefol must, in his own interests, \"stand by\". He deserves a good appointment. I think of\tall the men I met\tno one\tspoke\tas\nclearly in discussing matters\tas Plantefol. It\tseemed\tas if\tevery\nword was weighed, clearly enunciated, ,and with no delay in arriving at a conclusion. He must make a splendid teacher. If it ever transpires that he can get to\tAmerica, it will be a splendid\tthing\nfor us to have him as a guest\tat the Laboratory\tfor as\tlong a time\nas he can give to us.\nAs usual I had a most delightful talk with Andre' Mayer. I find him the most interesting and stimulating man in Paris and I took every opportunity, often too frequently I felt, to get in touch with him.\nI was most interested in Mayer\u2019s tremendous idealism. He says that he can not do much research work but he and his colleagues are hoping to prepare a good \"new generation\". The laboratory is extremely busy in I don't know how many departments and there are a great many Plantefol apparatus. He uses the Haldane weighing method and the reason is that he gets the water output of the animal under various conditions of humidity, etc. I do not know that I sensed his various problems but I do not think this principle is good for real basais.\nRothjbhild Foundation. Through Mayer, who is apparently the head of it, Plantefol showed me about. It is a splendid building on land belonging to the Sorbonne.\nPlantefol I find is primarily a botanist and has charge of the department of botany. There are departments of biophysics (work on infra-red), a chemical division, and even a geological slant to the work.\nThe whole building savored much of the new division of the Pasteur Institute, with very fine equipment, wonderfully well lighted, splendid shop, fine workmen, and tremendous equipment throughout. Here I saw the extensive use of large sheets of cellophane to cover up apparatus not in use, in order to keep the dirt out. In this Rotijphild Foundation there is no teaching as the library is very small, but th\u00e7y have a weekly colloquium. This was established by the donor, the idea being to bring together the research, clinical, and medical students in such a center.","page":330},{"file":"p0331.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"331\nTo my mind Andre Mayer is the man of all men to engineer a project of this kind. I find myself quite incapable of adequately expressing my reaction to Andre Mayer. I had learned to regard him very highly indeed as a scientific man but the more I am thrown with him the more I realize he is a humanist, an international man, and I can see why he is called upon so much for different commissions and committees. The loyalty and enthusiasm of his co-workers is an illustration of the esteem in which he must be held by all in contact with him. The social evening at his home is unforgettable, because of the delightful chat I had with him.","page":331},{"file":"p0332.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"332\nPARIS. FRANCE.\nUniversity of Paris, Faculty of Sciences, Laboratory of Physiology.\nProfessor Louis Lapicque.\nI called upon this charming gentleman on several occasions and we had a most delightful dinner at his home with a number of friends. His laboratory is practically all chronaxie, set after set. Some slight modifications of this measurement were found, but nothing else is there. If the Nutrition Laboratory is \"narrow\" and sticks too closely to metabolism ideas, what can one say of Lapicque*s laboratory on chronaxie? We found, among others there, a very intelligent psychologist, Professor Jasper and his wife. He was one of Seashore* s men.\nMrs. Benedict and I were particularly interested in seeing Lapicque\u2019s set-up of the student apparatus. It seemed he had found it unusually useful in teaching his students, only the apparatus was extraordinarily fitted up. The chamber was a large 2-gallon bell jar which rested on a plate through which two holes passed and through one of these holes was a pipe supporting on its end inside the bell jar a glass bottle with soda lime. Tied over the neck of the bottle was a sort of bathing cap with a spiral wire lamp shade ring under it to suspend the bathing cap in a horizontal position. Air went out of the bell jar through another tube. A third pipe, much smaller, entered the bell jar and this connected with a 4-liter bottle containing oxygen and graduated on the sides with marks on a strip of surgeon\u2019s plaster. A reservoir of water in a bottle was a little above the level of the oxygen bottle.\nThey used a Tissot mask with two valves and the experiments were made as with a helmet, standing resting, standing with the dumb-bells, and after work. Oxygen was added from the bottle by allowing water to flow in out of the residual. The bathing cap rose and fell as with the student apparatus and the index button touched a suspended plate.\nThe student is impressed by the fact that he absorbs the oxygen, etc.\nWe saw at least three of these set-ups in the laboratory and Lapicque makes much use of it with his students. It was interesting to us to see this because I have often stated that the only place I have found the Fredericq oxygenograph was here in this laboratory.\nI had a long talk with Lapicque with regard to nutrition problems and particularly alcohol. He is very much opposed to having alcohol in public life and feels that the chauffeurs are dangerous with their continual sipping of alcohol throughout the entire day.","page":332},{"file":"p0333.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PARIS. FRANCE.\nH\u00f4pital de la Pitiel Professor Marcel Labb\u00e9\".\nIn one division of this hospital is Professor Marcel Labbe^.\nHe is one of the most remarkable men that I know, veiy quiet, very modest, but a great thinker. He is very much interested in Basedow and para-Basedow. The respiratory quotient only is used for the control of the oxygen and heat, but he had a lot of experiments on 50 gm. of glucose, 50 gm. of casein, and 50 gm. of olive oil and used the respiratory quotient as the index of the material burned. They have a Laulanie gas\u2014analysis apparatus and deduct just for the carbon dioxide in the room air??? It is too crude. Really it is a pity. There were six different determinations each morning on six different patients. They lie one-half hour on the bed, 10 minutes with mask on to get adjusted, and then 10 minutes for collecting the air and analyzing it. That is the actual final determination.\nLabbe's most interesting comments on clinical matters were only in slight manner absorbed by me. It is a pity one more versed in clinical things could not have been there. To my mind he is one of the most fascinating men I have met in Europe. Of course he is directly influenced by the metabolism technique of Stevenin and it is a pity that this hospital could not have six months with two of our men from the Nutrition Laboratory to put them on their feet. They would have an altogether different idea of the potentialities of basal metabolism if they could have that experience. This applies likewise to a great many laboratories in Europe.","page":333},{"file":"p0334.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"334\nPARIS. FRAHCE.\nInstitut Marey (Boulogne-sur-Seine).\nMonsieur Lucien Bull.\nThe journey to Boulogne-sur-Seine is always a long one and I expected to find but little new out there. In this I was not in error but it is always a great pleasure to meet Bull, if only from the standpoint of construction. He is one of the most ingenious men I have ever known. Practically everything he does has a definitely optical slant. He is still very much interested in ultra-rapid photography and had developed a machine for taking 3000 exposures per second. Thus he has been able to photograph a rubber band as it contracts after stretching, and he finds it travels at the rate of 40 meters per second in snapping back when it is stretched ten times its initial length.\nWe both brought up his old notion, expressed on his visit to Boston, of an optical wattmeter and Bull suggested that I send him a statement of conditions under which I should be using such an instrument and he would work out details. His idea was to photograph a small beam of light falling on a mirror attached to the axis of a voltmeter, this light to be reflected in turn upon a similar mirror attached to the axis of a milli-ammeter. I think the idea is that the \"resulting11 direction of the beam of light would give a direct reading of the wattage. I expect in the fall to determine the conditions under which we would use such an instrument with the so-called baby calorimeter and also the large calorimeter, both emission calorimeters, and send him.","page":334},{"file":"p0335.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"335\nPARIS, FRANCE.\nStation Physiologique (Boulogne-sur-Seine). Dr. F. Caridroit and Dr. Pierre Gley.\nAt the Station Physiologique I met both Pierre Gley and Caridroit but only for a moment. Apparently no metabolism was being carried out there. I did take occasion, however, to refresh my memory of the remarkable afternoon that Mrs. Benedict and I spent at the Station a few years ago. It was a dull, drab, dreary afternoon and we were in the small laboratory at the Station gathered about a stove, Mrs. Benedict, E. Gley, Gary N. Calkins, and myself, and I am not sure whether both Caridroit and Pierre Gley were present.\nIt became darker and darker as we sat chatting about the stove with no lamp. The stove door was open sind the light streaming out fell upon the striking face of Gley, which was vivacious even under these conditions. It was a picture never to be forgotten, and savored greatly of the chiaroscuro of Rembrandt. There is no question but what the Station has lost a great mind in the loss of Gley.\nPierre Gley called upon me at the hotel and I had a most interesting chat with him, but his problems are quite different from those in which we are interested. I discussed with Pierre Gley the respiration experiment I heard of at the Station Physiologique four years ago, at which time his father had told me of the observations of Pezard showing striking changes in the metabolism of the cock almost immediately after castration, but I felt, and I think that Pierre Gley agreed with me, that the respiration apparatus was poorly constructed and probably the results were of no value. I was interested to hear him say that he thought the castration of the pigeon was not to be compared with the cock, for the pigeon has no secondary sex characteristics being subsequently developed as does the cock, so I felt strongly that Riddle and I should do the cock.\nBased upon my visit to the Station Physiologique, the following problems came up in my mind, which I have already communicated to Dr. Riddle.\nPierre Gley felt that the castration of the pigeon was of a wholly different nature than that of the cock, probably less profound changes in body characteristics, since the pigeon would not develop any secondary sex characteristics. It was apparent, therefore, that in the study of castration one would a priori expect to find relatively little change in the metabolism of the pigeon. I felt that Riddle and I should do the cock before and after castration. This brings up very sharply to my mind the fact that Riddle's laboratory is the only place where first-class avian metabolism is being done and there are a certain number of problems Riddle should do although they may not contribute directly to his main endocrine and genetic studies. Among them of course is the castration study above.","page":335},{"file":"p0336.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"336\nDe-winging birds. The influence of the extra protection afforded for heat loss by the heavy wing feathers and relatively large area of the wings, and the increased area of the body by including the relatively large wing area (both sides of the wing) make it important if possible to make studies on birds that have been de-winged. I know little if anything about the surgery of birds but I know that they are not at all liable to infection and hence it would not be impracticable to de-wing birds at a very early age, let them develop, and study the metabolism. It may be possible to de-wing adult birds and thus measure the metabolism before de-winging and then afterwards.\nBlinding of birds. The reported influence of hooding birds, their quietness and the influence on their metabolism leads one to believe that perhaps very much information could be obtained on the subject of light and its effect on metabolism by blinding birds.\nThis could, I think, be very simply done. Of course they would have to be fed in part by hand and yet a type of food may be developed that would allow them to feed themselves. The influence of blinding on the study of birds should be very significant. When one notes the peculiar head movements of birds in walking one wonders about the connection between eyesight and the semi-circular canals.\nI really feel that Riddle should consider at least these three problems very seriously.","page":336},{"file":"p0337.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"337\nPARIS. FRAMP.E-\nEcole Nationale Veterinaire at Alfort. Professor F. Maignon.\nVfe had seen Professor Maignon at Rome and although he was not actively engaged in metabolism studies at this time I felt I should visit his Institute, as I had never been out to Alfort.\nAs a matter of fact, the visit there showed relatively little of direct importance to the Nutrition Laboratory but led to my getting in contact with a veterinary in Versailles. The laboratory at alfort is interesting historically as Chauveau worked there. There is a great deal of historical apparatus. None of Maignon's present problems interested me at all. He is enthusiastic and an interesting man to meet and we greatly enjoyed our social contacts with him and his family.","page":337},{"file":"p0338.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PARIS. FRAMCE.\n338\nProfessor Lafaye at Versailles.\nBlood pressure of large domestic animals. While calling upon Professor Maignon he told me of a Professor Lafaye of Versailles who had developed as a part of his thesis an apparatus for determining the blood pressure of horses and cows. Realizing in our work at Durham the high metabolism of these animals and that for its explanation it needs a consideration of every physiological factor, I thought here perhaps we have the first satisfactory measurement of blood pressure without cannula in the artery. I made a special trip to Versailles and had a most interesting afternoon with Dr. Lafaye. The apparatus was a cuff that could be dilated by pressure and the pulsations of an oscillometer read. Dr, Lafaye was good enough to drive me some distance to a large breeding farm and there demonstrated on two horses and showed the practicability of this method. The apparatus was not quite ready for the market but I expect to hear from him before long.\nOf considerable interest to me was the fact that the horses reacted differently. For example, one of the horses that he measured was the greatest race horse in France and had won for his owner something like 2,000,000 francs. This horse stood quietly all through the blood pressure measurement as if it were a part of the day's work and entirely indifferent to the whole proceedings.\nOn the other hand, rather a scrub horse danced and pranced around and showed the necessity of at least training the animals into these measurements. Finally the measurements were made without the slightest difficulty on a cow that had just come in from the fields, had never seen the operator or had the cuff adjusted on the leg.\nI was impressed more than ever before with the importance of the hydrostatic level in these blood pressure determinations. Thus, when the horse is standing and the point at which the measurement is made is on the leg right at the elbow, so to speak, there is considerable difference between the level and the heart at this particular point. Similarly they find large differences in blood pressure whether the animal is standing or lying. The same is true with regard to cows and hence measurements reported must include a record of the posture of the animal. The whole procedure seemed eminently satisfactory for Durham work and I hope to have it installed there in the near future.","page":338},{"file":"p0339.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PARIS. FRANCE.\nLectures.\n339\nIn Paris I gave four lectures. The first of these was given on January 30th, before the Faculty of Medicine, and was entitled,\n\"Etudes recentes sur le m\u00e9tabolisme basal de l'homme.\" There was an attendance of 800 at this lecture.\nOn February 6th I gave a lecture for the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 de Biotypologie, at the Conservatoire National des Arts\u2014et\u2014Metiers, before an audience of 115. This lecture was entitled, \"Le m\u00e9tabolisme de base chez les races differentes.\"\nFebruary 7th I spoke before the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 de Chimie Biologique, at the College de France, to an audience of 155, giving the \"second\" lecture.\nThe \"first\" lecture was given on February 18th before the Faculty of Sciences at the Sorbonne, to an audience of 175. (There were announcements of all these lectures.)\nNewspaper clippings from the New York Herald and the Chicago Daily Tribune, with regard to my lectures in Paris, are appended herewith. (See pages 3 ^-333^0.)","page":339},{"file":"p0340.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"340\n\u25a0\t\u00a3 C^C i- i.x...\n","page":340},{"file":"p0340s0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"UNIVERSITE DE PARIS - FACULTE DE MEDECINE\nAnn\u00e9e scolaire 1932-1933\nM. le Docteur Francis BENEDICT, Directeur du Laboratoire de la Nutrition de lTnstitut Carnegie de Washington, \u00e0 Boston, fera, le Lundi 30 Janvier 1933, \u00e0 10 heures, au Petit Amphith\u00e9\u00e2tre de la Facult\u00e9, une conf\u00e9rence sur le sujet suivant :\n\u00c9TUDES R\u00c9CENTES S CR\nMETABOLISME BASAL\nL\u2019HOMME\nCette conf\u00e9rence sera accompagn\u00e9e de projections.\nLe Doyen de la Facult\u00e9 BALTHAZARD.\nil\nA 33. \u2014 Paris, lmp. administrative Centrale, A. rue de F\u00fcrsten ber g (61","page":0},{"file":"p0341.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"A. 1\nA JU\nooci\u00e9t\u00e9 de Biotypologie\tParis le ^rri,\n\u201c\u00f6f\u00a3l/IS33\nLe Secr\u00e9taire G\u00e9n\u00e9rai.\nMonsieur et Cher Coll\u00e8gue,\nComme suite \u00e0 la convocation que je vous ai adress\u00e9e pour la reunion de travail de la Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 de Biot^rpologie qui aura lieu le lundi 6 f\u00e9vrier (1) , je vous informe que M. le Professeur B\u00e9n\u00e9dict, Directeur de l\u2019Institut de la Nutrition de l\u2019Institution Carnegie (Boston U.S.A.) de passage \u00e0 Paris, a bien voulu accepter de faire \u00e0 notre r\u00e9union une communication sur\nLe m\u00e9tabolisme de base chez les races diff\u00e9rentes (avec projections).\n' 'r.h\t\u201c .\"\u25a0\u00bb .\t' y P \u2019\t\u2018\t\u2022\t\"\t, r.\nJe voue prie de croire,Monsieur et cher Coll\u00e8gue,\u00e0 l\u2019expression de mes sentiments les meilleurs.\nLe Secr\u00e9taire g\u00e9n\u00e9ral,\nJB- .\t, ,\t- .\t-a'\tHenri LAUGIER.\n(1) \u00e0 17 h.30, au Conservatoire National des Arts-st-M\u00e9tiers ,\n393, rue Saint-Martin ; salle D.","page":341},{"file":"p0342.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"O'\nSoci\u00e9t\u00e9 de Chimie Biologique\nCONF\u00c9RENCE\nM. le Professeur F. G. BENEDICT, Directeur du Laboratoire de la Nutrition de l\u2019Institut Carnegie, Boston, fera, \u00e0 la s\u00e9ance du Mardi 7 F\u00e9vrier, \u00e0 20 h. 30, au Coll\u00e8ge de France (amphith\u00e9\u00e2tre n\u00b0 8), une Conf\u00e9rence avec projections sur le sujet suivant:\nPhysiologie compar\u00e9e du m\u00e9tabolisme.\n","page":342},{"file":"p0343.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"343\nSoci\u00e9t\u00e9\nD E\nChimie Biologique\n\u2018Paris, le 2 F\u00e9vrier 1933\nLa prochaine R\u00e9union de la Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 de Chimie Biologique aura lieu le MARDI 7 F\u00c9VRIER, \u00e0 20 heures et demie, au Coll\u00e8ge de France, 7, Place Marcellin Berthelot. (Amphith\u00e9\u00e2tre n\u00b0 8).\nORDRE DU JOUR :\n\nAllocution pr\u00e9sidentielle.\nR. WOLFF et M. TRAIN. - Recherches exp\u00e9rimen-taies sur le microdosage du magn\u00e9sium dans les tissus animaux.\nR. WOLFF. - Microdosage du calcium dans les tissus animaux.\nConf\u00e9rence :\nF.-G. BENEDICT. - Physiologie compar\u00e9e du m\u00e9tabolisme.\nNOTA. \u2014 Les Membres de la Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 sont instamment invit\u00e9s \u00e0 faire conna\u00eetre, au Secr\u00e9taire g\u00e9n\u00e9ral, M. R. FABRE, 149, Rue de S\u00e8vres, Paris (15e), l\u2019\u00e9nonc\u00e9 des communications qu\u2019ils se proposent de faire \u00e0 la Soci\u00e9t\u00e9. Pour arriver en temps utile, leur avis doit \u00eatre parvenu au moins huit jours avant la s\u00e9ance. Cette mesure est indispensable pour la r\u00e9daction de l\u2019ordre du jour ; il demeure entendu quelle n\u2019atteint en rien le droit qu\u2019ont les Membres de la Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 de faire des communications non annonc\u00e9es.\nLes Membres de la Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 qui communiquent ou prennent la parole en s\u00e9ance sont instamment pri\u00e9s de remettre LE SOIR M\u00caME, au Secr\u00e9taire g\u00e9n\u00e9ral, une note pour servir \u00e0 la r\u00e9daction du proc\u00e8s-verbal.\nMunier, Paris - 2709","page":343},{"file":"p0344.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"344","page":344},{"file":"p0344s0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"R\u00c9PUBLIQUE FRAN\u00c7AISE\nUNIVERSIT\u00c9 DE PARIS\nFACULT\u00c9 DES SCIENCES\nCHAIRE DE\nGENERALE\nAnn\u00e9e scolaire 1932-1933\nM. le Professeur F. G. B\u00c9N\u00c9DICT, de Boston, Directeur du Laboratoire de la Nutrition de l\u2019Institut Carnegie de Washington, traitera,, en fran\u00e7ais, le sujet suivant :\nLa Physiologie des grandes Tortues et des Serpents et ses relations arec la Physiologie Humaine\nCette conf\u00e9rence, accompagn\u00e9e de projections, aura lieu \u00e0 l\u2019Amphith\u00e9\u00e2tre de Chimie (Sorbonne), le Samedi 18 F\u00e9vrier, \u00e0 15 h. 30.\nVu et approuv\u00e9 :\nLe Pr\u00e9sident du Conseil de VUniversit\u00e9 de Paris,\nS. CHARL\u00c9TY.\nLe Doyen de la Facult\u00e9 des Sciences,\nCH. MAURAIN.\nH. B. \u2014 Paris, lmp. administrative Centrale, 8, rue de Furstenberg (6*>","page":0},{"file":"p0345.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"THE NEW YORK HERALD, PARIS, SUNDAY, JANUARY 29, 1933\nCarnegie Snake Authority Talks Tomorrow in Paris\nj\nParis scientific authorities this week will hear results of 16 years of experiments by an American inquirer in a branch of medical science never studied by any other man\u2014the patholo gical relations between snakes and humans.\nThis unique scientist is Francis G. Benedict, of the Carnegie Institute, who lias concluded his researches with contributions regarded by medical men as being of fundamental value.\nHe has been lecturing on the subject in the chief European universities. To-\nProfessor Benedict when seen last evening. That is the Carnegie Institute\u2019s research establishment in Vila street, Boston, where the scientist and his assistants have conducted dangerous experiments on boa constrictors, pythons, rattlesnakes and other serpents for the advancement of medicine.\nWhile remarking that \u2018\u2018only exhaustive scientific dissertation\u201d could explain results of the highly complex experiments, Professor Benedict stated that his long study disclosed \u201cimportant indications for metabolism research,\u201d aiding medical science in its understanding of human pathology.\nOne of the most significant results of his researches was comparative experiments in which the temperatures of ordinarily cold-blooded snakes were raised to human fever degrees. With the aid of Dr. Raymond Ditmars, New York Zoo curator, rare specimens of serpents approximating human beings in weight were obtained for study. Frequently, Dr. Benedict and his assistants were in danger during their work Speaking a layman\u2019s language, Professor Benedict pointed out:\u2014\n\u201cThere\u2019s no truth in the Bible\u2019s assertion as to the wisdom of the serpent, file snake is probably the dumbest of j God s creatures. But study of its eu-1 nous and obscure relationship to the internal changes of the human body has given us fundamental aid in our knowledge of man\u2019s physical being.\u201d\nSnakes are good to eat\u2014for some people, the scientist stated. \u201cThe Australian bushman, who has a hard time finding sustenance, eats snake-meat with relish. It agrees with him and provides him with almost the only protein in his diet.\u201d\nFrancis G. Benedict.\nmorrow at 4 p.m. he will speak at the Facult\u00e9 de M\u00e9decine and February 7 at 8.30 p.m. at the Coll\u00e8ge de France.\nA story of one of the most curious laboratories in existence was told by","page":345},{"file":"p0346.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\u00ff ^\u00ef\u00a5CA GO DAILY TRTBDNE. TARIS, TUESDAY, JAXLARY 31, 1!)33.- -- \u2014 \u2014A - --\nDR. F.G. BENEDICT REVEALS SECRETS OF METABOLISM\nScientist Of Carnegie ' Institute Heard By Student Group\nDr. Francis G. Benedict of the Carnegie Institute gave a lantern slide lecture dealing- with his metabolism experiments over the past 16 years before a large group of students and scientific authorities at the Facult\u00e9 de M\u00e9decine yesterday afternoon.\nIn great detail, the doctor told of the experiments held by the nutrition clinic with the aid of the most delicate instruments in registering- the metabolistic changes over periods lasting a lifetime with all races, ages and sexes. Comparative charts were shown at the ! lecture giving- an idea of the conclusions I arrived at.\nDr. Benedict demonstrated that meta-I holism varies according- to age, race, j weight, sex and height, and even until I this day medical authorities, he said, are:\n' at a loss to give any logical reasons for these differences.\nIn his lecture Dr. Benedict pointed out that metabolism is more active in men than women, and that the process \u2018s retarded with aging-. Dr. Benedict also stated metabolism was much more active among- American men and women than among other races.\nHe will give two -other lectures, one at the College de France on. February 1 at 8:30 o\u2019clock and a second at the Sorbonne on February 18 at 3:30 o'clock.","page":346},{"file":"p0347.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"347\nAmerican medical students in Europe.\nMy attention was frequently called, while en tour, to the presence of a large number of American medical students in Europe, particularly in Germany and Switzerland. It seems that one of the steamship companies organized a special propaganda in America for students to study in Germany, pointing out that they could obtain their medical training much cheaper there than at home. The result was that a large number, I am told 1500, went over to Germany in the fall of 1952, most of them Jews. Most of them had been unable to enter class A medical schools in the United States, or were men who had entered only after the quota for each school had been filled.\nIn Hamburg and Berlin I had heard of the influx of American students and rather disheartening stories with regard to their calibre, but in Leipzig I found the laboratories overcrowded with American students, practically all Jews. In Basel I saw another large group, and indeed I was asked to speak in English particularly to these groups before giving my lecture.\nThis experience led to a number of interesting points, one being that they seemed to infer that for the most part these American students were of poor quality. This was particularly true in German universities, but less so in Switzerland. In fact, there was no criticism of them at Basel. Secondly, it was pointed out that in Germany the fees paid by these students constituted only a small part of the amount spent by the university, and hence the government, for their education.\nHence there was a tremendous draft upon German resources. I was told that it cost the German government 1200 Marks per year to educate these men and the students pay only 250 Marks. It was pointed out that the German universities had no limiting clause; that is, they must take all who apply. The students were allowed to train and could not be \"kicked out\" until they had been there for nearly a year and a half, at which time they were subjected to an approval or estimate, and if they were falling off they were not allowed to remain. Efforts are now being made to change this law. Another point is that so many students are out of work, and they would rather loaf in the laboratory than loaf on the street.\nThis whole matter was subsequently taken up by me and sent to the New England Journal of Medicine in a letter, a copy of which is appended herewith. (See page 34^.)","page":347},{"file":"p0348.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"VOL,. 20* NO. 16\nEDITORIAL DEPARTMENT\n857\nCORRESPONDENCE\nOBSERVATIONS ON MEDICAL EDUCATION IN EUROPE\nCarnegie Institution of Washington Nutrition Laboratory 29 Vila Street, Boston, Massachusetts\nApril 6, 1933.\nManaging Editor,\nThe New England Journal of Medicine,\nI have been extremely interested in reading the editorial in the March 30 number of The New England Journal of Medicine, on \u201cForeign Dumping on Massachusetts.\u201d\nHaving just spent six months in Europe, lecturing in practically all of the large European universities, I had occasion to see a great many American students. The situation is in many ways extraordinary. The countries where most American students have gathered have been Germany and to a certain extent Austria. I was told that one of the large transportation companies had made a campaign and had succeeded in bringing over I think about fifteen hundred American students. German professors reported that almost invariably they were of a quality below what they had been accustomed to see in American medical students. They told me also that many of these men were men who had failed to secure admission to the regular American schools. It was not made clear whether- they had failed to pass the admission examinations and hence were not intellectually prepared for this work or whether they had not been able to be in the selected group that had been chosen for admission to any of our schools. Unfortunately they reported to me that they were on the whole not a particularly satisfactory group.\nI tried to see as many as I could of them, and very many of them attended my lectures and I was able to speak to a good many afterwards. In some cases the professor asked me to address the American students in my audience in English before giving my lecture in either German or French. The general tenor of my remarks was to the effect that I was very much distressed to hear that the men had not, for the most part, come up to what had been expected of American students; that just at that time there was a controversy going on in New York with regard to the admission to practice of graduates of foreign universities, and I emphasized to these students that they must so comport themselves, both in the clinics and out, as to show what serious American students could be, and secondly, when they came back to America they must return so well trained that there could be no discussion as to the qualifications of graduates of certain European schools for practicing in America. My personal contacts with them were most pleasant; in fact, the groups that I met rather belied the impression that they were below par. I frankly discussed this with them and not\na few admitted that they were over there purely as a matter of expediency.\nThere is one phase of your editorial that I think is perhaps misleading, that is, the economic side of it. As a matter of fact, each American student in a German university costs the Government close on to 800 marks per semester over and above what the student pays, which I believe is only about 200 marks. A number of professors bemoaned the fact that they had no means of disposing of these men until they had been at the university for nearly a year and a half, when their first examination took place. Only when they failed in that examination could they be sent out from the university. The result is that the situation is extremely complex and economically not to the advantage of German universities.\nIn striking contrast to the German situation is the American group at present studying in the Swiss universities. There they have made a very fine impression and are, I believe, very welcome.\nIn France the situation is much the same as in Germany, only the influx of students is not so much from America as from the eastern states, particularly Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, but the French professors, while they all recognize that these students are a heavy drain financially upon the French Government, yet feel their definite obligation to medical education in making it possible for these men to partake of the advantages in the French schools.\nWith best regards, I am Very truly yours,\nFrancis G. Benedict, Director.\nP. S.: You might possibly be interested in the type of work I was doing in Europe and the series of lectures I gave, and I am enclosing the printed outline of the three lectures.\nEditorial Note: The work referred to by our esteemed correspondent is under the general title of \u201cThe Physiology of the Great Tortoises and Snakes and Its Relation to Human Physiology.\u201d His subheads indicate a broad conception of the problems involved.","page":348},{"file":"p0349.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"349\nEDITORIAL, DEPARTMENT\n853\nVOD. 208 NO. 16\ntion. Something may be gained from the dissemination of knowledge of contraceptive measures, but unfortunately those who should not have children are least likely to employ voluntary contraception.\ne should at least recognize this danger that threatens to replace our population with a race of feeble-minded ; we must study its causes and the sources from which it springs. If we wait too long, this viper that we have nourished may prove our undoing.\nMEDICAL EDUCATION ABROAD AND AT HOME\nThe letter of Dr. Francis G. Benedict, appearing on page 857 of this issue, will relieve some of the apprehension expressed in the editorial of this Journal of March 30 last, but there are definite indications of a modicum of truth in the expectation of having physicians who are educated abroad apply for registration in Massachusetts in considerable numbers.\nAlthough Dr. Benedict was impressed by the appearance and spirit of many of these students, there may be a lower stratum even among these groups, as is sometimes found in most medical schools. It is well known that hundreds of young persons desirous of practicing medicine are unable to secure admission to the medical schools of the United States and are studying abroad. It may happen that some, and it is a reasonable fear that there will be a considerable number, will not be able to qualify for examination in most of the states of this country and yet can meet the low requirements of the present Massachusetts law.\nIf rejected in other states, it would be reasonable to expect that such disappointed doctors will regard this Commonwealth as a possible resource. Under such circumstances Massachusetts will be the choice, for most graduates wish, and some will need, to get into practice as soon as possible.\nMassachusetts will not be in a position to exercise discriminatory power unless her legislators have a change of heart. Her policy is to open her doors to many who cannot secure recognition in any other state.\nWell-educated physicians will always be welcome here. There are more than enough of the indifferent class.\nEven those members of the Legislature who naturally would vote for better statutory requirements respecting medical education are pessimistic respecting prospects for endorsement of the recommendations of the Board of Registration in Medicine.\nThere is no doubt but that the future will see changes for the better but this is not likely until the general public shall have come to realize the great importance of a body of practitioners,\ncomparatively well equipped to deal with the health of the people.\nOur leaders are striving for this awakening but it will be deferred unless the nearly five thousand better equipped doctors unite in an educational campaign.","page":349},{"file":"p0350.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"350\nActive centers for metabolic research.\nMaking such a wide survey of institutions, it naturally follows that certain of these institutions challenge attention as especially active centers for metabolic research. In the first place one was rather disappointed by the fact that so few outstanding institutions or laboratories were actively engaged in metabolic research. A number of the places visited were hardly worth while from the standpoint solely of what one could get for the Laboratory. Every place I visited I felt that I had left considerable for science as a whole. Of these active centers those which at present are most worthy of visiting from the standpoint of current Nutrition Laboratory interests are Stockholm, Lund, Copenhagen, Aberdeen, Cambridge, Utrecht, Dortmund, Leipzig, W\u00fcrzburg, Budapest, Belgrade, Z\u00fcrich, Berne, Basel, Strasbourg, and Paris.\nNow in the order of importance for the Nutrition Laboratory's activities I have attempted to arrange a few of these but it is very difficult, so this must be considered only a tentative, rough approximation. In the last analysis we must also realize that the importance of these centers is determined not by magnificent equipment and by tradition, but by the active personality and capacity of individual men working there, such as Dortmund. There, in a magnificently equipped laboratory, is a splendid man, Atzler. On the other hand, at Belgrade we have no equipment but a splendid man, Giaja. Bearing this in mind, to a person visiting Europe for metabolism purposes I should suggest approximately the following order.\nCopenhagen, with the laboratories of Krogh, Lindhard, Mpllgaard, Sorensen, Henriques, and Ege.\nParis, with the laboratories of Andre Mayer and his assistants, particularly Plantefol, the Pasteur Institute with Bertrand and Le Compt-du-Nouey, the hospital of Marcel Labbe'\u2019, and for children the clinic of Nobecourt and his assistants.\nUtrecht, with the magnificent institute of Noyons presided over by one of the greatest geniuses in Europe, Noyons himself.\nAsl,\nDortmund, with \u2022\u00ab*- almost stupendous institute with equipment and staff of very fine men and directed by one of the strongest men in Europe, Atzler.\nStrasbourg, with its much more modest equipment but the splendid school of Schaeffer and his associates.\nBasel, with the personality and equipment of Verzar.\nAberdeen, with first and foremost the personality of Macleod, and secondly the Rowett Institute with its corps of men, Magee and others.","page":350},{"file":"p0351.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"351\nFinally I must include Belgrade with no equipment whatsoever, but on the other hand a very extraordinary group of men like Giaja and his associate, Gelineo, and the pathologist, Chahovitch, and Burian with the biochemical slant.\nThe interest in metabolic research varies enormously in the different countries. For the past two decades I have never failed to be surprised at the complete indifference to metabolism measurements exhibited in Great Britain so far as the clinic is concerned.\nIn physiology Hill has done a great deal of work on respiratory exchange, much of it subsequently debated, but it has stimulated a great deal of research. Clinical basal metabolism is dead. There is no interest in it. The letter files of the Nutrition Laboratory will show frantic efforts on our part to secure the measurement of the basal metabolism of people returning from India to Great Britain in connection with a study of acclimatization. In spite of the past studies of Haldane and Pembrey and the remarkably ingenious methods of Douglas, there is still practically no use of these techniques in Great Britain.\nIn Germany on the other hand there is a tremendous interest in metabolism, although by no means approaching the hysterical wave passing over America with its nearly ten thousand different basal metabolism apparatus. Still I think it is fair to state that in German centers basal metabolism is seriously considered. In England they would be satisfied with blood pressure and heart count. Even in Switzerland, the home of the goiter, I did not find as great an interest in basal metabolism as I would expect. Certain clinics, notably that of de Quervain, had of course their metabolism sections to follow their operations.\nBasal metabolism as a hospital routine examination for all\nentering patients. On my tour one of my missions was to awaken interest in basal metabolism not only in studying endocrine disturbances but more particularly to start the ball rolling toward the idea of introducing basal metabolism measurements as a routine measurement in the admission of every patient to a hospital. The technique for basal metabolism has been simplified to what I believe is the last step.\nThe conditions important for basal measurements are for the most part easily obtained, that is, no food for twelve hours and the subject lying quietly for at least one half hour. Mental repose is not so easy to secure, and the influence of psychic disturbance and mental repose is very definite even with well-trained subjects. All technical details that contribute toward a psychic equanimity are moves in the right direction.","page":351},{"file":"p0352.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Thus the Nutrition Laboratory's introduction of the helmet with its free, untrammelled breathing, full vision, and light closure around the neck is a welcome replacement for the saliva-stimulating mouthpiece or the tightly bandaged face mask. This apparatus I described in one of my lectures. The helmet likewise does away with all work of the lungs in opening and closing valves, but what is more important from the standpoint of the operator, the latest modification of the apparatus has become a direct-reading instrument. By introducing a rotamesser in the oxygen supply line, one can read directly the oxygen consumption for each minute. I found that this apparatus attracted a good deal of attention but there was no great enthusiasm over the idea of introducing it as routine hospital procedure. If this is accomplished in ten years I shall feel satisfied. Personally I feel it must ultimately prove its true value.\nIt is believed that another important procedure can be introduced, in that the subject should not be lying. It is a psychological fact that a patient sitting up will seemingly react far less to mental disturbance than when lying completely flat. The metabolism of well-trained subjects, it is true, is slightly higher when sitting up than when lying down. On the other hand, if the subject is well supported by pillows, such as for example in an English \"club\" chair or a well arranged steamer chair or reclining chair, this difference is wholly insignificant. Consequently it has been my tendency to recommend that metabolism measurements in the clinic be made if possible when sitting or in a semi-reclining position with the helmet and not with the mouthpiece.\nAbove everything else it is imperative that each person attempting to interpret basal metabolism measurements must from previous experience, preferably on himself and a number of laboratory (not hospital) normals, know what in the first place is normal and secondly, what are the variations that can be expected with the normal individual. If these two important points can be bettered, first, better technique employed, i.e., the helmet and semi-reclining position, and second, that the interpreter have personal experience on the apparatus, it is fully believed that the basal metabolism will be one of the most important adjuncts in the clinic. It is the only measurement of the level of vital activity.\nThe metabolism of animals.\nIn the survey of metabolism studies in Europe I found various laboratories with more or less activity with different groups of animals, and it may be of interest to classify them in the following way.\nCold-blooded animals. Practically nothing is being done in the gaseous metabolism of cold-blooded animals. One finds everywhere frogs, but only in the laboratory of Terroine are metabolism studies active and these in the line of nitrogen metabolism.","page":352},{"file":"p0353.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"353\nSmall animals. Mice and white rats are extensively used in studies of vitamins and the endocrines, and in special studies, as for example the unusual researches of Gia ja on the reaction of animals to temperatures of the environment, especially extreme cold. Rabbits are much used at the laboratory of Schaeffer of Strasbourg and Wiegner of Z\u00fcrich is doing all his work on the nutritive value of certain foodstuffs on rabbits. Pigeons are being employed by Kayser in Strasbourg.\nDogs. I was astounded at the relatively small number of dogs I saw being used. Not infrequently one found a single dog being used in metabolism work, but nowhere was there an extensive study. Hari in Budapest, Szarkall in Dortmund, and likewise Karl Thomas, were studying dogs, but very few others.\nLarge animals. Figs were being studied by M^llgaard, at present chiefly engaged in the mineral metabolism, but he has a respiration chamber for them. Deighton in Cambridge has studied the direct calorimetry of the pig. Cows and steers have been studied extensively in Copenhagen and likewise in Leipzig by Fingerling, who has a very complete equipment. I do not recall seeing anywhere sheep confined to a respiration chamber. There were a number in metabolism stalls in Fingerling*s laboratory. I saw no place in Europe where the gaseous metabolism of the horse had been studied, certainly not in recent times.\nMetabolism of humans.\nRest experiments and normal basal metabolism. I recall no place where such experiments for normal data were in progress.\nWork experiments. These were being actively carried out at Dortmund and particularly at Copenhagen by Krogh, Lindhard, and Christensen.\nPathology. Usually I found the technique was very poor and too much emphasis was laid upon one or two experiments. Perhaps the best illustrations, certainly of different hospital cases, were those in the clinic of Labbe/ in Paris, although I was anything but satisfied with his technique.","page":353},{"file":"p0354.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"354\nWh2 is there so little attention given to\nnormal basal metabolism in Europe?\nI found myself asking this question frequently. Why is it? Then I ask, is it because the apparatus is badly constructed or is it because the results are poorly interpreted? As a result of the summation of the many laboratories I have come to the conclusion that the Douglas method, while ideal in many cases, is too complicated for successful introduction in the clinic.\nThe Knipping apparatus is likewise altogether too complicated, although it has the value of writing graphically the total carbon dioxide as well as the oxygen. The Krogh apparatus ought to be exactly as good as the Nutrition Laboratory apparatus. There are certain objections to the larger area of its spirometer and particularly its wedge-shaped form and the curved nature of the writing on the kymograph, calling for a special curved measuring rule for this, but there is no reason why the Krogh apparatus should not be as good as our own form.\nThere is one very definite outstanding point, that is, that the interpretation of the measurements is always loose. In the first place the technicians are too careless about th\u00e9 basal conditions of the subject. It may be that the measurements are made 12 hours after the last meal and the subjects may be lying down, but whether there is both muscular and psychic repose is very doubtful. With the mouthpiece or face mask, etc., there is not a little apprehension if not real discomfort, but on top of all this is the fact that the results when obtained are very poorly interpreted. In the first place they do not know from previous experience what normal values are and what is the variability of the normal. They are taking so-called \"standards\" as if they were as rigid as steel bands. One is always reminded of the small mark on the Fahrenheit thermometer at 98.6\u00b0, considered as normal temperature. This small mark has become a real fetish.","page":354},{"file":"p0355.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Special observations of immediate importance to\nthe Nutrition Laboratory's activities\u00ab\nAs outlined in the early part of this report, I was disappointed in the relatively small amount of new, valuable material that could be brought back, so to speak, or of immediate practical use. The great economic depression in Europe has affected profoundly the activities of the various laboratories and there was an astounding dearth of work in most of the countries. Consequently the specific points of special value to the Nutrition Laboratory are relatively few.\nMaking intimate personal visits to the laboratories with photographic appliances, notebook, and sketch book, one is always on the lookout for betterments of technique that can be applied in Nutrition Laboratory procedures. Certain techniques were especially noted, among them the following.\nHydrogen for check tests of respiration chambers. It has been the custom of the Nutrition Laboratory to rely upon the combustion of alcohol in the respiration chambers and respiration calorimeters.\nIt has furthermore been the custom to bum that amount of alcohol that will result in the production of carbon dioxide and absorption of oxygen approximating that of the particular animal to be studied in the chamber; that is, with the mouse there is a very small combustion of alcohol, so small that it is difficult to maintain a flame. With larger animals it is simpler and with man the technique has been thoroughly worked out. In the case of large ruminants and horses the amount of alcohol to be burned quantitatively to represent their total metabolism and the complete combustion of such amounts of alcohol is a great difficulty and we do not attempt at Durham to check the chamber by burning alcohol. In the large respiration chamber (the group chamber) in Boston we have constructed and used a multiple Argand burner for alcohol but it was not particularly successful.\nAt Durham we confine ourselves to so-called gas cheeks, introducing known weights of carbon dioxide from a bottle of liquefied gas.\nIdeally, burned alcohol is the best substance, for the combustion per gram of alcohol equals the production of a definite amount of carbon dioxide and the absorption of a definite amount of oxygen.\nM^llgaard at Copenhagen in his large chamber for cows has always used burning hydrogen. This is admitted in a very simple way from a cylinder of compressed gas, passing the gas through a calibrated wet gas meter, and burning the gas at a simple jet. By this process one obtains the oxygen deficit but no carbon dioxide. M^llgaard emphasizes the value of this strongly and it is quite likely that we should take this up at Durham.","page":355},{"file":"p0356.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Blood sugar in cows and ruminants. The course of the blood sugar 7*ith ruminants, indicating possibly the absorption of carbohydrate in the body, is of special interest to us, for we have noted at Durham a relatively high metabolism per square meter of surface area of cows and steers. One of the explanations offered for this is the old theory of Grouven that carbohydrates are absorbed into the intestinal tract not as carbohydrate but they are first reduced by fermentation in the paunch to the lower fatty acids. Thus the organism is flooded, so to speak, with fatty acids that probably stimulate cell activity or metabolism. Further study of this problem is imperative. After giving a very large supply of carbohydrate what is the course of the blood sugar curve? What is the course of the fatty acid curve?\nOne of the problems is to decide what is the blood sugar as compared to the total reducing substances in the blood.\nI found at Lund a potentially important method, developed by Dr. Lehmann, using small amounts of blood and capable of being carried out with great rapidity, which gave a lower sugar content than the Hagedom-J en sen method, and it was assumed that the difference between these two represents the non-sugar reducing substances. I hoped this method could be applied to Durham but it has not been sufficiently perfected to be put out. At Aberdeen, Macleod and his associate,\nMagee, have been actively interested in the blood sugar of cows, sheep, and fowl, using the Hagedorn-Jensen method and making a study precisely of the problem outlined above, that is, the course of the blood sugar if carbohydrate is ingested. They are still actively engaged in this and I feel that Durham must keep closely in touch with them, as their ultimate findings should be of greatest value in interpreting the total metabolism results.\nA quantitative study of the heart impulse. At the Congress at Rome Atzler of Dortmund showed a dielectric method for studying the capacity of the heart to show the minute volume of blood. Shortly after this I was in Stockholm and saw a special design of a chair used by Dr. Abramson, registering photographically the impulse beats of the heart, much like the impulse bed used in former years by Professor Yandell Henderson and I believe first reported about the time of the Pike's Peak Expedition. Abramson's curves \"seemed\" very closely related to those found by Atzler.\nAt the Nutrition Laboratory we have often noted when standing on the upright Chatillon balance the impulse of the heart. It occurred to me that we could extend the axis of the pointer and attach a small mirror and photograph these impulses, considerably magnified. When the subject is either standing or sitting on a chair one can obtain an extremely simple method for getting these heart impulses that might prove of clinical value. The study can be made very inexpensively and is worth while doing.","page":356},{"file":"p0357.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"357\nCooling ingoing air to the helmet\u00ab During the summer season it is necessary to provide some cooling arrangement for the air entering the helmet, although when dry air is returned to the helmet the cooling power of the air in vaporizing water from the forehead and face is usually sufficient to keep the subject comfortable, especially in rest experiments. During work experiments artificial cooling is necessary. At the laboratory of Krogh in Copenhagen I saw an extremely simple device for this purpose. Krogh had enclosed in a wooden case a Ford automobile radiator which was connected with the water supply of the laboratory, which at that time (in the fall of 1932) was down to 10\u00b0 C. This method, it seems to me, is perfectly plausible for us. One can vepy simply put a small ice reservoir on top and have even greater intensity of cooling.\nThe electric psychrometer. One of our largest problems at the present time is the relationship between the water of vaporization and the total heat production of various animals, including humans. Where the entire ventilating air circuit is passed through absorbing bottles it is possible to weigh the water vapor given off by a man or animal. With the chamber at Durham it has been necessary to rely upon wet and dry bulb psychrometers for this measurement. While at the University of Utrecht, in the laboratory of Professor Noyons,\nI saw an extremely clever electrical psychrometer made of thermojunctions connected with a potentiometer and galvanometer. Technically it appeared perfect, as do all of Noyons\u2019 apparatus, so four electrical psychrometers were ordered along with a potentiometer, the idea being to introduce this electrical method at Durham if possible and take rapid, frequent readings of the difference between the wet and dry bulb. During the spring of 1933 a number of experiments were made in Boston under my direction by Mr. Coropatchinsky, in which, however, the comparison between the electrical psychrometer and the absolute weighing method of absorbing the air in sulphuric acid was very unsatisfactory.\nSampling alveolar air. A device has been developed by Noyons for sampling alveolar air and I think this can be of considerable use to us in connection with our proposed study of the relationship between the temperature of expired air and the body temperature.\nNoyons has a small copper can, something like our so-called \"pipe of peace\", covered with a bathing cap and a pipe leading to the mouth. The bathing cap when deflated lies flat; when it is fully distended it releases a trigger which in turn dislocates a weight directly connected to the handle of an inverted glass syringe, the so-called Luer syringe of about 200 c.c. capacity. When this weight is released the piston falls immediately and draws in the sample of air. The piston is not released until the subject has given the maximum expiration.\nAt the Nutrition Laboratory we have made preliminary studies using the spirometer and graphic tracings of the expired air in connection with a curve for temperature of expired air to establish","page":357},{"file":"p0358.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"358\nthe relation between the volume of air and its temperature. I feel sure a simple device like Noyons' will serve to show to clinicians the point at which the temperature of the expired air should be read and indeed \"cut in\" the electric circuit and galvanometer at just the proper moment to meet the maximum temperature.\n**\nThe rotamesser. This instrument, first seen by me a number of years ago at Noyons' laboratory and rarely found outside of that laboratory and practically never in America, is to my mind one of the most ingenious and important instruments that can be used in a laboratory devoted to respiration. I made a special trip to Aachen from Brussels to visit the factory where this instrument is made.\nTwo forms are available. One is a non-calibrated form, the so-called \"rota-regulator\", and the other an instrument in which the relationships between the float, the calibrated, graduated tube, etc., are so exactly determined that one can use the instrument to know precisely the volume of air per minute passing through it at different levels of the little float.\nAlready since my return a number of experiments have been proposed and actually made in which the use of this instrument will simplify enormously certain laboratory procedures. For most of these procedures a rota-regulator, which is relatively inexpensive, can be used. For others the rotamesser, preferably calibrated by the man who is to use it, must be used. In any event no laboratory can afford to neglect the careful use of this most extraordinary instrument.\nBlood pressure of large domestic animals. One of the factors in the interpretation of the relatively high metabolism noted with large domestic animals is naturally a consideration of the heart rate and especially the blood pressure. The heart rate we have frequently recorded. The blood pressure has been neglected, for it usually calls for the introduction of a cannula with its attendant dangers. At Versailles I found a Dr. Lafaye who had developed, when carrying out his thesis under Professor Maignon at Alfort, a blood pressure cuff that can be attached to the foreleg of either horses or cows and connected with an oscillometer. With this one could read the blood pressure rapidly and correctly. This apparatus was not yet perfected although Lafaye was expecting the manufacturer to give him the final form shortly. It is needless to say that in studies at Durham such measurements would greatly help and I am still hoping to secure such an instrument.","page":358},{"file":"z0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","page":0}],"identifier":"lit39750","issued":"1907-1933","language":"en","title":"Reports of Visits to Foreign Laboratories, vol. 7 (1932-33) [Illustrated Typoscript in 7 volumes] Reproduced with the kind permission of Dr. Cecil E. Leith","type":"Manuscript","volume":"7"},"revision":0,"updated":"2022-01-31T12:55:59.761859+00:00"}