Open Access
{"created":"2022-01-31T13:25:39.516319+00:00","id":"lit8140","links":{},"metadata":{"contributors":[{"name":"M\u00fcnsterberg, Hugo","role":"author"}],"detailsRefDisplay":"Cambridge, Mass.: University Press of Cambridge, Mass.","fulltext":[{"file":"a0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PSYCHOLOGICAL LABORATORY\nOF\nHARVARD. UNIVERSITY.\nCAMBRIDGE, MASS. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY.\n1893.","page":0},{"file":"a0002.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"-ff^P---77?~\u00efj93-~\nHor 7/5; 95.72\u2014\n(Elntocrsitg \u00cfDrcss :\nJohn Wilson and Son, Camkuidok, U. S. A.","page":0},{"file":"a0003introduction.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"P 11 E F A G E.\nIt is hoped that this Catalogue, which is issued as a part of the Harvard Exhibit at the World\u2019s Fair, may prove useful in various ways. It attempts to give information about the equipment of psychological laboratories, to spread a more exact knowledge as to the purpose of Experimental Psychology, and to give an account of the opportunities offered to students at Harvard.\nOur Laboratory, which occupies the second story of Dane Hall, has been but recently established, and therefore our Catalogue is of necessity merely provisional. Nevertheless, the outfit is, even now, the most nearly complete that is anywhere at the disposal of students in psychology. It is adapted both to the courses in demonstration and exercise for beginners, and to original research by advanced students.\nThe need of explaining to larger circles the purpose of Experimental Psychology arises from the fact that many misapprehensions still exist, and should be corrected. Experimental Psychology is too often confused with experiments upon the brain by vivisection, with hypnotism, and even with spiritism. To counteract these misunderstandings and prejudices, there is given, not only a descriptive list of our instruments, but also, in Appendix A, a list of the original researches conducted in our Laboratory during the present year. This account of our experiments may also serve to correct the error, which is so prevalent, that Experimental Psychology is confined to the study of sensations and simple reaction-times. Association and attention, memory and judg-","page":0},{"file":"a0004.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"4\nPU 12 FACE.\nment, space and time, feelings and will, etc., \u2014 these are especially the problems to the study of which the work of the Harvard Laboratory is devoted. Here lies, no doubt, the future of Experimental Psychology.\nBut our chief desire is to give useful suggestions for establishing and improving psychological laboratories. With an increasing recognition that the results of Experimental Psychology are important, not only to psychologists and philosophers, but also to teachers and physicians, there is a growing desire for new laboratories ; and we are constantly called upon for information about the most important instruments, their prices, and where they may be obtained. The purpose of this Catalogue is to give such information, and by the classification of instruments according to their use, to secure to every branch of experimental study an adequate representation. Of course, other instruments may be substituted for many of ours, since Experimental Psychology is at an early stage, where every large laboratory must have an individual character. Too much emphasis cannot, however, be laid on the relative importance of Group IV., that of technical equipment.\nAppendix B supplies the Catalogue with the addresses of the most reliable manufacturers from whom such instruments may be obtained. And finally, Appendix C gives a list of references to the literature of Experimental Psychology which .will be found valuable in active laboratory work. The nature of this pamphlet limits the references to those books and articles which describe the apparatus and methods of psychological experiments. But even within, these narrow limits, it has been necessary to refer to only the more important contributions, and to give, even of these, merely general references rather than complete titles ; otherwise our Appendix would grow to be. a volume.\nHUGO M\u00dcNSTERBERG.","page":0},{"file":"p0004s0001.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"(CHAIN-REACTION EXPERIMENT.)","page":0},{"file":"p0004s0002.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Interior of a Laboratory Room.","page":0},{"file":"p0005.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PSYCHOLOGICAL LABORATORY.\nI. OBJECTS FOR ANATOMICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL DEMONSTRATIONS OE TIIE PHYSICAL BASIS OF MENTAL LIFE.\nA. BRAIN. a. Human Brain.\n1.\tLarge wire model, showing the fibres and the cerebral masses.\nAfter Aeby, by Bueclii, Bern. \u00a790.\n2.\tLarge clastic model, showing the course of the nerve-fibres\nthroughout the encephalic mass. After Luys, by Auzoux, Paris. \u00a775.\n3.\tNatural sized clastic model, showing the nerve-fibres on one\nhemisphere, and the cerebral ganglion masses on the other. After Luys, by Auzoux, Paris. \u00a75G.\n4.\tNatural sized clastic model. By Bock-Steger, Leipzig. \u00a79.\n5.\tLarge model, showing the convolutions. By Talrich, Paris.\n\u00a714.\n6.\tLarge model, showing horizontal section. By Talrich, Paris.\n$14.\n7.\tLarge model, seen from below. By Talrich, Paris. $14.\n8.\tLarge model of corpus callosum, seen from below. By Talrich,\nParis. $14.\n9.\tLarge model, showing median section. By Talrich, Paris. $14.\n10.\tLarge clastic model of cerebellum and spinal cord. By Auzoux,\nParis. $25.\n11.\tVertical section of head. By Bock-Steger, Leipzig. $6.\n12.\tModel of the head of adult male, brain exposed on the side. By\nCasciani, Dublin. $5.50.\n13.\tModel of the head of middle-aged female, brain exposed on the\nside. By Casciani, Dublin. $5.50.","page":5},{"file":"p0006.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"6\nHARVAliD UNIVERSITY.\n14.\tModel of the head of an aged man, brain exposed on the side.\nBy Casciani, Dublin. $5.50.\n15.\tModel of the head of elderly female, insane, brain exposed on the\nside. By Casciani, Dublin. \u00a75.50.\n10. Set of fourteen wax models, showing the development of the f\u0153tal brain. After Ecker, by Ziegler, Freiburg. $14.\n17.\tModel of the head of a seven months\u2019 f\u0153tus, brain exposed on the\nside. By Casciani, Dublin. $5.50.\n18.\tModel of the head of a child six months old, brain exposed on\nthe side. By Casciani, Dublin. \u00a75.50.\n19.\tModel of the head of a girl, brain exposed on the side. By\nCasciani, Dublin. \u00a75.50.\n20.\tCollection of human brains in alcohol.\n21.\tCollection of charts, showing sections of the brain, and forty-eight\nstereoscopic views of the central nervous system. After Debierre and Doumer, by Alcan, Paris.\nb. Vkrxhi'.rate Brains.\n22.\tSet of eight wax models, showing the phylog\u00e9nie development of\nthe brain. After Wiedersheim, by Ziegler, Freiburg. \u00a735.\n23.\tModel of the head of chimpanzee, brain exposed on the side.\nBy Casciani, Dublin. \u00a77.50.\n24.\tModel of the head of orang-utang, brain exposed on the side.\nBy Casciani Dublin. \u00a77.50.\n25.\tCollection of sheep brains in alcohol.\n26.\tCollection of charts showing development of brain, from gymnotus\nto mammal.\nB. SENSE-0 It GANS AND NEUVES. a. Anatomical Demonstration.\n27.\tHalf skull, with the seven first cerebral nerves in wax. By\nTramond, Paris. \u00a720.\n28.\tLarge clastic model of eye, divided by a vertical section. By\nAuzoux, Paris. \u00a720.\n29.\tLarge clastic model of eye, showing muscles, nerves, vessels, etc.\nBy Auzoux, Paris. \u00a719.\n30.\tClastic model of human eye. By Bock-Steger, Leipzig. \u00a76.50.\n31.\tSmall model of entire eye. By Browning, London. \u00a73.60.","page":6},{"file":"p0007.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PSYCHOLOGICAL LABORATORY.\n32.\tSet of nine was models of the eye, showing the embryological\ndevelopment of the vertebrate eye. After Mauz, by Ziegler, Freiburg. $14.\n33.\tStandard eyes for anthropological comparison. After Galton,\nby Cambr. Scient. Instr. Co. $11.00.\n34.\tLargo clastic model of the ear, showing the internal, middle, and\nexternal ear. By Auzoux, Paris. $30.\n35.\tLarge clastic model of the ear, showing especially the internal\near. By Brendel, Berlin. $19.\n36.\tLarge collection of histological preparations for microscopical\nstudy of brain, sense-organs, nerves, and muscles. By Bourgogne, Paris; Queen, Philadelphia; Kloenne and M\u00fcller, Berlin, etc.\n37.\tCollection of charts and large photographs in frame, showing\nanatomy of nerves and sense-organs. $20.\n/>. Physiological Dumonstuatiox.\n38.\tArtificial eye, consisting of glass water-tank, lenses, etc. After\nKuehn\u00e8, by Jung, Heidelberg. $16.\n39.\tThread model, representing rays of light, and demonstrating\neffects of astigmatism. After Knapp, by Meyrowitz, New York. $6.\n40.\tPhakoscope, for demonstrating accommodation of lens. After\nHelmholtz, by' Sittel, Heidelberg. $10.\n41.\tOphthalmotrope, demonstrating movements of the eye, and action\nof the different muscles which produce them. After Ruete, by Kohl, Chemnitz. $22.\n42.\tModel showing mechanism of the drum and bones of the ear.\nAfter Helmholtz, by Jung, Heidelberg. $11.\nN. B. \u2014 Compare Groups IV. A. B. Microscopes, instruments of dissection, etc.","page":7},{"file":"p0008.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"8\nIl Ail VA RD UNIVERSITY.\nII. APPARATUS FOR STUDYING THE SENSATIONS.\nA. HEARING.\n43.\tThe harmonica], furnishing 24 over-tones of C (GC) and the first 1G\nof c (132). . After Ellis, by Moore, London. $G5.\n44.\tOne large tuning-fork, giving from 32 to 48 vibrations. By\nKoenig, Paris. $G0.\n45.\tSet of twelve tuning-forks, with resonance-boxes, Ut2, Ut3, Mi3,\nSol3, La3, Ut4, .Mi4, Sol4, seventh harmonic of Ut2, Uts, Re., Mi3. By Koenig, Paris. $104.\n4G. One extra Ut4 tuning-fork and one Ut4 + four vibrations, with resonance-boxes. By Koenig, Paris. $14.\n47.\tFive tuning-forks, with resonators, tuned to the characteristic\nnotes of the vowels. After Helmholtz, by Koenig, Paris. $35.\n48.\tBow for vibrating tuning-forks. By Queen, Philadelphia. $4.\n49.\tSeries of ten resonators. After Helmholtz, by Koenig, Paris. $22.\n50.\tSeries of twenty-two steel cylinders, giving notes from Ut7 to UtI0\nby stroke of steel hammer. By Koenig, Paris. $30.\n51.\tApparatus for testing the appreciation of difference in musical\npitch. After Galton, by Carnb. Scient. Instr. Co. $50.\n52.\tLarge bellows, with regulator and wind-chest for twelve pipes.\nBy Koenig, Paris. $130.\n53.\tNine open wooden pipes, from Ut3 to Uf3, to be used with the\norgan-bellows. The Ut2 duplicated. By Koenig, Paris. $30.\n54.\tEight stopped pipes, giving tho scale from Ut3to Ut4. By Koenig,\nParis. $12.\n55.\tApparatus for studying tho non-musical intervals of sounds\nbetween 128 and 25G vibrations (Tonmesser). By Appunn, Hanau. $40.\n5G. Apparatus for studying the non-musical intervals of sounds between 25G and 512 vibrations. By Appunn, Hanau. $75.\n57.\tRevolving mirror, manomotric capsule, etc., for analyzing mano-\nmetric flames. By Koenig, Paris. $12.\n58.\tWhistle for determining highest limit of sound, after Galton. By\nKoenig, Paris. $5.\n59.\tDifferential sonometer, with weights. After Marloye, by Koenig,\nParis. $22.\n60.\tToothed wheel. After Savait, by Queen, Philadelphia. $G.\n61.\tSiren and toothed wheels, giving the same notes, with centrifugal\nmachine. By Kohl, Chemnitz. $14.","page":8},{"file":"p0008s0003.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Instruments for Experiments on Sight.","page":0},{"file":"p0008s0004.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Instruments for Experiments on Hearing.","page":0},{"file":"p0009.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PSYCHOLOGICAL LABORATORY.\n9\n62.\tEight electric bells of various pitches, from G to 16 ctm. in diam-\neter. By Brock, Cambridge. '$19.\n63.\tTwo electric bells, single stroke. By Brock, Cambridge. $6.\n64.\tSnappers for giving different qualities of short noises, three tele-\nphones, pistols, etc.\n65.\tLarge electric phonometer, producing noises of various intensities.\nAfter M\u00fcnsterberg. By Elbs, Freiburg.\n66.\tSmall phonometer. Made in the Laboratory.\n67.\tTvvq large boxes for tuning-forks impervious to sound, with ear\nappliances, etc. After Gilman, made in Cambridge. S25.\nN. B. \u2014 Compare groups, \u2014\nI. 15. Models of ear, etc.\nIII. A. Registering tuning-forks, etc.\nIII. B. Instruments for localization of sound. Time-sense.\nB. SIGHT.\n68.\tLarge color-mixer, with horizontal rotating disks, connected with\nfoot-machine. Six dozen colored-paper disks. After Hering, by Rothe, Prag. $30.\n69.\tApparatus for color-sense of the eccentric parts of retina, to be\nattached to Ilering\u2019s foot-machine. After Hering, by Rothe, Prag. $15.\n70.\tColor-mixer, adjustable under rotation. After Pillsbury, by\nBradley, Springfield.\n71.\tLarge color-mixer for four disks, two upon each spindle. After\nWundt, by Krille, Leipzig. $35.\n72.\tSet of color-disks, 60 ctm. in diameter. By Krille, Leipzig. $8.\n73.\tColor-mixer. After Galton, by Cambr. Scient. Instr. Co. $10.\n74.\tTwo color-wheels, with disks. By Milton Bradley Co., Spring-\nfield. $20.\n75.\tNewton\u2019s disk, 80 ctm. in diameter. By Queen, Philadelphia. $4.\n76.\tApparatus for mixing colors by mirrors and colored glasses.\nAfter Hering, by Rothe, Prag. $17.\n77.\tApparatus for mixing colors by the combination of colored gela-\ntine papers. After M\u00fcnsterberg, by Elbs, Freiburg. $20.\n78.\tThree boxes for mixing colors by reflection. Made in the\nLaboratory.\n79.\tSimultaneous contrast apparatus, with two prisms for binocular or\nmonocular investigation. After Hering, by Rothe, Prag. $10.\n80.\tSimultaneous contrast apparatus, with, colored glasses. After\nHering, by Rothe, Prag. $7.","page":9},{"file":"p0010.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"10\nHARVARD UNIVERSITY.\n81.\tInstrument for the recombination of parts of the solar spectrum.\nBy Kohl, Chemnitz. $15.\n82.\tInstruments for successive contrast, irradiation, etc. By Kohl,\nChemnitz. $G.\n83.\tApparatus for color after-images. After Hering, by Rothe,\nPrag. $18.\n84.\tChromatoskiameter. After Holmgren, by Rose, Upsala. $25.\n85.\tApparatus for diagnosing color-blindness. After Hering, by\nRothe, Prag. $25.\n86.\tApparatus for appreciation of color. After Galton, by Cambr.\nScient. Instr. Co. $17.50.\n87.\tApparatus for testing simulated blindness. After Snellen, by\nMeyrowitz, New York. $6.\n88.\tNachet\u2019s adjustable trial-frame. By Meyrowitz, New York. $10.\n89.\tTwo perimeters. After Landholt and Priestley Smith, by\nMeyrowitz, New York. $50.\n90.\tTwo hundred and fifty perimeter charts. By Meyrowitz, New\nYork. $5.\n91.\tApparatus for testing keenness of eyesight. After Galton, by\nCambr. Scient. Instr. Co. $26.50.\n92.\tSpectroscope. After Vogel, by Schmidt and Haensch, Berlin. $12.\n93.\tLarge glass prism, 15 x 10 ctm. By Queen, Philadelphia. $15.\n94.\tTwo smaller mounted prisms. By Duboscq, Paris. $15.\n95.\tSet of spectacles, with concave, convex, cylindrical, prismatic, and\ncolored glasses. By Miller, Boston. $10.\n96.\tExcelsior lantern. By Queen, Philadelphia. $54.\n97.\tMagic lantern. Stereoptieou screens. By Elbs, Freiburg. $20.\n98.\tGorham\u2019s kaleidoscope top. By Griffin, London. $6.50.\n99.\tMicrometric shutter for studying minute fields of color. After\nM\u00fcnsterberg. By Elbs, Freiburg. $42.\n100.\tMagnifying mirror. By Lloyd, Boston. $3.\n101.\tSet of Geissler tubes. $6.\n102.\tThirty plates colored glass. By Redding, Baird, and Co.\nBoston. $20.\n103.\tPrismatic spectrum charts in frame. By Prang, Boston. $5.\nN. B. \u2014 Compare groups, \u2014\nI. B. Models of eye, etc.\nIII. A. Apparatus for optical reaction time.\nIII. B. Apparatus for study of visual space-perception, etc.\nIII.\tC. Apparatus for study of optical recognition, discrimination,\n\u00e6stlietics.\nIV.\tA. lleliostat, photometer, microscopes, etc., colored papers, etc.","page":10},{"file":"p0011.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PSYCHOLOGICAL LABORATORY.\n11\nC. DERMAL AND MUSCULAR SENSATIONS.\n104.\tKinesimeter. After Hall, by Pfeifer, Baltimore. $81.\n105.\tTube for hot and cold spots. $2.50.\n106.\tSix \u00e6sthesiometric coinpasses. $12.\n107.\tSet of two hundred arrangements for studying number and\nextension of skiu sensations. After Nichols ; made in the Laboratory.\n108.\tInstrument for studying the fusion of touch sensations. After\nKrohn ; made in Cambridge.\n109.\tApparatus for testing appreciation of weight. After Galton, by\nCambr. Scient. Instr. Co. $25.\n110.\tDynamometer for showing strength of hands. By Verdin, Paris.\n$7.\n111.\tSalter\u2019s dynamometer for showing strength of hands. By\nCamb. Scient. Instr. Co. $4.\n112.\tSalter\u2019s dynamometer for showing strength of arms. By Cambr.\nScient. Instr. Co. $4.\nN. B. \u2014 Compare groups,\u2014\nIII. A. Instrument for toucli reaction, etc.\nIII. B. Apparatus for tactual space, movement presentations, etc.\nIII.\tC. Ergograpli, etc.\nIV.\tThermometers, atomizer, electric apparatus, etc.","page":11},{"file":"p0012.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"12\nH All V A\u00ef ID UNIVERSITY.\nIII. APPARATUS FOR STUDYING THE HIGHER PSYCHICAL PROCESSES.\nA. TIME MEASUREMENT OF MENTAL ACTS.\n113.\tKymograph. After Ludwig, by Cambr. Scient. Instr. Co.\n$175.\n114.\tRevolving drum. By Verdin, Paris. $60.\n115.\tTwo electric signals, one with tuning-fork attachment. After\nDeprez, by Verdin, Paris. $30.\n116.\tTwo tambours forgiving signals upon revolving drum. After\nMarey, by Verdin, Paris. $14.\n117.\tTwo connected tambours. After Marey, by Verdin, Paris.\n$25.\n118.\tLarge demonstration-drums, etc. Made in Cambridge.\n119.\tElectrical tuning-fork of one hundred vibrations. By Koenig,\nParis. $21.\n120.\tElectrical tuning-fork of fifty vibrations. By Verdin, Paris.\n$20.\n121.\tElectrical tuning-fork of ten vibrations. By Verdin, Paris.\n$30.\n122.\tRegistering tuning-fork of fifty vibrations, to be set in motion\nby a Bunsen aspirator. After Ewald, by Maier, Strassburg.\n$20.\n123.\tFour simple writing tuning-forks. By Kohl, Chemnitz. $15.\n124.\tMetronome, with electrical connection. After Kronecker, by\nVerdin, Paris. $9.\n125.\tIlipp\u2019s chronoscope, measuring one-thousandth part of a second.\nBy Peycr, Favarger & Co., Noufchatel. $71.\n126.\tControl hammer for Hipp\u2019s chronoscope. After Wundt, by\nKrille, Leipzig. $60.\n127.\tPendulum instrument for giving rhythmical electric 'contacts\nand short optical impressions, and for controlling the chronoscope. After M\u00fcnsterberg, by Elbs, Freiburg.\n128.\tChronoscope measuring the hundredth part of a second, by\nregistering the vibrations of a tuning-fork. After Ewald, by Maier, Strassburg. $-10.","page":12},{"file":"p0012s0005.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Instruments for Experiments on Perception of Space.","page":0},{"file":"p0012s0006.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Instruments for Time Measurements of Mental","page":0},{"file":"p0013.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PSYCHOLOGICAL LABORATORY.\n13\n129.\tClock measuring tlie hundredth part of a second, with spring\nand mechanical starter. After M\u00fcnsterberg, by Elbs, Freiburg. SCO.\n130.\tStop-watch giving only fifths of a second. By Kohl, Chemnitz.\nSC.\n131.\tReaction-time pendulum. After Galton, by Cambr. Scient.\nInstr. Co. $18.\n132.\tMachine for measuring reaction-time by a falling rod. After\nGalton, by Cambr. Scient. Instr. Co. $40.\n133.\tReaction-time instrument with vibrating arm and smoked slide.\nAfter Exner, by Heinitz, Wien. $8.\n134.\tLarge demonstration-chronoscope. After Wundt, by Krille,\nLeipzig. \u00a7100.\n135.\tFlash-light instrument, with electric contact. After Bowditch,\n, by Marie, Boston.\n13G. Drop-window, for the sudden exposure of colors, numbers, etc. By Elbs, Freiburg. $6.\n137.\tTouch-reaction instrument, with twenty different stimuli. By\nElbs, Freiburg. $20.\n138.\tTwo telegraph keys, with sounder. $5.70.\n139.\tFive simple telegraph keys. $10.\n140.\tElectric key. After Ewald, by Maier, Strassburg. $2.\n141.\tElectric key. After Dubois-Reymond, by Cambr. Scient. Instr.\nCo. $7.50.\n142.\tElectric key, combined with writing signal. Made in the\nLaboratory.\n143.\tReaction-key with fifty buttons. After Mliusterberg, by Elbs,\nFreiburg. $10.\n144.\tChain-reaction instrument for ten persons, each instrument pro-\nvided with five electric keys and five frames. After MUuster-berg, by Elbs, Freiburg. $200.\n145.\tSet of six hundred disks for the chain-reaction instrument. By\nCoop\u00e9r\u00e2t. Assoc., Cambridge, Mass. $16.\nN. B. \u2014 Compare groups, \u2014\nII. A, B, C. Instruments for optical, acoustical, tactual stimulation.\nIV. B. Electric apparatus, especially Elements, lllieochord, Commutator, etc.","page":13},{"file":"p0014.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"14\nHARVARD UNIVERSITY.\nB. PERCEPTION, SPACE, TIME.\n146.\tInstrument for investigating the1 power of the eye to compare\nlengths (Augenmassapparat). After M\u00fcnsterberg, by Elbs, Freiburg. \u00a720.\n147.\tInstrument for the optical reproduction of given lengths. After\nM\u00fcnsterberg, by Elbs, Freiburg. $10.\n148.\tInstrument for estimating the divisions of a line. After Galton,\nby Cambr. Scient. Instr. Co. $4.\n149.\tInstrument for estimating angular divisions. After Galton, by\nCambr. Scient. Instr. Co. $10.\n150.\t\"Wheatstone's stereoscope, with slides. By Queen, Philadelphia.\n$6.25.\n151.\tFive hand-stereoscopes. By Lloyd, Boston. $10.\n152.\tStereoscopic pictures. After Kroll, by Voss, Hamburg; and\nother sets.\n153.\tTwenty tin tubes, and pasteboard tubes for stereoscopic purposes.\n154.\tPseudoscope. After Ewald, by Maier, Strassburg. $6.25.\n155.\tPseudoscope. By Elliott, London. $5.\n156.\tTwo human concave masks, illustrating optical illusions.\n157.\tApparatus for showing appreciation of distance by convergence.\nMade in the Laboratory.\n158.\tIlaploscope. Made in the Laboratory.\n159.\tSet of charts, with optical illusions.\n160.\tZo\u00f6trope. $3.\n161.\tStroboscopic rotating disk, with Geissler\u2019s tube. After Poggen-\ndorff, by Kohl, Chemnitz. $11.\n162.\tArtificial waterfall. After Bowditeh ; made in the Laboratory.\n163.\tTwo large instruments for studying the muscle-sensations,\ntactual space, and the presentations of movement. After M\u00fcnsterberg, by Elbs, Freiburg. $80.\n164.\tApparatus for studying the perception of the position of'the\nbody. After Aubert ; made in Cambridge.\n165.\tApparatus for studying the localization of simultaneous equal or\nunequal sounds. After Miinslorbcrg, hy Elbs, Freiburg. $40.\n166.\tApparatus with electric contacts for studying the time-sense.\nAfter Schumann, by iJiodcrichs, Goettingen. $45.\n167.\tSound-hammer for experiments on time-sense. By Krille,\nLeipzig. $4.50.\n168.\tMetronome, with bell. $6.","page":14},{"file":"p0015.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PSYCHOLOGICAL LABORATORY.\n15\n1G9. Set of twenty-four instruments for studying space-sense in coordinated movements of both arms. After Bowditcli, by Marie, Boston.\n170.\tSet of balls of the same weight, but of dillerent sizes. By\nMarie, Boston.\nN. B. \u2014 Compare groups, \u2014\nII.\tA, B, C. Instruments for optical, acoustical, tactual impressions,\nmicrometric shutter, etc.\nIII.\tA. Kymograph.\nC. ASSOCIATION, ATTENTION, DISCRIMINATION, MEMORY, FEELINGS, EMOTIONS, WILL, etc.\n171.\tMaterial for studies in association (four hundred photographs,\npicture-books, large printed numbers, letters, words, etc.).\n172.\tEight sets of arrangements for studies in memory. Made in the\nLaboratory.\n173.\tInstrument for studies in association and memory. After\nM\u00fcnsterberg, by Elbs, Freiburg.\n174.\tInstrument for studying the complication of perceptions. After\nWundt, by .Krille, Leipzig. $38.\n175.\tInstrument for the study of the attention, two simultaneous\nimpressions being given to disparate senses. After A. II. Pierce ; made in the Laboratory.\n17G. Instantaneous shutter for association experiments. By Elbs, Freiburg. $7.\n177.\tRotatory chair for the study of dizziness, etc. After M\u00fcnster-\nberg, by Elbs, Freiburg. $40.\n178.\tSmall instrument for studying the movements during the\nemotions. By Elbs, Freiburg. $9.\n179.\tLarge instrument for the study of \u00e6sthetic forms and propor-\ntions. After M\u00fcnsterberg and Winner, by Elbs, Freiburg.\n$100.\n180.\tSix sets of arrangements for the study of \u00e6sthetic combinations\nof color. Made in the Laboratory.\n181.\tCercle chromatique de Charles Henry. $8.\n182.\tErgograph. After Mosso, by Corino, Torino. $30.\n183.\tPonograph. After Mosso, by Verdin, Paris, $20.\n184.\tMyograph. After Marey, by Verdin, Paris. $12.\n185.\tSphygmograph. After Marey, by Verdin, Paris. $15.","page":15},{"file":"p0016.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"16\nHARVARD UNIVERSITY.\n18C. Instrument for registering the pulse oE the two carotids at once. After Marey, by Verdin, Paris. $15.\n187.\tPneumograph. After Marey, by Verdin, Paris. $15.\n188.\tInstrument for studying the time-relations of voluntary move-\nments. After Loeb ; made in the Laboratory.\n189.\tApparatus for studying unconscious movements. $4.\n190.\tIiypnoscope. After Luys. S13.\nN. B. \u2014 In this group especially, everything depends upon unlimited combinations of almost all the instruments of the Laboratory.","page":16},{"file":"p0016s0007.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"Laboratory Room.","page":0},{"file":"p0016s0008.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"(INFLUENCE OF DIZZINESS ON LOCALIZATION OF SOUND.)","page":0},{"file":"p0017.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PSYCHOLOGICAL LABORATORY.\n17\nIV. TECHNICAL OUTFIT.\nA. OPTICAL AND MEASURING INSTRUMENTS.\n191.\tTwo Heliostats. By Kohl, Chemnitz. $40.\n192.\tPhotometer. After Bunsen and Toepler, by Kohl, Chemnitz. $12.\n193.\tMicroscope, with adjustment by graduated micrometer screw,\nAbb\u00e9 condenser, iris diaphragm, cylinder diaphragms, double nose-piece, objectives, 2, 4, 7, 9, eye-pieccs, i, iii, iv. By Leitz, Weimar. $96.\n194.\tMicroscope. By Hart & Praz, Paris. $60.\n195.\tSmall microscope. By Queen, Philadelphia. $12.\n196.\tPhotographic camera. . By Lerchours, Paris. $50.\n197.\tLarge and small reading-glasses. $5.\n198.\tCardboard and gelatine paper of various colors, two hundred\nsheets of colored paper, colored crayons, etc. By Milton Bradley Co., Springfield ; Prang, Boston, etc.\n199.\tLarge and small finely graded thermometers, six ordinary ther-\nmometers. $8.\n200.\tThree aerometers, measuring tubes for liquids, pipettes, etc. $4.\n201.\tMathematical drawing instruments, protractors, etc. $3.\n202.\tApothecary scale, with weights. By Whitall & Tatum, Boston.\n$12.\n203.\tBalance scale, spring letter-balance, etc. By Fairbanks, St.\nJohnsbury. $12.\n204.\tTwo sets of brass weights. By Kohl, Chemnitz. $13.\n205.\tInstrument for showing the variations of error from the average.\nAfter Bowditch, by Marie, Boston.\nN. B. \u2014 Compare groups, \u2014\nII.\tB. Spectroscope, magic-lanterns, etc.\nIII.\tA. Chronoscopes, registering tuning-forks, etc.\nB. ELECTRIC APPARATUS.\n206.\tEighteen Leclauche colls (Gonda). $18.\n207.\tThree G rouet cells. $13.50.\n208.\tSixteen Bunsen colls. $40.\n209.\tSix Grove cells. $10.50.\n210.\tLarge induction coil for producing sparks. By Kohl, Chemnitz.\n$50.\n211.\tInduction coil. Alter Dubois-Reymond, by Kriiger, Berlin. $30.\n212.\tElectro-magnetic machine. By Smith, New York. $17.\n213.\tSmall induction coil, with handles. By Elbs, Freiburg. $5.\n214.\tLarge electro-magnet. Made in the Laboratory.","page":17},{"file":"p0018.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"18\nHARVARD UNIVERSITY.\n215.\tRheochords. By Elbs, Freiburg ; by Krille, Leipzig, etc. $10.\n216.\tGalvanometer, with mirror, etc. After Nobili, by Kohl, Chem-\nnitz. $18.\n217.\tCompass galvanometer. $G.C0.\n218.\tCommutator for four currents. By Marie, Boston.\n219.\tTwo rocking mercury commutators. By Cambr. Scient. Instr.\nCo. $8.70.\n220.\tLarge set of electrodes, electrical connections, and wires (copper,\nplatina, brass, and iron ; coarse and flexible ; insulated, etc.). N. B. \u2014 Compare groups, \u2014\nIII.\tA. Electric chronoscopes, keys, tuning-forks, reactors, etc.\nIV.\tC. Mercury, acids, etc.\nC. SURGICAL, MECHANICAL, CHEMICAL OUTFIT.\n221.\tSurgical outfit (four pairs scissors, seventeen forceps, seventeen\nscalpels, fifteen probes, six silver probes, set of saws, scissor-pliers, hammers and chisels for dissecting, set of syringes, camel\u2019s hair brushes, etc.).\n222.\tGlass dissecting slabs.\n223.\tPigeon-holder. After Ewald, by Maier, Strassburg. $5.\n224.\tArrangement for smoking kymograph papers, and fixing the\ncurves in the shellac bath. Made in the Laboratory.\n225.\tCarpenter\u2019s bench, with full set of carpenter\u2019s tools (vice, scroll-\nsaw, etc.). $70.\n226.\tLarge grindstone.\n227.\tCollection of metal stands and rods, etc.\n228.\tHolder for prisms. By Kohl, Chemnitz. $3.\n229.\tUniversal holder. By- Cambr. Scient. Instr. Co. $10.\n230.\tGlass apparatus (tubes, rods, jars, funnels, etc.).\n231.\tRubber tubes (from two to twenty-five mm. in diameter),\nrubber bands, rubber atomizers, etc.\n232.\tPorcelain jars, basins, etc.\n233.\tBrass and copper sheets, nails, screws, hooks, pins, corks, straw,\nwadding, boards, boxes, cloth, linen, etc.\n234.\tChemical apparatus and reagents. $15.\n235.\tJar of mercury. $7.\n236.\tBlast lamp and bellows for glass blowing. $9.\n237.\tBunsen burner. $2.50.\n238.\tSet of soldering tools. $3.\n239.\tWater-motor. $16.\n240.\tEdison mimeograph, copying-machine. $20.25.\nN. B.\u2014 Some of the above-named instruments from Germany have been ordered, but will not arrive until fall.","page":18},{"file":"p0019.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"APPENDIX A.\nORIGINAL RESEARCHES CONDUCTED IN TUE HARVARD LABORATORY DURING TUE YEAR 1S92-1S93.\n1.\tA psychometric investigation of the fusion of sensations of touch.\nTwo persons.\n2.\tThe influence of auditory, olfactory, tactual, and other sense-\nstimuli upon the quality of very feeble visual sensations. Five persons.\n3.\tAn investigation of the relations between the sense of position\nand sensations of movement. Seven persons.\n4.\tThe localization of two or more equal or unequal simultaneous\nsounds. Five persons.\n\u00f6. An investigation concerning the means by which we are able to judge of the distance of sounds. Three persons.\nG. The origin and nature of perception of form and extension in the sense of touch. Two persons.\n7.\tAn investigation of the phenomena of dizziness in general, and\nespecially its relations to the localization of sound. Five persons.\n8.\tThe influence of the order of the parts of a visual presentation\non the time necessary for its recognition. Seven persons.\n9.\tStudy of the visual perception of rotation. Two persons.\n10.\tThe genesis of perception of number, especially in the sense of\ntouch. Four persons.\n11.\tThe influence of the content on the judgment of the length of a\ntime-interval, filled and limited by visual impressions. Ten persons.\n12.\tStudies on memory, especially the relation of disparate senses in\nrecollection, the comparative value of different contents, and the results of simultaneous and successive presentations. Eight persons.","page":19},{"file":"p0020.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"20\nHARVARD UNIVERSITY.\n13.\tA study of the comparative influence of vividness, repetition, and\nrecency on the process of association. Nine persons.\n14.\tThe time-relations of the association of isolated presentations as\ncompared with the association of presentations combined into sentences. Four persons.\n15.\tThe conditions under which dissociation of simultaneous percep-\ntions may occur. Six persons.\n1G. The influence of attention and distraction in changing the intensity of visual, auditory, muscular, dermal, and other sensations. Eight persons.\n17.\tThe discrimination-time of lines of different lengths, -\u2014 a psy-\nchometric study of the psychophysic law by the method of chain-reaction. Ten persons.\n18.\tTime-relations of negative judgments. Three persons.\n19.\tA study of elementary aesthetic forms and proportions with respect\nto the influence of content and position, more especially with reference to our sense of symmetry and compensation in the relation between intensity and interval. Six persons.\n20.\tThe \u00e6sthetic value of combinations of colors, and its dependence\nupon their positions and relative sizes. Seven persons.\n21.\tThe influence of sense-stimuli upon voluntary muscular action.\nTwo persons.\n22.\tThe influence of muscular fatigue on the psychical processes,\nespecially on the perception of just perceivable differences. Eight persons.\n23.\tThe influence of previous motor ideas in producing unconscious\nmovements during the execution of a later voluntary movement of a different kind. Two persons. \u2022","page":20},{"file":"p0021.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"APPENDIX B.\nADDRESSES OF THE MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDED FOR FURNISHING THE EQUIPMENT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL LABORATORIES, IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER.\nAnton Appunn. Hanau a. M., Germany, 12 Niirnbergerstrasse. Acoust. instr.\nAuzoux. Paris, 2 Rue Antoine-Dubois. Anatom, mod. (after Luys, etc.).\nBaltzar. Leipzig, 14 Karolinenstrassc. Physiol, instr. (after Ludwig, etc.).\nMilton Bradley Co. Springfield, Mass. Color, pap., etc.\nR. Brendel. Berlin, W., 56 Ansbacherstrasse. Anatom, mod.\nJ. D. Brown. Camden, N. J., 618 North Sixth Street. Psycho-log. instr. (after Cattell, Witmer, etc.).\nJohn Browning. London, W. C., 63 Strand. Opt. instr.\nBrunner. Paris, 59 Rue de Yaugirard. Opt. instr.\nF. Buechi. Bern, Switzerland, 34 Spitalgasse. Anat. mod. (after Achy.).\nThe Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company. Cambridge, England, St. Tibb\u2019s Row. Opt., acoust., electr. instr., kyrno^ graphs, anthropomotric app. (after Galton, etc.).\nL. Casciani & Son. Dublin, 32 Wellington Quay. Anat. mod. (after Cunningham, etc.).\nClay & Torbensen. Camden, N. J., 117 Front Street. Instr. of precision.\nAl.van Clark & Sons. Cambridge, Mass., 186 Brookline Street. Lenses.\nCollin. Paris, 6 Rue de l\u2019Ecole de M\u00e9decine. Surgical outfit, etc.\nLuigo Corino. Torino, Italy. 18 Via Po. lustrum, of precis, (after Mosso).\nDennison. Boston, 18 Franklin Street. Letters, numbers, etc.\nEmile Deyrolle. Paris, 46 Rue du Bac. Anat. mod.\nC. Diedericiis. Goettingen, Germany. Psychol, instr. (after Schumann).","page":21},{"file":"p0022.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"22\nHARVARD UNIVERSITY.\nP. Doerffel. Berlin, 40 Unter den Linden. Opt. instr.\nTheod. et Albert Duboscq. Paris, 11 Hue des Foss\u00e9es Saint-Jacques. Opt., acoust. instr.\nM. Tn. Edelmann, M\u00fcnchen. Phys, and physiol, instr.\nEimer & Amend. New York, 205 Third Avenue. Chemicals. Hermann Elbs. Freiburg i. B., Germany, 17 Friedrichstrasse.\nPsycholog, instr. (after Miinsterberg).\nElliott Bros. London, 449 Strand. Electr. instr.\nE. & T. Fairbanks & Co. St. Johnsbury, Vermont. Scales, etc.\nC.\tGerhardt. Bonn, Germany, 90 Bornheimcrstrasse. Chem.,\nphys. app.\nE.\tS. Greeley & Co. New York, 5 Dey Street. Electr. app.\nW. Groves. London, W., 89 Bolsover Street, Portland Place. Electr. app.\nW. Grunow, .Jr. New York, 204 East 43d Street. Scient, instr. on order.\nHarvey & Peak. London, W. C., 50 Charing Cross Road. Opt. instr., etc.\n0. Himmler. Berlin, S., 9 Brandenburgstrasse. Opt. instr.\nW. A. Hirschmann. Berlin, S., 54 Kommandantenstrasse. Electr. med. instr.\nFranz IIugersiioff. Leipzig, Turucrstrasse. Pliys. and chem. app. R. Jung. Heidelberg, Germany. Physiol, instr. (after Helmholtz, Ivuehnc, Foerster, etc.).\nD.\tB. Kagenaar. Utrecht, Holland. Opt. and physiol, instr.\n(after Donders, Snellen, Engehnanu).\nRud. Koenig, Ph. D. Paris, 27 Quai d\u2019Anjou. Acoust. instr. (after Helmholtz, etc.).\nMax Kohl. Chemnitz i. S., Germany. Physic, app.\nRichard Kny & Co. New York, 17 Park Place. Anat. mod. import. Carl Krille. Leipzig, 8 Schulstrasse. Psychol, instr. (after Wundt).\nIL R. Lindenlaub. Schmiedefeld in Th\u00fcringen, Germany. Glass instr., thennom., etc.\nJ. F. Luhme & Co. (Roiirbeck). Berlin, N. W., 24 Karlstrasse. Glass instr.\nT. H. MacAllister. New York, 49 Nassau Street. Optical instr.\nF.\tMajer. Strassburg i. Els., Germany, 10 Kraemergasse. Physiol.\ninstr. (after Ewald).\nMaison L. Mathieu. Paris, 113 Boulevard St. Germain. Surg. outfit, vivisection, physiol, instr.","page":22},{"file":"p0023.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PSYCHOLOGICAL LABORATORY.\n23\nJ. T. Mayfield. London, E. C., 41 Queen Victoria Street. Electr. app. J. F. Meyer. Zuerich, Switzerland. Physiol, instr.\nMeyrowitz Bros. New York, 295 Fourth Avenue. Opt. instr. Moore & Moore. London, E. C., 105 Bishopsgate Street. Organs, etc.\nRob. Muencke. Berlin, N. W., 58 Luisenstrasse. Phys. chem. app. Patrick & Carter. Philadelphia, Pa., 125 South Second Street. Electr. app.\nWilii. Petzold. Leipzig, 13 Bairisclicstrasse. Physiol, instr. (after v. Kries).\nPeyer, Favarger, & Co. (successor to Hipp). Neufchatel, Switzerland. Chronoscopes, etc.\nAdam Pfeifer. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University. Psychol, instr. (after St. Hall).\nPrang Educational Co. Boston, 7 Park Street. Colored pap. James W. Queen & Co. Philadelphia, Pa., 1010 Chestnut Street.\nOptic., acoust. instr., anatom, mod., etc.\nReiniger, Gebbert, & Schall. Erlangen, Bayern, Germany, 3 Schlossplatz. Electr. app.\nJ. L. Rose. Upsala. Physiol, instr. (after Holmgren).\nRud. Rotiie. Prag-Wenzelsbad, Austria. Kymographs, opt. instr. (after Hering).\nFr. Runne. Basel, Switzerland, 41 Steinenthorstrasse. Chronoraet. Franz Schmidt & IIaknscii. Berlin, S., 4 Stallschreiberstrasse. Opt. instr.\nJules Talricii. Paris, 97 Boulevard St. Germain. Anat. mod. Maison Vasseur, Tkamond. Paris, 9 Rue de l\u2019\u00c9cole do M\u00e9doc. Anat. mod.\nCharles Verdin. Paris, 7 Rue Linn\u00e9. Physiol, instr. (after Marey, etc.).\nRud. Weisker. Leipzig. Anat. mod. (after Leuckart, His, etc.). Whitall, Tatum, & Co. Philadelphia, Pa., 410 Race Street. Glassware.\nWhite. Glasgow, 78 Union Street. Electr. app.\nZeiss. Jena, Germany. Microsc.\nJos. Zentmayer. Philadelphia, Pa. 209 South Eleventh Street. Opt. instr.\nAdolph Ziegler, M. D. Freiburg i. B., Germany, Ilcrmannstrasse.\nAnat. mod. (after Ecker, Wiedersheim, Manz).\nL. Zimmermann. Heidelberg, Hauptstrasse. Opt. elect, instr. (after Helmholtz, etc.).","page":23},{"file":"p0024.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"APPENDIX C.\nLITERARY REFERENCES:\n1. For the Technical Arrangements and Methods of Psychological Experiments on Normal Adult Subjects.\nAngell, J. R. Amer. Journ. of Psychol., 4.\nAngell, Frank. Philos. Stud., 7.\nAronsoiin. Diss. Berlin, 1886.\nAubert, Hersi. Physiologie der Netzhaut, 1SG5. Grundz\u00fcge der physiol. Optik. Graefe-Saemisch. II. Physiol. Stud, \u00fcber d. Orientirung. Unters, z. Naturl. d. Menschen, 4, 5. Zeitschr. f. Psychologie, etc.\nAxenfeld, D. Bull. d. Acad. med. Roma, 1887, 1888. Bartenstein, Jul. Diss. Freiburg i. B., 1889.\nBastelberger. Drucksinu-Messung, 1879.\nBeaunis, II. Rev. Philos. 20, etc. Cpts. rend, de l\u2019Acad. d. Sc., 96, 100, etc. Arch, de Physiol., 1889.\nBell, A. G. Amer. Journ. of Otology, .SSO. .\nBerger, G. 0. Philos. Stud., 3, 5.\nBertels, Arv. Diss. Dorpat, 1889.\nBezold, W. v. 'Zeitschr. f. Biologie, 1, 2, etc. Sitz.-her. d. Bayr.\nAkad. M. Ph. CI., 2, 15, etc.\nBinet, Alf. Rev. Philos., 18S7, 1890, etc.\nBloch, A. M. Arch, de Physiol., 1S75, 1891. Cpts. rond. d. l\u2019Acad.\nd. Sc., 1883. Journ. d. l\u2019Anat. et d. la Physiol., 1884, etc. Blix. Zeitschr. f. Biologie, 1884, etc.\nBoas, Franz. Arch. f. d. gcs. Physiol., 2G, 27, 28, etc.\nBonnier, P. Th\u00e8se de Paris, 1890.\nBowditcii, H. P. Boston Med. a. Surg. Journ., 1880. Journ. of Physiol., 3, G, 11, etc. Science, 80.\nBrentano, Fr. Zeitschr. f. Psychol., 3, 5.","page":24},{"file":"p0025.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PSYCHOLOGICAL LABORATORY.\n25\nBreuer. Jiilirb. d. Ges. d. Aerzte. Wien, 1874, 1875.\nBrodiiun, Eug. Diss., Berlin, 1887. Zeitsclir. f. Psychol., 3. Sitz.-ber. d. Berl. Akad., 1888.\nBr\u00fccice, Ernst. Sitz.-ber. d. Wien. Akad. M. N. CL, 18G4, 18G5, 1878, 1880, 1885, etc.\nBuccola, G. La legge del tempo nci fenomeui del pensiero, 1883, etc.\nB\u00fcrniiam, W. II. Amer. Journ. of Psychol., 2.\nCalkins, M. W. Amer. Journ. of Psych., 5.\nCamerer. Zeitschr. f. Biologie, G.\nCattell, James McKeen. Philos. Stud., 2, 3. Mind, 13, 14, etc.\nPublic, of the Univ. of Pennsylv. Phil. Ser., etc. Charpentier, Aug. Arch, de physiol, norm, et path., 1S77, 1S83, 1891. Cpts. rend. d. l\u2019Acad. d. Sc., 1881, 1882, 1884, 1885. La persistance des impressions r\u00e9tiniennes, 1891, etc.\nCiiodin. Arch. f. Ophthalmol., 23.\nCremicr, Max. Diss. Wuerzburg, 1887.\nCrum Brown. Journ. of Anat. a. Physiol., 8.\nCzermak, Jon. Unters, z. Naturl. d. Menschen, 1, 5, etc. Sitz.-ber.\nd. Wien. Akad. M. N. Cl., 12, 15, 17, 24, 43, GG, etc. Delabarre, Edm. Burke. Diss. Freiburg i. B., 1891. Rev.\nPhilos., 1892. Amer. Journ. of Psychol., 2.\nDelage, Yves. Arch, de Zool. exper., 188G.\nDelboeuf, J. Bull. d. l\u2019Acad. Roy. d. Belg., II. 19, 20. Rev. Philos., 3, 4, 12, etc. Etude psychophysique, 1873. El\u00e9ments de psychophys., 1883, etc.\nDessoir, Max. Arch. f. Anat. u\u201e Physiol., 1S92.\nDietl, M. J. Arch. f. d. gcs. Physiol., 1G.\nDietze, Georg. Philos. Stud., 2.\nDobrowolsky, W. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 10, 12, 24. Arch. f. Ophthalmol., 18, etc.\nDocq, A. J. M\u00e9m. cour. d. l\u2019Acad. roy. Bruss., 34.\nDoiirn. Zeitschr. f. rat. Med., 10.\nDonaldson. Blind, 11.\nDonders, F. C. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., 18G8. Journ. d. l\u2019anut. et physiol., 18GS. Arch. f. d. hollacnd. Beitr. z. Natur- u. Ileilk., 1, etc.\nDresslar, F. B. Amer. Journ. of Psychol., 4.\nDuchenne. Bl\u00e9canisme d. 1. physiogn. hum., 18G2.\nDumreicuer, Otto. Diss. Strassburg, 1889.\nDwelsiiauvers, Georg. Philos. Stud., G.","page":25},{"file":"p0026.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"26\nHARVARD UNIVERSITY.\nEbbinghaus, IIerm. Sitz.-ber. d. Bcrl. Akad., 1887. Zeitschr. f.\nPsychol., 1-5. Das Ged\u00e4chtnis, 1885.\nEjner, Mich. Diss. Dorpat, 1889.\nEster, V. Philos. Stud., 2.\nEwald, R. Arch. f. d. gcs. Physiol., 44, etc. Nervus octavus, 1892, etc.\nExner, Sigm. Arch. f. d. gcs. Physiol., 1, 3, 7, 8, 11, 13, 20, 28. Sitz.-ber. d. Wien. Akad. M. N. Cl., 58, 05, 72. Zeitschr. f. Psychologic, 1. Hermann\u2019s Handbuch d. Physiologie, 2, etc. Falk, Max. Diss. Dorpat, 1890.\nF\u00e9r\u00e9, Cn. Rev. philos., 1889, etc.\nFechner, Gust. Th. Abhandlgn. d. Silclis. Ges. d. Wiss., 1858, .1859, 1861, 1871, 1884. Ber. d. Sachs. Ges. d. Wiss., 1857, 1858, 1860, 1SG1, 1804. Philos. Stud., 3, 4. Zeitschr. f. Biol., 21. Elemente der Psy\u00e7hophysik, 1800. Zu Sachen der Psycho-pbysik, 1877. Revision, 1882, ctc.\nFick, A. Hermann\u2019s Handbuch der Physiol., 1, 3. Arch. f. Anat..\nu. Physiol., 1853, 1863, etc. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 47, 50, etc. Fick, E. Arch. f. Ophthalmol., 30.\nFischer, Otto. Philos. Stud., 3.\nFischer, R. Arch. f. Ophthalmol., 37.\nFleischl, E. v. Sitz.-ber. d. AVieu. Akad., 1882. Medic. Jahrb., 1882, etc.\nFranck, C. Diss. Koenigsberg, 1889.\nFranklin, Ciir. L. Amer. Journ. of Psychol., 1. Zeitschr. f. Psychol., 4.\nFriedrich, Max. Philos. Stud., 1.\nFunke, O. Hermann\u2019s Handbuch d. Physiol., 3, etc.\nGad, J. Zeitschr. f. klin. Mediein, 20. Biolog. Ccntrablatt, 7, etc. Galton, Fr. Inquiries into Human Faculty, 1883. Mind, 5, ctc. Brain, 1879, ctc.\nGilman, B. J. Amer. Journ. of Psychol., 4.\nGlan, P. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiologie, 24.\nGlass, R. Philos. Stud., 4.\nGley, Eug. Arch. d. physiol., 1881. Rev. philos., 1885. Congr\u00e8s internat, d. Psych., Paris, etc.\nGoldscheider, Alf. Diss. Berlin, 1881. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., 1885, 1886. Arch. f. Psychiatric, 1887. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., 1884. Berl. klin. Wochenschrift;, 1890, etc.\nGraefe, Alf. Arch. f. Ophthalmol., 37, ctc.\nGreef, Rich. Zeitschr. f. Psychol., 3.","page":26},{"file":"p0027.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PSYCHOLOGICAL LAUOKATORY.\nGriffiths, TV. Journ. of Physiol., 9.\nHall, Stanley. Mind, 3, 8, 10. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., 1879. Proc. of the Amor. Acad, of Arts and Sc., 13. Amer. Journ. of Psychol., 1-5.\nITankel, TV. Ber. d. Siichs. Ges. d. TViss., 18GG, etc.\nIIiclmiioltz, II. v. Lehre von den Tonempfindungen, III. A, 1870. Handbuch der Physiol. Optik, II. 188G-P893. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., 1850, etc. Annalen der Physik u. Chemie, 79, etc. Zeitschr. f. Psychol., 1, 2, 3, etc.\nHenry, Cii. Rev. scientif., 1892, etc.\nHering, Ewald. Beitraege zur Physiologie, 1861-64. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., 1864, 1865. Sitz.-ber. d. Wien. Akad. M. K. Cl., 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 75. Arch. f. Ophthalmol., 35, 36, 37. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 47, 49. Zeitschr. f. Psychol., 1. Hermann\u2019s Handbuch der Physiol., 3, etc.\nHermann, L. Arch. f. d. gcs. Physiol., 49, etc.\nHess, Carl. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 49. Arch. f. Ophthalmol., 35, 36, etc.\nIIeym.ans. Internat. Congr. of Exper. Psychol., London, 1892. IIigier, C. Diss. Dorpat, 1890.\nIllllebrand, F. Sitz.-ber. d. Wien. Akad. M. N. Cl. 98. Zeitschr. f. Psychol., 5.\nHirsch, Ad. Unters, z. Naturl. d. Menschen, 9, 10. Bull. d. 1. soc.\nde sc. nat. \u00e0 Neufchatel, etc.\nHitzig. Neurol. Centralblatt, 1888.\nHolmgren, Fr. Farbeublindheit, 1S78. Unters, a. d. Heidelb.\nPhysiol. Instit., 2, 3. Skand. Arch. f. Physiol., 1, etc.\nHowell, TV. II. Stud. f. t. Biol. Lab. of the Johus Hopkins Univers., 4.\nJames, W. Principles of Pyschology, 1890. Mind, 12, etc. Amer. Jouru. of Otology, 4, etc.\nJastrow, Jos. Science, 1886. Mind, 11, etc. Amer. Journ. of Psycholog., 1\u20144. Time Relations of Mental Phenomena, 1890, etc. Javal, E. Journ. d. l\u2019anat. et d. 1. phys., 18S2, etc.\nKirsciimann, A. Philos. Stud., 5, 6, 7, 8.\nKleiner. Diss. Z\u00fcrich, 1874.\nKlug. Arch. f. Ophthalm., 21. Arb. d. Physiol. Anstalt z. Leipzig, 1876.\nKoenig, A. Sitz.-ber. d. Berl. Akad., 1886, 1887, 1S88. Zeitschr.\nf. Psychol., 4. Beitr. z. Psych, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorg., 1891. Koenig, Rud. Quelques exp\u00e9riences d\u2019acoustique, 18S2.","page":27},{"file":"p0028.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"28\n11 Alt VAUD UN l V EUS 1TY.\nKollert, Jul. Philos. Stud., 1.\nKraepelin, E. Philos. Stud., 1, 2, G. Biolog. Centralblatt, 1. Zeitschr. f. Psychiatrie, 4G. Beeinflussung einf. psych. Vorg. durch Arzneimittel, 1892.\nKries, J. v. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., 1877-80, 1885, 1886. Vier-teljahrsschr. f. wiss. Philos., G, 11. Zeitschr. f. Psychol., 1, 3. Beitr. z. Psych, u. Physiol, d. Sinncsorg., 1891, etc.\nKrohn, W. O. Journ. of Nerv. a. Mental Diseases, 1893. Amer. Journ. of Psychol., 5.\nKuehne, IV. Unters, a. d. Heidelb. Physiol. Institut, etc.\nKuelpe, O. Philos. Stud., G, 7, 8. Arch. f. d. Gesch. d. Philos., 1893. Kundt. Annalen d. Phys. u..Churn., 120.\nLadd, George. Physiological Psychology, 1889.\nLange, Ludw. Philos. Stud., 4.\nLange, Nie. Philos. Stud., 4.\nLanglois, P. Rev. Philos., 1890.\nLeiijiann, A. Philos. Stud., 3, 5, 7. Arch. f. d. gcs. Physiol., 3G. Gef\u00fchlsleben, 1892.\nLehmann, Karl. Arch. f. d. gcs. Physiol., 33.\nLeitzmann, Herji. Philos. Stud., 4.\nLipps, Tii. Grundtatsachen des Seelenlebens, 1883. Psychologische Studien, 1885. Zeitschr. f. Psychol., 1, 3. Beitr. z. Psych., u. Phys. d. Sinn, 1891.\nLoeb, J. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 40.\nLombard, W. P. Amer. Journ. of Psychol., 1, 3. Journ. of Physiol., 13.\nLorenz, Carl. Philos. Stud., G.\nLorenz, Gustav. Philos. Stud., 2.\nLuft, Ed. Philos. Stud., 4.\nMach, E. Lehre von d. Beweguugseinpfindungen, 1875. Analyse der Empfindungen, 1886. SiLz.-bur. d. Wien. Akad. M. N. Gl., 43, 48, 51, 54, 69, etc.\nMaggiora. Arch. \u00a3. Anat. u. Physiol., 1890, etc.\nMarey, E. J. Physiologie exp\u00e9rimentale, 1875-80.\nMartius, Goetz. Philos. Stud., 5, G, 7. Ziele u. Ergebnisse d.\nexper. Psychol., 1888.\nMehner, Max. Philos. Stud., 2.\nMendenhall. Amer. Journ. of Arts. a. Sc., 1871.\nMerkel, Jul. Philos. Stud., 4, 5.\nMesser. Ann. d. Phys. u. Chemie, 157.\nMiciielson, Ed. Diss. Dorpat, 1891.","page":28},{"file":"p0029.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PSYCHOLOGICAL LABORATORY.\n29\nMoldf.niiauer, TV. Philos. Stud., 1.\nMosso, A. Sulle circulazione del sangue uel cervello dell\u2019 uomo, 1880. La paura. La fatica, 1891. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., 1S90. Arch. ital. d. biol., etc.\nM\u00fcller-Lyeu, F. C. Arch. f. Aunt. u. Physiol., 1889.\nMuller, G. K. Diss. Leipzig, 1871. Zur Grundlegung der l'sy-chophysik, 1879. Arch. f. d. gus. Physiol., 19, 45.\nM\u00fcnsterberg, Hugo. Beitr\u00e4ge zur exper. Psychologie, 1888-92. Aufgaben u. Methoden der Psychologie, 1891. Reallexikon der Medicin. Propaedeutik, 1892, etc. Zeitschr. f. Psychologie, 1, etc.\nNagel, A. Sehen mit zwei Augen, 1 SG 1. Graefe-Saemisch. Ilandb. d. Augenheilk., G.\nNoerr, Carl. Zeitschr. f. Biologie, 15.\nNeiglick, IIjalmar. Philos. Stud., 4.\nNiciiols, Herb. Amer. Journ. of Psychol., 3-4.\nObersteiner. Brain, 1879.\nOeiirn, Axel. Diss. Dorpat, 1S89.\nO ehr wall. Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., 1890.\nOstermann, II. Diss. Wuerzburg, 1888.\nPanetii, J. Ceutralblatt f. Physiol., 4.\nPescii\u00ebl, Max. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 21.\nPfaundler. Sitz.-ber. d. Wien. Akad. M. N. CL, 7G.\nPierce, A. IL Amer. Journ. of Psychol., 4.\nPlateau, J. M\u00e9m. d. l\u2019Acad. roy., Bruss., 42, 43, 45. Bull. d. l\u2019Acad. roy., Bruss., 33. Annalen d. Physik u. Chemie, 150, etc.\nPollitzer, S. Journ. of Physiol., 5.\nPueyer, W. Grenzen der Tonwalirnehmung, 187G. Akust. Untersuchungen, 1879. Natur, u. Menschenleben, 1885. Gedankenlesen, 188G. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 1, 25, etc. Silz.-ber. d. Jeu. Ges. f. Med., 1881. Annalen d. Phys. u. Chem., 1889. Zeitschr. f. Psychol., etc.\nPutnam, J. J. Journ. of Physiol., 2.\nR\u00e9mond, A. La dur\u00e9e des actes psych. 1. plus simples, 1888.\nRen\u00e9, A. Gaz. des h\u00f4pitaux, 1882. Lane, franc., 1882.\nRibot, Th. Rev. philos., 187G, 1879, 1880, 1891. La psychologie allemande, 1885, etc.\nRichardson, B. W. Proc. Roy. Soc., London, 1879.\nRichet, Cii. Recherches sur la sensibilit\u00e9. Rev.- philos., 4, 9, 18, 21, 25. Cpts. rend. d. l\u2019Acad. d. sc., 1879, etc.\nRieger, K. Exper. Unters, \u00fcber d. Willenst\u00e4tigkeit, 18S5.\nRittmeyer, Karl. Diss. Goettingen, 1885.","page":29},{"file":"p0030.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"30\nharvard university.\nRollett, A. Sitz.-ber. d. Wien. Akad. M. N. Cl. 42, 55. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 49.\nRosenstieiil, A. Cpts. rend. d. 1\u2019Acad. sc., 93, 94.\nSachs, Mor. Arch. f. Ophthalmol., 3G.\nSanford, E. C. Amer. Joum. of Psychol., 1-5.\nSchadow, G. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 19.\nSchaefer, E. A. Jouru. of Physiol., 7.\nSchaefer, Iv. L. Diss. Jena, 1889. Zeitschr. f. Psychol., 1. Schiff, M. Unters, z. Naturl. d. Menschen, G, 10, etc.\nSchirmer, 0. Arch. f. Ophthalmol., 3G.\nSciiisciimanow, Iwan. Philos. Stud., 5.\nSCHMERLER, RrUNO. Philos. Stud., 1.\nSchumann, F. Nach. d. Ges. d. Wiss., Goettingen, 1889. Zeitschr. f. Psychologie, 1, 2, 4.\nSchuster, A. Proc. of the London Roy. Soc., 48.\nSchwaner, R. Diss. Marburg, 1890.\nSchwarz, O. Arch. f. Psychiatric, 21.\nScripture, E. W. Philos. Stud., G, 7.\nSergi, G. Psicologia,.1891. Zeitschr. f. Psychol., 3.\nShore, L. E. Journ. of Physiol., 13.\nSnellen, II. Graele-Saemisch. Ilundb. d. Augenheilk., 3.\nStarke, Paul. Philos. Stud., 3.\nSternberg, M. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 37.\nStevens, W. L. Philos. Magaz., 1882. Amor. Journ. of Sc., 1881, 18S2.\nStevens, L. T. Mind, 11.\nStricker, S. Bewegungsvorstellungcn, 1882. Association der Vorstellungen,' 1883. Medic. Jahrb. Wien, 1881. Sitz.-ber. d. Wien. Akad. M. N. Cl., 7G, etc.\nStrosciiein, E. ' Diss. Jena, 1885.\nStumpf, C. Ursprung der Raumvorstcllung, 1873. Tonpsychologie, 1890. Zeitschr. f. Psychol., 1, 2, etc.\nSully, T. Human Mind, 1892. Mind, 3, 4, 5, etc. Brain, 1890, etc.\nSzili, A. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., 1891. Zeitschr. f. Psychol., 3. Tanzi, Eug. Rivista di filosoiia seientif., 10. Rivista di Freniatria, 1890, etc.\nThannhofer. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 19.\nTigerstedt, R. Zeitschr. f. Biologie, 19. Mitt. v. Physiol. Lab., Stockholm, 1886.\nTischer, Ernst. Philos. Stud., 1.","page":30},{"file":"p0031.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PSYCHOLOGICAL LABORATORY.\n31\nTitciiener, E. B. Philos. Stud., 8.\nTrAutsciioldt, M. Philos. Stud., 1.\nUhtiioff, W. Arch. f. Ophthalmol., 3G. Zeitschr. f. Psychol., 1. Urbartschitscii, Y. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 24, 25, 27, 31. Vierordt, K. v. Zeitsinn, 1868. Physiologie, 1877. Schall- u. Tonst\u00e4rke, 1885. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 2. Zeitschr. f. Biologie, 6, 12, 18, etc.\nVintsciigau, M. v. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 10, 12, 14, 19, 20, 22, 30, 33, 37. Hermann\u2019s Handb. d. Physiol., 3, etc.\nVolkmann, A. W. Physiol. Unters, im Gebiet d. Optik, 1SG3.\nWagner\u2019s Handwoerterb. d. Physiol., etc.\nWallenberg, G. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 48.\nWaller, A. D. British Med. Journ., 188G. Proc, of the Physiol.\nSoc., 1891. Brain, 1891, 1892.\nWarner, Fr. Journ. of Physiol., 4.\nWeber, E. H. Wagner\u2019s Handwoerterb. d. Physiol. Ber. d. Saechs.\nGes. d. Wiss., 1848, 1849, 1852, etc.\nWolfe, H. K. Philos. Stud., 3.\nWundt, Wilii. Beitr. z. Theorie der Sinneswahrn., 18G2. Physiologie, 1878. Essays, 1885. Grundz\u00fcge der Physiolog. Psychologie, III., 1887. Vorles. \u00fcber Menschen- u. Tierseele, 1892. Philos. Stud., 1-8.\nZiehen, Tii. Physiolog. Psychol., 1891.\nZwaakdejiaker. Weekbl. v. h. Nederl. Tijdschr. voor Gcneesk., 1890, etc.\n2.\tFor the Technical Arrangeaient and Method of Psycho-\nlogical Experiments on Hypnotized Subjects,\u2014 See: Beard, Beaunis, Berger, B\u00e9rillon, Bernheim, Binet, Charcot, Delb\u0153uf, Dessoir, Forel, Gructzner, Gurney, Hack Tuke, Heideuhain, James, Janet, Ivraflt-Ebing, Lehmann, Li\u00e9bault, Luys, Magnin, Moll, Myers, Ochorowicz, Preyer, Ri bot, Eichet, Schrenck-Notzing, Seppilli, Tam-burini, Wetterstrand, etc.\n3.\tFor the Technical Arrangement and Method of Psycho-\nlogical Experiments on Pathological Subjects,\u2014 See : Bernhardt, Binet, Bourdon, Buccola, Charcot, Erb, Eulenburg, F\u00e9r\u00e9, Foerster, Goldscheider, James, Janet, Jerusalem, Kraepelin, Krcidl, Kussmaul, Leyden, Lorn-","page":31},{"file":"p0032.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"32\nHARVARD UNIVERSITY.\nbroso, Naunyn, Nothnagel, Obersteiner, Pick, R\u00e9mond, Ribot, Riebet, Rieger, Rumpf, Sollier, Tschisch, Urbant-schitsch, Wilbrandt, Ziehen, etc.\n4.\tFou tue Technical Ann an gement and Method of Psycho-\nlogical ExPER IMENTS ON CHILDREN, \u2014\nSee : Baldwin, Binet, Bolton, Bryan, Gcnzmcr, Grabs, Ilall, Kroner, Kussrnanl, hierbei, Passy, P\u00e9rez, Preyer, Queyrat, Raeblmann, Sigismund, etc.\n5.\tFor the Technical Arrangement and Method of Psycho-\nlogical Experiments on Animals,\u2014\nSee : Binet, Czermak, Dahl, Darwin, Delb\u0153uf, Dubois, Engelmann, Exner, Forel, Gr\u00e4ber, Grant Allen, Handl, Hensen, Kollmann, Laudois, Loeb, Lubbock, Plateau, Plath, Preyer, Riccardi, Rieger, Romanes, Schneider, Verworn, etc.\n6.\tFor the Technical Arrangement and Method of Physio-\nlogical Experiments on Animals, concerning the Fonctions of the Brain, \u2014\nSee: Bastian, Bechterew, Brown - S\u00e9quard, Christiani, Curschmann, Danilowski, Exner, Ferrier, Flourens, Fran\u00e7ois-Franck, Goltz, Gotch, Hermann, Herzen, Hitzig, Horsley, Lussana, Mitchell, Munk, Nothnagel, Paneth, Schaefer, Schiff', Schrader, Soltmann, Soury, Steiner, Vulpian, Waller, etc.\n7.\tFor the Physiological Apparatus in the Psychological\nLaboratory,\u2014\nSee: Aubert, Bernard, Bowditch, Bruecke, Cyou, Ewald, Fick, Foster, Frey, Funke, Gad, Gr\u00fcnlingen, Gscheidlen, Helmholtz, Hensen, Hering, Hermann, Jacquet, Kries, Koenig, Kuehnen, Landois, Langendorf, Ludwig, Marey, Stirling, Yierordt, Wundt, etc.\n8.\tFor the Physical Apparatus in the Psychological Labo-\nratory, \u2014\nSee: Appleton, Arnoldt, Bouton, Brewster,Bunsen, Carhart, Eisenlohr, Frick, Gerland, Helmholtz, Kohlrausch, O. Lehmann, Mliller-Pouillet, Niaudet, Pellat, Steinheil,","page":32},{"file":"p0033.txt","language":"en","ocr_en":"PSYCHOLOGICAL LABORATORY.\nStewart, Weinhold, Wiedemann, Whiting, Wright, W\u00fcll-ner, etc. ; Annalen der Physik und Chemie ; Zeitschrift f\u00fcr Instrumentenkunde; Praktische Physik, etc.\n9.\tFoe Microscopical Technics, and Histological Studies\nof Brain and Sense Organs, \u2014\nSee : Abb\u00e9, Bachmann, Balfour, Beale, Bowman, Carpenter, Dippel, Duval, Edinger, Ehrlich, Exner, Flechsig, Fol, Frey, Gaule, Gerlach, Golgi, Gulden, llcurck, Ilogg, Koel-liker, Krause, K\u00fchne, Lattoux, Leydig, Meynert, Naegeli, Obersteiner, Pelletan, Phiii, Ramon y Cajal, Ranvier, Retzius, Richardson, Schultze, Schwalbe, Schwendener, Seiler, Smith, Stilling, Strieker, Thannhofer, Toldt, Tuerck, Tyson, Weigert, etc.\n10.\tFob Anatomical Models and Diagrams, \u2014\nSee : Aeby, Cunningham, Donaldson, Eckert, Exner, Flechsig, His, Luys, K\u00fchne, Manz, Wiedersheim, etc.\n11.\tFor Physiological Psychology,\u2014\nSee: Bain, Baldwin, Ballet, Bastian, Beaunis, Bernard, Bernstein, Binet, Bonniot, Bouiller, Brown-S\u00e9quard, Calderwood, Carpenter, Carus, Castelein, Charcot, Chris-tiani, Cornelius, Domrich, Donaldson, Exner, F\u00e9r\u00e9, Ferner, Hack Tuke, Helmholtz, Hering, Herzen, Iloeff-ding, Ilorwicz, Iluschke, James, Kussmaul, Ladd, Lange, Lewes, A. Lehmann, Lotze, Marshall, Maudsley, Meynert, Mosso, Muensterberg, Munk, Nichols, Nothnagel, Paulhau, Piderit, Ribot, Richet, Schilf, Schultze, Sergi, Spanier, Sully, Wundt, Ziehen, etc.\n12.\tFob General Psychology,\u2014\nSee : Bain, Baldwin, Bailauf, Beneke, Bowue, Brentano, Brown, Carpenter, Cesca, Dewey, Drobisch, Feclmer, Flournoy, Fouill\u00e9e, Fullerton, Galtou, Glogau, Hamilton, Herhart, Hoelfding, James, Janet, Ladd, Lazarus, Lewes, Liebmann, Lipps, Lotze, Maher, Marillier, J. Mill, Meinong, Mivart, Nahlowsky, Natorp, Paullian, Porter, Reid, Ribot, Robertson, Romanes, Seth, ' Schmidkunz Schneider, Sergi, Siebeck, Spencer, Spitta, Steinthal, Stout, Stumpf, Sully, Taine, Volkmann, Ward, Wundt, etc.","page":33}],"identifier":"lit8140","issued":"1893","language":"en","title":"Psychological Laboratory of Harvard University","type":"Book"},"revision":0,"updated":"2022-01-31T13:25:39.516325+00:00"}