C. Herbert Hurst: Biological Theories IV. Natural Science (London and New York), Vol. II, Mai 1893, S. 350. Supposed Auditory Organs, Biological Theories V.: Suggestion as to the true functions of Tentaculocysts, Otocysts and Auditory Sacs. Ebda. June 1893. S. 421
C. Herbert Hurst: Biological Theories IV. Natural Science (London and New York), Vol. II, Mai 1893, S. 350. Supposed Auditory Organs, Biological Theories V.: Suggestion as to the true functions of Tentaculocysts, Otocysts and Auditory Sacs. Ebda. June 1893. S. 421.
In: Zeitschrift für Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane 6: 482-484.