J. M. Baldwin: The Limits of Pragmatism. Psychol. Review 11 (1), 30-60. 1904 / A. W. Moore: Professor Baldwin on the Pragmatic Universal. Psychol. Bulletin 1 (12), 415-423. 1904 / J. M. Baldwin: A Word of Rejoinder to Professor Moore. Ebenda, 424-429
Meyer, Max.
J. M. Baldwin: The Limits of Pragmatism. Psychol. Review 11 (1), 30-60. 1904 / A. W. Moore: Professor Baldwin on the Pragmatic Universal. Psychol. Bulletin 1 (12), 415-423. 1904 / J. M. Baldwin: A Word of Rejoinder to Professor Moore. Ebenda, 424-429.
In: Zeitschrift für Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane 39: 384-385.