Ernst Heinrich Weber
- Bio
- * 1795, Wittenberg, Germany
- † 1878, Leipzig, Germany
- Career
- Medical studies started in 1811 at the universities of Wittenberg and Leipzig; 1815 M.D. from the University of Wittenberg; 1815 assistant at the medical clinic of J. C. Carus at Leipzig; 1817 qualification as docent with a work on the comparative anatomy of the nervus sympathicus; 1818 extraordinary professor of comparative anatomy; 1821 chair of human anatomy which in 1840 was joined with physiology; 1865 chair of physiology relinquished to Carl Ludwig; 1871 retirement from the chair of anatomy.
- Degrees
- M.D., University of Wittenberg, 1815
- VL Library
- (mit W. E. Weber) Wellenlehre, Leipzig 1825; Ueber die Anwendung der Wellenlehre auf die Lehre vom Kreislauf des Blutes ..., Leipzig 1850; Ueber den Raumsinn und die Empfingungskreise in der Haut und im Auge, in: Ber. Verh. Sächs. Ges. Wiss., Math.-physikal. Kl., (1852): 85-164; s.a. Lit. bei E. F. W. Weber.
De pulsu, resorptione, auditu et tactu: annotationes anatomicae et physiologicae, 1834
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