1835 studies of medicine under Purkyne (physiology), Otto (anatomy) and others at the University of Breslau; 1837 move to Berlin and studies under Johannes Müller and others; 1840 medical degree with a dissertation entitled Specimina nonnulla physiologica et pathologica; scientific research at Vienna under Skoda (physical diagnostics) and Rokitansky (general pathology); return to Berlin; 1841 state examination and private practice in Berlin; summer 1843 stay at Vienna; 1843 courses in the new physical examination methods such as auscultation and percussion held in a small circle of medical practitioners; co-founder and co-editor of Beiträge zur experimentellen Pathologie with Reinhardt and Virchow; 1848 Privatdozent at the University of Berlin; 1849 assistant to Schönlein at the Charité clinic; 1853 head of one department at the clinic; 1857 associate professor; head of the propaedeutic clinic; 1862 professor at the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Institut; 1866 Geheimer Medizinalrat; 1872 full professor; 1875 honorary doctorate from the University of Leiden.
M.D., University of Berlin, 1840
VL Library
Ueber periodische Thätigkeits-Aeusserungen des vasomotorischen und Hemmungs-Nervencentrums, Zbl. med. wiss. 3: 881-885, 1865