Conrad Eckhard
- Bio
- * 1822, Kassel, Germany
- † 1905, Gießen, Germany
- Career
- Examination as a secondary school teacher passed; studies of medicine at Berlin and at Marburg; 1848 prosector at Marburg under L. Fick and assistant to C. Ludwig; 1850 prosector and physiological assistant to Th. L. W. Bischoff at Gießen; Habilitation from the University of Gießen; 1855-1891 associate professor of physiology and anatomy at Gießen; 1858-1888 editor of Beiträge zur Anatomie and Physiologie.
- VL Library
- Untersuchungen über die Erection des Penis, Beitr. Anat. Physiol., 3: 123-170, 1863
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