Karl Marbe
- Bio
- * 1869, Paris, France
- † 1953, Würzburg, Germany
- Career
- Studies of psychology in Freiburg, Berlin, Leipzig and Bonn under Hugo Münsterberg, Hermann Ebbinghaus, Wilhelm Wundt and Oswald Külpe; 1893 took a doctoral degree in Bonn with a dissertation entitled Zur Lehre von den Gesichtsempfindungen, welche aus successiven Reizen resultiren (1894); 1896 habilitation in Würzburg (Theorie des Talbot´schen Gesetzes); 1905-09 professor at the Academy of Social and Commercial Sciences in Frankfurt; since 1909 director of the Psychological Institute, University of Würzburg, and from 1926-31 director of the Psychological Institute in Nürnberg; retirement in 1935.
- Degrees
- Ph.D. in psychology, University of Bonn, 1893
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