Ewald Hering (1834-1918).
(Aus Friedrich Hillerbrand, Ew. Hering, Berlin 1918.)
* 1834, Altgersdorf, Germany
† 1918, Leipzig, Germany
1853-1858 studies of medicine at Leipzig under E. H. Weber, G. T. Fechner, Otto Funke, and the zoologist J. V. Carus; 1860-1865 practice of medicine and work as an assistant in the polyclinic directed by Ernst Wagner, and from 1862 also lecturer in physiology; 1865 chair of physiology in succession to Carl Ludwig at the Military Medico-Surgical Academy (the Josephinum) in Vienna; abolishment of the Josephinum in 1870; 1870-1895 chair of physiology at the University of Prague formerly held by Jan Purkyne; 1895 professor of physiology at the University of Leipzig in succession to Carl Ludwig and director of the Physiological Institute, University of Leipzig.
M.D., University of Leipzig, 1860
VL Library
Beiträge zur Physiologie, Teil I-V, Leipzig 1861-1864; (mit J. Breuer) Die Selbststeuerung der Athmung durch den Nervus vagus, in: Sb. AdW Wien 57(1868): 672; Die Lehre des binokularen Sehens, Leipzig 1868; Zur Lehre vom Lichtsinn, Wien 1878.
Beiträge zur Physiologie: Zur Lehre vom Ortsinn der Netzhaut, 1861-64; Zur Lehre vom Lichtsinne, 1872-74