1865 enrollment in the medical school of the University of Turin; post as teacher of natural sciences in the liceo of Turin and intern at the Mauriziano Hospital in Turin; summa cum laude graduation on 25 July 1870; scholarship to the University of Florence, where for two years he worked in the laboratory of Moritz Schiff; 1843-1874 studies in Leipzig under Ludwig; visit to Paris, where he met Bernard, Brown-Séquard, and Marey; return to Italy and entry into Moleschott's institute at Turin; 1875 professor of pharmacology (then called "materia medica"); 1879 professor of physiology in succession to Moleschott; 1882 foundation of the Archivio italiano di biologia; establishment of the Physiological Institute in the Parco del Valentino in 1893 and of a station in the Alps for the study of human physiology at high altitudes in 1895; 1904 senator; dedication to archaeology and conduct of studies in the Roman Forum, in Crete, and in southern Italy.
VL Library
La fatica, Milan: Treves, 1891; Fisiologia dell'uomo sulle Alpi, Milan: Treves, 1897; La physiologie de l'apnée, Arch. Ital. Biol. 40: 1-30, 1903