1858 studies of medicine at the University of Breslau under Rudolf Heidenhain and in Berlin under Emil Du Bois-Reymond; 1862 medical degree from the University of Berlin with a dissertation on invertebrate muscle physiology; 1864 assistant to Helmholtz at the Physiological Institute of the University of Heidelberg; 1870 Privatdozent; 1871 associate professor and acting head of the Physiological Institute at Heidelberg; later that year return to Berlin; 1872 professor of physiology at the University of Halle in succession to Friedrich Goltz; founder and director of the physiology institute at Halle (1881).
M.D., University of Berlin, 1862
VL Library
Über den zeitlichen Verlauf der negativen Schwankung des Nervenstroms, in: A. ges. Physiol. 1(1868): 173; Untersuchungen zur Thermodynamik der bioelektrischen Ströme, in: Pflüger's A. 92(1902): 521-562.